HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 7Leaner , wine Wanted, jb9ut Lora#ting, IY WAX DAMS, IN k`.titdil,t3i' AfY)C.V..t'F, The grafting season )til( 30oti lie We are indek#ted to you in the pus for the pul)lluit y yin terve at t au t' n attr 'views 01) the ling question to its tori cue phases, add We again ask for space for the rattle ),In t peas, We think it will be eauuellial that the gtwation of farmers raising bogs fa of equal impnrtaiiee With tee 1'aisllrl,t .and feeding of oat le. ALIriculturis'H knowing foil a1 el thst ilulr,sa tli'sy •produe,l 4'.181 feed a tti !'i 11. for export, they uair u f "lttaln the ht;hai t pate's. `This rule hata i#'lr,',sett. applied to hogs nearly its utrialv 816 to C•1ttla, blit 'every year 1,81,1gs '114 n :Ayer to a *joss -dlscrivaia•iti lit etre itrav', pointed out foroinly Itlt l f:•'xirtl.r,tly ii: the press vthat at.' day its past [or enitstlin-trti Mat - ag flit pork ; every day makes this more apI) %relit Wei do probably the largest basittess i11 th» Douttuiou with °ensnarers Oudot ill there retail stores, where we final is simply impossible to sell fat )morl itoc) heats. it is trot so .absnlutoly ilipl-alit* t0 sell this dfa• criptiou Li Bigoted, ilttt we have to take it reduced price, varying from -�y}-c, to to. per p mod 0,8 the live Hogs ,A,t the presetlt time a large pruportiott .of the bort atriviu;t. though so desir- ' able weights, have been fled so liberally that they were entirely unsuitable for too Engli..h or the r' tail trade, Bence they are made into a second-class article' whielt melts to It low figure. We are informed that this Zing (arisen from two or throe coses--the ahond, ant soppiy.of food, a scarcity of store hogs, toad 11.1G, sat ilot least, the fact lakat tush alt' )vers have contracted the hogs a1. Iitg tl"se nriees, end the market 1..ti'. iu declined they have in. duced the farmers to keep Own 00 for a while SVe tootle press upon all concerned that to att'tial tho highest price they xuust prodnoe the ttOttntti 'wanted—a long, 1' -tin pl.?, fairly fatted, weighing from 160 to 220 pound;! alive. We are not uekiui( the farmers to der any- thing agai.,st their owu interest; H,• far front that, it psis been shown that our experiuie„ta; stations in Canada, and at similar in9tia ntlons in the T7, S., flint it to Ates le .s Foist to ntitl(a a pound of posit before the tan:ata! reanhes 20() Munn is tbtui after. We are gaits a k' r•' that this is not the generally rtc•'ived opuiiun ; but facts aro stabr.are things, and those farmers who has,, adopted the plan lit bell 8i olttheir h •;;s at about 1 potlucks. suit having rattlers- to rei)l1*tr them, have told its that they tire, well eau! -tied with the r"rtslis. 1;1ere 'l'la„ yi)ur,tC. XOND 01101, +u Itlit IT t to Vas; It will ttta it Sourer. of pleasetr' )tilrl profit at, !tome, and gni te.0 .rgIU of #ri gray 4ait be Partied tslllou; iula'3 neighbors The scions slluultl be oat 'env foul buried its the earth, 1'ttti Bear the i'e iu that icellattse, or &to,n1 s+it'b their dote HMS 141 the Porth on tiles shady SR.. of at bu1Itii'g, n' til time to use. To 1011, WI he I'Ht tsill.Y:.