HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 2(ll Wtt r FRILLY, MAX le, 1693. THE WINGHAM TIMES, MAY 12, 1893. _ .. .: a water, with access to l aevert on being pulled food and pur �t salt at all tidies. Mould be bl ecarea s_. s s1 The greatestp taken to prevent cows drinking e s iis Want water. aii.lIl from such ca in,rax'iably tainted, and no amount of skill on the part of the cheese milker can produce from it a really fine cheese.. Iminediatedly after the mill: is drawn it should be strained, then Berated by dipping or pouring, rvaich can be done very effectively while the milk is yet in the pails. Be sure that this work is done in a pure atmos- phere, with clean surroundings, away from the stables or anything else of an impure nature, for unless this be at- tended to properly aeration will be a detriment instead of a benefit. milk at Itis not necessary •1;,DITORIAL :NOTES. British Columbia legislature has . an act providing, that all vvggt.ats ng J,illi41b% weight shall base a four ire. In England and France, where e,ds are so hard as if bailt by u ac- , the wide tire is only permitters. ONO the cases down for tearing at the,, et of the Supreme Court which began week, is one to decide whether the ming power for criminals sentenced he branch of any provincial lass rests the provincial authorities or with the *Mon Government. Ul Inland Revenue Delartment has . 4tsty-two tests of standard fer:ili- oae:ed for sale in Canada. Now i` a e dc+abta the quality to a fertilizer s.: w, lie can send a sample of the office iia Analyst -General, and if it is below standard the nnanufacturer will be pro - ted. f , committee of Literals who have only in the summer should mtl a flours K „ kept a of making arrangements for the ae stied, hu; also in the. spring and Tseven ecaring t temperature of should ab nte65 or a70,. octal Liberal Convention, which meets autumn 1 t iii rhe mask stands should be built in degrees, and should be well ventilated. SUMMER CHEESE. and the curd presents a flatly ape pearance ou being pulled apes hot shouts acid to about � t1+• on the iron it may be milled and then aireWhen by being stirred occasionally. j n it becomes soft and velvety, smells like newly made butter, and shows some fat on, being pressed in the band, it may be salted at the rate of from 1 � lb. to 21b. of salt per 1,000 lie of milk. The temperature when salting should not be higher than 89 degrees. rut to press in about 15 or 20 min- utes, or when the salt is thoroughly dissolved. Rave the temperature at this time between 80 and 85 degrees. Apply ptessure gently 'at first, until the whe begins to„run clear, then y radually increase. After the cheese rt and COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. I Op the security of Cultivated F* portion'Interest the TT! cent, payable annually, Any r nci al may be repaid as any time the berroweo p = p c e .a;d by the County. 1, person All t t nc 1 person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages Orta know to cher t money I e loaned. Geo}ler ciW51Co...reasurer. Gadericl,,,11u;;, Sth tS1R, to cool In] g neat, unless the weather be extremes 1 have beenin minutes theythee pressta- r about andout 5 hot, in order to have it in the b min onlypure water crnditton for delivery at the factory in neatly bandaged; themorning(provided all pailrouehly should be turned againnsils, , should be used in nathe hoopsti y I n l the horning. See that no rims or strainers, etc., nave aero washed, then scalded with boiling hot water and well aired before using.) shonIders ace left on the cheese, but It is just as important that the have them neat and stylish in appear morning's milk should be well aired 1 anee, and of uniform size. They 1 before sending it to the factory; nht :should be p e reresseiovd ea to curing room. TW() KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. haws on the 