HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-21, Page 3FROZEN INDIVIDUALLY NOVA SCOTIA OCEAN fr PERCH FILLETS 89c TOP VALU By the Piece BOLOGNA ALL PURPOSE ONE BIN HOG SUPPLEMENT PURINA FARM. BLEND HOG CHOW is a base mix supplement balanced completely with high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. When mixed with grain it provides maximum autrition•for all market hogs weighing over 50 pounds, and sows, too. Buy in bulk, store in one bin and save several dollars per ton. PURINA" FARM BLEND (H.M.C.) HOG CHOW is specially formulated for the hog man who wishes to feed High. Mbibture Corn. WITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY'S Spaghetti. 28 oz SHIRLEY GAY WH)It ENRICHSD SLICED BREAD 24 oz. loaves 44,99c / 4 for 89c KRAFT CANADIAN PROCESS SINGLES CHEESE SLICES 16 oz. pkg. 85c. ,ANCY PEAS (•,, MEN RAN' 1E, C,Yli WA? BEANS OF WHOLF XERNEt t )46 YORK VEGETABLES I 25° KRAFT DINNER ALLEN'S ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS DR BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG .F0010 5 69c Assorted Floynorr 6 ': 1.00 DR. BALLARD'S ASSORTED FLAVOURS • CAT FOOD 5 1-.00 BEEF NOODLE TOMATO MACARONI OR OPIENTAI HAMBURGER FIXIN'S MR 47' CUT RITE (CUTIR BOA, WAXED PAPER TOP VALU • PEANUT BUTTER , 1.39 ASSORTED "n — Connors Herring in (ream Sayre eller-herun inure at FACIAL TISSUE ,35' Golden Smoked Herring 2 39c To kuRop; mxposOok siAP00141, orfrp, kot 21;1 g peo:010‘• cqf dville United Cilurt. Nine yo,- at Egmo -By Rev. T.E. HaticOck Confirmation for nine young Reople was held at EgM01101110 United Cluirch'en"SundaY. .Refe T.E. Hancock officiated at the Service. Those confirmed WOO: Darlene Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth carnochan; Brian Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton '-Dietz; Sheila Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes; Robert Emmerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warden" Haney; Patricia Ann; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rnssell Miller"; Patricia Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rose; David pink pen, of Mr. and Mrs. Kennethgmitk. Faye Elizabeth Turniey, grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott;• Karen willona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erlin 1,010110re. Assisting in the service were; Mervin Nott, the Clerk of Session; , Lyle Haney and ' Bradley Carnocban, , Junior Elders and members of Church Class'71 Robert Tyndall, on belinlifot the elders; Kenneth Smith, On $half of the pareati; the class leader andimIntster, Rev.T.g. Hancock. Brian Dietz on behalf' of the class expreseet thanks to the Session and to the ladles under the direc- tion of Mrs. Ernmerson Durst who prepared the meal. Darlene Carnochan said grace. All'of the members of Church Class '71, • Bradley, Carnochan, Jane Dietz,, Carole and June Eggert, Brenda Haney, Marlene Miller, Murray. and Richard Smith, and Lyle Haney acted as table hosts. who read the, lessons; Robert Wallace, who presided at the Membership Register; Kenneth Moore, who presented the Mem- bership 'Certificates; Mrs. Ed:- ward Boyes, who ' presented Bibles on behalf, of the Sunday School; Mrs. Nettie Stimpre, ,,,Norm MacLean and Douglas Wal- lace, who on behalf of the Session and the Congregation, extended .