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The Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 6
Actio-Wia cv'r ()Pm so THE WINGII.A.M TIMES, MAY x , 1893, 'wrZer *tette -repeaeert0.p irle Jee$144 •..,,•.,- COAT Well; lie nuc sept neatly 'thirty to time by Sophy, Miss lbws' house- hones; there was no fever, he must con 1ceepor,! lsho seated by his bedside was . tinuo to doze off the e;.lratistion of his r t, Iheir a es me ow aura him. Y zit fti la g Y "`I;rol(on"" he a0.ic1 interrogatively ' would return later in the afternoon, with a faint return full he ( t `J i t1 • I c etox he,to to andthe : ant e• 1 stimnl , i£u of h l laps it was his very inability to '� manner, glancing at his helpless arm. grasp, in that exhausted state, e "Deady no ca'nnle. Snake bite!" re- comprehension of the doctor's meaning, 1 sponded the nogress, perhaps because the physical benumb- 014 ` "Snake bite!" repeated Courtlancl ing of brain was stronger titan any /14 ith tan uid interest, „what snake? 1 mental excitement, !tut liQ dozer! again N % "Moccasin o' copperhead—if y°' ;until the doctor reappeared. "You're ,+colonel," said 1hegShe lie(1.doing, e 1 encu h now, C , 'h 1well , elf which," p know Os � , claim. y D+. • brief gxamina- pizen's clraw'd out, and clean, clone tion of his patient, "and I think we can oven is old d.:iiberate Peri 113 RUT' NARTS CAIYWGHT.1892,BYliiE AUTHOR. I "Birt it's all right now, honey e , the Py 1115 overseer, nut pointing oh% 'tile terrorism of a snob law which rendered his own discipline impossible: He asked that the matter be reported to Washing- ton, for tl ed c recur ton,. and some measures rs protection of the freedmen. In the meantime he begged to tender his own. resignation, but he would stay until his successor was appointed, or the safety of his employes secured. Until then llo should act upon his own re- sponsibility and +iceoraing to his judg- ment. Ile made no personal charges, (d for no ex - She its C s 1. tnontion0d no name , . tools (ran'tile':viusot !ier' owia letter. To his utter amazement it was the one he had given his overseer to post to the commandant that morning. was '�theeal ation s indignation ' r I d T1 to u greater r his e To T 6 broken. "Who has dared!" he demanded, hall rising. Her little hand was thrust out hall purred Tier laughing fade'in -bpth'her hands. When her dimples beeame again visible, she said, with an effort: "Don't, yo' think, co'nnle, thetas, a peacemaker my cousin was even a bigger failuro, physician! af�et a t• trial of tiro of- th o'self? 1: 1 i;one Wot yer feels now is de whisky. mord to wake you up a bit; a luckier i 1 t s rah It gets into de let you move your arm, Y You're uc ier o r Dewhs(ysuy, Iubricationa of do skin, rah, and has to than poor Jo lIigbOo, who won't be able ++ t set his le to the floor for three .r.----•..-.-,–vbe absobed. to g tt rott It which the gltostily b. -guyed -the ' Some faint chord of memory was weeks to come, 1 haven't got all the ru::�+ysaz> g buckshot out of it yet that Jack u , se '']vire. peasoxece; dead rider had charged the bendingn white touched by the girl's peculiar "cabal" . 'alio -swamp. B years before; are. I Dumont put there the other night," again the same weird shadow, as epee- Ah, said Courtland, quickly, y Courtland started slightly. Jack tplume of a funeral lint in the long .a „ "you're , Dumont! That was the name of Sally P trill and monstrous 0.S a dream, dashed avenue, he thought hQ 50.17 01100 more Miss Dow& Sophy. Thee you can tell out into the brief light of the open, but the light figure of Miss Sally of oily n,e_++ 1 Dows' cousin of whom Champnoy had [this tune it was stopped and rolled over t�estorcln . In another moment, in his ` Neill! sahl absomlutely nuftinl" in- ' spoken! Ile had resolutely put aside t sY convulsively before it had crossed. srllready dazed condition, he might have terrnptecl the girl shaking her goad from his returning memory the hazy Flushed with the fire of fight in his