HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-28, Page 47
D�,+► QIS .4. .
opp. Bruns fick House.
iugha,m, - ., ort
I''RIDAY, APRIL 28, 1888,
The superintendent of insurance bas
just issued an abstract of the statements
of the insurance .eompauies in Canada,
The fallowing facts apply to fire com-
panies only t -.--The 24 British companies
netted in pretuiums$4,685,000,tihe six Can-
adian companies $1,0;5,000, and the eight
American companies 11,004,000 ora total
of f6,715,000,.au increase over 1891 or half
to uiillinn dollars. Tbe total amount of
risk ie »331,847,000, an increase of 861,.
000,000. The net amount paid for looses
darker the year was 84,348,000, of which
the British companies paid $2,893,000,the t
Canadian 8755,000 end the American
3703,000. The net premiums received by 0
Canadian comipauies amounted to a sulu
smaller than in any previous year since
1.873, while the sum received by the
British cG
companies fuss the largest in the
history of the country. -The sum receiv- 0
ed by the American companies was also C
the largest by far in any year in their
Canadian record. The rate of losses paid II
per cent. of premiums received beiag one m
of the tests, the figures are given for a
leading companies as follows:—British 0
America 86,Eastern 62, London Mutual d
74, Mercantile 83, Quebec 73, Western
70, or an average for Cauadian,00mpanies e
of 73.0O3compared with 69.65 the previous h
erear. Among the British companies are:
Nt• the Caledonian 52, City of London 75, fl
Oottenercial Union 81, Pin Insurance of
assooiation 86, Guardian 51, Imperial 46, ti
(Lancashire 60, Liverpool, London 'bIme
(Globe 68, London & Lancashire 55,North na
.1Britisb Qi?, Northern 59, Norwich Union ! th
' Dominion just about doubled, whi
number of people }a the country increns-
d dor}ng the same time by considerably
less that) one-third, When taxation
runs ahead of population is that. way a
Iii hteuing oi' the bunions o1' the people
is i:ni eratively demanded.
Tun Toronto Star: -"The Dom
Ministers have beeu in charge of
trade conditions eine() 1878, and
cabinet ortieers, esp.iatly til•, Fua
requtretl that they should Iieep$in t
with the situation. Mr. Foster's
ment now that he is investitrating
situation is either a plea for delay,
lug that something will turn up,
indication that he does not know
state of affairs, In neither of lime
tious would a stittesulan be found,
to politician should be too wily to p
himself in sueb a box. illr, Poster sh
cease attending banquets, eeaee ma
speeches until he has found out the
clition of trade ; then he should a
the remedy. The people cannot a
t4 Walt miteb longer, ter to cbaug
Ilbeessary a oaten r'
Dxscvssravo the exodus, The Toro
Evening li(ews says :--"Tile remedy for
this evil is not to be found inatte•.np
by artificial means, to stimulate
further growth of the cities of Canada,.
These have already gone beyond the
capacity of tbe rural sections to sustain
them. What is required is something
that will increase the attraction and
profit of farming in order that more of
the toys raised on the land may be in-
duced to stay there. Tbe first thing to
be done is to ameliorate the conditions
imposed by the tariff. The bulk of the
farmer's surplus products must now be
old in.Great Britain, in . open colnpeti-
ion with the world, while everything
that is bought in return is made tartbft-
ially dear to hila. by burdensome cus-
toms taxation. This should be change
le the • butter.warner and two new oreatn vats.
Mr. Jahn Crow, of Culross, has the .con-
tract o
)fit `
1 whng the ureanl for this
stetson and is putting on throe waggons,
Mr. M. G. Oliver, the champion butter -
maker, who made for this comptluy last
year nearly seventy thoneand pounds of
butter, has been re eugngod et a salary
of $00 per mouth, 11r, H. Da Henderson,.
merchant, Whiteohnrch, is the efficient
Treasurer' and salesman for .ilio coin.
pany. J. J. W. Simpson, tesoher, is the
se.:retary. The butter output was in
creased fast year over aixteon thousand
arg u -
hop- pounds and it is expeeted to increase it
ee an as much this year. The value of the
the output last year was about fifteen thous•
poli- and dollars. Quito a number of the
while buyers brave been inquiring in regard to
lace buying the season's butter, The direc-
o tors
u d of this Is Coln •, .
