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The Huron Expositor, 1973-07-05, Page 12
t Tuesday afternoon the staff entertained the residents to an afternoon barbecue on the spacious lawn at Kilbarchan. Song sheets were passed out and a sing song followed with accordian accompaniment by Mrs. Gordon Laing of Cromarty. Mrs. T.L. Scott with her auto- harp sang a variety of solos. Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Esther Moore resides at the 'HoMe'. Jeff and Greg MacPherson played several numbers on their bag- pipes. A guessing contest fol- lowed when Mrs. Vera Moore, our newest resident guessed the number of marshmallows in a jar. Joan Lubbers guessed what the mystery parcel contained. These received prizes along with the holders of four marked lucky, cups. A gift was presented to Mrs. Grace Sararas by Mrs. Carrie Egar. After the pro- gram, the barbecue followed. Mrs. Madeline parry of Strat- ford celebrated her 81st birthday on June 27th. General impressions have seemed to be that hot-dogs and hamburgers were for teenagers and young folk only but the way these disappeared from the large serving trays seems to have ex- ploded this idea. We were glad to see so many former members of the staff in the group. Mrs. Marjorie Powell, SAVE NOW! n.• PRE-HOLIDAY SALE Don't miss our Demonstrator Sale ..1 ELN,Yo-.-141 top of the tine models -- Here's your chance to get a premium quality machine at a substantial saving. NEW WHITE PORTABLE MODEL '125 liNgT PRICE mass ONLY PURCHASE NOW AT GREAT SAYING SE READY FOR THE FALL SEWING CLASSES TRICOTS 1 / 3 oFF ZIG-ZAG No. 925 ONE FABRIC SALE LYCRA REG. 11.50 PRICE $375 YD- REO. x!19 :WE 1 275-YD. LACES 1 5% oFE ALL MAKINGS for BRAS & GIRDLES 1 0% OFF UST PRICE 233.50 ONE ONLY 1 80 ALSO-SALE ON USED -- RECONDITIONED SEWING MACHINES 2-WAY STRETCH YARD GOODS sF BODY SUITS, for 1, TANKTOPS 20% ARNEt JERSEY 20% OFF COTTON KNITS 40% OFF SWIM-SUIT FABRIC 25% en MEN SUITING 1 /3 OFF NEW WHITE STRETCH STITC II0 140 PORTABLE 1/2 " LINGERIE ELASTIC - 1 3c REG. 20c YD. '/4" LINGERIE ELASTIC -- 1 Oc YD. REG. ISc YD. RIBBING 1 /3 OFF RIB-KNIT 20% OFF SALE-END AT OUR CLOSING-JULY 15-WE WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 4 MARY'S SEWIN 1 7 ALBERT ST. CLINTON ENT E 482-7036 TWINE NOW in STOC CEMENT PORTLAND and MASONARY Steel Roofing SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 By Mabel •Turbbuli • • • • RESTONIC MATTRESSES OUR PRICE $8997 REGULAR :DOUBI,E $1 09.97' BED SIZE BOX 'SPRING & MATTRESSES Colonial Davenport Check this complete livingroom Value! SEVEN PIECES IN ALL Two End Tables Matching Chair Coffee Table Two Matching Lamps COMPARE AT VINYL OR HERCULON SPACE SAVERS THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA FURNITURE DEPT. FEATURES ToWING Sc REPAIRS "No one offers a more complete road service than we do!" The spacious lawns of Kilbarchan provided were entertained at a barbeque last week. an attractive background as guests at the home (Photos by wilbee) The Senior Citizens assistance group were on hand at Kilbarchan on Tuesday to help in arrangements for a barbeque at which residents ,were guests. Shown here hard at work are (left) Drew Middleton, #2, Hayfield, Gary Sararas, Rose Newnham, Ruth Ann Dunlop, Sandra Johnston and Vickie Miller. ' • CROSSWORD PUZZLE OMM MED PIO MUM MOM METI 00 OMB OM ©ME MOB OM. nue mu noo oommm MEOM EMMO mom won mom FEE MMM OMM 000 UWE Immo= mon OMMIODO Om0M MEM 33. Redolence 35. City on the Oka 36. Commanded 41. Pitcher's asset 49. Terminate ril,411111111111 1111111111ill 1111111i111111111111U:1111111111 1111111111111111;i11111111111 11111131r, 11111111111A111111 1111111F41111111141111111 'MillIiiIIIKI111111111111111 Iiiii1111111 21/A111111111111 111111111111111' 11111111' ®111.'/®®.V®©111 111111111,1111111111 AIM 111111111111111A111111111111111 iii11111112i111111111111111 1111111111A111111r 4. Sign on a used car ( 2 wds.) 8. Salty 11. Pub order 12. One of the kingdoms 13. Other 14. Cloying senti- mentality 15. Demented 17. Greek letter 18. Mass. Cape 19. Orb 20. Name (Fr.) 21. Below par 23. - Dame de Paris 25. Cooked 27. Consumer 28. Still a spinster 30. Taste 31. Yale man 32. Devour 34. Thieve 37. Knockout Count 38. Before 39. David's chief officer 40. Informal farewell 42. 