HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-21, Page 1•
Wins car in
Lions draw
Seaforth Lions ' were hosts
Friday eVenine to the 3rd Car
Club Draw Party at the Arena.
. During the evening five pub-
ordinate prize s of $50 6ach
were won by Ray and Mary
Mennen, Mervin .Nott, Don G. •
Eaton, Doug. Mann and Mary
Dote aed Mary MCDonald.
Shbrtly after midnight • the
grand prize, a new car, was
won by Mrs. Betty Leonhardt.
Arrangements for the event
Were completed bv a committee
headed by W.D.Stephenson while
Dr. W.J.Thompson was in
charge o
learlen, Inc
Alberta crash
kills nephew
the supper which wee
wing the final draw.
t was master of
combinee with fresh country but-
ter e loaf is-eaten before it's
even had ,time to cool." She
also heard in a letter from home
that her brother Robert has wod
the Sheep Shearing Competiteo'n in
Ireland- and will be competing in
the Highland Show in Seotland.
An accounting machine
operator,' Bertha has been a
member of the Crumlin young
(continued on Page 16)
. Bertha Harkness (centre) county Antrim, N.. Ireland, visiting Canada oh 41. Voting Farmers exchange program watdhes Tom Haley print postcards on a press at the Hurob txtositor. AlsoN-
4 watching the operatien are. her hostesses Carol and Anne marte Maloney, 5, and Jeanne Maloney
(hidden) all of 05, Seaforth.
- ,t•
Mr. and Mrs. John Regier who marked tileir 50th Wedding
Anniversary on Saturday are shown with afew of the congratula-
tory messages they received.
Longtime businessman,wife
celebrate 50th anniverlary
A well known Seaforth couple
celebrated' the noldelf. Anni-
veriary of, their Wedding on
Saturday, June 16.
Mr. and Mrs. John Regier
were married in St. Peter's
Roman Catholic Church, St.
Josephs, on June 180923.
In gOmtnemoration the .,,
event, the couple tenet their
vows ,at a ceremony on turday
at 4 p.m. held at St.' Seines
Roman Catholic Church, Sea,
forth. Father Laragh afficiated,
Karen , Regier, Seaforth, grand-
daughter and Gedchild of Mr.
and Mrs. Regier, read the epis-
tle. Michael Regier, grandson,
served mass for Father Laragh.
Ptither •moham read the gospel.
Organist. for the , service tits
Mrs. Alice stiles and lvisty.latie
Segereft., the sadist. Aporkixi,
finitely 250. of theft hielitikh'
rolatites.. *ere preset*. the
tdolitineed on i)age It)
Whole No. 5402
114th Yearr SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,THU,RSDA Y, JUNE 21, 1978-- 16 P,ages
Two Huron trustee;
Lose bid for more open
Cdunty honors were presented to a group of members of 4-H Homemaking Clubs at the
annual. Achievement Day at SDHS on Saturday. Shown here are (left) (front) Anna Marie Hoste,
Sheila Geddes, Diane Nigh, Beverly Smith (secqnd row) Barbara Osborn, Pamela Snowden,
(third row) 'Trudy Claessene,Diane ektidersone Arlene Smith (rear) VickieVRourke, Anne McKay.
(Photo by Oke)
Area 4H members
are recognized
public but that they shouldJtry
to make the meetings as interes-
ting as, possible. He said he had
asked that the agenda for the,
committee of the whole to be kept
to a minimum.
Mr. Hill said, eIt's a question
elf time: r believe without the
committee system the meetings
•went on too long. I think-it was
ccrnsidered by the Board that by
Using the committee" systen-I
items could be given more
attention. However, there ie no
ieason why' a member can't aSk
question at the regular
J. P. Alexander of Wingham
suggested that motedetail should
be given in committee reports
so that the press wouldhave more
information and it would give
board members more reason to
ask questiens.
'Mrs, Donald Kunder of
Seaforth supported Mrs. Wallace"
in her bid to have the Board
return to two mohthly 'meetings.
