HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-26, Page 1�3
vet X I, �-NQ. 1111.
We want to draw you :non's attention
this week to our furnishings, the stook was
never so complete as at present in our
•ordered olothir,g, we are having, the greatest
-success, everybody pleased.
Four•in-baud and the new bows,
$ATS AND CAI'S in all the new shapes,
Everything a man wants from his head
to his feet, some elegant things in Russet
'Shoes and Gaiters.
We are showing some pretty styles in
Ladies, Misses and Girlsred, tan and
black slippers and Oxfords.
Grocery stock full and fresh.
Shop early and seoure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven.
24t V
st:.'°"°sw. ,,kite �+
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
Tim Bran, May 18, 1803,
Etariiaggo Licenses
Issued by FR'ANX 1?ATLRSON, No 23, Vic-
toria stroet,Wingh am, Ont. No witnesses
''Cal1 at the Star Restaurant for a big
assortment of fruit. Jas. Melfi:xvxr.
—The Citizens' B d favored the towns-
people with severalsoleotioris of music on
Saturday evening Ia t
—A couple of Ital ars were in town the
latter part of last eekdiscoursing,sweet
111 sio'on the street
—3. A. Morton; . D. G. M. for North
uron, paid Berner lodge, A. F. and A.
M., Listowel, an ofd ial visit on Wedneclay
evening last.
—Garden Seeds by the ounce and pound,
at Hamilton's drug store, two doors south
of the Post Office.
- ,Totelshlno sir=:t, through the main
part of .`fila ,"tr4itsl Lae been thoroughly
scraped ,;ar�3'i _ ad. taken off. The
street prseenta a fits • appearance now.
'+efts, noon last, our lacrosse
club croesec sticks th the Teeswater club=
in Teeswater, and ere defeated by two
goalsr to one. Bett: look" the next time,
+•-%Ve beg to reify
niiii;14'Ytote or booli,
sapi°e before June'.
<- Townspeople:vl}
at -large need not be .•laiii .`ised if they
should find them in t re pound ono of these
days. The town by -1 w in respect to keep-
' ing'ebtvs enclosed she ld be observed.
—.The 'l mond Til =thren of town now
hold meetings I.;it. Ae" h 11 in Meyer's Block.
On. Saturday evening, 11.1l;t., 2doAllister, of
Grey township, delle
the street, and on' Sti
services in the hall.
lose indebted to
to • settle the
Maid: Co.
h•, t�*ccs running
a rdisoourse on
"'conducted the
—If all the ode and waste corners on
every farm were pia 'ted to mammoth Rus -
Sian sunflowers, e ough of the seed Could
be harvested to les • ' large flock of poultry
and there is no ses. that is better food for
moulting or for eying hens. If horses
can be got to eat t ; em, an occasional feed
of a pint is good fie them, but some borses
will not eat them.
5OCents Cash will pay for The Tins,
for new subscribers, till the end of
the year.
—One of the large t and most noble en-
terprises connected with the Columbian'
Exposition in Chigo, says a Londoner
who has just return from the show, is
that known as 'The hieago'Speotatorium,•
an immense building which covers an area
With its studios and wer houses, of near-
ly 500,000 equate f t. In this building
Will be presented, wit r the height of antis•
tko and realistic finial all the ineidents of
Col'nmbue' life from his •appearance at
the monastery ofta R bide to lriedieeovery
of San Salvador, Art tic features of the
greatest merit of ma WSW :appliances in
machines and elects ay wild • c used in
gilt bnil ing,ilia
deal being, iliasaid, to
nOriabine a noble mails milk pep telt #deal-
fe>xt. "Song and seen° ill unite' in Making
It the greatest atten.c ori of the titlx.k' Maya
the Clhicago I/erald.
Cash for good butter and eggs at R A,
Graham's market grocery.
—Huron Count Council will meet in*
Goderich on Tue ay June Gth, at 3 o'clock
p. m,
—Methodist C smolt pulpit topios for
next Sunday: rning—The Fifth l3eati-
tude; evening—T a Stronghold.
—Halioa there 1 Where are you going?
I am going to the Wingbatn shoe store to
buy xny shoes; I get all slips sewed free of
charge. J, J. MoIs'n t,oe.