24th June, states t res re will ha plenty of hotel and other ae- such a way as to exclude the sun and ddation for all who will attend the rain, and yet allow a free circulation The same treatment is required in Lind All necessary information on of air around the cans. Aeration and cleanliness should have uud ether subjects will be made public 1 The nt•ganistu•s that produce bitter handling and caring for the milk• Ior t•,tnted Wilk, or any abnormal A ne iillt change, are to be found only where the same careful attention. ate hili ut amend the Mr. Guth Act, Parti can should be rives tet e Y strict introduced by :,2r. Guthrie has 1 there :` filth nail carelessness in hand- , When the milk arrives at elle factory •itso Itt,_,, an tll.tt ill all cases vihere corn - its object to Nes ie local judges of the peon, Ii made of,, impure milk the a ameaveithie to the pooreeee helper,) i to b co tet' detect , if possible,3 WIDE. AWARE KIND BUY FROM THE Clubbing testes. The Tomand Toronto slob_ or year... • •$1 15 Therrien* and Toronto Empire per scar.... 1 7e The Tires and London Advertiser per year•. 1 70 The Tisas and London Free Press p year.. 1 715 let Herald s• Icr l The Tatesand !ThoTrnusaard IeptreatWi aper year..•. 175 ThCTniESo ono Montreal $an Fly Herald and Star 1 75 Reduced rats viol all, other weakly papers note mentioned is tae ahoy a asst, _.- ,•13=511;1=11— City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE FAST ASLEEP But they are walking up to the fact that CORNYN BROS., U ND ERTAKERS WINGHAIliI, ONT. JOB PRIWPINR ,IjcbJiijnrn CiLimao --IS PUBLISHED— EVERY JItIDAY C101t1SIl�fi --A'r 7'111: --- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ST WINGl1AA1, ONTARIO., Subscriptionprico, rycar,irrauvun e ADYEI)T5SIltiU BATES: bpuce 11 yr. 1 o mo• 1 a mo. 1 1 mo Ono Column $.452005 00 `ZU5 UU I $12 t)0 y 500 halt , I UU I 1 00 1 200 1 000 tluartcr `5 00 One Inch Legaland other casual +dtertiscutents,Re. porline for first insertion, and 30. 'writneforeacitsubserluent insertlOn. Local notices IOc, po• •,oe for first insert 3a, an 50. per line for each subsequent iascrticr., 10 loco noticew(tl he charged less than 25c, Advertisetuents otLoet,Found,$trayed,S°tlotiens, 1 and Business Chances Wanted, not exeeed:ug 8 linea 1 nonpareil, $1. per month l Houses and F.trms for Sale, ?; • + s'c rent month onpare , notexceedin 8 linen, I Slier first Month, 500. per subs e 1 1CLt'DING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill These terms will be strictly adhered to txeeuted )lathe best I Special rates for to adrerttseu:ents, or for stHeads, Circulars, AT., &e., 1 n •er a plods• style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short ids a tisements and local notices tvlthout epect t notices Apply or address directions, wil►l•e inserted till forbid' and charged, R. ELI.I Tot accordingly. Tranvi'ory aclsertisemcnta must TiBss Ot[iee, )Yin barn. paid in atlV000e ^ ,R- Chun};es for conh•actadvertisements make the office by Wednesday noon, in order to arvirte that. week R. ELLIOTT LOOK ER E - PCorn{Rr0$ ASD',ma .= i jjj��` I �It MACDUNALD, This Ili 1ntrstEer -' JOSF:i'nmaf j I can rive them roods that will please them. Full lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confecttnuery,&c APPLES BY TRE BARREL. ort in cases in which tell parties no. u•d� UluSt b,• ex res cleanliness. 1 and reject, all bad- Agent terested -consent thereto, to hear and There is no j (flavored or tainted milk.Cane pose of motions to continue, dissolve or went¢ ou EESE 9 this kin& ways on _u interlocutory injunctions which have 7 It' , 11x1 y,;-ui:tki'r who is desirous What one baying can do milk t all can do—as the 1 ngranted by such local judges. Lite. t uta hi. cheese it of the finest duality Dont nus are put to unnecessary expense, de will ,.