She said, eOur administretive
Over 130 4-H Homemaking
, Club • members and Their
" le ders attended Achievement
Da at the Seaforth , -Lesteiet
h' School on Saturday.
FellOwing registration in the .
morning, exhibits were set up
featuring -4their project, Sports-
wear from Knits, along with
reeord booke. •
Under the direction of Miss
'Catherine Hunt; Home Economist
:for Huron County, a fashion show
was held when the ''members
Modelled' the outfits they had
Miss Mary Jaeuriaate
Seaforth, was pre-
sented with a 13 rovincial
Honors Certificate at
Achievement Day at SDHS
last week.
• made.'
bfrieBrenda Thompson,
Mise Sharon Hart, Homo Seaforth, who has
cciMpleted 18 projects, re- Economist for Woodetock, corn--
OK'd an Advance lionbre meeted on the fashiop show and,
tileaefi' 4.4eXteletreeree r -Agee -Doz is Dempster , H om e
etit Day eere Saturday • EconOnniet for Lambton ,County,
commentee on the exeibits.
An advanced honors eertifi-
, cate wae presented to Mrs.
Brenda ThoinpSon of R.11.2, Sea-
'‘`e forth, for completing leprojects.
She is leader of Seaforth 3 home-
making club. A 'Provincial
honors certificate was presented
to Miss Mary Ja.nmaat, of R.R.2,
Those receiving County
honors were Vicki O'Rourke and ,
Diane Nigh, both of R.R.4, Sea-
forth; Trudy Claessens and
Anna Marie Hoste, both of H.R. ,
5, Seeforth; Sheila Geddes of
Egmeedville; Beverley Smith
and Arlene Smith, both of R.R.1,
,Monktone Bareara Osborn, of
11.12,3, Monkton; Anne McKay of
R.R.1, Brussels; Pamela Snow-
den and Margaret Sills, both of
Seaforth; and Diane Anderson
of R.R.1, Brucefield.
Fashion showS. were held by
the following clubs: Mon'erieff,
Knits Go Aeywhere, with
commentary by Marion Verstoepe
Egmoridville No. 1, At the C trees, '
with commentary by MarY Van
Dyke; Egmondville 2,' fashion
show, all members; Brucefield 2,
-and one sister. Talking about her
Perna she mentioned That her
mother bakes her own bread in an
outdoor. bake mien, eIt's
. delicious, MoTher bakes all kinds,
potato, brown, sweet etc. and
fashion show', Diane Anderson;
McKillop 1, Fashions for a
Carribean Cruise, -Elizabeth
Pryce; McKillop 2, Holiday
Cruise, Trudy Claessens; Mc-
Killop .3, Holiday Cruise, Anne
Stewart; Seaforth 2, Holiday
Cruise, eoen Devereaux; Mc- ,
Killop 4,- Zig Zag Zeldas, Bar
bara -Maloney; Seaferth 1, Cruise
to Guide Board Swamp, Margie
Eckert; Seafoith 3, Buying Sum-
mer Sportswear, Pam Snowden;
Seaforth 4, At the Zpo, Mary '
Ven Dooren; Seaforth . 5, Aloha.
Hewett, Diane Oldfield.
over the three nights with • the
ibbert council reduces
A car accident at peace River ,
on Saturday eyening claimed the
life of Jo Reynolds, 26 of Fort
Smith, North west Te'rritories.
He w,as the only son of Cyril
Reynolds, of Cowan. Manitoba,
formerly of Seaforth, and the late
Mrs. Cyril Reynolds.
• Two occupants of the second
tar involved, were also killed.
Three passengers in Mreeleye
folds' car were taken to the
' Pea_c_edetr::,, Hospitel. His wife,
who in ritical condition suf-
fering from multiple head
lieleriee, vas immediately,
to the Royal Alexander Hospital
in Edmonton.
