HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 6• - •
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If* viihr 1 5) -
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eitAilei told me, nIiss Deere,
erreeatingly. "Islo ono yo' can. fight, -nit he, himself, was your suitor, ar
*nag only me, I don't generally bat you had refused him because of ihe
. . • i
lAili24S, MAY 1'2
WON ,,f4.T1010.1PAINNW#01,144,1001.40•00,,9010f01.000.1004.0,11444146,44.0
- •er.,
mt. rotwovroitiv atiiiirmid , nous ..w..1 ' re,,,ry will xoco Adeth•eu
:Unglue 3Y4.1011114r1.40,000 reemlall(e1•11 orsep-nr, rrittlor Veneto -Jo New Vlan-...
•i telt of These Who (mewled the ,Plar9
Alread Tonelson.
,teebefleator Regis ;VAS appointed. by
limey mg, with L00 eitillings Lad -
tilitineor WS appointed laureate by
itiehard 11., about 1080,
John Ita was appointed to the laurel
t., otee.• irnotdo and e, Duni. „ woo xfo "renew add t4) 411.Wart IV., about 1402.
A nilrew Bernard. watt the laureate in
'rho ie•.iylvcrext railroad AnIginY .4;kiiiiol;eseDe147:: ilitaltaisilb11741'fitilillo(nItkPrebab70
the Tvign, of Henry VIII„ beelnuing
• ium polite' 'Pressure of se a
I "
has just befit a 0-myelin/I locomotive that the dreain of Arctic eV/Oration "hlse Skelton Isette appointed. te follow
train 100 flan an hour. The. Zead will be realized, and that, too, bekre, Bernard by nem/ VILA., about 1314.
the close of the of the present (=tug. Edmund Spenser 'was appointed by
intended to baul a heavy nassenger
e ter 1 overt-R.4e and the steam is allowed lieut. Peary will won set out again; Queen Elizabeth about 13LA),
exheust ordeeklY escaping -froM •„ initi proceed this time with the benefl 'Samuel Daniels was appointed by
.. high-pressure • 10w-pressnre Elizabeth V:. succeed Spencer abottt
tho lc eomotive is capable. of hauling 10 at a recent valuable experience amorni
1.17, is to ime a formidable rival in Dr.
the icy fastnesses ot the far north, am Jon
Ben &Mon Ire the appointee et
dere and theme :Die the air, In theery
loaded sleepertl between New Yorle end Pritljof Nausen, a sturdy NertvOgian,
Philadelplua en 00 minutes, or 0; an °Italics I. in, MO,
pen. other folks' letters, and I woultln t _;lijoetene, 0 yourp p .. . evil° will attack the problem on. a 110 VI Willittill Davenant followed in 107, ,ap
"For woe" hsopped them. ales, Courttat-A aht the c)tine,iis a the all, conditions of 00 miles an hour, .As
• - this includes etops and arbitrary Cm°, h7, the light of the latest seimiti a . neW.
we deue, it for inysrlf; I did for yo'." . She raieed her eyes to his swiftly and .
"For -,V. I reckoned what yo' plight • "And you think I oug•ht to have an- nation. But when I lest dined NIrilli . • 1
it wiil comne a speed wherrever pose' me
,, ledge of polar currents .and Joe -drift,
), and 1 told Sam to bring me the let- - • 7 pted him?" she said, slowly. them in WashInglas, eesi years ago, I
' of 100 miles an hour, The weight of The letter intend to Set. ettt next.jhene
•rs first. I didn't mind what you. ' ,.'N'o! but -you know -you told the locomotive 'dere is 145,000 pounds. , years
twelve men, provisioned or fivo
eate to the company -for th y'll take 7 e h (Tan, huniedly, but shelled arcade fortable, and I remember that Um. 1 lu running orde‘r:elith tender att I 1 '• • il. - • •
in a vessel so construoted that 3 •
mse.se found them both very happy and cone -
tee ot yo' and their own. 444,4'S WV all '. Pen, and was shaking out the fops /2 CcYtlytland•s remarks upon federal policy I the weight ;.si U4,000 pounds. T the• -1 t3t '
t the same basket, 1 didn't open Mat -- ‘,..:. dress. and state intez•ests, the education of
children and the management of the 1 The drive -wheels are 7 feet in diameter,.