¢rept nothing, but good, prrr 'car* for it properly arid have it arrive } and inconvenience Hader the present twill: All tai,'ted or sour milk and let the factory in the best possible eon -1 Bank of w, as they are compelled, even when thK fi:',c tniikin;s (colostrum.) should 1 ditior,. 1 be ri•tu,e.,i. i When the milk has been received Ming to have these motions - disposed of t gradually to 86 aie;rees• the local judges, to make them before Ele:at t h int k , o EA degrees Folic. 1 heat it up 7 has bye[, done try it with ebigh court. 1 The r' inlet test shoutd then be used' Wireu this Hssxi�a rem strars'of dards will have I to ascertain the deareea of ripeness. To I the rennet test to ascertain the degree attend personally to the duties of t'ieir i snake this test take 8 oz. of milk from I of ripeness. It is advisable to do this ee. bill the provincial °sscretar.l has the vat, add to it one drachm of ren- ° even in traodling ver; rip” milk, for it t ban provides that the business o2 the net extract, stir rapidly for ten sec- enables the cheese, -maker to know just 1 ento fficemuatbe conducted ander the ciirec• d;, If coagulation takes place in about haw fast the card is g on and immediate supervision of there gis-} frons 17 to 20 seconds the milk is I work. If possibleallh have the milkysin , and no such official will be allowed 1 sufficiently matured Eta the addition 1 that condition thaiR practice for gain as a barrister or pbysi-1 of rennet. A. slight' variation froru 1 hr drawn in front 2 to 3 hours from an within the time limitei for office I this may Ia. neeossary ten suit different It r the time the hrrennet aby the s added, het t -with ou oars. An addition is also to be made to ; localities, but a few trials will lana e duties of registrars. They must re- • the maker to tell wb n the ale .k was 1 the , Use lk euenough ream Ito n in to 1 6 11 v r 1 e y A P •< •stns ripened. tl !properly o et , 4 I r 1ST with , • ., p Y wnt ' Win P bedtn • .r . 1 rte... .rt, beginning •us pretty fully,and must )lace before the to tell the exact mootellt when c•J.t„u tarn Tulsa lotion i oke place is o draw a bit of I star' to cat €I little early. overninent general returnsarsto the Hutu- ' 9 plenty of time, and do not lad h or r of mortgages registered, and the l burnt match into the milk. It ° I a the horizontal anrountS of the incumbrances. 1 assumes a rotary motion when the a slash the Curd. Use 'milk is stirred. Then t onut the num i knife, first. finishing with the perpen- Iber of seconds from the additi•au of , dicular, and if tlfe milk is osa.r-ripe The Making of `Cheese, I the rennet until the stick ceases to and going to work fast—as is gtuta in Spring, Siunmet and Fall. more. This gives your the exact tune) ofte•n the case in hot weather—then required for the milk to;eoagulate• This1 cut the curd considerably finer. By Bulletin has beau prepared 1,y Great care and watchfulness should ` so doing the cooking prooess is Basten- g;ontutittees of the special Da+ry he exercised at this season, rats �t .ilk' ed ; the cubes of Burd being small they School, 1893, at the Ontario elericul-1 sours very rapidly during the Y are much more easily cooked than if Oral College as follows : I period of lactation. I left the ordinary size. When the cot- - h d tart tee very g body, We are selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal - lion, ora can containing tor Parker's Dye Works. the equivalent of five •�neriCan gallons for ed geode of every description al -w exclusive of pack - hand and. my prices are as low' 50C., Qwest. age. #orget the place, Hamilton. res 1 U ffi t rennet (from 3 oz to .p , milk fit for cutting in from la to 30 somewhat firm. Do bot apply heat minutes. In cutting use the horizon- . for 10 or 15 minuted after stirring tal kuife first, then the perpendicular. l is commenced. Heat ';gradually up to Begin when the curd is somewhat; 96 degrees, taking fulty one-baif hour tender and cut slowly,; with