HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 37;,-.9477,710PF11.1,
r the eelt has !men 411 stirred in,
nnin premium. very gently ut
er until the whey begins few rue °leer,
after which it tray he eafely itiereased.
In from 46 to 00 minutes the preeenre
May lata removed, the hoops taken oft,
the chew dressed neatly, and put
bank to press agaie. Apply Vuli
preeeare.hefore removing for the
Torn <them in the loops in the taorn.-!
iteet paving tiffany eornersor shouldersi
whichenay areae from imperfectibting
followers, putting batik to press for'
five .or boars longer, when the
eleeese wIZt leo ready to take into,
the tellting-reetn, which should be kept:
ste ceol.as possible during euenuer.
We woeld strongly arlyiee (wheelie,
reakere.to keep a record of (molt at,:
tinneondition of the milk, and bow life
works.each day, Stencil the cheese:
with •the data when made, the number
.of the %vat made from, and by so doing
41 peat ,many difficulties may tet over.
After getting the milk into theWn
.heet•up elovvly to 86 or 83 degree
Ripen ehe w1k well (a few seem
less 'thaw for summer o h Bette t hely
settingaune, if the weather he .co
better 'results wan be obtained by ash
a latele.elean•flavorecl our milk for
starter, .but do not under any etretero
stanees.use thick rank,
Enough nutlet should be used to;
cause (perfect coagulation in 40 Lublin,
Begin .outting with the .berizontal.
kniie andeettish with the perpentliou-!
lar„ nutting continuously until it is
After the cutting is completed the.
,eiard should be stirred slowly 'midi
gently dor .10 or 15 minutes before .any.
Leat is epplied,then raise the tempeett-'
tare gredually to 96 or 98 dere
Making about 45 minutes to attain .the;
desired [temperature. Dip the curd:
svhenit.shows lett in, acid by the hat'
iron test, stir well until the whey has!
all escaped, • then keep the curd warm
eabclut .94 degreev, and allow it to mat..
When mattedeut or break into conei
venient sta* and turn over eccasion-'
ally. Do not allow any whey to
gather hie oole on or around the cued
When i ¥h mellow or will show 1
in. to le acid by the hot iron tea
it should tepid through the curd mill.
Stir and nix neell immediatedly after
grinding. When the curd is well
matured and has a silky, buttery ap-
pearance, the salt may he applied.
Use at- the rate•of 2et Ib to bet Ib, of
salt per 14000 lb. of milk, varyine the
quantity to the *annum of moisture in
the curd. The temperature at this
stage should be about 86. degrees. The
curd may be hoo,pedand put to press
in from 15 to 20 minutes after the
salting is done. Apply pressure very
slowly at Brat, and allow the cheese to
remain in the press one hour before
turning. Only pure warm water
should be used, when bandaging,
Turn the cheese i' the hoops every
morning, never alloweng a cheese tope
placed in the curing room unless it
has a perfect finish.
The temperature of ate curing room
should he kept eunstanely between 60
and 65 degrees.
Whet.' uoloring- pour the coloring
ieto a dipper of warm milk from the
vat, then draw the dipper quickly
alottg tititiet• the surface of the rnilk
from one end of the vat to the other,
then stir well mid there will be no
danger of streaks in the curd, Have
n dipper with a Song handle for the
Bennet, should he diluted to oue
gallon of pure water for each vat, and
the milk should be well stirred for at
least five minutes atter the rennet has
been added, In case the milk ia very
ripe twopinutes 'will be ample time to
stir after adding the rennet.
Everything in and about, the factory
should be kept scrupulously clean.
The cheeseemaker who fails to do this
need not grumble if his patrons follow
his muunple.
All strainers, sink-cloths,ete., should
be well washed, then scalded and
thoroughly aired each tittle they have
been used.
