HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 1,7.7; nos.
'aW isll stFlow his week extra values in hong
CRUMB3Lla tlz'III;
white and colored.
Another consignment of that 35e.Tea,
the best in town for the money.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery.
This store oloses fat seven.
\mean f 7i`+-� 11 •'.c�a,ypj ��!j ,L
tat " eerie -. eneseeniala'aika:
Direct Dry Goods Impolite#,.
Tne Braili, April 21, 1893.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by Frame Pexa esorr, No 23, Vic-
toria atreel;,Winghaln; Ont, No witnesses
—To-clay {e ,Arbor Day.
—Call' at 'the Star -Restaurant for a big
assortment of fruit. Jes. McKereat.
--Mr.. Wm..Stia on and family, of Turn.
berry, have been; ,residents of Winytiam,
-- A new ohim lima been erected on
the Congregatio al church, to repltaoe the
the one blown cl wn by the late windstorm.
=Garden See1aby the 01.u10o aka pound,
at Hamilton's drug dere,
two doors south
of th Post Oftiecie
Mr. bine.
Indows on hit et
dews in the north
—The Street
nna tea put two gothic
re, as v&1 as two wi
'side of Urn building,,,;
onniittre of the 'Town.
Counoil-t'Vall' }4e n astitit' to of the cost of
• a
t commit tin Ir '
---We • ;to l,thiiti tel 41iaset • indebted to
us by A • i' •book i. ie squill; to settle the
same kit Jcliinals' *+�toienve trouble..
�:: :i f. Nuhn ay & Co.
"^ilii} `ed"reeit goo s"*hewn in New York
have .eoii'ilogGiing Staj;io With circulars
dual g tho,patt .6ou1 a !of. weeks, People
�0 /it.
� gwith these
aw'n tenni . .ea. e
:-Ir. I'iios.'Gxe„ ry was eleoted to fill
the vacancy ire Wm No. 4, caused by . the
resignation of Mr. C. Clarke, on Monday
last; 1Q1*: Gregor is no novice in the
sna` r tted, immediately, two good coat
, higher' we es .
bpaid w•reek! in
in towel.
k.: r 1
oto- h n'
opposite •C)t ecn's Hotel.
--The regelar Briar erly. services of the
Methodist clhuroh will c heldteext Sunday.
Rev. H. W. L. ehoot of Iowa University,
will assist at the n opting 'service and
will preach in the even ig. ' *eclat. colleo-
tiOns morning and even ug,
--The Odclfellows of Vingham will cele-
brate the 74tH anniveras ry of the establish.
nrent of the Order in A. erica, by attending
divine warship in St. I' nl's ollurch, at 3.15
p. m., on Sunday next, Tay 7th. Members
of the Order will Mee et the lodge rooms
at 3 o'clock.
--Two-Twee i i e to
steady workers, anel ousto
Constant e ployn' ...
Wingliam Tanuo,taen Glove�Works.
—Mr, John Inglis, 1t bet' of Messes. Alex.
VV. W. and J. W. Ingle , of this town, died
at tbo residence of ;tfr, W. W. Inglis, on
Thursday morning, t he deceased had
been ailing for sours ti no, and came here
from 'tValkcrton, whcr' he had been stay.
ing with ]hi son Walter only n cQeplo of
weeks ago. The old gen to ;, <ias highly
esteemed .
t,ehad n;l, '
ure of his
aoquaintauce, and will ly missed by
all, and especially by his associates in the
curling club. The furter I will .tako place
to the 'IViii barn comet y, on Saturday at
3p• n. i
of the town
a gloves,
to sewing
Eat I i>xir t . d be Diary.
You can r1S 4;I you buy yourboots,shco
arid clothing at E. H. Davt:n's,
—Try 1 Xyere' eyed spice for horses and
cattle at, Griffin' •Grocery.
--The Rev, 111oQuarrie and Bev,. J,
McQueen, of 11 ley, exohanged pulpits on
Sunday last,
—Rev. T, I. Crush, of F'ordwioll, oou•
ducted the cervi s of the Congregational
church, on Sunt y last.
—A. meeting f the Lieenm Commission.
era for West 11 on will be held at Clinton,
an bursday ne t,112ay lith
Mr. J. S. J ome leas purchased a let
n Centre stree , adjoining the manse, and
intends erectin a residence thereon this
—The King' Daughters and Sons will
bola their usual monthly meeting at the
residence of M .John Elder, on Monday,.