1 any. seam to be live men.
king I understand that they aro all practical
o is
farmere. I think if the farmers of this
beetion of country will look to their own
lute. gists they will back up the °litems of
the directors and make this one of the
beat factories in Canada.
shag Culross,
the This section of the country was visited
oar the 20th fust, by the worst and Most
destructive wind storms ever experienced,
unroofing over tweuty buildings iu this
munioipatity, besides destroyiug a great
amount of valuable timber and levelling
fences. The damage in this li iebborbood
is the unroofing of Messrs. A'IeKenzie's,
riclIell's and MoAllister's barns and the
house occupied by W. S. i1cKay. .
Seeding operations are proceeding very
slowly on anoouut of the cold, backward
state of the weather. The fail wheat is
suffering and is likely to bee partial failure
unless there coulee a change and that very
d r, Mr. Geo. MoKay, from Wiunipog, late
f 1.Viugllaui, was in this neighborhood last
THREE,Csn`s'r Ministers and SoIiei
enerea,Curran attended the annual b
net nfahe Montreal Sir' John Macdon
lab, on Saturday evening last. They w
a ll l:artioularly severe on Mr. McCarthy
for his bolt from the Conservative par
on. Mr. Ives says Mr. McCarthy
ado more Money out of the party tl
tor -
week purchasing fat sheep
an- p ti h el for a firm in
aid a west, and judging from his statements
mutton must be a pretty expensive luxury
in Manitoba
An effort .r
is beteg trade to est '
creamery intown, A ash a
Chicago is working it .i gentleman from
The next stook fair will he held oa
Wednesday, May 3rd.
Mrs. Walter Coates is visiting frinuds
in. Rrtgden, this week.
Tenders are asked for veneering the
Bosman Methodist oburob with brick.
e soot was blown off the barn of Mr,
Alex Campbell, of the let ooncessjoe, 00
'Thursday week,
The farm lately owned by J. Prarey,
ou the 9th line, was sold the other day to
Mr. James Lynn, of the 7th line ; the
price paid was 83,950,
Turn berre.
is wellunder u •
des way
and „
d t
the epilog is backward, the {erasers are
luel:iug hopefully towttl'd the liars eat time
The wind of Thursday last;.did consider
Ole damage. Richard Porter's barn was
unroofed, also the barn .of Airs. John
Johnson. Jas. Fa ilis's barn was partly
blown down.. Mr, Win. ,Johnston's imple-
ment shod was blown to pieces and e large
number of trees were fallen by the furious
wind. Nearly every farm bears some
mark of the furious wind of the 20th.
Considerable maple syrup has been
made and the fields aro slowly assuming
the graeuness of spriug.
and Mrs, Robluson consented to not ;n
sad proulptly affixed their
signatures to a document which they
supposed the wedding certificate. The
happy couple then departed, giving
tbe olergylnall $25 for his pains: The
latter remained all night, and he was so
grateful for the kindness of Mr. and
Mrs. Robiusou that he presented each
of thorn with a crisp g5 bill, A week
elapsed, and yesterday the genial hest
was surprised to receive a telegram from
the Windsor bank to the effect that tan
$825 note of bis had just beendiseounted
there, Mr, Z,,obinson was very much
surprised, but he at once went to Wind.
sore and it soon dawned upon him very
forcibly that the marriage certificate he
had signed was nothing more nor less
than ha
apromissory r
u.ite, As for the
preaohor and bridal couple, it is believed
they are betroth crooks. and an atter
will be made to run thea) down,
0 -
The residence of Mr, 11. A. Snarl
Was entered on gunday evening, 16
tnst., between eight and ten o'clock a
about 825, taken whieb was in
Soarlott's coat pocket. The coat e
hanging in the hall. The theft was o
densly perpetrated by some one w
knew the place well, and gained an o
trance by tbe back door.
