HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-07-12, Page 3Grade Canada No. 1 NEW POTATOES 10! S. .49 We reserve the right to limit quantities. While they last FROZEN CANADA GRADE 6 to 9 lb. Size YOUNG BROILER TURKEYS 59P. R It has *300 Q40044 .4gr e :1)ie:Oaat,month to 00*. 0, th0 YifiAt.001 *44 use .14414610 ti1/190. 4,04. InWe; the' : - • • , , • • •• • • Tlierir"W40 ,AP9,44..'1411440 :10r: the Sunday MoreIng. service conducted thg':c4041,4,:g014:MaSWIMASi; *101: Mr, and Mrs. 'Ton Symonds 'singing two...iieet A group .44, young:,.mUsfeig0 fOrga114:0(iniough 00' opp9rhinity for with vvvrigivo:Nho.Ato*Soyis:,0 4,, Band", visited home JA.q.t .lki001411,. V10.0.4. for .a• Oopeert, on the lawn. These with :an. !Mem and portable 004:4 That will be playing each WOO afternoon fOr .the next,'eight. weeks Members the band, Sinner, are 'Wendy wicAota,OP:Ti;.0#44,:::P.SzOk7$4.0000) Scanlan, Marie 'DO*, PAWCummings, grnie Ernie McMillan and Stephen 'Sint*, A: .0004.oh*P0t was played for residents having. birthday, st ring th'e week with:` special mention fer, those ..eiter..99•••Olottlactii00:, a' Mary Taylor and Miss ida • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scribbons coloured slides and Mrs. Clara Shaddlik entertained With piano selections.'.: at the Family Night ProgrAfn. The pi.ctar#A."0.t.09P Mr. Scribbons during a trip to 'the old country and.the.0044'.: tinent, =Being originally from England ,mr# Scribbons was:' able to give a very interesting commentary. Miss Bertha Deihl expressed the thanks of the relidents..., The C.W.L. meeting was held Weeder night 10 the Parish)alitt The meeting '''1)Pene4 ' wan' prayer 14 Fgher P.Ohtipg0r0 President, MrS4Bill Rinahan took the chair. mra. Cyril Boyle read correspondenee in the ab- sence of Mrs. Bill Redmond. 'Mrs. Hickey gave the financial report. A bake sale for Ciao,. ber was discussed. It was decided at the last. O.W.L. meeting to give no more showers to brides of the parish. Now each bride will he given a present, the same as the boys of the parish. Showers are now community affairs. Discussion took place about helping at the future ploughing match in Huron County. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served. A present for Mrs. Gus Devereaux, who moved to ..W01014111 , was ditsplaY. Mr. and Mrs, pho Devereaux 'Imre Sold their etore laSt. Angus- fine tO Mr. ancl.Mrs• Glenn Mc poimell Shellnirne who have two Poya "ago five and three. Mr,. Devereaux had the store for 23 years. sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Len Chisholm of Dungannon on the death of her father, Mr. Payne of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle; Mrs. Mae Mulhurne and Rita of Chatham attended the Shanahan Wedding in Clinton R.C. Church on Saturday, July 7. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. was *demolished In 1971 and former members attend Lon- , desboro United. The cairn , built of stone from the foundation of the old church, was unveiled by Mrs. George Watt, Blyth and James Jamieson, R.R. 1, Londesboro. (Staff Photo) Rev. Stanley MacDonald of Londesbora United Church, addressed a large audience at the dedication of a cairn in honour of the now demolished Burns' Church at Burns' Cemetery, Ioandesboro on Snnday. The first church building on the site was erected in 1859 and services were held there continuously until October 12, 1969. The church building Dedicate cairn in memory of Burns Church congregation 'Our Goodly Heritage' was the title of the sermon given by Reverend Stanley McDonald of Londesboro United Church, at Burns' Cemetery, Londesboro, on