HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-28, Page 15,„ 0 0 aveR SINCE BIG Ra3F,EIZ E3AND PROPPED INTO -THE COMPUTER, IT 'S SEEN COMING 1.1P WITH A Lor OF SNAP PF-C150S. SPECIALS THURSDAY FRIDAY -SATURDAY • Bick's SWEET MIXED PICKLES 1111ixwell ;louse INSTANT COFFEE Sunlight LIQUID DETERGENT Kool-Aid POWDERED DRINKS • Alcorn 18" FOIL WRAP Rise 'n shine ORANGE CRYSTALS NEW POTATOES • 32-oz. 550 10-oz. 1 .78 2-1-oz. 490 12 for 490 25 ft. 690 5's 650 10 lb. 1.49 RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS 2 for 250 Sunkist VALENCIA ORANGES doz. 690 GROUND CHUCK CROSS RIB or CHUCK STEAKS lb. 1.05 lb. 1.09 EAFORTH UPERIOR TORE CLASSIFIED 24. C rds ' Of Thanks ,as.; Brim TeRP4i Tina Watts; Da ails, Nef4e.i. Wry .AerAercii Dianne .B001144; Murray- Pipe; otflyeApetzter;..KenfesfPOPpPP,P; Del-Fraser; gVelyn Stroup; John Stroop; Kim EXel;Marion Scott. PRE BEGINNER. 11;00 o'clock Robert E,arhart; Andrea Pin, _der; Mary Jane Eisler; ITOhnStaf fen; Mary Lynn GleW; Joyce Edelweiss Rebekahs hold meeting Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Reports of last week's Rebe- kah Assembly sessions held in Toronto were given by Mrs. Lil- lian Grummett and Mrs. Peter Malcolm at Monday night's meet- ing of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge. Past noble grands occupied the various chairs with Mrs. ftby McGonigle as noble grand and Mrs. Gordan Papple as vice grand. Past noble grands were reminded of the inaugural meet- ing for Huron District at Clin- ton. Mrs. Mary Grigg, newly- commissioned district deputy liresident, will-be in charge. The social committee named for September will be Mrs. James Rose (convener), Mrs. Betty Bach Mrs. Anne Henderson, Mrs. George Camphell, Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs. Everitt Smith and Mrs. Peter Malcolm. The retiring district deputy president, Mrs. Keith Sharp, ex- pressed appreciation to her in- stalling team and to the officers and members for their support throughout the year. Following the last meeting of the term, a draw for a shawl do- nated by Mrs. Thomas Fox of Kincardine was won by Mrs. Nor- man Riehl. Mrs. May Habkirk and Mrs. Papple conducted a Penny Sale with each member present winning a prize. A lovely lunch was provided by those not holding_offices. A pot-luck dinner will' open fall sessions in September. Any Way_ ifoull4Vant:s+% BUT DON'T MISS THE Exeter Cefitennial We !Meld like to eVress our thank@ to relatives and friends for the lovely eft* and cards on our twenty-fifth Wedding Anni- versary. Special thanks to our family for a surprise party at Family Paradizle. It will always be si treasured memory. - John and Ann Price. 24-94-1 X would like to thank everyone who' sent cards and flowers to me while I was in Seaforth Hos- pital and University Hospital, London. Thanks to Dr. Malkus, and the nursing staff in SW944 and to the 9th floor staff,London and pre. D. R. Smith, Brash and Bailey. - Irene Harburn. 24-94-1 25. In Memoriam In loving memory of 11. Norris Sillery who passed away two years ago June 29, 1971. A sigh, a tear Memories dear, An empty chair; Someone missing everywhere. His wife Laura and famItY. 25-94x1 SHADE - 'In laving memory of Mrs. Elmer Shade who passed away June 26th, 1970. You fell asleep_ without saying goodbye But our memories of you will never die. We miss you more thananyone knowth, As each day passes our empti- ness grows, No one knows the grief we bear, When our family meets and you're not there, You left so -Suddenly your thoughts unknown, But you left us memories we are proud to own. - .Ever remembered by husband Elmer and daughter Mary, Grant, and grandchildren James, Peter, Allen, Kevin and Cindy. 