—The Presbyter of. Maitland will meet
in the Presbyterial church, Wingham, on
Tuesday next, 30th natant.
—Messrs. Frees an, of Buffalo, and
Stewart, of Wingh m, shipped a couple of
oars of export cattl from here on Saturday
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss 11T. Johuston. Gregory block, opposit"
the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good
work, always first-class tit.
---Whenever a n wspaper man gets so he
can please everyb y his usefulness on tbi
big earth will b cut short off, for rigl
there he will be ntly wafted on angel's
wings to the heaver of rest beyond.
On Thursday o
all team drove ov
played a friendly ro
water team, defeatin'
•--Go over your or
have not already don
bleak knot in the
Do not throw them
heap, but burn therii�
last week, our foot
:r to Teeswater and
ctoh with the Tees -
them by four straight
chard carefully, if you
e so,and out out ail the
lum and cheery tree:,
down on the brush
at once.
—Fo SALE, Cutins —I have a few baby
carria es left that 1 will sell at a slightad-
van on cost, in 'order to make moreroom
for rniture. Don't buy until you got
prices from 5. Gxtensy, Wingham.
—The directors f_the Ontario=Mutual
Life Assurance Co pony eve a dinner on
the evening of the 2 th instant to the agents
of the company at erlin, as a recognition
of the important ser es rendered aby then
during the past y r, Mr. A. Dawson
went down and fiats nized with his. brother
agents. .
—Prof. Scott and ssistants gave a can-
tata, entitled "Britan 'a and Her Daugh-
ters," in Blyth, on th evenirig'df the 24th.
Britannia was repres ted by Miss L. 'Me-
Iieneie; Canada, Miss . Chisholm; India,
Miss L. Gordon; Af Ca, Miss K. Ross;
Australia, Miss A. Cline; New Zealand,
Miss M. Wilson, all this place.
.-,SVon:came me Ws:mer s. E. Taylor,
cutler and grinder,is here to do all kinds of
grinding and repairing. Scissors, razors,
knives rebladed, saws sharpened. Umbrellas
and parasols' neatly repaired. Lawn
mowers sharpened and repaired. First-
class workmanship guaranteed. Stand next
,to Town Hall.
—A "green goo s" syndicate was brok
up the other day ii Hartford, Connecti t.
and their books cal tared. They show that
the syndicate was raking half a million
a year. A list of tl names of those who
had been swindled c ntained the names of
eight residents of 01 ario and sixteen in
—A. Iecture from a "Chart of the Ages''
will'be delivered (D. .) in Meyer's Rall,on'
Lord's Day, stay 2 th, at 3.80 p. m., and
continued in the eve ing at 8 o'clock. The
subject wilI be of r aI interest The Four
Judgments in the "Word of God (1) John
5: 25; (2) 1 Cor. 3: -16; (3) Matt. 25: (4)
Rev. 20: 10, 15. 1 cordially invited. No
collection. Brin your Bibles.
6'xns a Clorma$OATIONAL ORtuto n,
Wn-axrAM.—W. H. Watson, Pastor, Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. M. fund 7 p. m:
Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2.30 -
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p. m., Christian Endeavor oti same
evening at 0 p. m. All made welcome,
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday,
May 28th. Rev. . D. Bentley, of Lis-
towel, y'i11 preach Horning and evening -
--11r.. Geo, Roe eceived a pneutnatio_
tire sulkey the other ay for his trotter.
Listowel defeated orrie at football, at
Harriston, on the 24th instant, by one goal
to note.
—Mr. D. S. Ritchie, C. B. P., Of Elor
was in town on Satur ay, in fell dress, ad-
vertising the carnival t be held in Galt on
June 14, 15 and 16 nex
—A very severe tor ado passed over the
country on Tuesday 1 st, and 4, -consider-
able number of lives w re lost anal property
—For first-otaes tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
.of the old stand and between Ross' book-
sto e and Pattersou's jewellery shop.
-Mr, 13. Willson, it
of Hamilton, was calls
latter part of last weal
vection with the bank
—Mr. F. G. Sparl
old his big dray hors
Archibald, of Seafort
He was a fine animal,
at over 1600 pounds.
anager of the Bank
1 to Quebec city the
, on business in con -
ng, of the salt well,
on the 24th, to Mr.
for a good figure.
nd tipped the scales
---Praxes—If you want early tomatoes,
cabbage, celery, cauliflower; flower plants
—stocks, asters, pansies, etc., orderfrom T.
