HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-04-14, Page 1VOL. XXI.---NO. 1105. WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO, IPRIDAY,.APRIL 14, 1893. This week we want particularly to draw your attention to our stook of House Pur- anshings. Spring house cleaning will soon be upon you with all its consequent worries and trials and the good man will be expect, ed to take a cold lunch in a corner or if the wood pile, maybe, and must not say /a word abort it, for "Tho house is just a little upside dawn, you know." "Strange whore all the dirt' comes from, anyway." This room wants a; new carpet, that window a new pair of curtains or the hall a new oil •cloth, To help you a little oat of your trouble, wo eau supply you with all of these. Our carpets, lace curtains, curtain netts, art musilns and oil cloths, are all here, We start lace curtains at 50 cents a pair and are value. We claim that we can give yo better value in these goods than any othe7 house in the trade, as we are the onll``y Direct Importers. Call and be shown through, compare prices and values. Car- pets out and matched. Shop early'laul secure prompt delivery, This store 41 isea' air seven, . i1Q,y ,�4YlY, R v. varsa ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers. BEAT., Marsh 23, 1893. t"z Marriage Licensee Maned by FRANK Pemasov, No 23, Vic - street, Wingbann, Ont. No witnesses required. LOCA&NEWS Oysters at Jas. MoKelvle's, 35 ots. to 40 cts. per quart. —Rey. E. . Hughes removed to hie new field of labor n Wednesday. —Farmer say that the fall wheat has come throng the winter splendidly, and it looks well. —Mr. We lington Martin has removed to Dungannon ;avlbere he will open out a bar- ber shop. o wish him success. CAnnrnoEs—I expect to have a fine line of Baby Carriages in on Saturday. Wait for them. Prices low, at S. • GmcEr's. —The rains the latter end of last eek, together wh. the thaw, did consider• able damage to cl sins and a number of ,cellars were filled with water. —Mr. E. C. Cl ke conducted the ser- vices of St. Paul church, on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Wood 11 take charge of the ser- vices on Sunday ext. —Hallos there ! Where are you goin I am going to the Wingham shoe store to buy my shoes; I get all rips sewed free of ,charge. J. J. Mel iLaoi'. —Mr. Richard .1s, a former resident . of this town, has p rahased a boot and shoe store fn Harriston. His many friends in ''Wingham will wis him success in his ven- ture. —Mr. Angus Mc uaig, of Lucknow, the great square timbe man, was in town on Monday. He had a very successful season last winter, and is now shipping to the Old .Country markets. —Ladies, have your garments made by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Jas•test styles, good fork, always first-class fit. —An exchange hi when it says : means regular, The newspaper is advertising and th solutely necessary t s the nail on the head :osperoue advertising ntinuous advertising. re natural medium of only one which is ab - business publicity. —Nominations to 11 the vacancy in No.1 Waod, will be hold a the Town Hall, on Monday, 17th inst. at 11 a. m. Should move than one condito be »laced in nom- ination, the election 11 he held on Mon- day, 24th inst. --An exchange has e following sensible remarks, which will • ply to Wingham : The quiet state of to.. e during the past week has sot many pee le hustling to get the necessary money to meet their obli- gations. There are man people who owe accounts to different stor . keepers who aro well able to pay, and sho +d do so, andthus allow the struggling mere ant to pass over the dull season in happin :s. For the next icier weeks very little trad eau be expected from the farming comm city, so that those in town who can help on merchants over , the drag should do go. Xliero are nope of them too Soli, to refits= money, The Werld'b Vale Xijust st now.theo•vnng