succumbed to some sensuous memory with impressive official dignity. "It's 1 t- 1 furiously f om b t he f 'b" 1 U do doctor! Yore to veins„ Courtlancl turner r of her former fascinations, dol ^ ono o is y 1 �, u g t n the whom of now, with 1' 1 1 shut t'o're eyo honey—" she the fallen brutes o me a threw it off savagely no lie c 0.r and is ' hunters whom o 1 d bitter recalling of her added for the moment reverting un- g and you're n 'the more cowardly - a quick an i added, - knew were at his heels. At that mo- deceit and his own weakness. Turn consciously to the native maternal !neat it would have fared ill with the ing his back upon the scene, with a tencicrness of her race, foremost. No longer the calculating half superstitious tremor, he plunged to bodder yo'self of school keeps o' not. t a steward and diplomatic manager, no once more into the trackless covert. De medical man say distinctly, rah.," 1 lon;nr the coot -headed arbiter of con- eyesight she concluded, sternly, realizing her 1 Puget - interests, he was read to meet But he was conscious that his a esi ht littera not only with the intrepid 4u- was gradually growing slim and his duty again, "no conversation wid de ! stinets of a soldier but with an aroused strength failing, Ile was obliged from patient." time to time to stop and rally his slug- p But Courtland had winning ways ! I his s sen fury equal to their own. To gish senses that seemed to g with all dependents."But you will row , his surprise no one followed; the baying heavier under some deadly exhalation answer mo one question, Sophy, and I'll :of a third hound seemed to be that flowed around him. Ile even not ask another. Iias—" he Hesitated eileneed and checked; the silence was seemed to Hear familiar voices—but . II ibroken only by the sound of distant that must be delusion! At last he 15 cli ,prating voices and the uneasy tramp. stumbled. Throwingout an arm to (; ling of hoofs. This was followed by protect himself ho came heavilydown two or reo rifle shots, but not either on the ooze, striking a dull half - iii the direction .of tiro quarters nor elastic root that seemed—it must have wthe Dows' dwelling hoose. There evi been another delusion—to move be- xdently was some interruption in the neath him, and evkn—so confused was t1 ; >�� l� ', t r \ a';i�1 4,t�;11;i!°' `` ` f ly• ' reeollectron of the young girl's T c •� �� Courtland s face darkened. "He (l1tS t nttrsuit—a diversion of some kind had his senses now—to strike back ! the last thrng l ` 1 —and la further told en 1. "Dows, tal;:en place—but uh;t, he Inae:r not. angrily upon His prostrate form. A rt a'` that he, himself, was your suitor, and; 1� / r I' :Ile could think of no one who might sharp pain ran from his elbow to his - I and the mystery y P II y „ '7 f have interfered on his behalf, and thestung j `;`� �� S 'round it but thero was fl t that you lige! refused Him because of the' • , , g �. 7rang inm seemed to be were der and for a moment him " Hrs and that 1{ �t ; �i * objections of your people." • e io at.n„ and t b to full consciousness again. There � . / h , She raised her eyes to his swiftly and 'carried on in the accents of the one were voices surely tithe voices of their , I11�� 1a/ %�"�/ ' U' trolled h self and repoat y l� dropped thorn. "AP,E YOU IN PAIR?" omplary* prose= ion of fenders, but only demanded a safe- "I don't understand," stammered; guard against a repetition of the of- Courtland. Tensa, Ilis nest letter although less „Don't yo' think," she continued, wipe formal and official was more difficult. ingher eyes demurely, "that if a young' It was addressed to the commandant of woman, about my size, who had got t the nearest federal barracks, who was perfectly tired and sick of all this an old frond and former companion -in- fuss oracle about yo' 'because yo' were arms, Ito alluded to some converse- a no'th'n roan managing cniggors, , cfg tion they previously exchanged in if that young woman wanted to show'. regard to the troops