M 8th,, at 8 o lock, p, nl.
—Mr. Frank Paterson, who has the con•
mast cf rom ing Dr. Macdanald's regi.
deuce, has co mewed operations, and ex.
pects to havo to house in its new quarters
next week.
—Ladies, havo your garments made In;
Miss Al. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the Qneee's hotel. .Latest styles, good
work, always first-class fit.
—The Linnet eeting of the Meohauics'
Institute was:ad ournect, on 1'tenday fast.:
until Thursday vening, at 8 o'clock. A re-
port of the siness will be given in out,
next issue.
---The orbit
County of He
Saturday last
livery, and wi
nearly $400, iv
atoxs in the case Morris v.
on, completed their labors on
The award is ready for de -
1 be given out as soon as the
ss are paid. The fees reach
Ralloa there! Where are you going?
I am going to the Wingham shoe store to
buy my shoes; I get a11rips sewed free of
charge. J. J, ilacIth or,
--Trout fishin comms seed on Monday
last.—"Going tit in her figure" is the
moat amusing it of society taikheaadlate•
ly. Translate so it is said it means
ventnring out f doors without any stint of
�wra or coat.. .
M rt
0 0 D. D. G. M. for North
uron for the A, F. and A. At, hits been
officially visitin the lodges in his distriot.
Last week he visited the lodges in Tara,
Wiarton, Ches y, Fordwieh and Tees,
, On T
u sola
last, he 1
od the lodge at russets, being amoral -4n
ied by Mr. C. . Williams.
—G T R. trains for Toronto and ens
leave Win'•lhain at 9
„ t f1.35amtaudil..,0 am
vita W G & 13 Division, and at 0.45 a
and 8.;a0r' ni, vita Qlintoih aid Guelph
Good counectious by all tratus.
—Farm a m to number 1, concession 0, Turn
berry, was offered for sale by public auctl
ou Monday act, at the Brunswick Hotel
1Vingitam, y Mr. Peter Deans, auctioneer,
and was wi hdrawn, the highest bid being
42060. Th 'farm is a very good one, con
sisting of 1 0 sores, with a good stone house
and fairly . good barn. aucl good orchard I
the - on. 1
At the 'egular meeting of Court Malt -
and, to
. of
Canadian Foresters
, , C 1x12 Order of I OLeatOra
held on Fri ay evening last, the following
officers veer oleo -ten for the ensuing term :
Wm, Neil, R.; R. 3 .ittson, V. C. R..; T.
J. McLean, Z. S.; D. M. Gordon, F. S.; S.
Gracoy, Tre ; John Neelanas, Chap.; John
Lockridgo, S W.; D. Small, J. W.; H. 13.
Elliott, S. B. 13. C. Clarke, J. 13.; Repro.
sentative to igh Court, John A. McLean.
--Cash fipl gpQrl•.jputter and eggs at R A
Grahein s.Market•grOcery,
••-•-Clirttttzt, Wee gee tt0,05108t 'tenders n
---Mi Thos i r oti; , P: p,, wq under-
stand,ii ill in To' lite, axil unable to attend
to his Parliament ay duties,
--A numbea<�of 'crani° grocers wore fin-
ed so the other a', for selling "soaked"
peas, without the tat being so lebelied..
—Tits Tamale], receipt ea a. press badge
and invitation: to a monster carnival }and
societies demoestr tion to be given in Galt,
on June 14, 1.5 an 10. A epleudid list of
attraotions is oi'fel d;
—Clinton Nssv Record : The editor of
the Brussels Pos , Mr. W, 13. Kerr, the
gentleman: likely. o secure the nomination
for South Huron • ver Bishop, was in town
on Tuesday of las week. $o was on busi.
nese to the count; town. .
--Brantfokdites ast evening in `Wickliffe
.Half, gave a very ordiai welcome to Miss
Effie Elaine }Text the well known elocu-
tionist, on the oce cion of the Elocutionary
recital given on :half of the Y. M. C. A.. --
Brantford Expo itor..Miss Hext in Town
$tall, on, May 17 1.
Zonssurx's AZrrxvrot,.-...If yott want a
Neat, Shnwy Bill, well put together and
attractively displayed, on good paper or
card, send your order to the Trees. A
number of good cuts to choose frotu.
Prices reasonable. All orders by mail
promptly attended to.
