The Huron Expositor, 1973-07-19, Page 8xfoski9k, IliArtn*,04,9„, Tif 4!ntY 19. $73 N & C ASSOClAt9N °jet Dante, SATURDAY, JULY 21st CRYSTAL PALACE MITCHELL Music by • -` "THE '1NAYSIDERS" clmission $3.00 per couple ********************* WEDDFNG INVITATIONS :THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH LONDON and DISTRICT SOCCER Columban vs Portuguese United Saturday July 21st 6 pm S.D.H:S. SOCCER HELD Elm Haven Motor Hotet CLINTON THIS WEEK:— _ Poverty Train COXING NEXT WEEK-- New Persuasion — Matinee Saturday afternoon 4-6 p.m. COME PREPARED for the thrill of a lifetime! CHEER the young warrior who alone takes on the evil war-lords OtrnartiAl arts! sue 22 mo.,23 Tue. 24 iiiiiiP4/51704441, DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 , PHONE 524.9981 THE MARTIAL ARTS MASTERPIECE! Sinn and sounds like never before! SEE one incredible onslaugbt after a n ottie r! PALE before the forbidden ritual of the steel palm! O ADULT ENTIRTAINAL911 LEARN THE SECRET Of THEMIArjrarariirS 1004ratrain At!..v.w k3H7; e CLINT EASTWCIOD'S LATEST,' WEDNESDAY `HIGH PLAINS 1)111Ftelli' FEATURE "RED SK* IN WORMING" REOPAblitt41)E0 ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT THE NEW MOVIE SENSATION THAT S STUNNING THE ENTIRE WORLD, .-'--:-.11ppj,,A11:11 4iNilik?cfroy Iteltaaff Star Trex PLAYING AT • The White Carnation Saturday July 28, 1973 Admission 6,00 per couple Including sino'rgasbord --and dance. For Reservations Call 482-7535 SUMMER PLAYGROUND- 73 continuing Monday to Friday Aug. 17 9-12 and 1-4, ages 4--13' , Program includes arts and crafti, games and sports, special events. - BRODHAGEN and DISTRICT CHAMBER of COMMERCE ANNUAL CHICKEN BARBEQUE and DANCE - WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 --- Supper 5:30 — 8 p.m. — Plates: $2.25 Adults, — $1.75 Children 8:15 p.m.., IS Regular Gamma for 'IMO THREE $25.00 DAMES , ---$75.00 Jackpot to 00 TWO DOOR PRIZES Amman 41-00 Extra Cards 25c ea. 7 for 44.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 10 110T PERI/RIVED) —Proceeds for Welfar, WOG.. Auspices Seaforth Branch 1510, Royal Canadian Litnien,linsfOlth •HB NGQ Log sed-ralk FRI., JULY.20th barchin ten ny bol, Turnbuli .717.77111WWI DANCE : pps Atne- ." Admission $1.00 --,BALL GAME — Brodhagen vs. Atwood Intermediatei, 8,p.m. gilestr$ ce THURS-JULY 19 ONLY FREE POPCORN FOR THE CHILDREN ' BEFORE 10:00 P.M. "The Ground.star Conspiracy" .3 ..1.4 P.'1:,,0 :C.. I. ore PAN.... PG os) • GEORGE PEPPARD WOODY ALLEN ADULT the ending el ADULT We chanertge MiroOPM 115)Tier THE$DEe: °I.EL SEAF0111 THURS —FRI JULY 19-20 A GREAT SUMMER FAMILY ATTRACTION "Tie The NEW Adventures of USA's-Cubs! SAT-SUN-MON-TOES, JULY 21-22-2344 only if you like gripping Walter suspense, and surprise iviatthau endings.:. CarOl • Ouurrtett -3,000* COMING WED-NURS-FRI-SAT POMO KOS mom JULY 25-28-27-28 PRESENTATION MX and ittRi3i RONALD ROSE • (Shirley R*) Friday, July 20 BRODHAGEN COIMIETNITY • • CENTRE Music by the Bluritater Playboys Everyone_ Weicoina Ladies please bring lynch • , • THIS WEEK AT THE ROY-AL HOTEL MITCHELL Thursday, -Friday, Saturslay In the CROWN ROOM WAYNE RIEHL Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon-2 p.m & 5 p.m. ▪ to 8 p.m. in the evening. • Mrn,. IlinOnShandFloyd, Varna Mr. end 1•417#. W. Webster, Clinton, • . In an aftern004 #,The Bend" from Godei1ch .played ,for They' Saluted all those' 'whose birthdays were In VT. stelck, 98, July 9; Mrs. Ben. newlesi 88, Prodhigen, July 31. . Hrs. Auburn Pepper and Mrs. Merle Leddingham pf Weyburn, Sask. visited their aunt Ors. Mary Malcolm recently: Visitors at the Home, this week included; Mrs, Carolyn Whitaker, Markham, Miss Edna Eufgo on, Monkton, , Mr. George Elligson, Stratford, all with their' brother Mr. William Elligson; Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry, 0.5chade- view!! L. Huron with he r sister Mitts Turnbull.; Mr. and Mrs. Don, Hails, Jennifer, Peter and Michael of Ingersoll and Mimes Jackie and, Tricia Myles of ot- tawa, and Miss Marilyn Hillis, Tillsonburg with their Miss Turnbull; Mr. Nelson Govenlock, Simcoe with his cousin Mr. Rust; Hays. Mr. Hays spent Thursday afternoon with his niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bene- dict, St. Thomas, at their cottage near Goderich. The S.N.A.P. Girls Experience "13, Daises Jan Green, Goderich, Jo-Anne de Groot, Seafortti and Jody Cox, Goderich spentthe past week at the Home and .assisted the residents with their projects. visiting at the Urn* of Mr. and and ere also visiting with rota- tive* and friends in the area. Scott of mocatop. Colima., Wane Jailf;Sask,., are Mrs. Harold Coleman, John St., Mrs.; Arnold