sono of a small de - her people what sort of a radical and: the elections—which of troops at Redlands during abolitionist a so'fli'l man of their own the elections ~Yhich Courtland at the sort might become, she'd have sent for time however had diplomatically op - Jack Dumont as a sample? Eh? Only, . t- ed m reckon r a a e as /never now goodness! n d it oda ss eo estto Hesuggested lard posed. gg ter of public expediency and preveu that he and Uigbee would ,revive that. tion. When he had sealed the letters, tom -fooling of the vendetta, and take • not caring to expose them to the es - to shootin' each other at once." pionage of the local postmaster or his "And your sending for your cousin, ordinary servants, he intrusted them to was only a feint to protect me," said '+ one of Miss Sally's own henchmen, to Courtland, faintly. bo posted at the next office, at Bitter „Perhaps he didn't have to be `sent! Creek station, ten miles distant. co'nnle,' she said, with a slight Unfortunately, this duty aceom- for,"Supposed, we I: plished, the reaction consequent on his tet 7 touch of coqe. Ilea been hanging round, say I still weak physical condition threwrofor ho has property here and wanted to him back upon himself—and his momo- get me to talo it up with mine in the ry! IIe had resolutely refused to think coin an 1 knew what his new views of Miss Sally; he had been able to with- •includes were, and I thought I'd stand the suggestions of her in the bet- ter consult Champney, who, being a for - 1 1 .1 1 t, eigner, and an older resident than yo',, t neutral. He didn't happen; was quite to tell yo', co'nnle, anything about it, did he?" she added, with a grave mouths but an indescribable twinkle in her' eYes. 1's voice— he had heard that night — t r that seemed to sur - 4.1 - no delusion in "•of the „� Itis cousin— rival, iantll equally -deceived Champney. He con- 011,1111i on- 11j1red coldly: eta "Jack Dumont?" ce^tional party. Ile called cautiously rm to Cato. The negro did not reply. He former par;nerst If they were seeking ((,' t?„ � �i;,,",,,�,wj�,•,�-„,;,�y--..- "Anel you think I ought to have ac- t and shook it imps- to revenge themselves upon him for ,,Ji, k but of course you knew noth ce ted him?” she said, slowly. cressc.d to the Cato Cala s escape, he was ready for them! I in the An GIVEN Ills "A t but—you know—you toldme ti0ntly. Its boughs were empty, • was gone! The miserable negro must �yfw��' � w �• � . •�,.a t•,,r,l. IY � :.). � -- . , � . tl a �Qt by Jingo! it was oyi:.rsrr:Il hebe�nn, hurriedly, of taken aclventape of the first dr- Ce y t' Higbee that helped d t and was shaking to escape. But you to get off your nigger, a darned and herb -lore— her _%� � ? `z; • j�ii Set (c�i fit•<%�+ �,r• es. • ing of all that while you were oIT WAS TIM ONE IIa °' rriecll� but shQ had already swamp there. . tat �' out the already you to 's shooting � ig presence of her handmaid—suppose o risen, than jour killing the clogs," bo potent m nursing h 1 detached to wait upon "We're dress. not talking Liminess, co'nnle— • version in hie favor • . where and how there was nothing left to indicate. As Courtland had taken little note of, the trail, he had no idea of his own .whereabouts. Ile knew he must re-. turn to the fringe of cypress to be able �; to cross the open field and gain the negro quarters, where it was still pos- sible that Cato had fled. Taking a gen- eral direction from the fele stars vis- iblcabove the opening he began to re- trace his steps. But he had no longer x the ne.ro's woodcraft to guide him. At u. "` . /lrir, .. ��• - ,r sign uaury "YOU'RE MISS Dows' smear." 1 "I don't understand," returned Court- him, and he ha • a ' who had malar snow e I'lld her in to yo' now." ^ aliextye t his experience and its probable taken up no'th'n principles reckon personal avoidance, as far as possible, "But, Miss owe.