HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-14, Page 5THE WINGRAIVI r, JMEI , APRIL 14, 1893. (cosietieertna et: Titre VITSOliA3i'intallou,) f nri and 7° nim Fin. i 'Ve2Lt to Lana," Well clef the ataention, o£ the metiers and sisters to the tics, that the Wonintee Chfistlen Teutr,er. ante Milan tweets every Aionday tit three o'ileek • *hare, fos.ono hen, le bliss Iioutllttotee room. Ail ladies armutade welcome, We hold•e. monthly gospel 'meeting on the last Monday :of every month, except when otherwise advertised, to which niceties: weitevito the :public .generally As theiltettor has kindly given • us part • el • Alia apace4 forteur work,. we ask 'friends of the ea -ase to send itemrret interest on ailmaral questionteOttthe • sial" to sorra our members. The .;5.verago I/Usbaud. 'Put what rubbitfh is. all OAS talk of "bent ItiesS1blle husband I" .4 girl takes tklti man who offers,. if •lir. ap- pears ra he upright, and lwmarable and iti•earnest, If she does alot, she runs -at rink of ;,oing to seed. with .a red nese; a canary bird eneldap clog. The >uhie•f trouble with her to not to know whether-a'he hits got ltho beet roily minutttsa articiv iiI the twarkt•t but Whether the CIO n peas, hoiiNd, sixty trtlitUltittes. writs who saysthe loves leer, entails beans, boiled, ono at* two What he says. It 18 easy for a niao to Mortars. acquire tee, raft of• love.ttt, king unit 'Green uortn,twenty-five to iitty min- To 0Q0lr. Vegetables. Iiin','pon Trus. 1 Vegetables to be thoroughly coolkei The Goderielr Organ Company have let should bo kept tet chit stove as fele the contract for tie •tdditiou to their build. lows. Potatoes, boiled, thirty minutes. Potatoes, bais°d, forty,fiye rant:Aim. States anvils at u, c1!sccuttt of 20 per cent, _ A Blessing' to Every Uousebiol.d. in to be 31x48 feet and three stories high, H 0110 to WAY'S P1118 AND The haulm net Godeiich take Uni e . Sweet potatnte, boiled, slaty min :tin Wee. tweet poGtWaei+, Ln k d, twenty to dollars, halves and twatteral. only, and wilittAtke nothiust 8111141 ler than I with u little eritotiee,some seen oat do utas' Ohio and Moline Contrasted. It; aaiterskilfu 'ty, ...ow tott.now wheel Apar; ue,`fifteen, so ttliinty mi.,- th�a are actin„, and wheal they lire fares• S iattali.asixty nunates. BY III:Y..:. J.,ci¢UltCii. ol)rnytrrt� an i`Ira19t1b1n and tluo.vern „p 1 � lutalttntgs, fresh, sixty att,lrtttrs, . n 1 n Tolntttin s, canned, iiiii•iy minutes Oabl111g., tlu•rti.quartt•vr: to two lhont•s, Landeltiolis, two to thz+es 1 ours. k-1ol,L0Wks's Phis Art ndmirablyt t,ttuliilwm�t;ra, one to tlaarec• boars. atti,apted for •(lie cur° of dliseae°" root it Bent greens, one hour. 'dental to feat ales. At difiereu t periods! Onions, oust to two hours. Ofilife women are suhjecttto complaints i li°rts,•aiue to live hours. •'wtflch require a peen hat' Irt diciue, and 1 Y'ellnW turnips, ors( said one half to 'Reis now :at" indsputtth1s• fact thatts,tw„ Neutra. there is none so einitnl>1° dor such coin- , ]?ursulus, one to two beers, s t It 's Pills. They nre l ', a to sixty plaiints ,t4 tool uw v Y 1 tYhite� turulps, tett'�ts�•-;ttv�. Ix y invaluable to females of rill agws,yeun: lruiunttee. need old, 'tntarried or +e:i�ngle. They i Carnes, one w two belies. palrify thtro•bIond, regulate the secre- iu teen art obd•igerl&to 0pon.lt tier