HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-14, Page 6L WILLIAMS i AND — ��Y D {.�1 G GIST. W. TELEGRAPH CO Mie., Brunswick House. Ont ItOlkingba-ir aprr ii'Ii,I1)A.Y, APRIL 14, 1803. QST. Government to the British Columbia t licenses. Up to the close of last year the sealers for loaves duataiued by them in I law wets carried in :;2 of 35 wunieipalittes being, excluded from Behring Sea during 1 to which it was voted on. 1 fifteen the sealing season of 1St11. 1Ruder the; or these iuunicipalities the courts modes vivendi 1b,l Great Britain and has quashed t1 e by-laws s sa#Qat the the United States,agreed jointly to police 1 field of its operations ryas as yet the approaches to Behring Sea to pro• very narrow. During the present license ,. vent pelagic sealing, notice of which� Saar it out off but fifteen licenses, Al. • agreement Wile tierVe 1 during the sau=ce together, however, there had been a an the captains of the sealing vessels, harked decrease iu the number of fallen in with by the British and United i licenses issued in recent years. In 1882 States cruisers, the sealing fleet having ; there had been issued 4,103 licenses, seise t hetero May 10, the date on which E while is 1892 but 3,41.4 had been taken the modus vivendi was signed. The in- out, Ontario compared most favorably &lenity awarded is $100;000 and will he with other 1'rovinoes and States in this distributed through. the Collector of E respect. In Montreal there wore 107 Oostcros at Victoria to those entitled to • more liquor licenses ithan in Toronto, perticiipato in it, The elaituaats number I Hamilton, Ottawa, Loudon, and our six 41, 1 other cities all combined. In all our, _ ____ i cities there were 207 retail liquor shops Injurious =cots of protection. , while in Montreal there were 470,or wore Mom the Toronto Star, thou four times as many, according to The Dominion Government is doing; papulation. The Province of Quebec the wage-earning community a serious 1 received in one year for liquor licenses in injury by pretending to protect it against the city of Montreal $5,000 more than foreign competition. The real effect of i Ontario obtained from the whole Provin- import tariffs is to swell the profits ot the' chit liquor trade. capitalist, to cripple the energies of the + The receipts from the Education De. EDITORIAL NOTES. working classes by narrowing their mar- I pertinent were $43,000, being 130,000 iu not known, there being a cut about an inch ket and to lessen the means of the con -1 excess of last year's gain. Inthis amount long in his head just a little heel: of his Tur !1 DUX yA I Bft evaLe. A sad and fatal accident betel Mr. Alo1;. i The sympathy of the community is tlennnill, a former resident of this town- : extended to Alr. and Mrs, A. Mcllwon in shill, who has resided in Ilowick for the loss of their eldest daughter, who the past year, on 'th;.rsday night of last' passed away on Sunday Morning last, in week. On that. evening Imbed been at Air. i her ninth year. She had been ill for only Dougald Eraser's, in Turnberry, seeing ± a short time, with inflammation of the about some cattle, and left there about I bowels; A largo number turned out on eight o'eloolt for home. Some time after Monday to express their sympathy by that, ' the horse, that ho was driving, escorting the remains to their last rest-, that he had recently purchased from ng place in thoBluevalo cemetery. Less his brother, was found at his brother's than a week intervened between the stable, with part of the harness on it. death of the youngest and eldest of Mr, Search was at once instituted for Mr. Gene MoEwon'e family, mill, those engaged first going to his home Mr. JOB. Timmins has soul his store in Howiek, and not finding him there, they and business to Mr. Jas. Leech, but does at once returned to Mr. Fraser's, and on not give possession for some time. arriving at his front gate, found him lying Mrs. Owen E, Httoheox gave throe dead juat inside of it. From an examine- lectures