45,000 pounds over each pair of drivers. i
1.)gelae,t(4), , will rise erom between me, s te s „ei,
' eaee of preesetre instead of being crushed
'vele yo'aelf ay. -y. Per if ye lease 1 ..oining here and taking. Sophrs place, , 1:7 them,
no. But 1 did this When I saw the ad- , "Were not talking business, co'nnle- family, were eminently wise end prac- i
, the largest ever built. Boiler pressin.e the seven boats are capable) c
ress. It was os 1 expected, gnu you'd end busineee was my only excuse for tical. I of 200 pound:31m been maintained on holding the entire crew, with provieione
Two of
aose soldieTe dowo here, yo'll have a 'Al send her in to pi now." E [aim nenol
- i trial tripe with the greatest ease, The
I boiler is 5 by 27 feet and the fire box 9 ter several months. and warm tents,. in
stho ;'lip has to be abandoned.* ':ato
me, sere! Don't move, couhae, pea i - "Bat, Miss Dows!-Miss Sally!" I I feet by 40 incheo inside measurement. vessel '• ngged as a three master, br
my not eare foe that-ite hi your hue, . She stopped- hesitated- a singular A VICTIM OF MARRIAGE. I To the top of 'she eab is 14 feet and to late eeelues of 170 borscepowee end will
lat folks will f.0,y. that the soldiers • • .-cakness for so self-contained a natur..' neupeeked ConferHes That Matrimony s • tho top of the stae7.: 1.5 foot. Tho ran- etnn e a balloon to be held captive for
veren't sent to prevent rioting, but -and then slowly produced from he. , ie mestere. ). 1 nine. board it the mime height on engine purposes of observation, Tho lighting
aoll be done by. electricity. The expe,
hat Centtle Courtland was using his pocket a second letter -the one the"; eltain't been ary _cyclone swain!' 1 and tender, and forms an apron in front
1 of the cylinders to protect them froui (111.1.r.'71. will be undertaken under the
ad comrades to keep order ()T1 hiS .:Yourtland had directed to the company: 'round these parts, has they, stranger?" dirt and the emit. of cold air. Sanding most favorable auspiees, Xing °SCOT
oroperty at goeement expense. If 1
-O('-' "I didn't, read vies letter, as I 1 t
-ns - talh "l'..Tot unless she got by when my and cylinder c: eke are worked b7 emit,- has taken great interest in the project
igure rialto. 'and waving its prettY in it, but I thought I'd ?Irina t via
i- 1- -- -4 me- 'Nary catamount with her back up, pull on • the lever, the locomotive ha j',-,-,--1.
back was turned." pressed air. Instead of the long,. hard fen(
and was the first contributor to tho
Two-thirds of the expenses will
01; HO old convolve" said the little 5o', cenule, for I reckon I know what's
wins with a mischievous simulation of ion -in ease yo' changed yer mind." ieokiti' ter trouble?" . started by an 0:2S'i bend of the wrist... paid by the Norwegian Government
eaTified deprecation. "Don't shoot! De raised himself on his pillow as els- ,,Not lately." The trucks have n eliding side motion oe .
and the rest hes been subscribed pin -
:).f • course yo' didn't mean that but turned quickly away; but in that single ..Nar-
y compound extreet of Calamity • • . e ‘ -
le inchee eh well aa a central motion, vately, the Royal Ceographical Society
:hat's about the way that seth'n men ...vanishing glimpse of her bright face- 'arm en wholesale destruction?" permitting the highest speed around having else shown its sympathy by
making a grant towards defraying tho
the continuedamore gently yet, with ad ever seee upon the face of Sally . ler fast work and not for climbing cost of the trip.
