HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-28, Page 3THE F'1' J.1.`I IIUAM TIMES, APRIL 28, 1893,
L' IGT IT rat, 6
inset foem3r geudges p,teit," IIAIC1:sreene.
Bo not swift to take offence),
Let it pass 1.
Anger is a foe to sense;
Lot it pass 1
Brood not darkly o'er a wrong,
Which will disappear ero long
Mather sing this oheory song—
Let it pass!
Let it pass!
Strife surrounds the purest mind;
Lot it pass I
As the unreg oaded wind;
Let it pass!
Any vulgar souls that live
May con(limn without reprieve;
'Tis the noble who forgive,
Let it pias!
Let it Dass I
Echo not an angry word;
Let it peso!
Think how often you have erred;
Let it pass
Since our joys must pass away,
Like the dew drops on the spray
Wherefore should our sorrows stay?
Let it pass I
Let it pass I
If for good you have taken ill,
Lot it pass !
Do not with scorn the measure illi.
Let it pass 1
Time at last makes all things straight ;
Let us not resent but wait,
And our triumph shall be great
Let it pass I
Let it pass I
Bid your anger to depart,
Let it pass!
Lay those homely words to heart,
Let it pass
Follow not the giddy throng,
Better to bo wronged than wrong;
Therefore sing the cheery song—
Lot it pase
Let it pees!
Southern Churchman.
Valuable Invention.
Mr. George Forsyth, of Teeswater, has
invented a butter tub that promises to be a
grand success, and has covered this inven-
tion by letters patent. This tub is a wood-
en one made impervious to air or moisture
by a coating of paraffine. It can be sealed
up tight and by removing the plug in the
lid the butter can be testod and the tub
again sealed up with the least expenditure
of time and labor. Mr. Forsyth claims
that his tub has all the advantages of the
tin one and none of its defects. As paraf-
fin is perfectly devoid of the taste or smell
better packed in this tub should reach the
consumer perfootly free from any taint
derived from the package and no suspicion
of rust from corroding tin. One strong
point in favor of Mr. Forsyth's tub is its
cheapness, as it can be got up at little more
than half the cost of the tinlined pack-
ages. We trust that it will be found as
good as the inventor believes it is and that
his ingenuity may be amply rewarded.
Danger Prom, GoUvioid Qombs.
A wo'o'ed stood claw to a gas,ji t in
nitle•r to road a paper, when suddenly
site perceived a scent of sutnetl•ieig
burning in the rump, and rtintiug, sly°
noticed to the looking glasa that tine
conn., in her hair had caught fir,' from
the hent of the flame, It wes only
atter her hair was l;inged end her hands
and face burned that site pulled the
comb from her hair, Her Wounds
were of such a nature as to demand
lie, j
her removal to the1
second case was that of a woman coin,
ing in °lose contact with a light. She
heard a cracking sound and saw It
hrialit light above her, and raisin: her
hand to her head, succeeded in pulling
Qat the burning comb in pieces, with
the singed hair attached to it. 'elle
third case of a similar nature occurred
to a young lady whilst leaning over n
kerosene lamp to blow it out. In tit,
tempting to do this the cutnb in her
flair caught fire, and she shtnost lost
her entire hair from the. upward.,
shooting flame. Celluloid combs are
highly inflammable, and should never
be worn in the hair by women when
there to the slightest danger of their
being exposed to a heat sufficient to
set there on fire—
A Pleasing Sense
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and comfort follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to
effectually cleanse the system when costive
or bilious. For sale iu 75c bottles by all
leading druggists.
Scottie's Pride.
Nothing galls the natural pride of a
true blue Scot more than to have
Scotland overlooked. A striking in.
stance of t hie feeling occurred at the
battle of Trafalgar. Two Scotehmen,
messmates and bosom cronies, happen
ed to be stationed near each other
when the celebrated signal was riven
front Admiral Nelson's ship —"Eng-
land eXpeets everyman to du his
Not a word about poor Scotland,
dolefully remarked Donald,
Flit; friend cocked his eye, turning -to
his companion said:
Men, Donald, Scotland kens wee!
eneueli that nee son nerds to be tell't
to me his duty. That's ,just a hint to
the L1 ugltsbers.