—� iss ' extent—"has Cato—escaped?" ' more to goad the Iligbees and please until a was relieved, on the ground of She stopped—hesitated— a singular. w "If yo' mean dat sassy, bull -nigger Sally Dows than from any conviction, weakness for so self-contained a nature overseer ob yo'se, con'nle, ]este safe, yo' came over here that night. Whether that business expediency which these —and then slowly produced from her•• bet!" returned Sophy, sharply. "Safe be suspected anything was up, or events had made necessary. She would in his own quo'tahs night afo'las', of ei wanted to dare Higbee for bedevil- see 'Olathe was only accepting the argue Coe tland had! directed tto the company,iy billed; ' `abort de bl de coo was he went, or was only .dancing attendance ments is th hea which she Briefly, he had his t'I didn't read this letter, as I just told killed; and sato ober county line on Miss Sally no one knows. But he pr by yo', co'nnle, for I reckon I know what's n.. yes'day moanin', after kickin' up all alis rode slap into Higbee's party, called d course ns ptovha to himself that he has a, in it, but I thought I'd bring it with me - le , um as. If dar is a sassy, high-faluti - out: "If you're out hunting Jo! here's reason pfroves r loving .a certain woman and too --in case yo' changed yo'r mind." 4 J p , i cr I jiss 'spires ft s dat black nig- chance for ,your score"—meaning their as incontestably convinced by the Ile raised himself on his pillow as she whom she ac Yoh land, coldly d returned politely for- and business was my only excus lacer in his still uncertainty as to the actra „ you see Dumont, 1 1 dgements to her inquiries. corning here and taking Sophy's p "Well, I I k Tic had determined to continue this son D ' '1I S Sally!' � times his feet were ,aught in trailing �,,, , . �� cines which seemed to coil around, his 9 h :-s. «, ' ankles with ominous suggestiveness, at I;i f tr. . _ Jig a1r�-- n gg 0.6 ✓t' 4�,kL' ger Cato o' yo'se! Now," relenting, old vendetta feud — and brings his is turned quickly away; but in tha sins me the amp, i; soil beneath los >, "rY t'" °" 80.' '' times y ` yo' jiss wink yo' eye, honey, and don't shotgun eupt to his shoulder. Higbee sxnidstprocess he fell asleep, vanishing glimpse of her bright • face— he showed his perilous proximity IIF FELT 13IJ15ELE LAID LI'Oii TILE excite yo'self about reel black trash; wasn't quick enough; Dumont lets dreamed that weakly and Miss sleep w and ha saw what neither of he nor anyone el- to the sump, as well as the aROUI» drip off to Slee comfor'ble. rot yo' , drops Higbee and then gallops had ever seen upon the face of Sally walking in the cemetery; that ahide- fa n that he were beginning to in- doan' get onnucler word out o' Sophy, off chased by the Reeds to avenge ops snake cemetery; among some polys—a burning blush! ere cline towards that dread circle, He cocked his revolver and stood erect. shrah." crwHigbee and followed by the whole lilies, over which the young girl was "Miss Sally!" Ile almost leaped from `which is the hopeless instinct of all A torch flashed through the wood. As if in obedience, Courtland closed crowd to see the fun—which was a lit-triangularthe bed, but she was gone. There was lost and staving humanity. Luck- But even at that moment a film Game his eyes. But even in his weak state he tie better than nigger driving. And bending, had uplifted its another rustle at the door—the entrance was conscious of the blood comingintohead to strike. That be seized it the ' op the edge of the swamp was more over his eyes; he staggered and fell. that let you and Cato out, colonel." neck, struggled • with it by was of Sophy, open, and he would course enabled again bythe sciousness ensued. 