HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-26, Page 4LWILL
of tho Outtuio Cavexnmeiat he tho (lttawfa railway tettk to t4return t
�heose uitlltor in t► small factory hi 1 tick Prce, .filo tit frets tti11 bo gotxl tax
�A � was a three days l re a
t- Ea )
t industrious ou 'g
f (�iu contcutlnn,5 n �
Teri) ("utlrt of Appeals has decided that
section of the Ontltriu Act resp°titins* us-
si;;atreiltsl i$ Ora rtrc>z of the Ontario
T egit:l'ltt:ro- e„ the Local Government
had k i piles suet)
an act.. It plod h in tattlul
5 Wellington 'ton county, He is an example
of what a steady and y to
man can attain to in a ew years an ,t -
t a if he tries.
+ ' C r sr$,
and eeenlb:y: lar no right to
provided that assignments
�t ;^ R ehuuhltakepreeedotltoofjed„ta u
G. „W. TELEGRAPH CO execution:a. Thia hail was paeeed uot
long sieve by the Ontario Got'ornment' The manner in which the iuvestign-
So many Werke were caused that the tion of the wurltinga of the tariff, sot on
eedlu^' the 20th of dune,
and for three days after the close of the
`u data not included,
At Ottawa errangotuonte have been
made for special aid very moderate
✓ ates at the vaxion$ hetets, Delegates
wishing information or desiring to secure
accommodation in advance can do so by
to nuimaaienting with Mr. 11. A. sato,.
honorary secretary of the Ottawe Reform
a eocintaon•
,A Shan't investigation,
p* Brunswick House
xllgbar, ,. ,., O,i,
▪ ! tg4
eft , ft.� UV 1ii13 t,r$irlte
FRIDAY, 1x.1.1 ate 1803.
r Convention of the Reformers of the
t%t. Riding at Huron will be held in the
Han, ail, Bressels, on 1?riday, June
B. at
tii$cu t at 1..30 (*look, for the purpose of a
• ssion of lolitieai topics and
lection of delegate to the Liberal
-vettiou to be hold at Ottawa on dune
A. largo represeuttation is nsked
eat luunicipality in the %dime.
r x 4I)ITOIti1,i NOTES.
1ja Toronto World it booming the
l,alganlation of the Mail anti Empire.
question of its validity was referred to foot by hair, Foster, is being conducted,
posit slip of paper on the batik for ii300,
betoriog interest et 4 per coat,. The paper
lied. passed through ,4 groat deal cf weer
and tear, but woe iu tolerably good ahapo
and reedabte, It was passed to the proper
the court with this result, Now, the is entirely consistent with the policy of
creditor »lam can got an exell or the Oonservatiyo party throughout. Tho
jnd>~nieut nut on quick time will not bo only olasscswho are invited to testity as
lcn<;ei ec out by a subsequent assign, t to its operation are the protected mauu-
went. facturers and sonic of the importers.
Tile Willard Tract Depository, Toron• The coliseums are altogether ignored,
to, is reported bankrupt ; and the News as well as the operatives, whom the tariff
says there will be nothing lett for the is supposed to protect. OE course the
shareholders. Tho directors of the result will be overwhelminglyin favor of
concern are fable for the uiortaagu on acoutinunnce of the N. P. If an inquiry
the store promises amounting to about
ade among slavehelders exclusively,
is about 0"30,2100. Departure from the there is no time when the iustitutithe
original object—whieh was the dissem- would not have been eulogized as oat.
ination of religious literature of a higher best possible industrial arraugem
character—.15 blames as the cause of the Had Mr. Glac'stouo taken council wit"
crisis. 1t appears the i)epesitory tient) landlords, it is sato to slay thn
breeched out into the wholesale publish- the grievances of the Trish tenant farmer
lug business, which did not pay. The would have been left unredressed. The
stockholders will see to it that all creel! real nature ai Protection as a measure
tors are paid in full, devised solely in the interests of a class
Ln C•,*N,anA, of Ottawa, formerly a of Wealthy* monopolists to the injury and
supporter of the Uoverument but now spoliation of the mass of the people, eau
leaning to the Liberal side, has lately no longer be disguised.—Grip.
