HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-14, Page 3L ING VOL. XXL ---NO. 1105,, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY,. APRIL 14, 1893. $1 A YEAR IN ADVAN This week we want particularly to draw your attention to our stook of House Puna lusliings. Spring house cleaning will soon bo uponyou with all its its consegnottt worries and trials and the good man will be expect ed to take a cold lunch in a corner or the wood pile, maybe, and must not seyt• a, word about it, for "The house is just a little upside down, you know." "Strange where all the dirt, comes from, anyway. This zoom, wants anew carpet, that window a new pair of curtains or the hall a new oil •sloth. To help you a little out of your trouble, we eau supply you with all of these. Our carpets, lace curtains, curtain netts, art muslins and oil cloths, are all More. We start lace curtains at 50 cents a pair and are value, We claim that we can give yot better value in these goods than any othe house in the trade, as we are the on Direct Importers. Ca11 and he shown through, compare prices and values. Cai•. pats cut and matched, Shop eaely` i,ud secure prompt delivery, This store Wein .at;seveu, ORR, & HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers. Ties Been, March 23, 1893. Marriage Lieoases Igesed by FaANIC PATERSON, No 23, Vic- td'riai street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. - w..�-e...�....' i LOCA "i`VNEW S Oysters at Jas. McKelvie's, 35 cts. to 40 cts. per quart. —Rev. E. Hughes removed to his new l field ef a bo r n Wednesday. —Farmer say that the fall wheat has come throug the winter splendidly, and it looks well. —Mr. We 1in.ton Martin has removed to Dunganno ,inhere he will open out a bar- ber shop. e wish jiin success. CAnxraor;s--=I expect to have a fine line of Baby Carriages in on Saturday. Wait for them. Prices low, at S. Gtztcsx's. The rains f the latter end of last eek, together w• h the thaw, did consider- able damage to SI 'sins and a number of cellars were filled with water. —Mr. E. C. Cl 'ke conducted the ear- -vices of St. Paul church, on Sunday last. Rev, Mr. Wood 11 take charge of the ser- • vices on Sunday ext. —Hallos there ! Where are you goin I am going to the Wingham shoe store to boy my shoes; I get all rips sowed free of .charge. J. J. 112cKIaabr. —Mr. Richard 'P .of this town, has p etore in Harriston. Wingham will wisl ture. ills, a former resident rebased a boot and shoe His many friends In him success in his ven- -Mr. Angus Mc uaig, of Lucknow, the great square timbe man, was in town on Monday. He had a very successful season last winter, and is now shipping to the Old .Country markets. —Ladies, have your garments made by Miss M. Johustou, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good work, always first-class fit. —An exchange hi s the nail on the head when it says ; • •osperous advertising means regular, ntinuous advertising. The newspaper is le natural medium of advertising and th only one which is eh- eolutely neceesary t business publicity. ...Nominations to 11 the vacancy in No.1 Waod, will be hold it the Town Hall, on Monday, 17th inst. at 11 a. m. Should move than one Candite be placed in nom- ination, the election 11 be held on Mon- day, 24th Inst. —An exchange has e following sensible remarks, which will .. ply to Wingltam Tho quiet state of tr., le during the past week has set many peo le hustling to get the necessary money to sheet their obli- gations. There are man people who owe accounts to different etdr keepers who aro well able to pay, and sho 1 d do so, and thus allow the struggling mere ant to pass over the drill season in happiness. For the next few weeks very little trad • can be expected from the farming comm isty, so that those in town who can help ou merchants over the drag should do so, hero ate nohe of them too ries) to rant - money. '4'lie World's Fair relied now.throwing out big indueements, but it is not ils it when it Domes to selling , ladies' fius,'bn,tt.;p slides for 95 cents, E. H. Dann. —Try Myers' Royal spice for Horses and cattle at, Griffin's Grocery. A- n additional wa ltcnso is being emot- ed at the roar of Mes s. Smith & Pethiok's hatrclwaret s oto, —Boll River, near Amherstburg, has of- fered the McCormi Ice $25,000 bonus, 15 acres of land and ex mption from taxes to put their Canadian rke there. —A good girl wanted ; to do general hosts vork. Apply to Mus.Jonv MCLEA.;, — Dr. Macdonald '11 shortly