•'.i.ti N#tit graftitle, the H"1 tn, oi'stis:lt to be its. sertod, should bra t nils dormant w punt in, whiles 1I1,�,Jroe tlit t.t 1.e grottos! mai Ise pu5liittti iota) leaf .1u.•1; taS, the hints are °pelting all Ilse tree' #H I tits I tune , for work,. T1u salt, it, then gnitt- active, anti the union of st ilk and (cion las st•0';er iteuntup i'hucl !frau tit only rrthor time. +t Rebecca. Wilkinson, of Browmsv;whey Ind„ says; "1 hac1 been in is distress*, condition, for three years from Nervonrl ness, %Veakuess of tate Stocuctell, Dva,pon:iit. and Ittafie<sstion until my health was gene. I had even (Motoring omen:010y without 1 relief. 1 bought one bottle of South t.ni• erican Nervine, which done me tnore goo:1 i than luny CIO worth of doctoring L ever did iu my life. 1 would advise every weakly i person to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy." A trial bottle will convince you. I IVr.rrltuted at (hi:limbo's drug store. A. B,,Ptter Bu$iL'lese. Genr'„ e 01 a: k, the ceiolorate negro inioetrel, 1'elio4t on ono occasion exam Inst) tin tt witnea4, WWI severely inter rrtgttted by the: barrister, who wished to geek clown his evidence. You vire in the negro minstrel business, 1 be. Neve ? inquired the barrister, Ye:', sir. was the prompt reply. Is that not u rather i •w calling ? de- manded the barrietet, I ihin'r know hat what IT is, sir, re- plied the ,ttit14trel, bila it is s'1 (,loch ►tetter- than my tattler's Haat I am rattler proud of it Whitt was your father's calling. Ila' wale n liar, toter, replied (3 nric, f n u Unto tl,t Pot the ()mill; iii u rout of hinghcer. . Hotatiwty's PILL s.-- l'!ie Female's Friend. ---71 $uhI as ante human tions are ,Ile ird1rt: l they should he rectifi•,d. It i'1 n h „pelt's9 delusion to leave the Jo,1111y to i et own cluuve'. A. few ltpt,rt'p 1 t anise.. of Holloway's Pills at the proper p�lioal will preterit many a sermu4 1111.1ey4. 1'11r1 arrcl'.t all ill Pei), 1 1'n:1.1••nuc1s, rind pi event disease fro•u *4.t•tid,o)ff 1(8 nit ("tlltg More dist x111 4i", 1 )8. 1..u•'tr priu:ary Action is sip 34 the trtood,n.tlur,tch,llvet•, kidiaeye, anti 1, 5(. 1n. Their secondary • action sttei l;thrnS the nervous centres. No drue can he et amen so harmless yet 880 11111,tl;oln5tie 10 disorders affect- ing the oilier )sex. The most perfect relic; ee ►nay he placed upon their purifying, (*intim*; anti renovating virtues. alley may he safely taken by females at any nee, There's some tlliugs I suu't under- stand, said Tial. It 1 get thy feet wet 1 get a cold 10 ;nv heard, but 1 eau wet my head twiee at day ta11:1 lest el• ge. it cold in my feet. Tltie spring 04 our seasons iu the year, is the one for making rad Ica! ehaure1 iu regard tohealth. During the winter, the nystetu becotnes to a certain cut tit clogged with waste, and the blood loaned with ittinurltie4, owing to lack of exercise, close confinement 111 poor- ly,,ventilltteti shops and homes, and other causes. L8)1.m tbn cause of the dull, sluggish, tiled feeling so general at tin's gear:nn, and which must be overocwe, or the health may be entirely broken down, 11ooc1'stiarna'rarilll'• has attained tae great. est popunll18.' aria over the coutu y as a favorite splriog medicine. It expels the accumulation of impurities through tho bowch', ltl(Ileys. firer, lungs and stun, giv- ing to the blood the purity and quality necessary to „goad heaalth and overcomes that demi Noting.. Groorr'H °leek ••..Orattut:;, IH,L't(. ? Yea meant, w1•'ve jest •a ()Thud dozen left; ,vll'tt Him- ado' }lr, Gnny,'us)—. Wiry, of 4.8881:8*', that's the shape 1; always get '4888, ltnttvtstAiistt 00altn IN A. DA1r,.