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The Wingham Times, 1893-04-28, Page 5
4 THE WINGHA.M TIMES, .APRIL 28, 1893,. Sena of atland, 'Clic grand cautp f the Solis of Scotland was 'held in Guelph, last weelc, The order is in a proapercua ,condition. -During the last two years the increase in membership has beets very repid. From a fete.ieolated y. •camps in •1890, with a very limited :7✓ inetnliership,.It hies risen to over 150 •eatmps with something mct3 .5,000 active members. Besides the stocial sleteent, which is a eotttlpicuorie .feature.in .the,ir gatherings, it elites sin ,insurance of 4500 and 413.1,000, to- .getlier with •deft and funeral benefits. ti..numbcr at changes in the ccnstitu- ttw were ,proposed tied diecu•ssed, Whisk are -expected to still tfurther benefit the.rrtemhers of the order, Un . aecouut of the large increase.of busi- . ,mess, a ,permanent, salaried sa.eretery Was eppoint'td, instead of the duties being perfortned by one who h:ad,cther . duties to attend to. The electtion of officers resulted as ,follpws : Grand chief, D, L. McLean, k.O.ttawa ; great) clrieftiau, A. B. Mo - .Callum, Paisley ; grand seerecary, '.Cept. D. M. Robertson, Toronto ; ..grand physician, Dr. Wylie, Toronto ; ,.grand treasurer, A. Hay, '''•croute ..grand i areliaal, Col. Campbell, Milton; grand standard bearer, A ()maybe'', .Kincardine :.`�.a'. G. guard, A. Mo. Beath, Muncto.n, N. 8, ; 1. G..,guard, J. Had, Milton ; grand piper,.ulrillie Thane, Guelph; laws acrd ,eyapeals, . Alexander :Fraser, D. D. G.W., r'onto , E. A. illdcLaurin, Toronto ; D. ,1+. A1eWatt, Barrie. By virtue of Iii.; office of grand chief for 16g% , .ill, AVlc(ree, of Guelph is the immediate ,grand chief for this year. Finance • committee, L,."MeCorkiudele, Toronto; ,Dr. Ferguson, ,Toronto; J. A. Matiean, +Guelph ; grandAriistees, J. M. Wing - ;field, Toronto ; .D, McOrae, Gdtt.lptt,. .and the grand eldef. The cifficera„•elect were installed lie Past Grand t:Ctiief ,Wingftel.i, J. P., of Toronto. Toronto was selected as the place of ,meeting for 1894:, and the date ,,the third Tuesday tu.April. .831;lsseis. .The dry goods ,stores in town • till • close at 7 o'clock , every eveuiugt.F'Sat- ,nrday's ex(eptedi,4urtug the stammer „months. .The contract fee gravel this ,yes.,r ,for corporation pueposes was let ,t:r Wm.A.I)enbow at 5z cents per squaao ,;yard,and 39 cents for unscreened. .Br.ussets foot -ba ll..eluh will praOt,toq ou ,Victoria Park eta ;Tuesday; Teurs-; .• day and Friday *wettings. General` ,practice Monday, .Wedue&day andN •;Saturda3.r. The fee F€tttr members .of'; •the team will be 50,efents. There ,isj Erle nenestary rnateriatain town for .crash foot, mill club, On Tuesday, May Sath, the anneal iS. S, Convention for (Army and Monde ,'townships.will ha held in Brussels, il:here wiil,d,e three sessions, the first, .iipanmeneing at 10 a. rn„an the Mettle--; .that church;.tlie afternoon session iia .Xtt•ox eh utak, at 1:31) u'dlnCk ; and the ; ,evening Meeting, ueginri,ing at 7:30 In Melville church A very interesting and practicat,pru;am has been outliner) and a meet iuLeresting tirzte, a assured. • 4. Jay, Provttatcial Secretary of S. S. work,, and a wieole sottled, genial man, will cake part in. the O4;aventiou. Program will be published as soon as definite replies are received loom per - eons. taking part„ A union.ch,uir will lead the singing at the evening gather- ing. Every Sunday school .abould keep the date in. view. BrusseIe Wil: welcome visitors. .Cattle markets. Last Buffalo, N. Y., April 26.--Cattle— Six cars on sale ; active; all sold early. Sheep and lambs—Thirty-three oars on male; opened strong and higher; few loads of the bast of the clipped lambs, winter clipped stock, sold at i6.35, and a good load of wools brought 87.35, but with eastern reports of weak markets, values eased off, and the close was about steady With Monday's values. Sheep were not In quite as good enquiry as Iambs. One load brought $0.25, and an extra fine lot of 117 lbs. weight, about all wethers, brought $6.50. Hogs—Market opened with 8 cars on sale, two of which were Canada's. Values were 100 better en anything of the choice quality, Backers' grades and the best 'Yorkers, light and heavy, selling generally at $8 for hogs of 150 to 200 lbs, and over, With a few tots bringing 1$8.05, the best of the hogs on sale ; later, 7 more cars came its from Canada, and the market eased off, the tidvance beiug lost, mud late sales of the best Canada's were at $7.00 to $7.05, Toronto, April 20. -'The market was dull yesterday. 