Been engaged in reciting Mr. Chapleau's
.%t., \W AT1:1.::' bill to amend the a sees -
Prov, U. W. Reed and Mrs. Reed left on
elouclay morning for the World's Pair.
They will bo absent tor a couple of
weeks They were accompanied by Miss
Sarah Watson and Miss N. Stephens,
The latter will utter -words visit friouds
in Davenport, Illinois.
The Nowa is advocating the sale of the
square that divides the town, for build-
ing purposes. It would bo beneficial to
have it built upon, and thus the ends of
the town would be joined.
Rev. Ghosu•el Howie, 1'h. D., formerly
of this place, inteuds to start . for ;,iouut
Lobauou iv August next, as a missiouary.
Monday of last,+eek, ti. A. Deadman,
who is one of the leading; apiaryists of
Ontario put his bees nut for the soasou. 05
as to tllo Workings of slavery had been
$S0,000, anti also for bank paper, which
connection with the Manitoba School
1 t
�aat alt by taxies; income ant no question and the bit;hops, before and
'a unalfiy, has beau witlldrat.. mete It „ nj election. It asserts see
Mr. \V, G, Strong, of this place, or,
ganizer for the CAnadtuu Order of For.
esters, is st In4le toted organising a.
No,. 8 Company of the 83rd (Heron)
battelion,� located hero, will go Inco
Cramp at London. on the 20th of a one
fieri., There is still room for a tew
more recruits.
Mr. John Stmeon,wagoanialter, died
at his residence here on Wednesday,
evening, of last week, after a short ill*
ness,. neet167 years, Deceased was
one of the e'irly pioneers of the ville.ge,
cooling bore about, 83 years ago. H
was an honest, iudustrli>us man and
respected by all. lie was a' seemlier
Gi L. O. L. No 767 „t or since he re.
aided here. He leave's behind lien
throe sons to mourn his loss, who h•tve
the sympathy of all in their bereave,.
'armers in this vicinity are through
slue° the general ding and are rejoicing at the very
aF',t session of the Ontario L,tglslaaturt' favorable tura the weather has taken
that Mr. [~llapletlu was the authorized :
teratoa)tu) Sentinel -Star s0Y $ Now agent of the Government in approaching
and if thapreaeutmiltt went -her continues
the loyal opposition in the Legisla- Tache lu 1$01 and se -curing ati new Clays lunger everything will l o
tt t Archbishop
.A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powdersless. Mr. Alex. Ba nusey,nice to take l perfectly
Welland, says: "They aro excellent; 1 bavo
no hesitation in recommending them to all
Diseases are o tear difficult to remedy.
colonies were wintered in the collar and who sutler from headaches.” Mr. 11ook,
the retnttiuiug 70 were outside. Ouly two G. T. R„ Hamilton, writes: "For three
t severe
tl t of the total were lost The t years' was troubled with
usual this year, Mr. Deadman says when have been'entirely free fro
the bees are not allowed to work earlier in, Lancefield, librariau of tl -
the year their existence is considerably Hamilton,
ilgiton, sayst i"Thy
shortened by overwork, ways keep a box in -
the 'Woodstock, s
da to k
t eu u cods c
• Ha t and 'Pi ,
u to the
large n
Primary Department of the Public school
half of the first class attend school in the
foreuoou and the other half in the after -
or lrsa ou headaches Since 1 have
season is about t;reo alecks later thanHeadache Neuralgia
1 is al tori
s a temperance legislation. °
lt�i ak tortes are all "swearkt)g °tl'"
On Thursday, dune nand, the 'Travel`
ling Dairy," from the Ontario Agrieai-
tu_al Farm, will visit Atorris and Grey
cheese factory at :3 p. m. Every farmer
and his wife and slaughters should be in
fln Tuesday ot this week the Bast Huron
License Commissioners rime at Brussels.