-8011th iirlaoricatu .ltlieueiatro Cure of lheurnatisM arta l•eura1gla ieadlcaily cures in 1 to 3 attys. Its action upon the system in ve markable a„'x '.,yetario'ut, 16 removes at oboe the N u.,.. of the disease immediately disappears, The first dose greatly bete. ills. 78 dents,. Werranted at Obisholtn's drugstore, THE, WI G . j TIMES,ISIAY5, i e. T4 Pica at , Wit Can be pone, When the system in ovr"rh,adeel with ilia' purity, tile cumulation slut g ,•i,b, and the storrlacll out of order, as tel often the case` 1n sprnm time, there is no remedy so uasiaus leis Burdock Blood Bitters to re - remove every trace of impure matter and rester: perfeot 1)ealth. As tt result of the etorm,the Presbyter - :an church, Exeter, is tniuns its roof. Part of the roof of Hawkshalv's hotel stable was blown off. The roof of the .school house, about a mile and a half west of Exetdr. was blown off, D'eheious Caramels. one tis•tl ow-, half pounds of white. sugar, one calve, or half a pound of (huuhue, a, cl.pfu11 ui el ;11)11. A gloater pnno)1 e,f`. novel, )a ten-tiuor))rul of fiaxos184g. The mixture will boil up an:t tient the surface when nearly acme A'go.eal 1.•68 is In tithe. e. a spools, to see if it aid. urnuthh', when it should tie taken tiff. 4IaI1i' eiff in squares before 86.1:4 entirely told. Lnglinh tipn.viii Itutlipeet ret,avcs ail hard, soft. or uallounecl Lumps 81,8,1 13!ein- isl)e8 iron. horses, Stood Sparta. Curbs, Splints, Birt;. Nolte, Sweeney, :;titles, Sprains; hors and swollen Throat, Oonglis, etc. S,tve $:,0 by use of one bottle. War- ranted by Ciaishohn's drug store. A matt can be .t ery fast it, this world without being a sprinter. The iyU1J1!('1'1lil cheek of ,1 tart/tl smite tape's u.tve1ts three or tette sellers. Itch on hunnin and horses find ail ani- mals (:tired fa NU ()lathes by 45rnl'lfnrd's Sanitary Lotion. Tilifl Hever Nils. War- ranted at Ohiehnin:'s 11rn0 store. + Sharp Eyes.. Little Dot---(;'rown folks rlon't rare auythiug for circuses.' Little Dirk• ---Yes, they) sin, No, they don't, They only goes so as to take the children Little Dick—Yes, that's what they say; blit they ])ever taker any hooks along to read. saw nest Ever Made. DeA't Slash—1 can highly reenminenrl. Havant's Pectoral Balsam se the hest remedy ever outdo for 0ou01la nttrl colds. I ant never without it hl lily house: o(ile)r 1'atstint, Lnraevill1, (lot. You. don't9iee11l to kIloty 8814. Taal the ward -worker to the tensa, as he unrolled his petition. ' ' one face is very familiar, s)iicl the buss. hot l coil- not place you neetneea Cttiod. ST1tS�.7 ,--Por yea1'n 1:'val::1 trntthied with 1e,atn0AU; 1)81(1 1•t:4t winter 0081841 notal'- nets hear at alI. 0n applying lisayttrrt'ei •)'*Hose 011 it restored fay hearing and neer 111ear SS well AA a1ynn0. Mas. TterrY,x: Cobs, Weymouth, 3. t' First thole (,1br1 1Ta•t your luster besot) ) akin' lel#s'tr lessons yet I S'':nilrl Little Girl ----She's takitt' sotaitetin' on the 1.)llano, but I cont'tali yet Whether it's inusie or t,ypewri1ire, r =� rR rnvsc ,t ,. ., .w1,., r�+•• tiF:v..