The chief of the expedition talke con,
will put it to yo'r government. For," he saw what neither he nor anyone else eNary.,, curves. The. locomotive was built only
the shtewdeet twineh in her gray Dows-a burning blush! "Then I reckon I kin stoe an breathe grades. It wir, be put ma trial. in throe fidently of success. Ho does not know
absent.. H says h
the bed, but she was gone. There wee 0 - • t - .f ) b
wit last mob . en my wi e s been ler. ierovo;,s eesperlestece A0road. ' .•
- . how loee, he will
ay bo away only two years, but feels ,
Lorca was commuted into an animal
On Southey's appointment in 1818 the
?yes, "if yo' really the ,tht the niggers „miss sau_1,,
y lie almost leaped from .",,,,
u,..eelf • weeirs,-Plulade.plua eia .-
exie•ht need federal protection, yo'd e a faro bank at The Colonel's
• 0 • d‘ ." -I- ':' Brown of Wall certain hew,.be ae - v ie en. o five „
.11 b I,. b tl d f
h m "b the opposite payment of kl7 in addition to the salary
CONO11.4.TtirArir. voi.r,"
average speed h!. all weather and tinder plan with approved accontrements end appointed by Charles. 1.
John Dryden WAS appointed in 1070
by Charles II.
Thomas Shadwell succeeded in 1089,
appointed by William 111.
Nahum Tate was appointed by Wil •
Ilam 111, in 1003,
Nicholas Bown was appointed by
George I. in 1719.
Lawrence Eusden was made laureate •
by George 1, in 1710.
Colley CibberWaS appointedby George
11, in 1700.
William Whitehead was appointed in
1758 by George IT.
Thomas Wartcn was mado llwxcato
in 1783 by George III, •
Xenry James Pye was appointed by
George III, in 1700.
Robert Southey was appointed by the
Prince Regent in 1813.
William Wordsworth was appointed
by Victoria in 1843.
Alfred Tennyson was appanted by
Victoria in ino.
Chaucer was the first who received an
allowance of wine; granted in 1380. • •
Bon Jenson's. salary was P100'and a
tierce of Canary wine.
of eophy. otreet and the Union Leave club, was 3°41 ., " .
have lirt me write to the commandant to enother rustle at the door -the entrance
send an escort -rust to ye but to Cate- -
atter me ever slime with three knives, .
that he might be able to (war. back in . two gnus an' her dander up. Say, Pm • routew thattaken at departure. 11is Call her back, S Ithe oily passenger on . a night tram
eafety, Yoq have bad 2-, ee -.01diers; 0P 1.3/, quick!" be et - • ' low, i I• v ts c lek r
eeid.from Ilemburg to Berlin. The rimnina fidence is ba -sed on the now establish.ed
dress, nalligator grip•an' a diroem' ring,factb •
that, modes minor currents which
vie I a n. Liz t an a a 3 e
lt•cl have had beet: my nigere -abit•b." ...„' , f. the night traine was stopped by theb
e d. - Bat," still more demurely, and ae. say goes-s.hedone gone, sitinn,i, .13 ,
"13nt b.ophy! ' Pethaps00:(1 111111-'.': she kin ran down en see her folks.
don't object to sendin' her up the road, . ',Aside th.e city, and the conductor, .
but I've got my eye on the bank at while assisting *r. Brown to corral his
on, , . . . , .:e31., . autb.oritiee. This particalar
e with .1. ticket to 'Tombstone so's
1 ':rtili. was brought to a standstill jnst
'" • 'n flow south•ward in the Arctic . archipela-
go of North America, an immense vol
ume of water flows southward between
Greenland and Spitzbergen, lunch el
demurely) "yo' 'I: ne,,rress shook her turbaned head I
(1°r•i't se"1 i ' 1"1"1" "NOir M. tich, honey! When'Ili -s c -tell
eself mach about, conn lee -and there
the sormfieant lace of the earl tempted which is believed to come from the
'snit a seth'n ram). would Oeve 01,j,`Ch-
fectedly smoothinn• out her eriep skirt . kl . ., , Jt 'ter J no ' an' it'll t ke every laggiose, wee emzed with. cholera. Mr.
ipi. o es , rivers of Siberia and Alaska, and as
rcwith he little hands, "NW haviact been lum, perhaps it ,t as on!y an impulse of. dollar I've got to 4.ust it en tharoW in a /1" '' ' r 1 'et B 1'
„I...own escape( _ ss. eron male the._ con-
, these waters have a comparatively high
'troubling rue muck with vaO• :.e-sinetl. - .131116' temperature the danger frOm ice may
his forgotten :-youth•-` Sophyl" appeal- gilt -edge, doub;,e-heaner toot But . '
( motor was lugged , back to Ham
ingly-"tell me -is Miss Sally engaged !yhere he and two members ot ins fam-
lately." that's the way with wimmen. No . .- not be so great as is generally sapposed.
