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The Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 5
THE WINGRAM TIMES* MAY The Xattlre Tim 4ilsilowing tial the f ull teithat the uU tettlir, Ivlarter% bili welds wee :give tut six nuouthi'theisto in t h0/0e tario Legiehtture, ;tl)7e wank ; 13il1tlFte, 7O,au ittoamendthi.Liquor' •License Act by•Drd,aibiting the •>s3ale by' Tonle tif intoxicating liquors... •1. Thfs_Act shield be read est;w part of Alm Liquor License Act. On ttnd afterrllw.'ay.l.,1894,r:isra tavern dieenses or shop liesnses shah he issued, 'renewed or extendslwithin th rovince {of Ontario. 13, Ail provisions',°@ the Licluoi,ioense ..N.ct,ttancl Ads azuendiug• the same, pro- tviding,•.i:or the issne,reneaval or•egtension of. tavern licenses, or shop licenses tconsistrent with thea Act sballibe pn and :afteriMay 1;1894, repealed, 1. Prose and after 1itay 1,1.894, it shall „not beslawful for any person or perste Ai) sell.oi expose for stale, by retail,liquors kor liquor as defied lay saki Ads within 4lte•P o..vinoe o1 Dnbario ;. and any person ',offending .against -the• provisioat, of this. *section of this Acct shall e.•liable to the seam% penalties sante by the ,saki Acts kprovidoc1 forin•thecase of sales of liquor i:•a ithout lioonsa.ait, y law. required. { liizoa a's MMalat imoth .Expose, ;tion O41er o the World, xtassiontr's OL'NTm.aND • numvaz Taint 4iXATCz"..OILATI0nSt AND Titt;N,SMS XN •,MOTa:ON,TIID SrtILp.S OP SIIAIrT);ASfa Aim .Tim ..io,&1314ilrept , -Op ..PIAOnIE4a.1 Y=A tifOTAID..{..•PROOrrSSON-TFIoIISAPDS or ,Irintentrstastrid• SIGFL?'SNlixs. .' ti-- Chic ago, 'gay -1. z+n rover ,:Clernbland, President. et the United States,surnotind- ed;hy,.theanembers,,,ef, his Cabinet, by Izigh,oilivitils•of the.xarious. States, by a puna•erous.ancl•,distilz;„nished repr+.esr...nta- tion.fromdan•dsacross the seas, and:by a mighty.tbrrl;kg•of •A.Merican c CasA1g, to - 'day ,pressedithe o.'day,Jaressed:the eleotrie button wbioi' set in motion•.;tbe °,miles.af.shafting, the in- num;eriab e.se :ines,and. mochanisuar,end the labyrinth •belti.gg and gealri.ng, which .xnalsex.t'.p the ,,,machinery oi.tiie Woridls : iolu bi tu, F.iial:osition. Altar► e same ,uwaowaent a national salute pealed forth grate the .guns...ef tab Andrew Johnsaq,ly,iulg.ofi.the exposition gitol>i>als in Lalue;MtcJaigan ; sem hundred lbw released.utrom,,;tlaeir stops,at a eones.rted :signal ea.aazig Ages, ..and,;,.etreamea. cot ,under thasity„in..rearret,' !1owand bins - over ie nutobi;nery„hatll,a great roarartos sand the aztrrretscf.the bauatding nodded position' at,as,zcpen to the raai3ionseiaP.the ass the witeels,began. to turn, world,. 1_ itusuthtrutorxreye.its responded to the whndof er . isLXNt1 0ftnl'1[„AtN ` '}llat',18, AO tete mils;° died awAy •rase ;blind ohaplaStt•ofthe UnitedlatateoSenate, Roy, 1;k W: H. Milburn. was•141-1 fprward to the front of tate, platform •and: offered prayer. Many n! those e.bo>xirltiau joiried ill thr'aAmen with whfoli the man of Godooncluded, hisinvixiat'ien. Osevan's 00,449 Whem.Diraotor.GerieralOnflecouclud.. ed his address the Pz'otiic;•elt't' of the Ultittta,°"o"tated slowly aroso:i,'roiu his seat and •asdae swept hie eyes hist over the occupants of the platform 'mild then over one otthe greatest audieeues that man bad °ear faced there went sap ,a cheer that seemed to shake the.maissive donee of the>+tbuilding behind ,hil*and which reverberated through. the .grounds like the rattling of timeketr3`'. 