*.,.4'J�.++:..:TY+.".savr'vl"v': Ca/t<.rie. io Drs Samuel I?iteli#cr'e prescription for E1ai'••:, and O :ildren. Xt eentn,iug Ovittrta, Morphia() yaw? '•%V*1C"H call-4`OtiC3 Attbsta i s yyJ• T t: ro y j 4 #�vCiP J,.J �..J !S !,A-Yriiro. (w «ro f9iy1 �i44Lt.�4Q for Pa C :m. e, rar oz's, Soowhitar, f y'rt_?1¢:x and C.'LrstOr OIL l;e Is Pleasant. Its guarantee f.i thirty )ev ins' 'rz:,40 by I'.i::11ionsoffiat>tiac^ct. C;isttoriadestroys Worms et:r,d allays Castorie. prevents vomiting. :'our Curd, oust;':; Uia;.rrh03aa and• Wald Colic. C :itOrin, rcta,C•on oct.ltft•)g, trembles, cures constipation anti 1littz:1('flcy, Cants- .o, assimilates the food, rormliztS'o th t$tOiltC.CS1 L18(1 1;(Weit;, i;iVi:; g healthy and, zu tu-z.tl sleep. Cgs," toria, 1.; aro Children's Pattaeea—tits 11Eot;sex's Friend.. 48 n1 fA<fi: t 1-,j /44r'J Yori.a. e4C at 'ia fe as *ceche:: 1:lediolim for chit. Oren (others Intro repeatedly told Ino of its good effect upon their chilli~n.” • D::.0. C OSnoon,. Lor ll, l£arn. "C'4 or!a iia t:ao boar remedy Tor children of wh19.t i am. aerriainted. Thep* the (1371x) of far (;,sheat t lienrmothers wiilconst,lortho real interest of their children, and use Ce(tor is Strad of the Al:riounquael; nostrums which aro destroying their !tired oncy, by fonsin ; opt1:.^.1, morphine, soothing syrup and other barn on agents (town their throats, thereby sending them to prometuro graves," Di:..1. r. iaa.cutt on, Conway, 1.F Tho 4Jc *aa^ %"t Jw_stlr y^ r 'Lawasisa .% Castor:a is so 11T:1 adepts:; t•, c" 'ren t;h») 1 recommend i. a•.asunpriu1 toany prescriptlo» linoi5-n to MO," It. A. l,r:era , rt., :11 co.O.fordwt, "Our phut.: ' l:t 110 e?, •.lo . .'• ✓ar •stent Law C aY::Mit 1.1r JJ C.; t:. r 1,,::;A.•.: once l-1 their 0(101de I'1••. ;; iai andt !t!:nt ;;^h ave o:ar L.1,1741a . 1 8: media 11u;lpile3 what 14 1:noun ss r pros o c,yet Ivo aro fico to res,frl•s th:.t the511414 is of Ca n,ariac has sena try to leak withfavor upon it." t:ttTLD I:os»rr.&Jt.D Msgr.:8eater,s Roston, air. 1.8;.08 C. SslIro, I ace„ r-ur u.7 .Boot, 1 o'rr'.'oris City. c. feel, Kind I eeds. There IS a story told of a little bog - gar boy who was found, one morning, lying asleep upon a pile) of kuruber, where he had, passed the night. A laboring man, passing by on his way to work, t1ucbed with a, spirit of kind. , ness, stopped and, opening his dinner • pail, laid beside the steeping boy a portion of the good things in it, and tll.11 went on. A man, standing not far off, saw the kindly act, and,crossing over to where the boy lay, dropped a 6ilver•ltalf-dollar near the sandwich 1 the l..harer had left. Soon tL child came running over with a pair of shoes: and th4ls the good work went on, 000 bringing some clot•iling And &nether sotllethitltf else. 135' and -I1(' the. Iwv 1:twilk.' and when he saw the gifts around 1111)4 lir. broke down and Lurt - intd his hi°ie to no: 1)', ad., wept tears of thankfulness. 