to her cousin?" 'flees of what's wile. Ain't married •:ly died. Mr, Brown put himself under . Evidences of the existence of •this cur -
A swift and utterly nee 1. Pra,41.en-. ew,it cm:, eaid So h in battlement 1 .,,, 'the charge of a physician atd ultimate -
Inert swept over ma . scorn. "Miss Sally engaged to dat "Well, I rent are numerous. Driftwood both
iion •thied For the ' ' P 5' e be ye. -
oi gl00.-Counnercitd Gazette.
Retributive Justice.
Are men punished in this life for
their misdeeds? Well, I am inclined
.to believe- they are. An incident in the
handsome little City of Rochelle, Ill.,
converted. me to this way of thinldng,"
remarked Clarence Wood to the coria- •
dor man at the Laclede. In 1870 I was
living in Rochelle. Several ugly fire,
evidently the work of incendiaries, had
occurred in the village, and at last sae.
'Aden 'pointed to a man named Adams. •
A party started to hunt him up, with.
ly Toadied Carlsbad.
ehalt. -SIT.? in his lenoyle,,,dgle of hee he. Immonti Whet fee NTou're crazy. NoI" "Yo. ung.tell hr! yer in bi,g luck, 'cause t:!arlebad beats anything in this min- --, •
guess riot." Mr. Brown says that the fishing in Year on the coasts of Greenland and
Siberian and American Id found every
the avowed. intention of lynclung•..hitne
ad soddenly grasped wrens ores per- Be hid in the third, story of a prick
3 '`'Nor Champney1 Tell me, Sonia,- Lepitz ergen, taxiNc ,
b P - i e stone oicked an
aps the true conception of her cher- has she a lover?" marriage is a. fallen-% blamed if 'tain't. tvy. In the rem: of eve*. hotel or big on the shores of ,ot way . las an 1...
1 „i., Wilding, -where- lie was discovered. A
eta Imolsing• at her learly now he Poi: a moment the whites of Sophy's Say, I'm goin' over t' Jupiter's, an' if e•eeteurant is .a, large tank, in e
4hich doubted Siberian origin, and so have the rope -was hastily placed about his neck
riderstoocl the meaning; of those pliant eyes were uplifted tn speechless scorn. you ran counter of a blizzard in petti. ewiin scores oI: big, fat trout. Before dust and ;wood 'which have been gather-
• and he was thrown out of the window.
rades, so. anallected and yet always "Ye' ask diit! Yo' lyin' Star wid dat coats runnin' that way, kindly lead 'er breakfast the guest takes a look into
, f,..• the tank ande selecting, a fish to suit his ed from ice floes between Spitzbergen. In. the struggle he caught hold of the
window sill and one of the lynchers . . -
. teff en tell 'er • - 1 •
e ou saw me Ina sin ... and Greenlimd. After •narrating thene
.. tite htbs for it with a small weep seized a rusty old Imiethet and chopped
f t • i a recent lecture at the London
' off his fingers. It was afterwaed des -
t .Ontrolled "al: the reasoning of an un- snake -bit arml 1 o' ,lyin der and Miss the Colonel's OWn, an' obliged t'ye.
oqased intellect; her friank. speech and • ,
tolansible intonations!. Before him stood do fust quality in de state raoun her- , finally, having captured the fish, turns University, Dr. Nansen stated it as his
Sally -who has only to whistle to call Day.stranger."-Detreit Free Press. net 'Which an attendant furnishes, and
' he erne -born datiohtlr of a, loner race :,conclusion that "The natural way of . covered that the. poor deeil was entirely.
f politicians! AU that he had heard oe tTotting on yo'r arrants-and ye' ask A Paris physician asserts that the utes serves it beoiled to . perfection.