25-94x1 McNICHOI. - In loving memory of MY dear wife, VIOla, who passed away four years ago July '2, 1089. • There is a sad but sweet re- membrance There is a memory fond and true, There is a token of affection , dearest. • And a hestrtachi?,stilhfor you. - Always to be remembered by husband Ross. 25-94x1 26. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Janes wish to -•announce the forthcoming marriage of his sister Emily to Mr. Robert Oliver; son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramer, R.R.4, Seaforth, on July 21st, 1973 in Egmondville United Church at 2:30 p.m. 26-94-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edward Mc- Fadden of London announce the engagement of his daughter, Brenda Elizabeth Lillian, to Mr. Robert Kenneth Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crawford, of Tara, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Chalmers Pres- byterian Church, London onJuly 14th at 4 p.m. 26-94x1 27. Births RYAN - To Mr. and Mrs.Ronald Ryan, R.R.1, Dublin at Stratford General Hospital on June 20, 1973 , a son, Stephen Michael, 27-0 4x1 HENDERSON - To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Henderson, R.R. #2, Seaforth, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital on June 20, 1973, a daughter. 27-94x1 FABER - To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faber, Kippen, Ontario at Sea- forth Community Hospital on June 25, 1973, a daughter. 27-94x1 WADDELL - To Mr t and Mrs. James Waddell, R.R.#2, Staffa, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital, on June 25, 1973, a son. 27-94x1 ope~ he Soafortli 1,011$ P901 ed fel; the 41111411(tV this week- end, Swimming P1ASBetilv111 com- mence. July .3 at the times stated below, The Pool staff is under the supervision of Douglas Peterson. Well over 300 area children are enrolled lti Pre- Beginner, Beginner, Jenior, Intermediate and Senior Classes. SWIMmers who areInterested in taking part in a leaders course or in a course leading to a bronze award are asked to register at the Park pavilion. PRE BEGINNERS 9;00 o'clock June Adams; Vickie Macian ; Angela Super; Carla Knight; Terry Kennedy; Pat Hackwell; Catherine Sholdice; Robert Pear- son; John Hugther; Kim Stephen- son; Karen Alexander; Collean Bridge; Jim Brennan; Heather Brennan; Julie Macdonald. 9:00 o'clock Heather Nilson; Michael Ryan; Paul Ten Pas; Cathy Mc- Gavin ; Tim Culbert; Lisa Harvey; Rob Passingham; Mindy Patsingham; Darlene Gu lutzen; Richard Knight; Sandra Huether; Robert Cardiff; Karen McCut- cheon; Sharon Exel; Sherri F raser. 9:00 o'clock Tim Fritz; Michael Smith; Sherri Higgins; David Hastings; Darryl Hastings; Garry Pipe; Steve Marks; Jeffrey Culbert; J.eff JvicOavin; Patricia Ten Pas, Pa.t11 lvlachan; Mary Kernoghan; Cheryl Regele; Karen Knight; Jeff Knight. PRE BEGINNERS 9:30 o'clock Steven Taylor; Jacqui Taylor; Kim Hayter; Tracey Hayter; Lori Cositt; Carol Glanville; Bev Campbell; Sandra Dorssers; Tim Smith; Joanne blocks; Allan . ;locks; Peter Me, Ore; 'Lynn John'..CCOYI P;, 'Van $irir* . 