Sunday. Reverend McDonald spoke to the large crowd who turned out for the commemora- tion of Burns' United Church about the courage and the faith- fulness of the people who built the Church and supported it for over a century. Many of those attending were former Church members or descendents of those buried in the cemetary. In 1959, when the congregation marked its Centennial, a booklet, prepared by a committee headed by the late Mrs. George Carter, recorded the founding of the Church in 1859 and the events of the succeeding years. Excerpts from the booklet recall highlights of its long ser- vice in the community. On December 24, 1858, at the home of Robert Reid, lot 9 con- cession 10 Hullett, a meeting was held for the purpose of raising funds to build a church. The site , chosen was the northeast corner of lot 12, concession 10., Hullett, George Watt, Sr. gave three-quarters of an acre for the church site and burial ground. On July 5, 1859, they decided on a frame structure, 49,13Y 28 . sheeted on the„outside withAch, hemlock, sided over with one- half inch planed lumber and floored with inch hemlock. Total expense for building the structure was $515.00. In 1870, the trustees built a vestry 15 ft. by 18 ft., at the south end of the church. This building cost $267.00. The final church, made of brick, was built free of dept in 1890. Messrs. Cluff and Bennett were awarded the contract at $1,124. The building committee furnished 42,000 bricks at a cost of $210 and a hot air furnace at a cost of $125 was installed by An- drew Kidd, Seaforth. Reverend Ramsay was minister at that time. The first Church was moved to the west end of Sea- forth on Goderich St. (It was David Schenek's garage but burned down several years ago). - By 1903 there were 109 mem- bers in Burns' Church. In 1905 Neil Leckie became pastor re- maining for the next five years. His yearly stipend was $900.00 and use of the manse. A vestry, choir room and library were ad- ded to the church in•1917. The minister's yearly stipend was in- creased to $1,200 and for the first time, Miss Annie Reid the Church organist received a sal- ary of $25.00. The Church was first named "The Hullett Free Church" but after several campaigns to raise money for a new manse the mem- bers thought they should no lon- ger call it a "Free Church". The name was changed to "The Canada Presbyterian Church of Hullett", which was altered to "Burn's Church, Hullett" in1863. It became "Burns' United Church, Hullett" in 1932 when the union of the two Londesboro con- gregations with Constance and Burns* was consummated. The ministry which lasted for 110 years was terminated onSun- day, Oct. 13, 1969. The final -sermon was preached by Rev. D. E.A. Docken, Minister of Duff's Church, Walton. The building was demolished in 1971. Former members at- tend Londesboro United Church. Many of the graves were de- corated last Sunday in honor of the dedication 'of the cairn built • „ of stone from the foundation of the old Church, marking the site where it once stood. Mrs. George Watt, Blyth and James Jamieson, #1 Londesboro unveiled the mo- nument which was built by Tho- mas Lawrence, a stone mason of Blyth. f CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON On THIS VALUABLE COUPON 3.1 '''' IP THIS VALUABLE In Tomato Sauce Vel, Liquid Detergent 2-4ax. c,„,. SAINT 1 BOTTLE PER FAMILY WITH THIS COUPON AND 25-015 PURCHASE ET on Aar 11-t7, 1973 • Granulated - Fin.e Heinz Beans White Sugar 516x. LIMIT 1 BAG PER FAMILY-WITH- ba THIS COUPON AND S500 PORCHRGE- maw( lutv 11.17, 1913 14 oz. LIMIT 2 TINS PER FAMILY WITH . THIS COUPON AND $5.20 PURCHASE EITICT11/1 JULY 1147, 1/73 fin 11011 II"! "I' ,51' '/ 11 4 ila1( 0111111111M I ' I ' 1111111 III! 1 dASMO.E0 29.229.2 loymittt tit t Itt rtt 11411 111 ammo ter. ami••• - mama amour - MEM 91919119Y 419991111 99•99 I MO. 91099 19.9.1 - S 911•11•1911 01.9911109 9919•19, 91•99.