HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-21, Page 5PONTIAC — BIJICK DEALER MITCHELL- for a good USED CAR! See the boys at WEST END They have a good Selection of U.SED CARS to choose from WEST pilD GARAGE "OPEN EVERS NIGHT TILL 10 TO SERVE YOU' , (AND ALL NIGHT Ir WE HAVE 1431) AccIcktnt ,4- 11,111011.6;c1 414/1 .0•40. itiitirsA;rt Annuiflop • 11).'emsepting Stin Life ,AsOUralWe COMPaltlY of Canada TELeetioNE 5274410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH f ri Nt; • • Former officers of Zene Cl composed an. installation team when the executive of Branch 168'-Royal Canadian Legion and of the Ladies Auxiliary were instal).ed Thursday evening at a ceremony in file Legion Hall. Shown (above) following the ceremony are branch officers (seated) Past President Cieave Coombs; Treasurer Morley Storey; Vice PreSiclent Geo. p. HayS; President Gordon Scott;. 2nd. Vice President Tom, Wilbee and Jack Baker: (Rear) . . Sterling Trusts Corporation Gtiaranteed,Trust Certificates Today's interest rate: Let ,our money make money. Good interest is guaranteed with our 5 year term deposits. (Other terms available). Minimum deposit. $000. Call or visit your nearest Sterling Trusts representative; John Cardno Insurance, Phone 527-0490, Seaforth • " Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Phone 527-0400, Seaforth John Moore Insurance Agency, Phone 345-2512, Dublin • • • Head Office 372 Bay Street Toronto 416-.364-7495 • The annual picnic of the Mc 0,f Clan was 'held on Sunday t,gaiIP June 17th in the' Seaforth park when approxihiately 60 • signed the guest book, with. the- hosts, Betty and Allan -McCall in charge. Following a ,noon meal the afternoon was spent visiting.' Jim MCCall was chairman and election' of officers resiflted as follows: President,. Jim Mc Call, Blyth; Vice-President, Ross 'McCall, Brussels; Sedre- tary-treasurer, Frank Burke, •Wingham;,, ,Sports , Committee, Marion and Bill young; Lunch Committee, Jean and Walter Bewley., ,It was decidectto change the date of next year's pidnic tb the second Sunday, in June, and it will be held again at •the Seaforth Lions' Park,. . • Guegts --were present from, Blyth, Brussels, Londesboro, Cranbrook, Ethel, Clintoa„pus- linch, Toroao, London, Ligrowel, Wingham and Walton area. --with plans ' to be .made later. i committee , will meet Monday 'Ken Carnochan Quiz books 'were taken up. A - • I night 'to plan entertainment,- the i next meeting will. be held at : 527-1545 i the hoine of the secretary, Keith - I about the 4-I-1 exchange between Ontario and untied states at their , meeting at the home of the leader Fred Uhler On Wednesday . evening. Ann McKay,told 'of her .visit to' Michigan and reported lots of fun, saying more bers are,-- needed to go. Ann will be • the youth representative for the Youth Council. 'It was decided to have' a bus trip 'in August, Calf -club pay you dividends'. Have you An Expositor Classified will • - Leonard MacGregor talked. tried one? Dial 527-0240. Wilford Titfdrd, Alan Nicholson, Bert McClure, Don wood, Robert NeWnham, Lloyd Eisler and Secretary Dick Whitely. BeloW are officers of the Ladles Auxiliary: (Seated) (Left) Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs: Jack Taylor,• Mrs. Peg Coombs, President, Mrs. Ina McGrath; Mrs: Rachel •Rheil,' Mrs. Thelma' Coombs (rear). Mrs. nt Finnigan, Helen Elliott, Ruth McGrath, Mrs.