0 Chery 9 l:3:0nd; MO wood; Alr Chesney; Derek cooper; Tracey Gowan; Richard, Ear- hart; Brian Riley; Bill Garrick; Jeff Henderson; J ennifer Stryker; Brad Gowan; Richard Niel; Rhonda, McGowan; Lynn Hender- son; Bruce Henderson. MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL COLEMAN Coleman's celebrate 50th anniversary A well-known Seaforth area Gov. Gen. Michener and premier couple celebrated their 50th an- Wm. Davis and congratulations niversary of their wedding on from Robt. McKinley, M.P. for June 20th. Huron and Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Mr. and Mrs. Russell for Huron and Robert Stanfield. Coleman were married in Sarnia on June 20th, 1923. Coleman and his wife the former the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. Coleman is the son of Attend Ethel Smith is the daughter of work shop the late Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Smith of Sarnia. The_ couple reside on their farm which is on the second in Claremont concession of Tuckersmith wherg,, Mr. Coleman :has resided for 73 years., The couple have three children: (Dorothy) Mrs. Ernie 'Talbot. R,R. 3, Kippen: (Hazel) Mrs.- George Hildebrand, Sea- forth. and Emerson who resides on the farin next to his parentS.; They also have nine grand- children and four great grand- children. A family dinner was held at the home of their son Emerson and his wife when members of their family were present. Also present were the bridal atten- dants of 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Groh of London, the organist • Mrs. W. Lamont Sarnia, and a friend of the bride, Mrs. Helene Paton, Forest. • On Wednesday evening, June 20th, the couple entertained•aboul 35 friends and neighbors at their home. The evening was spent playing cards and lunch was served by the family. Mr. .and Mrs. Coleman re- ceived many lovely gifts and mes- sages of congratulations. Tele- grams were received from Coombs; Carol McGregor; David bic15regor; Scott Driscoll; Col- leen Ungarian; Tim Taylor. 11;00 o'clock Lauren Ristimaki; Use Ristimaki; Susan Hilts; Dean Rut- ledge; Lori Elliott; Paul Mc-. After; Barb Elliott; Linda Ma- dan; Jacqueline Workman; Non-. man Kennedy; Anne Kernoghan; Gwen Cousins; Wayne McCut- cheon; Karen McCutcheon; Dianne Stephenson. ' PRE BEGINNERS 11:30 o'clock Louise Alcock; Stewart Car- diff; Kevin Wheeler; JaniceSom- ers; Greg Humphries* LorDries; Elaine Campbell; Lyle Campbell; Jeff Knight; John....Bos; Brenda Bos; Kim ,Bauer; Scott Cardiff; Cathy Deaner Rob Demaray. 11:30 o'clock Beverly Learn; David Cro- cker; .Elizabeth Scott; Lynn Mc- Laughlin; Glenda Riley; Gerard Ryan; Lee - DorSsers; Doug. Huard; Glen Rose; Debbie Carter; Angela Cann; Darlene Cann; Richard Scott; Mary() Kale. PRE BEGINNERS 11:30 o'clock Anne'Wilson, Carolyn Wilson, Sharon Wilson, David Saldivari Jim Saldivar; Madonne McQuaid; Janice Carter; Kim Shanahan; Steve Watson; Julie Carhpbell. BEGINNER 9:00 o'clock. Paul Kirkby; Brenda Rich- mond; James Scott; Peggy Hum- phries; Jill McCutcheon; Dave Hall; Schelly Peters; Nelson Peters; Ted Elliott; Kendra F ischer; JaniCe Adams; Joey Adams; Jim Adanis; Joanne Knight, BEGINNER 10:30 o'clock Gerry McLaughlin; Ursula McFarlane; Brad Rice; Sandra Regele; Christine Knetsch: Tony Nielsen; Eddy Nielsen; Mary Thompson; Cindy Horne; Shelly Dale; Lori Hayter; Murray Shol- dice; Mary Ryan; Brian McGavin; Kathy Hulzebos; Kevin Drager. BEGINNER 11:00 o'clock Brenda Broadfoot; Michael Kelly; Faye Carnochan; Pamela Carnochan; Carol McIntosh; , Richard Ha:000i , PettiOte' Havernan,, Gall, White; „GlOrla" White; Bill Siattlil -Judy Ala"; Doug. Sholdice; 'Pain XIOCKwe•404 Dean Hackwen; Julie Blelifin.roluk Mair; Jim Savauge; WayneMatz*... old; Andrew westerVehie Mary Murray; Murray Drager;Stephen Drager. JUNIOR 10:30 o'clock Brenda Cooper; • Mary flak; Colleen Ryan; Join Jaurnaat; Brian Moore; Neil Jonston; Cynthia