Still confined to the Peace
River Hospital are; theer only
child, 8 month o Id Kenneth Rey-
nolds with both legs badly broken,
and Cyril Reyholds with a broken-
jaw. Both are- in satisfactory
On Monday, Cyril Reynolds'
brother, Frenk Reynolds, liar-
puthey, accompanied by- his sin- -
ter, Sister Cyril of London, flew
to Edmonton and peace River,
Mrs. J. W. Wallace ofGodere
ice, a member ,of the Huron
'Comity Board of EduCatien at
the board meeting in Clinton
Monday objected to the Board,
having only one regular meeting
a month and doing most board
business in' committee.
She said , that too m,uch was
eliscu,ssed in die committee meet-
ings and then it was norbrought
(nit at board meetings. ;She
noted the reports of the superin;'-
-telidents especially which bele'.
preeped -her but this information.
was not getting to the public.
She said to be well informed
sheeshould -be going to the stand-
ipg committee meetings (educat-
ion committee, management
committee>. as. well as , • . the
regular meeting. She said she
!Ned the regular meetings dull
because so little was discussed
She cited as' an example of
board business done in committee
was the budget which was passed
in Committee of the whdle and
etot given to the -pewe, media until
nine days later.
Mrs. Wallace said it was
a cumbereome way for the Board
to operate when it toole'a month
to ratify a decision when the
answer should be giyen every
two Weekl.
E. Cayley Hill, ' Ooderich,
Chairman of the 'Board, said
the public relations were very"
ineportant and the Board had a
duty to the public, but that the
responeibility was at 'the board
level. eThet has to 'be 'the
demenent role, public relations
must be secondary" , he said,
el think. we have to determine -
purselves to administer andper-
form our function. I believe. the
committee system has operated
functionally-very well."
Mr. Hill said that' it was
not their job-to entertain the
to be paid in July, 1973.
Keith Walthers and Carl
Schellingberger outlined to
Council the building proeramme
of Riti Lutheran Villa, Mitchell
including coets to /inmates ande
types of rooms, /and requested'
financial help from the Township.
Following their presentation
Council's deciSion.was reserved.
The County weed Inspector
Jim' Holmes, read a tiepOrt on
the' state ,of weeds in the Tpwnship
and said Hibbert was one of
the- better townships. DIscuseion
on various types of, weed kill and
method of application followed.
Partidular atteetion Was paid te
the' eliminatioh • of "leafy
splurge't. ,
Read accounts in the amount
of $3746.62' were .approved as was
a General Account of $58,575.97.
This included . the half year levy
of the schools, tile drainage loan
The , Tender foe tile for the ecott
drain • and Neevel Branch of
$6330.12 and $1305.40 respec-e
tively from Charcon Products,
(Continued on Page 15)
'Me salary scale fon 'secon-
dary teachers was ieleased -at
a meeting of the Huron Cetinty
Board of Education in' Clinton
Monday in accordance with the
terme of the salary agreement
ratified by the Board. eili, May
22. The one-year contract 'With
its secondary school teachers
calls for a six, per cent total
' increase in the over-all salary
package.. e -
The six per cent increase will
• coste the Board $194,000 on an
annual basis. The secondary
school teachers' salaries amoent
to $3,240,000.
Salaries in the four teaching
categories are as follows with
last year'e in brackets: $7,200
($7,100) to $13,000 e$12,400);
$7,500 ($7,400); to $13,700
($13,000); $8,400 ($8,300) to
$15,400 ($14, 800);-$8,900 ($ 8,800,e
to $16,500 ($15,900).
Principals' salary schedule -
from $21,400 ($19,700) to ae
maximum' Of $24,000 ($2e,000)
with an annual increment of
$700. Vice-principals received
a basic $19,100 018,000) with
an leerement of $600 to a maxi-
mum of $2'0,900 ($20,000) sa-
Responsibility . allowanc es:
Directors - Grid plus $2,200;
assietant directors - grid plus
$1,100; Department heads - grid
plus $1.950; assistant department
heads - grid plus $975; subject
chaireeen - grid plus $1,000.
