HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 1•
VOL. XXL ---NO. 1109.
We show this week extra values in. House
white and colored
Another consignment of T ,
the best in town for the money.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven.
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
THE Bran, April 21, 1893.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by Preen, PAr RSoN, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
—Dr. Sinela' specialist, will be at the
on Monday, May
In am 0
Queen's Hotel,,
222nd inst., fro11 o'clock a. m. until 3
' e'clook p. in. Consultation free.
--The Walkerto
this week.
. —Quito a numb
expect to visit th
during June and illy.
--Call at the Star Restaurant for a big
assortment of fruit. Jas. McKELvie.
elescope is holidaying
of our townspeople
1'Vorld's Fair in Chicago
—Mr. Mahood,
preached in the 11
day evening last.
—The Wingha
advertising for e
See their`advertis
.0.1. Iowa University,
lthodist church, on Sur. -
Tanning Company is
uantity of herniae* bark.
ment in another column.
—Garden Seeds the ounce and pound,
at Hamilton's drug store, two doors south
of the Post Office.
-111r. A. Ii. Ca eron, assistant post-
master, bas bean il for about four weeks,
but we are pleased see that he
is able
to be out again.
—Mr. Henry Dr man, formerly with Mr.
A. W. Webster, of this town, is now con-
ducting a successf 1 tailoring business in
• --We beg to remind those indebted to
us by note or book accotntt,to settle the
same before June 1st, to savetroib e.3. lawCo.
Postmaster Fi her has been confined to
hiss room for u w ds of three weeks with
a recurrence of a trouble which has
effected one of his aces for a number of
year .
About all ora gements are completed
ee kr the 24th .of M yy celebration in town,
and the program esS!iil soon be issued.
Make your arra moats such that you
can spend the 2 h in Wingham and enjoy
a good day's sp t.
--Wanted, immediately, two good coat
makers; higher wages pard weekly in dash
than any in town.
opApply to iteQti en sslTote1
Messrs. J. E. Swarts, E. Swarts, W
Vanstone and G=•. Shaw drove over
Cxodericln and ba k on Tuesday. They re-
port "Walter Vii, ' Mr. J. E. Swarts' trotter,
as doing well, an anticipate that he will
be in good chap: kr the matehed race in
Brussels, on t e 29th Jtsne, Messrs.
Beattie Bros'. are is being trained in
—The Barri - on. Tribune, one of our
beat exchanges, has been snecessfully con.
ducted for twe
prietor, Mr. J0
spent one year
early journalist
ie fully entitled
success that has
be spared th
the poop Xi
shaper; id: the wis
no Ito Wear Pants f
If you do the proper place to get them is
St E, 1 D very, made up iii the latest
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R A
Graham's market grocery;
-Quite a numbe
section have finishe
The weather tt
ay and we have
warm spring went
—The 83rd Hue
drill in London thi
June 20th. '
—Mr. A. J. Park
ionto "Canadian Qt
the Toronto police 1
of the farmers in this
'ned warmer on Men.
een having beautiful,
ar since.
battalion will attend
year, oommenaing on
r, of the defunct To.
eon," has been before
g char
agistrateed with
—A Big Catch :—
line afn. d hook, the fis
go and sit down
by tl
fearful cold.
—Mr. R. Swanton,
a barber shop on Jose
building next door sc
Graham's grocery.
a now withrod and
ermineso, will
brook, and catch a
London, has opened
Thine street, in the
8th of Mr. R. A.
Eat Drink and be Nerm
fou can do it if you buy yourboots,shees
and clothing at E. H. DEVER's.
—Advertising is a sal
early and late. He is t
long before your stpre if
your store is closed.
—A full attendance i
meeting of Court Malt
dian Order of Foresters
Installation of officers a
— "The Parish Wel°
paper in connection wit
of this town, made its
week. It will be publish
tion price of 25 cents per
be conducted by the Be
sman that works
lking to the people
open and long after
requested at the
nd, No. 25, Cana -
to -night (Friday.)
d other important
me," a monthly
St. Paul's church,
appearance this
d at the subscrip-
annum, and will
or, Rev. L. G.
— Hallos there! Where are you going ?
I am going to the Wingham shoe store 'to
buy my shoes; I.get all rips sewed free of
charge: J. J. McKneor.
