HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 8TATE 1'1' INGIIA1\ ' TIMES, MAY e ,) 18 93. cattle lr arl ots. Wm. Strong, culvert, lot 9, con. 0, $2; W, H. Clegg, foot bridge, Corrie, 510,50; James. Martin, lumber for Gorrie foot- bridge, $23,13 ; Wm. Dane, preparing sohedule for county bridnes from 1874 to date, for arbitrators, u; A. S. Storing , lumber for culvert, $8.50, Moved by Mr. Fergusou, seconded lay Mr. Graham, that the council do now ad- journ to meet in the township hall, Gerrie, 011 the 4th day. of May, at one o'olook p. m.—Carried. MR +• *� •C•East Buffalo, N. Y., May G.—Cattle— Nothing doing. `- S1101)0.14 lambs—Twenty-two cars on 1, follow up our last week's success with stile; good 08 to 72 lb. clipped lambs selling for tritnnpli---to make it plain to you at 56,25; 041 heed of choice 82 lb. selling at sae do the largest Dress Goode busi- $0.35, and good 041b., i0.30; the best 95 to N --We announce a remarkable low price 100 lb. clipped sheep sold at 33 50; common week, the merits of which are sure to and light stock about steady with early ippreeiu.tecl by all who enters our shop. l sales of the week. The close was not so invite you strong. FINE woo; 1)111S 00019. I Hogs—Twenty oars on sale; 9 care Can - 'ad wool fabrics this spring aro prettier I atlas; opened steady; 5e higher than Mon- a ever. ':;:lie shadings of every color I ,nay; closed weak; 10e lower than opening; perfcet, the combination and trimmings , $7,75 to 57.85 was paid for best; most of here to match in harmony with mater- ' the Canadas and fair weight Yorkers sold If.- See tivllat'.ve offer you this week. 1 at $7.50 to $7.G5; a few at 117.70; pigs, $7 to 1 57.50. SIL1IS. 01 the newest Paris novelties are here 111oss variety at M. II. Z,ieIndoo's. All I Brussels. le are sold at pop'rler prices, no matter t Mr. Jas Irwin, dry-gooda merchaut,has W scarce the article is, no matter how decided to go out of business here. Oa or exclusive, the lowest price always. j In reference to the supposed fortune FLOUNcI1 GS. likely to come to old Mrs. Cooper, of All silk black Chantilly 11 ing 1111 s fu t1 Brussels, it appears the sum is only 8500 xge variety of beautiful patterns. and after legal expenses are paid the nF+av-attn>•t CLOTIfING. I rnooey will be paid over, it is expected,to 'Tin) most choice goods to be had iii the ; John Leith and children, Mrs. Cooper Iaxl. t, handsomest goods out this spring J not being in the calculation at all. 4M. H. Molndoos. 1 The Royal Templars of Temperance,of 111;1:RS VATS. ' this place, have had the "Emeralds," a In the latest swell shapes, silk lined and 'temperance trio, composed of J. Parsons 11s trimmed in all the new shades. For .� Smith, Pror. Morgan and Miss fairy the past we collected all the choicest Morgan, in town this week giving tetn- ain gems our cash buying resources I'stance revival meetings. Viand. We invite you all to our large blishment,dressed up forjthe occassiou, 6. . McIIDOO'S ADDITI(13�IAL LOCALS. —Mr. A. B. Carr has secured the town )eigh scales for another year, at a rental of —TheBrusselsBrussels Post, in its last issue, er quoting the paragraph we gave last ok from the Wingham Advance, said : he above from the Wingham Advance of t week is rather amusing, although the hestnut" about Sir Oliver Mowat andhis Teeswater,. Mrs. W. R. Thompson, who has been very ill, is able to be around again. Mr. John Chapman is making great preparations for his hoppery. The front of his place will soon present the appear- ance of a tamrack swamp or ship yard. Howson Bros have shipped two car loads of flour to Quebec this week. Now that the fishing season is on, we may all prepare to hear some great fish stories. The "speckled beauties" will be well fed for the nett few months, Two of our Citizens figuied in the police court this week, owing to .a little Was. DAsm, Clerk, Tur 11Uet`rY' Mr, R. Maxwell had a ewe that lat ely dropped a lamb that weighed 18 pounds,. Zetland. A. °halloo to Vellslo1. (punt 1 Banner.) Parsons interested in the iron industry are asking Sir Olivet 1llowat to give a bounty of $2 a ten on iron mads in Toronto. The Dominion Government already pays ;412 a ton. The caloula- tion is to employ 100 hand and turn out 40 ton• a day. This would be $800 a day, or at the rate of $8 a titan. Why not put the men on a pension of say $1 a day and save the other WI The following report shuwa the; standing of the pupils; of S. S. No. 7, Zetland, for the month of April, and• is based upon regularity of attendance, conduct and general proficiency. Names are arranged in order of neiit 4th sr.