1teIleefelt ss, &0him elf his cheek at Sophy's relentless criticism • "And Dumont?" neck! exhausted, when untilt suddenly "Call her back, Sophy, quick!" he reef His changed roues of the man for whom he had just per- I `+Got clean away to Foxboro station. collapsed and shrank, leaving in his said. ,position hof ltede stars. But he by was thesebe- lifted dby, strong arms, ands carried ilecl his life and position. Much of leaving another score onhis side for the a the and, shrank, and cg in his ly- :coining chilled. and exhausted , after forward, his arm da hanging of uselesslyatit lie felt was true—but how fax had he Reeds and Riz;bees to wipe out, as best palm tb d limp, thread and which he moreod efforts, and r longed, a, wass side. The exchanged odor for the wood been a dupe in his Quixotic defense of a they can. You no'th'n men don't be- P quarrelsome blusterer and cowardly Neve in these sort of things, colonel, remembered to have once slipped from (To 111coNervtam. devious and prolonged detour, presently exchanged the free her hand. '°�"°r which brought him back it the swam air of the open field; theg flaming pine ull ! Yet there was the unmistakable but taken as a straight dash and bit o' again, o f resolved o modee' its edge in. brig torches were t. People ed in sse 1 shot and cold-blooded attempt at Cato's raiding, that stroke of Sally Dows' to beh still in awoke tthat pdistinct seemed ✓ "'� om the Beyond yon of some other of istro nee. bright moonlight. so People p assassination! And there were the cousin was mighty line. as of cl him, the light seemed stronger around him, bat so indistinetly s conscious- could bloodhounds sent to track the unfortu- ; Courtland controlled himself with fresh but homelier scents of the garden ine a d to retendeda s p r ictal nos rseemed them. All lth ing, nate man! That was no dream—but a , difficulty. The doctor had spoken which stole through the window. A irxg> and there was even a superficial gess seemed centered in the burning, brutal, inexcusable fact! !truly. The hero of this miserable af- sense of delicious coolness came with gleam from the end of the swamp itself throbbing pain of his arm. He felt . The medical practitioner of Redlands, fair was her cousin—his rival. And to the afternoon breeze that faintly trilled as if from some ignis fatuus, or the himself laid upon the gravel; the sleeve . he remembered, was conservative, old- him—perhaps in%tueneed by some pity- the slanting slats of the blind with a ,a w yards of farthera pool of hi water, cut fromofthe his andldbu the cool ease- fashioned and diplomatic. But his sym- ing appeal of Miss Sall for the man slumberous humming as of bees. The ,A few brought him to it, tion of hot bursting skin bared pathics had been broadened by some 'she had deceived—Cour land owed his golden oalse o th es heap paper on the full view of the unencumbered to the night air, and then a soft and rmy experiences, and Courtland trusted rn sun life. Ile instinctively drove •n quick, penciling d wall with leafy tracery and gldwing crag a holm some soldierly and frank exposition expanse, Beyond bine far across the indescribable pr0;sure upon a hotsharp breath. swamp rose a hillside bathed in the he had not felt before. A voice dol- of the matter from Him. Nevertheless, : "'Are you in pain?" moonlight, with symmetrical lines of lowed—high, lazily petulant, and famil-• Ile Maynard las first a healer, and, i "Not at all. When can I get up?" sing!! whits squares dotting its slopes lar to Him, and yet one he strove in vain' like Sophy, professionally cautibouS. i ,Perhaps to -morrow." arabesques. But, more than that, calm of somo potent influence—or some unseen presence—was upon him, which he feared a movement might dispel. and stretching down into a valley of to recall. 