—A regular meeting
bytery was held in the 1
in this town, on Tuesdi
was taken on Rev. H.
nation, which was befo:
full report of the proce
bytery will be given n
—There was a gond t
nual sermon to the Od
afternoen last. Visiti
present from Lucknow,
Teeswater, etc. The p
an imposing appears
marched along -John st
church, headed by the
L. Q. Wood, the recto
fully prepared discou
ed to with rapt atten
Maitland Pres-
esbyteriau church,
y last. No
Mc(vlliarrie's resign
e the meeting. A.
lingo of the Pres -
rnout at the an -
fellows, on Sunday
g brethren were
Wroxeter, Gerrie,
ocession presented
0e as the brethren
eet to the Episcopal
Town Band. Rev.
preached a care
e, which was listen -
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Jolinatou, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. 'La,et styles, good
work, always first-class fit.
—On Thursday ev Aug, the 18th inti,
a. platform meetin will be held in the
Methodist church, it connection with the
Annual District wee ing, when addresses
will be given on four . nationalities, as fol-
lows: England an the English, by 1 ev.
'nd the Irish,
rel nd a
G. 1• . 'Salton; Iby
Rev. W. P. Campbe 1,Ph. D.; Scotland and
the Scotch, by Re G. A. McLachlan, M.
A.; Canada and the Canadians, by Rev. J.
Livingstone. Multi along the line of these
nationalties will e provided. Tickets :
Double, 25e,; single 5 c.; children 10e.
—For firet.oless tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand anti between Ross' book-
store and Patterson's jewellery shop.
--The adjourned elm al meeting of . the
stitute was held in
oms, on Thursday
he attendance was
f the Secretarytt,nid
he Institute is;in a
ly and otherwise:
added the' librar
now domains 1591
room 'is eupplied.
es and periodicals.
hip is 134. 'The
o year numbered
ng classifications:
, 2000; History, 99;
eralLiteraturb', 118;
gious Literature, 28;
oyages and ravels
ference, 7. The fol
t ld a regent
ected for p
e, President; S. A
.11lolndoo, Treasurer
'isher, Bat zstone,'It
donald, leireeterte, 3
Willson, kieditors.
Methodist churc —Next Sunday: Morns
ing subject: "Oh iet in relation to the
Home." In the a ening, Mr. Sellery and
Mr. MoQuarrie w' 1 exchange pulpits.
—A very suoce eful Masonic ball was
held in the Temp 'ansa Hall, on Thursday
evening of last w k, There were quite a
number present fr m outside points,
Brussels Post : We understand, on the
'very best authorit , that S. B. Swale, of
this town, was uui ed in marriage to a
Wingham time lastyear, lady, so e y r, i n
Buffalo. S. B., we •e on to you this time.
-•--At•the Auditor un Concert lnet even-
ing the posin in G ek Costume of Miss
Effie Elaine Hext s one of the cleverest
things of the kind e r done in Toronto.—
Toronto Globe. Mi s Hext will appear in
the Town Hall, on ay 17.
• --G T It trams for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 0,35 a m and 11,20 a m.
via, W G& B .Divisiou, and at 6.45 a m
and 3:50 p m, via Clinton and Guelph..
Good connections by all trains.
— When someo
thing for nothing,
the bait, there is t
o'tire line, for the
something for noth
honest as the one
doesn't intend to fin
4 offers to give some-
nd someone else bites at
n a fraud at each end
an who expects to get
ng is at heart as dig-
•ho promises what he
fil. -
arm weather has sot
o lost in esesytpg all
ey ways, .&c., cleaned
r attention has been
ate of the•back yards
the steres on the west
et. e sanitary in -
the aw is complied
s to R;rale with the
the Wen.
—Now that the
in, no time should
back yards, lanes, a
up and purified. 0.
called to the filthy s
in the rear of some o
side of Josephine str
specter should see tli
with. It is danger°
sanitary condition o
— PLANrs—If you want ea 1y tomatoes,
cabbage, celery, 0aulifiowe;i; tiiower plants
i -stooks, asters, pansies, etc:, orderfrom T.
