The Wingham Times, 1893-04-07, Page 5flood last week. district ettetnpteft wa,li.tub, but trier she lady Nati tre. AItK11lT`+. en, Apra 0, 1803 aro Dealer. 1 75 to 2 00• 02 to 03 DO to CO 28 to 30' G0 t4 4 to 555 18 to 1s 10 to 10 10 to 10 175 to 2 00 0 00 to 7 00 45 to 50 S 00 to 8 D0' 01 o Florida, but take Iegihta Cod Liver teophosphites. EN WEAK LUNGS, CH, AN CHECK all ASES. • A remarkable l it is almost as Palate sure to get the genuine colored wrappers. ootu & Bowne, Belleville. TRAK RY will run st Trains TUES :AY. To nd tine NORTHWESTI During and APRIL, tion apply to NICOLL, tlgent, WIxeu Ali. AM FOUNDRY MURRAY & CO. Sianutaetureris of Plows, Gan;; .Plows, etc. gs in Iron and Brass fur- isltect to order. on Single Reaper, in good ;cheap. horses for sale cheap. AS. MiURRAY Sr CO. Wingham, Ont. VO KINDS OE' ;TONERS. I • WIDE AWAKE BUY FROM THE & Confectionery Store ley can get goods that are t and up to the tinges. HER RIND ARE VAST ASLEEP re waking up to the fact that give thein goods that will ase them. Pull litres of ysters,Confectionery,&c 1 BY THE CARREL. )r Parker's Dye Works. goods of every description el- and and niy prices aro as low rest. get the place, opposiim the neW iamilton. �y�^ RO1 J.. .I7,Ls Do You )Ever Ftsh ? f you should provide yourself with ge one \Vplcll & Graves' k'roteoted Live Bait, t, exists of a live minnow in an annealed, flanged, flint glass tube, •so ar- ranged to magnify the minnow ; hole in each end to keep the bait alive. One min- now lasts a day, It catches the largest fresh and salt water fish. You can use It angle -worms, crabs, grass -hoppers, or any bait. To introduce this patent a few will be sent by mail on receipt of $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each, according to size. The tubes are 4, 4A. and 5i inches long, and trimmed proportionately with white hoops, swivel and white wire leader, ready -for use, If the idea catches you as the device catches fish, order one. Orders will be filled only on receipt of cash, in turn, and as fast as can be manufactured, For the best six f yore° poem on this new Fishing Device, I will pay $100 to first, $50 to second and $25 to third, in the devices as stated in my circular. (Slang, chestnuts and fish stories ruled out.) Something Grave or gay;Welch, oratory, and witty; hooked, pointed, alive, transparent, brief and a corker. "Life is short." Give me something like the de- vice,-new,originai and catchy. Time un- til June 1,1893. THE WTNGHAM TIMES, APRIL 7, 1893. one of the founders of the Salem Congre- gational churelt, and rias ever since remain- ed a consistent, staunch supporter of that ohuroh, About two years ago he and his wife oelebrated their goldou wedding, which was indeed an interesting occasion, not only to the family but to a large gathering of friends who were present. Besides Itis widow he leaves a family of Dight children living, as follows: --John, the eldest, now living itt Michigan; Mrs. McCallum, in Minnesota; Alex., Wroxeter; Mrs. Hemp- hill, Minnesota; Mrs. Jaokson and Mrs. Whitley, Manitoba; D. W., at present travelling in the' (1. S., and. A. D., who resides in Olio. Mrs, David Marshall (nee Miss Bella Montgomery) passed away suddenly et the home of her husband, on Wednesday of last week, about midnight. She had been troubled for some two weeks previous with a severe cold, but death was entirely un. expected. Witat makes the occurrence more sad still is the fact that she had been married but a month prior to her decease. Her remains were interred in the Gerrie CALVIN V. GRAvss, Natural Bridge, N. Y. An Old S'riend. Mr, P. D. Flannagan, formerly with J. Brennan & Co., tanners, Wingham, now of Hanover, writes to C. E. Williams, saying: "Please send me by express two bottles more of Heathfield's Healing Balsam. I fincl it the best cough medicine I can.get, We would not bo without it in our family. It will cure any kind of cough or cold and gives immediate relief. I recommend it to all my:old Wingham friends and cannot speak too highly of Sincerely yours, P. 13. FLANNAtsAN. For sale at Williams' Drng Store, at 50c. Iver bottle. cemetery on Friday afternoon subsequent Jennie Campbell 14, Julia Linitlater to her death. Mr. C. Moffat, of Turnberry, intends 18, Andie Graha'(n 9, Nellie Graham raising his barn up and putting a stone 1 a t stable underneath. Mr, Jas. Wylie has purchased Messrs. Henning Bros' farm near Glenfarrow for $6,000. The farm contains 120 acres. 