. • .• crossing the unknown region is to take -
a ticket with floe ice, enter the cureent innocent of the erinte tor which he suf-
fered. Eleven Mien. solln1 of the pro-
. coming and going here wit' you and Curious Condensations. ' it over to the chef, who in fifteen min.
ere incarnate, with ttie added grace re! , about twenty-seven Cents in Ameridan somewhere near the •IsTew Siberian. • . . ... . ..,
minent merchants of Rochelle; were in.
lidir d.exterity, tact mad expediency rose datl Yes! she has a lover, and what's present cholera epidemic dame from the
• The fish and the fun of catching it costs
lover; and what's mo' so' can't help it The census of India, just completed, ' a
I money. It bas been estimated by die- e
Islands and let it carry us ,,,,,,..ie
-.„.,....„- lit the party that mingea wen, and within,
an incredibly short eseive of time every
• me, she ean,' t help it,. and yo're her germ* brought there in 1884. -
• erhaps a da,wning kJ'. hope • eeshed either! An yo' can't baele oat of it now ahows that country to have a populatioa anguished fishermen in the United aaDr°r8.sNansen will proceed from Norway one of the met a violent death. The
, -bofe of yo'-nebberl Po' yere hers ef 230,000;000, a gam of 11 per centavos, _ .
nu matter where caught in this broad to Nova Zeinbla, Mid thence eastward man •Who chained off the fingers of
omanhood. A quick sense of mite!. -
. and she's yo're-fo' ebber. Por she I -P:!• 1 country, costs tho sportsman 0110 dol- to1. mouthof theLena, h• 1 is, their victim shlot himself thratigh the
on hien. 0 States that every pound of brook trout
..1 what he believed to be the sudden in- sa,,Ised yo'
What!" gasped Courtlancl, aghast at
prepared fee bar, el m France while still
stalement that fo.rty.people are annually.
1.A Paris physician is authority for the
.1 lar. Mr. Brawn thinks the Carlsbad
system is a great improvement - on. the
American methode-New York Sun. h t '' G 1 d. Tb. c he will sail •
t a or reen an • en e
nottlr,vard till the pa.ek ice renders tur-
ther navigation inipossible in spite of
proximately in opposite longitude to
• cidentally ailliel " --o were shot in
I 'heart. Two ,,or three went crazy 'and
either destroyed themrcir es or were tic -
brawls, At ;he end of three years not •
"But how will tliis insure Cato's t ot mou ye ie e aP- •
slaty hereafter, or give protection to
tpoe others?" he said, fixing his eyes .
n her.
. e
"The future won't. concern ete,' mneb. • a nee
lo'nnle, if, as yo' say heteeearar •resig-
ation is sent- in, and your successor apt
inted," she replied, with more gray-
• than she had previously shown.
O "Rut you do not think I will leave you
4 this ancertainty,11 he said, passion-
- 1y- He stopped stalcienly. His brow
ricered. "I forgot," he added, coldly,
on will be welt Protected. Your ---
tufa- -will give you the counsel of
and -closer ties."'
To his infinite astonishment Mie.e.
Iley leaned forwercl in. her, cloths at- ei
ed 'her laughing fake in 'both 'her
nds. When her -dimples became again,
'bite she said, with an effort: "Don't
' think, cennle, titataas a peacemaker
cousin was even a, bigger failure
"I don't understand," stammeeed C,haumney a few days later, with a rim the grand h '.ert up to 1,880.000 foot. say about it?"
sanity of the negress. A blac,: reel necklace worn by si.a!ly ' Spontaneous Generation of Animal Life. the most strenuous efforts to push the one,of know,them was alive. Retribution? I
"Yes! Whales yo' eyes! whar's yo' Ilchester at a recent entertainment is A readerresiding at Waco,Texas, ship thraagh the ice. Tho plan is to dont but 1 know that nearly
yearst who's yo' Slat yo' didn't see nor said. to be worth $125,000. There is only writes as folloes: "I witnessed trans- run the vessel ae far as may be into the eLefybody thought so." -Globe Demo-
heah nuffin! When dey dragged yo' a single row of the gems. I mutation in SanvSaba county, this State,- ice and let it stiele there for the winter, .
outer de swamp dat night,-wid de Washington Ir -;ng, Longfellow,Emer-: in the spring of 1850. In a little dirty, or perhaps forever. The party will then ' _ham_ nnanneno
--dat poh chilel-clat same :Miss Sally yehtemaa, Dickens and Victor Hugo hairs, some of which were wriggling at boats on the ice, the expectation being ' o o , v..- .r.n,ta.. wort...a.m. . ........