The Spring
Of our seasons in the year, is the one for
making; radical °nannies In regard to health.
During the winter, the system becomes to
a certain extent elegg ed with waste, and
the blued toe lid with t.u:i•trir.ie., owing to
lack of exercise, dose cotitineufaut in poor-
ly ventilated shop; an 1 homes, and other
causes. thin i, the cause of the dull,
sluggish, tired feeling so general at this
season, and which must be overcome, or
the liealtlt may be entirely broken down,
Hood'3Sltsangrille• has attained the great-
est popuhoity ill over the country as a
favorite spring medicine. It expels the
accumulation of ttepurities throuuli the
bowels, kidneys, liver, lungs and skin, giv-
ing to the blood the purity and quality
necessary to good health and overcomes
that tired feeling.
A. I,e11 ;Duper Iota jus, heen started
in Lot ill i which is printed int it postal
card. The first nue;i.er has four
illustrtttlonf, a comic tragedy, a few
jokes and t n',z1L'S awl some advertise-
Rebeeett W'iikiu'lou, of 13rownsvalley
Ina., says: "I bad beet) in • a distresse,
condition, for three yea re from lb rt'oud
ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dvspepsia
and Indigestion until my health was gene.
I had been doctoring constantly without
relief. I bought one bottle of South Am-
erican Nervine, which darts rule more good
than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 over did
in my life. 1 would advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely rem-
edy." .t. trial bottle will convince you.
Warrauted at Ohinholm's drug store.
Why is e. room foil of married peo-
pie like sit etnp'y moot 4 Because
there isn't a ain:;lc- person in it.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or euiluused Lumps and 13:ein-
inbes from horses, Stood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring 13use, Hweeuey, Stifles,
Sprains) .into and swollen Throat, (Jou hs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War,.
ranted by Cllishohn's drug store.
Reading by lamplight prahably au.
coning for the iliifwent .diad'i Of opine
Itch nn human and hornes tout all ani.
mals ,,nerd to 311 miutttee by Wooltord's
Sanitary Lotion. '.]'bis never fails. War.,
ranted at Cltieholtn's drug store,
The .'bird to success is open to all,
but ton malty want to get there withe
out the trouble of going.
witliaiss' itoyal Crown 1tcmedy, arorest cure ant
earth, guaranfo,,, <•, mirecenetal Nervous Debility,
itlieuntatisnl. `;u,, legs, Paralyses, etc.
Have You Seadaehe ?
Headache, which is usually a symptom
of stomach trouble, constipation or liver
complaint eau be entirely cured by B. B.
B. (Burdock Blood Bitters) because this
medicine acts upon and regulates the
stomach, liver, bowels and blood,
Ona huudred tons of cheese from
Perth county was 'shipped to the
W`orld's Pair last week.
\Vheu a Ulan g:'*eta a government job
he thinks it is Crislttus.
Parliament resumes every year jilt
the sante and don't git no better.
TooEurly. I Mr, 11. J. I E,1, manager of the"TRADE SA
Early rising was it frequent salty -let.
of contention between Nahum Briggs
and his. u Ile. tier ability to vuke in
Fetation for nn early et'lrt was a question'
effef 11101 t it by `lallttlli, ltiltt the r1' -
war. flint all respa''luil,ty ni
waliiltg fell epee hunt. iso t claw :eat
that Uin' 111 lit, alien it seetttetl,to 11;ra
Briggs as if her tired ryes had ,just
closed, Nahum evoke up brtnhly: come,
come; r ger.
l-eticy, hJt le, 41412.1 to n t u1). it's nil
habit alnel'lug so emelt. ',tilt+ ruuetere
arc army :II ;tend shape,
Elie wife 1'ulibt'd her be vy )ids 11110
1'USr 1e1uet00 1)'. rite (Stick hua atop.
ped, but Nahum sttic it wit., 11014riy six,
tor time was a light in lin Ulises Fibula
purl !ii neality opened the snore ut
that time.
Soon tete kettle was steaming cheer-
ily, alt(1 while 1n•etiktntit WHS being
prepared Nahum took his !entree and
weft out ti ego the elier'eit. Ile ,vat, r.
ed pun fed the stock, and returned t„
eat a hearty meal.