41 :t last, when flared n, and area's .alike were tired and a semblance of quiet had 'caine'over the throng, he commenced his -lite tress. ' , 'Totiona,b Iiia a6ltase . As ;:the President was•coueluding the Anal seutenoes his eyes'waadered to the. table ttl at was close at =his left band. Upostittile was the buMau tf3be pressure upon, which was to start the machinery and making the opening:df,sri'he `Qxposi- tiou an accomplished fact, .As :the last words Rie11 from the President's lips he pressedo;his finger upon ,the button. This was tam ' signal for adienaoaatration in Pact slti&t3ulf: of iuiginadi©n'atad infinitely more tsse of deser(ptian. At •eae and the same :itls;a•nce'the audtenee-lazaret into a thundering shout, the 'orchestra pealed forth ;tills strains of .the °SIgalletujtih Chorale";; the wheelerof •thetgreatAllia • ils:lt syltinntlty is expressed for the hllsbatisi •writ parents if Mrs. Peter King, Wbe +died orl fialiurday. Mt's, King wee the only ;1[4414400r ei tz. glad Dir,i:Liarris and aIle leaves an infant damghter, . 'f iia #tritest services were CQ►t4St:ite4 At her father's house, try the 1 v. J..!'+trig, :A large ertlea. Begs to announce to her numerous patrons tha her of +peoplee attended. the Jotters] she has EEOiD J ON CONTINUING. her lana fo1lowod tbe-reonains to the Wing. R HERDS hart cemetery. '• Mr, I . i3,°,Seott berg purchased • the eo house and lot of 1Tr; Beet, Sibbald;and �i.Inery 1 et �1r,.•M a ser has })otlglit. fl house from and Man Il l 11 r; es, : Mist Annie Rutherford was wisitiang her sister, Mrs, George : Pocock, of :i'urnberry, last waste. Mies Mery Doff was visiting friends in Brussels last twet',k. 11r•. and Mrs. Wile, of Ethel, fire Visiting and 'l. Watt, a Wthe is re si.•• , P PrE B ,�,,..i► BUSINESS at her old establishment on Josephine Winghana,, 'UNTIL Vie covering . from a .severe attticit of plennit3y. ° 2444.tTolin it aterson has moved into the thrick.eott•,t ge on the river bank. M. and *rye.Charles 4Szott and family, of Wtllaceh.urg, wore visiting Me,'a,.Seott'sltather,_Mr, John ,Robert sots, last week,prior, to their departure for Manitoba. Ig.r.'George McDoriald has returned$ to ilia dutiesaat the eheesettactory. •lob,a`Gasdiner, jr,,went to Q1tiesgc on MuesdayE.to work in "around house Dolan •1\i11 bemissed, its Legis u favorite w,ith,everytiedy. • 141+.:Saone 1 Burgess, Dmf Brussels., was visiting M. John't;Burgess cis Monday.' --t3duia.•t°Jrhn •Carling &as • deelinel tkeipesltion.of llonor•ary.cOHimiestoaaar enuane tin machinery kall.eatelnienced to foriCaneda.at the WorleVe Fair. rQcciite.; tAtie electric tronotrains in the lagoutnitivtew their tonuents•r,ewards the t"ho eent,n re -trims ofrthe s� sP neos sky; .a flood of water ;+xishotti(orth from in zetas•reeerit bye -election, for Toronto theSesanttitt„tt. and rolled') Ibaulcuagain intro are 3yenaori, g,:14 1 ltOgthn', i34t3. the Jsretiu;;t the thundertof aatillery came 6t ie no,w stetted at O,#t.zwatete Laud fr,.omrihesmssels in the•take,; dike chimes Stu,Ia3ay,+n�aw' feta Fart e Derby, .w6Jl in lifaciufaoturers' Hall .and cala•,;the Ger- man to steel+ s rang out atrnerry;.peal and