HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-28, Page 6THE WINGUAM TIMES, APRIL 28, 1893. iii i anie I1 FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. Kt bill to prohibit, combinations ted to advance the price of netes- as of life hum Massed the New York e tieeenibly. ,Thirsts ,bold have nothing to r• t0 with Sleek Pepsitl that is being advertised toniti newspapers. Tne Professors of K4ttlturitl College of ()uteri° exposed [frame &.'out a year ago. a. are 5,82E Public Schools in Ontar- azld tem Government grant to those .1s wee $250,000, white the 12G h Schools in the Province received 6100, - front the Provincial treasury. x. Inoue 'M. P. P, for Dufferin, has a before the Ontario Legislature to re- s the life of mortgages. It is proposed /nit the life of a mortgage to ten years iia tete last payment thereon. The time resent is twenty years. "Ilse druggists have met with such a reception from ,all quarters anent prnvisiotte of their hill to limit the of patent medicines to themselves it is understood they have decided •ithdraw the objectionable clauses. BILL will be introduced at this ion of the Ontario Legislature to to tuenicipalities the power to debentures to raise funds for the tion of suitable contagious disease 1pitals without tate necessity of ap- ii ng to the votes of the ratepayers, $>t Manufacturers' Association not but feel that the tide to running ;inst the tariff, and it does not show ch wisdom in expressing a desire to jintain the present rates without teneent Rt fray point. This is not nable position, nor is it one that He opinion will support,—Mone- Times. INANCE Ittnusren Bonen intends start- s out shortly on his mission of visiting L different trades and industries of the rtry and getting the opinions of the re- entatives of such trades and industries to tariff readjustment, It is not hard to the answers he will get from these ant industries." Let him ask the far- s—the great taxpaying class of this try. Of course they will not get an rtunity to give their views, except they for it and press their grievances upon lo attention of the Government. tda. BALFOUn has given notice of a t lution which he will move in the Mario Legislature to the effect that is .House places on record its dist oval of the growing amount of ial legislatioir sought for the eon- ation of floating debts of minden ties coutractect without authority vs, as tending to extravagant ex- itures by municipal corporations the growth of irreeponsihility ng the individual •inelnbers cif said orations, all of which is contrary he spirit and intent of our tenni- 4:1 laws ; and is further of the bion that such legislation should be granted under eery exceptional umstances." The Budget Debate. GARROW, M. P. P., POR WEST HUEON, CONTRIBUTES TO THE DISCUSSION. < (From Globe Report.) Ir, Garrow, member for West on, was warmly applauded when rose to take part in the debate. Garrow is not in the habit of pier; up on every iseue, and as his tation for good ,judgment is liigb, 'ways receives a close hearing. did not intend, be said, to go very ly lata figures. I t was a pretty cult job to deal with x question of hiretie from a party standpoint. was the foundation error in a asion such as was proceeding. It tdrnitted by both siden of the e that we lead 'a substantial cash ius,aud we have all immense reset he timber reesourees of the province. pose even that, we had a small t, Went then`? In what position this province of Ontario stand ae r;: with the; other provinces or oulinion, itself 7 The Do. CI heapedu a debt b �sdn r.. Quebec had started even ()uteric and had now a debt of 0', paying in interest alone annually. Was it not a t other provinces were going the rate of from $100,000 tt million dollars per year ? ria wee :able to present a magifi* owing. What they claimed *_list et the end of twenty years mat administration was able, r #deficit, to- exhibit a o a ticgood Thlt was somethit g for fy>x the go'ernment side; but also the opposition deserved credit. ' They ought to be proud that they had laeen able to assist the province in reaching that glorious financial con, elusion, (Applause,) It wasa recog. nized fact that we must have expen- ditures for xpen-dituresfor civil government and whence was the revenue for this purpose to be derived ? If the government did not deal wisely and carefully witu the timber sersinos, whore could they look for revenue unless they resorted to direct taxation ? it was in their own interests, its well as in the interest of the country generally. that due care should be taken of alt the sources of reveuue• The system of disposing of timber limits to the highest bidder wee one that commended itself to the judgment of all, and it would be dill. cult to improve upon it, The