HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-21, Page 11ICE CREAM - "THE ALL-TIME FAVORITE"
Is-a genuine product. It is,
- a Part. of milk, our most
nearly Defect food.
ogurt - a *new diniensi on in eat'
Lovely, scoops of ice -cream, alone o,r topped with anything from fruit to nuts, are a delight
to both the eye and the taste buds. Agriculture Canada have two new sauces to enhance the delicate
flavor of ice cream. The "Rom and Raisin Sauce" and "Fruit Sauce" are, quite a surprising and
pleasant addition to everyone's "All-time favorite" dessert.
al -ti
surface will prevent a gummy
layer from forming on top able'
ice cream after, some has been
quality ice cream stored
aken from the container. • For
in the freezer at 0 degrees F.
should be used wi n six Weeks
Of purchase.
From the informality of a cone
to an impressive• parfait, ice
cream is a pleasure that we never
outgrow. Its smooth, creamy
texture and delicate flavor make
it one of the "all-time favorites"
" in Canadian homes. Home ecnno-
'inists suggest two sauces tcf serrev4
• with ice cream. The "-Rum and
Raisin Sauce".and"FruitSauce"
are'a pleasant change prom the
traditional and, provide the per-
fact companion for ice.cream.
Not so long ago many a
summer Sunday, afternoon was
spent making ice cream in a
wooden freezer. Turning the
freezer crank was hard work and
tiring, but 'the reward 'was rich
and satisfying. Today with com-
mercial ice cream available in
wide variety of shapes, sizes and
flavors, 'we are indeed fortunate.
Ice cream is made from milk
solids, sugar and flavorings.
This mixture is pasteurized,
homogenized, frozen and whip-
ped. stabilizer mayjalso be
added to improve the body of
the ice cream, to makeIrsrlidoth"
by keeping the cnittalssmalraikr
to give it more resistance to
melting. According to the Food
and Drug Regulations ice cream
must contain at least 10 percent
Milk fat and 36 percent milk
solids. Ice milk is also available
and it must contain a minimum of
3 percent milk fat and 33percent
milk solids.
To enjoy it at its best, ice
cream should be stored, at
degrees F. or lower and should
be kept tightly wrapped. A small.
1/2 • cup sugar
SOak raisins in rum until
plump, (about' 2 hours).- Combine
with remaining ingredients
except nuts and: cook 2 minutes.
Add nuts; serve warm over ice
cream. Makes about 1 cup.
2 teaspoons finely grated .
• orange rind
I teaspoon `cornstarch
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/2 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon lemon juice
114-ounce can peach halves,
1 14-ounce can pear halves,
Vanilla ice cress
The cal
varies from
and from f
Yogurt is one of the oldest'
fermented milks knqwn. Many
.of the earliest records, parti-
eularly those• of ancient India,
Persia and Egypt,, abound with
references to yogurt. Frequent
mention of yogurt appears in the
early histories of such faraway
pla'ceb as Lapla d, scandinavla,
and Mongolia; yen Marco`P.olo
wrote of eay, g it in China.
Yogurt is a quick-curdled, de-
cidedly acid preparation. It is
Made from 'whole, ,skimmed or
partially sgimmed milk which
has been pasteurized and sub-
jected to a special bacteriological
treatment with two qr more types
of lactic acid bacteria, which
transform it into a highly diges-
tive, palatable and nutritious pro-
duct. Skim milk solids .may be
added to •raise the solids con-
tent. As a food, yogurt contains
all the constituents of' milk-pro-
tein,. far, sugar, minerals and
vitamins. ' •
rte content of yogurt
one brand to another
avor to flavor. . In
,s, plain regular (set
able desserts• or fun snacks.
From the experimental kitchens
of Agriculture Canada come-these
'two swinging desserts: "yogurt
Pie with Strawberry Sauce", and
"Lemon Yogurt Pie": Tart re-
freshing yogurt adds a new di-
mension to family eating.
1/3 cup cornstarch
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon_ rind
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups natural yogurt
3 egg yolks, beaten
1/4.aup,1emon juice
2 tablespoons butter
1 baked 9-inch pie shell
3 egg whites
,Dash salt
6 tabllespoops sugar
Add a little hot mixture to beaten
egg yolks, stir into remaining
mixture in pan and cook 1 min-
ute. Add lemon juice and but-
ter. Cool slightly and pour into
pie shell.