• the right hand of fellowship. A Father's Day Men's Choir, under the leadership of James Rose sang two anthems. On the previous Friday, the members 'of the Session and their wives entertained the prospective new Members at Dinner. The toast t9 the Queen was proposed by Faye Tunney, President of Church Class '73. Patricia Rpie, treasurer of the class proposed the toast to the Church with replies by Mervin /loft, Clerk of jession; Mrs:, Nettie Stimore, on -beh0-151 the Sunday School; CROP Herbicides Insectichl!ls If you have weed prw-klems we have the lgolutlOns. High Clearance — Drop No's 50-Foot Booms High 'Volume Self-propelled Sprayers Experienced — LiCensed Insured' FOR RATES, RECOMMENDATIONS, ETC. PHONE: MITCHELL 348-8218 CLINTON 48207220 USE EXPOSITOR WANT ADS Phone 527-0240 • FRESH. STRAWBERRIES I. N ARRIVING DAILY as weather pe rmitg Fresh .Canatilakstrainberries - plump, juicy and tempting - are everybody's favorite. Sinai their stay is brief; serve them often( Home economists, recommend serving them in simple . ways. (Sprinkle with sugar and serve with sour cream or fill individual meringues with these • succulent berries for easy, elegant desserts. CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPONVOM Mir, Twin Pack Liquid Detergent oiler I TWIN PACK Pot r,Amity 4girtsectutZ/AsE " EAFeenve AWE 20-2e,1873 Strawberries sweet and, simple ape: Towels mkt ose2-95014)% Ref FrINAY. 'MOO PLFFECEIPilE Anall-eS COUPON' ..IEFFEOTIVE .100E::20i;20:;10*: sugar far • each pint Of berries). ' Chill 2 to 3 hours before serving. Sprinkle brown or maple sug ar over prepared berries or serve topped with sour cream and sprinkle with the sugar. Leave the hulls' on washed berries so that they Cali be picked up in the fingers and serve with a bowl of sugar for dipping. Sour cream or plain yogurt make ex- cellent dips as well. These are a nice appetizer or a refreshing evening snack accompanied by cheese and crackers. Fill individual meringues with .prepared strawberries and, serve with ice cream or custard sauce. Add strawberries to a fresh fruit salad. Alternate layers of fresh ber- ries with ice ,cream for an ele- gant parfait. To enjoy strawberries liter on try 'this quick and easy recipe for old-fashioned 40 Strawberry Preserves". They are thinner tha a jam and delicinus as a sauffe for cake or ice cream. . STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 10 cups whole strawberries (about 2 1/2' quarts) 6 cups sugar ,Alternate layers of strawber- ries' and sugar ab&let stand until some juice forins (about 1 hour). Slowly bring to boil and boil ra- pidly until tender (about 2 min- utes). pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Makes about 9 cups. "Here today, gone tomorrow" This phrase is . true of many things, but unfortunately all too true of luscious fresh strawber- ries. in the warm weeks ahead Canadian strawberries will reach their full perfection and appear on the .market, so take advan- tage 'Of their brief appearance and add them to your menu morning, noon and. night. Their rich red color, irresistable perfume and delectable flavor will bring plea- sure to all. Fresh strawberries should be bright and -shiny, firm and rosy red and free from moisture. Damp berries will spoil easily. They should still have their hulls as this indicates that they are not overripe and have been hand- led with care. Strawberries won't keep for more than two or three days in the refrigerator, so try to buy them1S you•need & 1'd': To store, erriiity the 'betrieS carefully from the box, pia them over and place them unhulled and unwashed in a shallow pan or dish in the refrigerator. Just before serving, wash the berries gently 04 and quickly in cold water. Do ' not goak them since they(will lose a great deal of their food value and become water logged. Drain thoroughly, hull, prepare to taste and enjoy! There are many ways of dressing up strawberries to transform them from a simple succulent fruit to a lavish pie, parfait, souffle or bayarian. But probably the best ways are the simple ways. Home economists provide a few ideas for serving strawberries sweetly and simply adorned. LOW 1 HALF GALLON PER PAMILA' WETH Zoo RUSE AND THIS PC1(7pon EVFECTWE JUNE 20.311.1913 • opm mom ims. =me 1111111111, 11•10•• S. 11,1111111 MIMI MOM d1=1111• 11111111111111 =M. I0•1111111 411•11 * PERSONALIZED * SERVICE -THE fINEST * THE LOWEST MEAT