HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 4WILL -•- A1110 - &'`That, having !:atoned with great inter- est to the silage, instructive and eloquent aihlross of Mr. McCarthy cin the quos• tions of tariff reform, dual language, tho schools, oto„ wo hereby vi vey to him our appreciation of the sentiments he has expressed and our indorsement of the principles he has GDRUGIT t?o enunciated, with the hope that in the near future the principle$ advocated may be reeognl'ed by the Canadian people ns those with which are bound up the weal of the commonwealth." This AAl]i,�a�9 �,, ),[' 1' * tf K „ s 'i k 14.® was carried timid great enthusiasm. O.t`�]'TARIO LEGISLATURE, B)4 Brunswick House. • - TILE DAUln tt DILL plain man, ;.has'- OntOut oovi ntiV.irr WaNT4 ern T,BOAL erne or :ruga ecesrto.. sti' 1'L14o examT, Toronto, stay 1•- \Philo the weather to- day wits most inelemout, a cola rain ' aims fell- ing, there were crowded g, Legislative Chamber when \tr, Marter ,arose to rnove the second reading of his hill to prohibit the sale of iutoxicatiug liquors by retail. The member for :flus• kola+ began by deuyiu that in briugiug iu a measure restricted and restrained, up the meiesure he had •nny desire to em I still these evils existed. The Government lt'1UDAY, MAY 5, 1898. .EDITORIAL NOTES. ,eatesoera on the Temperance ques 11 be taken in Ontario at the pal eleetiou next January. said that Preneier Thompson will urn to Canada from Europe until -sum M)1 I$TER FOSTER and Minis- T-a&t and Commerce Lowell aro 4• tariff matters with Toronto actttrers and importers, this week. r,t, is before the Ontario Legisla- hick, it it becomes law, will reduce eprescrntation of county councils. ,ew act fixes the representation at r every 7501. at present it is ouefor iOU on the assessment roll. t;. ainEU ON, a Glasgow, Scotland, dealer, has ween visiting a number herds in Ontario. He is satisfied 'hat lie saw in Ontario that no TIX !'1' INGII M TIMES, MAY 5, 189 3. waiting, til nay would b p, tc - T ',11Iu6ttaltm. sly �--�Tt,V' « o l and repeated the ale aharg8s ttgaiust the save t tend the result achieved more qu ro. i ovbyetI a id arousing of tthem lkluorm::iutarests. utaining 1 The people of the Province had t I power i el The r-tetement that the Government seated Many potations iu favor of the � d had plobiscittto platr,wee whish indorsed hs tlaa was in favor of prohibition, bo said , floe. Mr. Laurier, l Lr. Davies and others.' heart rleufed by Sir Oliver i�fawat only last t1 plebiscite W0111(1 show the real feeling', session, Dlr. Meredith then took up the of the country reguardiug prohibition. Ha ; legal aspect of the case, claiming that it wise so sure of tide Haat he felt instated',was within the power of the Legislature to to moving the three wreathe' Waist. t euact a prohibition law. The 'Maxtor Bill, In following, Mr.\Vators expressed the was not, however, a prohibitory law, it, upiuiou chat the !louse had toot power to lame regulation of the traffic. Mr, Guth. +prohibitory liquor law, He had I rip lead exhibited little umlaut in stet - been a temperance meta all hie life, and I lug: that the bill would clash with the saw no reason for going into the dant= Scott Amt. This wee uousensioa1 Tho The Government should give assurance, t Marter Bill included less and would not in l however, that the questiou would be tested ; any way interfere with the Scott Aat, If {other constitutional bodies failed in the die• before the judicial committee of the Privy Gouoil. Thee would boat this were done, , charge of their duty that was uo reason for nothiug to object to, this House to do so. tie had never heard of Hon. G. W. !toss, who finished the de. , a more unfair nor more uujustway of seta - bate for the day, was not sorry that ing any questiou, Mr, Meredith went ou the questiou hadbeeu brought before to say that there was not a shadow of the House eveu iu this form. The ( doubt that the Ross amendment wee a House would not be doiug its duty 'sham and subterfuge and ho