—`-At the the mg of Anhcor of }lope
.Lodge, No. 280, 0. G. T,, held on 1'ues-
day'evening last, he following resolution
was unanimously, assed : "Resolved, that
wo•as a lodge co deem, the action of cer-
tain parties wile a e trying•to induce the
Town Connell to r eat their actions relat-
ing to the rednctio of the hotel Iicenses
granted in Wingh ." Titis lodge has
membership of. 210 and the resolution was
passed without•a. d asenting voice.
--Quarterly s
Methodist ells
expected that
preach in the ev
—On Sunday
of the I. 0. 0.
Wroxeter to
the brethren o
--On Tues
Mabel, the el
Richard Coat
the Wjngban
---fide W'
on 'Mersa y
—Tile No
ors have d
licenses in t
off in Listow
this week in I
geliet Whyte
ings have beef
is an accomp
lotions on th
--This may.
When a settler
les wants to go
ried, the Can
hiin a matrimo
and on preseuti
marriage eerti
transport for b
rvioes will be Iletd in
It on Sunday next, It
he Rev. Mr, Mahood w
act, about thirty members
in town, Arrive over to
ttend divine worship with
that village.
y last, the remains of Ann'
Veil year old daughter of M
, of Henseli, were Internet i
harp District meeting of tb
urch will be held in this tow
and Friday, 18th and 19
11 Porth license commission.
°idea. to cut oft a number of
r district, three being out
I, it is said.'
eetiiags have bean continued
is Baptist church by Evan-
nd bis daughter. The meet -
well attended. Miss Whyte
isbel musician and iter se -
harp are greatly appreci-
be news to some people :
the North-west Territor-
ask to Ontario to got mar-
ina Pacific railway sells
al ticket at the usualprice
g the return coupon and a
sate, he is entitled to free
The World's Fair
Isjust now throwing out big inducements,
but it is not in it when it comes to selling
ladies' lino button shoes for 95 Cents.
E. H. Dzvru.
—The regular me
opo Lodge, No. 280,
on Tuesday evening 1
attendance and the o
erm were elected as
eases --If' you want: early 'tomatoes, ton, C. T,; I3.33. Ell
—stooks, asters s pa isiess etc' hewer plants Viae Rus11 V T
o l ,{ J
, 1 .
, ea ro r
C. Graham, ,
Yri •r
G ham
• the Tr 'Bridge Iron
rid e D
Apiary Dodd „ p illy and d> R. S.; Miss Har
Chep,; T. Netterfield
Greenhouses. A .Choke sample of honey
Lower Wingharn.
_The bills havo • -en issued for the 24th
of May eel'ebratio • ill Wingham. From
we notice th utero will be base ball,
se matches; foot races
exhibition of the water-
en's.eight, a d a grand
local talent': The exhi-
orlss will ke is
>iac '-
ing will be erected on
e 1 a
and the brigade de
it. Altogether the out-
ndicl day's sport will be
still on hand for sale. • T. C. 'iiarrnN,
football and Iacro
and other sports,
t works and a tit
concert C at night,
m bitiorh of the wate
cal shape. A bui
the perk, set
- out to extinguish
on look is tint a np
. given.
—The Women'
Congregational c
auxiliary hueetin
the Congregation
Tuesday, May 90
2.30 o'clock
on Missionary th
evening, a /eater
and the 1 awaffu
ham church,
Pastors and mu
enjoyable evetii
bo You Wear Pants 2 '
If yon do tho proper place to get them is
at E. II. Dever's, made up in the latest
style, from t3.50 up,
—A great treattee given to the Hamil-
ton e
o Io Wed p W d esday evening in associa-
tion hall, wlien iss Effie Elaine RText
made her first a nearanoe here. She was
ably assisted b ' Ittrs. Mackeloan, Miss
Schumacher and . J, 0. Brion, Ittiss
Hoxt gtiaatly der rllted her audience, and
has great Bloc Misery abilities. Flet
selection was goo Bon Hurt the speeial
request teas apien idly given, This talent•
ed young lady ha a bright future before
her and we hope r be able to keep hor ill
on for so: i• a .
e ]n
tt o
. Her ostn ltd
p �s
Greek costume w s good stncl most inte4•
esting. The o ening altogether was a
very enjoyable o io.---Han2Jltott Spoetator,
Deo. 10,1802, iss Hext will appear itt the
Town Bail, wt he 17th May, ander the.
auspiees of tit Maple Loaf Lacrosse club.