The vats, pails, sink -cloths, eto.,
should be sealded with boiling hot
water after washing', and it the water
can run out, readily they will dry off in
a few minutes without wiping. Ito
not 'use a dish cloth, as it totally
leaves an unpleasant flavor.
litchi, Inca 33loo(
AO naturally results froth taking Rood's
Sarsaparilla as personal ciettaliees results
from free tise of soap end water. Tbis
groat purifier thorouglay expels ecrofulti,
salt theura and tat other impurities and.
builds up every organ of the body. Now is
the thee to take it.
Th. hi hest praise hag been won by
Detntuene Zeoleter.
Boys! just listen for a moment,
To a word): have to say,
11tanbood'a day e are just before pus
Drawing nearer every clay;
Dear in mind while you are paseleg,
O'er that intervening epart,
!Meat the boy that minds his nettber,
Ceiclom =ekes a wicked, man. •
Them are many sups and failures,
LA this world we're living in,
I'llorelvho Start with proseeets feires
Oft are %yew:come by sin,
Put I'ni certain, that you'll retie,
If the faces ymell closely roue
no the boy that mind1s mother,
Seldom makes a wicked, men,
Then beguiled by ber control,
Why °bathe dee., and
Weil, if he doee scloiut been't got
red wit. If my fellow had red hair
Ile WI OS your Fred his, 1—,—
Well, indignantly, if he has got mi.
hair he does nut leave to carry a tele -
/mope or a compass or a tiola g,144$ belt -
teat to find out, where be is et, Ohtirlie
went down hy flee eleottie light writs
at Little Vella the other sight Re
heard the ongiete in the works puffiag
away. Ile being toter sighted he
couldn't see where he was, fie 'WAS
found there standing patiently in the
moruing, and a Ostend switelinmn
aoticed him aerie went up OP 1111U fAACI
It will never lead. eetrity, asked bire what he was dolog there,
Beat yeomen she hes your welfare Waielite tor the traiu to eo hy, he
Ie. her thoughts both night anater.y.
Don't target she has loved you, eatd# poLatictg. to the /.1eetrie light
Sinee ,the day your life Isan,
'Oh I the .heY who mindshis Mother,
Seldom •makes a wicked man I
Insanity it Oaten°.
'there are few more interesting an-
nual reports ehan that of the .Ontario
iuspectorof .funntio and idiot asylums,
"314 the eitlport ill a melancholy one,
Deering last year many improvements
were made in the existing asyleuas
ant! effected for!the construction of a
new as•yltem,at Brockville. With, eleis
additional institution, Inspector Ohm -
tie believes ample room will be provi-
ded for all ,patients requirbag treat.
tent for many years to come. In the
past oonsiderable hardeleip has been
experienced .by the delay. itacident
the admiethion of patientre owing to
the crowned .condition of ,extsting in-
sti•tutions. During the year 1891, no
fewer than 111074 tunaties and idiets
were admitted into the asylums, but
Jest year onlyt897 were received, show-
ing a decrease of 177 admissions.
'Mere is an tnereaee, howeeer, sof aes
in 'the numtwer •of those rerasi.nirm in-
etitutions at elie•close of the yew. The
tote' number of Itioitics and idiots fis.
.now 2,042 men and 2,081 wrotnen—.
in all 4,078, ootifined as hams:
voranto Asylem 831 348.
Loudon Asy111-114 493 18ft .
Qingston Asylum . 279. 247;
Hamilton Ase Itint.,.., 447 447.
Mimic° Aeytutn..... ... ; . 198 IPS;
Otellia Asylum .for
Idiots 222 '
Total in Provincial
Asylunis............ 1,968 1,92O!
lioinewood retreat,
Guelph 10.
erase convict s in
Kingston Penile
Ins/mend idiotic per-
sons in common
tails,. ea.
Applications for ad-
mission to insane
asylum ......
Applications for ad.
mission to Orilla
Total number of in -
Oh, you mean thing ! You just made
that up out•of whore cloth. Anyway
your Fred .1s accused of dating fire to
the buildings destroyed in Little Fells.
I heard that he laid down in the hay
at the Rockton barn and his hair set
As there wag a strong prospect if a
ight right at this point the observer
got away!frona the scene as gniehly as
To Begtr Tariff R11101721,.