would yote to the country unless it dealt with against it most willingly. the ter as thoroughly as possible. Al- IThe Attorney -General followed. He though tevils of iuteinperance bad been had not addressed the House before be - no :Io would not vote for Mr. Martor's bill on eccourtt of the feet of the courts ism being engaged in considering the question of barrass the Government, or in any way to serve political ends. The feet was, he said, that the country was cryiug out for a mitigation of the liquor evil, and the duty of the House was to give the inhabitants of Ontario relief from the traffic which was was anxious to do all that was possible to avert them, and if Mr. Marter intended to reflect upon the action of the Government, his hill deserved scout consideration, Iu 11674 it had peen said that it was a bad to allow all license moneys to go ��5.cu injuring then. He regretted that there to municipalities; tliore ore a ohau a had had beeu any unpleasantness as regarded Leen ma de by which the liquor traffic had had tried almost everything against the i meeting of the membersef from local control- After Government, and at last he had tried the Julia Linklater 15, Hannah England 13, the me g prohibitionbeen removed the Legis! stile. When Hasse gentIlarnen i C551.. ins the Lumber of licenses had been re,' temperance cry -something which nobody Annie Graham ll. t eu 3 Lvery 1 1�Itr, HARTLEY, teacher. H dnCed from 7,000 to ba we ,000 and 4,a had ever he pause he wanted to hear auy lawyer in the House say that a prohibition law was intra vires of the Legislature. This Mr. ilieridith had contended, and the Attorusy- General would be glad it the courts would indorse that opinion. He waste o glad and surprised to hear Mr. Meredirli come out es a prohibitiouist. He bad very speedily become a convert, however, He O008ta:lee_*DO yon think Hhn ties faith in hien ? Olara-1 bllould think so. Site stave blit some ribbon to n indiction 1 match. r A division was taken tit 100 o'clock, and 111r. Ross' amendment carried by 54 to 33. _. Tho division was on straight 'party linos. Lower Wlrtgharn- The following is the regular monthly report of Lower Wingham publlo sobool for the month of April. The names are placed in the order of merit and the numbers correspond with the number of days the pupil was present during the month : 4th sr. -.'rank 1111119, Nellie Beckett 10, Allis King 15, Luke King 14, Minnie Linklater 11, Norval Morrison 9, ,Jessie Meilwaiu 10. .4th jr.-Jennie Day 19,Mablo Halstead 13, James Carr 15, Milton Graham 2. 3rd se. Jas Loclteridge 17, Eadie Welsh 13, Minnie Prior 10, Mary Ken- nedy 5. 3rd jr.--George Ansley 1i, Benson Cruickshank 19, Fannie Green 19, John King 19, Ida Murdoch 19, George John - stop 17, Birdie Johnston 16, Mary Mac- donald 18, Annie Patterson 17, Egerton Wellwood 14, Minnie Campbell 13, Maud Netterfield 5, Nellie Graham 4, Jennie Campbell 4. ' 2nd class. -Varna Phippen 19, Charles Beckett 17, John Potter 18, George Elford 18, Melissa Findlay 19, Rhoda Elford 18, Annie Currie 18,Annio Nevans 17, Geo. Campbell 17, Lizzie Potter 17; would uld brinaltn nod assembled there had been waited. in- vitations to other gentlemen outside off rt T,t� The Government's desire was to pro- . true Haan should rejoice that temperance I 1 ,. the House who were iu favor et a plebis- rrtr,it,t the Zpeace, order and sobriety of the i was making such geese progress, but still cite. At that meeting a resolution in �1 pop l Fiot�. In this they had in a very 1 the deform !tarty was nob the probibitit, n ait favor of the probibitiou of the retail t.t'ta 1 is ae measure been suceessfat. He be- party, although he would be glad if it a friendly match with Goder•ich, S'atur- theu went into tha 1 day last, and had their usual good luck. You need n't go to Florida, but take Seaforth• The Collegiate football team played had been carrie3 uuanimously, while -there had been a very small majority in favor 4' the plebiscite. A short time afterwards large deputation from