out big inducements, but it is not in it when it Domes to welling , �.ediea' fine.'i t,.li shoes for 95 If. It E. . Dei sits —Try Myers' Royal spice for horses and cat le at, Griffin's Grocery. An additional wa house is being erect- ed at the rear of Mes •s. Snaith & Pethick's hardware store, —Bell River, near Amherstburg, has of- fered the MoCormi Its $25,000 bonus, 15 acresof land and and ex caption from taxes to put their Canadian Oka there, —A good girl wanted; to do general hoes vork. Apply to Mus. Jens McLn.x. —Dr. Macdonald w 11 shortly remove his •esidence to the lot just south of Mr. H. Davis' residence, on ntre street, and will greatly enlarge and i prove it. —Mr. John Carrie, of East Wawanosh, is a delegate of the C ngregational church attending the meetin s of the Western As- sociation in Guelph tl is week. —The Clifford Bap so cornea to band enlarged to a six -c umn quarto sheet, The Expreoos merits th success it is meet- ing with. —The Canadian Ord r of Chosen Friends is duly registered, and y the recent deci- sion at Toronto is tl only order of that name legally entitled do business in On- tario. I have a few Parlor Suites that can - be bought cheap, for cash. Clearing out the present stook. Call at S. GRAcxr's Furniture Rooms. —St Helens Co respondence Clinton Now Era : Mr. A. ' rdon left on Monday last for Wingham, w ere ho has procured the position of he clerk in Mr, J. Hanna's store;. Ad. ill be greatly missed around here, bat we ish him success.• —The Vancouver News -Advertiser in announcing the •reviv 1 service in the Fir Baptist church they , hardly put - the case rihtw n "The when it said evangelist will again preach this a ening upon the subject 'The Horrible Pit, to which everyone is welcome." • - —G T R trains • for Toronto and east leave'Winghatn at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a m. via W G & B Division. and at 0,45 a and 3.50 p m, •via Clinton and Guelp Good couneetious by all trains;. —Mr. T. J. D cheese factory at Bi employ of the Dom in town en Tuesday, to Prince Edward I employed this season in cheese making. lon,- formerly of the royale, but now in. the. pion .Government, was He was on bis way land, where he will be in giving instruction —A social was iven by the Christian ndeavor Society o St. Paul's Church, at the residence of Mr. Win. Cornyn, on Mon_ day evening. The ev. B. W. Hughes and wife were prosente with two beautiful rocking chairs by tl members of the so- ciety. Mrs. Hughes has been vice-president of the society ever s nee it was organized, —Apprentices wanted at once to ]earn the dressmaking. Carter's (late Prof. Moody's) tailor system—only perfect sys- tem of dress -cutting, taught to apprentices. Miss Hodgson has resumed business after holida3 s and guarantees as before perfect fits, latest styles, and good work. Teach- ing tailor system a specialty. —The License Co missioners of West Huron met in Clint° yesterday. We have not got a report of tl licenses granted for this issue, but wil give it in our next. There wore applicatio s for 38hotel licenses, two shop licenses and wo wholesale licen- ses for the license year 1893-4. The num. ber of licenses issued 1 1 year was 37 hotel licenses, two shoji and vo wholesale licen- ses. —The Canadian Pt ific Railway will give its patrons the eh ice between laud and water travel in re hing the World's Pair. One of the Com ny's palace steam- ships will be placed on he route between Chicago and Owen So d, and will carry package freight at first but will be increas- ed if required. As th Canadian Pacific stearnships are among he finest afloat, a good business is antiei ated. —Stun OAts•--I have a limited quan- tity of pure, clean, Golden Giant, Now Rosedale and Gra.nette Oats, for sale. Prices on. application, It. W. Haslnres, Wingham P. O. Ont. 1"nesT CoNGRMIATioNAb 0111.M011f Wises/04.