—'Cor first.Class eat/bring and olleap.
ttentii' furnlallingM, try Webster :b Co,
Neuron/her the place, only two doors north
of the old Maud aid. between Ross' book.
store and Patteraon's jewellery shop
MissionarySociety, of the
inch intend holding au
for Listowel District in
1 church, Wingham, on
. Afternoon_ meeting at nice
:and on
1 p addresses 'tV
es'W etgiven. In the of t
will bo' '' en at "Howell. ion.
of of Wing- chat
Addresses. by ' visiting by
to wilef in making an chs
g. Iter
ing of Anchor of
. 0. G. T.,. was held
t. There wain fair
oers for the ensuing
Ilows ; G. A. New-
tt, P.C. T.; Miss
. Dodd, F. S.; Mrs
Tress.; G. Hewett,
jr,, Mar.; Miss Wil-
son, •G4 M. Black/vel , Sent. A number of
members .were app+inted;;
tend the District i
Lnckno/v on
elogates to at-
eeting, which will he
Tuesday, May lath.
—The Annual z eeting of the Wiugham
District will bo lief on the 18th and 19th
inst., in the Wing ant Methodist church.
On the evening of• he 17th. inst.,a platform
meeting will be held, at wbioh addresses
will be • given o • .four eationalties : Eng-
land and the
Dn., t
, Y G. F.
Ireland and the Trish, by Rev. W. F.
Campbell, M. A., Pit D.; Scotland and the
Scotch, by Rev. . A. McLachlan, M. A.,
and Canada and the Canadians, by Rev. J.
Livingstone, ash; along the line of
tationalities wi be ptovicled.
—e1 inrge au, enthusiastic Temperance t
ting'was h it in the Methodist Chnreb,
ednesclay •veiling, under the auspices
he WOmen': Christian Temperance Un -
Rev. S. c ellory, 33. D.; occopied the a
r. The of ening prayer was delivered
Ilev. W.H. Vat -on, aitd the choir cf the
ohm. gave. .$Neral selections of music.
Itir. Sell ry 4avo a ahort ad:lress, and
oduce,d iss Lillian Phelps, of St.
tarines, to the audience. She delivered
lendicl ddress on Temperance, point- s
out the Al.effects of the liquor traffic P
from its noeption down to the present a
o. She also detailed the cireutltstances
r whic 2 licenses for the sale of liquors
first g -anted in Englancl,ta 1452. The
cr tree% was in tae country only be-
et it wa: tolerated by the people; it had
ito rights, v, sted or otherwise, and should
be prohibite � , She pointed out the neces-
sity of orgy zation and unity on the part
of the oppon tits of the liquor traffic if they
d =ace din driving this monster from
air land Space will not permit even
noesis • • Miss Xaite e's magnificent eel-
• Dr. a .acdonald, Rev. W, H. Watson
also do
$1 A YEAR ��'A , IN ADV
Mrs, Chas. Lloyd itas b z • quite Ill
some time with congestio of the lun
but we'are pleased to ray s e is mealy
the mend,.
--'ICampaaignF,eleoes," an utobiogra
of Mrs. Letitia Youmans,. t e pioneer
the White Ribbon Moveme • in Cana,
will shortly he issued from be Method
Roofs Room, Toronto. The •ook is pu
fished at th* request of the Wonu
Christian Te ,penance 'On'.n of Canad
and the intro action is wr tton by Mi
Willard. It will contain 310 pages, well
bound in cloth, and will be.:ntbellished by
a beautiful photo•engravine of Mrs. You,-
mans, and also a group- t iota of Miss
Willard, Mrs. Lucas and frs. Youmans,
the Presidents of the Wo • an's Christian
Temperance Union, in the United States
Great Britain and Cana a respectively,
Price, $1.00. Address; W Briggs, pub-
lisher, 33 Riohanond street Toronto.
for at this Board m y be aggreQ
�s • selves and
n Moved b prof'p �fi �' bl. to the
y Sperling,
R. Eiscocks, th t By -late No, 27,
pity amended by in= rating the word
0f stead of "awn".
(la, The 3layor s lid that the Co
ist move very etc, Iy eu this matt_.
may be troubl: alieed, He did
ti's that the Cott"Cil bail the ' p
a, amend the b -law, Ile /visite,
es legal advice, 'and weeld :advise
the matter ov r to enable the
consult legal it thorities on the an.