on temperance in the Methodist tion of the surroundings, it is hard to say church, as announced in last week's is - how he came by This death. It is supposed sue of the Txi•:cs, The meetings were that the horse stumbled just as he reached not ear Itirgely attended the gate, as one of the shafts struck against y , one of the gate posts about eighteen inches from the ground, breaking about a foot off Lower WinghamE. the point of the shaft, the horse then break Mr. Jas. Carr is having his dwelling ing away. Whether Mr. Getumill \vas house reshingled and is improving its pp - kicked by the horse or fell against a tree pearance by putting on a gothic. which stood close by where be lay, it is Mr. Arthur Flack is erecting a new cot• tage-roofed dwelling house here. Mr. Ales. Macdonald is seriously ill at present. The boys are again kicking the sphere in the evenings. Mr. Walter Green has drew us into closer relationship to the town by erecting a line of electrio light wire posts between us and the town. Mr. Adam Reid has moved in Mr. Saml. Wellwood's frame house and is making pre- paration for the erection of a new frame dwelling house on the site of the one which was burned down last fall. Mrs. Thos. Drummond and children join- ed her husband at Ingersoll on Saturday last, where he will carry on a butchering' TRUNK RY business for another' man. gRAND Ioxlx. Aulaoi'r's health is gretltly sumers by rais.ug the price of such was included the itetu of 51,313 represent- re41 sinott his return home froul things. as they desire to purchase. The i lag .ttbseriptiou, for file year of super jtnpasitjpu tat pre>egtiv@ duties is a con- I lauated tetteliere. ke 14t \C13taelALta,1F. 1 ltcadet of the �, ,essiou that Certain iuctustries Cannot The revenue from public iusthtutious Was n i•ts the Manitoba Legislature, tllrire at hams, touch less be successful; $136,4O6—the largest 111 the history of the en Unseated for bribery by agents. in foreign markets, uulcass the home ` Province, and twice as much as in 1880 or :. Action n1'$ famous brass dare consumers pay an augmented priceforiu guy previous year. Nearly ,77,000 sieved by the officers of the Ous_•the special benefit of those industries. It . came from nye asylums; X57.000 from the Eie 1 lartment, Ottawa, on Tuesday! 1s quit© possible that an industry may be Ceetral Prisou. and $3,000 from two re - of having been paid ou theta. said that it is the intention Of Amen= manufacturers have succeeded pounds source of revenue. worth of their goods in the British Isles, Succession duties amounting to $75$ actually underselling the English pro- duces. But a momeut'e thought will were paid es the first fruit of last session, s leeislation iu this respect. The act had developed by protection, and a foreign farniatorfes. As casual revenue $190,257 market fount]. By this method the; was received, k16,000 more than the year before. This is a constantly increasing tlitia Department to convert the R in selling; two unci a half million t rifles, which it is proposed to call arty date, into the "Martini - A." Duiiferiu Post understands that show that this can only be done at the beau found to work well, us had the re - i are in circulation for the sub- expanse of the American consumer, who been ons of wriaad, Pennsylvania, New r; 'i,f leocal option in Caledon, East not only pays au euhaneedprice for what York and otherplacesiu euact- 'i,_a t and Amaranth, end that he uses himself, but also tir,ds the pre i meats were in force. The year i which would aisle temperance people intend to which reimburses the manufacturers for by under the tovisiaus of the act, the first i litre in a similar direction. ; what would otherwise be a lose in the .roar in which there would likely be steady foreign market. receipts. If after a Few years the Pro- -.the o$ the following Canadians 'The true motive of protection is to in- Fi * i to meet grants to cr:n ee the serosas of capitalists, and this vince receive( enough. • g mentioned in t on:motion \\deli 1 • triiutton of birthday honors"1 hospitals and charities the House need not Chief laps been the result, coupled with the be surprised. These grants had averaged Strong., lien, e tir.1.a ce Justice t ` , __• a nen 'c ,1 eon.