--W. H. Watson, Pastor, Set - vices each Sunday at 11 a. tn. and 7 p, m. Sabbath School and Bible Glass at 2.:30. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday et 8 p. re., Christian Endeavor on same evening at 6'17, in, All made welcome. Seats free. Strangers welcome, Sunday, April 10th. Services, chafing subject: ''The- First Gift of an d Time Revival.'' Evening: Returned rooperity, job 42, 1 to 10. --Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Graham's market grocery. —The schools in wn reopened on Mon- day last, after the ' aster holidays. —The electric lig t poles have been erect. ed to the new powe house at Lower Wing - barn. —Mr. Thos. E. Valkor has closed his butcher shop in to n, and, we understand, he contemplates r moving to Michigan. —Mr. R. C. .Sp cling is now buying farm- ers' produce of al kinds at the town hall. Entrance at the est side. —Mr. F. Wixs n, of Ingersoll, a general agent of the Ma y, Harris Co., spent a few days with Mr, H. Ross, the local agent, last week. —A specialty in Picture and Wreath Framing. Large new stock of mouldings. Also a fine lot of beautiful Pictures just to hand, Don't buy until yon »all at 0, fanAoxs's. —Tho Chicago lade, New York Police Gazette, Illustrat d Times, Weekly Varie- ties and Wild Oat have heon placed under the ban by the ct stems authorities. Any persons handling hese papers in future are liable to a fine of 250. — The General Assembly of the Presby- terian church fo • the Dominion meets in Brantford in Ju e, when some 400 commis- sioners from the different Presbyteries of the church will nstitute the highest court of the denomina 'on. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- atg and Pattersou's jewellery shop. ,+"-A meeting o the Wingham Board of ealth will be h ld in the Council chamber on Monday even g next, at 7.30 p. m. The Board is compo d of the Mayor and Clerk and Messrs. Joh Hanna, Wm. Robertson and D. Sutherla d, with Jos. Bullard, In- spector and Dt Towler, Medical Health 03 Der. : -A. meeting f those, interested in Iacros- e was held on onday evening in Messrs. Corny' Bros'. rniture store, ben a club was organized 'Ili the following officers Walter Vanstot ,, president; Jos. Carruth, vice-president ; Dinsley, captain ; T. E Cornyn, R. S.; s, Chisholm; treas. ; W. Plenty, financial- ecretary. Do You Wear Pants? If you do the proper place to get them is at E. H. Dever's, made up in the latest style, from $2.50 up. —The illuminate copy of the address presented to Mr.:. C. Strathdee, tate G. T. R. agent hero, at Messrs, J. A. Cline & Co's store, where those the subscribers to the testimonial are expected to call and sigh this copy. The work of getting up this address wa entrusted to Mr, J. W. Graham, of Bran ora, and ho has done it in a most superior manner. It is a souve- nir that any man should be proud of. —On Friday 1st, a one-leggedtramp struck the town. 1 e visited the Bank of Hamilton and in isted on receiving fifty cents at the hand of the Agent, Mr, B. Willson, but was ejected without receiving anything, as he .ppeared to require the money to s apply his desire for firewater, Shortly afterwa ds he was arrested by Chief Bullard', a d on Saturday morning appeared before the Mayor. He was sent to Goderich for (teen days. —We have ha' the pleasure of a look over the plans o Dr. Macdonald's block of stores which he ntends erecting this year where his prey: it Office and residence is situated. The i tock will bo three stories High, the front t be of red pressed brink, the windows an door sills to be of Credit Valey stone. Th re will be four stores on the ground fio..