Then he sat down to wait the first
streak of dawo, bot after no hour it
seemed, if anything, darker than ever
Ain't it terrible long conning Light,
think? asked Mrs. Briggs, to the cap-
ering Judge.
0, 1 uta used tet being up to greet
the day, stifled Nahum. 1 guess the
sun will be around on time.
Soon his wife looked outagein.,.
For the love of John Turner. I slit
exclaimed. Bunker has put out his
light and is going house. Do go out
and bail hint, and find what time it is.
It's day time I tell yere,aid Nahum,
]tut he went out end ]tailed his neigh-
I dunno exactly, said ler. _Bunker,
with so,ne tuoderutiun, lett when J
shut up shop I think it wile about 11.1
'then Nahum carne iu and ,hut the
Wilda Mrs. Briggs prepared for it
second rest, he wound the eh.lek and
set it. She noticed that he took a de-
cided comfort in winding it more vig .r- I
ousiy than seemed quite necessary.
1 Znduri rtal Exhibition, Toronto, has
oltaini'd leave to mortgage the pro'.
petty of the company to the extent of
$55,000 The money is needed to
0091plete the building to 1 e Treated
for the 1(0(01ltmedatiop of the live
8,.1110 40 tit;il,ltA Slid 004110
.la err In he put t1) tilts summer.
''Indigestion."—You have tried
- A. Brookville Druggist's Case.
Brockville, April 24th.—The popular
impression is that doctors and druggists
seldom take their own medicine. This•is
no doubt true, but when it doctor takes ill
he generally bring in some cue of his own
profession. iu wbose skill he has every con-
fidence, or when a druggist is in t1 similar
situation, he often puts his faith ie the
preparations of some other chemise which
he knows give good results. 13otll the
doctor, and the druggists iu each eases
show their good sense. A case in point
happened in this town it short time ago.
&Ir. F.111. Turner, the wall known and
popular dru•4gist, who isotaw travelling for
Parke, Davis et Co., has for a long time
been a sufferer from congesttuu and
inflammation of the kidneys. He tried a
great many remedies but without results.
His patrons, however, spoke sn glibly of
Dodo's Kidney Pills that be was induced
to try them. He now states that he is con-
pletely cured, and to your correspondent
he said that as a, rule he had very little
faith in patent medicines, but that fur the
cure of kidney troublus,rheumatisrn, back•
ache, etc., he does not know of any remedy
that is giving suoh good results as Dodd's
Iitduey Pills.
A Yankee doctor being asked to pur-
chase a bicycle, said he'd as soon walk
14 foot as rine nibat.
The ]Fest Remedy.
D> An news,—I was greatly troubled with
weakness, loss of appetite, restlessness and
sleripkessnoss, and found B. B, B. the most
strengthening and beneficial medicine 1
have taken. M1ss Hrasnrn,
34 Huntley St., Toronto, Ont.
Pulpits can't purify e1eetions.
Mighty few pollitishans has got any
backbone to spare.
Flighty Spoken. of.
DEAR BIBS, --I have 1.18341 your Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil for sprains, bruises,
scalds, burns, rheumatism and croup, and
find it an unequalled remedy. My neigh-
bors alae speak Highly of it,
Mrs. ltiaiti, Montreal, Otte.
1'1 1.41,..11144 fur it and fuuud no help
11 e are no docrnls, but can offer• 15
p14,i, tig•tiou 1111.111:s cured iery many
1,1 ,1 :1 irii;,•tlt 1.01.0: 1111 inn 1\1'1!; it %Ill
I ,•„rt Int a fp ...ter tint dun', and elm
11. 11,11 nt 11111' 1L u. gists -..Ask for
I'erry U k‘i.' PAIS IirL1,Ita
I I.h g :;.,,r rile. Leather, Horsehide, Innen
ho+13tton end Rifle, Men lets,
m ouButtnit fasteners and set'
1 •, t,, »'n,nlert111";;;'
l v wee! the World r t
g' t' un o,1I0,14l.-I III.; h .W ntll.y people'
ager° e n „hu :10 nothing towards 1
hl-rl I)itii IL nIuu
To General bier
In connection will
Pull stock of
.tents and toot and 'hoe Stores
)nY t.oathcrr iittSil 'ss 1 keep
liathaway, maniere
$elipsc, 3ixby's, Pertet
sizcs by the arose or
Blaattlee and oral's clan
RES r 1NGf
, Zanotti, 2' each Drvssine,
Kid, etc, in 10, 14 and `2io
dozen, J. ((400(14 Fr (melt Any r'le • • wn•0t1A'. t,r•t14' wn•au44�iI
X WatCrg oaf. 0:35 it nt. 1,,)bnrrsrt u, tint ip1i,'3 m•cntn, AM G'8& 91'.y
t.1 :•'n ' ., ,(1.2.41 q!