s. meetiug called by the Royal Ternplats of Temperance had waited upon the Attorney -General and , dtmtnts Wad been very sorry to !rear that he was prudent for the Government to pass beyond that. It !tad been said that to pass the e exists among our cattle, and says not certain that the provisions of the ground with which it was pot acquainted. `law would be the only way to obtain a account oP themselves an Jazuadien cattlemen should make I Marter bill were not ultra vires of the The Government was prepared to say that decision. This, on the coutrarv, would bo victorious. etiart to have the embargo against Leeisiature. Resolutions expressing this; t b drat k the go vest way, The quickest would bo 1 Mrs. P. G. and 11iss 'F. Sperling, of title removed, t refer the question to the Supremo Wingham, w e irrsaiie pian was arrested in Lon - 'lighted, one evening last week, for a revolver in St. James Park. tem in Mies! wbiclaii entrote itesokwere found mado 1 ity of the crimes both here and in the j the workuigmem bringing his demilohu !laved the Seats Act had been in many in- I were. Sir Oliver and stances a great success. It had doue have aspectit dale ultraacase. If ivires, there woald e law were passea, rOughten shey won earing. The y three lGoderichrte team than 1,i d platform speeches couldand done. Pauperism had been reduced, jails I be free whisky all over the Province were not in it with our boys, as they did were masa full, and the sale of liquor had ! Everybody and anybody could sell. Ger- not score at all. The boys go to Galt h d It would be extremely int- a taiuly the general sentiment was against next Saturday to play for the "Hough', cup. We hope they will give a good back Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 and Fiypopbosplhites. It will STRENGTHEN WEAK LUNGS, STEP THE COM, AND CHECK all WASTING DISEASES. A remarkable flesh producer and it is almost as Palat- able as Milk, Be sure to get the genuine put up in salmon -colored wrappers. Prepared only by lleott & L'owne, Belleville. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH the question of jurisdtctrou trios e . 1 settled and after that a popular g were renewing acquaintances io ular vote1 to .e ea b be taken. The House would be asked tot Court, The first method would be most 1 in Seaforth this week. vote ou these two matters. "Let ue," said cumbrous, while the ether would be very 1Mr. Wm. Gray is away on a business he, "rather have bar -rooms than canteens speedy. He stated he wanted to take the trip this week, in private houses, whicb would result in speediest course for the purpose of asoer-; . tainiug jurisdiction, and then it would be Wroxeter - his duty and pleasure to carry out the ; Mr. Henry Smith has his planing mill wishes of the House and the .Province. in running order. Mr. Meredith had said that the Liquor Rev, Mr. Shaw preached a very ap- aw xvas not carried out. The License L propriato sermon to the Oddfellows of COURT OF ILEVISIQN. The Municipal Council of the Township of Wawa. nosh win meet at the Council Rootr. Memel* P. 0., lot 34, c(ataesslon 0, on Thursday 255th May, 1003, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpos of reclaim,' and correcting the assessment roll tho present yeat, hearing appeals against assess outs, etc., and also for the transaction of o•her unleittsal business, - of which alt persons intet'est d are h'reby required to take noticc,and govern emsolvna accordingly. P. P/)it LttFILLU, Tp,C1erk„ Clerk's office, Wawitn May 1, Dal. - opinion had been passed by the meeting alter the deputation had returned to its hall. The Dotniniou commission iu its iuvestigetious bad found that the drink habit had beer, the cause of a large major- tgr recent movements of Cilr. Glad - and it is thought he intended g at attempt uu the life of Mr. tone. rs ° by' -laws were passed in St United ;tater. The Attorney General had professed himself it strong supporter 1' and far_rily:' Let the people of Canada of auy scheme for the abolitinu of