McFarlane; Ron Dale; Patti Muegge; Brett Finlay,son; John Nielson; Lynn Flannigan; Anne Ribey; Mark Underwood; Dennis Nielson; JUNIOR 10;30 o'clock Stephen Hildebrand; Stephen Underwood; Sandra Neil, Bradley Knight; Joan Cardiff; Brian Arm- strong; Robert Armstrong; Bruce Armstrong; Mary Cardiff; Debbie prior; Steven Knight; SusanCar- diff; Cheryl Bauer ;• Tim Prior; John Richnond. - INTERMEDIATE 11:00 o'clock " Cynthia Stewart; Judy Dorsey; Don Melady; David Alexander; Susan Rice; Kevin Young; Paul Bode; Mike Trapnell; Susan Langlois; Rhonda Keifer; Carol Raymond; Juane Smith; Gwen Bernard; Kam,• Bridge; Peggy Gibson. INTERMEDIATE 11;00 o'clock Peter Martene; Ted Mont- gomery; Shelly Driscoll; Bonnie Richmond; Rosaline McFarlane; Marianne Kale; Margo Kale; Donna Gridzak; Danny Vanty- ghem; Rose Marie Kelly; Robert Chesney. SENIOR . 9:00 o'clock Jim Laverty; David Ellis; Patricia Menheere; Laurie Mc- Kay; Janet Bolton; Barbara Chesney. READ and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Action Ads PHONE DIRECT 527-0240 Celebrations JUNE 29 to JULY 6 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Opening dance with Joe Overholt Exeter Arena Admission $1.50 ($1.00 with button) SATURDAY, JUNE 30 2:00 p.m. -Giant parade organized by Ex- eter Kinsmen. Six bands already book- ed, 2 antique auto clubs. Float entries still -solicited.. „Opening ceremonies. -- following the parade at Exeter Community Park. Senator Richard Stanbury and other dignitaries. Massed choir from Exeter Public School and Precious Blood Separate School. Sky Divers Band program and other entertainment. Centennial Queen contest and beard growing contest. Chicken barbecue. Admission: Adults $1.00. Children under 14 Free. Mercy Brothers in the arena Program from 8:30 to 10:00 Persons under 18 admitted for $1.25 (754 with botton). Dance to follow at 10:00 p.m. ($2.00 with button) SUNDAY, JULY 1 Morning - Special homecoming services at local churches Afternoon - Exeter Legion Drumhead Service in arena Band concert following Drumhead service. Evening - Ecumenical service (mostly singing) MONDAY, JULY 2 Softball Tournament throughout the day (eight teams) Lambeth, Breslau, Petrolia, Mt. Forest, London, Berkshires, London, Gary Car Shell, Strathroy, Ingersoll. Minor Soccer Tournament - At least five teams. Swimming Pool Program - Includes diving exhibition, synchronized swim team, local youngsters' swim meet, free swimming. Variety program in the Exeter arena featuring Earl and Martha Heywood, the Heywood Brothers, and area talent. Fireworks Display following the ball tourna- ment. Admission $1.50 for all day ($1.00 with button) Children 504 TUESDAY, JULY 3 1;00 to 5:00 -- Sorority Tour of Homes. Visiting the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Len Veri, Dr. and Mrs. Garry Balsdon, Ben Hoogenboom, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor. Tea to follow in Exeter United Church. Admission $2.00 Evening Program - Exeter Arena. Huronia Singers and London Men of Accord (Barbershoppprs). $1.50 and $1.00 with button. Children under 14, 504 Labatt's Balloon at Community Park throughout the day (weather permitting) WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 1:30 p.m. - Horse races. Admission $1.50 ($1.00 with button) Includes free program. Children under 12 admission 754 if accompanied by an adult. Evening - Rock dance in the arena with Ma- jor Hoople and His Boarding House. Ad- mission $2.00 ($1.50 with button) $2.50 • THURSDAY, JULY 5 Sidewalk Sale - Downtown Puppet Show, Jesus