C. Graham, at the Iron Bridge 'Apiary and
Greenhouses. ' .A. choice Ample of honey
still on hand for sale; Tr C. G1tanA}t,
Assessor Youl
,.couple of weeks
ofthe assessment
went of tho town
which is accounte
ption allowe4t
assessment by war
1, $185,040; ward
450; ward 4, $157,
population is giver
55 over last yea
there are 120 dogs
y years byits present pro
ie Rebsrteen. The writes
th Idr. Robertsons hi his
life, and niuet say that iso
to the great measure of
fallen to his lot. May he
next twenty years to give
'riston a good, live 1ooal
of the Tssias.
highest Meohani
the Institute reedit'
evening of last weel
not large. The repo
Treasurer showed that
good position financi'
There were 187 vole
during the year, which
volumes. The reagin
with 86 papers, xnagazi
The present member
books issued during, t
0370, under the : folk
Biography, 1281 1281 r'lafo
Miscelianeoue,'200; Go
Poetry, Drams, 28;110
Science end Art, 1101
600, and Works of
lowing officers were
year ; A.H. Murgr
Morton, Secretary;
Dr. Towler, Peter
Elliott and J. li,. M
3, F`ergntion and
Ldwer Wingham.
11 • compile -tea his labors
go, and civ examination 1 receivers retained f
11 shows; hat the assess. 'don certificate lioI
Hunter, Registrar o
hardlyto last year,
Y ,
Ontario, says the I
larger ex m-]-
Ont r
fox lath 1 e
'mos fraudulent of
income laxation• The � f.�• �,� •,. .
s .is as follows:. Ward ' order ed•the mauler in which it , bas
-The Wom.en's
the Congregational
ary meeting for L
Congregational Ch
Tuesday afternoon 1
attendance and the
most interesting nat
Rev. W. H. Watson
"Hawaii and the
fissionary Society of Mr. Walter Inglis, of Walkerton, was in
Church held an auxil- town on Saturday last atten ing leis father's
Mrs, Jacob Tennant, of
waiting on her daughter, w
Mr, Wm. Hitmilton, of
tor of the North America
Company, was in town tl
after the interests of his
towel District in the
rah, in this place, on
et. There was a fair
roceedings were of the
e, In the evening
elivered his lecture on
awaiians," to a fair
FIRST L- = - r',TIQNAL 0Ht1 lou,
WINGi;w.r,-W. H. atson, Pas • Ser-
vices each • . • . , . m. and T.p. m.
Sabbath School an Bible Class at 2.30,
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
, -. •
at 8 A . m. Christi a i vs' of same
evening at 9 p, m. All made welcome.
Seats free. Strang: s = come. Sunday,
May 14th. Se ec, morning subject :
"A 12 hour movement." To Young
People : "Second B tle of the Bible."
Evening subject : 'How to become
—Miss Effie Elain Hext, the noted elo-
cutionist, will appear in the Town Hall, on
Wednesday evening
the auspices of Mapl
The Watford Guide-
of her appearance in t
entertainment given
Monday evening, was
the Methodist church.
ings showed rare art
perfect control of her
and enunciation are
Her rendering of "Th
Range," was one of tl
beard in this place,
tens of pantomime wt�
xt, May 17th, under
Leaf Lacrosse club.
dvocate, in speaking
tat town, said : The
in the Music Hall,
ander the auspices of
Miss Hext's read-
stic merit. She has
oice, and her gesture
exceptionally good.
Light from Over the
s best efforts ever
•nd the Delsarte sys-
well portrayed.
The World's Fair
Ts just now throwing out big inducements,
but it is not in it when it conies to selling
ladies' fine button shoes for 95 cents.
—The Iron- Hall
term assessment so
r and an eff
the moneys now in
, an American shert
iety, is in the hands of
being rt is b cin made to have
he hands of Canadian t
r the benefit fana-
C o
ers. Pir. J.. Howard
Friendly Societies for
a the
nHallw s one of
sessment endowment
,30x; ward 3, $132,-1 been d�ssolvea shoals
$103total, $520 X08. The' societies of a similar
as 2150,.azi increase of adduced, lie states, t1
The "roll shows that met at ono time and
town, up a "rake-off" of
have been issued fort
Lower \'Pingbam, died • these men.