To make meringue, beat egg
whites and salt until soft peaks
form. Gradually beat in the 6
tablespoons sugar until stiff
peajcs form. Spread over pie,
sealidg to edge of crust. Bake
at 350 degrees F until lightly.
browned--(10,to 12 minutes). Chill
6' servings,
,1 a/2 cups vanilla water crumbs
3 tablespoonvnelted butter
6 ounces naturhl yogurt
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons honey -
'1/2 -teaspoon vanilla
I teaspoon gelatin
2 tablespoons cold water
2' cups strawberries (about 1 pt.)
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/3 cup sugar
Dash salt
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
To make crust combine
crumbs and butter." Press into
greased 9-inch pie plate. Bake
3 to 4 minutes at 425 degrees F.
col. Beat yogurt, cream cheese,
ney a d vanilla together until
conialstaancy of whipping cream.
Allow gelatin to soak in water,
heat to melt then cool until nerd
tially set. Add to yogurt mix,-
hire, beat 'for one minute. Pour
into shell and chill. To make
-sauce, mash 1 cup strawberries
'and slice remainder. Mix corn-
starch, •sugar and salt. Gradually
blend in, water and, mashed ber-
ries. `"Stir and cook until thick
and clear. Remove from heat and
add lemon juice. Chill. Just
before serving, add sliced ber-
ries. Makes about 1 1/2 cups
sauce.• Serve sauce on pie. 6
nomical and do not require re-
frigeration. Reliquified, skim
Milk may be used to make pud-
dings, sauces, gravies, creamed
dishes and baked products. For
beverages, equal parts of reli-
quilled skim milk powder and,
whole milk, may be combined to
produce milk which Contains ap-
proximately 2 per cenrfat.
Buying milk in large contain-
ers saves money, so it is wise
to buy the largest size which can
be used within three to four days.
Bulls ,or store-slideci cheese.
usually is lower priced than pre-
packaged' sliced, shredded or
grated cheese.
Milk cheddar casts less than
Old as the aging increases' the
price. • „
If specials are offered on it,
most cheeses except creamed
cottage ana cream cheese can be
frozen for about 3 months for
use in cooking, although freezing
may cause some change in te*-
Added ingredients such as
herbs or fruit in cream or cot-
tage cheese increase their cost.
Compare prices of natural
versus process cheese, 'store
brand' versus 'brand name'
cheese and Canadian-made ver-
sus imported.
milk ,used ;• • 4.9w,,..4t „..creams .g0.4 1.006 :than rich :ice'
erem.4 anti have fewer .
mal:Ite71:01701:17;0' 0."01.:Muff..'1001:
"tVast.ed:19141:4 4170.7001eXPO07- give. Milk PO,"-setired'.-
baxetedobmiese duritieltnoCohowee0.141.174.. • w..
grated and used in dociklpFprtor
toppings-for casseroles, • • -
we see that wipe shoppipefq
dairy products can pave • money
without.saerifleinggoodnese0 ,4,/
ter all, ,what's More.' tempting-.
time a tall glass of cold milk, TO-. what makes a•rdee\rmis . dessert.thatva. '
scoop of lovely see cream
1/2 cups seedless -raisins •
1/2 cup rum
1/2 cup Water
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
,1/2 teaspoon grated . orange rind
Ice cream
general ter
type) or pain Swiss (stirred
type) have approximately 112 cal-
, ories per six ounces and fla-
vored types approximately 170 .
calories per six ounces.
Yogurt can be eaten as is, or
sweeter with honey, sugar,
maple syrup, jaMs or jellies.,Ad-
ditional sweetness cloy not les-
sen its nutritional value but in-
creases the calorieS. -Yogurt is
also delicious ag. vegetable and'
5.• fruit' salads, or mixed with cot-
tage cheese.
I me .avorite : And there's more tothe YoT
r girt storyi You can create
piece of foil, wax paper or trans-
,great new family favorites .W,hen
,par4nt wrap pressed against the 1/2 teaspoon 'grated lemon rind - you're cooking in the kitchen -
1/4 cup chopped nuts, satisfying main dishes, delect-
Mix cornstarch, 1 cup sugar,
Combine 'o ange rind," corn- lemon ring and 1/4 teaspoon salt. starch, sugar an finger. Blend' Gradually add yogurt and cook
in orange Mee. tir and codk until thick, stirring constantly. until thick and cle r. Stir in • • .butter and ,lemon Mo, Add
fruit. Cover and cool. Serie
over vanilla We cream. Makes
about 3 cups. 6.servings.