over1aead!tJae ;.lags at the ;tgap of the poles daa ;frnnt of the platform rt'aveaied in Vinnnipeg this. year. two t;irtdlecl r.todels of thet°hipstiu which Cotu.xialauslia tsailed to .nrerk,a'sshores• Paisley Eiberals wiliserdeavor 'r to At the ammo moment also{h:usaciteds of have Hon. ,Wilfrid Lausier deltver,•au flags�f till ice^`+loos and ilii .coir ns were addaesactlaeite during the. •°ming stteo. unfurled ,a4e. within sight ef,.tlhe • plat- lue;r. form, ft,wee.fully ten raiiputes',before It iaaatreai�Ealdermen'prenose to tax the demonstrations subsided. te,hge the all telegraph and eleetr a ,poles, 30 band Pdxyod14:tnerieu,"anat,the ear,at'ciess eseh. These are. 10,0 2.0 ...poJea :an were at sun ?mid. Tile - Cdtaatnbis a Ek- ;00141'6W, • Ia asking;honors at .JtcKaill Collet ;e last session the .vomensstudenta,,i'a proportiotn to,:their number„ did • tetrae. times ars •.well.,as the aaen. '1114 blest +Hatch of fishg'er.this s'a, son, at t aderiah, was made last week by the plea Zing and :eibold, 'thel for trier laming a.,400 And the 1iitter it, - aerereonies there was „mar•4ting and' gehns', $144.,SJiw h St George' , .ala i 900. Raiznter-mare1aarg,,Andthesttssts were lg•U; non i�eelLttit, 936 Jdt:L.nakes Durlet the 'year 1892,' ;'p tpersoas tQyittfree fronitlae.gXeatabody:of.jnvilians. aitotail. of " iiO00' el.tlta;] 12.*r(,..Ye ir, were sent if row Huron to she •a vluiti' Il atiwhile Jae ,Ilr&oessifx,„ was in the ditlereprie bei,ltg due to, :acia A;Niiu coursse of formatieta ,on,.the avenue north t,hC set regiwt}tti, Income extenapGioar, of its. intersection &Kith. mwenty, econd- .'Leas n kiln bet of scat, le •o wheel in tto.1x,a strest. At the &elect was a platoon ,ef is 48; nuxaabctr.•eafrj:yrsses,l3u riuttellE,wr of mounded police. do ,i, 82, : • • t 'Thiciprocession of aacriaaes wasted by , . New that animate are not aliasvetl not leave'for Europe ttid:�,:•u;ust. • .:gnarly .,r,000,0O0 •worth of new buildings :are under :way.and projected tp&STXt3G 'niza, r.i.X 1at?1TA 'XQrA.' P AOXLITIA •• itUlinton. : Nine o'eJocic.eaaitovery assi''able means; The stasessca, has completed ” his calf transpotttatinn ,to . tate •F'asr grounds' Xtra;},ors aan•e T tu:m(11as roil to the;Iatwn tested to its>i;uall (capacity .tread in souse ;elm*. 'bee meal assessment of -each eases beyoult tit• Lowing to athe sntail dtearri is as • frai'own:—St. l.tidriair's, tpazt taken by the.naditury in ;the day's;' 1.77,980;; izrt dashes', $186,,490 • for insane. ' The total admissions iron Huron shwa the asylulnstlw'r3ve 'peen in existence, are x3.72, , 1VlllianaRainsbaw, an odd ,residenJ1 of Acton, Oat, 'disappeared ifts'Om hid home the ocher might clad 'on in •hist z t,o atFcn at large„ ateople are roaM.•. t a vehrul.e aontainillg the niitionit ,con- knight elothea. 3e is' • supposed' to` rnenaie° to raiuoatettfieir front fames.; ,} missions. In the Reath ,carriage sat :lave ruicidt�ad the President, Of. the. Lti .ted; States. The AcOign df•viszoia iesritwattgurated with the. rutteentIi eara•iage. This was oecupied,hi.:tbeiDuke cl Veragua, Com- mandbr Dickens and Ahem. The Duohesei of Verngua wae•.