'Unsealed 44. Incessantly 45. Intermix 46. Skin (comb. form) 47. Further- ACROSS 2. Glossy lacquer 3. Moratorium 4. Jungle beast 5. Rachel Carson best seller (2 wds.) 6. On hand (2 wds.) 7. Ship 8. Heroic narrative 9. Presently 10. "The -," Hepburn film (3 wds.) 16. Sanctum 22. e ate general 24. "Yes" in Paris 25. Sang as a couple 26. Away • from' nail= - tary duty (2 wds. ) 29. Scottish river 30. Enter (2 Wds.) CoC /I" Today 's der- Answer more --DOWN 1. Border Rf-e Cough can e distress sign When you breathe herekallY. air goes through Your' windpipe at a speed of a miles an hour. When you cough, you• whip up hurricane wind speeds. The blast of air is created in milliseconds in your windpipe by a rapid increase in pressure`built up by powerful chest muscles. As the cough starts, your windpipe constricts to one-seyenth its usual size. The amount of air in the windpipe increases seven times. Then out comes the cough. At a speed of almost 500 miles an hour. The cough is a sign of distress -- and an attempt to relieve the distress. Coughing is one way the respiratory system tries to get rid of excess mucus and irritants. But some coughs can be useless because' they do not clear our mucus and irritants. They only add to irritation. The time of clay. you cough can be a clue to what's causing it. A smoker's cough--which can develop into chronic bronchities -- usually occurs most often in the morning to clear out excess secretions that accumulate during the night. Coughs caused by TB may also bemost troublesome in the morning. Coughs caused by sinus conditions, however, often happen most at night when a person is lying down. Whenever it happens, a per- sistent cough requires medical attention and should not be sup- pressed with the aid of home remedies. Your cough is trying to tell you something. Start listening. And to find out more about sym- ptoms of lung disease, contact your local lung association. It's a matter of life and breath. Yours. New centre aids beef research Increased demand for beef on world markets, rising feed and protein costs, and the need for expansion of Ontario's beef industry are some of the chal- lenges that face the new Elora Beef Cattle Research Centre. The Centre will provide the data necessary to keep Ontario's beef industry growing. "The beef industry is vital to the whole Ontario economy", states Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Ontario Agriculture Minister said, "We have the land, climate, technology, and livestock ex- pertise to maintain and expand the beef industry. The purposes of the new beef research centre are to provide the'beef industry with tools for expansion, thereby increasing returns on invest- ment, and developing a- better product: for the Ontario con- sulPer."=, The Elora• Research'Centre will be operated by the University of Guelph, under a contract agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "The Elora beef facilities will help us answer a number of herd management and feeding pro- blems fore Ontario's beef pro- ducers," says Dr. D.N. Mowat, a beef -research scientist in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, O.A.C. The large single unit will allow re- searchers to centralize their studies and experiments. Up until f5 now, much of the research hasp been divided between the Arkell and Guelph campus stations, neither of them large enough to carry out the wide range of studies planned at the new Elora centre. The larger research unit will accommodate an increased number of cattle and make com- parison studies more reliable, which is particularly important for feeding and environmental experiments. The Elora facility provides housing for approxi- mately 600 head of beef cattle. Roughly half of these will be feed- lot cattle, with the remainder comprising a cow-calf operation. Twelve upright, concrete silos will proVide storage for corn silage, haylage, high