last, at the residence —The provision
rnber . He
in lin ry. Act require that "w
retiring some house- pox, cholera, wails
het, was seised with -
orenoon, and never • ing cough, measles,
nr. The deceased I other contagious
nal ayes a wife and I
house or household
e ndin s
i d' lith. The body, shall, within 181 ou
toosidence, .fromm ease is known to
teacher of such sclio
the secretary of the
`` the existence of su
Wm. McCall, o
suddenly on Monde,
of Mr: Win. Hornet
was at Mr. Homuth'
hold furniture, when
paralysis, during the
,rallied, dying at 11
was in his 65th year;•
one son to mourn h
was removed to his
whence the funeral to
day at three o'clock p
k plti a on Wednes-
m., tactile Wingbam
be a warning to sister
haracter. Proof was
t the directors had
ad actually •divided
$250,000. Warrants
ne apprehension of all
of the Public Health
enever a case of
na diphtheria, whoop-
hoo -mumps, glanders, or
iseaso, exists in any
belonging to which are
heel, the householder
•s of the time such, die.
exist, notify the head
1 or schools, and also
cal board of health of
h disease." For neg-
notice as above, that
a in their families,ento
kertou were brought
each fined
—Apprentices wanted at oii!cc to learn lectins to give the
the dressmaking. akin .
Carter's ',.(late Prof.
Moody's) tailor system -only perfect sys-
of mea
els sale
two residents of CV
tem of dress -cutting, taught to apprentices.
Mies Hodgson has resumed business after before the notice mag
lolida3 s and guarantees as before perfect $1 and costs.
fits, latest styles, and good worirt Teach=
ing tailor system a specialty. �,
—The following ' clipped frorn'the Win-
nipeg Daily Tribun of May 8rd, in refer-
ence to the mart' ge of Mr. Roderick M.
McKay, better kno n as Gib, formerly of
this town: One f those happy events
which make life orth living took place
Tuesday . night a the residence of the
bride's father, ex- hief 'Moltobie, Dagmar
street, when Rode ick M. McKay, a well-
known gentleman i this city, was united. in
marriage to Mies tggie McRobio, daugh-
or of Mr. and Mrs. Meltobie.- The happy
ones were assists' through the ordeal by
Mies Liky MoRobi and Mr. Thos. Mo-
Guire. The bride as gowned in shot silk
and looked as Al brides do—charming.
After the ceremon had been performed by
the Rev. Dr. Du 1, the whole party sat
down to the we ding feast prepared by
Airs. McBobie, vel 011 a flash light photo-
graph Was taken of the whole assembly.
The presents reee ' ed were not only costly class,
and numerous, bt 1>eauttent. The party Mr. Jas. Annelle
broke up shortly t fter midnight
Melee N w Teas. • f!!
Wholesale—Gordon R McIntyre are in a
condition to supply families or sooietse
with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now is
the time to secure your teas,
Mrs. B oothly, of Co
at her mother's, Mrs.
Mr. Wash. Tanelyn
for a spell.
D. Sutherland'
week on business.
Mr. Jas. Belden,
Sunday with his pare
Mr. Geo. Mitchell
Sunday it town.
111r. G. A. Newton a
Sunday in Londesbor
Mrs. It. Elliott is in
her mother, who is Ve
Brussels Post: 0
Ainsley, of Wingha
Tuesday. He leeks e
Miss McLeod, of
l;ntitlled, to the Beat. guest of Mrs. W. li
All ore entitled to the best their Money •days.
will buy, so every family should lett. and Mrs. Wal
have, at once. a wile of the had &mil, Toronto,'who werei
e d Syrup of F'i s to cleanse the syne
temwhen costive or Mous, For sale in funeral of the late J
71e. bottles by all leading druggists. father, returned ho
ingwood, is visiting
s home from college
n last
hi iarrnnito
f this place, spent
s, near Molesworth.
of Listowel, spent
Te wuCou
An adjourned meeting
MI was held on Friday ev
beret all present, except J
Rev.SSe lieypresent
ed by over 250 wives,m
residents of Wingham,
Council do not grant a
ima, /sin town
o is 111 at her
oronto, Inspeo-
Lifo Insurance
is week looking
f the Town Coun-
ing last. Mem.
lin Eider.
d aetition sign -
there and sisters,
praying that the
y further hotel
licenses. The Rev. Mr. ' ellery, iu present-
ing the petition, gave a able address on
the question before the e • until.