trews, aorreet all suspended futictionsnrrtr•tIl•It, t••er equivocation ie half west to elate 'tu >uleoii4 the thwg the xirl tweuts to determine. -Sas 'retivisao A•egoneut. d.'liee.tcersisteut aeeetion that the Iiquor+beeinttssconaluetes to weitth and ;proapeeity, and that gerohibitiott ro' tarcleits growth and .wettlth.to 3large degree, influences ;nen •to •vote for license, The hest refutation .of this ,nonstreus deceit is it be • fans. Ohio ;land )Laiue furnish a:;,00d deeuely in the iintt••of this inquiry. (Any/ one would guess ou the instant. that Ohio .is vastly the richer.state. 'Yes, it ,ought en lie ! ]: supposed it 'eves till ,this examination opened Iny,•c-.yes, ,It is its o•vw•et'eve rlsstino:slhrt111e• that Ohio is pool Her brewers •trod (distillers Cows,geeme and hogs are allowed to roam at will in God:Irk:b. The county. town is behind the ave. The Red P":.Lvcr. The red river of dire is the blood, Lille other rivers it se entries becomes impure but milike other rivers it only needs Bar - doe's )3tooI bitters to perfectly purify it and remove all its disorders from a corn- are rich. Ohio is asteeutrel-us it Cao •wive tone' to the stonewall. and clear llyi'itg, at'cl lying is t:hu vroblole way to ratite be to re natiou ; .MlLint' has ton • the oxen ileciou. Tlie I;'trat approack : hell. (ii. disordered action sia.ould he ,tett; -. •%with lL}Iptepriatet doses sof these Pills -4! •- The. Spring *dist taktnir, tlte•tn no rastrieti"n nateals; Of our R asous iu the,year,1i31 the nue for isolated, awkward l,ouation iu the northeast corner, O,hwlhas welt wild, saU)11Q , ! t us climate • a`tlaillevi 1 much colder. IJ Jhio has ritttlt, •easefy tilled •tell pineigd•tever the patirtety The (0] .makiUgrradiO$.ICh(IU($ 10 regard toheattdt. soils ; me dowu-eastdiit,Lt° •li harts, •ta1D,rlettlting which eau •possibly�provseeDas r L1ngtheatwinter, othe yw alt ln becomesand to —_ niggardly surface. Ohlio hairdo schen, ati-burrower _to the systetts. Th ., aatl, the LtaLu loaded Io ien�rirciLies, owiltg iso ; ��`fi'FaatBi Ery,` dance all the beat minarets.; Plaine 1'Ly paltering the blood wed ret_ulattifig; ahtck of exercise cloeu.eetil'troemeut in pow.- ; h d bonier and .,tinvtt mon pimple to the wearst scrofulous sore,. iwawyeAsAw When we Assert that Dodd's Kidney'ills •otan,r�ver,ra�'��.. r f Cure Backache, Dropsy,.' Lumbago," Bright's Dis— ease, Rheumatism ether :forms of Kidney Troubles, we are b tckeL1 by the testimony •o 111 who'have used i ern. 71ta 'CUF.'&1 y a STOVirO 1t2EtD. :By all'dringgists or mail nnrreceipt oFrrn, ice, So,cents. '.Dr. L, A. Smith deCe., aornaito.OilueraAtorriAtAllselWilltA none butegranite and ilium ,Yet Maine rervery weetLn• is rich aatd Ohio is ,.pooii!'1•! These ' Stades have abort the *sille.per eetttnge Il lhort Furrows. of people .who live by fearm:hie, anti �fAnION 1S,LlIEa. ,likewise chi those in usher industries. 'r, licod'I7w•arsai>arille. has nttalued the •gre.nt- In Mattle,:t92 3S per 0etu.. •ova�tl their t Weltiseedelight ouly totthim that loves; ast popularity all ever tete enouutry ax u �' favorite spring medicine. It expels the i ll�s�i'L'tl-�t• r�i�_ !`���}�•' '� own farms,. 71 per cent„ ,in ciil110 t� ,fi, l mecum,lilation of lru.