* an iinpovert.hmcnt of lao>rr 1 a during the lasi•itve Scare $138,333. sli. Tupper,. Hon. A. R. Angers, quite. as certain, if not as apparent. The g The \rear's receipt, had been ;?4,457,478 c eaern1 Herbert, Dr. a tanfor • bitter enmity of tine wage-earner towards much in excess o£ the estimate, which re, .; Al, ti.; 13r. Robert W. Powell, the employer, as seen in the periodica 1 was �3; )611 d ie. The estimated expeadi- Wroxeter.nit* r Statesis a sign , ture for 1803 was then placed et *3,35'3,185 The Spring Show. held on Tu esday ,ci in of the lata Sir John A. ' t tttltrealts in the 1 get? ; Hon. b'rauk Smith, Chris- that industry is tieptt:ssed and that the ; and Mr. Harcourt prom/mad the *spend, last, was a decided success, the. exhibit working elnsses are feeling the burden of a ture will be kept well within that sum. of horses being good, especially in the it:ioiu to the gathering of. eteeted I unnoce tiry taxation. ,' On the other band lie expects 04,030,572 lighter classes. There were also some at to the great Liberal Couven- j ‘1;hen a eloovernmene gees beyond its as receipts, the items being as follows : fine bulls shown. The gentlemen who hell in Ottawa on June 20th,' pauper functions, which consist of main- Subsidy.. ..... 61,190,07:2 S0 had the management of the show in hand Laurier has arc eitled to invite taiuiltg public safety,piopaandiutr eiluit. y Interest on eaeii*al held, and did their part well,anct everything passed r debts due by Dominiau to o> nicely. The prizes *vera awarded as °trietorsi�r etlitlrs of all Reform tble legislation, nutting, tiiaieney and Ontario 276.000 00 follows: .rs, whether delegates or not, to 1 economy in the administration of public, Interest on investments 45000 00 It ie his idea that by meeting, i affair, undertaking work for \vhieh pri-1 crows roans nsrar.aatrxr. Imported heavy draught,J. Wilkinson's Allan of Clochiel : and, Jas. Ritchie's left ear and' about an inch above it. His nose had been bleeding and whether he was conscious after the received the fatal blow, is net known, but he had blood on both of his front lingers, having evidently had them at his nose or this head where it was eut, Friends consulted a coroner, who said an hapless was not necessary, hence one was not held. The funeral took place on Sunday last, the remains being interred in the Morris cemetery, 1.Purnberry. The funeral was under the auspices of the Can- adian Order of Foresters, deceased being a member of the Court located inrWroeeter. There was a vary large representation of Foresters, visiting brethren being present from Brussels, Delmore, Harriston, Blue - vale Turnberry, Fordwich, Gorrie and The Customer (inti n country spins- ter's shops—•Have yon Flay prceeived pears ? Tho tapinau,r—No, hut there's !t pretty well.preserved; single dere. WIN Gililitl MARJUlaT4, eynao» tear, Apr11 13,1823 Oorrrotqd by P. Poona, Produce Dealer.. Flour per 100 lbs, 1' 1 78 to Fail Wheat por bushel, 82 to 9priall Ouse, Barley Peas, Butter, tib do stalls, Elms per dos, Wood per floral, UaY per ton, PotntoeA, messed twee 58 to 23 to 130 to. 54 to 16 to 10 to 10 to l 76 to 6 00 to 45 40 7 00• to " 03 30 55 10 10 10 2 00 7 60 Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and IIypophosphitcs is both a food and a remedy. It is useful as a fat producer and at the same time gives vital 'force to the body. It is beneficial in CONSUMPTION because it makes fat and gives strength. It is beneficeal for SICKLY CHILDREN because they can assimilate it when they cannot ordinary food. It is beneficial for COUGHS AND COLDS because it heals the irritation of the throat and builds up the body and overcomes the difficulty. Genuinep ioN.d"b Bsootti .5 B substitutes. Belleville. Sold by all