C. Grahams, at the Iron Bridge Apiary and
Greenhouses. A choice sample of honey
still on hand for sale. T. C. Gnarraai,
Lower Wingham.
-A. neat fence has en put around the
isle diamond-shaped bit .of ground just
north of the Bank of Hamilton building,
and it is likely that a ower garden will be
employees of the
a most beautiful
cultivated there by th
bank. It can be mad
--A Gospel Tempera
the auspices of the lo
bo held in the Temper
day evening next. Rev
will: bo the speaker of
Methodist church. Sund+
will bepresent, and
singing will complete t
are invited. A collect'
ice meeting, ander
it W. 0. T. U., will
ace Hall, on Mon,
Win. MacGregor
he evening. The
y School Orchestra
a recitation and
e programme. All
n will be taken to
5® Cents Cash will pay for Tun Times,
for new subscribers, till the end of
the .year:
-Mr. John Nichol on, son of Mr. Nichol-
son, of the Bluevale 'cad, who has been
working in Chicago . r the past two years,
gave the Tutus a ea11 the other day. He
left Chicago a couple of weeks ago, after
spending a week talo g in the fair. When
be left Chicago the lb lclings were not com-
pleted and many of tl
in place. His brother'
Chicago, Mr, Nichol
hem, this week.
...Ann exchange s ys :---Ilosv many school
children even in to ns are taught to keep
step in walking 7 eeping step ineaus that
those walking tog Tier rtop,vleft feet at
once, and right fee at once. Let a couple
try walking toget mer, the left foot of one
stepping with the right toot alit() other.
The result is alter to bumping of should- a
ers and separating. Then try keeping step
e.,each acl ste i '.
With h
t e earn
Hanle p1
p g foot,
left with left and r ght with right. The re- I
salt is manifest. he boys and giria in all f
sehools shank' atop when walking. It t
helps tointpt ve ppearanceanddiscipline• t
Theit;e who'dbsin it are becoming trier° 1
tnitrearous, Let r*ral saltools follow the es:* a
The days are s
—And soon with
The ant will join
n summer eels
iftly slipping by,
Icep elation
he gicnie pie
The lacrosse el b will givea promenade
Mont in the rink, on the evening of the
9th June.
—The Hurons o Goderich defeated the
Rustlers of Einem ine at lacrosse in Luck,
no v, on 24th insta t, by two goals to none,
—An alarm of e was sounded On Mon-
day night about 1 o'clock, a lamp in Mr,
Wm, Sheridan's esidence, on Edward
street, having explo ed. Thefurewas extin.
guished without t re aid of the firemen,
though they were p omptly on hand, aftei
the alarm was soun ed.
—G T Retrains f Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.85 a m and 11.20 a m,
via W G 2 B Division, 'and at 6.45 a ni
and 3.50 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—The .Advance nog. not be exercised
about our temperance views. We will try
and struggle along a• we have been sluing.
Of course Mowat's li, nor license law is ob-
noxious to a great ma y people in Ontario,
but it is the hest Boon: o law we ever bad in
this province. While he liquor traffic is
licensed, the law will e obnoxious to some
people, especially thos: who wish to break
—We would like to ave all subscribers
now in arrears to pie, :e pay up. While a
large number have fell .wed out the goodin-
junction, "pay in adva co," there are scores
who are on the list of elinquents, many of
them having made no •emittance whatever.
Those are the ones we . efer to particularly,
and hope this will en ce to bring about the
desired results. Remamber, no newspaper
can prosper as long as the hard earned dol-
lars remain in the pec: eta of the subecri-,
—The Be.vW. Ma. Gregor, Wingbam,
leaves for New York n xt week to sail on
the Anchor Line Mail : eager "Circassian,"
via Londonderry for Scotland, on Satur-
day, June
y, 3rc1, He g. •son a visit to his
mother, after many y=ars absence from his
native land. He will also, before his re-
turn, spend some ti.. e in England. His
church grants him th ee months' leave of
absence. The pulpit, while the pastor is
away,wilI be supplied , y Mr. J. H. Cameron,
Woodstock College.