Two of our aged citjzees, itlr. tV
iws, sr., and Mrs, John Willford,
ere called away somewhat suddenly
cin the silent majority,
The funeral of the late Wm Sirns, s
oak place on Monday afternoon fro
he residence of his sou and proceeded
ho Union cemetery for interinen
ollowed by a large number of vehicl
rid sorrowing friends. The bereave
nes have the sympathy of the entir
On Tuesday afternoon the funeral of
he late Mrs. Willford took place from
er son's residence and proceeded to th
ethodist ch urch,where the usual burial
rvice was held,after which the remains
ere taken to the Union cemetery for
interment. Tbe bereaved ones bane the
syinpathy of the whole community.
Bro. J. B. King, of Toronto, Grand
Secretary, I.O.O. le., instituted a lodge ` t
of the Rebekah degree in Kincardine on t
Monday night of last week. Fifteen t
ladies and twenty gentlemen became f
members. The lodge is called "Alberta" a
and meets on the second and fourth a
Mondays of mon month. The officers c
elected are :--N. G. —Bro. 11.13. Hall; V
G. -Sister
Sister Scl,ape; R. S. -Sister Carlo- t
ton; P. S. -Sister Hall; Treas.-Sister h
.Gledhill; Warden 8' Sboebottonl ; _.
Conductor -Sister Wotherley; L G.-- se
The Sage' Refinery Amall:anaatio5
Bill has be .'thrown out by the Nova,
Scotia. conn ole tt tr
WIN GUAW. ma.mtETt,,
wisensat, 1►prlf 27, Me
Corrected I.y P. Aeons, Produce Dealer,
irlourr�er ZOO 1bs, , 1 z 78 to 2
Fa11 Wheat per bushel, 02 te.
., 83 to
20 to
80 to
88 to
111 to
1a to
o 0
1 76 to 2 00
0 00 to 700
' 000tto sas
!latter, tub
do none,
Virs3 per dos.
Woad per cord,
flay per On,
Pressed lsois
of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophesphites
is both a food and a remedy. It is
useful as a fat producer and at the
same time gives vital force to the
body. Itis beneficial in
because it makes fat and gives strength„
It is beneficial for
because they can assimilate it when
they cannot ordinary food.
It is beneficial for
because it heals the irritation of the
throat and builds up the body and '
overcomes the difficulty,
oiDAILITZpON."-Beware of substftutea,
Belleville. prepared
bye l Scott
80c. and $1,00, druggists.
Sister Rastall- O.G.-Brother Robertson; w
t 19r. Jag. McKay, from Chntou, Is visit- Chap. ---Sister
Ii 0 Williams; Supporters of N. G. --Sisters
MoLardy and Wetherley; Supporters of
V. G. ---Sisters Horgan and Brown.
y. 1
ny one else in it, and he could not under-
tand hie present attitude. Mr. Curran
eseribed Mr. McCarthy as "e disappointed
olitieian of the.most selfish type, whose
alousy of Sir'3ohn'Thompson had driven
im crazy." M. Poster said the member
or North Simcoe teas trying to build a
atforni of threeplanks—denationalization
one-third the people of Canada, opposi-
on to the French language and readjust-.
nt of taxation. The first two the Pi-
nce Minister held to be too narrow` for
e purpose and the third will be removed
the action of the Government before the
xt election, says Mr. Foster.
Term second reading of the Irish Home
le bill was carried in the Imperial Par-
amort, on Friday last, by a majority of
The bill is now to be considerediu coln-
ttee, and it is said that the opponents of
measure will obstruct its passage by
ving amendments to it. The Govern-
ens are giving plenty of time for the dis-
sion of the bill hi all its phases, and will
push it through committee until it has
n fully considered, when they will fix a
for voting upon it, when it will be
std and sent on for its third reading,
r which it will go to the Rouse of
de, whc, no doubt, will throw it out.