druggists. tion. and $1.00. ..._ Brussels. Wiugham Courts. The funeral procession A few cedar block crossings will likely be was the largest ever seen in these parts• tried in town this year. The deceased leaves a wife and four children, A. council of the Canadian Protective As - the eldest being a young man over twenty socfation has been organized in town. one years of age. The relatives of deceased have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity in their double affliction, they hav- ing buried the father of deceased only a couple of weeks ago. and attend'ieg the Convention,' rate enterprise is inadequate, tied at- i Crown lauds 7. ..>•k" .� s C1eL��v 1.1,`39 eo derltfrom as . benefit from heser tempts to make work" for the people , Znenee with each other, and from 1, and to favor one section of the commun. Lorninan s laocai lands Grammar school lands ' conference together : :and that ity at the expense of another, it makes e Weeds and forests 1 r;ncause will ;also be a gainer a renn:f?n. will ice no liquor cr beer sed ptt"'arolina exeept by the state ba 1. Pour of the most eminent lox* in the state lately deed seen. Soon atter the passe:go. of belt last session Of the Legislature tiereletilers of the state forayed an b' n and employed counsel to test DMeutitlrality. These c:aui,sel have so e opinion They advise the X 50,000 .... 5,090 10.000 1,000 1,734,000 itself responsible for all the failures of a its ecliey, tied creates a belief that it the',' Toted .......... ... ...e1,Se0,000 eountry is not prosperens the Govern- a PraLic xssTrrr•Tio cs. went is responsible. Toronto Luuatie isylum ..0 33,5500 • Landon Lunatic Asylum ...... 16.000 —� Kingston Lunatic Asylum.... .. 4,000 ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Hamilton L^unatt:: asyluan....... 14;000 Ora,',lia Asylum 2,500 lie laa:E':• SPEF.i ll BY tion. It. RA , et—RT. ' Rstorulatory for Females.... 3;00°1 , James ; 2nd, M. Sanderson. Under two tenon -smite.. Taneee nem. Reformatory for Revs ...... 700 ' -- Sanderson 'ad Wm Cremmili ---- Central Prison P tRx„rA:1TSxr Ho SE. Tei ri: April The local Sunday school Convention for Grey and Morris, with villages included, will be held in Brussels on the last Tuesday in May. .A. fine double nicks* plated Fire Engine will be sent to the World's Fair, Chicago, by the Ronald Works, of Brussels. The Ronald won laurels at the Centennial and will, no doubt repeat the operation at the Columbian Exhibition. A meeting for the purpose of re -organiz- ing Brussels Football Club was held last Wednesday evening. The following officers were elected:—Hon. President, W. H.Iierr; Hon. Vice Pres., R. Graham ; President, J. T. Roes ; Vice Pres., J. O'Leary ; Secy- Treas., H. J. Morden; Captain, A. Sample; Committee, J. H. Cameron, Dr. Cavanagh and W. Sample. The club is open for challenges. Granite Rock. Canadian heavy draught, R. Hamiltons Bob Mack ; 2nd, Angus! Window—Dear ere l ji, husband �tielsinnon's Young Oliver. Generalleft me all bis propKty hy will. Now purpose,J.Wilkinson s Gladstone. Road- sters, R Wilson's Carlisle; 2nd, 'Peter Scott's Tom Scott- Carriage, Fisher & Co's Tisdale Wilkes. Roadster or Car- riage colt, F. E. Moore's Vidor. Team, H. Patrick; 2nd, Anthony Shoemaker. Bulls—Durham. over two years, Ed. 11.—To-day there w sa \veli-fi led hense< Total. - when Hon. R. Ir_arecti .' Previne.o. how shall I get possession of it ? Knowing One—Marry his lawyer. AUCTION SALE —or - 0 will run Colonist Trains EVERY TUESDAY TO MANITOBA and the NORTHWEST MARCH and APALLI Fdr full information apply to J. NICOLL, Agent, Wrteuux. WINGHAM FOUNDRY JAS. MURRAY & CO. Manufacturers of Land Rollers, Plows, Gang Plows, etc. General Castings in !you and Brass fur- nished to order. One Champion Single Reaper, in good repair, for sale cheap Several horses for sale cheap. J.S. MURRAY R GO. Wingham, Ont. TWO KINDS VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY . 100.000 ! yeaars, _ , ..i —ee THE— Judges -- Horses — R. McConkey, ......... .16.3,71.20 Elder_ -lie ; B. C'-annon, Chesley. Bulls Township of Turnberry CUSTOMERS In the County of Huron. cress Sarah Ws, j Woo. Huck, Mildmay; John Johnston, a E3uestion De artnle i. 0 40.000 i Bellmore. There will be sold on beelere to prepare « to meet the. Treasurer. at is to make his budget i"usual revenu"pe. « 70.000 t en �'ld and °constitutiou:A on =la ereech Af•et review items et expen- L- 3�O rl,;ya . This week we are called ulpon tet re Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, 1893, Iia 1 i'* d pt Mr.Harcourt aavek i i .� .. tenses - calve ; n d re ei s, ,, a^v s.ataxe 00.0e0 cord the death of another of our rest- at 11 o'clock in the forenoon as the Let • l e3 nl8#taction to the tin ane^u3 .ov:txnaa taxes. 4,00'1 'dents in the person of Mr. John Martin. BRUNSWICK tva�uf+'1Telelram which in the � Ass �salleasts drxan�i a works 1, Ov0 }cos spirt{ teak its flight .,o the k ,i ,. a � HOUSE, n et t�ti?'t�'rcit�Li Lands lii�p.•i: t'.n�r4t. , >;u � flirt always says of the the, Premier ,t $ r''•ar's s•taeti •au: qua*etc to �, 'sti �'''1--the ' `te ess., o pi. naw title will The beenconfined to the bed with cancer in 1G, 1 Th his end wf.S not ainexp�a%ted. He was has`i.arid harfn� ensiled Li;('rLL`n •iraaie d ane of the pioneers of Talrnberrr town- :r ern, and several small outbuildings. works— - etc t, note says of the Premier : largest `' . ` , ,,t,„.2,=.13,21—the -' , _ for se sutra ever received in one year Mr. Har:aurt closed with an eloquent morning of last week. Decea_cecd lead aeprodn ed at ria sale, the touowan, praperty: j a Let 5 in t3ie 1'_th COntx�ian of the Towndtip of S ,. f can that department. .e me ekes 0! ra Terence to Sar Olivert3liver Mows`..'s 'idtninis- ca fiat, ,Q.y, eantstm i acres. avert or esu. e t pee ea.�y to a name. 1 that at. Assessments, in males companies 3 05 wby Assessments, cents, raaLaoval of ps4leuts.. 6.080 ' brighter and better world on Wednesday in the ontai of waGA'anr, or virtue of paler of cele contained in a certain mora ;•ae, which ,rill f pec A i . i?L�s touring biz Oliver's'r iT,]t le has been ,:at...n ed the s i s o the Prone filo s.23tu fell for some mcntilsg grs ,and inns. iso firapra acres Clea said to be on the pre - b3' hili t7:rD nista*. .ba ii :a$ ifaiis� s'.,oat "acres cleared h�ilanre hardwood older six.eevering 4:231 srarire nli es etaveragewelling. on ,roxwtl n cat Ontario. Banco he ., �` alis±" o° 1�ntv'ax'h � The �-e'1# pYae',a" perm �+ .�f of �l' � st year inniwas the enter et the nelati.ml sae tress the 'i becasterday. In :apoesranee. he be ^et time sale of his ';.niers °.feint; iia ZetlarCl. - t so ship, . ... -h be has been living in the g be paid down on the day of Sae. For balance, tenths a' the sale e beet fl.": ell, tete average price 1 nail lie.acde knows .t ta3.. -.,tcni:art$ taa'at. tiC.e fatal- 'lila ia'91k,'9:ri1t,�, report Shows is stand- vi"aae retired for to years or more. He Per further particulars apply to ' p S. �iAf:B iseling of the pupils of S. C No. r Zetland •te-ally respected aD♦la E a Exzis, • some ., - , founaatienless. 3 .ea r:3r.'e were neess- �O •�. e� •� tZ t � ' Tx.2 T..aard'Beap, e e s f,!,c was neeret ware a i - was iasa .. _ f= fl �olicitcrs,'Toroato St , for he mrrtia of Mar h- Barnes arecr .e ', , '•-'*ar�f Miss Helen Gibsou to 1 \r. �. 1liruar., .).. arrareeed in order of merit : ._� n. a :lir. Rata:. H. Young, of East Saginaw, awaa:;ben:. FourthBO e T or, oma I)araeke Mich, occurred at the home of Alex i'e , a, l3 _ , mall sn, lyes.. father of the bride, in this i4 c e Wolters, Char::. S:at`en. Haette Thomsen. Lateens. L:;view ?Ty .a : a. n, B a 'his• Davidson performed the ceremony, , rtcltrs. n 1, _ii areal, goon aact 1d sleep life io the Premier, be $arT 53`. ii " 'st tare 4�+at1 :."'Ir disetrg. vow old anda:erei ale: ter' near*** than till thetlernber camps in rear'*. this D.Rnicie n and this the 7tProv 'nze. 1'i • total am nett *21fies ,estate ktnu ii vri:er tri* a:: from the six sales e t b --r '9'i heel taken F° a e"+dur _e' egau:e or t it B as las bit, OltVer Ila\Wat' 13« 'saes 'i7<Xiat sen; .