a firm, to do so, unless in th case of fast steady motion and continuously, until workin;; Burd, which,irequireat to be tine is finished sgently t Spring ChFeee : Use su cieu A. T. Belt, Tavistock, Ont, (Chief 1 ¢ oz er 1 000 lbs.) to coagulate thenat first or until the', card becomes Instructor in Cheese making.) \V• , W. Grant, Lakefiel4 Ont. L. ass.. 2ufelt, 1AIorriseurg, Ont. Summer Cheese : A..T, Bell, Tavistock, Ont, (1'13ir•.f fit► H I L 'Kos, .4)AQ ) SNS once b Instructor of cheese-niaking.l L. 1 a ssible to \V rwick,_Ont. Let the curd settle a few minutes to tote, Oxford Mills, Ont. J. S. Clare, l the cutting Is completed• heated up as qulclsly as pn ; ensure a thorough eogkin£. Continue Fall Cheese. allow the surfaces to: heal slig htly, l stirring for some time* after the desired T. B. Millar, Burgoyne, Ont, (Asst then stir with hands )very gently and temperature Bata beet reached to pre V: • !slowly at first—for about ten minutes. t ure a mora Instructor in Cheese -making,.) Bothwell, Woodstock, Ont C. Stew -II -tough handling at this timegent matting ani to ensy sets free art, h lesherton, Ont. 1 3a ];teat number of small particles of uniform and thorough cooking of the. curd. curd which go off in the whey and ft very materially lessen the yield. Then Draw off part of the whey 50011 ar 1 e the agitators may be put in and the steam gradually turiaed on. Take about 30 cr 35 minutes in beating up Absolutely necessary tbkt the dairymen ! to 08 degrees. Continue stirring about shall put forth greater efforts than they five minutes after the steam bas been have in the past to produce a Better turned off, when the curd may be allowed to settle. Draw off a portion of the whey at this time that you may not be caught by a rapid development of acid, Then stir the curd occasion- ally (a common hay rake is best spited for the purpose) to prevent matting and to secure a thorough cooking of each particle of curd.. When the curd is thorouhly cooked CARE OF MILE FOR CHEESE FACTORIES In order to maintain the proud dis- tinction that Canadian cheese leas al- yady won in the British markets It the heating has been fimished, and if l there are any had odors or taints draw the whey down quite close to the curd; then by keeping it stirred and airing well the` flavor will be very much improved. Draw off all the whey when the curd shows ea, iu. acid by the hot iron test, and continue hand stirring until: it is sufficiently dry before allowita it to mat, and 1 ,.�� O, ,s,cro in,So•a when [Hatted break or cult into con- ten0t3C;o sternen` ' heats 000 Gnarantce. venient strips and tiara it over at short, Forra Lanae S •' e� ar/serrC`je tShilon's Pt'gce% Piasterwaitgvegrr tsa.,tffctioa.-^.Scent_ �1 (about 15 minutes) quality of milk. Proof ess mns, be the watchword. << The maaimutn of Profit can be el,- - only by the clear thinking, in- telligent dairyman, who breeds and feeds to produce the greatest amount i of milk of a good quality at the least possible cost. e - Theconstant Gb e•r .!"ate faithful and ranges a trance of the following points will result and shows 1-8 in. or less acid on the in x marked improvement in the eon- hot iron the whey should be removed. o the After di )pian the curd should be well dition of the milk an suppliedto stirred with the hands to effectually clirese factories, imp Which is much needed, and the print:- dwiiie off the whey before almewingsuffice. lug about of which wllt euable tile to mat. When rticle enlly matted cut into convenient strips 1 L, the.ease of gassy curd, try rte' nhreh cup ri to Fra+duce at. a �tlalt superior to anythi}r that has tat„,nr�, it” wide, and bn�t:trued n),Aut � fain )store motstur$ in it when e Medan made in tbe past, and by so leu ininat' vattey ll el • Turn e fre uetl in doiug we Can'mailntain otlr supremacy - ear le 1.1 a pq tly to the English market, rilhlize a better 9four