'rhos did one kion deed .inspire others -to ser„ of icindt,r'ts, 19,141 1)11v 111* need of moult 14aappil'es4, Guard. Against Cholera. Keep ' the blood pure, the stomach id gnnti working. order, !toil the entire system free frornor'bi1 effete natter by using Bm Burdock Bland Bitters, which clertnt,e-s, strengthens a8ilel tones the whole system, Cholera sennet attack tine healthy. Why d,) you think young Domini - hey Is ill"u,nnnered ? It seems to trio he is exc»ssivtly !.)011ie That's just it: 110 talcei aft ids lint ill K frPii, 1l8 tor.. For bevore Colds. GE?".CLJ11J1,N, ••-1 bad a severe cold tor which 1 tool( Dr. Wood's (Norway P1116 Syran• C full it au eXee110111 remedy giving prompt relief and tllcas1ut to tai -e. '. P.tr rj n, 11.untaville, 0n1. It seems to me, said the Cortidress- inau, that a taw is like a Bolt, Some(• hody has to break it before you can find out whether it is of itnv good or not. A Prompt Cure. G1,srr,»11111,—Baying suffered over two years with constipation, and 6110 doctors not having helped one. t ennemdecl to 6535 13. 13. 13., nail before I used one bottle 1 cyan cured. 1 eon also recant til end it for siclt hesclnobe, k1'rli*l, 0. IJ9.1.1.s, Lakeview, Ont. Bowser plinks he wettfid like to be a physician. When a doctor treats, he says, it is the other fellow who putt up th'• )(motleys It is not what its proprietors say bot what Flood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. hood's Sarsaparilla CUBES. 1: thouoht diet cry had a dt.tild e meaning; rental icor! Na•tvpop whet, the 1•1trs0 carne .100.0 stairs 4884(1 told Milli that It was a e1)N0 Of twu8H, EtUigration to Manitoba ,x11(1 the Northwestcontinues to be most eatis- factory, n lar.•(' )Ifelllidar of eXceIt'nt settlet8 18118itll,'' at't'itod this year. bales of (, P Ih. lend for the past Month have considerably lucreneed dyer diose e.f 81814 early part of the dear. Sr?3YCFXlityrz, a 1�• tt• ti•na 118" it•,.o „f tby Iii>ti if far abound ettiett lir' to 1I n throe", '•alno••fttl of 1181 t ray, t', rte •'-la•'s will do as Weal. TUotlatICI14, —'Do yon suffer with it ? G • buy 1, 1)11tt1e of Pahl -Uhler auui find relief fo the twinkle of ren eye --for Tootirauhe ir• is a specific. A kind heart iH It fountain of glad- ness, making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles. ° Wittiams' Royal Crown Remedy, greatest cure on earth, guaranteed to mire !milers] Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Paralysis, etc. A sure curs for diarrhoea is a tea- spoon ofdry arrowroot swallowed etery hour utntil,9. core is eli'eet*d. narl'wtf's Bronchial Salinnt will cure any Cough Cold, Ib'onrhitIA m• Asthala. It iv n crest taltsfurtuna ti' hove a fl'et'.'a, r+i,i,n,trioli: it lapels the frag- lane. • it. , f •'81'''s lire The habit of fr. ttina i; 4114'• that t rows rapidly, un• lose, it i8 ste'1)Iv represented. 'When D1aby wits sick, wo gave her Cae oris• When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she bceanlo ;Liss, she clung to Catstor!». 'When she had Children, 1411(39.014(1 glum Catstorla. Buy -r—'1'1,11' dn4.It't 84�1t)4, t,. be a C ry j,!,"111 fi . I1 -Ater—V.11 e1,) you expect f•'r rise • ,i,,tf•,a .:w'f a !n,if ? Att attack "r r1,i•.,l,.v ? h' i erten — .1 1111' " i.,,t in •'rr .1, N. Ar il,,•. ' IN r 8., nr.1.1 ,:.. - (18') ,N e•t Ti, t �, n 1ti. „J• l.. a•,.1• . 