Dairy products are truly
beautiful foods. They are fun to
eat and fun to drink. To enjoy
more of them, more ofteti,.we can
all benefit from a few tips ftom
• the home economists, Agricul-
ture Canada when shopping for
dairy foods.. • . Generally 'the price of intik
and cream depend on the percen-
tage fat content, - whipping crea.m
being the higher priced and fluid
'skim %ilk the lower priced.
Skim milk powder and evapor-
atsit whole Milk are more eco-
NE and ,every month is
Spells whole milk nutrition and
will save you many dollars.
For a sweeter flavn
less water with VIM.
Stacey Bros. Ltd.
from- Ottawa
To help you with your job . . .
hone 527-1910 Seaforth
wilfcross Canad
the Games site i Burnaby-New
Westminister, B.0 on August 3,
opening day of'the ames.
For the fifith, consecutive
month the unemployment rate has
dropped - from 6.7% in December
, to 5.2% in May - a total decrease
of L5% since December 1972.
This decrease represents 77,000
more jobs for Canadians during
The federal government's
program to encourage im-
migrants to obtain their C anad i an
citizenship was w4lcomed by Lind
Magagna,,president of COSTI, an
Italian immigrant aid agency in
Toronto - "It's about time. I
_ like every aspect of the plan."
The program' is directed at some
850,000 to one million landed
immigraats who have 'been in
• Canada more than five years and
who are not yet Canadian citizens.
-k recent Public Opinion Poll
shows Federal Party standings
increased slightly for the
Liberala and Conservatives, but
decreased f6r the NDP and other
. Today Liberals are at 42%
up 2 percentage points fy.om the
April Poll. PC's are at./34%
up 4 points; the NDP is at 16%
down 4 points; while other par-
ties have' dropped 2 points to
8% of the popular vote.
Solicitor General Warren All-
mand launched a national study
on the prevention of crime among
youth. Six researchers wil:
document what services now exist
to divert young people from
crime. The group will produce
a report on their findings as well '
as recommend a national policy
on combatting juvenile delin-
quency through 'prevention ser-
vices, to be presented to the/
Solicitor General.
. During her eight-day (June
17 - 24) visit to Canada, the
PriMe Minister of India, Mrs.
Indira Gandhi, will have talks
With Prime Minister Trudeau,
address a Joint Session of .the
Senate and the HouSe of Com-
mons, and attend functions in
Toronto, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Montreal, Calgary, Banff, Van-
couver and Victoria.
An air agreement signed be-
tween Canada and China, provides
for CP Air to operate between
Canada, Shanghai and Peking and
for a 'Chinese carrier to operate
between China, Vancouver and
Ottawa. These flights will be
restricted to business, trade
missions , and technical experts.
Liberal party and progres-
sive Conservative members
agreed in the House of CornmOns
to push for a 200-Mile offshore
fishing limit at the 1974 Law
of the Sea Conference in Chile.
This proposal, outlined, by.
Fisheries Minister Jack Davis
in St. Andrew's N.B., is an at-
tempt to restrict coastal fishing
to Canadian fishermen.
Great Summer
---- Cooler.:
— Maple Leaf
Dairy Products
are available
> „
Every meal's 9 picniF when yOu serve that cool, flavor-
packed drink, milk! We deliver it and other delicious
dairy products to your door or favorite store.
On Jutie 13, Prime Minister
Trudeau initiated the 1973 Canada
. Games, With the lighting of. the
"Canada Games torch on Parlia-
ment Hill. Glenda Reiser, a top'
Canadian runner, took the torch
on the first part' journey that
nd conclude at
The June general meeting of
the U.C.W. of Brucefield United
Church which was to have been
held at Bayfield was held in the
Meeting room due to risk or
,Unit I was in charge of de-
votions. Rosemary Packman
opened with a poem entitled "Slip-
set". Beatrice Stoll had the
meditation and read read the
Chinese legend of "Bamboo",
which asked the question "How
can we best serve the Lord?"
Joyce Wilson opened the busi-
ness with a poem "Setting Sun."
Roll call was answered by twenty
members. Mrs. Ham, reporting
for the supply committee said
the baby bale had been sent to
Richard's Landing.
. -
Beatrice Stoll gave the report
of Westminster Weekend, which
she and Pearl Eyre had attended.
A letter from Clinton hospital,
asking for volunteers to push' the
hospital cart id August was read.
A donation was made to
Huronview towards the purchase
of a new van. Joyce Wilson
closed the meeting with prayer.