—Bert Taylor, Mattie Thom" son, Clara Pelton, Emma Davidson, Lottie Davidson and Chas Sutton. 3ra sr.—George Lamont, Roland Grain, Jane Baird, Lizzie Eaglestone, Stephen Pelton,Robert Baird, Maitland McDonald, 'Willie Eaglestone and Lillie McDonald. 3rd jr.--Cassie McOreight, Eunice Peddle and Frank Grain, 2nd Class.—Samuel Legatt, Lori McDonald and John McGirr.years, 7 months, 2 days. Pt II sr, --John Baird, Ezra l GOAD—At Idensall, on the 29th April, I A nig Mabel dauchter of Mr. Richard encounter which took place between vernment coercing liquor dealers does + t often do duty excepting at election time I them. Both being rather quick temper - •s a matter of fact there is not a Reform i ed and in "a Moment of weakness''' allowed that rash humor which their mother gave them to get the mastery, said and done things which culminated as above stated. Mr. Olheiser has sold out his livery stable, we understand, to a citizen of Glammis. Tho annual meeting or the Mechanics' Institute members was held in the town hall on Monday last. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., A. a. Stewart; V. Pres.,J.Forsyth; Sec., Mrs. J. J. Stephens ; Treas., J. K. McLean. A board of Directors was, ?tel -keeper in Wingham and Messrs. Roe ?ad Swarts, to whom licenses were granted ;st week, are about as likely men to pledge emselves to support the Mowat Admin - ration as Hon W. R. Meredith would be. e editor of the Post had a short conver- ion with Mr. Roe on this point and he such a thing was never hinted at. The eer of the Advance at Mr. Mowat's well- itten pamphlet is not a bit cute and the oxious and tyrannical lidense system" es,.never been shown on the floor of the gislature Assembly to be what this iagghana whirlwind tries to make it out be. The "posted politician" should pol- I also appointed. The Institute is now in up his specs before he froths any more a flourishing condition and has a mem- d call up and see Mr. Roe on the "stout bership of about 120. ages". he made the Commissioners before Lost 9 "Barney" ; the finder will be received license. suitably rewarded by leaving the same at .a'm3rii. �HA1IT -Tn Wingham, on May 2111, the wife of Mr. Ezra Hart; a claugliter. BrEnu.a—In Wingham, on May 2nd, the wife of Mr. J. H. Beoiner, agent C. P. R.; a daughter. .A GAn—In Culross, on May aril, the wife of Mr. Andrew Agar; a son. b2.eQUAla—In Lucknow,' on April 27th, the wife of Mr. Angus McQuaig; a son. nimaatILD. GALLAe1Ii+R—M8CeNrr'+LL — 011 the 25th ult., by Rev. D. Rogers, at the residence of the bride's father, llev. Win. Gallagher, Presbyterian minister, of Ayton, Ont., to Miss Jennie McConnell, of Ashfield. DYED. Caoslc.—In Wingham, on the 29th April, Lizzie, wife of Mr. J. W. Cronit, aged 22 years. Weals—In Wingham, on the 4th May, "John 'Inglis, aged 78years. Kincardine and Godericli papers kindly copy. . KINc.—Ill Bluevale, on the 29th .April, Mary C., wife of Mr. Peter King, aged 10 Hontutl, and Lancelot Grain. Coad, aged 11 years and 7 months. P6 II jr.--Alfred NleCreight and i EwINos—ln Clinton, on the 26th ult.: I Mary Eagleston1. J Joseph Ewings, aged 92 years and 9months• 1893. SPRING. 1893. CORDON & IcIN R Are now opening up 'Che finest display of S?ti ` S in all the different departments of their large trade that they have ever been able to place beiorethe public. the 0. P. R. office here. The license question is agitating other Friday, the 5th of May, will be Arbor ces than Wingham. The Atwood Bee, day in the Province. It would not be its last issue, says : Atwood is to enjoy amiss if the Reeve was to proclaim a half boon of having no whiskey sold in holiday on said day to give the citizens midst, no bar -rooms allowed, no drunk- an opportunity of beautifying their leen to reel and tumble on the streets. premises by the planting of trees, &e. om the report published of the proceed- A lot adjoining main street presents of the license commissioners of North h we notice that only two licenses have the appearance of a demolished hamlet n after a cyclone or tornado. granted in Elma—to A. Huggins, --� kton, and A. H. Wynn, of Newry. A espondent to the Stratford Herald has presumption to assert that the refusal 'ant licenses here will seriously effect prosperity of the town; that the farm - will take their grain to Listowel be - there will be no stabling accommo- n here; that it is a little scheme of actor Climie's to allure trade to Lis - together with political designs. Such sense! 