- Olive Be es and Anne Brown. (Photos by Wilbee) ' PEAMEAL BACK B-acon Ch. • k Packed 6 tc a Carton lb. Cottage Rolls lb. FREEZER SPECIAL — 3-4 lb Roasting 'LEAN SWEET PICKLED NEWS OF * Beef FRESH GROU'ND . VEGETABLE PROTEIN A.LIDED SEAFORTH MEAT • MARKET Walton Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall By the Piree Clark. FOR SALE 5 acres of standing I .-11AY, ALFALFA I and BROME MIX. 0 John Van Vliet expressed lb. I 39 7t4 57C By John D. Baker PAST EVENTS , • Public Relations lfficer. '' if Last. Thursday June 14th, the . Branch' 156 : . ' General meeting and installation: INSTALLATION 43F OFFICERS • by a social. of officers was held, followed Last Thursday wilune 14th, BranCh 166 installed their of- ' Last Friday June 15th, the ficers at the monthly General Bihgo . 'attracted • stevtehnty-aione players, and prizes o e v ues meeting. The installation team . . , of- $315., we re won. . was made up of past Zone. C 1 Officers who came trom CHuton, • Last Sunday, June 17th, Legion Exeter, Goderich, Winghani, members decorated the graves of Brussels, ' BlYth, Kincardine , Comrades who have Passed on •and Seaforth. Zone Commander to the White. Battalion. COmrade Harold Charnbers took COMING EVENTS the chair during the inStallation : Friday, June 22nd, Bingo at the proceeding and the officers of ,,•Legion• Hall. _.,, ' , Branch 1,56 together with the of-, . ' ' . ficers of the Ladies Auxiliary Sateirday, June 30th,, Social at , were duly installed. 4-.0 ' . ther Legion Hall, the draw for - $1,000 will be made during the - The District Commander, . . ft Comrade . Fred ' Tilker from evening. Ir you nave no pur-, Hanover Was present and: after tchhased Your ticket for the the installation congratuikted the- - ousand dollar draw you. had 'better get it soon. • ., - ' team and said that he was - immensely impressed by the linciay July 1,st, there will be cerelnony and that he wished that a. Drumhead'service at arabcti the other three Zones in District' 167 Exeter, iry to attend this C would follow the practVe Of . service and parade, the Ladies installing their- officers by the Auxiliary will be parading also, team, method,, this. Way hp said, so, girls bring. your colors and' ww oouritld: save him an awful lot of., join in. - ' • ,„ The. Lacife'S Auxiliary pre- Any veteran Ashing to see the sente'd President Cornrade Gor- service :officer on• July 24th . don Scott with a cheque for. $500 should get in touch with Comrade •for Bra-nch 156. Comrade Scott '. Tom Wilbee or Comrade' George tfianked the, Ladiea and said that Miller before June 25th. the Bran h would do well to take a leaf t of the Ladieg' book', as t ey worked so hard and made so much money. . , After the business portion of the,meeting vva. over, m.embers` a,nd their wives danced to the music of i(Louis Morelld's or-, chestra,!'. and the Ladies AuXiliary 'served a lunch of chicken and wedges. . Comrade Bob Watson has for the past few months been manag- ing and coaching six soccer teams involving 101 junior bore. ,Branch 156 has . donated $239.50 toWielp pay for . siyme .of, the equiprrient and help Comrade Bob carry on his very Worthwhile project. He has, been helped b,y Dr. Under- woi5d,'" DaVe' arid `Ivan ' Wbtird 'ai3pretiated if TWO or three mth%•wiipld.vtiluri, teer- to 'help coach thege boys, The Branch also donated $10' per menth for six 'months to,the patients at Westminster Hospital for the ',Pub" to make their dreary hogrs a little more en: joyable. A VALUE PACKED EVENT... SHOP THURS. JUNE 14TH TO SAT. JUNE 30TH 1973 4. SCAMPER MINI BIKE Easy-to-ride, easy-to-buy, low cost fun.. lake charge with a "SCAMPER". A.hus,- „key 3.5 h.p. Tecumseth engine that delivers unaimmon economy • Racing stripg on bright yellow fenders plus jet black-chainguard • 8” steel split-rim wheels With 16" knobby.tires • Big• wheelbase with 61," everall length .