Atuone other matters cousidered was the
ed Stark's
er Powders I
them." Mn.
public library,
re most valuable,
nous relief ; I al -
house." Mr. May-
: "They are wonder-
ful." Mr. Hall, B : ntford, says : "1 have
tried many remedies but all without effect,
until I took Stark's Headache, Neuralgia
and Liver Powders ; 1 can recommend
them most highly." Price, 25 cents a box.
Sold by all medicine dealers.
Geo. ;lair 4: Go. have sold to Jas'
Gaunt tat -warden of the County o
will restore a lost apptitos at -flesh,
e h,
and check wasting disease, p
ly In children, with wonderful rapidity.
Coughs and colds are easily killed by
few doses of this remarkable remedy.
PALATABLE AS MILK. die sure to get
the genuine, pat fop in salmon -colored
Prepared only by lloott & Bowno, Belleville,
wonted at the Wiugham Tannery.
Will be paid ou delivery.
Parties -peeling 15 cords or over, can
deliver half in summer and balance in
winter,.if desired, and same price will be
Brace, lots `27 end 28 in the `;nd con- W. Ingham, May 10th. 1893.
cession of I iaioss, of ntawang
Acres and known as the John Shaw
the supprnssion of the pastoral which fresh and green• who should know better trausfer asked by all T. Loll of theliecnse
hid been announced. This was done Piy Some of us 11
Salo fasting. ia,.sua
W wad tint it I.. new experienee, but i giving a distinct pledge of remedial
'refreshing one.
U;a Deprrttr.ent of 'tliritia, for the
r .ienienee of nfi;cers who will attend
r. annual drill c enpe, is having all the
enters reg Mini; to the annual drill eon-
orislated into a small pamphlet, whirl)
I be aa,_tr bute3 to these al -pining for
its Liberal Cenveution of West
ten will meet in G�wlerich on Tuesday
, May anth, to :appoint de.egatee to
ndthe great Literal Convention in ° as may be deemed expedient grantee; to
1Sal B Mils C,th of Juue next. Other any telephone ectopany the exclusive
> nlity, for a
. 1w<1e+lasia pee -1,e attention, right within the P
;i'. * Moira, M. P' . in e ,;�e•ech at period not exceeding ten years, to use
er Hall, England, a short time ago, streets mud lanes for the purpose of The Court of ktevision of the tssess-
ixa', t,)` temperance reformers et 1 pl.')eing poles, duels or wires for carrying• meat of the township will hold its first
re ant bad "'roiled back the j vu a teaeg>.hene business, and to enter 1 slain in the town hall Teeswater, ou
hill the Country;' which bad into agreements giving hecnse or Far-
n Saturday, lytb distant,
ener5 than a n,llliou pennies daarin , mission to use such streets or ,gin s. Mrs. J. Hendry, ot Windsor, is visiting
et 'seer, The nen-snit:. osnity for such a bill proves tont
-uv e`er rg oration may exact terms imam 1 her mother, Mrs. J. Fraser, con 4.
Mr: David Taylor, of this township,
has two ewes which have this spzing
given birth to seven lambs, which are all
alive and doing well. \Ir. Taylor has
a number of prolific ewes, but these head
the list. _ .
legislation, and the archbishop having
iusist,ti on an official pledge, the clause
in the report of the Minister of Justice
which has been so much discussed was
Ix order to remove doubts Mr. Garrote
bus afore the Ontario Legislature a bill
cleaning that the Municipal Council of
every city, town and incorporated village
bus had ries shall h=ave power to pass
bylaws neon such terms and conditions
a ranted to W. G. Taylor for the Bevan, WING1IAM 'MARKETS.