Mr. Thos. Gregory by fly replied. to Mr.
Sellery,. and Mr. John I insley, the appli-
cant for the additional icense, addressed
the Council, and stated fiat he had receiv-
ed a three months' per it from the license
The Clerk road the le al opinion received
from T, J. Garrow, M. . P., which was to
the effect that the Con il had power to re-
peal or amend the by -la limiting the num-
ber of licenses to be gra Med.
Communications wer read from Messrs.
R. Green, John MoCoo , Geo. Fretwell, and
Thos. Smale, asking tl at their names be
taken off the petition to grant Mr. John
Dinsley a license.
Moved by R. C. S
Thos. Gregory, that
Deans and others be
Mr. John Dinsley to
license. [The petiti
law fixing the numb
amended to read th
ed,,insteed of four
arling, seconded by
to prayer of Mr. Peter
-anted, so as to enable
et a beer and wine
n asked that the by -
r of hotel licenses be
five licenses be grant -
e. Times.]
The yeas and na were taken, as fol-
lows : Yeas—Mes: s. Hiscoc s,
McLean, Johns, erdsman, Sparling-6.
Nays—Messrs. Bro kenshire, Towler, Jer-
ome, Homnth, M Kenzie, Dawson, Nee-
la ds— . Motion et.
n 7 s
The Public Wor. s Committee reported,
giving the estimat cost of works to lie
done on the streets sidewalks, &c., the pres-
ent year, as follow
Ward No. 1—Gr
between Victoria
gravel walk on Vic
Victoria street,
$10• culvert , at Ch
toriastreet, 87; g
$24.50; plank walk
foundry to John
Swarts' Hotel sta
crossing on Victor
$15; total, $1119.50
Ward No. 2—R
site pump works,
pairs in front of -
block . crossing 01
Union Factory, an
to sidewalk on
pairs to sidewal
grading on Franoi
pairs ,
on sidewalks
85; block crossing
$15; gravel on hill
drain on Centre st
deuce, $4.50; grave
Total, $115.50.
Ward No. 3—Gr e
north, $20; gravel a
block crossing on
block crossing ou A
at G. -T. R. bridge, $10; gravel on Minnie
street, sout1 of Alfr d street, $10; tile drain
seventy feet long, a corner of Patrick and
Edward street, 85; look crossing on Ed-
ward street, at Pati ck street, $
gravel en
Patrick street we s , $0; covered drain on
Patrick street, betw en Edward and Jose-
phine, $5.50. Total $98.50,
Ward No. 4—Co erts on Franois and
Patrick streets, $19; ravel on Shuter and
ratting and gravelling
lr of Patrickstreet,$5:
tie and Patrick street
trick street, at Centre
g, $10; gravelling ori
near Josephine, 85;
treet, a
.f ?at$40;riokgr
, $5; vel graveforl
ear woolen mill, $5;
1 front Maple street
1 on Shuter street, tit
'hark for sidewalk on
(bark for sidewalk on
avel on +✓banes street,
Total, $1511.
tCry--Crossing. •at Eoe's
ding on William street,
nd John streets, $10;
oria street $10; fence on
Chapman's Tannery,
)man's Tannery, Vic-
avel on Victoria street'
on Minnie street, from
street, $55; repairs at,
es, Victoria • street, $7;
and Josephine streets,
airs to crossing, oppo-
ictorie. street, $1,50;; re-
Lemmex's shop, 81.50;
Diagonal street at the
gravelling, $20; repairs
agonal street, $10; re -
oil Victoria street, $8;
street, south, $20; re -
on Francis street south,
on Shuter and Victoria,
t Victoria, $5; covered
et, at T. L. Job's resi-
on Diagonalstreet, $25.
on Edward street
rink, Alfred street, $8;
award and Alfred, $8;
red ancl Minnie street,
a Mrs, Newtonspent Petrick streets, 86;
on Shuter etreet, noi
block crossing Ce
88; tulvert across P
street, and graveli
Patrick street, east,
gravel for Centre
'hands street, north
for Alfred street,
gravel on Shirt& str
tO railway, $10; grav
Scott and ion, of Albert street, $5; ta
town attending the Charlee steeet, $5;
lin Inglis, Mee. Soott's laeir hay press, $8.