moisture corn and other grains. These silages are emphasized in the feeding studies. • "The Elora Beef Cattle Re- search Centre is a research fa- cility designed to solve practical problems," Dr. Mowat points out, In fact, the separate sections of the research facility can be com- pared to beef operations across the province. For example, some of the feeder cattle will be raised in a conventional polebarn-type -structure while others will be housed in slatted-floor units, either fully enclosed or open to one side. Animals in the cow- calf unit are to be confined year- round on a drylot. In the future, about half of the feeder cattle required by the Elora• urit will be produced in the cow-call operation, then fed * rough to slaughter and cares •i evaluation. Check soil if crops fail to develop Farmers should, keep a close watch on their fields for areas where crops develop poorly, saYs , R.W. Johnston, a soils specialist at Rtdgetown College of Agricul- tural Technology. Stunted de- velopment, uneven stands, or poor growth,, are often symptoms of soil'-' deficient in certain plant nutrients. Taking notice of these areas while working in the field is the first step. Often these spots are overlooked and remain un- detected for two main reasons: (1) Soil tests have not been made. (2) If the soil has been tested and soil from the poor area of the field was mixed with soil from the good area, the poor soil would not show up on the test. If poor areas are noticed in ,the field, farmers' should take a soil sampid for analyses. This is the best move to make to begin to solve the problem. Two samples should be taken; one from the poor area and at the same time, for comparison, a second sample should be taken from a nearby area of good soil. If the tests show that the soil is not causing the problem; farmers should check their crops closely, adds Mr. Johnston. Some insects and plant diseases can cause symptoms that are very similar to those caused by nutrient deficiencies. Contact your local soils and crops specialist or fertilizer dealer for advice and expert assistance. I NVEST. In a GUaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in iVlasanic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1610 Mrs. Esther Thompson, Mrs, Grace Sararas, Mrs. Muriel 14c.. Lachlan, Miss Linda Wilson, Mrs. Shirley Coleman and young daughter, Karen Marie. Although the weather was threatening, the rain held off until all were safely inside. Mrs. Laing played !'God Save the Queen" in recognition of our gracious Queen's visit to Canada.he T staff were assisted by the members of the Senior Citizen's Involvement program; Ruth Ann Dunlop, ,Vicki Millar, Dean Cornish, Gary Sararas, Sandra Johnson, Rosemary Newnham and Drew Middleton. Mrs. Hodgert expressed her appreciation to all. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allan, Stratford visited with his mother Mrs. Mary All on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wernham, Denfield with Mrs. Mary Mal- colm on Sunday. Mrs. J. Roy, Hamilton and her mother, Mrs. J. Quinsey and Miss Belle Robinson, Mitchell, with Mrs. Mary Malcolm. Mr. Harry Hinchley of Ren- frew, renewed acquaintances at the 'Home' over the holiday. Mr. T. Gillespie of London, visited the 'Home' recently. Rev. T.C. Mulholland of First Church took the devotional services this past week. He took his text from Philipians, Chp. 3 vs. 1. In it Paul related his own history. As a strict orthodox Jew. He kept the law; all the things he gloried in were as refuse when he found Jesus. He found Christ on his way to Damascus. He lost his sight and became a Christian when the hand of the Lord gripped him and completely changed his life. Instead of persecuting the Christians as was his plan. He became a devout Christian. Prayer is still possible in fellow- ship. We were sorry when Mr. Mul- holland told us this would be his last service with us. He has been most helpful. Thank you Mr. Mulholland! and may our best wishes go with you in your ministry. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240.