revenue hating; been obtained, it was a p.tra- mount duty to see that it wets e conomic:elle expended, Now, it was very easy for lion. naenabers opposite GO oecupv the position of destructive entice, but it was their duty to fully intestigate the expeortiture, to p.tiut out extravagnuce, bit by bit and item 1 t,y item, instead of declaring in zeu- eral terms Mice a ye it unit thegovero- ntetit was extravagant. Theism nit'tu- bers— (opposition )—were ii,dustrioue and able, and had discharged their eutyy as well as they could ;Where had they shown extravagance? It must he unearthed in detail. It bad not been, and therefore ti:ey trust essunae that it could not he, and alt the talk about tixtravance must go for nothing. \Ieintiers of the opposition could have atnpte time and facilities if they desired to investigate the various items of expenditure, find in the large expenditures for the erection of public buildings they have not• brought to light any evidence of wrong- doing or over -expenditure. (Applause.) Strongly Kndorsed. The advertising of Hood's Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people, because it is true ; and it is always fully substantiated be endorse- ments which in the financial world would be accepted without a moment's hesitation They tell the story --HOOD'S CURES, HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver ills, jaundice, biliousness, rich headache, constipation. First Things in Ontario. The Man Who Introduced the First Reaping Machine, THE PIONEERS IN THE IMPORTATION OP THOROUGHBRED STOCK --TSE BEGINN- ItIG OF THE CHEESE INDUSTRY. The study of agriculture in the rural schools of Ontario, with properly arranged text -books, might be made one of the most interesting features of the school studies. Indeed, the progress of farming in Ontario would form an interesting chapter in the history of Canada ; and it should be especially so 'to the youn who live surrounded by the results of that progress. To the boy who watches the opera- tions of the self binder it would be a matter of interest to learn that the first reaper introduced into the opera- tions of the farm in Ontario was one that dr. Walter Riddell, an old man of 83, living near Cohourg, tells of in a letter to Prof. James, Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture. In the year 1843 the late Daniel Mciiyes, of Ham- ilton township, East Nortiintnbt'rinnrl, used tho first machine for harvesting in Canada, and in the following wear England fits/:/, to expire, to as at stock. T here is scarcely a township. in Ontario whore thorougiabred stock cannot be feund at present. The English Draft,, or Shire horses, which were imported into Ulipet Oa - nada in the latter part of the last century, were the first of the heavy cart horses on the continent. At to very early date in the present century Upper Canada, had a roputution for fine horses and quite u trade was carried on .with the Americans, The date of the first importation is SO far back that no recortl can be found of i:, This is the breed which some able writers claiin is directly descended from the war horses et JWats Caesar and is the purest survival of the "Great Horse" mentioned by mediaeval writers. The firat ituportatiou of Clydesdales was made by Archibald Ward,of ,Mark- ham, who brought out Grey Clyde in 1841. Subsequent importations were: Sov eerign, by Audrew Jonlrson, of Scar- boro', in 1845; Bay Vv allace, by Wm. Cochrane, of Olareniput, in 1845; and Netherly, ey Joseph Thompson, of Columbus, in 1860. The first cheese factory in Canada was started by Prof. 0. 0. James in his bulletin of Jauuary to be that of a. Farrington, of Norwichville, which was begun in 1804. Since deet bulle- tin was issued the honor has been claimed for Eber E. Hill, of Durham, Que., who is said to have started his factory in 1862, but the claim wee not supported by very strong testimony. The Canada Farmer of August 1, 1865, the first year of nowt:, says of` the Norwich factory ; "This is the pioneer uheeeo factury, which will be considered no stems honor some day." From that humble beginning e1 years ago the nlanutacture of (Meese lasts ins. creased to such an extent that Inst year over nine utiUion dollars' worth was exported from Ontario, and over e,eveu trillions from the Dominion at larg.