1 Tho colonel had Vetter not talk a ov "And this arm? gleaming shafts, pyramids, and tombs. "De Lawdy-Gawd save us, Miss Sally! Better not use it for a week or two." The chair at rho foot of his bed was squaresWot o' ricin' dab? Chile! Chile! t'o'il it now. Tt was already two days old; I ., owas the cemetery; were ; the whitey ' the colonel had been nearly forty-eight He stopped and, glancing paternally' at empty. Sophy lead gone out. Ile dict on the hillside were the soldiers'graves. kill you self, shush!" and Hours in bed. It was a regrettable of- phantom, f- a the younger man, added gravely, but languid a es falling not turn his head ta aimlessly upon the. And among them, even at that distance, The pressure continued—strannga was fair, but the natural climax of long Icincller; his y: "If you'll talo my unpro es -•Y ,?,, Geo. W. ?!'lienee ph'uplifting, solemnly like a reproachful potent even through His pain—and ( continued political and racial irritation sional advice, Col. Courtland, you'll let carfor thea fell bedside the suddenly smallest foot ■ phantom, was the broken shaft above then withdrawn. And a voice that i and not without y great provocation! this matter simmer clown. It won't in the state." " the dust f Chester Brooks thrilled rem s. icould youfP ' 1 that Assassination was1i lI started to s , tis o es 1 tiid t' a strong word; i hurt and your affairs I1e&xlee 1 in WA1 PAvl!ts, 'We are incle for the pni,115fit o l 1 stl the ! w 9e offs phages, alt for the spine We think the q0. stiou o is of equal not .and feeding of knowing fail .product) aid f+ they uttt)tv,t .1 `This rule i3:t+1 nearly as ':t .every yea'' lin -disoritouuti 14 out toothily el that tit-' clay i ding fat pork ; more ape tet largest• tins'''. oensuMers ill where we till, sell fat Inico .abselnt4ly. 1-1 oriptiou i.1 take it redo je, to le. pet At the pr' -,at' of the hogs able weights that they twa the Eugli.•.h they are to article whi We are itrf„ from two or ant sapply.4. hogs, and 11 tlatat to t: the lit,; 5 at market lie% dared the fa while We agait that to att'I must proem long, 1••tt11 from 160 ti are not u•+ thing a tai. far Prong our experit and et glut S.; met it pOUnd +'t reach,•✓r 2 are gait .• generally are stubs'++ who lutea orf their 11 having fru told us with tete 1 tore . his elbow but a soft _ Col. Courtland swear that Cato was ac- e "It's the only thing to save him! 1 folks have had a taste of your quality, �� 1 ' Hush, ye' chattering black crow! Say ac- tually (timed at or was it not merely a and the nigger a lesson that his fellows amply Awful i e • Hand was laid gently yet firmly, upon his shoulder, and with a faint rustle of WOYSt 02190 of Scrofula the s u0. „ soul, VII S0 , , � � r'•' � anything about this to a living , frighten n bullying won t forget. ,� demonstration to fri Doctors Ever •��`"' �y, and 111 have you nogg' �1 trot b s ary ( ++ Courtland, muslin skirts Miss Sally roe from as r ed. Now out the, whisky bottle and pour it down him!" ? It have been nese s ,,1 thank you returned t the head of His bed a,, t t be taught to those in resent g • 1 could tools in yo'r taco for t+ Whon i teas or 5 years old S ,served.,,, e ..+� .: , The bloodOn ��` d 7')% t "' bloodhounds here, in fact, only a part , +`I'ossiUl , colonel," said rho doctor, of waking yo . But (: nn„ diciline. Suroly„,yl.tan elder manremind you ably.” Sh© moved to the chair that�eyePof that tivholesome dspbut youllo,tad vacated, drew it slightlyoft cant Soh1 negro might SOOD�S to teach !limalesson--tvhichthe colonelcoldly, "but I think I already ander- unseen cair aretg7omipteiy Qsa7•ed byby this time ought to lcnoty could only ( stand my ditty to the company I rep- stood beside hint. SABSAga,g,1ILLet. geriorraeesbyfear:and rhoovernment 1 havo "Don't stir co'nnle,�I didn't sit u'fearhacl asarof. + `d CIl hounds! I Ah the i I'll h n seats ptons sero wthe middle lingeo of my left Maud, 1 tors nut the the floaters that t h of so bad t which m half • than h, Y • tookoll' more finger of and later g h Col. Courtland was not so foolish as to a , . be andchange the govabits that y Sophy camp' out ori the solea d lace cit on. stile , 1 . ,�• l� . � •{. • ' � h the old slavehold- habits or relations of two nearer the bed, and sat down. destro ing the sight of ono Dye, also sW ✓ ;: bed believe that, even ini change theeft was t;Q '' of yott to come," acerb,Y t, t �,, ,,�, k,�. , Red- lands, ; don tnY aright arm. Doctors said it was the mew tt: t ' tl: ,, ro ing days, plant0le sent dogs after rtin- j distinct races in a few years. Your fro their Dion .. a 11 Dows, although not rstrong effort, Hesitatingly, as, with a ,�®Yeg �a15e of Scrofula µ %, i • . tan aways to mangle and des y quite y Sally openly;? 