HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-26, Page 5eer
?4H „''• 'WORLD'S FAIR.
nrx s von vesrrofs To Tule eaten
A sprightly lady correspondent writes
thus to the Montreal Witness i.
Chicago's older sisters and cousins
Have a familiar way of criticizing her
method of keeping house, They are
shacked at her Palely ways,her apparent
d indiife,•enee with regard to promises and
her big, unprecedented plane. She is
usually too busy to stop to argue with
her home and foreign critics, and, not
witlastaeditig she is often; misunderstood
she remains genial and hospitable,
isfot ready for the Fair ? Who could
have clone better under the circumstan-
ces ? All the bad weather in the alman-
acs has been deliberately clumped down
on her doorstops. Rain, snow, sleet,heil,
blow, have been repeated indetinitely>
while Chicago has slipped round on ice,
or waded in mud, or repaired, damages.
Her good humor has not deserted her
even when her most generous end cher-
ished ,plans for the pleasure and coo-
venionce of the world have beep up't.
She has tnultipliedtlier workmen, rushed
day and night, and do I out of the midst
of disturbed and disturbing elements
and seemingly insurmountable difficul-
ties has risen a city of summer palaces
in which to entaetein the guests so cor-
dially invited. A11 honor to her perse-
verarce,ancl to the unity and harmony of
those who have ,endeavored to carryout
her --wishes, and,her noble plans for the
education of these who may throng her
She is so doligent and enthusiastic
getting her house in order while .caring
daily for hor own immense family that
we•c:an excuse her dishevelled tresses,
old shoes, soiled hands, and grimy face.
Some time in the near future will•come
'toter days laden with Italia's softness;
bee streets will be swept and sprinkled;
her houses will be resplendent with the
freshness and,fragrance of summer; she
avill brush back her locks and her face
will emerge from toil with cheeks flushed
and browned'.by the ardent kisses of
prairie breezes, her oyes will ;ynarkle
w=itli the lake tonic, while, dressed in
magnificent :robes, she will smile a wel-
come to all who draw,near to see the
results of beriindefatigable labors.
.Chicago might well be named a city
of ;paradoxes. The usual detriments to
growth or development have opeued up
facilities and .advantages undreamed of
elsewhere; from the devastation of etre has
risen to undaunted activity and increasing
greatness. -
'iflhe "oldest -inhabitant" avers•tlrat he
cisme here sixty years ago when Chicago
was',;just a tangle of grasses,scrub oaks and
nusplee,"•with afew inlrabitents wading
around in thee -earl. Now, out with your
bmoaks and pencils, for he will answer all
your !questions. Chicago is a thousand
miles from the ocean, yet she site tut the
gateway of the great lakes, a proud, mari-
tinae•nueen. She .is the inter-oceaelane-
tropo3ie. Nearly .tkirty railways ruu cim of
the city,, divergivatto all the states, to:t;aii-
eda wed to 1•lesic,'. with one eightyefive
thoueaed miles •uf.railway. Two ,unused
and twenty mail trains conte and go elaify,
and Net year aeurly five hundred ,and
twetsty-bhree uiillioa pieces of maiimatter
were Irandled. Besides the mammoth
city pots -Wilkes within tine city limits.
Chicago ieeveuty four miles long and from
four and a half to Iran and a hall miles
Nearly fifty mfliioua,tif dollars have been
expended on her public schools; her parks
form a system conneoisd by boulevards
and embraceabout two hundred acres; her
generous never -failing avatar supply is
taken from Lake Mielrigaa, two miles from
shore, by iron cribs uiue feet in diameter.
These cribs extend SO feet below the lake
(•bottom and connect with the shore by
Chicago's large public library has an ex-
tenelve circulation;• other libraries in the
city contain over two million eight hand
red thousaud books. The massive New-
berry Library, now nearly oomptetad, is
an extensive and rate reference library.
There are between three and four hund-
red churches itt the city; fiye million dol-
lars are given annually for public charities
and throe million more for private ones;
there are nearly forty liberally -supported
ulrreitable asylums and twenty-five hospi-
tals and dispensaries.