erni1. ,q 1. n •, '1.14. t:
10,3:, M. '• 11,1311144.” litarre,dtttt, IP )e'f$,tt
i 1' '1. 1.11' MileIr,iiul, 1
1040 " "• , 104(1',
18.' ,, le. Lo, den,Cliletn, ,fie , 443 `•
7.50ft nl , r: b0 'e
Cilnus;iittn Paclfl:e Railway.
Trains arrive end tiaras ,as 101:6 WV
1.4:14-4 1,. (11.......... Far 'reroute
2:00 p, )p „
4;00 p.m For evtW,l$r
Iut54 p. ae e,
10:58 "
G 2 ill ;I:9 1141:1-2/ET INT a
---Cl"ll1 TAFS
Dr. W cod% D:oiwa3' Pine Syrup,
" cures coughs, colds, ttstlirria, bron-
chitis, hoareeuess,eroup, and all cliseases of
the throat and lungs. Price :35c. and 30o.
at all druggists.
'I'Ite ger,er:.1 ns;t,wl le of the Presby-
terisn church fon' the Dotnic:haft meets
in Brantford i,1 .1011,', what. solltn 4Q0
eoseeuii ii t(nat'n from 1.1,1' different
�'r.'14bvterlu, 1•1 the (Mandl will Conti.
tote the Largest court of the denomina-
oXndigestion Cured'
Grrri.Lmnr,-I was thoroughly cured of
indigestion by using only three bottles of B.
B. B., and truthfully recommend it to all
suffering from the same malady.
Ivtns. DAVIDSON, Winnipeg, Man,
I see realm -Iced. Cipher that Chinley
has shoved off' itis moustache. No re-
plied Chit py it fell out; he talks so
much Itis MOO tIt is hawed.
Rarkweli's Bronchial Balsam Will cureany Cough
cold, Bronchitis or Asthma.
1hrnn;gh the ]Kincardine Review,
J. Ratnyun,of Hanover, has found that
.be will participate in a tortune of
1$176.000 in Seattle, Wash.
Hee p,tlttticks is mostly fuse and
Poliitiolts is the stupe all the year
Iieliof and Cure.
Sins,•• -I have nosed Ilagyard's Pectoral
Balsam for coughs and colds, and it gives
relief its a few hours and always results in
a etre. i` would not be without it.
Mits. Ar rna» Vtcz, Berlin, Ont.
Protection is Immoral.
(Toronto Week,)
Nutbiug in the data item of Pro.
valence can be plainer than that it is
for the benefit of mankind in every
way that they should freely trade and
exchange commodities with each other
and so the abttndatlle of one part of
the earth or the superior drill of 'til.-
part of the 'initial' family make up the
Inuit of some other part, turd s,t the
happiness of all be prottewted. A pro-
tective tariff' rises up barriers w the
way, and so counteracts this clear de.
sigg4 of the Creator; and the lntore pro-
tective it is the ,greater the number and
difficulty of the barriers which it
raises These tend to multiply inde-
finire•y and greatly to a,egretvatl• the
causes of irriratitp1 anti ilg-feei1ug 11e -
tweet' nations and to lend to war end
bloodshed. Surely everything e, l,ioh
tends to alienate nations from each
other, to tucrelSe mutual hatreds and
the risks of strife and war, is to 11,)t
only be deplored but mast be wroug
and dangerous in its moral character.
If there is any conne.ctionwbatever 111.
tween morality and patriotism, It
would be a liilel upon patriotism to say
that a protective tariff is a p'itriotio,
If you ttre tired and never hungry,
Hood's Sltrsaperillti, wilt make you feel
strong and well, and gives you a hearty
It is said that, the Flay furniture
factory, \Vordstock, has been awarded
the ?utttraet for turnishinle the new C.