remove his esidence to the lot just south of Mr. H, Davis' residence, on C ntre street, and will greatly enlarge and 1 prove it. —Mr. John Currie, of East Wawanosh, is a delegate of the C ngregational church attending the meetin s of the Western As- sociation in Guelph tl is week. —The Clifford Expt ss comes to hand enlarged to a six -c umn quarto 'sheet The Express merits t success it is meet- ing with. —The Canadian Ord r of Chosen Friends is duly registered, and y the recent deci- sion at Toronto is tl e only order of that name legally entitled do business in On- tario. I have a few Parlor Suites that can be bought chap, for cash. Clearing out the present stock. Call at S. GnACEY's Furniture Rooms. —St Helens Co respondence Clinton Now Era ; Mr. A. rdon left nn Monday last for Wingham, w ere he has procured the position of lie clerk in Mr. J. Hanna's store ;. Ad. ill be greatly missed around here, re, bu t we ieh him success.• —The Vancouver News -Advertiser in, announcing the reviv 1 service in the Fir Baptist church tiler , hardly put the case right when it said. "The evangelist will again preach this a ening upon the subject 'Tire Horrible Pit, to which everyone is welcome." —G T11, trains for Toronto' and east leave'Wingltam at 6.35 a in and 11.20 a m. via W G & B Division, and at 6.45 a and 3.50 p m, :via Clinton and Guelph Good couueations by all trains., —Mr. T. J. D lon,, formerly of the cheese factory at BI levels, but now in the employ of the Dom ion -Government, was in town en Tuesday . He was on hie way to Prince Edward I land, where he will be employed this seaso in giving instruction to cheese making. —A social was iven by the Christian endeavor Society o St. Paul's Church, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Cornyn, on Mon. day evening. The ev. E. W. Hughes and wife were presente with tivo beautiful rocking chairs by t1 members of the so- ciety. Mrs. Hughes has been vice-president of the society ever s nee it was .organized, —Apprentices wanted at once to learn the dressmaking. Carter's (late Prof. Moody's) tailor system—only perfect sys- tem of dress -cutting, taught to apprentices. Miss Hodgson has resumed business after holiday s and guarantees as before perfect fits, latest styles, and good work. Teach- ing tailor system a specialty. —The License Co smissioners of West Huron met in Clinto yesterday. We have not got a report of tl licenses granted for this issue, but wil give it in our next. There were applioatio s for 38hotel licenses, two shop Iicenses and wo wholesale licen- ses for the license yeas 184E-4. The num- ber of licensee issued 1 t year was 37 hotel licenses, two shop and vo wholesale licen- 005. —The Canadiau P ific Railway will give its patrons the eh ice between laud and water travel in re hing the World's Fair. One of the Com ny's palace steam- ships will be placed on e route between (Mileage and Owen So id, anzl will Barry package freight at first but will be jncreas. ed if required. As tit Canadian Pacific steamships aro among he finest afloat, a good business is antial ated. —Sean OATS—I have e limited quan- tity of pure, clean, Golden Giant, New Rosedale and Granette Oath, for sale. Prices on application. 11. W. 1IA81rves, Wingham P. O. Ont. 14'3nsT UONORE(MTIONAL Uxsnito t, Weemureet.--W. 1:3.'Watson, Pastor. Ser - Vines each Sunday et 11 a. tit. •ttid 7 p. rt. Sabbath School and Bible Close at 2.30, Prayer Meeting Avery Wednesday at 6 p. nt., Christian Endeavor on satme evening at f••Ir. M. All made welcome. Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday, April Kith. Services, orning subject `'The First Gift of an d Tithe Revivals' Evetling: ifeturned rasperity, Jou 42,- 1 2,1 to 10. —Clash for good butter and eggs Graham's market grocery, —The schools in wn reopened on Mon-` day last, after the aster holidays. —Tho electric lig t poles hays been erect- ed to the new pews house at Lower Wing. ham. —Mr. Thos. E. Valker bas closed his butcher shop in to n, and, we understand, he contemplates r moving to Michigan. —Mr. R. C. Ste cling is now buying farm- ers' produce of al kinds at the town hall. Entrance at the est side. —Mr. F. Wixs n, of Ingersoll, a general agent of the Ma y, Harris Co., spent a few clays with Mr. H. Ross, the local agent, last week. —A specialty in Picture and Wreath Framing. Large new stock of mouldings. Also a fine lot of beautiful Pictures just to stand. Don't buy until you Call at. 13, f1zaaoa;&'3e at It A • —Tho Chicago lade, New York Police Gazette, Illustrat d Times, Weekly Varie- ties and Wild Oat have been placed under the ban by the et stems authorities. Any persons handling hese papers in future are liable to a find of 250. —The General terian church fo Brantford in Ju sioners from the the church will of the denomina Assembly of the Presby- : the Dominion meets in t:, when some 400 commis - different Presbyteries of institute the highest court on. —For first -clues tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- H=s' and Pattersou's jewellery shop. A meeting o the Wingham Board of ealth will be h ld in the Council chamber on Monday even g next, at 7.30 p. m. The Board is compo d of the Mayor and Clerk and Messrs. Joh Hanna, Wm. Robertson and D. Sutherla d, with Jos. Bullard, In- spector and Dr Towler, Medical Health O cer. --A meeting f those, interested in Iacros- e was held on ondayevening i evenn6n Messrs. Cornyn Bros'. irnituro store, when a club was organized t 'Ili the following officers : Walter Veneto r , president ; Jos. Carruth, vice-president ; . Dinsley, captain ; T..E, Cornyn, R. S.; s, Chisholm; treas. ; W. Fleuty, financial- ccretary. Do You Wear Pants ? If you do the proper place to get them is at E. H. Dever's, made up it the latest style, from $2.50 up. —The illuminate l copy of the address preseuted to Mr. C. Strathdee,,ltete G. T. R. agent here, at Messrs. J. A. Cline & Co's store, where those the subscribers to the testimonial are expected to call and sign this copy. The. work of getting up this address wa entrusted to Mr. J. W. Graham, of Bran ford, and he has done it in a most superior nanner. It is a souve- nir that any man should be proud of. —On Friday 1 st, a one -legged tramp struck the town. 1 e visited the Bank of Hamilton and in isted on receiving fifty cents at the hand of the Agent, Mr. B. Willson, but was ejected without receiving anything, as he appeared to require the money to s apply his desire for firewater, Shortly afterwa ds he was arrested by Chief Bullard, a d on Saturday morning appeared before the Mayor. He was sent to Goderich for fteen clays. —We have ba' the pleasure of a look over the plans o Dr. Macdonald's block of stores which he ntends erecting this year where his press t office and residence is situated. The ; look will be three stories high, the front t. be of red pressed brick, the windows an door sills to be of Credit Valey stone. Th re will be four stores on the ground flo. —two double and two single. The sero . d floor will be fitted up for offices and the third for lodge rooms. It will be the handso . est block in town, when completed. —The first regul r meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Association was held in the town hall, CI ton, on the 5th Inst., with the following t r embers of the profes- sion present: D. M.l ntosh, Prep.; J. E. Blaekall, Treas.; •J J. Walker, Secy.; W. F.Clark;J. Chesney: le, Miller. Mr, Black - all gave a very inter.: ting oommuttication which excited consi..rable discussion. The meeting adjourned t meet in the townstall, Wingltam, ,Idly 511 All members of the profession are coral sly invited to the next meeting at Winglla ;teat Drink and be Merry. Yon can do it if you buy your boote,slioes I and clothing at E. II, —Mr. Ja% outfit has been confined to his house for tl past week, with a severe attack cic of rheun atism, services are still being con- sist church, by Roy, Mr, Vltyte. rd is cleaning up around the t0 pieces of sward in iron lave been nicely raked an.� --Tho revival tinned in the Ba Moore and Mr, --Chief Ball town hall and of the building cleaned. — Mr. Wm. Wm. Fessant, o beautiful reside sant. Slack has disposed of Itis the firm of .Button & Fes - co on Patrick strejt,to Mr, — Garden Seeds by the o e and pound, at Hamilton's drag store, o doors south of the Post Office, —Complaints atjs made that several of the streets of tht wood piles, lamb authorities eltou; plaints. —The Toronto have been appoint Holmes estate, at Holmes, the execs Holmes. town are occupied by r, logs, &c. Tho proper i attend to these come • general '''rusts Company d receiver of the Beet & he instance of Mr. Thos. or of the late 3, G. —HonsExsv's iITENTrox.