'There was 00 inquiry for ex. port s.nd no fat shipping (mole offered. The trade ill butchers' stoclt was also a little off. The market for hogs was excited and higher owing to competition from Buffalo and Montreal. '1'lte receipts yeti• terday were 2,f loads, including 41 sheet} Bud lambs, 5'25 hogs and 125 calves. Cattle—Butchers' choice to fancy, per lb,, s, o to 4o; hatehers' medium to good, 3o to 30 ; bulls and -rough cows, 2`lo to 4e; stockers and feeders, etc to 4fo. Hogs -Good stratiylit fat, per owt, e6 to $6.50 ; stares mid light fat, 5.50 to 5.75. kiheep--Butohet'tl' choice, per head, 5 to 7,50; spring lambs, '3 to 5 ; yearlings, 5.50 to (3.50. Calves--1';xtra rehoioe veils, per bead, 7,50 to 8,50; 'choice veala, 4,50 to 7; medium, 2.50 to 4:, Mitch cows and springers •- Superior stock, per head, .35 to 45; ordinary stook, 25 to 30. Seafortli.. At last it is dceided who is to build our; town hall, The !tenders of Young & Caw - soy, Stratford, for the sem of 918,260 was accepted at thelset meeting of the towns council, This iaa disappointment to many; who thought that one of our town builders; should have received the contract. The Beaver lacrosse club have re -organic -1 ed for the Beason.. G oderich. This town mud vicinity was visited by) the severe wied,atorm last week, Fenaeaj were laid flat and trees were blown down; and uprooted. S) he town hall was partially unroofed, two of the chimneys at the east end having beentblown down, and carrying shingles, rafters and plaster into the clerk's office. Injury was also done to the roof of the Goderieh organ faotory, Davis" block and otherebuildiugs, the moat tnno, tninent of which was the G. T. R. round- house. $everwl.•of the large wrndotvs ,ef the court house+rvere also blown in, and the court room was littered with boockeu glass. Torcoato Cattle Trade. Tenmrrtes`,robZ (wedaesday.) AS the export.seasou is just commencing, it may be of sotae interest to ^(c eai.lecs "and others to new )tow trade looks, The most marked feat re•of the receipts et ,She Western Cattle uaaarket for the present year has been a, •marked increase iw tate receipt of hogs. TZear by year the .lto f trade at the market has developer's and the sheep r,ecseipttlikave dwindled utrti+luow' their old paaitiotiseure completely • reversed;` and if present progress is maintained the: Medical Aissoeiation. The regular quarterly meeting of the Iiuroa Medical Association was held in Clutton on Tuesday, the 18th, whoa the following members were present:—Deetore Graham, Brussels; Smith, McKay and Bethune, Seatorth; McDonald, Winghein Ferguson, Blyth ;$ Mc7atughliu, Anb•irn; Antos, Frxeter t Taylor, Goderich ; Elliott and Armstrong, Bruce3leld ; .[reins, St, ¥aryl; MoAsh, Belgrave; Smith, Mit. dwell ; Stanbury, Bayfield; ii;neehtel, Rip. iky; Shaw and Gunn, Cliutou. In the absence of the president, Dr. Woods, Dr, l;Jmith, of Seafortb, took the ,chair, and in his opening address he re, forged to the great interest manifested in the association by such a large attendance and expressed the sorrow of the •rneetiag 'at the logs of such au esteemed member es the late Dr, 'Worthington, and the :severance of Dr, L+'lliott from the wome a - ,tion and his removal to Chicago. Dr. Ferguson, of Blyth, gave a clinical ,history of some oases in his practice mad a discussion followed. Dr, McLaughlin read a very interesting paperon Medical Ethics, which produced a very animated disoussion by all the members. The Medical Council was the subject of much debate afterwards, and resolutions drafted expressive of the views of this meeting to he presented in I'arliatneut by the Local member. Dr. Elliott then gave his valedictory, after tvliicli' he wttg made an t.onorary member. The next ,Meeting will be held in Seafortb in. July. The Foof Keil Field. NEW D1 'ftairCa' ,011GANIZVD. • Listowel, April ,t7.2.