House of Commons will pass the bill
in, together with n, number of ridical
sures calculated in strengthen the
detoniene when next they go to the
country. The }louse of Lords may throw
Home Rule Bill out a second time; but
may think better of it, lest as a final
oree the House of Lords itself be thrown
Power has passed to the masses, and
not likely that prolonged resistance to
popular will by a non-representativo
irresponsible chamber will over again
olerate I by the democracy of Great
ing this week at "Meeks" in Culross:
inteuds taking a trip West this spring.
:air. Geo. Falconer hat, mcved to and
cernme aced operations on the property he
lately purchased from lir. Irwin Jackson.
Mr. Jackson is. running his mill to its
utmost. He That, a very heavy stock of logs
to get through with this season,
Death has again entered our neighbor-
hood and has taker., away one of the old
settlers. This was Mr. Michael Ring,
who died last Thursday. He was a native
of county Down, Ulster, Ireland, and in
1847, accompanied by his father, two
brothers and two sisters, came to Cana- i
da. They resided a short time in Cbin-
gnaoousytownsbip,in the county of Peel, b
and afterwards removed to Culross town- d
ship, Bruce county. Here 'they took up s
land in its primitive bush state,and after s
years of industry and thrift acquired
considerable of this world's goods. o
Eleven years ago, Owen, the father, died
at the good age of eighty-six. Mr. Kin;
two brothers, Ed ward and Patrick, ha
farms near bis, and his sister, Mr
Donelty, resides in West Wawanosh.
his household he leaves his widow, fi
sons and three daughters to mourn hil
John, James, Owen, Michael and Mr
Kelly have homes in Manitoba. Mrs. H
Gillies, his eldest daughter, lived ma
102, Phoenix of London 54, Royal 63..
'4There was an average for British com-
panies of 61.74, compared with 60.59 in
�;11.: The average for American com-
iaules was 66.05, against 58.70 in 1891.
he British America Cornyany was so
nfortainate last year as to have an ex.
este of $79,000 of expenditure over in-
ome. The Quebec, Mercantile and
tied= IVIntuai were in the same posl-
ttlon. A.mong •British companies, tbe
jommercial Union, City of London and
United Fire also spent more than they
Tni; Earl of Derby died on Friday last.
rd Stauley, Governor-General of Canadat
vial sneeeed to the title and estates, which
rill immensely increase his income,
The Toronto Trades and Labor Coun-
I�<at a recent meeting declared for free
add. The wage earners of the country
ve got their eyes opened to the fullacy
the trade •policy of the present Govern -
tent, aitd are determined not to assist
'Fly longer in snaking the rieb richer
Ind the poor poorer.
, Tarn annual meeting of the Grand Trunk
tnilway was held in London, England,
it is
tst 3lonclay. The report was not a very i Brit
neUreging one, the receipts not coming
'to the expenditure, Sir Benry Tyler
re-elected president. Sir Henry said
only hops in the situation lay in in.
ing the freight rates.
43s. f11•;,lltY, of Orangeville, is out as a
isC?:rthy candidate for Cardwell,. in the
"out of that constituency becoming.
taut. R. S. White, the present mew-
ls said to carry the appointment of
odor of Customs at Montreal, in his
et end d the. Government only await
1,opportnne moment to open the con-
iiuraoirro News : -Whenever a radical
' of the tariff is proposed journals know
ed to defend. the Government im• stock
floly cry out that the result of such by
ill moat be a serious diminution of prepa
acraI :revenue. It may be re. Janie
in passing that it would not be forty
her bad thing in itself if that had th
re somewhat reduced. Dur- of ice.
ty years that elapsed be- class r
tad 18€)1 the receipts of the built.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Whitechurch Creamery Company will be
held in the ltbresters' Hall,Whitechurch,
on Saturday, May 6th, at 5 p. m,, for the
disposal of the buttermilk for the sea-
Pew people as they pass north from
Wbiteoharoh across the railroad are
aware of how much that snug but modest
building, known as the Whitechurch.