Scatt and ML. spending the-summer here. ' • stunk was a guent of hoc gator, Mrs. Earle' Bell of ' Toronto 15 Mr, and Mrs. Aeorto Mrs. miry ,Kona* of Wood.: Mrt,,and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Everett, Mass. and Mrs. James Armstrong of Brussels were guests of Mrs. John Bruce last r The leaMill of Florence and Frank invite you a their 43rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION and DANCE FRI, JULY 27 Safford Valley Hall $altford, near Goderloh ; Y. -N. 2 cr Pk,s'O an 444 4 EMT14 447 ;7.1 44141 ro enoi aan,rdimghilt:0,en...41)°W0:14474:2,10:LP:0044.0tPara- cd.and' f Mrs. Prank Hootlogt Week. Seri of Milwaukee, Wis. were uguedesttsert.of Mr.and .vi. .M rs!.heea Bk w irmet h.. a few days in London and. rat- ford wirtathit jehorehrspenfant.iiigau. h son and daughter`-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marshall of C9Manai VIr, and 'Mrs. Gary Betties, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMillan anti Mrs. Pearl Williams • attended the christening Of Tanya Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McMillan, London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Betties were her god- parents. - Remember! '. It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, Est Dial Seaforth 527-0240. , Mrs,. C. Stelek orirarna cele- brated her birthday July gilt, S For an he was OIL my years she gave Joy to the ladies of Varna and area with. her dress- making and right up to her being incapacitated she planned and made many bridal outfits. Her work was very professional In every detail. Her birthday was held quietly when close friends and relatives were present. Aineng these Were her step- granddaughters Mrs. Art Gold- ing of London, Mrs. Taney, Mrs. Davidson, Zurich, Friends call- ing wert Mrs. Wm. Balli-Mr, and reiweevenamathemaea, ..•••••••••••• R E CE 10:11 0 N for PAT ZILER - and ED BEARSS (Bridal Couple) at Seaforth Golf and Country Club FRI., JULY . 20th 9-12 Music by' KEN SCOTT ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a Paramount Pictures presents sa lDitAl,/ ACA.1%. SAA" Ttchnitotoe A Perame,unt Picture *S48.11"S SEAFORTH UNDER SP NEW MANAGEMENT LISTEN TO COUNTRY and WESTERN MUSIC by , Coleman Volley Road Trio THURS. — FRI. —\SAT. Chicken Wings and Shortorders Available Until Closing .u4,tms.Lttomot ,tctopcmort • hstoN. ADULT CANDLELIGHT — RESTAURANT and TAVERN — Nightly Entertainment An Authentic Irish Show For the next week "THE WITNESSES" Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 giumummummummuummummunnummur :RIltRT:411NMENT AT FAMILY PARADISE Sunday Afternoon, July, 22 KEN SCOTT . • FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING PARK Don't forget Saturday Njght Dances SUMMER-PEST A complete weekend of fun for the whole faMily at HULLY GULLY SATURDAY SUNDAY . July —21-22 THE ACTIVITiES:— SATURDAY Saturday Noon - Dinner 2:00 P.M. - Horsehoe' Tournament 4:00 P.M.' - Tug of War (Cheer -- for your own township) Saturday Night Dance - -Six hours of continuous music by the Alpin- aires and the Bluewatqr Playboys. Admission $3.00 per couple. Polka; Contest. SUNDAY Free Admission - Children's Games 2:00 P.M. - Fast Ball Game Holmesville vs Hensall 4:00 P.M. -,Polka Demonstration 3:p0 - 6:00 P.M. - Music by the Alpinaires Famous Octoberfest food served,. continuously from noon Saturday. Refreshments available both days. SpOntiored by dully Gully Pour Seasons Country Club.,,Grant Webster President, Phone 482-9102 dean ArMstroma, Secretary Phone 262, 5433. Proceeds to CommunitY Ball . Disband. W FA aloffu '(Ii O) 8i,8191139(1" .,114111a hf911.01-8AT a 1 , p. ta9T 9r13 bewolth Country and WesterwEnteirtaiument 'TASTY CHICKEN WINOS POI SNACKS — AMPLE FREE PARKING WITH 'AUDREY KERR AT THE PIANO FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE LADIES and ESCORTS ROOM - WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS —12 to 2 and 6 to 8 HOT BEEF, HOT PORK, 'HOT HAM end HOT HAMBURG— It' Includes, Potatoes and Vegetables Any one of these iteths $1.0 — Plus other items at low prices —.We sell Ice. COMMERCIAL HOTEL -7 Seaford' BAND CONCERT by the Goderich-Youth Orchestra under the auspices of the SEAFORTH CHAMBER ofOMMERCE and the SEAFORTH GIRLS' an BOYS' BAND The Brussels Pipe Band will plly f the following concert. t `Sunday,, July 22 at 7:30 p.m. in VICTORIA PARK BANDSHELL This is another in a series of band concerts wired by the C of 0 anti Baud which will be presented In ' 19i Seaforth this Summer. It is suggested visitors bring folding chairs with theft since seating accommodation in the park is limited, howsworoorpftwarofteseinimirinpommi",m;00.4mmoriolows4