The Clerk r'ed the rules gove
procedure of tate Cotuaoil.
also advised ill' Council to take not
in the matter c ntil they got Jogai 0"2
Moved by R C. Sperling, seeonde"
11. Hisoocke, 'hat Rules 18 and ]:Fl
law povel'iug he procedure itt Cote
suspended for he present ..ttveniug
purpose of am ndiug a ley -law.
Mr. Geo. 111 Kenzie pointed out tea
Council had n power to amend tItia
law, reading t e license Jaw to ruse
potation he, to. k. - «
Mr, E. L. s okinson replied to
Ifenzie and r. John Dingley brit 1
t? dressed the C nl}cif, urging Ira
action on tl petition betaken ,
Moved by J S. Jerome, secoudea b
Homnth, Um ' the further consider&
this quesfinn •o laid over till Friday
Deputy.Ree e Drockensltire statai
the Street Co • rnittee would be preps
report at Fr clay night's meeting
The Finane: Committee reported,
mending pay ent of. the followi
counts: Fin c Davidson, wood, -Ch
08.15; Frank I avidson,. woo i for ball,
FeDavidson, g. •avel for streets, 75 semi
Plenty, printin; , 0x.50;. Jas. D. Longi
pairs and sung ies, 01.80; Samuel ',
salary as assesso 01U0; S. Xnnitill: p
and stationery, •$ , -0001(;)B0;
OQ; B. H, ;dcEay,
sign, $.,,W, �; i . Moore, work on
$5; Wingham E ectric Light Co., 1
lkloved by D . Teener, seconded
F. Brockenshir:, that 200 copies of
s abstract •e printed, fob distxilt
among the rat ayers- Carried.
Moved by Dr Towler, secondedby W
Brockenshire, t at the report of Fitz
Committee l'e , opted, and the aocc
The Paropert : Committee neported
commending th t the building over
g be resl2ingled and that
aratby bave the se of -the house men
by Mrs. Melvi •, that the hole in the
pound be filled u ; that the weigh seat
let by tender on ha 4th inst.,ancl that
Mlle be issued to that effect; that the
hall and hose to er be repaired and reit
ed; that an inc descent ]amp be place
the main entr nee of the town hall,
one in
each dress ing roo121 an the stage
eight on tI•e sta. : of the town hall qt
ligbts, and else 'ne at the lockup doo:
:choice New ens.
Wholesala—Gordon & McIntyre are in a
condition to ajtpply families or sooietse
with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now ie
the tithe tq seeure your teas.
Mrs. John Snell, wit have been visitin
friends in Wingllain nd other places in
Ontario, for tho past 10 r months, left on
Wednesday for her •cine in Cleveland,
Gerrie Gazette:. r. D. Sutherland
of Wingbam, as in t wn en Tuesday, ofli.
cialIy inspect rng the urnace in the new
Methodist Church.
Mr. Crowell WilIso , jr., is visiting un.
der the parental roof,
Mr. Jas Loutit, jr., .las-gone to Battle
Creek, Michigan, w ere he will reside in
Mr. Horace Horton of Godericb, was in
town on Afoucay. -
Mr. F. Hill was in oronto and Seaforth,
last week.
Mr. John Farqub molt, of Teeswater,
was in town o%t:Tues. ' y last. -
Mr. Jos. Cowan, .f Wroxeter, was in
town on Tnesday.
Mrs. Iiamptor, of Listowel, was visiting
in Town laet weak.
Misses 011ie Nichol find Nettie Lee, of
Listowel, 1 o el are '
ifriends '
in town.
Mr. W. R. Elliott sof Listowel, was visit-
ing -friends hi town for a couple of days,
this weak.
Mr. Jas. 1:1- ammo a, of Atwood, was in
to on wn business, o Tuesday.
Mrs. Jacob Larg., of Listowel, was in
town on Tuesiay, . Wending the funeral of
Mr. R.
Coad s deal
ht r.
Mr, W. J. Welc 1, of Harristou, "spent
a couple of clays i town, this week.
Mr. Jas. McAll: ne, of Brussels, aocom-
panted by his sot who has been residing in
Manitoba for ab • t six years, paid Wing-
tani friends a vi. it on Monday.
Miss Houghto h went to Toronto this week
o consult a pb3 Mien, having been ill for
owe weeks,
e cs.