• Against these factors for uplifting is a
vast array of opposing forces in guildaid,
msthetie saloons, gambling houses and alt
the ingenious devices for sin to have its
way with the human heart, Into ,hie
mase of hutnenity and these contending
forces are pouring strangers by the hued -
reds of thousands. Individual life ie to-
epeeted and all necesst,ry precautions takW
en for its preservation, but iudividually to
not nmeb. regarded; so, my kind friend,
'when you reach the city on yout way to
the Worla's Fair helot incensed if you aro
handled and handed along, jssttod, yes,
even jammed like the rest of the mortals
about you, Tl cep et clear ilea, and a neck-
et map, and learn to give a neat rising u-
fleetion to your voice se yea simply minae
the place you are eeekiug to the ubiquitous
policemen, Always seek officials or news-
boys, or step into a drug store for, Wier
,nation rather than trust to those who
graciously ask to serve you, I throw out
this bint for those who are not .often away
from sheltered homes,
1':ilso seeks like. '.l'.1 o Fair will be to yru
what you are, If yea float around with.
out purpose or definite aimsyou may he
disgusted, like the tall naau who, yesterday,
' led his obstreperous offspring Silas, by the
hand, to Floe what "eadycatio;x" was goiug
oe in the "Wimmen's l3uildiug." "Them
dune wimmeu,'Silas, a staudie' there to
have a woman tell 'ern how to make slap
jacks, 'Where on earth was they 'brung
up? Lo's git out o' here,"
Note book and pencil are indispeesable.
Take one clay to familiarize yourself with
the arrangenzeut of the White City, then
if your time is limited, seleet the exhibi-
tions moat useful or delightful to you. If
you wish to get a, glimpse of the city with,
out consuming rnucia time, take a Madison
street oar cable going west and when you
reach its limits,tako the electric ear andeo
to the suburbs, From there you eau return
to the city by train, 'Take a north side
cable marked "Limits," either e. Walls 'or
ellark street oar going north and ride ,out
by Lincoln Park to the "barns," where you
will be transferred to a horse car line Sand
pass Gracelaud Cemetery on your way to
the City limits. :You eau return by train
to within a few:equares of the City Zell.
These are merely suggestions to hurried
Chicago's history is comparatively brief,
so there are no:romautio,nnoss-grown'ouius
to visit, but ehc'has a passion for eollect-
iug relics. <ilntthe south side of the city,
quite:near neighbors to each other, you
wilt find the widely known "Libby Prison,"
biought from its southern home and re-
built here. -,,John Brown's Fort" and
"Uncle Torn saCabiu" are also seen by tour-
ists, while .".Niagara Falls," "Battle of
Gettysburg;""sJorusalern," til claim their
share of attention. Of course, the •"sky-
scrapere" will lure you to their very tops.
Bow to Get a "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25 ••'Sunlight"Soap wrappere wrap-
per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman
Look Old Soouer Than a Man")• to ,Lever
Bros., Ltd„ 46:Scott St., Toronto, t»ud you
will,receive bypost a pretty pictutee free
from advortlsieg, and well worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate you-ribome.
The soap is the best iu the market ,and it
will only costeme cent postage to Bond in
the wrappers, df you Leave the ends ,open.
Write your .address carefully.
The .population of Seefortti ds •now
given at 2,400.
Over G,600 head of cattle were
shipped from Montreal, last weelz.
The Knights of Pythias iGrand
Lodge laay.e (voted to exclude' li•huor
dealers from the order. -
It wasn't .ti'ntil woman started i'n to
improve her 'naathetnaties that rehe
began .ticountdfor muoh.
Harristoaa :Lias; organized a ttaeielocall
nine to be known as the 'Browse' aead a
are ready to • eteeivcd challenge from
The World"s weir dog show is to 'bit
postponed t.nt.id ,tile 20th, 2Ist, 2'1;nd
and 23rd l'sept,, ,as the building is nett
vet reale,
Eight woolen were badly injured by
the'oollapse of a section of -flooring Flt,
.the closing seseian of the women's
.congress in Chicago an Saturday.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
feared, soft, or callausedleumps and Blom
items from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, 13weeuey, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swolios Throat, Coughs,
ate. Save S6O by use atone bottle. War.
meted by Cbisholm'a•dnta„ store.
J. W. Sandison, a bonanza farmer
and wheat grower, living near Bran,
don. Manitoba, skipped out last week,
with liabilities of about $120,000.
Seeding reports received at Winni.
peg from all points in Manitoba and
the Northwest state that in mos*
places the crops are well above ground.
Seeding reports received at Winni-
peg from all points in Manitoba and
the Northwest state that in most
places the crops 'care well above
The Privy council have decided in
the case of Sandwich East vs. thej
Grand Trunk Railway that a township
can eonatruet a diteh across a railway
The World's Press congress began
at Chicago Monday, Atnong those
who participated in the opening re-
ception was Mr. A. F. Pitie, president
of Canadian Press association,
Mr, 1-Rolit, Crittenden, nterchaut, of.