0 LQWer Wingliant, The following is the report of the Lower Wingliare Public School for mouth of March, The names. are put in the order of merit and the numbers correspond to the number of days the pupil was present daring the month': 4th, Aliie King 19, Luke King 19, Frank Hill 1,9, Jessie 11e- liwain 18, Nellie Beckett 17, John (Jerrie 17, Norval Morrison 17, Minnie. Linitlnter 14, John Murdoch 18Lorne Macdonald 14. 3rd Senior, 'Jennie lley 18, Rout. Currie 18, Mabel Idatsteitd 18, Jas. Oarr 17, Milton Graham 21. 3rd Junior, Jas, Lookidge 19, Minnie Prior 19, Nellie Martin 15, Eadie Welsh 9, Thos. Stark 9. 2nd Senior, Geo, Ansley 19, Benson Cruickshank 19, Edgerton Wellwood 19, Birdie Johnston 19, John Potter 19, Geo. Johnston 19, Ida Murdoch 19, Fannie Green 18, Hannah Eng- land 19, Minnie Campbell 15, George Campbell 18, John King 14, Maud Netterfield 14, Mary Macdnneld 15, Annie Patterson 18, Geo. Elford 15, Fannie nie Gilmore 6. 2nd Junior, Verona Phippen ].9, Annie Nevans 19, Melissa Findlay 19, Annie Currie 19, Chas. Beckett 14, Rhoda Elford 16, Lizzie Potter 17, Walter Welsh 14. On Friday last a promotion exam- ination was held in the 6011ool here and the following pupils passed sue- Wingham, March 16th, 1893. cessfully : 3rd to 4th, Jennie Dey, Hilton Graham, Mabel Halstead, Robt. Culross. At the last meeting of Maple Leaf Association, Patrons of Industry, which was held in S. S. No. 6, on Tuesday evening of last week, addresses wore de- livered by AIex.McKague on root culture Henry McKay on the municipal system, and Thomas McDonald on country life. The proceedings throughout were vote oth interesting. and edifying. of thanks was tendered kir. Ferguson for his services as chairman during the evening.. The Directors of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Company mot in the Town Hall, Teeswater, on the 25th of March, 1893. Members all present. The President lathe chair. Minutes of pre= vious meeting read and adopted. - Reid -Kirkland -That all applications for insurance be now laid on the table for inspection -Carried. Little -Kirkland -That having,exam- ined ten applications and found them satisfactory, the President and Secretary are hereby instructed to prepare and issue policies for same --Carried. McKague-Reid-That the account of Mr. Stewart, for printing and advertis- ing, amounting to 85, be paid -Carried. Armstrong - McKague - That this Board do now adjourn to meet again in Teeswater Towle Hall on the last Satur- day of April, at 2 o'clock p. m. -Carried. AtEL. AnAI,XSON, Secretary.. ;Iowlclt. Mrs. Hollingshead has sold her farm on the third concession to Mr. John McLeod, for $5000. The farm contains 128 acres and is considered one of the finest farms it: the township. Mr. Wm. Andison, of the 9th concession, Gra has purchased two vacant lots in ore and intends erecting a residence thereon and will become a resident of that village. Salem. Ole Thuroday of last week, the mortal remains of Mr. David Genemill were' interred in Morris' cemetery, Turnberry. The gentleman who, with several others, carie from the comity of Lanark, many yeere ago, Was one of the oldest.resitteats in the neighbor-, hood. He was it littoral and faithful supporter of the Congregational chureti of . which he was the Senior Deacon, and took a great interest in the Sab- bath Schon ant and teacher, as lung as his health permitted. His death is deeply de- plored by a large circle of relatives and friends. 1, bein+ti a cor,atant attend - Begs to announce to her numerous patrons that she has DECIDED ON CONTINUING her illinery andMantle BUSINESS at her old establishment on Josephine St., .Wingham, UNTIL SEPTEM ER NEXT. Full lines of D of the newest styles and descriptions are 110W in stock. DIAMOND Currie, Jas. Carr. 2nd to 3rd, Geo. - Ansley, Geo. Johnston, Benson Cruick- shank, John King, E'annie Green, 1V] innie Campbell, Maud DTetterfield, Birdie Jobnstoe, Nellie Graham, Ida Murd,ch, F.;erton Wellwood, Annie Patterson, Mary Macdonald.W m. 11 ARTLEY, T','nclter. TURKLSH DYES Full Assortment for Wool audy, Cotton, at' HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. eely1 , ,yp is firy 1a e ri"T'S is the place for you to get your The Bank of Hamilton