•, The No. 1 Manitoba, hard wheat, which is so much sought after by millers to day ie the "Fife" wheat that was grown very extensively in On- tario in 1857. The origin of this variety is a matter that has i.een dis- puted hotly by agriculturists, but the burden of evidence seems to be in favor of the connection that it was some seed imported from Glasgow. There are some who claim that it was first grown in Ontario and others who credit Wisconsin with producing it Bat wherever it COMPS frofla it is the beast wheat in the world to -day. Suelt facts as thesis, as well as some cou0eriting the laying out of townships and building of roads, etc., would he information of value to every child to the rural schools of our country. Mr. Wade, of the same district, pro- cured another one. The mr'gnitioert flocks of sheep we wive in Canada are the outcome of the introduction of pure bred animals away bak in the thirties. The first bock of Leicesters, which was also the first of any kind, was imported by the late Hester Rennelson, of North l3uin- fries. Soutliaowns were first brought out by Wm. Ash, of St. Catharines, in 1848. James Russell, of Richmond Hill, introduoi-d Cotswolds, and to Albert Tatnblyn, of Orono, belongs the honor of t;ettiug the first flock of Lincolns. Turning to the thoroughbred matte it ie found that the first purchase made for breeding purposes in Canada was by the New Brunswick Board of A.g e rirulture, which introdueed sotne animals in that Province in 1825-20. G In Ontario Judge Arnold, of St, Cathnrines,waa the first to see the 'fin., potence of introducing improved stock, which be did in 1832. The followirc :year Roland Wing- field, of Gli 1ph, imported some short horn Cows. th IMO 1?. 1goyd, of Fong,• street, Toronto, pnrohesied a cow,and in 18.45 Iialpit Wade of Port Kopf;, imported four u heifers. • From aomtli s le futil tert it additional importations, has come the splendid I,twain of cattle *bleb it is found pro. RIIEURATIt351 CURED INA DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures fu 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system Is re markable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears, The first dose greatly bone - fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholin's drug stare. Huron Items. Jas. Nevins, of Weat Wawanosh, has ti owe which recently gave birth to four iambs. . Clinton people are going to have a Creamery in that town, and at a meet ing Tuesday evening the greater pert of the neeessary stook was suhseril,ed. At the last regular meeting of Court Goderich No 32, Oatiadian Order of Foresters, the following officers were elected : Bro. A, B, Davison, C. R.; Bro, W. E. Johnston, V. C. R.; Bro. T. Sueyd. F, Sec.; Bro. W. Me0reath, R. See.; Bro. W. Lane, Treas.; Bro. D. Stoddart, Chaplain; Bro, W. Carter, S. W.; l3ro. 1e', Henderson, J. W,; Bro.T Bates, S, B.; Bra. W. Daniels, J. 13, This is now in a prosperous con clition having over six hundred dollars on hand to pity sick benefits. Origin of "Got the Mitten's One hundred years ago gloves were uelluown in the county towns. Mit- tens were knitted and Worn in all fam- ilies, If a young than going home front singing school with the young girl of his clioiee waa holding her tuit- tetted hand to keep it waren end took that opportunity to his suit if urge 1, , tile- alter proved acceptable the 11011(1 would rarlydiu. If taken by surprise an effort to withdraw the hand would leave the mitten, So the suitor would "get the mitten," �hur would ld not get the hand, The use of the word rnnff, meaning a foolish blundering person,' also has an easy explanation. A stu pid youth #ae Said to be a muff, be, cause, like the article of feminine wear gl, tailed by,hitt near, he held a awematta hand without squ, e i nfiit. Ripens Tabules cure biliousness, COUNTY' WANDS neo LOAN. On the security of CeltivAted Farm, Interest six percent, payable Annually, Any portion of the principal may ho repaid at any time the borrower wishes. MI expellees pa:d by tha County, No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to wltoin money is loaned. Apply to WM. [IOLMES Gederiah, Aug. 8th IROIL Co..reasurer. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptlyonthe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only 'from the most healthy and agreeable substances,its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it, Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FiG SYRUP CO •t SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. ha, Cases of ij'z hTherid clay IJ nperous cl)f RRY)qV0S' 1 LLER !i!P juckyci.&r. j, htlierid rcL�>srrs r9 auqhs, Cords, ere S�Borplx. `�G114SFS�o� liF iC a tafr C t,li 8C R� 25t5RcL';�._ Cures Gottrnmmpt[on, Cotglxo, Croup, Soro hti,xoat, Slid byy ell?Jru,;rists on a Gurrantce. For a Lama Side, Back or Chest Shiloh'a korona P[:oter will give great en [,:action. --25 cent?. 6lt/11. l tiVS Vt! 1`�l t L EtZIi~'.; n IlIro. T. S.ilawkins,G'Ytattinoogn Tent sem ",S7titoh'a 1; t1catccr °.Yd.V.LID h 'l lutb'id. I condelcriitthchrctremeauforttclthiiftccterttn+ate,ret T ee& eitecb" For Dyer: 'ef ,sa i 4S er VP:l' idxoy troub10 it «:nazi. 1 r!ctt 15 ora. C'L L p 91 �tJ r �{t,, 3�r5 ��"aL11 riLt{1R11E'tl ir:t_;y`i''�i+ �•'+:-.. q-li t... eche . Rain 1Intoyou Oaten. r•h? xtyt,usRemedy. 