(Torcute Stur, Independent Oonservonvo.
There is a point in connectioa with
tariff reform vvideh is elways over-
looked and that is, that the rate of
duty Hl1oUld be such as to afford only
the protection whieb will equal the
cost of wages. Tbis cost authorities
have estimated at 20 per emit., and
that .shou?,d be the higheet rate tharg-
ed on any goods. e
It would .he impossible, of eearee, 0
to put absolute free trade into ileum•
diets operation in Canada and the
party which 'made such a proposal
w•ould,ofseourse, be overwheliniu,gly de-
feated, hut st guile tan be made, and it
should be.done in this way 7 Pick out
in the trade and navigation reDartis
the goods white' are imported trout
lEugland and reduce the duties on
those linee—for example, woollens
and cottems. It will be found upon
•examinetion, that in certain lines of
goods all theimports are frotuEneltuld,
.and it, others -all come from the Unit.
,ed States. This plan will not iavolve
fl WA has truly tt, purpose for our
lives, wbo. dare be hope/esti Alt, WO
do only half believe it.
Never comfort affliction with a I
falsehood ; never try to silence error
with en memento w ite s you do Z.05
• I
TO famish truth to the believing I
'malt, and to furnish believing hearts ,1
to truth, eerteittly there ie no nobler
office f,•r teetotal iift, than that,
that the good in the world stroneer
than the evil; great, glow, steady
progrOsS of the good,fte es er gainieg on
the evll,
To live in time and iseuse none
A Blessing to Every House
. _
• _.
V '1
Is the ealy reliable remedy for bad legs, rim's, ulcers, and old wouniti, 1110bikgijni
.T.glipAT.S., COUGHS, 1011.10i, 00r1`, A Vitt:MA:ft WEGLING$ A 1412,1,11
.1.146MI5kob Hat; Na liNUAL. Manufactured ionly at id, New Oxford, Lott: 333. (Alford
and sofa by all Motile's° Veta1011i t111,00;411011t the worta,
r5,-.1"Parintsera ehoted look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the
not else Oxford Street, London, they too snoriont.
These roadies have otood the test of fifty years experience, oncl aro pronounced tits
Fondly use.
Puritt the blood, correct .n11- disorders of the. LIMA, 111 °NETS ANP .
Invaluable in all coutplalnts Incidental to females of all liges.
J. were eve indubitable evitleeties • 0,11STTaVIZN'T
'.111,71,f 1.11.1.........."41^1,11•11.1.11,1•1,111:1r1.17,7.711111......
A. lie turtle pale whenever it finds \WI NGHAIV1
out Unit truth is on its track. MARBLE
• Childish laughter to the eule. of
heeven, music,
'L'lte Turks say, ,erho ita.i ice of ‘eo.
man is good for women."
Ganesone, the great physician, w
the son of a brieklayer.
A meet's second childhood teeth
when a women gets hold of him.
The word "licorice" is of Gree
origin and tneans t`sweet root."
Your own licart,and not other men's
opinione, forms your trap honer.
Discussions are useless in flimsy
cases and frequently lead to hitter
Europeeee. olreudy appreciate Ain
riean works of art better than our
An American. flag made entirely
acorns is a Mil:Malty exhildted by
s •
;discrimination, for the lowering of the
daatiee will not result in making it
market for the United States goods,
which, leader elle present tariff, do not,
corue in. The .same duty is (low chare•
ad on imports frown the Unned Wes h
ead from England; and !wither cattle 0
try has the acleautage; therefore, g
fact that the United Suttee dues not o
Seta in goods which are so largely inw- rt.
ported from Eitglaud is due to the a
83 33 fact that the latter country weanufac- tr
tures teeter pails of those lines at A
more reasonable pieces, otherwise the D
29 31
Geead 'freight end the distanee would at
keep out English product and send itt ee
Americau. Tho removal or reduction ri
35 25
of duties on these lines would give tw
timore 'man.
let ,
of Hineartline 'have bought the Marble Business of 51r T T Watson, fortnerlY envd0c1 by
turettuStileig4. reToliNvitonr,13.{ nnerowil ),41 or ritixt (AtIllizowt 011:4: 04
intt the very best, knelt. anoto p:leus d by willow 44U:boons tee seculice a Mineral sliere14 lof retro
T Watson, who hos bees running the business for the oust year, will represent, us tni therond.