Brussels Pos : Robert Wilson, wife and
of W112 12
g a , were visiting in town for
a few days thi: week.
Mr. and i' s. Henry Pearen, of this
place, spent $ nday in Belgrave.
Ziene' muse bas Peeved it.
A triumpl in medicine was attained
when experi. oe proved that Scott's Ennui -
ion would not only stop the progress of
uhiionary Consumption, but by itscontin-
ed use health and vigor could be fully re-
—Apprentices wanted at once to learn roti.
the dressmaking. Cantor's (Isco Prof. Catl
,Moo4y's) tailor system—only perfect Cys-. asp
tem of dress -cutting, naught to apprentices. ing
Miss kiodgson. flits resumed business after
• Ilolidas s and Cttarantees las before perfect
g tailor system a specialty.
MUST Uoa`YGTsaGATto3M , 0.1Witot1,
W'rtadsrtnt.-4W. H. Watson, Pastor. ,ger-
vices each Sunday at 11 a, tr.. end 7 p. tai.
Sabbath U h School and Bible EJl;tsa tat'�.130,
Prtiyer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p, in., Christian Endeavor on mune
evening at 0 p. iii. All made weleennu.
Seats foe, Strangers welcome. Sunday, our
May 7th. Services morning subject ; our
Y ,�
"Three Principl for a Sueaeasful Life." ey
Evening subjo : "Finita of WV'isdoal"
Communion Lord's Supper after the
morning cervi
fits, latest sty es, and good work, 'Teach- tin
—The Can rliatl /Macedonia Endow.
need Associ, inn, n Toronto institution,
has gone itt iquidetion, not being able to
register and the Ontario Xnattrhtltco Act.
Tho busines was to endow children from
birth to 14 ars of age with tt fund to pro•
mote their culture and education, The
Goverhhmol classed tho Association as alt
inauratute olnpatty and insisted upon n
$50,000 being put up as sent.
ideate holders, hence the eased.
deckled to cease easiness,
ity for e
Batton ha
'.town Osamu.
The rege r monthly meeting of the Town
Cotuteil wa' hold on Moec]ay evening last
Members a t present. except Mr. Elder, The
minutes of last regular and special meeting
were read ud adopted.
A. eon' t - nication from Bert J. Reid, in
in referee o to a sidewalk on Leopold
street, wI ich is in a dangerous condition,
was read. No action.
Mr. E. . DJ, kinson addressed the Cottit-
I at le ng It, and presented a petition eign-
by abo t 250 ratepayers and others, ask•
g the 0• nnoil to amend the liquor lieeneo
"five ylaw; b ios:ntiltg the wordflue in-
sad o F our," so as to enable Mr. John
Maley t • senate a wino and beer lioense,
Bev, S' . X3. Watson addressed the Cotttt-
I again granting the prayer of the petf-
on, an presented a counter petition,
geed b between Go ana 70 ratepayers,
'Moved by 'Geo. :McKenzie, seoottded by A.
awson that we now in Council assembled
eloom 'Messrs, Thos. 'Gregory and John
(Solan as Councillors for Wards Nos. 4
d 1, cspeetively, hoping the time spent >,
ohn Ritchie and John Nee- ei
veros short addresses, ed
. iestoti
itllx. b
We cordially in ite all to wine to the st
miss-aomry ineetiii itt the Congregational lJ
church on Tetscla afternoon next, /Vey
May 0th, at 8.80 o' look, when papers and ei
addresses will be g von. In the evening et ti
7.45, a mass ttmee ng, when addresses will si
be diltverod by 1 iv, T,L Kiernan of Fiord'
wish; lkw P, 1) 8ettltsy, of Listowel,'and .D
a lecture by tit Pastor on "1 Tawaii ana t110 w
Hawaiians." Collection :.itt aid of late N
Moved by Dr. owler, seconded by
Brockenshire, th t the clause of the
perty Committe:'e report with refere
the weigh seal is be referred baok-
c0nttnittee, wit power to act—Carried
The Bast cis,u: e was referred to the L
Co nntittoo to • t estimate of diet of I
and report on ;1 -day night.
Mr. R. Vanst •fie addressed. the Co
11 referenco to he town purchasing
band ins:ruin is ter granting the
$105 to complet paying for the '
Meets and• t, sande as security. M
by R. 0, Spar R ., seconded by X.Nee
that the matte .of aiding the band be
furred to tee P operty Committee,th
report on mid night—Carried. -