7ulriit Tnsitivelyr0ltat a.' •7(ritey,n: 'ricutdetg. his In;.:otr'r tte ,: t C.111Ire.ttue;tr.is furnlebedrree. ? r.; n t' enit..:t'S *ro ecld one ire e , else/ ., eat ete,.., NERVE L1 EANS NIMItYR BEANS Mr a new Ne. corer, that enter tato WOW oeaee Normal Debility Lose Vigae sad IFailing Manhotxl; restores the weakness of body dr mind sabred by over -work. or the enters or se. ewes ofo . This etce sokttetq cures the most obstinate cues *hen ill Giber elitArxttxrs Iwretaueae,eolo 7991910, Sea brdrwk trims et Igor paok9V', or Rix for 46 or Bent pp�� otaHoq swept of price by addressing r18I JAMES MEDICIW 00., Toren,,, oat+ Write for pamphlet. Soldia.-. Winghron, A. in RAkirLTON Clubblug Autos. 'rho TInss and Toronto niobo per year g 176 The Tins and Toronto Empire per year1 76 The Titus and London Advertiser per year1 60 The Tines and London Free P, cos per year1 75 Tho T,ass and Montreal Herald pot year1 00 The TIM 9 and Montreal Witness per year1 75 The Toms eau Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 76 Iteduocd rates with All other weekly papers not ,uer.tioned in the above list, CQRNVN CROS,, U N DERTAKERS,I Y V J4NGJ tAM, OIT,R. . ZatagangtailMOMMOWSOMMagagErnif JOB MUM% TNOLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill 1 Heads, Circulars, dcc., dtc., executed it the best etyle of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address It. ELLIOTT, Times Otnee. 'Wingham. LOOK HERE This Will InterestEvery body, We are selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. J. A. CLINE &00, Winflralrl. 1 WINGHAIVI —ls eutnesuim— EVERY PXIPAY MORNING —AT Tis—.- TINIES OFFICE, ,4OSEPHIN cL- Entine' WINGIiA.Iil, ONTAIRIO. t Subscript' on ler1co, el per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space i 1 S r. l 0 rho. 1 8 mo, 1 1 ,tic Column 580 00 536 0 ----- One 1 20 0 Half " 85 00 20 00 12 00 Qtrai ter '" 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 400 One Inch 5 00 3 00 I 2 00 i 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, So. per lire for Brat insertion, and So. perliaeforeaeh subsequent insertion . Local n091059100. pe...ne for first insertion, an 5c, por line for each subsequent insertitn. No loom notieo will be charged loss than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, Foupd, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linen nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Panne for Salo, not exceeding 8 /inee, 51 for first month, 80e. por subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for lo advertisements, or tot longer periods. Advortiscnie ,ts and beat notices without specific directions, will be inserted tin forbid and otiartred accordingly. Trauaf1ory advertisements must paid in advance the Changes aby Wednesday noon,sin ordertoents sappear that week R. ELLIOTT Pnerninrot Alin Pusiasu 5 DR tR MAOVONALD, 1J JOSEPHINE STREET, Wnceu•te, OxTAs;m, Axe. B. TOWLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office flp.etalrs, next to kir Morton's office, Wine. hand, Ont. Oreton Hou911.-0 to 12 a. as., 1 to 9 p, n,,, CZ at Residence, DlagonalStreet. D. J. A. MELDIttild, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Mice and Residence --Corner of Centre and PatHok streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. W,xun an • ONT R VANSTOSE. BARRISTER, ,SOLIC1T0R, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged, Mortgagee, tow and farm proper,) bought and sold OFFICE—tleaver Block Wiseman J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Sc , W ngham Ont i>i,IEYER er DICKINSON, H. W. C. menu Q. C. 1 E. L, 13ICKINSON, i3. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So. licitors for bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for .taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private STEAM PUMPfunds) loaned on mortgage security at 6} per coli . Money Invested for private persons, upon the best �mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. Otitee—iient'50110015, WInghant. , ANL SINE, PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the Stearn. Pu'np Works lately owned by Mr, H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of go en, Ufi, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in awything in the Pump line. As T have a long experience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. V4 re also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS, Z Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. D. SHOWERS, Winghano RMLN A ?TeN! Stailion Route bilis P01t SEASON OI' 1898, • If you want a Neat, Showy Bill, well pet together and attractively displayed, on good zipper; C7 card, a Gllsena your order to the A Number of Good Cuts to Choose from. Prices reasonable and melon t a bY mail promptly attended to. TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, DENTISTRY.