have pur- F' P R VQf I I G Listowel. chased the 13 ,wrnatl corner and will thoroughly overhaul and refit it for a bank; the price paid was, we believe, $4,500 and tile old loan* building worth about. $2,000 co $2.500. e Mr. John E Lee, son of Mr. Jas. l f t been trtteue tn,a� to College of New York City; has )leen fUl in obtahrnit•yn, the, degree of1.1‘e,T '�-`'t,,j ear has l Central Telephone Exchanxe• ' tiEW tAILOR SHOP; CEO. 4h.. IMPLEMENTS. Latest improved ; no equal or no sale. SPRING T OTH CULTIVATORS Lee, who, for the past our 1' the Bellevue Medical 1 SIDE OPEN success Bluevale. I MVI. D. Mr. John Harris is able to .be out] FROST & WOOD'S REAR SINGLE APRON RON BINDER, Wishes to en ounce• to the,, people 0 W iu barn and vicinity that be ltas opened tailor shop IN TH:SI STORE 01 ]d D00 SOUTH OF MR. R. HILL'S BE TAURANT, and lately occupied by M Patterson, watchmaker. FROST & WOOD'S M VT RAYES HAY FORKS, PLOWS, Four different kinds to choose from, Frost es Wood, Fleury sof Aurora), Hilborne(of Ayr), alter his illness. Teeswater and Twtn Plows: Repairs for these plow 3 Mr. G. Gillespie, of Morriston, is Mr W. R. 'lhompsot,, ' wmiller,' �*-n .p, A PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLERS, COL vision;; at Mr. Jas• Grey's. has replaced the ergine whhn was de- Mr, Jas; Ruhertsdn had a wood bee ' strayed by an accident a short time l� 41P -� - • t or with st Friday, at which tweutg- ve cords ago v a new stL giving � � � ���������,, r,���•�•��• and spht. the satisfaction foundry It i el WHITE'S Thr. Easter song service in the good satisfaction and lust time Methodist church, Has a deeid•ed sec- Come one, come all and inspect the implements. Second to none. WM.GANNETT. cess. Tho choir acquitted itself •admir- - - ably, which is a credit to the leader, Mr. J. J. Denman, \Irs. Pilke, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Messer. Miss Adeline McCullough, of Brus- sels, is visiting at Mr. R. N. i;)ail's. Mrs. Owen Hitohcox, the well- known temperance lecturer, will :speak in the :Methodist church next Sunday, at 3 o'clock p. m., and also - at 7.30 p. an., and on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Hitcheox its coming 4- -- under the auspices of the I. O. G.. T., :,hoiee New Teas. and they expect she will be (avowed Wholesale- Gordon & McIntyre are in a with fell laho0Sa13 Messer was married condition to supply, families or soeietse Miss with new teas, at iobbors prices. Now ns last Wednesday evening to Mr. Joseph the time to secure your teas. McKinney, at her father's house., by the Rev. A. Y. Hartley. The cum- w i'4rrozeter- • , munity wishes them a long and happy,' On Tuesday evening of last week, aI married life. number of friends met at Mr. John Bray's �I Miss Frankie Purdie, of London, is to celebrate his birthdsy, at the wish of Visiting at, Mr. John McCracken's. hie good wifo and himself to partake of a Mies Smillie, teacher of the junior sumptuous repast prepared by Mrs. Bray, I department .in the school, spent Easter p at her home, near Walton. la honor of the occasion. Avery pleasant � ,.� ho Attends: tha'J time was spent and the viands much ap• ! 11 r. Walker Ard iated and enjoyed, thanks to the good I Listowel high school, 19 spending his Teeswater. s 1 to d b �d powerful one from with out Seeder. a were sawed a p now be made. up. Mr. Justice lfaclennsul on Saturday made an order for delivery out of court to tee defendants the cheek deposited by the Grand Trunk Rnilway in its action against the County of Halton. Tho amount of the check ie Borne $84,- 600 and the amount of the claim when the action was commenced was about $70,000. •Besides the above i cheek there is about *700 interest to be paid by the G. T. R. The Privy Couueii refused to entertain the appeal by the railway company from the decision of the 3uprenle,Coart, and so the action Is at an end. 5341:.7. Coon. -In SVioahan,, on April let, the e of Mr W J Cook ; a son. Joitii-1u Wiu,ham, ou April 5th, the wife of Mr T L Jobb; a daughter. (4ANNErr•-In Bluevale, on April 3rd, the wife of iMr Geo Gannett; a daughter. BURLING-- In Blyth, on \'larch 28th, the ,vire of Mr. Chas. Burling; a son. BAnnon -In West Wawenosh, 12th con., on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr, Win. Barber ; a son. IIIND-In Gorrie, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. Jas. Bine;; a daughter. S ranrre--In Gerrie, on the 25th ult., the . P Wingham, March 8th, 1893 P T TES Sf'Y �? 