• Road-hugging- clearance- • Heavy duty driv.e chain • Painted thein.guard and-fenderS front and rear • Large comfortable toam-filjed -saddle with loftg wearing cover .• Hand ( lever disc brake for wicker stops •,D'eluxe iwist.grip throttle - Snaps back to slow when released •. Axles 'and jack' shaft have, high-speed. ball 'bearing for, smoother bperaling It is a lot of bike tor your money. • Shop. and save •pt . No. 575-903 Ea. ifooRGARD MOO RE' DA , For each • ..uttlir thtexii°zstruftreb,, Stiecial Offer -Ends e 306 RA nri0ORGAR:Ii® LOW LUSTRE LATEX HOUSE PAINT • Easy Eirugling—' quick driibg. Resists blistering, • Non-fading colors stay clean &bright 1.40-PP ' GALLON MOORE'S a' House Paint (EXTERIOR GLOSS FINISH • for wood siding, • doors4 trim. • Covers most surfaces in °Ile cow. • Long-lasting durability & ,,excgolent gloss retention. .40 PER GALLON Pick your own Strawberries N 0 W Open 8 a.m. I ptirchased______ ___Lgeelions at: •Moore's HOUSE PAINT • 0 Moor'Oard -and received as a BCAUS—_:_igals.--0t NAME teMirs and Mrs. 'Uhler fcit therUSe of their' home. MF.. and Mrg":-Ray Huethei.„ . 81Well and 'Jelin' altehde:1- ,the" Webster 'reunion on Sunday in thet Carlow Hall, with over 100 of,, the descendants present, • • _Watson Webster, Cliaton entertained during the afte`rnobn directing his Bag-pipe Band.. The F irst Brownie. Pack frOm ., • Monkton camped at the Walton Public School during the weekend,. swimining, at Family Paradise Park Saturday afternoon and at-' tended the . • Sunday morning , services at Duff's UniteciChurch. ' Next Sunday, June 24, the Sacrament of -the Lord's Supper will be •celebrated, then the 'church will close for the next four Sundays in July as Rev. Docken will be. on vacation. James McDonald Sr, is under- going a sales of Rabies shota: He was bitten' by a pet cat at his h me MCKIM Ph. 262-5878* RR. No. 2, KIPPENtA Bring your own quart boxes or boxes can be purchased. 1% miles N rth of I-HENSALL on No. ighway and 1% miles Ea%A.1.004A, enOviNCE __coupon must accompany purchase—Offer orpireF aN01.e' 30 GRAVES' 77 SALE A good ,00l s a sound in vestment Top gualov sealing 210 lbs per sitliare- asphalt shinglec in row -Popular colours Choose the colon, You rPgirrre from the SELF SEALING ASPHALT . SOWS N° No 4 No No Green 12 945 Brown 512 951 Black 512 952 While colour chart 'at your local Q(1,0O You pay the ta6tOr'y door price plus the freight la your local CO-OP Colour choice black green white ht own (163 SO FACTORYi.DOOR PRICE SALE 1<,..en the lop closed too circulating heal' Or olien -tor wind of otection •This baked enamel barbecue has stit,pended, fire pan to prevent pain, 'rom burning on the nufs ,de of the howl Dratt cormols and- heavy gauge grill make this barbecue a value packed buy 1 7': KETTLE BARBECUE No 575,188 -FUIA.Y ADJUSTABLE COLOURFUL VINYL CHAISE Deluxe full size loikrige easily adjusts fo, ltni comfort Dort highly, polished Aluminum frame makes for eas‘, fr4nsportatron A'ksortet colours No 575-211 12.49 BRFLOIRAIL SUN ellAISE Slurdy back supbor,1 folds down to provide four point StrSperISIOrl when chaise is used as a bed easy-care vinyl chaise adiusts easily to 5 positions with fingertips con- trols carefully bidden under plastic moulded' arm rest$,,. 4Sun toina.mcomflotorrall omn ottlfit-sesishicakt super savings taa SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 52.7.0770 Sesforth.. 3"; • WALLPAPER & PAINT , DIAL 527-0550 — SEAFORTH