'They might as well at once i quite in my way of thinking, has never strong effort, he drew his eyes away they Dyne saw. It was bA>tupY<Y ttrvfnl! Tine Ie thein escape! No, sir! They 1)etn attempted that." from fire fascinating vision, and rQ• bo the that lilies Dows aired a certain cold composure, "but T Years ago 1 begun to take "ileod's Sera tl?drilla. used only to frighten and dei I am fully aware g m illness has been greatly a Gradually T found that the sores d tan begins out ofsw ,nips,bralcesandhiding possesses diplomatic accomplishments am afraidY quite well Hing to heal. l kept oftt tits x had wtaken ten rr ,t l niggers P 'fir tofu! dolloro! Just trunk of whata as no nigger had ever dared to and races that I cannot lay claim to." magnifier!. I really am q , , places, gg g h to be up and About my burl• returtx r. fin �,ui2 STca nm tyy tri Tisa dihy or 'enl. Cato might lie as much as He returned Courtland, bitterly. enough permit recur ier c I�G f�tee Tao eyebrows slight- nese, if the doctor would 1 e the lifLst h yogis /have had no sores. lIW , a� . w htl • but everybody knew who it was yhn doctor lifted lies ey g n , express lay r,rat. tw. + 1.,, irked, Y, , certainly manage to attend td tyrle all the `8"imet S ,� shall VY' that killed Maj. heeds Hounds. dao- ! lY, and changed the subject. I Y Body blamed the colonel for it --not gllen he had gono Courtland called my duty to -morrow, and I hope to be at m t,,,, 11 could 10 r o work. Y knnty not had.e APTBII VIL n s tux tla Elti C, s opened again a wasin to isown room at 0 - ds with the vivid morning Y, • sun occasionally lighting' up the i"* ;! 1 wall whenever the e1000 ac - drawn curtains er e lig y blo Wil aside by the freshening whole events of the night The t b ree z e. T 0 fathe 1vto for t fa 't hilt e rew of that might have been n dream, butd meet! belied thenot seen since his last unsupportable languor which numbs a flood sgrin Dows. is ,.11'1 , of h Sally r with o tr to there "c ;S'' lr le and meeting t his souses, an � of retcr>lleoto's xtisltu(1 upon Itim, In that swollen and discolored lay outside t4�a,,,b itwr„�4ti,.%1`)ric ;, c ioog t �v.1 lIn� ILY. • »Darr tzEAv o fait. „1 the white mist that hung low along the the Covcrliel on a pillow before him. �aNt,Y?aer edge of the swamp he fancied Cloths that ltac UeP�n, 1Vrun out in iced colonel to bother about now. Ile was • !to could seg aotiba the batterasmoka ..„.h that – a( already ur t,C1wrC wires to 0...a strong ••-••o.• -- e o bad ls. Ii el eta even Maj, lice!!- trot if the colors he'd A, , for writing materials, a little x�.=,;�• :� the d Course alone your 'n that yo' don't caro to sec itudn to ilood'a aLrsa ar[lla for my peractt- ltvetx h known it wasn't necessary to do ' made up his mind, an ono ,Dant q seeineit proper to loin. lIe wrote to the the ricin, eo'nnle," she said, lightly, with v;'Safi county, 7 r nit, z arinnr, wise,sweet eyes, ]e her Y ' n the (lain president of the company, detnili g a faint twirl,. m business en's i�II.Lt3 (to t,ot wenlcou, 'bu cireams tatices that had just occurred, ,tI thought of that, but as Y laeot4o and tOno riga atotnncH, 'rrs.trtow , have ino n self-preservation as the hounds t" " "s►u that i p ` tuna, Zan. v lite gone r0. 1I would never have g ut that was not a matter for tl>", • ',Omitting the a1Log0(Lpr,4vYcatintt t�lvpn lvott]dnt wait, I brought it to iron,"atg 0.i HOLLO\ Frieurt.-= tions are reetiii d. leave tl1W A few upi Pills et ti many tt ,y, all u1 ,eta• disease tr more dist action is kidneys, admit st No dr";t yetso11 ing the reliut r.tt purifyn virtues. females Tiler stand, I get tt my lea cold in Of or makiuu Duriu a cerin the bL lack of lyjvrut cause,+. slug';is s6awou the he Hood't est it't1 fav amen] aoeunl bowel: t ingc neves, that Gr Yea left; VJhy alw•tt Itn Arne and days Mar once alga fits. tarn