snake -bite fresh on yo' arm -didn't she, son, Oliver Wendell Hohnes, Whittier, ' stagnant pool I saw a quantity. a horse- move on in a northerly direction in the ! - •
frow herself down on ye, and pat clat have each demonstrated by their litres a great rate. I got off my horse and it will be assisted by nature instead of ;
baby mouf of hers to de -wound and and work; 'be bereficial rssults e.': oarlo examined them. A minute snake'e head fighting against her.. The theory is that 1
Imper:al Govetnnient has granted $200,- terms of the body.
For some length sea between Spitzbergen and Greenland,
-- . 000 for a :medical school for women tc below the 'head' the hair appeared th be having in this way reached and passed
make yo' one blood. and one soul! Ger
dar! Lie down clar! ilor on, co'nnle, site bee been gi e. by the city, . T body (hair) was instinct with life, While the pole.
By next Auguet or September the ex- ;
eva,y-evhite man! I'm siek of ye! Stop be established. a'St Petersburg. TT. greatly enlarged. ; only about • half the
for inassy's sake. Well dar-I'll mill .
The total work performed by the i..-, the whole lower part was nearly .01. rorers will have reached the northern ;
her back!" was hmit of open water north from those •
man body daring five hours et. moun- . quite motionless. The upper half
And she did1 rails clhabiag is equal to 1,320,000 foot- i 01 censtaiit, never ceasing motion. I la all s'
I d and enteredupon the region of
"Look here -don't you knaw-it :puma, . A, corinting other forces e.a. ' saw this with my oevii eyes and know it la°, shut out from the rest ofthe world,
suck oat de pizen .and sabe de life oh 3.1::'n.g ! was visible at the upper or root end of the explorers will be taken by the drift -
yon at de risk, ab her own! Sayl And The Russians h become so alive te ach hair, and 1 count even see what ing.of the ice floes right across the polar
dey's any trod in Hindee, don't rlat the wine of -women physichms that the appeared to be the Pulsations of the zw- region clown into the East Greenland
and. 'With no hope of return save in the .
" aid t .1 vi .1.1. Dr Bncheister says to be true. What do the philosophers currents which their leader believes:to
rather took me by surm se, . .
=flaw'. hearty grip of the colonel's uninjtr, peonds, ! I can anewor this query in a very run right across the polar area. If he
be mistaken they may never come back.
"Don't yo think," she continued, hand -"but don't bear mate.... old el s'eell-lensatm. cf Troy, tliort sente;ce. They. say that spontii-
If the theory on whic:h he is working bo
her eyes emarely, "thatif yoong fellow. Only, by Jove. it we . e, who always sannaere in his native neous gpne-ation of life is an :utter int -
correct, and no unprovided for occur-
inan about my size, who 3.ed go'• sensible. all. mute'. businves-lik . -mice Place, BenninestOso, V'a ...fa having lit9 possibility: -St Louis Repubhc,
own. pgave dug the beautiful cense.. routes:prevent it, the party will "come
rfeetiy tired and, sick of ell this for the girl to an ,• • eincler Waste NiA.