er live tithes an hour) to prevent for our goat+s. and ;'� id tory tna :t'•V a1.1•y from LJilreting on or elmut lea to the profile of l+Ite deiryinan. tl;•• ,iir-t, ,rt,1 r . insure uniform ripen. air Notially p Nothing but ore milk healthy i,,,�, Tare temperature alrltnld be mein lltott g p . O1 degrees while the siaoald Tr t,sAra..1.164:N9t41stgIfigp r „�,...,,.. f ld hit 4s ,OB7L'. HILL. • American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 OFFICE—Beaver Block Wlsorus wlxcliA11, • V T . B. Tor)'LER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office l;p•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont.. Orrice horns. -9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. in.. ex at Residence, Diagonal Street. ONTARIO, TAR. J. A. 3IELDRi;\f, U Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Cornered Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. ti uxo11AM ONT R. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, „SOLICITOR, Etc., Private:.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No conunisston charged. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought ands old per foot. LA INS ' We to -day reduce our quotations on Linder Twine one cent per ib. 1TE i Wln gleam' EYElt DICKINSON, l�trt , J. A. MORTON BARRISTER :c , tint W nghaln WiliGHAM REs� LINM ➢AN1EL SBUWE�S giiitve_a at Pe r ty�•1 favis. 4h frit a DI IlitC-R>• 1;T -mfr. ELg'c' di /� ak 9f� ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. Soft water cisterns made on short '¢Oi2 D i e i) notice. 5db LP` Orders by mail promptly attended to. �� p1t�s D. S730RW nng. Winghalal• H. W. C. L. D,CKINsoN, B. A MEYER Q. C. 1 E. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So. licitors for Bank of Ifamtlton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private `unda)loaned on remortgage security at 517per cent. upon the best ^ �bna Money int csted for private pas I mortgage securities without tiny expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office— Kent's Blocs: 1V' 1 , MI taps. I•lr EvriSTIIT.—J 3. JEi1OME, 1:1501188, 1J Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, .)..-,,,z40....11-4. Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as c•huap a, they can be got in the t Dominion. All work warranted. 1 � PROPRIETOR. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. it + or Vc'•cuab]e Vapor. y > } i e m the peopleof Vying- I T81:lt Norict;.�I Will extract teeth for 25 cents I wish that •ts h t0 inform .each. ham and SurrOUnding countly, 1 ObFICE: In the Bearer lllock, opposite the 11 have pnrchasel the Steant Pump Brunswick muse. ks lately owned by �,1r. H. Clark, I 1 \Vor - are prepared to supply all kinds ofo 1 m. H. Macdonald, L. D. Sy Wooden, Lift, Force &troy Pimps I DENTIST. 1 And attend to the `rants of the public I e in anything in the Pump line. As I have a long experience in the business I guarantee all nay work, and 4 if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in intervals every r�, 1st='ld iling'a little deeper each time it is +Ev i = °w_nnC^.ienn..s'sps• p 11It s, T. E. ?t r ci",a VSD" I rY' :scab.' T .i)S<pc""�a NONMN BT1ElCf�! aro: turnd, stud never tallow airy wheyo.tt's i ;a:r .4 'is'dit 1Grindarly, orwven stNi Cw y r or around 1 , v uo d gather o use ester' h th curd jtiouelSitCZC ,a ROtite i in. on the hot iron. +. ,: 1 ' 7' v Keep1 to 1, t rl , dA. a !6-1 Keep it apart and Well stirred and air- � I "'��'�� ea after grinding until ready for salt. ing. whey is drawn off by stirring less ri - i� bra oyoIi uthrtl ; , fl positively relle a' .a c rrr, This rntshedlree.t?'r as aro geld on 1a;3u. e ClC..W Y.ltwii-1 "a1 Pr C4;,50C'L. to. t0tale)1 S i t•Ii res f .•medies .