>�isulnttitett throuell tile; E.VrBX DOSE ;,tILI ?1L(3TIVJ number efaiovt•ruore neve:tint Lhd last rl'T"he'-"basio of contention" • is often die`•.ho vsl , lttdneys. truer, Lungs and Ain, ydv-' And If pon>eve,w,d in Min Ism . iu ; :'.t. quality •ry tett years voiced the seri r o Ohio i.. banish faced nverecuta � l:ini trijtf i Cr1pa v' '+1 `3 } . and 1"'tav inort,1( etal.. .t3'°vrrnnr - ss1butbs it mule. • . IOWA ' •1 t that no state to dB' Ut £ ltl 1 little rs.a blasteclirtall:. 1vI!s4 2;leanor G. y Lennox, daughtec of. I�ata3 wholesale e Rims l}DOlh ce+• I, dea>ttRt Toronto, Mai .,capita as Maine, stud aa,tteli, • ttet•r are i ' !,hereiia mina l gold in the .0011 011 your,eotty hospital (,Whole enmities iu Which .there i9 not .• ,oneaaa+studied in dee Wot :en's Medical farm', ,seal: itu.; ith long plow ieoints. a farm under mortgage. • IIn;ttte,13tLLte li±e'nsctvreful of the seed yon sow in;t0dllege,in Toronto, and soon ilio high q7S per cont, ea farms are trap Erni, your nientaikrueld, as of that you plant in i essitiamin Clevelaueit in :a.sca.mpetitive ex - lamination against seven gentlemen. ..nortgage Maine is 0111 Of'Le 11;1; I:►r10'E3 any, other. •obliratiotte t•itoet•d a Imams' sl .teillIous Io not get;.sc busy that ycis cannot stop Z31S.DY 110132 and T Dy.ls•EaT1tEx'vf err Thr sa11012 ,t/uults t'unrrioit !pretty nowexnd,then .cud see 1Low litappy You sptar.ltt11) tire trustcuenisiou,ufotu evrar)'j S41y ventilated shoes wad , - , '1 :I: causes. This is the, .cause of the dell,' ;i slugeislt, tired feele�utt•s t M,euerai at this .1peaeou,vand which sateetthe overcome, er'. the heteitlt may be entirely broken lows These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, us,and urn } owa:herd the best 1 a? 1E331 Puri), the blond, Perrot all disorders of tho LIVER. S'xl' 1AG1i.'KIDNEYS AND 1'OW$Gs Invaluable in all complaints lucid ell WI to ren:ale* of bit s +l$. 111:EtB 0.11,17.21\d_. +a�1.�,1 lathe only r:•lialle moody for battle" sores, ulcera, and n141 wounds !'HIL lala(t l0U11Id T11*t)ATs, t:ulllHIS, 111 UM, C4(UT, RY1t1IIIATIi3A1, Of.Al)t:LA1t 5W L1',INDs AND Aloe fd4kal34 103 IT 1IA8 V1.) I•:tl1JAL,. Manufactured only at 78, New ns0nrd• Toto 103, Oxford Street, sod sold by all medicine Ycadors throughout the world t 1'8 1l4('+erIi should look to the Libel ou ti. Ilexes 011(1 lots. Ti the odd re' 1111.53n oxford Street. I )0(100. they at e spurious., W1NGHAM MARBLE f f n to 1!1110 Moret Gh-s '!+,wadi+ curl quLL 1 y ry ti, ,��� t - , 1'L'e care1l5A nevor to settle titnvn near the .nel.essary to good, is fanners b ---..use they s,t+ to .l�c•rtertttly CGhwt area !seller, For Sale las Alt ;Druggists ••Purleigh ereid in his nisei• tge sof 11390 i1.ovethataloesnot grow am. ear of deed:,, property uaelrlr-r Mortgage OY-no much b viten rhes! nth hurts, it is because it I:. fir. C.1 _. sneer., - , �$� � ���."- �9 Q.i�ty .... y per, tnaeohes.o.oliseased .place. therm appointed haste >itivysioiau of the - -_ .... _ a,incue loalrhd nut of cite :�tettr . 'tat of Cle•ve,l•aud, Ohio: Miss criteria of the fiaita+muteri vigor v person nearly buy rFSea1'1:111Ut', L ought t0 be. elny ills, and every p y read reserve forces of a. nation. 1n ydl (the. d '1 got into the hogs• they , s Of their,own Outs l re tlyiu,rtaluarole !f Never Faris{ glenin ' 'Main° these 1nitituticns have a43,- "TM— PT1-,v1 S'- WORK MESSRS. VANSTONE B Oa.9 o£ ICincarditielhave bought•the Dtat'ble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried o•1 by W ems. Parties re, uiiiiug work in their linewill do well by calling onthem 8r is ani r1 one of their ge Its purchasing. 