show ' * eneme sapervision. ; makes excellent pie crttst„ The use of fort to solve. Many people may be of
people what sort of a. radical (me, the way ;tad detrimental, don't :t.tr... f;ip.tin, as r• -.wintry, is still toreibly i lard. and other fats should.' be avoided, the opinion that the discovery, if made,
litioniet a so'th'n 1:anan of their ow., . knoev, tbet Vroalld it ke the fancy oe a backward in ;matters of sanitation, bat it ft n 1 - s el uhpleesant aftei will not bo worth what it has cost, but
I, might become, she'd have Sent le : girl Ili"' Unit• esonwbody like that it has progressed someeyhat during the rste,° Into Ter ir(it pan putt the sinali. •we cannot be too sore of that, for some
le Dumont as a satnple? Eh? Only, cousin ef le...e. er Iligbee, or even aze, last ceittury and a half. Intim yew: baits el fat trimmed frMn a piece of beef, of the grandest practical results 'have
/ming of the streets ol' end let it sinamer four or five hottrs on grown from . discoveries that at first
eclare to goodness! /never rckonee. by Jovz, that v. ii :tweet! thought of look- (700 the clethe back of the range, Strain it and sot (leaned to be unimportant. There may
-fooling of the vOndette, and te•Irt, the Ifusi,ws. Ard gal,. :11 the time ee physicians of the city being of opinior, Mos of ordinary size take a cupful of this
the refrigerator. To make three be no legitimate grOund fOr hope that a
colony cat be planted at or near the
t he and Higbee 'Would revive that lug beyond our emcee ever thougat o2 Madrid was acts:tally forbidden, the it in
shootin' each otheniat once." cold and sile.it veal mritter of -fact that the filth VMS wholesome and the i
,s+nme von. innovation unnecessary. a or al a cup, an hal a cup ei
t_.... h f a f 1 pole, or even that the new route Will
'And ;vour sendiuge for your co :she about it, Pelt 1 eene,..„ . . , ' butter aud a saltspoonful of salt ; Tub over be commercially praeticable, but
oat on the other side" after having
inade about yos4 because yo' were. never tleateett...r it befonk. 1..ttalg tory at Bennington Cater. He 113 ill
perfect health, but desires to have his ' every household there should bo mastered the problem which it has cost
noith."`n, man. ritanaging tniggers, ermi sac r, fellow wee zaways.
, permanent heave built ander his own tendered Iref flq. This; with butter, many lives and much money in the ef-
that young. womaii wanted to certain it noeld something
only a feint to Trotect rile," tiai/:. You've got 11.e .easiurse. --. on ...I, saeo '
A. 1".eculler Mugs oi• Dritalkaisis. L . 11 e
'0 ft meant ws i e woo on sp on.
. the achieveinent may add vastly to the
land, faintly. .four Mips lef flout and Mix thoroughly present snip. of Iplowledge, which is al -
d t . 1 t re' new a
.... ..._ -_ .....---
,,, , . Ci ,,. basis, now, and what'!, ti,, - you've got There in a peon ass els c .
liar el of drink . ,1 .i.t. 4.1 i A . c 1 ' allOSt evin y ay =et 0 so e cc-
Trii,.. io.e nathis , pour a Ottp au of led , ..
llitpn he man- tA „uftlit. to 1.14 'Ie. the one woman .,,eu, ,iin - ,,, ice intoxicating beverages that the general n0Vu f • th rite d
OT 0 Wit . aTi
water into a ole in the center of this. count m
Mi -t qalekly --,ith a Veen -Exchange. iucreasing t le coin or i i y.-
1)31 V" gi t of I tmanit-
pablie hnow bat %tie of -I mettle the
It of toquetry. -khrpr•o:ie 'we saY t heist the ;eauief:to ea • ; ; prospeeee, • . „
, night drinker. They can, be mindiered e ..4.,..--•-•-7-1..... ......... OhiettgO Tribune.
hint ow. Ife*d been„ banning round A ..
e• - s iill., 10 coarse i. eee .• -, the nee,,,
, ny the score, atm aro men who neve.. -...e...tili collies,' itteviee,
wto "bnerl op" after they get through
. line' tuggestion 1 not such. a bad ono aevertort-Tiftek so soon? I thought
It seems to me that Miss Lottie Col c winged Itis Mind. .
has property hute and wantha AC, and the Hight C'' :3, ..1.,,111::',1:W.ticipater:I. tal:a a drink in the daytime. but begto
101(0 it up Agit mine he in t
a ) he benefitA
s. 'b(r.: etz uo silos e their
day's work < They `show 111)' alt af N.:, tan, Poetry in nogiami as At 511011 you intended to stay in Xiimilton a
riy. 1 knew vslitIt MS ilOW lila.. ; racial disturbances, °illy the dietviete tight met morhing, transact their busi- aateeeedheely lew ebb now that 1 coin- Week.
ears were, and 1 thouglit ra bet- polled peacefully .1 entailer datenerathi ness as usual, and a, majority of their ne. infto (oat ,Thitriin the latest of Lot- DasheeVay- II er dear boy, 1 had never
majority at the next election. Thet',1 aceitMntances would. be willing tosweaz 4;0 Collins' vex ., in whieli she ewe: been utero when 1 inede that remark.
nit Chatnpney, 1,v1m, being a frit - .