spend a part of the a House iu this place. A petition baa iva :s
$1tCh an open
Corrected >.y P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
'Chem is no occasion forthe unlnes of 51 ratepayers objecting to i Flour par 100 lbs, - 1 75 co
the transfer was presented to the Board
and in support of said petition a dplega-
tion, consisting of Rev. J. Foss, Rev. Gt
F. Salton and W. H. Kerr, waited on the
desecration et the day of rest, and they
had better be imrefui or names will be
Mr, Rnbt. Straith is home at his fathers
down with malarial fever he was taken = Commissioners and discussed the quest'ou.
bad in Toronto about a week since. Mr. Pisan, of locution, and air. Rose, of
Dogs are ancyilag sheep and several aro l Berlin, representing commercial interests
reported killed and worried. iu the Revere House, were also present, as
Mrs. Crowe, sr., bad ai visit last weal; was Lura. Hell, Mr. Taylor and others.
from her daughter and son -ie -law from Alter due consideration the transfer was
Fall Wheat per bushel, 88 to
'Spring 62 to
Cars, 33to
Barley S0 to
Peas, 55 to
Butter, tub 15 to
do Molls, 15 to
�s per doe. 6 5 to
7 i5
1Yood per cord,
Hay per ton, 00 to
Potatoes, 6 50 to
Dressed hogs
Mt. Forest. refused to Mrs. Hell but was granted to '•
Mrs. McDonald, a vary old lady, is not Harry 3'ames, of Brassals. He wiii there.
expected to live many days. a fore take ponsessiou at onee. The coin-
firs Wm. Dawson who bus been ill for missioners bad no authority to cancel the
ome tbue, is recovering very slowly. j linens,, so they said. Mrs. Hall was
erantel license for the Henfryu hotel in
a t.Denftion Government bas j,.'8 tt't .
" l any telenhons company' for oeunpwing
c�ru,,r iu a�*,incil p:cllioitila� al
ilteti's i;l the?r,ost. t?i+ioe d+*a:lrtul_Lt. i its streets.
nststens of iacornoratedteems" , Ix• rids eot:ree of Mr. D'klton de-
er aeeeetieg the nlrnkipnl Cartby s address in London, last week,
°xi ale erman, zoonoillor or 1 he anatl : He hoped this 'meeting would
teal rete:tes public dr separate.' bare its effect on the Finuuee Mini ter,I
r is :ere request et the House, ill, l aea that he would reale a that this
>iar evithare e his resolution eon.. movement for tariff reform Sias deep
the peach :e of muulei alines seated And pernlnteent, and it it was not
31 it * power ower to eo.:s+lidate granted there would be plunges alt+Ot-
(kal y 1~ Mere Lip : �te°.);C •c�?atracteai without ilegal`•eMere 33e 'did not care whether he
'.e:eraty. Perhaps the Inti desired will ; reaped honors or office or not, the battle
be t'ought: out by ballots, but
, t haati to
act'tal:ea1 as well lvtlaout it31h'i�°:i,,;c? ��r
.,the taeglilature. + ::dose who wanted money bald better stay
ie altogether prob:ablo tint capital l on I<ie other side. There will be lush-
e':raent will be re-ost'ablished in the ins of money nt the next {election, :cera
.tlic)nigan. A bili has },:1�e.t
than ever before. The roanuincturers
St4 Meet). providing for the :Malaga, and h.,ve t+l tde ait:*nev and they are going to
ai:l tile nteunre will endorse it. :gat stand by the Government. Some of the
15t' has at11Urdener been bnnge l in cotton et.Ye1t was selling ot 20, and they
_ f: vee,»id pay to keel) el) unthe tariff. This
of .r,i-�1ra. Solitary .l:y imprisonmente',r i
Ili is the present panislonenttor murder suv,ectn)oro directly tvneeresthe peo-
Otelat7 fa75t t1egrute
pie than any ether question.