• =MON ,art MIMS - S 9111•Mile 1999119 AMU. a aro rms. MINN 41•9199 SINEW ate. E GIVE YOU MORE.. * PERSONALIZED * THE FINEST * THE LOWEST MEAT SPECIALS of McKiIIop News SERVICE QUALITY IN TOWN Don ,pennis and family who. ,were holidaying at theirr>cottage. on Manitoulin Is- land have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCal- lum, Joyce ,and Carl are holi- daying at ' their cottage on Mani- toulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele celebrated their forty-fifth wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, July 7th. Mrs. Joseph.T.hornton has re- turned ',to „her home after being a : ,`,patient2mtl Setittorth Community Hospital for the past three weeks. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hinz of Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stoskopf and Gerald of Fullerton Twp. and IVIr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator, Brenda Glanville and Peggy Wilds of Crediton. - T r. ' ▪ / CUT FROM THE BEEF CHL;Cr, BONELESS CROSS CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS BLADE OR SHORT CANADA GRACE UTILITY 4 to 6 lb. Size FRESH AUSTRALIAN FROZEN LEG OF LAMB STEAKS 89 lb. MORE PROTEIN THAN 100'c GROUND BEEF SUPER BURGER • RIB STEAKS 119 ROASTING CHICKENS 59c FINAL 3 DAYS APRE-HOLIDAY SAVE NOW SALE ON NEW AND USED & DEMONSTRATOR SEWING MACHINES BIG SAVINGS ON YARD GOODS & SEWING SUPPLIES SALE-END AT OUR CLOSING-JULY 15-WE WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 4 MARY'S SEWIN ENTRE 79c FROZEN CU ,t4 01 SIZE ROCK CoRNISHAE.N.S. • el. t1.09 TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED I lb pkg Skinless Wieners: 69c SHOPSY S 2 oz pkg CORN BEEF 4 1••.09 FROZEN • WHOLE 3 to 5 lb. Size REDSPRING SALMONiu 1.39 40 FATHOM FROZEN - BOSTON BLUE POLLOCK FILLETS nix 2.99 FROZEN KNIFE CUT 10 lb box CHICKEN LEGS . 7.88 MARY MILES'SWEET PICKLED 2'2 TO3';lb COTTAGE ROLLS it, 95c VARIETIESL 18 I . ASSORTED c ARLTO NC WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED nil3BON BEEF ' SWEET PICKLED - By lye Pleat • Cp ,-,t ,e PEAMEALED BACON .! 1.29 Stand,, 5 10 4.3 ,1e11.5 6 0,1 Pkg Yd.TY,1 COOKED MEATS 2 , 890 TOP vAL6607pKo • SLICED COOKED HAM 690 Checkerboardarr,,,-.1 S 10 U in 'Wong HI CAVERN FARMS BEEF & PORK Breakfast Sausage 77` Fully Cooked Turkeys 890 ;,.,1 , h;" ,-A' I. t Vit R{11`0,/, 99c SMOKED HAMS , 1.39 SIDE BACON , - SIDE BACON UNTsL CLOSING SATURDAY SUIT la 073 Wi *WIWI THS RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTillli • Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited MARY MILES 2 lb box Beef Patties 1.12 • 1.89 I ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX, 2 PLY ' QUEEN S ROYAL STANDARD PEACH 'SLICES 14 oz. tin 25. MACARONI & CHEESE ATELLI INNER x'.25 oz pkg BRIGHT S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 07 TM TOP VALU 1. CHOICE 1 ICream Style CORN 14 oZ 19 C SOFT I DRINKS FACIAL TISSUE 482-7036 17 ALBERT ST.' CLINTON . . _ - _ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • 0 • • • • • oz. non-returnable btl pkg of 150 BANK RATE FINANCING • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 16c 15c 37 c J on all models - new, and used ••••• noon 1101.11•10 ...ma •••.b. TOP VALU - 7 1ST GRADE I BEEF. CHICKEN, OR TURKEY BANQUET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REGULAR NIPPY Ira RtMENTh Wt-'r PINK OR ASSORTED COLOURS; TOP VALU PROCESS WONDER SOFT CHEESE I BATHROOM I SLICES I TISSUE '8 oz pkg 4 roll pkg 39c , 59c BLOSSOM RECONSTITUED APPLE JUICE 48 Oz tins 00 Comes To Brussels Motors LIBBY'S TOMATO KETCHUP 20 oz btl CREAMERY BUTTER I FROZEN I MEAT PIES I 8 oz. pies This means added savings when you purchase a new or used car. Compare our average !Merest rate of 11.78% over 36 months. No down payment on approval credit. 