•—two double and two single. The seco + d floor will be fitted up for offices and the third for lodge rooms. It will be the handso + est block in town, When completed. —The first regalr meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Association was held in; the town hall, CI ton, on the Stli lust., with the following - etnbera of the trofes• sign present: D. M • i ntosh, Pres.; .. E. Blaekall, 'Treas.; J. Walker, Secy.; W. I•T.Clark;J. Chesney: Miller. Mr. Blaek. all gave a very inter=: ting oomniutiiotttion which excited cotisi..table discussion. The meeting adjourned 1 + meet in the town hall, Winghain, July 5th All members of the profession are cordi+fly invited to the next meeting at Wingha+i. /at Drina and be Merry, You. can do it if you buy your boots,ehoe's. and clothing at E. IL DEven's, —Mr. Jas. outfit has been confined to his house for tl past week, with a severe attack of rheun atisut. ---The revival services are still being con - tinned. in the B tis' church, by Rev. Mr, Moore and Mr, byte. a --Chief Bull town hall and of the building cleaned, —Mr. Wm, Wm. Possant, o beautiful reside sant. rdis cleaning up around the re pieces of sward in iron�j lave been nicely raked end 31ack has disposed of his the firm of Button & Fes - co on Patrick stregt,to Mr. —Garden Seeds by the o at Hamilton's drug store,4 of the Post Office. —Complaints a the streets of th wood piles, lumb authorities shoul plaints, —Ms Toronto have been appoint Holmes estate, at Holmes, the execs Holmes. e and pound, o doors south made that several of town are occupied by , logs, &c. The proper attend to these cony. eneral Trusts Company d receiver of the Best & he instance of Mr, Thos. or of the late J. G. ^--Houseuz 's A. TA.:txrox,—If you want a Neat, Showy Bill, well put together and attractively displayed, on good paper or card, send your order to the Treas. S number of good cuts to choose from. Prices reasonable. All orders by mail promptly attended to. —On Sunday ne t, Rev. G. F. Salton, of Brussels, will pre, oh the Sunday School anniversary ser ons in the Metho church, 'Wingha • The morning sermon will be to the : t bbath School children who will occupy he centre pews of the church. Celiac ' ons towards Sunday Sohool funds, T, e Sabbath School Orches- tra will assist in he morning services. —Bobcaygeon i ndependent: Eggs being down to 10 centa dozen, every ridiculous old hen in the c,:'untry is wearing herself out in efforts to .11 the elusive nest. The same.old hens sic round Iike so many slum- bering clams wh n eggs are 25 cents a doz- en. Seems to b a big opening here for proper education ersonais. Rev. G. F. Sa on, of Brussels, was a visitor in to n or Monday last. Mr. W. M.'Gra ; of Seaforth, paid Wing - ham a business vi it on Monday last. Mrs. Owen E. itobcox, the lecturer. singer, was callin on friends in town on Monday. Mr..Gillies, of t tin, Teeswater, wa Miss Burgess, days with friends Mr. Wm. James spent Saturday friends in town. Mrs. Robt. Mc the guest of Mrs. street, this week. Mr. Wm. Button as at Brussels on Mon- -. day, on business. Miss Lizzie McD nogh, who has been residing in Toronto or some tune, return- ed home this week. Mr. Wm. Mallagh of Lindsay, is visiting Mende in town this • eek. Mr. Rowland Gor. .n left on Monday for - Caledonia, where he as accepted a situ -d Mimi with Mr. Jas. a, eIndoo, brother of" Messrs. Robt. and M 1.1. Melndoo, of thisa town. Messrs. Fred. Gue- t and Jas. Black, offs this town, left on T 'sday for Port Huron,ts where they will red •. Mrs. C. Dallas h. keen visiting friendse- in Blyth during the eek. Mies Marie Corny returned to Hamiltont01 on Monday, where : ho is attending the Collegiate Institute. firm of Gillies & Mar- in town on Monday. Lucknow, spent a few town this week. of the Standard, Blyth, td Sunday last with . hereon, of Blnevale, is s. MoLauchlin, Shutes $1 A YEAR IN A»VAN —Rey. John Ross, .f Brussels,, conducted the services of the esbyteriau church, on Sunday last. —Regular meson g of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian t rder of Foresters, to- -Mr. A. H. Mus rove attendedthemeet- uig of the Ontario n ducationai Association. in Toronto, last we —The Wingham ! ddfellows will