2 ter. Patrons of Industry cif South l The Liberal Convention.
th have uoreinuted candidates foilFor filo coiniaafi Liberal convention
Howe nn i`ilnaiasila�s urd Cl:zt4aria anal ritlicg is entitled to send live official
delegates, in addition to the Liberal
itemiser or the Liberal candidate at the
lee: Dominion e ectien. But there is no
ilater*. Jaynes Donald, of
1, was cliesen for the House of
renems., awl Mr. Robiesnu, •of Sinn-
of chi, fear the LeN11 Legislature.
ati 4 is a eneeeral Haiti air. Rz)binrnn a d o zas..en orlrer straetin tig zzy will ale l d
iar*rati'C,', al rnats delegates,
neit.erj to attend the convention. Make
Clete eonvettion afair and full representa-
tion, of Liberal thomeht in all its phaecs.
The fel °wit g provisuns have been
made in regilrel to railway 2ite:—De.a
gates effieird br alternate, and all ladies
azzorupunyiag them, will be entitled to a
return teeket free on complying with the
following regutatiots:--Att the railway
et:;ee where the ticket to Ottawa is
pun leaasted it will be necessary for ea.la
person to secure from the railway agent
'standard eertiticut+e" and to take it to
Ottawa and ;present it to the a+teretary'.
the coarentian, 'wba will thrrnupen
entloree encb certificate se eta to entitle
the holder thereof to pre e+et*tioa -of
*ala endorsed o ed*r i tbnt'tide ate" to,
is�.311t D 3-
A house and stable belougiog to Mrs.
Grantham, of Mary street, was completely and babe will sail by S. S. Labrador on
hurtled on Sunday evening lase. The anostthe lith of June for a two :months' vasa-
uufernatee.te part of et was that the 'kion in England and the Continent.
Bose belonging to the fire department were
about iial yards short of reaching the
bunting buildings, and although every
effort was put forth to save the building it
was impossible. The lady is in very peer
eireun,stances, and Mari no inseam:tee on
either building. Fireuratkers in the bands
of heist hievous boys paused the damage,
The elopeureut of Joseph Oook, eremuo
or W. Doherty en Co., with Mrs. Robert'
Stevens, wife of R. Steveus of H. Stevens
a :Son, builders anti veentractors, caused'
g 00
2 00
7 09
6 75
The Council of the corpora tion o
Huron ,all tweet in the Court Beu,
.Tuesday, June 6th. at 3 o'clo
against the county must be p
the first day of the meeting.
Goderieh, May 'a` th, 15`23.
the County of
Goderieh, on
tiff p. m Accounts
nted .:n or before
1P. LANE, Clerk,
BiuevaJe -
Rev. .3. S. Cook, M. A., of Ripley,
formerly of this place, has received the
B. D. degree of the Wesleyan Theologi-
cal College, .Montreal. He bas also
suecesfnlly eompleted the Post -Grafin -
ate course for Doctor of Philosophy, in
connection with the Illinois Wesleyan i
University, and will be awarded the Ph'
degree at the June convocation. lir.
Cook bas just returned from a visit to
the World's .Fair, and with Mrs. Cook
was :"sake on the
. lailstene, un9t W eek.
eat th rawu at him while he was
railway train. The missile
I biro and e:'atuevery nearly hotting
at t`bester. sage a".teeks',
Gt.aastMne,be the Prem and toy
tkers, publf,z ritfteratt-es •ea1-
ttt)petolis, even gic>attiugiv.npon
Coat being translate) data da'tii)rl
oats /ie.:vie.