•.esaorted t y els. Pbtt,e iL'almer. There aro inaay;places' ha town wrath cite°. easel -kept lawns • that Would Jet;; The fourth international Cenoer tianl improved zn appearance bythe re ,of the I'•oung Woman's Christian! rnoved,Q€ the faces and the desire to ,9.,ssnciation of the ,United States :surd beautify and .improve is natural end t&rritish provineee Way held ill 'Euilsde,,° would spread. ! iplaio, during the pre; week. A,riraw,t' Sin delegates were i esetat. Lbridestono, , The procession entered .thegseiindsinThe following oflicet;e'atiere elected tens thanau hour from time ofratartiPg.lt at the regtcdar !meeting Of the I. 0, G. vier rsr PLAiVORAL T. i,odge:. tvO. T., Susan Crawford; V. Tr, Mattie Brodgon, . P.. :S., Bond From the etre of the rplatfOret pro- Lawrasola; T., Maggio Morris; (chap;, Per t}iere..rtadiatd d d•t peciat ataad, and 1lfary A. Let:; M., David Woody ;•C4. uisoti.this.there, _u'ere.cl;a%ra fox 1'resi- LIA.Vania, Brigham; S;, Alfred 1zlulle.t; dont OleVelttnd, 'iTf ee .t+'rostdent'.' Sloven- S. J. x'. , J'enutte Woodman ; Organist son, the etas qt 3reragua aha his party, Ageless Scott R. S., • Nelsen Ball, and the higher natiwial'androod ollieers This lodge is pnoepering. It has Holy Of the Fair ':tnan.ediaiiedly .in the raRr a membership of 108. were the eectiots assigned• to' the mere= The follewing are the officers of dors of the diplomatic corps, while to Cou>;t Pride • of the West, Canadian their, right and left tato atherofiiolals and Order of Foresters,for athe next term; guests of the ''occasion” were ranged, - -0. R., .Jun T. O'Brien, 0, it., Behind, these were placed the orchestra. ' l'Int0plrrey Shall•, •14 S., Jut). Adams: ,fn front of tit, occupying the two wings 1+. S , J no, J3rundsttn ; •T., Arthur on the rtglit and left of the speakers' Woodm; it ; Chap., Thos. Riddell.:; S. Stand, was prevision for some 300 repre- W. Jobil Buigar' , J. V., Thos, sentatives of the press, who represented o'o S, 13 ,_J+'t5d. Yottnablat ; J. D., nearly every i iviitsed nation on the face ''lathes t3a11is:lu. ,belegt to High of tiye globe. Const Joseph Stevens.. Thomas Riddell, correspondent. PATRIOTIC! Mus10r -+- Atter. the •distinguiehodo r wilt had . Mr,: I,,. Howard uv11 erect la block been seated ea the platform everything of threes storesthis year,, work having was in readiness for the inauguration of bean luaus on them, the exorcises proper. ft had been in- 1?reperations ate well advanced for tended to preface the sp,eeb-malting ' tTie :grand'oditnty'dei'noiiettatton of the with a grand chorus of 1,030 voices, but L. 0, E. hero on the 12th elf' Felly' nett. owing to an oversight in drawing the no committee' of Management' • are plans of the platform' this feature was hard st work and visitors .to the ton's eliminated aid in its .place 'was rendered oat that day rill receive handsome a Columbian trtarelt composed for the . tlreatrrieznt flrot>z their liatedi. All the oeession by Prof. John IL Paine. Theo- dore "1htitues wielded the baton and 00. Or. ..1VIn achren. the Government veterinary inspector' from the North- west, states that the mortality mortality. among the ,aattie has been very heavy owing to the severe winter. The lose atitong the oalaes is also heavy. The v.eturnd of the Seafortli assessor show that the total value of,the .zeal property is $602,940; personal prop- erty, $9,760, taxable interne, $21,. 