SPECIALS IN TOWN • QUALITY - II %I re. „„HpTrin LAST GIFT . REMEMBRANCE• CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BLADE BONE IN SHORT RE ,1,1LAR CUT FROM THE CHUCK BEEF BLADE STEAKS lb.111111° IDEAL FOR BRAISING FROZEN TURKEY WINGETTES 11339c AS MUCH PROTEIN PER POUND AS 100'. GROUND BEEF FROZEN A KNIFE CUT CHICKEN LEGS th.7610 Whether It's a • MONUMENT • ,IVIARKER'• INSCRIPTION You are remembering a loved one. SUPER BURGER .79c LET T. PRYDE & SON LTD: HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS PHONE EXETER' 2 3 54)6 20 Sprinkle prepared berries with orange juice and sugar (1/3 • cup orange juice and 1/3 cup WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS : , CHEF PRIDE 2.7 OZ TOP-VALU 6 or. pkg. ., . PEPPERONI PIZZA 1 2 for 98c SLICED COOKED HAM ,' ,,kq . SO' CUT FROM THE PORK LOIN COUNTRY STYLE 'CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK • BONELESS SPARE RIBS lb 99° BLADE ROAST BURNS CAMPFIRE VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON n4q 99° CUT FROM THE BUTT BONE IN BUTT PORK CHOPS TOP VALU • 6 VARIETIES • SLICED COOKED MEATS DAVERN FARMS • BREAKFAST. SAUSAGE PRIMROSE FROZEN d OZ. PORTIONS BEEF STEAKETTES TOP VALU FANCY WHOLE KERNEL. CORN- 12 oz. tons WE SELL CANADA kPPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF ib 89e.. A p7 39e ib 77e. lb 85e Dial 527-0240 49c 59e 950 IN 1.18 INDIVIDUALLY FROZEN COLEMAN'S FULLY COOKED - FOOTBALL STYLE BONELESS HADDOCK FILLETS lb 1 .19 SMOKED HAM mot.. Neu FROZEN LUNENBURGFR PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1973 • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - SEAFOOD PATTIES Supplied end Serviced By M. Loeb Limited lb 1.15 BURN'S SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS COLEMAN'S l okij b 69e Bacon & Liver Sticks 99` I , I •• I TOP VALU FANCY SLICES OR I SCOTTIES I i ASSORTED COLOURS I FACIAL I.• TISSUE 1 • 2-PLY pkgs. of 200 I I 3 29c J 1:11 .00 - TOP VALU HALVES Spaghetti old I PEACHES 1 MACARONI 14 oz, tin 2 lb. pkg. I 21C, I TOP VALU whP.onl I CRISCO STRAWBERRY OR COOKING , RASPBERRY I OIL JAM 24 oz..1311. • TOP VALU FROZEN roma ••••••1 I•1•••••• woo. I WHITE OR ASSORTED OOLOURr CASHMERE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 &if pkg. BICK'S WITH OR CONCENTRATE I WITHOUT GARLIC OR ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. tin 100 POLISH DILLS I IN 48 'oz. jar 99 48 oz. jar , 69c 49c . SHOP THESE BONUS DISCOUNT INFLATION FIGHTERS IGA's QUALITY PRODUCE FRESHER BY FAR DOLE TROPICAL TREAT I u S A Na 1 Florida Sweet 6 '4•99e Golden Corn 1.26 Yellow , on the 5, 59, lbs. Cob cabs LIBBY S BLENDED OR SWEETENED OF ON, Mr[E,P',41 IA L 9c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE BONUS WHOLE SWIFT'S PREMIUM COOKED CANNED PICNIC 1.39 CHICKEN CHEER POWDERED DETERGENT 1.73 WESTINGHOUSE 40 60 or I00 wntt-.EXTRA LIFE — Bananas LIGHT ems `1,.;: 49e BM CHICKEN OR TIIROII BANQIIUT IROZEN U S.A NO 1 Florida U.S.A. California Al 4 Pin"° Crisp Sunkist MEAT PIES 2 S 163' 01011 4 CHUN KING ASSORTED VARIETIES SKILLET DINNERS ASSORTED VARIETIES ROWNTREE CANDY 3 1.00 Stalks 39 • 89° Celery , size hp, r0 large each VOORTMANS FIVE VARIETIES CHASE & SANBORN ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE • 85° Valencia Oranges 3 .°7:9:" 1.00 COCA COLA. FRESCO SPRiTE.OR 24 2.69 COOKIES ASSORTED COLOURS, WHITE OR RAINBOW • SCOTT SERVIETTES 4 1.00 Sugar Free Tab GREEN GIANT . ASSORTED VARIETIES Fresh for Flavour-Canada No 1 U.S,A,NO. 1 PUDDINGS n.:' 29° Ontario 4 SEASON MIXES 4 ; ,,,,,: 1.00 Hathou58 4 New 343• 2 89° Tender 31b. 45 We bag such CLUB HOUSE FOUR VARIETIFI BLUE BONNET MARGARINE . MONARCH LUCKY WHIP TOPPING 49c STUARTTHOUSE ASSORTED VARIETIES SOUP MIXES 4 • 99. Tomatoes lb. Carrots Seaforth !GA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night 'till 9p m MILTON J. DIETZ RR 4., Seaforth — Phone 527-0608