• ..)7, i'E2°. 1h7 er.,ter 51 }arrn the sitila?{, ter f..* Legis• to t cake ua:y S1 fee" aa;#i,1II :Ely iCil :r`.^J en 10011 ahrre tYc9a11x1 1rt0 l a1 geu'erill s a ter msec s ere ne es e y. The a::,:F �,. tender'. Lt t#te k)atnrio L� .turn ta9l tee -gets `<s far 9�a:...r ... erss_ larel ` ,u1tElweboe ale I. Mr. lest :Ieiw�t. lit�.:4:w tr...•il"aa7aa? a:L.:....'s .imn`3{'a.a.a. '.t,.umz aft 4A.::^.:. cAa, ase. itCttl e a"�"al't+t i'a7. Isreaxial `1lnttt re;al ' • r e ,.e+' >xli t ti' .ntlal7&Ra at i1 `1a aii'•"r a 1�� n, 2 eras tl t a3 di:' so uII clic \a lta t'1e ,Sri eti Lt sees on 3..A II: 'ihe n a> a '�E th,at; It etas every right. tad, 5;lir' ♦ , . at?.t. •IT aaa n ..4Mbe7 C.d :.. C}.�S girt of t3 e tl7e sla> tlu,d ns�it - s1 uGtteese l ;13 in the y L <e. yIf 1'rl�g t ?IIi tb 5 wi' :s Jt ci. teas sheeted, an itere `e ACT s :]t3 ia'.nfE't,uea' t:aat there ' ,,,a '„" - -- tt. e e" q•. �:�!a."1:.",.,e. l:.`L�..u'.a�..2:;$ il.^. .,.,,, the g".r1.--F,1._Fii Toronto.* ASOliABLEH Taira a eft_ Lutiana M 3) ra"a,Geerge , p -family ere eta Joe ass ,This is the so assti of tits year ;when acne w3e lien after crlaiela the guests sat down to e}ial- l village, on Friday, March 31st, in the , presence of the $anile and Mends. Ras. i ANT: eeear.a�i, (ra1^. La ry:e :'.g:v;a p WIDE AWARE SIND BUY FROM THE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE 1 PAST ASLEEP ter,. and the happy ceuple then toots the PAPER -E A1tiGING, But they are waking up to the fact that Peitar..Y1". i3uie • .ig,44: traces for Myth,intending to made a Third V.—Frank Grain, CtSsie ate. FAI;S011.1 \ I \ (1, i I can give them goads that will • freight, an1 es Peddle. S'ezzend .,se.- Wfii.e Carrie, Samuel they will reside..0E. The well -wishes $I PA INT IN G please them. Full lines ofs°cr: stray tntheir way toSa;iaaty,vines* theair r e.e...3nn eneneege Neh emGRAINING, GLAZING, Fruits, OystersConfectionery,&c Legatte nr.:n :Icaw:aa:'., lar ^ .e Robin - PL : laazs- SIGN WRITING, e., San. East sva o311« nee rehired, and I wish to say that I am 1 APPLES PL she ger., Eteme ej.elat Beira, . _ LAS BY THE BARREL _ „ ,* .s , zar a do v cry in all of .hes Panes. HR L. l i.^_. c•'.: a.*r. t.;a"ai.,"..1•, Henry .M' aareste'r. John vee marringastee 7Si7 tT'v"',: N1ethexjt T1' , dneTleter of Jamas 'Nethery. l H to Mr - he .i !, Canned geode of every description s31� t :Ga f s �3'�v::^.. t,". - All tv::ra *:T"`n ail a: wa?SIL,;CYtl3lilt'3 i`,1:lIItler Pt. 1i1 A«LL al ee e_gh 1 ' 3 en wegbtrlau, tock linea on ve„„enes- �d'5'3'kaSf'ti4t:.:�`1' bi$or3Sit.�..ew. *M, 21„. . +ui''tiLe3 1441`,3:1 » t1 deereal;e in the use et t`�.. veer by tiro 1's;: Zts!v :. ,star last iaee r.."Su elle residence SA sa -_ +i q r , L2t. ' le:'eher. ti 11 e ne'St5 we:'o dt3• le left "ru'lie'i1 to 4 t :(ia StaS > o s µ S. " Df a X05 father. '1"i^1 }, may be i£at 3t S-. J. D. L ' Vit:*,�.'1..:""�+t3 1a:�a', i3t�? t'.a� +l$_ C:, a':� Lilt 1%1"Y C! ti o fryer:' the Proveteee te. itgatthisili'emet reren:.. itsp X 31lit is - . se 'e to wattess the babpY'event. ; Gan Uhsp*. eel real su`ive prolnp g b ` Rev. N. el;,i►w, �Yas. S. I#ave SZ:13 her farm on tie 3fh , time r r ". 1 .. , fir_ -a ,,. *CUP/ 'eilll2' �3t..ts'3.?.�F io :.'14': .�e):7.e, fra^..i' t:P..31`.: GEC. A. PE. • ' ail �� e.p`'"n taw 1s:^d C•� G, r5 }•'3La1 Lt a; ,e �f �v.Gttr� 8, u4te, w�yl ever ccs x t1:e Ira :ia'1 fact..: iii tilintiais_aie. the neen'eer el tt DoEgit:i ]three count!. iC hit. T.Lasai paid was 5 :re'3. Wing --•-i. A=ril 7th, 1S93. Agent for Parker's Dye Works, ways on hand and my prices are as kW' asG'a as the lowest. t atteer " D rntf i get the place, opposite the neer* Bank of Hamilton. PPS�i. q j WET, Roads and Road Maki: The Laudon free Frees givgs'the ill, report of the address ot Air, A,1 at the recent meeting of the 1 Dairymen a Association at Tideoubt Mr, A. P'attullo, editor of feenti view,WoodatQolt,made a Aretclass address ou