'Kot'w11l find our prices are away down, our workmanship 1' T WO very has tbeen rund e ng the U issues for mist year lv illAreprese>t us oa the n the x0101. ublic luso A, T Watson.a Call an i•seewur stock and prices. ? xttr�'f ,�@,d�RE GUA.f3N• TEs® fiRSay be troubled with ,PWES, lot- T^eRNALt:OR INTERNAL, F1$SUREr3.,31LCEFl- ATIOtt,'ITCHING OR t;tES:DING OF T id RGC-1LoR AN S 10hean 'Or, ARK'S PILE O;NTMEPI'T ggw�ives l.,nmodiatn rcllef? I tho hands of I GUARS it hee l:roved 1001 e. SYl - e0I1143 4S 1(01ll cure - ji01t- e eomulitted :sl%ieide. When he gets into d ' cases o`tori stendinp. Plan $1,00 at i)ruggtiets 1 t0(d0,000 on deposit fur 1b13.t1U0 owners; someanenetheyt pat him on theikack, log 11�en it for ,luny g u �ciltc0hio they leave $17,000,00.8., ,U40., (ryith Asia rule, there is enough timet wasted ooadyiidr•.Cttly rec.nnnted i•t Get Tai„ toIs. uta smaller .rr teenta,e pf•tleposi, d' around tho.avevatre country railavay. station Tituttlr)w)lc. +tors.. Al erne lims,.vidual0 p(tople,And to eullieate arty1400 acre Ewen i sthe neigh- • holds to each individual in dto:r •L,anks borllood. 'Tim maple sugar ur Ir�Lo.tt its likely to :$066;! Ohio has=to each of leer 3,,t,a$0,- • 1000, ,$6 ! So this tS'tatee which is :Ube re iteasy.DILvis' aGAIJT OLTitttt, an nay. Sen•Lbyme.1or t:sintofpa:ir:o by ilei ,•:trig t' (43 wm 0)1(1 Y J tiptoed f every b riber's sneer betmasse, • esting wase .has .happened in this town, hr iteiet tthts year. Jannis-IilFair's Casa. sof.pio Na 7suieg, April .10th.—e. highly itter- .of preshibition, with :til natural 4 vltu- L The sei>ool children hives enjoyed the viteelVei vaeatiou. tage8•a1l;aiuet her., :blots ele•vall Lreeltas.,., , which is.oree<ting,a,.great deed of comment. ouch (cash in reserve for each I:messier s ; Mr: James .B.lair,,e, well-known merchant English cti.paviu Liniment removes• all arise as slier rival aaith location, sail, , tailor hems, lea fordourteen years .been a hard, uoft..or calloused Lun ps a>od 13 er Mims from ,horses, Blood SptGVkL, Curbs, known ea Bright's disease of the kidneys. SpliGits, Int, Bone, Stneestey , Stifles, cli•tmate and ne weal 'resources in her sufferer .Erma ,there terrible ce. alnt, taa7o,r, girth ijtates.Mttly° a stately,lllesuiforutil.eotertlibl that onehotsr'.swork Sprains, ,tore tied swollen `,d.'hroaLS,Coughs, elater,pnisiug yecu0l4DnLy, and tnake , at the euttiog tabloavould completely ex- • etc. SaVIS 350 by- use of cue bottle. War - generous provision door •their' tuelicati, , haus( hirtr,,,alld.hellad to almost give up ranted by `Gnisholnl's drug stone. menet maul social da•v,ellelpment. ed £ord1C conted al ottsevery Why, I work altrlgether. lie tried almoct,every 7'lt° eYe4l,:sbs litre g+itttub; rhos,' m•heels theta, tshoeld the ,weaker he t}i,e Itoutvanremedy geed insults Medical /men anti ith- intJ service a >tiu. etrdtlAge,r' There is tfu.ut aim answer to i�patent medicines failed him, and he was Raw P.,,s ilei' a nut. this enigma : Prohibition ! ! ; radually geteila woreeever da i�d,ttall gg Ise read a despatch in,mrao of the loccatopa- Hat wafter iter sprains. pars, stating theta man named Mtsmay; hieing in Graveshurst, load been Cured of 1Zlnsv1rATt,li Cuticv 11 A DAY.