the liquor a traffic. It was, the duty of the L enisle- be asked to prohibit the importation and f 11 toxicants But be - tare to do all that was possible to attain manufacture O a 1n that end. Tho saloon was doing more is and London giving the, Boll damage to Canada's young men than any hone Comjlany exclusive rights of ( other in the land. Mr. alexter read 00. ng in those citieta for five years. I pious statistics in support of his deuuncitt- t+;er of a municipal corpora ion to twata by-law was questioned by utomatic Telephone Company, and tardily Chief Justice Galt quashed -laws, as creating a monopoly and contrary to the policy of the las' dCirthy rtt Orangeville. ; :ITERATES xis ADVOCACY OF TARIFF not •--A RESOLUTION OP coars- er. PASSED. geville,. May 2. -The meeting held town hall at Orangeville last night to and hear Mr. D'Alton Me - P., was was large and enthusiastic. all was prettily decorated, and the es were all expressive of sympathy accordance with the views. on al questions enunciated by Mr. I Lily. 'That 'gentleman was pre - With an -address; acid his • speech requently interrupted by.ontburtts, tion of the traffic, and appealed to every gentleman in the House to vote with him iu favor of the bill. He hoped. every rnau in the Province would rise in fever of the plan. The liquor interest will not look for support to the Opposition. He hoped that they would be disappoined when they turned towards the Government side. Mr. Balfour, in following, stated that the entire testimony of tbo Attoruy- General regardiug prohibition had not been quoted. It was a mistake to say that the doltutatiou was packed. The Privy Coun- cil Itad not decided as to the validity of the legislation affecting the wholesale and re- tail trade. !,are must be taken that the whole liquor trade ,u the Province was not lett out of control for a couple of years. . The powers at Ottawa were as much to blame for intemperance as the Ontario edmisaietretiov. The only tem- perance measure ever passed in Ottawa • had u,:eu passed,by the Valera! Govern- wont, .altboug lr.this: measure (the " facott Act) hid been emesculadetl: afterwards by the Conservative Goverumebt. Wliy, hiyd the ant tier not been deal, With at Ottawa, whore they had the power?' All the Gov etitinenthiad done was to appoint prehibi- tMi,n corumiestou. No attempt had betel rause diateation of the °puree he glad, towards the leaders of ':elle " Coli-° ave party he said that as long ago tut a banquet at Coilhigweed:dine pressed the view that the tariff. by reduced. He entertained that fore this the people of Outline should be Government had done its best to do amend I town and visiting brethren, on Sunday asked to give :tai p 2.Ia1aifacturers of :. Hon. Alex. Mackenzie had favored this t in this as to excite wonder instead of fellows present, visiting membersbHar ,Land Rollers, lows, Gang 1110yis, l ata plan of action, Mr. Ross moved in amend- blame. There were fear more Conserve- present from Wimgham, Brussels, meat that all the words in the main motion ire. troy and iii ate after the the word "that" be substituted for the following "That the extent of the power, if any, of tbo Provincial Legislature to enaut a Prohibitory Liquor Law is uncertain and deubtful. That a case involving the ques- tion of whether or nut the Legislature has even limited power of this • character is now pending before the Supreme Court of C auada. "That before attempting to deal with the questiou of prohrbitiou of the liquor traffic, the extent of the jurisdiction of the l'ruvincial Legislature should first be ascertained by the authority of the judicial tribunal of last resort in that behalf. "That to deal with this question of pro- hibition grow, and while the jurisdiction of the Legislature is doubtful and uncertaiu, gonad, in the opinioi'i of this House, militate against the interests of temper - mice; anis would practically result fn iudie• criminate and, uniiceuseil.:tratlic;u liquor. •`Tbattbt's'llettee 1ia°t;.confidence that the •Gdveritrnttt will 'itticut; delay take all iseeeesety and prepex steps to secure the juclgmeut of the sa4d jtidieial•tribunal been asked to make any contribution to taste a ctelat. if. any, of'. the lurfsdfetiva of the Reform fund. Among these was John Tendeas will be the Povitwiial Legislature to enact :a law Cuthbert, who had tnado au affidavit that signed for the iota Br partial prohibition of the he hied been asked to contribute to Reform till 20th, �� aquae traffic. 