butter factory, means to this section of
country. In strolling around, I just
thought, Mr. Editor, that it might be
intersting to some of your readers to
about it. This company is a joint
concern; its business is managed
resident and four directors. In
ration for the coming season, Mr.1
Gaunt, of Kinloss, has put in
cords of wood, and Wilson Brothers
o cettract of putting in forty tons
The engine is being pot in first
efair. The furnace ie being re- o
re -
They are tries► patting its a power
West Wauvanosh•
1t&r. Thomas Leaver has sold his farm
to Mr. Janes Laidlaw.
iitr. Dan .0'Onllaghari, who some two
weeks ago took mumps, went out too
soon when recovering and took a relapse
which really became serious, and for
some time he was in a very critical coil
nition, but is now on the mend,
A terrific oast wind visited this viola-
ty last Thursday and caused considerable
damage, especially in blowing down tim-
er. One person remarked, that it was
angerous to be out for fear of being
truck by a flying board or rail; another
aid, that during his forty-five year?
residence here he hail seen only ono
ther snob east wind. A heavy waggon
was blown over by the wind.
ve ! Listowel -
8• 1 About 12 o'clock on Wednesday night
of I of last week, fire broke ont in a brick
ve block on Wallace street. The Royal
n.1 hotel, L.ilIiax's jewellery store, Christ -
s., man's barber shop, Bolton & Tabberner's
insurance office, Darling & Blewett's lase
him and Isabella and William are et
home. Mr. King was a strong Ulan
until scale seven years ago, when paraly-
sis seized him, impairing his health and
gradually bringing on . death. Death
came very suddenly; he had been walk-
ing about and out through the kitchen
door an bout before he died. The de-.
ceased was in his sixty-seventh year. He
was a genial Irishman and will be greatly
missed by his many friends and sorrow-
ing neighbors. as was buried in Toes-
wdter cemetery on Saturday.
Kinta 1.
On Monday, the 17th inst.,tbo remains
of the Rev. Mr. Grant, formerly pastor
of Grant's Church, Ashfield, were inter-
red in the Rintail cemetery.
The funeral of the late Eantiah Cl' foil,
who died recently in Detroit, tools place
at the Roman Catholic Cemetery, at
Kingsbridge,on Thursday.
The managers era of the lI m'
g en it er
l nursery
made their spring delivery here on Wed-
nesday last.
`I'hemost violent windstorm ever known
in this part of the country passed over
here on Thursday hist. A groat amount
of damage was done, timber and fences
being Ievelled, buildings unroofed and
telegraph poles blown down in in great
numbers, and other Iocalitiee report even
more serious damage.
A Viiueouver diapatch says B. A.
M'rtssey, of Toronto, has promised to
give $10,000 towards the J3, 0, Meth'.
dist College shortly to he erected,
o Will issue tickets from'
l'i1F London 1ieensr: eocnnaissionera
have decided that. al; bars shall be
closed rat 10 p, its.
Tenders will be 'received by the under-
'Up till May 20th, 1893,
for the construction of a
Brick Bock of Stores
in the
Separate tenders wilI be rec ived :
1st. For the stone a td briek
work stand plastering
2uil. i`or the car s ter work,
iaaelaaciing the root'
.3i' 1. For Miasma t rias ; and
piping, .fie.
4tYt. For the eon traction. of
the whole work.
office, J, W. Scott's ban k were all aonsfd4 Plans and speaiScations can be seen at
1 erably damaged by fire and water, lowest e residence
loril anyf tender tbe nnotslnecessarily
Insurance :-81,000 in Guardiau, 82,000' accoptacl.
in Perth int. ntual, with considerable Ioss; P. 1inEACI)O A j», il?L. 1).,
181,000 in British America, loss light; Wingham, Ont.