370. The population is given at 2,- 488. There is a Little advance' over last* year, Among the oases down for hearing at the session of the Supreme Court thiii week is one to deeide whether the pardoning power for oriminals'sentenc- ed for the breath of any Provincial l&wrests with the provineial authorities Or with the Dottainion Government. Queen Vii;;toriia's birthday will this year be celebrated in . England on Saturday, June 3rp. That this date is ten daysafter the aotul anniversary of her Majesty's births do's not trouble easy-gohtg officialdom. In Canada the annual- holiday is net varied, except' the'24tIt fails on a Sun.. day. ,Thieyeur xt r;6inr'4 on a nesday. . • E;nglialr. Spavin Litusteat removes nil hard, soft, or canoed Lumps nod Biletn- ishes fro1y, horses, Blond .Spaaiu, (hats, Snlitats, Bing• Eons, .8weenev, ;Abides, towers in northern Barratt *ill celebrate 8°11'3u6, :,oreeyuiri.sw lice Throat, coughs, etc. Save OS0 by use, :of one bottle. , War. at Blyth, muted by' Ohisliolm's drug stare.` :.. Fall lines of G NEXT. of the nc' est styles and ,desripticons are noiwn stock. Wiu h,nn ,mh 16th, 1893. • is the'ar,,e for you to get your FARMING IMPLEMENTS 11Pli Dif 3C37) X-4 1-01-4 JSyT i''QUftain Syr 1 ousehold Syria Alpha Syringes, omega. Hot Water Bottles.; • MA I T( DRUG STORK Central Telephone Exch+ NEW CEO,:6�0 F YI Wishes to . announce to• the people;. Wingham and vicinity that lie bas openeji tailor shop fl T15.1STOBBE ONE D SOUTH OP MR. B. RIL]i'S B TA.U1tA.NT, and lately occupied by Patterson, watohrnaker, Ali clothing made in the latest stye WORKMANSHIP,S AHO FLOUA, Lateet.it k twvocl ; no equal or no sale. Tho patronage of the public sobs). ed is - satisfaction guaranteed.SPRING TOOTH GEORGE IL MUNI OST & WOOD'S • � FROST WIDE �I�� � SINGLE INClE 1PRON BYNIX4,Wiu�;L`ain,.l}farolz 1751z, 1893. •k FROST h: WOOD'S RAKES, ' I FORKS, PLOWS, Pour dt erot tlainds to choose from., Prost & 'Wood, Fleury (of Aurora), Hilborn lnfAyr), Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on hand. COLEMAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND OLLE S, with or without Seeder. • 1 I " ;'5 TEMESIIING ENGINES, Como one, eOrne,a1l and inspect the i to lements. Second to none. • WM. GANNETT. Winglzaan, ltivroaia l t St1z„ 189:3. VtePATT R r . W.krrCI'IMAKER AND JEWELLER, NTIT eall-KAIJIVE 9 1 have east received a full supply of Christmas goods, oouaieting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ' :tad Jewellery of alt kinds and latest designs. SIG B &.RGAINS From Now Till Christmas. hi}l1 goods hout;ttt f'.1' ensh' and' call et, the chi-spest ei;d ei,e+thee Repairing Pre natty Done and Satisf'aetieeu Gnararntee4 jar GI y me,, a toll Ns PATTERSON: ISS A r WALLACE °MILLINER, Begs to announce to the people of Wingham aera surrounding ooui.try that her stock of prinfto „ ►-,. j1jp' a5ie is complete in all the latest novelties in. EATS, FLOWERS, SEA :8. .&Tial.', RIBBONS, LACES, $&O. MISS A. WALLA Meters Brick Block Wingham, Alava 30tUt,; 180g. lake 1ist We have the Inside track and Can give you Every line we sel For less than Our competitors, If you do not Look ... t our Dinner Setts, ea Se ttf Toilet Setts, Table China TeaPets,, Salad 13owls, Fruit Setts, Cuspdoires, Biscuit Jars, Plower Pots, Ceps and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses Tea Pot Stands, Cake Pates, Celery Glasess, You will be The loser. Wer Tr Y ATE The China Eoww'e,