7£ dispensing with the privi- nf malting men beasts and home deso- will prove detrimental to trade, then trade go to the four winds, because the and happiness are not to be compar- with filthy lucre. But such is not the The farmers who bring their pro - to market here will find all the stab- commodation they require long after -rooms have been closed. And if sent hotel owners will not provide ry room other men in the com- will, for there is sufficient money in to snake it pay. While the in will towards the men en. toss, if rejoices in the fact ing a prohibition town, E. S. CouLT>✓s, Teacher. 1 BarANs—In Morris, on April 22nd, Ed - .'t ward Bryans, aged 90 years, 10 months Subscribe for the Timm. and 15 days. HAT A SURFISE Collie and see the beautiful ESSO-OOIDS in all the latest tints and textures that the European and American markets offer the Oan.adian trade. • We offer great attractions in every department. Your spring house se cleaning always is You are surprised to find the carpets so much worn and the way the lace arncalil have a every to.Yonr counterpanes, sheets1 T All goods marked in plain figures also proves a surprise thing, reedsreplenishing.We have made d arae purchases in all these - prices. hese- . � the way of variety and prices.• and' at cut prices. a lines and can give you a genurne Supp tis n • GOB srl ON & McINTYRE9., ntEThergetdouse. A special line of Americangoods0, 55 and65cnts a •yrd.__— --=--- -1oodq. E HVE A I�RANGE dT CMPETSP They are a ways a lea When they are gone we cannot repeat them owing to late tariff change. ttrliataZ We have the best assortmmient in town. 16 yards of good art mus- lin for one dollar and better lines at equc:lly low prices. Double: width curtain nett in white. cream with taped edges frotn 10 to 4() cents a yard. Lace curtains from 45 cents to $8.00 a pair. Curtain poles' cern- plete with rings and brackets for 25 cents each.• A line of carpet sweepers, newest makes and latest improvements, at low prices. Colne to head- quarters for your spring house furnishings. OUR PRINT DEPARTMENT Is just now attracting the attention of shrewd buyers. A wood Print at 5 and G cents a yard, a special case lot of regular 10 cent print at I and 8 cents a yard. You cannot get as good valve elsewhere. AM i R1CAN SATEEVTS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and 13• cts. a yard. Delaines and challies at all prices. Black and colored dress goods in all the new materials and shades. Ladies and gtntsBoots and Shoes Howicic. The Council met at lordwich, April In all prices and styles. A special line of ladies' fine shoes in buttoned and ]9th, 1893, 1n Brown's hotel, pursuant to lace at $1.25, worth $1.75. adjournment. Men's fine flannelette and sateen shirts in light or dare: effects. Hats, Members all present; the Reeve in the Ties, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs for everybody. Ladies' undervests at chair. 5 cts. each. Tose, 3 pairs for 25 cts. Pure silk ribbon 3 yards for lOc. Minutes of last meeting read, and after (yi tt d at mill pr'- being amended as follows, were approv- ed: M. Daum, pathmaster instead of C. Shaver; T. 11. McLaughlin and Jas. Elliot, Gerrie, to work ou 8th con. west; lot 14, con. 14 work to go in rt. Ferguson's beat on sideline ; Chas. Wolf, pathmaster instead of A Sangster; lot 28 on cons. 6 and 7, put into Wm. Leonard'a beat. Also minutes •of special meeting read and approved. Requisition from R. i.Iatbe- eon, Esq., Superintendent Belleville Deaf and Plumb Institute, for clothing for F. Birtch, read, and Clerk instructed to se- cure and forward said clotaing. Letter read from R. Vanstone, solicitor for II. C. Willits re road on B line. The Clerk was instructed to reply stating that � ®� �� �� - the road is fenced neatens for Cho present,'HARNESS "" 1; and will shortly be