• --A meeting of the 'rectors of the Turn-
berry Agricultural S. iety was held in town
on Saturday last. T1 e question of securing
new grounds for sh purposes was up for
onsideration, when a committee, consist -
ng of Messrs. Chas. + Ienderson, Geo. Mof•
at and D. McIiinla , was appointed to in-
erview property os ers in Wingham, and
eport at a meeting o be held at Swarts'
otel on Saturday ternoou next. It is to
e hoped the societ will be able to secure
uitablo•grounds on reasonable terms.
e exhibits were not c
Villiam also resides in i
on .returned to his
Wingham has a r mbar of fast horses,
nd. on the 24th they captured purses in
several places. Mr. Geo. Roe took first
money in the three minute trot at Shel-
burne, with Miss arfreld. Mr. J. E.
Swarts won first and second in the free for
all trot at. Dungan an, Walter G. taking
first and John He ry second. Messrs.
Beattie Bros. won rst in the running race
at Harriston, with opsy B.
—Apprentices wanted at once to learn
the dressmaking. Carter's. (late Prof.
Moody s) tailor system—only perfect sys-
tem of dress -cutting, taught to apprentices,
Miss .Efodgson has resumed business after
holida3 s and guarantees as before perfect
fits, latest styles, and good work. Teach-
ing tailor systema specialty.
—It has been 4 ided to hold decoration
day in Wingham on Friday afternoon,
,June 0th. The C radian Order of For-
esters, Independe+ t Order of Oddfellowe,
Independent Ord: • of Foresters, Sons of
Scotland and Or= nge Societies will take
part in the proce dings, and the band will
head the proeess =n to and from the ceme-
tery. We under tand that a petition hi to
be presented to . e Mayor asking that he
proclaim a hal holiday on the 9th June.
—A misslo . ry meeting was held in the d
Baptist ohur. in this place on Friday in
evening last, when addresses were delivered t
by Rev. B. ; . Smith, M. D., of St. Cather-
Mee, and B. v. lt. Chute, of Strathroy, e
missionaries under appointment of the T
Baptist For: ign Missionary Board, to pro- n
eeed to Indi next autumn. Itis. Smith's h
ddress eon sted mainly of a description a
of the peopl among whom he expects to n
It � ia, and their customs and 1a
Waite, and fr. Ch'tto pointed cut the duty o
o every On: to asslrt in sending the gospel
o the heat .n. The addressee were in -1
cresting an instructive and were listened
o with ra, attention by an appreciative
udience. he church' choir gave several
selections di ring the evening. ,
—There was qui e - a little excitement
around the Bank o' Hamilton for an bour
or so, on Saturda last. A number of
fanners had delive ed their stall -fed cattle
that day and the g• ntlemen receiving them
had placed them o the cars and consigned
them to a gentlem in Montrealiutending
to pay for theta w �u they went back to
the bank. It wa an hour or so before
t',ey could get in omtnrmication with the
buyer in Montreal, and in the meantime
the cattle had go e forward. All's well
that ends well.
Butitled to the Best.
Ali are entitled to the best their mosey
will buy; 80 every family should
have, at once; a bottle of the best family
remedy, Syrup of lige, to oleausethe sys-
tem when costive or bilious, For sale le
lac. bottles by all leading druggists.
—Mr. James Jo inston, of Scott street,
this town, who has een ailing for about
ten years with abso d of the stomach, be.
dame mentally de aged on Sunday last
nd tried to pat an nd to himself on Mon -
ay morning about eight o'clock by shoot.
g himself. Re ha become poseessedof a
wenty-two caliber revolver, and while
alone for a'few aro elite he gob out of bed
u the floor and sh himself in the left ear.
he wound was not fatal, and a few min•
tea after he again rot himself in the fore -
end. Medical an other aid was prooured
std one of the bull Is extracted, and it is
ow thought that to will recover, though
e is very low. , ,Toltnoton is a civil and
bliging man, and his many friends are
nrpriaed at the rn matters have taken.
—London Free Frees of edneeday con-
tained the following: ','r, Frederick Ab-
bot,, of the London Censer atory School of
EIocution, accompanied by Ifiss M. T.