—If you want a Neat, Showy Bill, well put together and attractively displayed, on good paper or card, send your order to the 'IDLES. A number of good cuts to choose from. Prices reasonable, All orders by mail promptly attended to. —On Sunday ne t, Rev. G. F. Salton, of Brussels, will pre ch the Sunday School anniversary ser ons in the Method church, Wingha . The morning sermon will be to the who will occupy church. Collec Sohool funds. T tra will assist in —Bobcaygeon down to 10 cent:' a dozen, every ridiculous old hen in the c untry is wearing herself out in efforts to .11 the elusive nest. The same.old liens si round like so many slum- bering clams wh n eggs are 25 cents a doz- en. Seems to b= a big opening here for proper education bbath School children lie centre pews of the one towards Sunday e Sabbath School Orehes- he morning services. ndependent: Eggs being ersonals. Rev. G. F. Sal on, of Brussels, was a visitor in town o Monday last. Mr. W. Ware ; of Seaforth, paid Wing - ham a business vi it on Monday last. Mrs. Owen E. itchcox, the lecturer - singer, was callin on friends in town on Monday. Mr.,Gillies, of firm of Gillies & Mar- tin, Teeswater, wa in town on Monday. Miss Burgess, Lucknow, spent a few days with friends '1 town this week. Mr. Wm. James, of the Standard, Blyth, spent Saturday . d Sunday last with friends in town. Mrs. Robt. Mo'herson, of Bluevale, is the guest of Mrs. s. hfcLaucltlin, Shuter street, this week. Mr. Wm. Button as at Brussels on Mon- day, on business. Miss Lizzie MoD. nogh, who has been residing in Toronto or some time, return- ed home this week. Mr. Wm. Mallagh of Lindsay, is visiting friends in town this ' eek. Mr. Rowland Gor .n left on Monday for Caledonia, where he las accepted a situ- ation with Mr. Jas..i elndoo, brother a Messrs. Robt. and M H. Mclndoo, of thi town. Messrs. Fred. Gue t and Jas. Black, o this town, left on T =sday for Port Huron, • where they will rasi Mrs. C. Dallas h. been visiting friends in Blyth during the eek. Miss Maria Corny returned to Hamilton on Monday, where : ho is attending the Collegiate Institute. Mrs. Birney was sitingfriencls at Ford. wicb, last week. Miss Theresa Gal raith spent the holi- days with relatives : nd friends in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Kelly who has been residing in town for some ti e, has gone to Clinton to worst at his 'rad Miss Jessie Ifo Ipine, of Brussels, is visiting friends in two. Mr. Geo. McRay rrived here from Win- nipeg, en Tuesday ight. Miss O'Neil, of odorioh, was visiting friends in town dub ng the week. GOt ' e Best. The public a ire too intelligent to pur• cheese a worthiees article a second time, on the contrary thy want the best! 1'hysi- ciane are virtually tinatYin us in saying Scott's Enirslsiott is the best form of Cod Xi4ver 011, ' --Itev, John Moss, the services of the 1 Sunday last. f Brussels, conducted resbyterian church, on —Regular meed g of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian a rder of Foresters, to- n 'r it. —Mr, A. H, Mus roveattendedthomc.ct. ng of the Ontario ducational Association, in Toronto, last we • —The Wingliam the anniversary of divine service on Sul —Word was recei day morning that th desday night had tak dam, and notifying h to make preparations ddfellows will celebrate to Order, by attending clay, 30t11 inst. —A total eclipse of April 16 in comparat of both the African 1 A peratnoent featu it will probably aft solving the great pr changes in the solar —Any night aft from seven to fourte found upon our stree if the boys fall into habits 1 There is fo Parents should see 1 doors before night fal into better and trusti ents will have reason in years to come. On Saturday eve of Roseanna Mali B. McKenzie, of arrived here for inter Mr. McKenzie. The Sunday afternoon, fr Mr. George hicKen husband of the d Kenzie was a former and some members buried in the cemete ed in town on Thnts- heavy ruin on Wed - n away the Gerrie ssrs. Hutton & Carr o save theieelam. he sun can be seen on ely cloudless regions nd Chi]ian deserts, o in this eclipse is that the best facilities for lem of short period orona. r dark, boys ranging n years of age can be s. Who is to blame ad company and bad here for reflection. at their boys are in. ; the boys will grow r men, and their par - o feel proud of them ing last, the remains nzie, wife of Mr. uskegon, Michigan, ent, accompanied by unoral took place on m the residence of e, a br titer of the ceased. Mr. B. Mc- esiden of VW i n ham g of the family were y here. . Bonus! 