attended to I'H A N S SAND Godsend tos®thoo eomamun ty, Accounts passed: -•-Win. Slerkley, gf?avel, Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, ickaon of Goderich, has Murray, roadway lot 15, eon. 18,, i)I;,6U; suoll as Its. Mathews, oulvertslot 26, 0cu:,4, and I IIEA"VY, LIGS'l.' and TRAON. HARNESS, :• i , ' : NETS, MISTERS, b'ordwich, $4.75; A. Sfnclal rnrruranee ;, WHIPS, BRUSHES, 'CdMGS, lownabip Hall, $7,20; W. Olson, A.1 CURRY '0 SHEAT COLLARS, Joboston and 8. Broden, wood, "for 1>Ira, 1 'JS, S ISS, VALISESLA tS, Walker and Mrs. MaDermitt, 413.90; 'CVM. , ' TRAVLLSN'G BAGS, &o,, lot 15 con: 14, $1; J Sbirtings an o one es s. We carry the largest selection of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in the county. A. car of corn to hand this week of the following var- e r Learning Golden Beauty, ieties : Cornptons Early Pride of the North, 5 Canada Flint, King of the Earlies, Red Cob,IMammoth Southern Sweet, and Giant Prolific, Special prices •in large quantities. All kinds of Clover and Grass seeds. WENTLD. O9O �CS � Highest price paid, "°' Make all you can out of your money by spending it with us. Ca -HAM_ Where do you buy your 'GOTS and SHOES? 60 pairs 7 ome rine Kid Tie Shoes, 90o., worth $1.25 60 pais Women's Kid Tie hoes,$i.25, worth $1.50. 60 -ors. Wo en's Kid Bu „ton-. ed. Shoe's, '$1. r 59 worth. $2.25. $4,44; lei, Dane, poll clerk fees, 32; W. S. Having bought out the Perkins, clouting for Birtch, $4.5;�,t. L. am prepared to furnish the . public with everything usually hept in a harness shop wtrie eu With a stroke of partial Is. Ur. Dickson is one of the of Huron, and is one �,f the widely ltnow�t reaidenta of the having oecupied responsible 1 cion for upwards of forty Hubbard, culvert , I•ni>ike pU m'y oviu Collars acid gaaratotee ea faction. to illness will be side nd Rolston, culvert, 123, cos 14SO cent W 0. his many friends inside i d iilaut, culvert, lot 23, 0011 C„ cents 1..90; Wm. Give mora trill and I will use you right. gamy.and all will Hayes, ditch lot 4, con. 4, speedy recovery. Ardelt, filling culverts•. 1, 5, con 6, 38 ; itte. Com`.. - -W "il'O:N".r • The above lines are 'reliable goods, iron. the • best makers. We have the cheaper kinds too, $1 per pair. Ourhildren's coarse ak is now nd fine shoes. lete in Men's, �OY3(l.en S Call and see them. Respectfully yours, 0- Di 0_ ��_ '= TG - T P opu r Boy for p We have this week opened out our exceedingly choice and attractive stock of W LL RANGING IN PRICES FRO ''° 5 TO 500m •Latest styles, with CEILINGS AND BORDERS To match. GILTS, GLIMMERS, MICAS, itt grains, in white backs, brown backs and every other kind of backs, off all 4pers 10 der Cent o ��:]: fdr dash.! Also largo stock of WINDOW ST•iA.DES•which we tie selling cheaper than ever. Give us s call and see for yourselves. ALEX. ROSS. (;a .:t VOL. X We show this w t'urnishings: LACE CURTAIL CURTAIN ( ;ART MUSLINS BRUSSELLS Cf ALS, WOOL CAl UNI0r SUP HEMP CARPET OIL CLOT WILTON CRUMB CLOTH TABLE CLC LINEN and W( white Another consign the best in town fc Shop early and This store closes a ORI; Dire Tan Blear., April 2: IMMInemaseroisdertarsreftvonn Marria Issued by Fn me toria street, Wing required. LOCA —Dr. Sinclaitj Queen's Hotel, 1'i 22nd inst., from 1: o'clock p. til. Con --The Walkerto this week. —Quite a numb expect to visit tit during June and --Call at the`` assortment of frui —Mr. Mahood, preached in the 31 day evening last. -The Winghar advertising for tv) See their advertis, —Garden Seeds at Hamilton's dr, of the Post Office. A. IL C /Mr. ter, has 'been but we are please, to be out again. —Mr, Henry D A. W. Webster, c ducting a successi Bayfield. —We beg to r us by note or boo same before Junc —Postmaster I hisa room for ups a recurrence of effected one of hi year . About all ar, for the 24th .of 1t add the progrant Make your arras can spend the 2 1 a good day's ep i —Wanted, i1n: makers; higher • than any in tow: Messrs. J. P Vanstone and G Godericll and ba port "Walter G. as doing well, an be in good shape Brussels, on t Beattie Bros'. Brussels. —',Che Hard best exchanges, ductedfor twe prietor, Mr. Jo spent one year' early jonrnaiisti is fully entitled anises that 'ani be spared tl the poop 1-3 I,raper, is the 1v ' iF0It If •you do the At; E. H. Dever irtylei from 32.1