. and an older resident than yo , were not Wttuting those who alleged that they(111
ttite MI. didn't herur
app. that Cin. f'otland hsim
ad ply become fact they are drunieseele.-Ga iono •.• She wares It env poet laureate.
, , 6
• 4. not the take part le her debate,
. • • ill te
t 1 . 1 , • • .1 us state-
We, eterile, anything. about it, Mrs. Courtland's- superintendent; dua,
11)4 ehe added, will a grave moat • . she had absoi.bed liiiti as she had evceye laitere fee enliti e 3,03'. A, ,..
fridevrinable winitle in lire oritt who bad come tinder her influence,' Olierlie---Oh. lien, mules your teethes.. '
. , .
. 1'"ie liuMire'd youth who wrote
Amt. wreathe !ilk avow heavy shoes. Ste - shots 0511 be made
the Lay..., lgliter, will wear loeger, and the first cost
Steel .. ..4earel, fennel wide rout that, 1 ate,
and that she would not rest until slat r ed she fiew 1110 Liss yen! wren t leorti-ra lloottt,de•sy. • ft liet AO metal mote that ft Peed. reveal
ntV°1 1.;-41t) Ilaricerie0:. ,`IT.Ii at': had made litin a, sentitor-'e re-nre*o.4• Clara -Never mind. She veil Pn't1:17 , '. l't• 1/,,, - olo-N1/. ete.
, .. ... i,,, tlisir being nsed.
4. 'be-I:it
Murat iterate 811600.
horses are poll:Z*10111y Made to carry toe
' 2lfr. Davie/ M. Jordon
of Iblmeston, N. Y.
Colorless, ErYieoiatod, kaIples
A ompleto Cu7'e
- b (OO7i
This is from lir. D ▪ joreho), a re..
tired fanner, and one of the mz.,st re-
spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.
"Fourteee yome age 1 line un attack of the
asavel, «1173 hes) deco been troubled W1o,.. '.12
LIver Q11(1 gthermyr.
graatudly gtOntilig worse, Terse seeise ego 1
got (lOWn SO 1011 Unita ot °lila sera ``, /tall*
)0olied more 11170 a e anise then 11 :11V:
111 00 11,p0rdite rani for Wet-( 0)7
netit tig bat focel. 1 wet he •0a.' •
and. had i10 more calor than ;mare o
IlOCAVE1 8311.1711;4431:111, Was rivet:00010er nen I
thinight rwt,,ttia1 1,-
the first bottle ; t 11, ;Ito
fered less, the intiov.. • .
der had iMbslibnl, • •
Iny hie°, mai I nee,
1)150 taken tees• • e
without hurtis... 0!
that t 0...1 1, 14 ':••0
rally r0c0r00e,,
00ttPi •
t feel WCfl area. ; • •;.. .•.
510 inn trot to sae 1110 bU .
Hribb'S PILLS • 0 • teedinner14111.
111011dit digObtion, o',.nteile • • . 1 ',Minium.:
Sl( -(1
. s .
-, et
She singe, she tach
tier bonnet string
Across the mead
Pile lyres twang,
bay madrigals a
Then low 1 the wi
She frets, she we
$he draws her Sol
She eliivers and 11
Her's is a sorry fl
The flowers drool
The bagpipe stati
E'en love is eros
Yet once (spin
She rides her pill
A. blushing, witc
A. nymph now n
We love the sae
With, wooing v
In muslin frock,
Come, sweet, ea,
ANNA 114, \VI
Out in Dalt°
experiment of
machinery of
pursuade peopl
to merely pro
which they no
what they call
tion," to distill
from the comi
tion," Each
tilted by any
ting wi ;13 t
Conciliation -
for that purpo
permitted to
No att ;pays
pear, says the
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!testimony is
moots of the
actian. The
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this 01rof t fai
are to form.
There is le
• here Idetween
the colli. 'mil
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Was a strA
soh e e ai
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them to cm-
again' jam
boys to enf
this law on
to the eom
wither too
Men get in
about it, sc
• time a vast
thing come
and heart
Any devie
seek tu ag
be of so gr
that this e
with inter
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if 11