1 lb. print See Our Selection 73c :3 39c 4 101 i00 for 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Meteor Montcalm 4 Dr. IL T. •• • Impala Custom 2 dr. H.T. • • A number of 73's in C heva, Pontiacs, Cutlass Oldsmobiles and Chevelles fully equipped. $ - '73 Chev. Impalas 4 Dr. H.T. 2 - '72 Chev. Impalas - 4 dr. 10 - '72 Chev.Biscayne 4 Dr.Sedan P.S.P.B. 2 - "72 Fords 4 dr. Sedan P.S.P.B. - "71 Pontiac parisienne Broughams 2& 4 IGA's QUALITY PRODUCE FRESHER BY FAH SHOP THESE BONUS DISCOUNT INFLATION FIGHTERS 1 - '71 Dodge 2 Dr. H.T. 1 --'71 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 1 - '70 Chev. Impala 2 Dr. H.T. 1 - '70 Pontiac Catalina 4 Dr. H.T. MITCHELL S FANCY APPLESAUCE Regular Sum,' or Plus Kotev or Koltque FEMININE NAPKINS 49a MAXWELL HOUSE ALL PURPOSE AYLMER CHOICE 5: icFl) 21 C CARROTS or BEETS 5 r, 1.00 TOP VALU C HLtCE-• Co' ',Pe ,' Bean , or WAX BEANS 29° • • • • • • N • • • Se Dole taste of the Tropics ""*L,, GOLDEN YELLOW C ROY-ALL LUNCHEON MEAT 49c ASSORTEIXVARIETTS TOP VALU SOUP 6 1.00 GROUND COFFEE ;; 93c Raspber ry tar Straorberrt, oath pectInt TOP VALU JAM 57. REGULAR WITH ONIONS OR MUSHROOMS HEINZ B-B-Q SAUCE 29` BANANAS 1 - '70 1 - '70 2 - '69 Pontiac parisienne 2 - Dr. & 4 Dr.: 1 - '69 Dr. H.T. 1 - '11 Chev. Impala Caprice 2 dr. H.T. 3 - '71 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. H.T. • • 1 - "71 Pontiac Laurentian 2 - dr. • 1 - '71 Cougar XR '7 Air Cond.fully equipped • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 - '70 Chev. Wagon 11-ea r h 1, '1. 1 '70 500 Ford Galaxle SALAD OLIVES 49c JACK S REGULAR 4.. 550 POTATO CHIPS 890 BANQUET FRG7EN AR ,•-)PTETTFLAVUURS CREAM PIES 39c Ih, JELLO. ASSORTED FL AV011Flt-, JELLY POWDERS .11000,1 01 ,01 arc, _ Pad SWEET siz• 69 dos. fv U S A No I I AlITOPNtA SEEDLESS GRAPES 59c NAVEL ORANGES MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE GLAD PLASTIC Peg 0170 .1.17 GARBAGE BAGS Chev. Impala 2 Dr, H.T. • • • • * 1.88 ,•,! 59. SANDWICH ALLIGATOR BAGGIES 290 TOWEL-.79'T PR. '"WI'tat of RAft ..r POWDERED DETERGENT 1.12 ---- - CHUN KING FOUR VARIETIEN FROZEN WHITE OR PINK CON( ENTRATE Top Vale Lemonade 4 49c POST ALPHABITS ... 47c HEINZ SPAGHETTI NOODLE NUMBERS 4 '• 1.00 A number of '66 to '68 model cars. a 4. ,51t ,i 4 NECTARINES 5 •., 49c CALIFORNIA USA -No I AllSORN,4 SANTA Rosa PLUMS 69c 690 FROZEN MEAT DINNERS BAIT SCOTT DiSpOSiell -WAPITIS TRUCKS _ 1 - '70 Ford 1 Ton Pickup 2 - '70 Chev. l'ton pick-ups V8 Aut. 1 - '67 International 1/2 ton pick-up Number of vans in Chevs., & Fords Auto • . • • • and Standards. •• • • • • • 1 - "88 Ford Ranch Wagon 10 passenger. • • RussELs m ()TORS is BRUSSELS' --- ON TARIO • • toots '16 ligOos of BOW Usod Cane OMEN EVERY 111/11N046 /44••••••••••e•••••••ty•• • • • • •00•-••• ••••****••••**.m**.*•••," P. •'rar 09 0,01ai211 VIM INSTANT POWDERED SKIM MILK 1.69 SEAFORTH IGA McCORMICK'S COOKIES 49c 4 07 .• IN OIL BRUNSwIrK SARDINES TOP VALU LIQUID BLEACH ' STATION WAGONS Pontiac Wagon ,1 - Fora Galaxie 500 Wagon Flavour Crystals 79e 6 99e 59e Seaforth IGA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night 9.pm rz