—t�'nuth kidney trouble lay esilag Dodd's Kidney &merican Rheutanatlo Cure of J hetatnaztsnn Pills. As a inet resort Mr. Blair began and . Neuralgia radically aures iu 1 to 8 taking these pills„ and three boxes modest' days. Its action u >ou the system )s re new man of h>m,1Lnd.seven boxes complete mrkable and mysterious. It removes at ly aired him. Dir. Blair is back at work ` once the cause ot`. the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bone. - fits. 75 cents. 4Verrauted at Chisholtras drug store. Forty years ago &Leinedput her ban on the nr0g-shops, amid ,an:spite or the most ens6ro).pulous and •stetartu(i efforts of wholesalers, retailer•0, politicians and the deed, they have Mertw Largely reduce•i the sale of these 1loxioste leverages, while brewery, ,alastillery ao , lnrlandst) that hefsepilltwenty years s otely and saloon have slunk out o:f sight I Younger, In '84, by a vote of three to Ols.e, 43)10I -- put into her Constitution lterauatltetna •Mtaxley Rightly Elstimased. on the drunkaru factories, and there it is to etay till the station becomes In this day of over-estimate of the sober enough to follow suit. Ohio power of money to produce happiness, the chose under the 10011 6f statesmen words of the late Cyrus W. field are pro - who sneer at Maine's fanatics, to foster the liquor trade. She has had 100,000 drunkards all the time the last 20 years; she htta buried tr million in this horrible cortdit.ion, and the six pr eight hundred millions which she would have if as Maine have gone to , debauch her children push them into Don't violt.te the common lugs of health. Don't be sparing of oarlsolie Lund and chloride of 11150. fitable reading, for the youug. Itisroport- Itch ou human s•.id horses and all ant_ e weeks before his final 'illness finale cured in U0 minutes by Woolford's that some Sanitary Lotion. This never fa,i Mr. Field said to a Sew York World re- Writ - muted at Ohisholm's drug store. porter : "Money hi really worth only what it will bring iu the things we want: and A medical journal asserts that reo- for that purpose, $10 are worth just about plo who drink cow's Milk are more as ranch as 511,000 a day. In addition tot prone to consumption titan those who this there id only the gratified pride which I use the milk of the reindeer, the but- +0431 r !Ilio 03 100 eo p oar and crime into poorhouse and arises f101 having made what men gone- bg Y Wilkinson, n ll, aucl finally into eternity wader rally calla great sueooss—the satisfaction I;ehecaeu "anoiuBatl dist: ssoo • jell, Ind., st the baleful eclipse of sin and sllante. that the boy has who swims the farthest+ c0nditio i, for three years from Nervoud ' refutation of this or the girl who stands. at the head of het g,, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia An i nattily telling ne , health was gone. k 'ou u from ealrlP old stied sen be chase, class. and Judi sestt y refer d 1 t f dly I had been doctoring constantly 1 of those twit: f3G , A solaant t, f South An lite contrast no bottle 0 from tbought eonb u 1 0 t• Manias and Nebraska, itt the work of g Prohibition as compared with high license by the revelations of the census of 1890 GL9fp;L: •11E1;d91Cat l . ,3UActs eitn Sr. IES' .u.lUt1i . E�IEF rat <.