Belnsore, has been appointed mail -ear-
rier from Pehnoro to Wroxeter far a o
term, of four years coaeniettoing en July t
1st, r
TUE # 1 I.1.7 GRAM TIMES, MAY *Flly 1893,
Vernet tires are dexaetatiiig North,.
ern Michigan.
Tie result of the sugar season in
Cuba, now prttctioally elided, eliows
that the yield of the whole island will
amount to between 750,000 and 1300,..
000 tons, a yield considerably below
the average totsl produetioh.
(iustice BobeSteou hue trod June
20th next as theday for trial of the
shareholders' suit against the directors
of the Central Dank, The ease has
been standing far nearly two years,
owing to the ebsenee of -Mr. Arvid
Blain, who is travelling somewhere on
the Indian Ocean.
The amended game law exteuds the
open season from Oct, 25th to Nov.
15th and removes the porhibition as to
killing fawns, under the old regulations
as many fawns were kilted as before,but
were not brought out of the camp,
Now they will count on the hunter's
limit of two, the salve as a grown deer,
A. contagious disease known as the
scab has broken out among sheep in
Grey eounty. The disease, it ap-
pears, had•its origin in the Township
of Coiliegwood, and was subsequently
introdueted• into Grey dry the itupor-
t:ttiou of a number of sheep .frotn the
former township, Farmers in Bruce
and Huron should examine their tioeks;
and see if any of the -animals are affect-
ed with tho disease.
It Has Bees, Proved,
It has been proved over and over agars
thatl3urdocit Blood Bitters cares dyspepsia
constipation, biliousness, headache, scro-
fula, and allndiseases of the stomach, Beer
and bowels Try it. Every bottle is gnat.,
auteed to benefit or 'euro when taken +ac-
cording to directions.
In noticing the financial diftleultiee
of the la2rtr 'of Belden Bros , the
Canadian, Booksdller for this month
says : '•T nese conditions do not lessen
the legal res,aensibility of any 'who
have signecl their names to notes to
entitle them to ,alnenibership in the
1<ionee tEraowledae Association, oeveii
though this •conoern easy have passed
out vt ersstenee• Every note wzil be
collected., ,A -bunch of cases •canna be-
fore the•oaurtsma Toronto during the
uioritia, Where parties have givcn•their
notes no •cover Membership it' the
Horne i rnowledge Association. 1 n
every ease" j'nd:,,tixtent was ;gases) in
favor of Belden '.Bros. A. ,,cute had
been signed, and in the words off the
judge, •wike.n'a extortputs his ne;tlre to tt
note he nru•st expect to pay it,'"
The ,,ev. tH, Z. Ware, whesereleath
by drawing. occurred near Liedeay oe
Friday, was fortneriy a resident of
London, and taf eiated for a time as
pastor of •otto'of the Bapitist c,luirches
there. iE1:esemis abut 50 yeers'of age,
and lesvee,a widow who has been in
the Toronto ±Iosprtat for the last afonr
months, and 'four.ohdldren—threetboys
and one girt—,theeldest being; Istsyeitrs
of age. He was married twice, his
second wife•bein%a:•iss Joseph, asister
of Mr. M. Joseph, tit Toronto, ilia
was bona in England, and previous to
going to bindery 'last fail lie road
charge of ti1isj-ro:hes.at .LGoncien, Iliin-
cardine, Tiltntaburg std Chitthana, :and
for two yearn dee traeel,led as an evan-
Miss Nora tOleiioh, the celebrated
young Caaiaflitas t,ioliniet, will eoinie
heel, to Canada, ,next 'fall, and well
give 30 or 40 eorieerts in Ontario and
Quebec, and will possibly visit the
Northwest else. Miss Clench is stilt
in London, England. The fact of her
playing, before the Queen has brought
her into prominence in the musical
world, but she ie rapidly winning her
Way by the force of her owns merit.
She is now recognized as one of the
first violinists before the public in
England, and her services are in creat
demand, not only in London .butin
the provinces also. Her period of
study at the Brussels conservatory
Lias, it is said, softened her stylar with-
out detracting from its breadth and
The celebrated bridge ease between
the village of New Hamburg and the
county of Waterloo, wail before the
Supreme Court last week. The con-
test is fie to the liability to Maintain a
bridge over the river Nith,vehioh passes
through the village of New Hamburg.