—At a meeting here lest night tee .Marlboro Football District was organized andettlte• W. A. rules adopted.. Corrie, i3rnsseils,iLiisto.welamtd Mount Forest are the charter.clubs. A sche- dule of four galvaes:for vital eleven wits adopted.• t`1'ilu d;eaeon lasts [d'rotn 1la;. 6 to July 1. The Officers ,elected ••tare : Mott. president, James 'i41cM olives, M. P., Mount Forest; pnesidaut, ,►d.. J. Mor- den, Bru'sel.e; aeoretarV treas,lrer, W. H. Clitltif, Lietovleel; exeentr'in coin- wittee, .O..3. Lamont, Mount Forest; hes trade waOfl •t3OOR1i9e the most important' J. M. TK.airt, izorri,, •id...J. Morden,. at the market, :Dnom the acegmpaa:ying j Brussels; \'v'. H. CJitt, +. ;Listowel. figures of the+trade,..years 1892•.93 it,will bct (>s. T. I .fJffitz s. seen that caotlie ,receipts have iue_+eased' K. At the reor:ait .st+esion of the E. O. T. M, ecruverttion Ban ;d%rtrneco, the proposi- 802 cattle,5 119 1 d 14.365 6 •tdoi L force a great rr p in. toe D over 1,000 during the, first quarter of the$ year. Receipts •to.'d'ate this year are W7,-/ EfiliSMD Begs to announce to her numerous patrons that she has fECIDED ON CONTINUING her MiIiinery anal/Ian-tie BUSINESS at her old establishment on Josephine St„ Wingham, UNTIL SEPTEMBER NEXT.HANJLTO Syrin Fountain Syria Household Sy; Alpha Syringes, Ozriega Syringes,. Hot Water. P,.ottl. Full lines of of the newest styles and descriptions are now in stock. tet ! '” r ��/ 'tel 1�1.• :,t„� �, A i •lee er_APAZN"INTIBT"TS is the place for you to get your F FUMING IMPLEMENTS. XaCJI i x Latest unproved equal or no sale. SPRING ]TOOT. CULTIVATORS, FROST a• WOOD'S �ErOPEN REAR SINGLE APRON BINDER, FROST” & 'WOOD'S INTSTT ©� an DI 0W la, -sheep, and bogs., , l RAMIS, HAY FORKS, :PLOWS, l.. t r, ) Era •,f, eF •.Gid rr tt p Ig r&,ifferent kinds tot,'sslaoose from, Preen & Wood,.Fleuty (of Aurora), Ililltorn (of Ayr) Last year fee the tcrorrespondiu,� p niodi c+stirrion was 6ieteateta. Eire .v.es dee Cie I Teeswater and.) win Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly, on .hand. they were Ik758 eattleli6,083 sheep aud1.5,,- ',can't to sever the cennurtottoii of the Or - 508 hogs. • , ' .•dtr with cine Dominion ,Thin tergal 80- t c` LE AN itIVOTED'STEEL LAND ROLLERS, .eietiea' Associtatioe. 'Tice following raj icers were elee,tdd and "instu1' -d:-1 'Past Comtuaader -iI, txrnplt. aanlachie, I 'Commander -.F. 14.. Hotw,¢i1, Baden, : iaut. Corutnender —W.,Ii'.ii3 CouI- !tctr, Sarnia, is ir,,tea,owt 'beeper —J. A. Md t'nzie. Wooudetedllt. Record Keeper . E. Trent. Toronto, ,Chaplaiu— I$ev. W. Heid, Physician.—,Dr R. Gibson, Watford, Sergeant—N. L. \b'sylia, Arkona, Fifa ter-,.at-arras—L. S..tP-aeve, Toronto, dicker --TT. 1-1. Burns, 1t,gersol1, fuenti16,-44. B. Porrly„ Aylmer, Repe'eseutatktes to Supreme Tont—H. E. Trent, Toronto, aaai'l tltl...L. J:ioren, Berfain, Alternates -•_.•r. Mot Toronto, .aria 5.iGl•airns, {itiaa,h,ohSe. The delegates then ad- jesealed tto meet again at ,Sarnia next spring.. On eaeciipt of the news of the 'second reading of the Home Rule Biel., Hon.. Mr. `Found rihte5.SO Years. t$; liI to ADY ltti' ;ING a3SESULTS IN cots DISCOVERY for 1LoNc:': •Los's Irr.I88. M. few days ago an edvertisemegt wauti.• published by Aikens & Eddins, solicitors of Toronto, in whteh &Morrnefion was sought .ats,Yra the whereabauats,of,Ravid Leith who lin,the year 1863 reeided,in the Township .of,Gcey, Tinton County,. The result has been the discovery of tate another of the Missing ,mart, who will bo raised frotn a position .af,pewerty to com- parative affluence. The leaks, of the case are.about these: Newlin Logan was barn,iu.tLcotland, but demote Canada when a, child. In the year 1861, at the age of L'4,shetwas united in tuarri.tige to Robert Leith at Toronto, her two :sone being John and David. Five years alter their marriage Mr, it,eith died at Beaverrton, and John went to live with his grandfather Leith and David avail his grandfather Logan in. Eldon Township, York