�• F�t1i�'t� ?3LOO n ' CHARM 111 OF A REFINED WOMAN is her complexion. WhybavOPimples Freckles spots ar Jany blemish when each Bloom Skin Food will remove them all, and leave i the Shin transpar- VAN `: "O > E 13ROSj __. a. _.,....�.... BANK OF HAMILTON, out, soft and bean. PEACH :BLOOM contains nothing that can. injure the skin. It is clear as water, and leaves no trace of the applica- tion one minute after use. PEACH BLOOM differs from any known preparation, in that it cleanses the pores of the skin frons injurious accumula- tions, imparts health to the inner as well as to the outer cuticle, dissolving tied remov- ing Pimples, Blackheads, Liver •Spots and Blemishes, and gradually brings about that transparent state of the skin that makes a perfect complexion. PEACH BLOOM is in demand ahead of all cheap preparations, because it has merit, and because it produces the results we claim for it. Sold by druggists, price $1 or- sent on re- ceipt of price by addressing, WESTON GUEMICSL GO., 185 Adelaide St.,l'eot, Torodttl For sale in Wingham at C. E. Williams Drug; Store. Capitevl,;$1,250,000. Rest, $650,000, Presi&en•t—J01N S'rUAR•r. Vieo-3eetisidont—A. G, ltAMSAY'. DIRECTORS JOHN t1>tarrrott, Cuns. Gmtvas, GYM ROACH, A. •Woon, A. B. Les (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURN BULL. Sa adzalgs Eank—Ilcurs,10 to 3 ;Saturdays, to 1. Deposita of w1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special ;Deposits also received at current rates of :Laurent. Draftee,: great Britain and the United States bought :rad sold B: WILLSON, AGENT• MEYJ.& DICKINSON, Solicitors. S,vepolista dared, f1•I::rearne:3,---I was troubled with dys- popaia for about four years. I noticed an advertisement of Burdock Bleed Bitters, so started to lice 1 alit 7 i warding to in a gen , fon cruel parents came from the lips of Mr. Field upon his dying bed. Ile said: "My life is a wreek; my fortune gong ; my home dishonored. I was se unkind to Edward when I thought 1 was being kind. If had only firrrluess enough to compel urstantly without relief:. • eriottu.Nervil/e, which done me more goon thILt any $50 worth of doctoring 1. ever did in my life. 1 would advice every weakly person to use tkis valuable end lovely rein.. edy,e' A trial bottle will eonviuce you. Warranted at (hisholtn's drug. store. earkwell's inenteital hells will meekly Cease my boys to ear11 their own living, alien they Cold, Breueliltle nt` asthma, would have known the meaning of money." 1 Mich+let guys ; "Pain is in son, —Buffalo Christian A'civoonte. I wise the nrtiet of tho werl'I ,ahitrlt 1 t 1 soot found t1Cab tlioro t was Clothing to equal it. I tookt three t gentest care eta writes 11s f lsitieits us, sen}pturr8 114 e eo p.. I1F:nT .T. Eno, �ViaglCa1•1 Ont, l------ tteiu,;iourarxltt Paralysis, etc t jus wanton' Royal Cream goners! y, ,fro. e , n In case. . h .aaeanter:d to cure general ;larvoaie T)►btltt9, WI the fins eilgc3 111 L t)it!lesa chisel," bottles to a ff t o erfeet °ere 1 y eart t itALST L S T .1".'i .,' ?v_ -1`,•r - f'P :7.M _ Joseplilut Street p a la 61 Ontr ZETLAND SAW MIL GEORGE 1'HO iSO , Preprieta Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingli and Cedar Poi; Cu Load Orite s a 5rx a J. A. IIotsasav,I W. SCOT':, Moauct Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed, Money Actvanced to Farmers and Puniness Men, On long or short time, on endorsed note: or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting .A.ceounts and Notes. gents in Canada—The bio cl;t.r:is• Sault of Canada; ` OINce Hours=From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Ai;ent. FOR SALE, Lot No. 3, and the E. % of Lot So. 7 11th Con.'T'urnbeiry--150 acres; 90 acres cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or flnrlerieb, WM. MoPHERSON. Glon+'arrow P. 0. ' 0OD delivered to any part W inghan. earOrders by••mail promptly attends to G'.EORGE Ta4»1SON Box 125. WFnghost 2,000,0N0 Feet of Logs Gant COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the prineipnl may bo repaid at coy time the borrower wishes. Ail exptna•ea paid by the 0001)10. 1io person except the county Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money le loaned. Apply to WM. HOT MES Goderioh,•Ang. 8th 1802. Co. Treasurer. 1-Iighest f�iie9 paid fcr any quantity of HARD AND SOFT WOOD LC delivered at our yard in Win tn. for Heading and Shingle Ht by the cord. Call and get prices, ler to cut, &c. Dressed and Unrdressetd Luz, Shingles, Lath, &c., ' kept continually en hand. IfeLEAN & Wingham, January 4th, 189:5. TOSEPS COWAN, CLt:Rx OTII DIV. Coeur, Co,. iterror AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LI til! CottlIxssxoNEli x:: H. 0. J., ETC. WuoxETEn. Uel PROF. SCOTT 7 MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CI gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both, and Tonio Sol -Fa ;Notation. Open for 111104 for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms m Apply at 11158. II. MORROW/ 24 :Muter St 11 man—�letsons know that 'li,ipans Tabules, now so largely advertised and used,1t call0en gimp] ?ilei. Y 1 favorite prescription of their family doctor ln•ellare*.l in a :iciel'tific marine,.',heltu metropolitan cities, tvh l 1 for litter conveyance, lrreservtttion and use ? In ,.he great, of Ripens '1'Ftbules,tai'e admit wealthy find better care than in their O1vt1 luxurious holnes,t e'ing a are the uin dependence boles, a tt" th Nit to thousands of rich and poor alike with beneficial t y eminent physicians in cases of derangements of t.h� digestive ur;,••ells, such its sits Peps a,consf the 1)11110 bilio p � For some bowels. rouse• and tither ilial connected with the stomach, liver and. Cityhas used a formula, (littering slightly from the 'common one,'that Las be n fo in unusual York efficacy. 1"hrtnl;;h commendations of physicians its tnis:it)n of healln; bas been so. nt f'arin sapiditl still 1 , , desirable to prepare tlw prescription in 11 rronitenie , t'al'iicllyexterulir►:; that it finally seemed tiesp •I and to announce the fact through the t�ect� tnalie it available to the whole public at a moderate prie, a. of the newspapers of the ogh her n$ medium for seeming publicity—advertisement in the columns intelligence poll be as ' land. ' ti, l clot>e.an(1 now the time is not tar distant when every family ofare ltoilttj on saki t opt, � of iii rats Tabules as a clock or a coolr.ing stove. Theyybe is sold for 75 ten supply b 1 a • dealer will supply them. A. boa, containing six vials, , :lvhere, nand any dl utyr, lt.t or cls. ' • ge n alnulg four holes, for $2. They will be sent by mail, post paid, to any address, t, qSS paeli ,t., , c o t • ,11,i dans Chemical Company, No.10, Spilt a St., Ne�v York. t;etpt of ler 1(.e, by the I