celebrate the anniversary of • ie Order, by attending divine service on Su flay, 50th inst. —Word was rooei day morning that tit desday night had tak dam, and notifying A to make preparations ed in town on Thurs- heavy rein on Wed - n away the Gerrie ssrs. Hutton & Carr o save their Ilam, —A total eclipse of lie sun can be seen on April 10 in contparat ely cloudless regions of both the African ncl Chili^.n deserts. A paramount featu o in this eclipse is that it will probably affo the best facilities for solving the great pro•Iem of short period changes in the solar orona. ' —:Any night aft from seven 'to fourto found upon our stree if the boys fall into habits? There is fo Parents should see t doors before night fal into better and trusti eats will have reason in ears to come. —On Saturday eve of Roseanna MoK 13. McKenzie, of arrived here for inter Mr. McKenzie, The Sunday afternoon, fr Mr. George McKen husband of the d Kenzie was a former and some members buried in the cemete r dark, boys ranging n years of age can be s. Who is to blame ad company and bad here for reflection. at their boys are in. the boys will grow r men, and their par- ts feel proud of them ing hist, the remains nzie, wife of Mr. uskegon, Michigan, ent, accompanied by uneral took place on m the residence of e, a br ther of the ceased. Mr. B. Mc - •aside r n of Wingham , of the family were y here. JeaeI1 ne Street • - !gid?'la'harll, tint J. A. IlAtsaeu, I W. SCOTT, Kmsxt Forest. Listowel Deposits Received and Interes allowed. Money Act -winced to Farmers an • Brininess Men, On long or abort time, on endorsed note or collateral security. Salo notes bough at a fair valuation. Money remitted to al parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col letting Accounts and N otes. gents 111 Canada -7%e a t:1 atz. ie' dia:r; of Canada'' Office hears -Fronts a. in, to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent FOR SALE, Lot No. 3, and the E. 1.4 of Lot aro. llth Con. 'Turnberry--150 tierce; 90 acs cleared; well fenced; frame house au other buildings; good orchard; cheap, o time. Apply toM C. CAMERON, Or (3oderir, WM. MCPHERSON. Glenl:arrow P. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farts, Interest percent, payable uuuuulh. Any portion of t principal nuts be repaid at d.,v time the borrow wishes. All oxt.eouee ;recd by the Comdr., person except the Conntr +\n.btnrs nitatced to s nmrtt;ages or to arrow to whom money is loan: ) Bonnet Manufactories, Mrs. Money was siting friends atPord. I The "freedom f the city" fu a gold box wish, last week. is occasionally irosented to very distin• Miss Theresa Gal raith spent the holt- guished men in le old country as a crown• days with relatives + nd friends in Toronto. i ing mark of app •eoiation of the services Me, Arthur Selly who has been residing they have rende ed to the publie. But this in town for some ti• e, has gone to Clinton mark of honor, vhatever it may have been to work at his trad.. in times past, i now oltieily ornamental. Miss Jessie Mc' 1pine, of Brussels, is it carries with i no immunity from tax- visiting friends in t +wn, ation, and the lder of it has scarcely any Mr. Geo, McKay rrived here trete Win. real advantages which the ordinary cal= nipeg, on 'Tuesday fight, does not posse- It seems, however, 16 be Mies O'Neil, of ''iderich, Wes visiting becoming the f shion for commercial cors friends in town aur ng the week, pprations, wh her in embryo or in full bloom, to ask f a "freedom of the city" Get •• a Bests of a much mor real and tangible kind. The public are too intelligent to par. There have be n reeent indenter; of this. cheat a worthless 'article a second time, on Pree land, bot uses and exemption from the contrary they want the best 1 Physa. taxation for ov ; ata spoken of as possibil. clans tare virtually ti'iianittions in saying fhies. Window r may bo the desirability of Scott's Emulsion is the best toren Of Cod giving away la d Whieh is at present doing ;Giver Oil. ' nothing and ea :zing nothing for the city, ,,>n. it should be bo ' e in mind that this eta done only by< ole of the duly qtarkA citizens. Wit regard to bonuses, it stvo be remembere that bonuses cannsiin given, There ormerly existed a slams the Mttnicipal Ant empowering Inns• itis t s to give b noses. Sub-wet/on .7:0; tan 470 of tit: Municipal Act, 1l. 