People, Heywood Brothers and other entertain ment. Tour of South Huron Hospital -V 6:30 p.m. - Exeter Lions parade. (Agriculture theme) 8:00 p.m. - Bingo and program. Jackpot of $500. Entertainment by • Heywood Brothers. Gerry Smith and Ranch Gang. AdMission $1.50 ($1.00 with button). FRIDAY, JULY 6 7:00 p.m. - Little Britches Wild West Show at Community Park. Admission $1.00 (504 with button) Children under 14 free 9:30 p.m. - Centennial Ball'in the arena with Lionel Thornton. Admission $2.50 ($2.00 with button) MIDWAY FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY 14730"Felee4. • ,IDebble StrylFkeil .mfptipije Jeff Campbell Lola more; .,..,13110an Bag; Joanne. Carter; Jeff :Watson; Tracey McPherson; col- leen McKay; Tracey Wilson; Deb- Hulley; Kitts Krauskopf; Jim Campbell; Barry Campbell; Ste- phen Chesney. PRE BE,91NNERS 10:00 o'clock Marjorie Taylor; Brenda Ten -101-1-.-Rtctrard Hunter-,Ivia tHand- Valley Resources Manager and Carl Dalton attended work shop in the Claremont Conservation field centre on June 24 and 25th. Opening the work shop was the World Premier of "S.O.S.- Save Open Space", an 18-minute color film produced bythe Grand River Conservation AuthOrity. On Monday they attended a work shop and took a hike through the Claremont Conservation Au- thority field centre. Speakers included Bob Keir,on Communi- cation and Man and Resources, Murray Cheethan on the envi- ronment ; Brad Schneller on a- griculture and food; BobGoddard on curriculum ,and education; Grant Mulholland on natural re- sources and conservation and in- formation, and Fred Boyers on Communication Industry Tour- ism. At 3:00 p.m. on Monday, a re cap of the work shop was gi- „Yen ?), Bob Winship information supervisor. J. K. Hamilton, Manager or the spending 46 years in the bank. the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. Wingliam, St. Marys -and. Mitchell presented to him inscribed with congratulated by G. A. Smithson of Division of the bank. Seaforth St. James' School won the trophy for the field day McCarron HPRCSS director of physical education, presents the crest. The winners were: Senior Boys -Andre Ducharme, Dublin; Seaforth; Intermediate Boys - Tony Arts, Seaforth; Intermediate Kinkora, Absent, Junior Girls -Denise Lane, St. Columban and Bill BrPOPPt; mIci44 oegere0.; MP- . 440ra Opecoil lierotft opeolo cuss, segerPIN DeTry ,.0y11,4* wepdv Mary icony; Cathy gellY;.401, wpm* !von; Bobby ilt*Oort David.etogiVit! -1500,r' me,,tireenlicitehineon; RelArtge- roe; Cheryl limey, Farien0;; 'stophenvngiirlikiiiiireA camp14014 Amg•AtoQuI0 ; NI 1100 o'clock gipoOp.u1, Barbara McGregor; Terry ."314.4101( MoOregor; Brian McGregor; , 1O;00 o'clock June Adams; Debbie gall; g0s5 poi • ;Fliu Chris tangle's; David gab; Sandy Broadfont; ,Michael Carrick; Marty Flannigan; Brian .001i: 1014y Adair; "Jeffrey10- Kay; Sandra: McKay; Nichol;; -Pebble P1481119411 Pren Lavertyr Opfer Underwood; Roble oge opitt64 McFarlane; • Allan Miry% Jerie: Nigh. • ',POT.3(. • • 10 01.4.160h:. Toronto Dominion Bank, Mitchell, will retire June 30th after A retirement party was held in his honour Friday evening at Friends from Toronto, London, Kerwood, Petrolia, Stratford, were present to congratulate Mr. Hamilton. A plaque was 46 silver dollars. Above Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton (left) are Toronto, Vice President and General Manager of the Ontario (Staff Photo) events for totia Field Day chariminni; with '°a Senior Girls - Ann Janmaat, Girl§ - Margaret Van kirk, DeJong, Seaforth. (Staff Photo)