'ee.. •" trt(•W. ) r 11 '3. Ii 3ltill' a ore y1.1i tt , (8 h. al. Milieus Tabules cure biliousness. Mr, toeastraw--- What are yea readin' tlr, Oatstraw--\Vhat do yon think of him ? i13r, Oatstraw-.-I think he'd be s n)igllt easy mate to spell down in a spellitl' match, Olara—Did you know that Mrs. Dangle had gone on'a trip to Bermuda? Maude—No. 1 Most call on her bee - fore she ge is back Applientlon pnln1Ess and easy. Relief ilrnte3lnto Th!.) preparation fills n great and ionotelt want among those ,5'110 stiffer front piles, Itis a retnedy of thohl4hest merit, effecting ani reliable, and ha. Moro plan islet the anticipations of those physicians who hare used it in their practice, P103no.B 1s A I'rl1ttivn ottA.s when other treatments fait to relieve( Telth11on1als furnished. Prfce al. Yoe sale by druirests, or by enact on receipt of price. We,T. STnoire, illinufacturingChemtst,184 bends% street, Leaden, Ont. Ptso's Relliedy for Catarrh le the Best, tosfeet to flee, and Oheaptat. Sold by (Insatiate of beat bytes)), Itutltltlai, Wltrree, X'11. 2,000,000 Fest of to&s Wanted,1 Highe3t u3 paid fcr any quantity of HARD AM SOF " WOOD L0' Canadian Pactfl TI5110 TAf1.410. Thaw, arrive Awl 9.rperf >sefoI1, We: 14Ativ4 111. ,.....,t l•r Toronto i . (118 4.. 4•, 44. 00 p.184 ... .... #'or : ceswliter i to:tiw Is. 14 •4 tea)Yt .t'r telva)IAs. ),1&1111 Irr"',Iti 4 delivered tat our )88(11 in Wirt 118. Msr., 81 iia ,n. f'trllrcr*trn,dltrripil,`:m•r:oto, as (:::5 to fo• 81'1 ,, a .• 6:6A p. u,. to n . t _ r 10..1.1 i:lsit. to In lei e. set x :+7 p. tis 14.40 a 6.45 44 , :DLit:: t.(Headintatd �ing1e pp j s,nA. Iby the cord. Cell and got prices, leuctlis i.tcp tic. a _. Dressed. and Undressed. Luraloor, Shingles, Lath, &c., kept cnntieually on hated. 1JO14EAN rFt BON. tCduuh,ctu, .Ta1uary 4:1,18'913, PROF. SCOTT, MUS!C;11. LEADER PRES YTERIAfi GRURGH gives Private Lessons in focal Training, both in Staff npd Tonic•Snl•Fa Notation, Open for entrngenlents for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate, Apply at MI1RS, 12, MORROW'S, 04 Shuler 58 58'ilr ht m •• 0)18(4lio,' :fineudine fr lituo.tral to l.oatlon, Clinton, Ate , Ti¢ an saeia• ee. DR4iGNI t!A7'0liiT "3x, COPYr?11f'8t#VeI, es $orinformtttoa and trete 71andbtiok WritJeto MUNN it 00.. 181. '9fo4DNAT, 341189 TOM OIdest bureau for stoning patent* to A:raerles8. Every patent talren out by me is brought before the public by a netted given free of charge tat the Largest olrculation of any eotonttdapaper to. the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intent eat )man ewt.should be without It. Weedy, $3.eo a, Ptin isurss, 341.33re8aiq ),Nosy Xo lm p y°' FOE THE BE o it VAL ITE 1N --- BRED CLOTHIN WE GO TO -- STEW RATS, OAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF'S, Cheap for KA.SH , W BST.E1I's StovesPtov Fov es O All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S'I-O- '"yrx - J to choose from ,.'ery stove guaranteed against ainst l reaka�t'e and b o give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND. Wfiighanax October Silt 1801..