Imperial, $2,800 on hotel, loss consider- Wingham, April 27, 1890.
able ; Scott's bank, in Imperial, loss
light. The wind was blowing a hurri-
cane at the time, and only for the fire'
engine and waterworks doing• excellent+
work the fire would have been a very
serious one. The origin of the fire is I
supposed to have been front ashes
thrown out of the back door of the bar- TOWI. I. RIP OP UI:tN:EsaRlo110:.ber shop.ttndar and virtue of the Poiver
tamed IncIce fain tnortg go luado to the Vendors,
bearing date t 0 80tH d of January, A. b., 1888,
and which will opro& et1 at the time of sate, there
will be sola by iiblie action at the
311JI i1Jl ; tJ'CU HOTEL,
In the
ouety of Huron,
t a let day of May,
s ,
A New Sohente.
Joseph Robinson, a wealthyfarmeraad
local preacher near Leamington, has lost
same of kis confidence in human nature,
Last Saturday night a man with a olere.1 'l.'O'4inaT'
nal cast of features called ab his house i int g
representing himself as a preacher and'
said that he was on his way to Berlin On Mandan,
iHe was very tired; would Mr. Robinson
help a brother is distress and tallow him ` o'ol ck in thCbAit pennon Hepta io"t 1'a1u b1t one
to remain all night ? The request was' property, naluely : 1 w nA valuable -tool
readily granted, and for several hours' Towns ip ¢t Tui ? rry,t i the CC,ouiitys�nf of
the two talked of spiritual things and contalrtin,t-oue hundr.d ser g, snore or less. This
is a vahrs�iIo tarn ru,d wells $acted. 1t is 8 nafios
debated deep questions of theology. At l from wlrtgham, as thrlvla;t n, rites town, ¢nd onty
10 o'clock there was a knock at the door. 1 4 tulles 9'ier, the vIl1¢up of"Wro eter. The buttdlnl6,s
r enusist t 6 argt•cicss atone dd.0111n1e anti a fairly
The now comer was a man. He wanted rRood b;<rn, Thyro fs u good orctltani, 'rho farrn la
wIll fot,cod.
to see a clergyman, as he and his cote- TO hid.• -men per cent. of thopurehaco naono,9 nt
tyoung y, were anxious to be site t uto of solo and Ibe iratance itham interest In
pinion a oun Jed I,
a, JO d s thercnttcr• Irl ail other a' gPnedt tbo condi•
harried. Why, said Mr, Hobhieon, we' unlitio nt;rc Yob rustle, s �nding •omit aion. efr o
have a preacher right hoes in the house, l tis ; 4oe,le may bo rispectcd at t e onion et the
and it you have a license ho crib) jafn v dei a l3ollMtOrs.
„ , 'or further particulars, apply to; la Garrote
you: The angious couple gladly entered ' Protidtout, • larrigtorg, toed job ,,; It. Vanstano,
the horse and ratrfater, Wingham, the •Auctloncer or to
r file alleged theologian r CA\ILROS, IIa1,T e; I oLtlgg,
went through the usual form of words, ;ft'Z:,t1'Pit DEANS, Vo, [ton's Solicitors.
Of couree there) had to be witnesses. Mr./fluted 12th
APRIL 25th to OCTOBER 31st,
good for one month from date of issue,
FOR ;j ,17.7 5,
and good to return
FOR 318.3,
For full particulars apply to
J. i ICoti., Agent,
WlxeslAO. S
JAS. MURRAY dc 00.r
Manufacturers of
Land Rollers, Plows, Gang Plows, etc.
General Castings in Iron and Brass fur-
nished to order.
One Champion Single Reaper, in good
repair, for sale cheap.
Several horses for sale cheap.
Winghant, Ont.
C U TO f'','i ERS.
14'I05 AWAIM
City Fruit & Confectionery Store
Because they can get goods that are
right and up to the times.
PAST .tsx nrp
But they are waking up to the fact that
earl give them goods that will:
please them. Full lines of
Fruits, nysters,Confeot'
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Canned goods of every description al-
ways on hand and my prices are as low
as the lowest.