9 Wilkit Fir co 1 have just received a full supply of Christmtis goods. consistin•6 of CLOCKS, SILVERWA E, omit Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER 9 WATCHES All clothing made in the latest styles, WORKMANSHIP AHD FIT- GUARANTEED. The patronage of the public solicited a satisfaction guaranteed. GEORGE H. IR'VINNT' Wingham, March 17th, 1893. BIG BARGAINS From. Now Till Christmas. All goods bought f ,r cash and we can sell ae cheap at the cheapest and cheaper. Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction reCs lady of the house. The programme after holldays at home. rife of D'Tr bT Sharpie • a sou. the wife of Mr. Charles Soole ; a daughter. Ditneut's, this week. 1viARRIB;D. Mr. Jas. Wilson, of Atwood, supper consisted of music, harmless past• times, etc, The gathering broke up iu .good time, all retiriug to their homes much gratified with the proceediug;s, due • to a large degree to the hospitality of heat and hostess. Many return of the day, Brother Bray -is the united wish of all.a Tho spring show wilt be held on the 1lth died, Iternd an Millness of neC have ethe ek. of April. ssympathy of all in the loss of their little one and the severe illness of their eldest child Mina. h Mrs. Lennox and daughter Mabel, 5oory-In Senforth, on the 28th ult., of Morris, were visiting at Mr. Harry i3 f '1tELTZEB-Fl7c,,-U11 the 5th inst, at spending; part of his holidays here, the Methodist parsonage. Wingham, by On Monday morning, John Gordonthe Rev. of 5e1lo y, B. tD., Mr, Josephe the infant soil of Mr. Alex, 11.cEtven' SmeitzeFitch, of Belmore deuce of Tur. nberry. This section has lost an old and highly ' esteemed resident in the death of Mr. ln David Gemill, which occurred at his homestead near the Salemcltrrches, just north or Wroxeter,ou Tuesday, 28th March, at the ago of 74 years, Deceased Was al- ways robust until a year or two ago, when he was attacked by In grippe, since Which time he has been quite. feeble. Re was born in Glaseos, Scotland, but Came with i his parents, when he was three years old, to Lanark Co., Ont, Ho has lived in Turnberry for 35 years, struggling with the I pioneers in the then forest, and latterly enjoying the affluence which followed the years of toil in hie early life. Le 1)oli Lucknow. Mr. George Mair, of OAS village, has accepted the managership of the In'annll of the Traders' Banti in the town of Windsor, aur) will shortly leave to take charge of the bank there. Dun Mies star)+ Woods, a y lady who was stricken down with inflam- mation of the bowels, passed away oty 'Tuesday of last week. Miss Woods t.tletmed by was a young lady num es all, and her sudden demise is a severe blow to her )natty friends and rela; tics he was a sturdy Reformer. Ile wasf rives. MOEvisns-1 LL -At the rest the bride's brother, Mr. Richard Hall, on the 22ad ult., by • Bev, Mr. Gray, Henry MoEvers to Mise Elizabeth Hall, both of Culross township, Cotvre--MCKeezte--At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2213d ult., by the Rev, Jas. Malcolm, Robert Colvin to Miss Cbristeha, daughter of Mr. Roderick 'Mc- Kenzie, both of Culross township. Wraorss--Peex-On the 22nd ult., at t he residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. James Carrie, incumbent of St. Punt's church, Dutigaunote Thomas Wig- gins to Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr. John Park, all of Ashfield. DIED. KENNEDY --Ill Winghans, on April 1st, Katie, third daughter of ttlrs.I). Kennedy, ed 14 years and 2 months. MoIdwiN-In Bluee vasa, on nf ApriMrl Mo , nha Gordon, yo wen, aged 2 months and 19 days. Cuuur res --In. Morris, on March 34th, Maggie, second daughter of Nicholas Com - wings, tpod 23 years and 2 Mouths. AO -GI re then call M. Guaranteed PATTERSON. I u216 tp�litlmillllir I;IIIJ�ylhllh ._ Y� We have the Inside track and Can give you Every line we s For less than Sur competitors If' you do not Look at our Dinner Setts, Te a Setts, Toilet Setts, Table China, TeaPots, Salad Bowie,, Fruit Setts, Cuspdoi ew , Biscuit Jars, Floer Pots, . Cups and Saucer.39 Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Pot Stands. Cake Pates, Celery Glasess, &e., You will be The loser. Stand—Across fro W. T. YAT The China Hou