County. Mrs. Leith married James Cooper in Toronto, and after living for some years at Oshawa they located .at St, Mary's, where Mr. Cooper died. Mrs. Cooper was a resident of Seaforth for about 15 years and has lived in. Brussels for the past 10 years. By the second marriage she had seven children. But to go back to the Leith boys. John became a farmer its York County and David went to Buffalo. About 27 years ago he was stricken with black smallpox and died in a Buffalo hospital. Ile was unmarried and the money which his mother will now reed ye was left to him by his greed mother. The old lady is now 67 Years of age. Dur- ing the past .winter the eouneil aided her. During last week's storm the roof was blown from Mr. Thomas Tyne. man's barn at Hanover, Ont., and his father was struck by a ''rafter and instantly killed. Johnston Bros , generel merehattte, cirrying on an extensive business in the County of B3ru.te, having tttores at Walkerton, Paisley, Chesley, Tara and Wiarton, are reported to have trade an assignment of their affairs to Mr. W. A Campbell, assignee, of Toronto. The liabilities will be very large, as t�hey have been doing a large business. Stook is being taken, and a statement is being prepared by Assivae Caapi bell. Costigan cabled congratulations to Mr. Gladstonettlerough Edward Bl.a.ke,.1V];. P. The village of Byng Inlet, north of Barrie, was wiped out ley ;fire last week, Lose, about $200,000; insure nice, a'oout $1.20,000. Ml the arrangements for the grand formal opening of the Columbian ex,. position on Ylonday have been tom pleted. Saloons in 'Wellington county will hereafter be dosed at 10 o'clock at night, the license commissioners having so decided. Dr.' Arthur G. Reynolds, born in Hanford, Ont., and Gated in both Canadian and medical schools, has been by Mayor Harrison, health signer for Chicago, who was was edu- American appointed mamas - W. fL Ingram, collector of customs at St. Thomas, has resigned and been appointed postmaster, vice F. E. Er- matiuger, deceased. W. Y. Emory, Port Burwell, is motioned for the posi- tion of collr'etor of customs. Incorporation of the following joint stock companies has been gnzotted The West Hiroo Cheese and butter Company, capital stock,$10,000; thh Ellice and Logan Union Butter and Cheese Mauntfacturin;; Company, call. Ito] stock $3,000; tiro Woodstock. Wind Motor Company, capital stock $75,000 and the Eeonetuic GF is Appar- atus Construction Oanipatiy, Toronto,' \rich capital stock of $80,0001. with or without Seeder. "WHITE'S THRESHING ENGINES. COMOIORe,eoome all anti inspect the itupfoinents. Seconelito none. Winglaam,Rfarch 8th, ii 3931 WM. GANNETT. PAT TERSO WATCHMAKER ,A_ND JEWELLER, 174LIVIE, 400 a'. ),have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consistiu;,, of WATCHES, • CLOCK•S, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG BARGAINS From Nov Till Christmas. All goods tneight fur enslt and we can sell ae cheap at the cheapest and cheaper. Repairing .Promptly, Alone and Satisfaction Guaranteed -{d itve me a call M PATTERSON. MISS A WALLACE VULLINER, Begs to announce to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that her stock of prin',, .,M i11inerY is complete in all the latest novelties in HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RS, RIBBONS, ,ACES, $ac. MISS A. WALLACE, ].Vieyer's Brick Block Winghatri, March 306, I89 DRUG STOR Central Telephone Ex NE' TAILOR CE H. IRit Wishes to announce to the pe4 Wingham and vicinity that he has o tailor 'shop IN TIM STORE ONE SOUTH OF MR. R. HILL'S TAU1tANT, and lately occupied Patterson, watchmaker.. • All clothing made in the latest s WORKMANSHIP AND OLIARARTEED. The patronage of (:,e public fsofi satisfaction guaranteed. GEORGE H Wingham, March 17th, 1893. We have the Inside track an Can give you Every line we For less than Our competito If you do not Lo =»;k at our inner Setts, Tea Se tts, Toilet Setts, Table China, TeaPots, Salad Bowls, Fruit Setts, Ottspdoires, Biscuit Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Pot Stands- Cake Pates, Celery Glasess, &c., You will be The loser. W. T .8( AT The China, E