Stem:won. of Gue]p1i Mi
of Teeswater, and Mr.
s Nello Mellardy,
Sim Fax, of this
city, will leave in a few • < ye for the. North•
west and Pacific Coast. They will appear
iii'the .larger eities an towns throughout
Manitoba, North-west ► rritories and Brit.
lag' Columbia, and wi he absent tibout
ten weeks. AIready bout thirty dates
gave been booked, i eluding Winnipeg,
Portage Ia Prairie, Br ndon, liegina, Fort
William and Rat P• lege, so that from
present indications thventure will prove
a great success. The our has been arrang-
ed and .plannedby th. < London Entertain-
ment Bureau, of this ity.
—The Dundas Ban er makes the follow-
ollowing sensible observat" ns :--"The prize lot-
tery and guessing : fake advertisements
sirculd be withdraw from all respectable
newspapers, now t at the way in which
people have been ' windled by them has
been .exposed in the oronto Police Court,
where it was show that everybody wile
sent a guess accomp, niod by the necessary
dollar, or 50 cents, n s declared a winner,
no matter what h guess might be, and
was thereupon asked o forward more money
for packing and expi yes charges on an al-
leged prize. In some 'aces cheap prizeswere
sent when the moa • y was forwarded. and
in others the move was simply put into
the cash -box and no more notice taken of
the sender. The + oronto papers, which
should set a good e - ample in this respect,
aro the greatest offs tiers in this kind of
advertising, and cot try journals that look
to them to set the r ght path, have been
misled in doing so. . The guessing fake has
about run the lengt - of its tether, certainly
not before its time.
--The annual me ting of Wingham Dis-
triet of the Methodi church was held in
the Methodist .olau h in this town, on
Thursday and Friday last. All the minis-
ters of the district were present the first
day; which was occupi d in examination of
ministerial character, tc. Mr. W. Smith,
of Brussels, was reco mended to the Con-
ference to bo received i to the ministry, On
Friday, the lay delegas were also present
and general business w s transacted. The
returns of membersh p and corinexional
funds from each circus were rend. They
showed an increase in issionary and other
funds. Rev. F. Swarm , of Auburn, was ap-
pointed Secretary of tl a District, and elect-
ed to the Stationir .mmittee of the
Conference. Messrs. G o. Thomson and
R.Mclndoo were ele . t lay delegates from
the Wingham clmr to the Guelph Con-
ference, which will r set in Owen Sound on',
2nd of June next. The Stationing Coni-
mittee of the Cone encs meets on the 30th
of May, in Owen '.ound. Rev. G. P. Sal-
ton, of Brussels, vas elected to represent
Wingham Districon the Epworth League
Committee. On ie evening of the first
day of the mea ng, a platform meeting
was held in the ethodist church, when an
unusually good programme was given.
Tweuty-minute ddresses were given on the
nationalities by our ministers. "England
and the Englisl " was championed by Bev,
G. P. Salton, o Brussels; "Ireland. and the
Irish,"by RevI. F. Campbell,Ph.D,,73lyth.
"Scotland an he Scotch," by Rev. J. A.
McLachlan, t, A., of Teeswater, and
"Canada an the Canadians," by Rev. Jas,
Livingstone / of Listowel. The addresses
were high' appreciated by the large anal,
ence, as id:. was the singing by the choir
and other Rev. S. Sellery, 13. D., occupi•
ed the ch.; r.
Mr, P. Chapman, of Ripley, was in
town o f onday.
Mes: s, James Campbell, of Lueknow,
and G o. Campbell, of Palmerston, agent
Sund with friends in town,
ilfr W. M. 'Gray, of Seaforth, was .in
town • n Tuesday Iast, on business.
Mr 0. W. Graves, of London, general
travel ing agent of the G. T. B., was in
town n Monday last,
Mr. W. ',Kinsman, of Lansing, Michigan
is ho e ti visit to friends' in town.
13 :sell Post Messrs. Samuel Laird,
of Sir tford; .loeeph Laird, of Wingham,
and 8 plan Laird, of Hineardine, were in
town net Friday.
Mr:. Jtte, Irwin, of Sttdbury, Ontario, is
at of her sister,. Mra. 3,A, McLean.