1 k dUp _ --- .. „ i,_ •.L.. ..4in n� n. tl -r o inion on the matter, the Administration had beeu so successful last There was a large number of Odd -1 A11' WORLD'S MB ROUTE \Vill issue tickets from RPRfL 25th to OCTOBER 3 a st, good for one month from date of issue, FOR $1775, and goad to return NOVEMBER 15TH, FOR 518.35. For full particulars apply to . J. NICOLL, Agent, Wixoxnt e. 'WING i AM FOUNDRY NDRY JAS. MURRAY & OQ. • # '} five licensees than Reform licensees in the I riston, dc, !General Gastiug Province. There had beeu no case in ler. S B. yicKe1vie is getting his cis which the fact of a liquor dealer voting woolen twill in shape for work as soon as One Champiot against the Government had been allowed the season opens. repair, for sale reap,; to have auy weight against the dealer. Mr. John Brethour was in Wingham �4-.' ("Hoar, hear," said C:ouservativee arena on business, on Monday. Several horses dor sale cheap.1\, tally.) There might have been oases in __ JAS. M.IIiiItAY & O. • which officers bad been too zealous in their 4VII�GHAr11 MARKETS. duties, but be would say that the Govern- ment May had always beeu prepared to do full corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour�por 1001bs, • 8 1 75 to , justice. It had been stated that Toronto Falt lyhent per bushel, 68 to hotel -keepers had been asked to contribute Spring " 68 to money to campaign funds. This had been denied at the time and evidence had been Pe tub adduced which went far to disprove the truth of the statement. , At any rate it `would be impossible to prove that the Government bad auy connivance in the matter. It was easy to say that there wore other cases,but why were Lot specific charges ntsdq? It was in the interests of the public that there should be no attempt to prohibit beyond what the Legislature had the power to prohibit. Mr. Tait followed. He produced a statement signed by 148 of these having licenses in Toronto, denying that they bad ',act to order, ; i ' Si iglu ,Reaper, fa ' flood •cause he believed manufatcturere k made to pass; prohibitory legislation., The sed their protection and because present iNfinjster' of Education bleu in the convinced that : the tune had the interests of the people of inion when the burden of tax- :oulc? be reduced. Mir. McCarthy an hour to the tariff question. a mere matter of business, lie' rtiId not .one 'over whtelr `there ftI8't0 passiiCil` or fiirstI Ex 1873 they lied decided to ab buying in tliecheapestmarkett e irtorderythat darradians ttidus- :ightbe entourfiged.' 'The gttestion' elecided'was Whether this self. continued king enough. He to the combines and trusts as that the consumers of the or their own protection should oe the tariff. His argument in favor of it revenue, with his oft in favor of free entry to added. e, cheering which followed Mr. Acnes; of tatnnifaotht bad bubesittted t rest. lufiiou to favor of prohibition -n resolutfatt - w,liieli tial carried. The Minister of Fin- ance questioned -whether the +country was. riiie for prohibition. Sir Oliver Mowria't1 luta made aro such vtcillattiug ,statement, Ile .ethi anudetuii Pcile4ad-oi;,t >; 1rei ie ebieLegi lr tuce-efeal+t leO fly°•prass:.wann hibitien Meagare, he; would be in favor of it. .fie would not indorse Mr. Marter's bill, but when he could; Ito the whole way he would do ao. ;S Tr. Balfour then indul- ged in a comparison betweeti the astiou of pro , the dominion and the Ontario party feed second 11160 this day six months." I been made that advanced temperance men „de. �'or