-tsf ¢boas Bilis Grind in about,, the usual time, and 12� xrsitvl'ssr3:sere ane,rate L -t 's partly ripe pile deep and if corers Gait etre the star* oast¢ when 1 f rlxhores Glee thewile begins to lodge erwutld its iroibng li6.alroo•1 y $�A��' beds or rains oa,nea Thema Dtblittr toes vire • >ioln . , e weakness► of et, e allow e whey Tide , Wasps¢ anti ()vials b )nail tl4 of races raa%io . y oft then pile' again OoYntintte In this. - P011, SEASON or leen. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the queen's Hotel, Winahanl. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each mouth. JCHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSUBAN4i.E AGENT WttouAri, 5TAR fib DEANS, Jit., Wtxoiun, 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER FO1I THE COUNTY OF lit'RON, Sales attended in any part of the co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURRIL`, Wiaosts, ONT., Lieu:ism ABerxo\EEa 51011 THE COVNTT of nt:nox, Ali orders left at the Tams sake¢ promptly attend I cd to. Terms reasonable. 1 JA5U S 1IEVDERSON, lLJlcltxntn At1cr105nrn 105 Cos rias HIL•RON AND I1Rtc!, A11 sales attended to ptomptty tied on tho Slaortest N ettoe, Charges 'Moderate and Satisfaction Gnarantced, All necessary' arrangements can he made at the TianrS' evilteo 1 it'1sunAit Oxr RS. GODFREY C WASH, DI. I1. Toronto, Ateiotaers College Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario, If you want a Neaf, Showy Bill, well put 1 BKt,as.cvl Oseatue together and atLactively displayed, on good ""-'" - .. ---- paper or card, send' your order to the I Months to Loan on Notes. TIMES' oI�I�ICE. r i ......_.._ t I . A 'Number of Good ^t _ ir►t _, ._�• • open the p , 1 ill 1 ji to (rain 167) �� °Y the '"'ott Or I.telee 5• sparer) =a other "lie".`1" -argued} attended to. AT R`.v' A.Z014AB ,E• ' ±A'TES Mousy sdvanetd tit+ :1lortglr *t n L} pur rant wttb srhilego st paying at tha sad of am plan. Rot;blt , I andaceea,ntleollsnted. Way 1111811 the erred hacotile>I 'velvety r n s. ys i u non.. Mel[ t1b . be sept to he ix4ltory. l t t ,r, .t t.'i . g ft anti and buttery, when it is ready' for stilt- OO `rot mw O . Wratef,ws.Wa)tio 1F8t1 TIMES DFCICEt WINGHAmb l tie*rartttbrlc,—wltHtlr�a.urit this, alas lou r i,n ;loop in frost);lfi' to VA minutest , A. x 'it+<:t�Gtx.'tox f wln�alesw+'raaa•, nutritious rr, • to : i r•rril ll�f'!b'ts�irGtrf tt gay � p r the salt Ila apply presWt or until -the wi Oter which it i, In frost) 46 to pay .be retnove the•ol'leese dre hackret: l to pr et Tarn =then, it )stag„ poring oil' which quay aria 'followers, pntti five •or ,six h 1 1 cheese milt a the •..ruing-roori Its cool As pose We would reakeps-to kee the 'condition J, works•each dad with -ehe date of the wet mad a guest 'many ooane. -x After .,gettin .heat -up -slowly Ripen the mill. less therefor s setting, .and if better results a httleanlean•ff ,starter, .but d scanees=use thi Enough ren cause ,perfect fes. Begin 'eutt sd. lar„mite tcuttiann,ninin finished. After tile c Curd should ;gently dor '1.0 )heat is upplie dare gradual] tatting about ,desired itrnlpc when 'is'show iron test, stir :all escaped,'tl aabo.0 t :94 deg When matted vealienntst1 .ally. 1)•0 •n satherin.: oo When SAi 'ljl{i in. to V, tt. it should be 41 Stir and air grinding. k matured an pearance, tis Use at- the ri salt pest' 1.,10.0 quantity to t the curd. T stage should curd may be in from 15 t salting is dot slowly at tire remain in th turning. should he us( Turn the • morning, ne placed in th• has a perfec The tempt' shouate and 65ld he dear Wirer, ucrlc. into it dippe vat, then t along balder from one enc then stir we danger of st a dipper wi purpose. Rennet a1 gallon of pt least the milli sit' least five mi been added. ripe rico mi stir after ad Everythit should be The cheese= need not gr his exempt All strain be well w thoroughly been used. '111¢ vats should be - water after can run ou a few mint notuse a leaves alt ti As naturally Sarsaparilla from froe groat purine salt rheuttt builds up eV the time to The high Marl's Pillt riots. Sold '••P t fit SI