— ..1 S. JEtt0b4E, WIt:eu ., EE 11 1s manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestniatorlai as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion, Alt work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eieetrie- ity or Vegetable Vapor. /Ass Nostcn.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents 0911. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Iiouse. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S E7 LOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wint;ham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JCIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIN WI" NUR DEANS, Jit., Wisanaii, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in ally hart of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CUERIE, WzsalaAx, mess -eau AVCTtoi;ltea FOD THE COUNTY OF Inman. AlI orders left at tho Tinge office promptly attend ed to, Terms reasonable. "(AMI:S HENIIIIRSON, rLttOto:Me:e8 Atiot•roxresa 5015 C01t84'Ine HURON Ara Bauer, All sales attended to promptly and en the Shortest NotiO. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Alt necessary arrangements eats be made at the Tutsis'W ,nxice ' i oiiAa SIRS, GIODi REY .5 McASIf, M. 8. Toronto, Shfeurgeombctens. OColleintarir 1'1175icians and o. Ole llxuutAvtt •h • ` • Ovrpttto Money to Loan on Notel. Notes Discounted AT R 0 Ara Lg RATES s Money advaaccd en lfortgstes it 6} per runt with privilege of plying et the end of any year. Notre end aecouwts eollautsd. 11,0E7', Merl DOO. *Wit i`lleek, •Wireatfrm, Ont, T r�. e T. U, (commova, BY TIfg n •^e l?,,r Goaf,onrt' Mime an yi'oll call ibo•attentlon, of th ,to the feet, •that the Woman' .ante Union meets every Mond 'sharp, for ono hour, 1t, Mies Ho Judies aro wade welcome. hl0gt#uy lofa'everyhu 00911, eel •advertised,+.to which sleeting a generally. As tide Editor lane kindly pi s space, items of. Interest on ail moi day to any of our moat herb. .Usss.Plielps' I, We hops to sen a hog eat.tho Methodist enure .evening, 8rd of May, i o before will vet ylgladie owning again and th0$e Lear her should not miss tunitya. -Tile Pool R o0 A man caught ill the a ,frotu letters in the Bufi'a .aays, with tears in his eye Ohtepool-room that temp 4)e.fe11. ._Of all bileeittar •dtr'dl.has invented for fool ••those pool -rosins are the .do mors 10591075 in one of .all the gambling -hells itt ,month. ..every day youu ,seeu,running from one of .another, and of these r .btiyaud doubt many wh .tione•ef •reepunsibility an .moneys .that are eotrus .Ln..etiew.Jersey the peopl :zri.tlleir.nli;in and are der the .raae.traeka that s po°l,roonrs shall her SU every .city.;aud to•vu err { ;poolroom etre people .action to 'have it closed ;essarcy for the pr•otec Nonng MHO, and to such arterifices of honor 46 was•seee.i0 the poste ,day—auttale Com mercia .The.Opposl it The ,ligeor men are eatgainst.the plebiscite nior *ea that by,.itlh'lir craft 'They hove no love to worn[ of any kind; they di Once.raoledings, terrrperern teWfsssrattue societies; /but mortal.herror of tempera 'The .hitter ,flglateagain cite ,peehiriou by Aide when ,et.eatpre.up.ib the ' Coisnaij, tier strong evid point, The •sager Cont upon the,nuevelnent by t Coupell'ef Walkenville is direction., She foes of p in the new moaeweut a good for ;tete .tlOmtnunity mean injury to elle eeil-a in which they. are ,interes The lusts are nut t, other fact that some mist .anot: ed vacates sue not i with the plehieeite effunt, that these good friends n .numhcer, and we believe elastica of many of tht the fight colrreeeon the the thick of it. The lieu ever, ktlow what they ar they are not fighting f movement for fun.. In a campaign like this involvieg the moral issu tion, and the result of w to atlsot the liquor traffic it is safe to tie on time ail the liquor party. It is sa movement .n which the saes so mach danger, and it makes such desperate They Vote for the P °Wren/o PROHIBITION/31'S LEARN TUE STRENGTH 0 IIIBITION SENTIMENT PROVINCC, Toronto, April 11,-_4 the meeting of prohib evening with the merobet lature Iran created coned, Sion in temperance Mr. J. J, Maelaren, cha executive committee of t Alliance, occupied the ol. Mr, F. S. Spence, 0( secretary of Alliance, mr appeal for a plebiscite or of prohibition. He said would indicate exactiy wi the real strength of the sentiulent. In many of Where it was s drown to be would be able'to sweep tl. fie out of existences by tni law. Ile endorsed A1'r. prohibiting the esti, of liquor by retail, but thl interfere with taking A p moved e ya for this f• gpouri nremi:t'1's of the Logien,,, the Prohibitionists in ire