'S..' 1887, gave th s power. But, as wiflt found by a re prerace to the statutes for section 28 of the Municipal Act says th the provision I 5,a There cant erefore be no bonuses. exemption rem taxation forever] thirds vet of the council can . *' years' exe ption, and after this the slj can be renwed for ten years, but when twenty ye, -s have expired there is the of it. A l' tle attention shculd be paid these prey cions of the law-arTorontp —The s: cord number of "The Cantle Magazine' justifies the high oxpectatt held out b the initial number: The as cles and Dries aro excellent and the creditable In polities, are serseralthoug, fol and ntertaining papers: • :tttornr General ongley's Ova Septic q Mines"—. defeisoe'" a recent coal n% legislatio of hie go' €+cut; Alex Neill's ( - P) "Bri ne t de and Inipei Reoiprooi y" -a care ` ,•paper, , oontam very Bug: :dive facts chid arguments; n Charles _ . Stuart's "The National Stagy, -a schol, sly and philosophicdiscussion the proba le future of Canada endof otl nations. "Ontario's New Parham] Buildings" by Frank Yeigh, is beatitif;' illustrate : and a second illustrated :r that by J. J. Boll on "A Famous Caned Shrine" . ate. Anne de Beaupre. "Bier': jerne Bjoson," by Stuart Livingston, "Balfour, '' by J. Castell Hopkins, are w writtbn at d very interesting sketches' life and p rsonal ideals. Henry'Lye's c tribution to "Tales of Wayside Inns very ente taining. Two thrilling storm "The Th ee Fives," by Cecil Logsdail;. "From E st to West," by • Gertrude, lett, core rise tlte. fiction,. Amon.13g • poems, Pr f. Chapxnan'p lgngpoem,' and West,' deserves mention as ..perh one of the . est narrative poems publis anywhere f recent years. "The Cama Magazine .overs a wide field, and its o atter is sue that no Canadian desirin follow the aft of thought in his own; c try should without it. Published by: Ontario Pu ishing Co., Manning . Are Toronto. 6 50 per annum; single co 23 cents. School Board. The regale meeting of the Public Sc1 Board was h, d in the Council chantbe Tuesday ev ring lest. Present—Ates Ball, Abrah m, Gordon, Moore and braith. In the absence of the secret Mr. Musgro a ectad in that capacity,, Principal's •eport showed the fo116 attendance f• r the month of March DEPT. SEdIaTEnEn. AVERAG1t..a 1 33 80 2 56 3 64 4 64 66 52 • 67 8 70 T T al 40 54 5$ 55 45- 52.. 54 472 383` report of Inspector Robb Wag >r Ho r ported everything in goad . penclf ie teachers as doing good work, . ed by Mr, Abrabarn, secondedby Galb with, that the report of the Inde be re ived, and' that the Board expre satisfy ion with said report—Carried. The .!lowing= accounts were the dered to as paid —Dr. Towler, ,sups' 82.15; N. l cGregor, work, t8; tW. st.0 man, shoe skins, $1.44; Geo. Mason,'. plies, $16.: ; Alex. Ross, supplies, $i1 McLean r Son, lumber, i$4.61i; SM. Pethick; $r 14; Coal for school, $391. Stewart, $21 Moved by+'llr. Gordon, seconded by Moore, that the eltairmaa and seer issue orders .r the payment of toac and other off . ials' salaries for the neon March•• --Carr d. • • A. largely si rued petition from the payers was pr seated, asking that s, be employed t teach music in the, After some d ;cession, it was des leave the matt, over until a greater ber of the neem • as of the Board be eat. The Boar.then adjourned. and M tOboiou NqW 'rose. , Wholesaio--Gordon d McIntyre condition to supply . families or With Ytew teas, lit jobbers prices, the tithe to aeisare'font teas. ' '