Dontforget the place, opposite the nese
Bank of Ilerailton.
ROVE. Unit.
Sona of •osis
The grew! cempti
0(.41411d was held .ifs Ci
,week. The order is in a
•eendition. 'Defiag the
years the iaereasq in iron
Wee very rttpitl. From a
•camps iu 'l,89Q wxtti a 'VI
ineculrersitill,.it Itis ?'beers CI
'oalnpe with something
active mem here, 13tssidee
element, which is a t
•feettare.iit -their gatherings,
,iilsuranee of 4000 alar 4
.geelcer with.fiiok acid Nueva
• 4, •number of obangee bra th
thin were :proposed and
w,hioia Are -expected to st
Iaepe& the.irteulbers of the
•0Gaouut of the large inorea
,nese, a .Pesinanent, salaries
was ,t,ppoiutta4, instead of
being performed by one who
duties to attend to.
The election of ofii.oers re
.follows: Grand chief, D. L.
iO,ttawa ; grand ohieftialh, A.
Callum, Paisley ; grand
'.O8pt. 0. M. Robertson,
..,grand physician, Dc. Wylie
,.grand treasurer, A. kitty,
,.grand marshal, Col, Oewpt,t
grand standard bearer, A
.Kincardine ;:,ki. G. guard
Beath, 'luncton, N. 13, ; I
J, .Head, Milton ; grand pi
Thain, Guelph; laws au
. Alexander eraser, D. D.
ionto , E..A.'J2tayaurin, T
Mc Watt, Berm.. By v
office of grand chief for
?McCrae, of Guelph is fila
,grand chief for this year
•cotmuittee, L,IdcOorkindal
..Dr. Ferguson, .Toronto; J. 1
t Guelph ; grand,truscees, J.
;field, 'Toronto ; <D. iiiCrac
.and the grand rand utlief, The el
were installed by Past Gr
'Wingfiel.i, 3. P., of Torotif
.Toronto was selected as
.meeting for 1894, and the
• third 'Tuesday in..April,
;The dry goo4d7Zsreelssin
.The contract for grave
,for corporation putiposes
Wm.,‘Denbow at 515 cents
.-,yard.and SO cents for wise
_Brussels foet-bitikelub
.00 Ytetoria Park (ng 21141.,S
clay and Friday 4weisiug
aiSaturcitaa. The fee ego):
..the team will be 50 aents1
'crack fook Nall club.
Ott Tuesday, May 29111,
Convention for (Ailey
;townships evil! he held i
Where wilabe three Bewail)
ccuuttnencing at 10 a. na„..is
dist oho NM ;atm a ftertiools
siKtIOX church, at 1:30 o',dle
4331%1 jug meeting, migittni
Mel vale chuach A yore
practical,pro pain has L.,
and a most iaterestin,,
4. Day, Provincial iseret
work, and a wia.ole
will take part in the
Program will be publishe
definite replies ace receive
lead the eine,ing sit the eve
ing. Every Sunday so
keep the date in view.
welcome visitors.
Cattle ruarita
4ast Bafalo,N, Y.. April
Six cars sale ; aative; all
Sheep And lambs—Thirty
sale; opened strong and big
of the best of the clipped
clipped stook, sold at 00.85,
load of wools brought 87
eastern reports of weak in
eased off, and the close was
with Monday's values. Si
in quits as good engutry
load brought 86,25, and au
of 117 lbs. weight, abou
brought $(1.50.
Hogs—Market opened w
We, two of which were Cat
were 10o better on atytbint
quality, packers' grades
Yorkere, light and heavy,
tat 08 for hogs of 160 to P.0
with a few lots bringing $e
in from Canada, aud the in
the Sdratie0 being lost, am
the hest Cana:Itt's were at
Toronto, Aptil 20. -The
The trade in butchere at
little oft. The market to
aud higher owing to co
Buffalo and Montreal. T1
torday wera '2,1 loads, loci
and lambs, 525 hogs and