1'. R. hotel, Quebec. The price is
repeated to be $45,000.
nerd only a sinele trial to make !mown
their capabilities. No outside sore or
inward inflammation can long with-
stand the 0(1011ng, pnrifyiugg. and heal-
ing influences exerted by these twin
Medicaments, Be tete mischief •re-
ecnt or chronic, great or slight, painful
or simply annoying, it will succumb
before the curative virtues of these
notate remedies, wnieh can be rightly
applied by any person who will atten-
tively read then' acliotnpattying direc-
tions, which are propounded in the
plainest language, void of technical
term?, and printed in the most leilible
characters To the inan of business.
confined to his counting -house, and
I hsritsseel icy engagements, these Piliel
I are illvttluable; for the mats of pleasure
I Radiated to free living, they are peer -
The Dundas Banner thinks it is
uhsurd for Hamilton to call itself a
city "when it has tollgates right
within the city limits. It is a wonder
that it doesn't do away with street
lights and lot the citisOnS carry
lanterns. .
For eight years I was troubled with
a sore on my leg which resulted from
having it broken. The doctors kept me
in be five months trying to heal it up,
but all to no Purpose. I tried all sorts
of salves, liniments, ointments, pills and
blood. medieines but with no benefit. In
1883 it became so bad that I had to sit
on one chair and keep my foot on an-
other for four months. I could not put
my foot on the ground or the blood would
rush out in a stream and lay leg swelled
to twice its natural size,
developed on it which reduced me to
a living skeleton (I lost 70 lbs. in four
months).: Friends advised me to go to
the Hospital; but I would not, for I knew
they would take my leg off. The doctor
then wanted to split it open and scrape
the bone, but I was too weak to stand
the operation. One old lady said it had
turned to black erysipelas and could
never be cured. I had never heard of
Burdock Blood Bitters then, but I read
of a minister, Rev. Mr. Stout, who had
been cured of a severe abscess on the neck
by B.B.B., after medical aid had failed,
and I thought I would try it. I washed
the leg with the Bitters and took them
according to directions. After using one
bottle I Could walk on crutches, after
taking three, I threw away the crutches,
took a scythe and went to work in the
field. At the end of the sixth bottle my
leg was entirely healed up ; pieces of loose
bone had worked out of it and the cords
came back to their natural places again.
That was nine years ago and it has
never broken out since. I can walk
five miles to -day as fast as anyone,
and all this I owe to B. B. B., winch
certainly saved my leg, if not my life.
I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers.
Give 13.13. 13. a trial, it will etre you as
it did me.
'Yours truly,
W r.1.1:dT7un, St. Ives P.O., Ont,
Mr. 1,'. C, Sanderson, the druggist of
St. Marys, Ont., certifies to tho entire
truthfulnoss of the remarkable statement
made by Mr. McNee nal d says that several
other wonderful cures have been mallein
his district.
hest 000911 Byr11p. 'rotes Good. tee
la 0100. veld by d ilcoats.
Silnon Alma, Lal and iii
also native trip ud upg
Best. brands on hand
took for traces in e
Patronage solicit
card will secure otations or a call from nay
Kip, Porpoise, el o,
Cel' • soles, ,Le.
nd 9lezzoni Kip and Calf ;
r. Spanish id slaughter
n ode and; hetniock ' Specie
d. Prioesevaranteed. Ae.este.
T neer and Leather Merchant,
Soientiflo America
Agency for
For tnfotwatfon and free Handbook write fa
MANN Is co., e41. BnownirAT, TOM Yea°
Oldest patent taken out by us is p tight before
the public) by anotion giyen free of ollatgo in the
Orvitif is AttleVifitn
tamest oireulatlon of any soleatlflo paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
num should be without it. Weekly,5_34380,
Year; 81.60511 months. Address 31UfT4f�s,
YUarsaunns, 361 iiroadway, blew Yort C1(y.
�J. 2.Lt,
CUFF$, ate.
Cheap for KASH,
toves, St'=ves, Stoves
All intending purchasers of stoves for thea
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
S — 0 — "Sr DEJ
to choose from
tt7ery stove guaranteed agains ge a
to give complete satisfaction.
Wiughato, October 8th. 1801.