reads and their 'better Ile said the Legislature was wit spent money in the iuterest of at farming, But he believed' all those before hien were .unconsciously i soientifioally when they :pursued c sense farming, or, rotuened to tl what was taken out of it. But whi worked soiegtifically ice some br they did not snake roads scienti but what baa the subjseb ot geed r do with dairying? There were 2,000 factoriss in Cauada,and the cost of 1 milk ou 311011 roads as they now 1 Oxford county cost $1,'000 for eaoh and this would make a total expel of 02,000,000 annually for merely d milk in the Dominion.. If the roar] good this work could be done at Dent. less Dost, and this would me 000,000 saved annually to the ciheet roue, or a saviug of about 8 per ce our exports of ohesse;; then what more vital interest than good road* farmers and business then of 1;he et Then it wee a waste •of money to cheese factory at every four corn the county. By ,neduoing the m there would be less •expense, if thi. be done by having, good roads., and the factories further apart. Ile t', the time'had not•y.et come for the at of statute labor,hut when farmere s necessity of better .roads, a better of roadmaking would be evolved. would neve: have;good roads, ho under the statute labor system. Fr might be good dairymen, but they not good roadmskere, and he hops was no reflection on .their intolligenc The roadwork was done at the season of the year, and besides, the making and repairing should go on year emitted. Ile lad sent out eh to all the pathotasters in' Oxford f. for an exprebsioreof opinion on the e labor system, and the replies univt were haat on the Whole the =systeu inefficient aucl .unsatisfactory, and fifty cents a day value was actually ed iu benefit of the roads. By better the farmers would be able to pt cheese eheayer, and tthue stand a competition,even.though it alight be . In France the roads were made by taxation, and if it were not for the roads they bad, the ;profits of the I peasant would disappear. There paltry excuse .offerees, •that the count! too young to expect ,good roads, but should recollect that 75 years a; England, and before Macadam's their roads were oto •better than Then, about the climate. The el here was more favorable to good than in England unci Scotland, for s not such heavy and continuous ra wash them away. Then the uusour of half our horses was duo to bad and a blackswith shop was a good ' lesson in bad roads. He contended special course should be put in by • farmers in our iigrieultural coileg, road making, nod teen theg' need not port engineers from towns and cities the work, and this would be an incl to young then to stay ou the farm was willing to pay toll to good rather than go on bad reale, but in C County they were taxed to pay et roads between Woodstock and Tilsoi The toll roads in this county (Oxford) an outrage to the country. There shot more improved road•making mach and every county had plenty of mt to make good roads within itself it would only use more crushers aid gi machines. Clinton. The following Cliutouians were an those who took honors at the Trinity medical examinations: B. Stanbury tcok a certificate iu the year and passed in every subject. Doherty in the same year passed in subject, C. McCrae took a first sr ship yalued at 050; A. 0. Hart and Weir were equal for a third scholar* 020. On account of the grounds not be: proper shape, there will be no crick° here this year. The Junior Jaauntless Lacrosse olu organized last week with the foil of3tier9: Presideut, Dr. Sham ; Vic sident, A. 13, E. Moore; Secretary surer, 7 , Fair ; Manager, W. H. Committee, I stead, lis. Cantelou Doherty. Hotvlck. James Allan, eon of Mr. Wm. Arlt near Lakelet, imaged over to the mt on Monday of last week,after a short i in his 21st year. His remains were red in the Melntosh cemetery. The • al service was conducted by the I. 0. of Lakelet. The deceased will be r. among our number.. The bereaved p have the sympathy of the contmunitl