. 'Rc?ra>SRnw` bas 1>ecn art -erg* e d
Potty Chvmrniasioner by the Dominion
t far at teru:1 tit tree 5 errs. rt
$5,00 per annum. Professor
to a *ell -n 1 1e rtaan. Ile cart.
ion. *n i prior to entering the
Mr. William Duncan, one of the oldest
inhabitants of Blnevede, died last week, of
paralysis, and Was buried on Saturday in
the Blnevale cemetery by the Osauge
Order, of which be was a member. Two
years .previous to his death be had beeu 1
living with his daughter, near WTinrham.
lir. Archibald Ashton, who kept a tailor
shop here a tattle over a year ago, died last 1
Gerrie, week at i friend's jlonss in txei , of coa-
snrnption. Mr. Ashton was quite a young
man, a favorite with limey, and hes death
quite u sensation here. The guilty Pair wile be deeply mourned.
took the evening train from bare on .Satter- Mr. Edward Leech is attending the
eiay evening. for Fort Hume, and so fax World's Fair.
nothing has been heard of the runaway Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross and Mr. wed
pair. look leaves a -rife and six chi/area • Mrs. T. H. gess, et 1Vinhlani, sp„e,Bena-
and Mrs. &evees leaves 0.15, but took one :lead.), with Mr. Eeklie Boss, of this pisee,
watt her. Great indignation is expressed ] .+air- B. N. Duff took a business trip et
agaiust the unnatural peair, but .mare espec- ?, Brantford last ve ns.
Tally against Ot>ok, who east before leaving, ; nit. Geo. meson a.nd family, s:$ Wanabana,
itis s ia,delitr:rateiy forced; item his eldest
sen el 113 Itis monthly -wages, with which
he hal ease, remcbed haute, un3 this is the
only menet' 11e seems to have bad 'Kiel
Mat News-Tterord says: A valuable relictexass, with 'iter sister, mea. Waulter
belonging teethe late James Stavely was Bather€ori.
ere visaing at °:lr. John Bosmen"s. 'last
Mr. John Messer is engstro l is cheese
tiiakieg at .Listowel.
Mrs. Hallaru, of Win11harn, spent. Wei -
found one day .asst week. Some clothes
belous'ing to' the deccease3 had been placed
outside some time ado. T :3y steed the
tel of ritin.and frost and avers thorbnghly
sired ani finally given toes respectable and
honestvvamsn in Clinten to snake of them
rrokla3aver ease ehe desired. Attet the
barn thoroughly washed, so.
211 driel a pair el pants *sr* Lady Ab•rdten wsa ow Satardry
1 i etwten the liuiag and cltytb• ; elected president Of as 'world's con.
wed Sart ems toned as bank de. grass of 11ta
Miss Lizzie Itobertsr+n happened tvith s
very painful accident this week. She
pierced ber lland'eith a rusty nail. But
We hope with goodenedieal attention it Willi
soon be well.
,will issue
to all points in Canada,
MAY 23813 AND 24TH
good to return May 25th, at
J. NiCCLL, Agent,
:'oteo1ga relief but cure for all kinds of
thel drags. A
Nice to take.
Mists Fanny Paterson, 01 Winghatn, is
vis3itingfriends bete.
'Harmless. Contain no
'wonderful Componn
Sure de
Be erre So'
11. M. 0.C. P., CHEMIST
Notice is hereby gi.
of the Assessment Ito
of the present year, -e
Council Chamber,
a box. Sow
25 �ElitTS
Entirely new Compound
On rv1ond ay,
n that the Conrt of Revision
I Dm the Town of 0 hold 15, first in
tt tgin he
lay 29th, 1893
at 7.3 o'clock p. m.
.All parties interest will please take notice and
govern them:sires ac nrdiugir'J.1; FERGUSON,
Wiugham, May 15111, E03. Clerk
Court of Rei ision and Appeal.
The Conrt of 5 tision and Appeal of the
ts-i i be held in
IlfelDopmtirs Hall, 33liltevalee,
MONDAY, MAY 29th 1893,
Wishes to announce to the people of
Wingham and vicinity that he hes opened it
tailor shop Itis TH.2 STORE ONE DOOR
TAURANT, and lately occupied by M.