on Wednesday. John ottnet bon
Listowel attending
, wee in town on
ter his work first -
edam litts been the
oDonald, foe some
hotel stales, $15; repairs to aro
Edward street, 82; gravel on John;.
between Edward az d Minnie str
block crossing on ohn street, at
street, 1610; gravel o i John, between
and Leopold street
on John street, nes
John street, ,east o
plank sidewalk o
Congregational c
$110; covered dra'
Stone Block, 84.5
$0; two block or
school, $20; grt
the school, $40;1
John street, frog
arch : Panois
on Johton rstreet
. Total, $215
Josephine atree boundary -Tanbark`
sidewalk near br clge, 82; gravel oroesinrt
Albert street at Josephine, $5; repairs
tanbark walk .pposite chair factory;
gravel on Cor n's hill, $10; scraping b
tween railwa and bridge, $10; scrap;
and oarting o mud, Josephine street,
eight feet s' c ewalk on Josephine scree
$170. Total 8280.
Moved by . C. Sparling, seconded by Ii
Herdsman, • fat 38500 be placed to the ore
of Public W rks Committee --Carried. 1
The Fire, 'gilt and Water Commit
reported th t the cost of street lamps p
annum, a. ornate to $300; two lights
town hall, 0' coats per night; one light
council oha, ber, 30 cents per night; if
hall and sou ail chamber lights aver
more than o 'e night per week per emu
then. the p ice .will be 25 cents per lighi
per night; t e price for an incandesce
light in the main entrance to town b
building will 'e 87.80 per annum; for eigh
sma11P'`:cs o 1 stage: and two in dressing
rooms, $12 pe annum; The committee re-
commended. t at the lights be put in at the.
prices. name • They also recommended'.
that the wat: works be extended up Pat-
rick street, fr
street, as soo
Dawson, sero
the Tire, Ligh
port be adopte
A general di
tion took place
port was adopt
dop t
lors suggesting
different parts
opinion seemed
street 1
many stn e g
Mr. J. A. Mor
Meanies' Institu
stating that heb
tion from the Co
ing room be open
of&ers of the In
the wishes of the
difficulty was t
reading room, It
candescent lights
162.23 each to put
one year, a total c
Moved by J. N
Dawson, that the : matter of lighting the
e be referred to the
mmittee, with power to
a by Geo. McKenzie(
regory, that this Coen -
los' Institute for one
gent, at the cost of $43,
ng room be left open to
r6ckenshire, seconded
at Councillor Neelands
Revision, instead
ourt t
Josephine street to rands,
as possible. Moved A„
hGregor ed byT that
Thos. , th
and Water Committee's re-
ussion on the light` ques-`:
efore the Committee's re-
d, several of the Council -
hat lights be placed in
the •town, but the general
o be that the town had , as
it could afford.
n, secretazy of the Me-
e, addressed the Council,
Mechanics' Mash
Fire and Light C
act—Lost. Mov
seconded by %hos.
cil light the Meal.
year, as an expel
providing the read
Moved by w. F
be placed on. the
of, Councillor ma
Mr. S. Merriele or the band, said that
if the Council did ot help them, the band
would be forced. t disband. If the town.
helped thetn they ould play in the epees air
once week, weat er permitting. The Pro -
had been referred diclei it in favor of.
assisting the ba
by the Caution.
Moved by S. a s, 'seconded by
placed on the Pi oi.ty Committee, instead,
of Jos. Galley— mried,
Mr. Jos. Laird sked the privilege of tap-
ping the waterer rks main, as he wished to
put in baths he nnectiou. with Ina busi-
nese. Moved. b R. C. Sperling, seconded
bv John Neelan s, that the request of ;Viz
Jos. Laird be referred to the Fire end
Water Omani tee, with poWer to act-.
MoVed by W r. Brook hire, seconded
by W. B. Towl r, thee the meeting el
May-: -Carried,
by W. B. TOW r, that 8850 be placed tc
the credit of t e Sehool Beards --Carried.
ntstitied the 0 noll that they Maimed car
tain exenaptio s under the frontage test
The COUtiei then adjourned.
4ge.: WAS taken.