1 The "freedom is occasionally I guished men hi `ing mark of app they have rende 1 mark of honor, Iin times past, i It, carries with i ation, and the real advantages does not posses becoming the f pitrations, wh bloom, to ask! of a much mor There have be Free land, be taxation for ev ities. Whatev giving s'l'ay la nothing and ea Manufactories, f the city" in a gold box resented to very distin- e olcl country as a crown- nciation of the services ed to the public. Bat this vhatever it may have been now chiefly ornamental. no iminunity from tax- Ider of it has scarcely any vhich the ordinary citizm It seems, however, to be shion for commercial cot, her in embryo or in full a "freedom of the city" real and tangible kind. n recent instances of this. uses and exemption from r, are spoken of as possibil' r may be the desirability Of d which is at present doing nit* nothing for the city, it should be bo o in mind that this oast' clone only byr, ote of the duly qti citizens. Wit regard to bonuses, it she be rautenebere that bonuses capust given. There .or:nerly existed a slams. the ;.Municipal Act empowering rnunicll ities to give b nuses, Sub -section 10; t tion 470 of th Municipal Act, R. S. 1887, gave alt s power. Bat, as Will: found by e. re orence to the statutes for 3:t section 28 of the Municipal Am the provision is •xosr ersfore be no buuusee, && rem taxation forayers,* t, of the council can OW ption, and after this the ea wed for ten years, but when •s have expired there isthe e tie attention should be paid sions of the law -.-Toronto .lt coria number of "The Canadi justifies the high eapectatit the initial number, The as ories arc exceIIent and the In politics, are seltcrai thoug ntertaining papers.' ttorn ongley's,,, . ova Scotia defene e recent coal.; of hie go. Qjent: Alex. P) "Br%.'', wr' Spade and Itiilis y" a car . ;. paper, o0ut'ahal stive facts'end arguments,; t . Stuart's "The. National Ste, rly and philoeophio discus¢o le future of Canada and of of "Ontario's New Parham' " by Frank Yeigb,'is beatitif : and a second iiluetratec} art J. Boll on "A. Famous Cana te. Anne de Beaupre. "Bier son," by Stuart Livingston, bJ Castell Y Hopluns, are w d very interesting sketches rsonal ideals. Henry Lye's c to "Tales of Wayside Inns taining. Two thrilling stori ee Fives," by Cecil Logsdail, et to West," by . Gertrude, B rise the fiction. Among' f. Chap atan'e Icing poems," deserves mention as.path este narrative poems publis recent years. "The Cana,d overs a wide field, and its c that no Canadian desirin lit of thought in his owns without it. Published by 'thing Co., Manning Are 50 per annum; single co Act says th There can t exemption thirds vot years' exe can be ren twenty yet of it. A 1' these prov —The s Magazine' held out b cles and ereditable ful and General Mines"— legislatio Neill's Reciproci very sug Charles —a scleol the probe nations. Buildings illustrate that by.J. Shrine" jerne Bic "Balfour, written at life and p tribution very ente "The Th "From E lett, corn poems, Pr and West,' one of the anywhere i Magazine actor is sue follow the try should Ontario Pu Toronto. 3 23 cents. The regula Board was h Tuesday ev Bell, Abrah braith. In Mr. Musgro P rincipal's attendance f DEPT. 1 32 4 School Board. meeting of the Public So d in the Council chambe ning lost. Present—Mes in, Gordon, Moore and the absence of the secret e act Ain that capacity. •eport ehorced the folle r the month of March: I1EGISTEEED. AVEItAOI;.! 30 40 54 53 55. 45 52 54 383 33 56 64 64 66 52 67 8 70 T.. al 472 T report of Inspector Robb was 'r He r ported everything in good condi and .i e teachers as doing good work, 1X. ed by Mr. Abraham, seconcledby' Gaibt aith, that the report of the Inspe be re ived, and that the Board exprtt satisfa ion with said report --Carried The .slowing= accounts weal th dered to .;- paid 1—Dr, TowIes.,,Sim . $2.15 ; N. t 1eGregor, work, $3; W. et;. i man, shee skins, 31.40; Geo. Mason, plies, $16.: ; Alex. Ross, supplies, $12 McLean es Son, lumber, $4.66; Sm Pethick; 4: 14; Coal for school, $30; Stewart, 4 t Moved by titre Gordon, seconded by 1: Moore, that the °bairman and secre issue orders .r the payment of toao and other ofII. isle' salaries for the soon March—Carr d. - A largely si ;'sed petition front 11 payers was pr sented, asking that a, be employed t teach music in the After some d :cusslou, it tvt,s -leo' leave the matt. ' over tttitil a great ber of the neem ,ere of the Board eat, The Boar, then adjourned'. Cho ee. NOW `ro08, , Wholesale—Gordon & 'Wafntyra condition to supply feu ilies or *tali hew 'teas, et j'obbe'rs pri000; the tiane to 9eeure tette.