The statute obliges the ooutrty to
maintain brutes over streams more
than 100 feet in width. and the sole
question is whether or not said river
to over that • width. The trial judge
found that it was, the Court of Queen's
tench reversed that judgment, and
the Court of Appeel was equally dividh
ed, After counsel for respondent had
boneledsd his arirnments the bnurt ex•
pressed the opinion that the appal•
lant'a bonnsel need net.reply, but al
fie of their lordship wished to examine
he authorities referred to on behalf of
espondsnts,. judgment was reserved,
Both the iuotliod and results when
Syrup of Pigs is taken; it is pleasant
anti refreshing to the taste, and acts
gentlyyet promptlyon the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys,
teni effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation, Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro -
ill iced; pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend
• it to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known, .
Syrup of Pigs is for sale in 7,1c
bottles by alt .leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly forany one who wishes to'
try it. Manufactured only by the
LOieIsvltax- KY. N6WYO2+3A.att.V.
John Bur•wash, farmer, of Waskadu,
Man., was drowned in the Souris River,
neerMelita„+on Monday, having hissed
the trail and driven luto the .raver. It
is supposed that the above •ifobn Bur -
NV ashwits et S.iruther to tits 8.1ev. Mr.
Burwasll, •of the Methodist iellurell and
who some years ago lived lin Morris,
near 1a',elgrave-
Don°,t iferget the ISis,teitit Sunday
i school convention iti B'nuseels, on
Tuesday, 30th inst. its sdditiou to
loch talent the wele•knoav,x-Provincial
Secretary,Day will take parr, in the
program' ess
A'veny inrerestiii esessr. took place
at the etesidt•nce of Alm it tttt hew
Gibsoa)•,.eo Wecluesd,ty •e 5ttii,it,„ 10th
ins,'., when Benjalni„ L..iii.'_iatu, of the
lst con.., was united iti marriage to
Miss Bella, youngest daughter of Mrs.
Gibson. The ceremony was perforated
in an 'ee en t, manner by Rev.
J. W. liOr:eg, of 13luevole, in the
prestnoe •df rt uualber of invited
guests 'The bride was elei'nutly at-
tired in :blue shot goods and presented
a charinieig appearance. After the
ceremony the peter partook of a
sumptuous repast prepared by the
hostess anti then all might be seen
weeding their way homeward after
extenditee hearty congratehitions to
Mr. and leere. King for u smooth and
happy sail over the inatritnoliial sea.
Thamesville is assessiue the C. P.
R. telegraph palesrti tear village.
73Y SPECl:i;1., i
If you
Linen to
be White
as Snow,
nyn ;1IAtIMSTY
SCAT' is perfectly pure,
and contains no Injuri-
ous um:meals t4 iujuro
either your clothes or
your hands. :greatest
cure is exercised in its
manufacture, and its
quality is to appreciated
Dy tho public that it ilea
the eeneest Sade of any
Soap in the world.
Can yydt1ou test this? If
those who use it what
they think of it, thou try
it for yoursolf, Tho re -
cult will please yea, and
your eicthes will be
washed in fair less time,
with Less Labour,
Greater Cemfnrt. and
will bo whiter that, they
have over been b'•foro,
when you used ordinary
not the best way to de-
cede the matter ? Pirst
by enquiring what the
exporieneo 18 of these
Who already use it.
t econdl , by a fair trial
yeurtelf. You aro not
committed in any way
to use the seal.); all We
ask it; : non't noisy, try
it the next wr ehitig die'.
• • • S Ipso *
Begs to announce to her numerous patrons t
she has DECI.1 D ON CONTINUING her
Millinery d r jY , i
BUSINESS at her old estabjishruent oxo J'osephix>►
St., Wingham,-UNItIL
Full lines of
sY 1 ',
of the newest styles and desripticons are noiwr
Winghetzct, March 16th, 1&13.
a/ `/ te•
ist '16..
rod.... �..,•r ' .wFL... ��� 7 61,.,,,,,E
is the place for you to get your
Latest improved; no equal or no sale.
N• LJ GC% �\lS- + 3D ID 14 1V1 0 W `i.a R
Fearer different kinds to choose from, Frost & Wood, Fleury (of Aurora), Hilborn (of Ayi
Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on band.
with or without Seeder,
Coyne one, come all and inspect the implements. Second to none.
W'gham, March+Sth, 1893.
M. P A JL T E R S N g .,
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of
and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs.
BIG 6` B ARGAINS From Now Till 0hri.stma
All bbods bought for cash and we can sell as cheap at the cheapest an
Repairing Promptly- IDone nand Satisfaction Guarantee
IfigrGive me a call. 1
Begs to announce to the people of Winghain an
surrounding country that her stock of
Sprinti Miner
is complete in all the latest novelties in
Meyer's Ilriok Bloc
Whig ham, March 30th, 1893.