tiiusnrtitititt awl ers, much, of course, to the disadvantage of Dir. Wood, of kirtatiur;a, after recess, did not want a plobiaeite. Up to the and ll A,in s':,r,„ the Government at Ottawa. When the at-chaimed that the Government was shirk-,, of April 8, 1382 petitions had boon presented 42.0.. I,'ny, tile conrstrnctiont of tertian of the Ontario Government had lug the questiou. i t was nonsense to say to the Legislature from BhurBltes, town; the ♦v�tolitst�oAlt;. boon colied to the fact of the local optic" that there would lie as stanch drinking altips, Bounty, town, and city cottucila, a++.d{ Piens and speeifleations Ban be seen at louses not being in the D unicipal Acu. prohibition of the rota' trade as fraternal soafotiea all over the Province, i the residence of the undersigned. The On Tuesday, to t Dir. Meredith, after some of the other : that the Province ardently wanted 'temper. Is. XACIION. l,L'U, 1HE• D., members lead spoken, followed. Ile dealt 1 once reform. Toronto, by lowering• the Wingbani, Ont. 9 with the arguments oftiieprovlousspeakers' number of licenses, had also showed this, Wingham, April 27, 1893, Oats, Barley Peas, Sutter, u do Rolls, Eggs per dom. Wood per cord, (lay per ton, Potatoes, Dressed Betas 20 to 3o to 55 to 16 to 16 to 0 to 1 76 to 6 00 to 48 to 6 60 to F. 2 00 04 60 30 34 55 16 16 9 2 00 7 00 50 6 75 The public are hereby .'manned against giving credit to Roso ioro ptelie on my account, as i Will not bo responsible for at debts he may contract, he having' lefthome. ALEX.2lolil3T. Culross May 1st, �° 3• TEM S AHED received by the under- , funds. 8 , cls "That tvheu.it shal he adjudged by said G ibunat that tho' Legislature has 'Which statement was true? Had Mr. Meredith gone to Cuthbert and asked "official ` r him to make an affidavit to the effect any power to enact such' is law, this Hoene spoken of ? Was it wrong to be supported 1 p will be prepared to neusfdee and Guide by liquor men? 'Who was Mr, Meredith ��� �OC 6 S o eS urs in that. behalf which supported ,octad by if not by Sohn Carling, a 111��� Bii �1 upon any meas 11 may be brought before it. ? well-known liquor roan ? The majority of in the C;saWa,t71'er It tYtnCr95 reasons We, House,the liquor rneu in London were and always p tjlnl t_ iapuostion„oj tkt�r }arc•. have been supporters of Mr. Meredith. �� agrtgp ltt6^ I IA , ®��. l 'bitiow of the liquor traffic by the Pro- Mr, for xi Maxtor had assurer! the House that vincialLegislature should not be further this was not a poliotical issue. Everybody dealt with this session, except to make knew that it was. It lead been made one and enact all necessary provisions for at Ottawa. The royal commission was receiving a plebiscite ou the question of now touring the country making inquiries 1 ibition and that the bili he read a I regarding; prohibition. The statement heel Separate tenders will be received : 71st, For tine stone and. brick work and plastering. 2nd.:�+'o , the carpenter work, including the x'ooi alt* TWO KINDS G li RS. . ,r a _w wiwo AWAIIE KIND BUY PROM MSE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIIT c under - the classes were promptly, of inserted, 1 lowest or any tender est necessarily Doubt arose as to the power tnutiieipal • i there is now. 1 What dict Dir, Water think of his state- g d tl debate was resumed `tient after that? These petitions showed i aecopted ities to pass prohibitory by-laws, and the epeeeh had subsided the cases bad been carried to the Supreme lotion was moved by A. A. Court. isueh a result would have followed led by James McMaster: the passing of the bill of the member for ARE ' PAST ASLEEP But they are waking up to the feet that I can give thotn goods that will please them. I+'ul l linos of Fruits, Oysters,Confeotionery,&c APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for' Barker's Dye Works, Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and toy prices are as lost+ as the lowest. 1 ontforget the place, opposite the hew Bank of Hamilton. ,dBT8 HILL. 4