Call an 1 see our stook and prices,
Send along your orders to the OLD
ABL OUSE where you have dealt before
or where your father used to deal
Sole Manufacturers ofthe only GENUINE
11.44,PLo.,.41S3 C))117---4'
LARDIFTE is the Cliaripion Gold Medal
of the Dominion and our Cylinder Oil wil
• wear longer, and give better satisfac-
tion than any other OE
Sold by all leading dealers throughout
In guiding the good ship Hospitality
lee :fee host teta. for his compass the
!Ole father of Sir Humpitry Davy
WAS ihrOMICAI'VP1' nnd intputiod Iij
sou for that bus:Mess.
The pressure of the atmosphere ow
the man of ayerates stature is about 1
tons, yet it is not fele
5 lidEXU"..THE
A Picturesque Route.
Avoid the heat and dust by travelling on
the Floating palaces of the Detroit & Cleve
land. Steam Navigation Company. Two
new steel passenger steamers have just been
mit for this Upper Lake route, costing
300,000 eaoh, and are guaranteed to be the
randest, largest,safest and fastest steamers
u the lakes; speed 20 miles per hour,
inning time between Cleveland, Toledo
nd Chicago less titan 50 hours. Four
ips per week between Toledo, Detroit,
1pena, Mackinac, Petoskey and Chicago.
wily trips between Detroit and Cleveland;
wring July and A.ugust double daily ser-
e° will be maintained, giving a daylight
de morass lake Erie, Daily service be-
een Cleveland and Put in -Bay. First -
ass stateroom accommodations and menu,
and exceedingly low Round Trip Rates,
The palatial equipment, the luxury W the
appointments makes travelling on these
steamers througbly enjoyable. Send for
illustrated pamphlet. Address A. -A.
Schantz, (4. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland
Stearn Nay. Co., Detroit, Mich.
cheoper goods, would still leave this el
sane and idiotic market to England aril .would not try
te discriminate against Oauada's
pereons... . .... 2,100 2,010 •
The following, shows the annual cost newcomers to the south.
• . There are so many lines of goods
pee patient its the several asylunis :
upon which Wits prectice /meld be car.
Toronto Asylum 8142 48 riecl out that a 'prectival reform ofeare
itf would be well begun,
Lenclon Asylum
Kingston Asylum
Hamilton Asylum
Mimic° Avylutn,
Orillia Asylum
182 88
149 88
132 28
185 08
118 15
When you speak or even think of spring
Medicine, how quickly Hoed's Sarsaparilla
comes into your Mind. Take it now.
Two Sarcastic Girls,
was amused at the conversation
between two young girls at Ilion the
Gems From. Bishop Brooks.
Moat men are neither sages nor
Every trae strength is etained iii
Sin and holiness aro not in things,
but in souls.
Seek your life's nourishment in your
life's work,
Sin is a dreadful, positiveenalignant
other evening. It ran something like thing.
this, and shows that fetnininity is the Do not be charet of appreciation.
same the world over Hearts are hungry for
Illy, Carrie, what a lovely hat yon
lutes. Truths a absolutely necessary
Do you think so (witlt a pleased went in all perfected character.
smile.) Why, 1 think it is just hoe.
rid. I've told mamma every time I
put it on that I would never wear it,
Why, I think it ie the most become
ittg thin you ever wore.
Do you? teow 1 think that veil
you have got is the most bewitching
th:ng i ever saw. If I had your style
Now, how Mem you are, blushing.
ly; I know you are making fun of me.