W. C. Meyer arrived home from
X. W. T., on Saturday night last.
rnee A. belated and X. MoGragor
Miele. NeW Teae. the g
( Wholesale --.Gordon ,it McIntyre ate in it mi.
condition to supply families or sootate° tap,a
with new tear, at jobbate pricer, Now ie
the shale to seente Your teas. Mee
spent Frida - a#tarnoon laet with
Mr, and. • rs, Jos. Sinratid, of I,x
spent Sunda last with friends in
Mrs. John Ritchie and ileamirter
Taylor left u Monday afternoon 1
trip to Cbic go, They will speak
time seeing •he eights at the Ware,
before their etuxn.
Detective Lucas, of Seattle, Washi'
aha becam • well known to many o
eitizons th •ough his connection wi,'
Garbutt ca= -, was iu town on Ptiday,i
Mrs, J.I.obt Elder is in Clinton
Mrs. D
Seaforth for
Misses Sa
241b with fi
visiting his
24th in town
bother Will
Mr. Robt.
Saturday an
his son, Mr.
Mr. and 11
Fred Vandri
on the 24th,
infant child
Mr, W, J Paisley, of Clinton, lie
inspector for ' sat Huron, Was in tow
Saturday las -
Mr. John a eelands was in Clinto
Friday last, business, •
Mr. D. F. rawford, Medical Studer
Toronto Uni =rsity spent, the 24th at
residence of r, D. A. Campbell -
Mr. D. A. mpbell and sons J J.
Geo. B.; also rs. N. H. Barlow, of To
to, were home < few days this week on
count of the .:vete illness . of little
Maggie Hiscoc cs.
Miss A. Gill spie, Of Blyth, is vizi'
Mr. Jame% R, nald, of Listowel, r
town on busine ,. en Thursday,' and
the Tanis a cal .
Miss Hattie oderns has returned fr
an extended vis t to friends in Musings,
Mr. Jos. Mas n is , home this week vi
ing bis family.
Silis was visiting friertd4
few ,days, this week, -
• ple, of Brussels, ' spent
nag in town.
itobell, of Cranbroo'k,
rother Simon, in town, ore:
Mitchell, of Bina., spent
and was the guest of
iseoeks, of Teeswater,
Sunday laet in town, visii
-. . Hisaocks,
0, Jos.. Vandriok and.
of Listowel were in
ttending the funeral of
Mr. James Vaudrick, of
An Old Proud.
Mr. P. 13. Flannagan, formerly wit
Brennan cC Co„ tanners, Wingham, no
Hanover, writes to 0. E. Williams, say:
"Please send me by express two Sof
more of Iieathfield's Healing - Balsam,
find it the best cough medicine I ceu
We world not he without it in our fam
It will cure any kind of cough or cold
gives immediate relief. I recommend i
all my old Wingham friends and 'titian
speak too highly of it."
Sincerely yours,
`F. B. Flaxs,sct,t.
For sale at Williams' Drug Store, at
per bottle.
24th of M in Wingham,
Iter Majesty's B thday was right ro
ly celebrated ia W gham on Wedne
The day was fine, ut cool, and by noon
town was pretty ell filled with visit
At one o'elock he evert?, nota aeneac
the park, by a foe ball &etch hetwee
Wingham and rickyatd" teams, tivh
after a keenly con sted match, result
favor of the Wing ant: boys by ,three g
to none. The bas ball match, between
Union, of Wroxe r and Gerrie; and
Wingham team,w s Won by the Union
a score of 10 to 4. Good jrldy'was made
both teams. A. fo than match between
juniors of Teeswa er and Winghans r
ed in favor of Tees ter,byenegonl to
The men's foot rates were hotly emit+
Mr. Chas. Stewart, of this town, win
first in both that 100 and 200 yard
The boys and girld races were well cos
ed, and the young ere used every eff
show in front at t o finish. The deg
between Harry , dereon's and E
Moore's spaniels w won by Hurry's d
good style. The e hibition of water
was witnessed by a arge creed of int
ed spectators, and t to firemen's fight,
tween Messrs. TI s. Moore and
Drnmmond,was co tested with a good
of tenacity, but in he end Mr. D'loore
declared the winn •. The town b
in attendance at t e park during t:
and liberally disco reed sweet meetot
The eoneert int se evening., in t
hail as et
as n sn e
r lIat
t ended as it s
have been. Tile programine•--give
Ideal talent—was it good one and was
-�••-ll'e's in trouble, o s his wife,
. Betimes he triad, they say,
To Ikea a *9,0001iio
*ACD ptayr