Patterson. watchmaker.
AU. clothing made in the merest styles.
at 1 o'clock p.
edto take notice.
The patioltage of the patblic goliciteea aha
satisfaction guaranteed.
'Wagtails* March loth, 1893.
1 parties interested are request-.
Tp. Clerk.
Fountain Syringts,
Household Syringes,
Alpha Syringes,
Omega Syringes,
Hot 'Water Bottles.
Central Telephone ExchattgC,
31ENT0 toon vIsrr0BS '10 5111
A sprightly lady oorrespoude
thus to the Montreal Witness;
Chicago's older sisters and
have a familiar way of eritio :
method of lcoepin; house, r.t1
le sliooked at her untidy ways,her
indifference with regard to prop
her big, unprecedented plans,
usually too busy to stop to a''
her holo and foreign critics,
withstaudin8' she is often anise
she remains 'genial and hospital
efot ready for the Pair ? S1
halo done better under the oil
ces y All the bad weather in tl
acs has been deliberately dumj
on her doorsteps. Rain, snow,
blow, have been repeated int
while Chicago has slipped rou
or waded in mud, or repaired de
Her good humor has not des
even when her most generous
ished ,plans for the pleasure
venionoe of the world have b
She has multiplied trier workm
day and night, and 10 1 out of
of disturbed and disturbing
and seemingly insurmountable
ties has risen a city of summed
in which to entertain the gue
dially invited. All honor to k
veranoe,and to tiae unity and h
those who have endeavored to
her ,wishes, and.her noble p1a
education of these who may
Slee is elo cleligent and of
getting her house in order wb
daily for hor own immense 1
we,uan excuse .her dishevollt
old shoes, soiled hands, and g
Some time in the near future
toher days laden with Italia
hat streets will be swept and
herr houses will be resplsndei
freshness and,fragrance of me
will brush back her locks an
will emerge tram toil with chi
and browned ,by the ardent'
prairie breezes•, her oyes w
with the lake tonic, while,
magnificent :robes, she will
come to all who draw.noa
smelts of heraindefatigable b
.Chicago might well be ne
of tparadoxes. The usual d
growth or development have
facilities and .aclvautages u;
elsewhere; from the devastati<
risen to undaunted activity at
greatness. -
The "oldest inhabitant” t
came bere sixty years ago wl
w:a.s',jtest a taqgle of grasses,se
ieemlee," with a few inhabit
around 111 the.mlad. Now, or
books and penofls, for he w
your ,questions. Chicago is
miles from the pecan, yet she
gateway of the great lakes, a
tivavtrueen. She .is the int
tropolie. Nearle akirty railwc
the city, diverginttito all the b
ado tend '.to Mexico. with on.
thousand miles •ebrailway.
and twenty .mall amine come
and la„ t year needy five
tweuty-,,hree millioa pieces c
were handled. Besides th
city post.oiiices within the
Chicagoistteveuty four miles
four and to half to leen ani
Nearly taw millioud,ef doll
expended on dyer public echo
form a system connected h
and embrace -about two hued
generous neverfailiug vat
taken frbne Lake Michigan,t
shore, by iron cribs nine Moe
These milts extend 30 fete✓
bottom and connect with
Chicago's large public lib)
tensfve circulation? other
city contain over two milliol
red thousand books. The
berry Library, now nearly
an extensive and rare referc
There are between three
red churches in the city; f
lays are given annually for 1
and throe million more f<
there are nearly forty libel
chreitable aeylures and twe
tale and dispensaries.
Against these factors fo
vast array of opposing for
aesthetic saloons, gambling
the ingenious devices for s
away with the human h
mase of humanity and 11
tortes are pouring stranger'
reds of thousands. Indivii
(Vented and all necesesry p
en for its preservation, but
not much regarded; so, ma
when you Teeth the city
the World's Fair be hot int
hatodled and handed' ale
even jatntlied like the ret