Indeed 1. AM not, indigeently. Oh
where did you get tied lovely pin I
think it is the prettiest thing 1 11AVO
0V01" 80613,
W01I,1 Will tell you, Charley gave
it to me—hut you must never, never
tell 1 told mamma that EUa B --
gave it to me, for she doesn't believe
in my having. A fellow,you know,
Row Mean P I think year Charley
Initials Pi le for their easy, yet efilment ea- we the eweetest featter I ever sawWith
tion. Sold by all druggists. ?Hee 25c, Ithe excltion of My Pred. You,
' mita is equivalent to a call. Squints Who squint*?
that Oharlie squints I and--
Everything keeps its bad nature
only by being put to its best use.
Hope and charity—theee must both
spring tip from the soul of faith.
The highest natures are moat depen-
dent upon timeliness and fitness.
The serpent, the spirit of evil, LAS
forced its way into the human drama.
Every truth which it is possible for
tam to know it is good for him to
The 'repose of old age is full of the
character that came fruit the early
at Tuggle.
Leaven wise hot '1st atagnation;
not idleness, but aotive, tireless, path..
est work.
There Must Mlle a natural seleetlet,
Of religions a survival of the fittest
The union of energy ma wisdom '
nukes thea eotbootost chareeter and
the most powerful Iif,.
When we assert that
Dodd 's
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By tai druggists or mil on receipt of price,
so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith 8: Co., Toronto.
Lumber of all kinds, Josephine Street • - *wham
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts,
Car [cad Weis a Socially
WOOD delivered to may part ot
itgrOrders Wield! promptly attende to
.1, A. IIALaTED,
Mo::nt rotes:. I
Deposits Received and Int
Money Advanced to Farmer
Business Mon
Ou long or short time, en endorsed
or collateral security. Sale notes I)
At 0, fair valuation. Honey remitted
• •
,tuttdo, ream:table clutr
Box,125, Wingli,
ant P. 0.
---- Special Attention Given to
Capital, $1,250,000. Rea, 3650,000.
eresteeete-ines Srumw.
VIce.Prosident—A. 0. .1tAt18.4v.
Ions eivictsit, Gossmv, OHO ltoActf, A.
Woo, A. II, L,xe (Toronto).
'Cashier—J. T1JINs.111131,,,,
Sayings 332211t—ITours, 10 to 3 ; Satureitts, to
1. Deposits of r'1 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
Ie. WILLSON, Amer.
iluirtgli & DICKINSON,
looting Accounts and It Ot
gents in canner,- The liferebantS"
of Canada
°Mee Hours—Front 9 a. 01. to 5 p, 10.
- —
OLV.ItK Otto Dor. come, Co. rttmo
ISSUED Olt ietAllle.C48 LICK
•omoilssrox,.. rs R. C. Je, Vrre•
Solicitors. '1Vutixstsn, (JN
How many poisons know that Ripens Tabules, now so largely advertised and used, are Mow/ y
i favorite prescription of their family doctor prepared in a scientific manner and a form convenient for li
conveyance, pieservation and use? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities, wher
wealthy find better tate than in their own luxurious homes,the ingredients of Ripans Tallies u'e admini
ed to thousands of rich and poor alike with bene6cial effect. They are the main dependence of the
eminent phy4icians in eases of derangetnents of the digestive organs, such as dyspepsia,cOnstipation,. Milan
and other ills connected with the stoma* liver and bowels. For some years one of the principal hos
' in New York City has used a formula, difiring slightly from the common one, that has been fott
unusual. efficacy. Through commendations of physicians its mission of healing has been so widely
rapidly eXterlding that it finfilly seethed desirable to prepare the prescription in a convenient form, ao
make it available to the whole public at a moderate price, and to announce the fact through the ree
• miylinin for securing publicity—advertisement in the columna of the new aper of the land. This h
done, and now the time is not tar distant when every fsmily of intelligence *ill be as certain pos
supply of ltipans 'Abides as a clock or a cooking stove. They are already to be found on sale almost
where, and any druggist or dallier will sopply them. A bog, containing six: vials, is sold for 75 cents,
gross paekage, containing four boxes, for $2,. They will be sent by !nail, post »aid, to any address,
ceipt of' price, by the Eipatis Chemical Company, N. 10, Simile St., New 'York.