Folloeing a committee-
of-the-whole Board (in camera)
R.L, Cueningham, ttansportation
. manager, reported that a new type
schedule had been reached with
the bus contractors ranging in
cost for a 48-passenger bus -
$4,620 for a yearly rate • to
$5,420 for a 78-passenger bus
plus the Board will pay the cone,
tractors a variable of per Ne
mile travelled. There are a
total of 114 eontracting buses
used in Huron and the Huron
Board owns 39 buses.
A student accident plan - will
he available to parents in Septem-•
ber, mainly for dental accidents
from th.e Reliable Life Insurance
Company at a cost of Vlyzeir
..Year for one student to $10 per
year for a family wi
In September, ne
forms for students participating
in outdoor activities will be
ready. The present consent
forms are suspended and a new
policy and procedure will be'
A, fuel conversion contractn
for Central Huron, Secondary
School in Clinton was awarded tO
Fred MC-Gregor of Bruoefield at
the tender price of $11,089.04.
Mueeeelpal expenditure was
down 9 mete when the 1973
Hibbert Township budget was,
presented to the Julie' meeting of
the Township Council.
'* This was the result of the
resources grant from the Pro-
vince of. 6.8 mills and ,econom-
les in the ToeViship. Township
Residential Tates were $39.27
(1972 $42.20); Township Com-
mercial were $42.38 (1972
$45.22). A one mill Increese
was made on Fire Protection for
the Township's sheee in a new
fire truck in the Mitchell ,•
District Pire Area, and to pro-
vide water storage' facilities in
Council received deputations
and applications for, various
grants. A $125 grant' was
made to the Mitchell and District
Fall Fair and to the Seaforth
Fall Fair, while $45 was granted
to ,the Hensell. Spring Fair, and
$4 per calf was granted to compe-
titors from Hibbert completing a
calf 'club. $500 was granted to:
the Dublin Athletic Association
On ,Monday afternoon the
Huron Expositor enjoyed a
respite from the routine of getting
Thursday's • paper ready , for
publication when Bertha
Harkne,ss, County Atrim, Nor-
thern Ireland, and her young
hostesees Joanne, Carolyn and,
Ann Marie Maloney, 5, Sea-
-Aerth, dropped by for a tour.
' One of 10 United Kingdom
delegates , presently visiting
Ontario on a young farmers exe
change program, 23 year old
Berthe and her companion:. who
hail from England, Wales, Ulster
and Scotland arrived at Toronto
airport in. mid-April; The young
farmers, have . been hosted de
Junior FarTners hoMes ecross
the province.
' Miss Harkness is visiting this
week ,on the farm of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Maloney e #5,Seaforth.
Fier hostess is 17 year old Jeanne
Maltiney. Joanne is aJuntor Fer-
mer in the Seaforth Club.
Bertha, speaking of her home
in Ireland in a lilting Irish brogue
made the countryside vivid to the
listener. It seemed as if one was
actually there. Her family owns
a one hundred acreqarm, near
the village of Crumtiri in County
Atrim, about 16 miles from Bel-
fast. The average farm in.
NOrthern Ireland, she explained,
is about 60 acres so theirs is'one
of the larger units. Land values
are-high there, farmland
for about 1000 pounds an acre
(about $2500). F arming is
more inlensive however. The
Harknesst house about 100
head of beef cattle and she said,
"We're building it up all the
trine". Bertha has two brothers
finale . taking place on Saturday'
, ',tries' are being accepted
f4111 individuals ana groups
egress this part of Western On-
tario who will compete for more
than $400 in prizes.
The admission to the three
day event remains at 50cents
each. Those who purchase ad-
vance tickete get a big bonus
and can obtain three tickets for
el. In addition all kirchasers
of admission tickets will be
eligible for a prizeof $500 which
will be drawn 'for on Saturday
night, July 14.
The carnival once again Will
feature, the Carter 'rides , a
familiar sight at Seaforth for
nearly . thirty years. Penny Sale
and bingo together with a veriety
of games will be added attrac-
tions on each of the-three nights.
township taxes for '73
Maple trees and fences arnazp Irish visitor
staff are doing three agendas
with the committee systeM rather
than two with twice monthly b,oard
meetings. I believe we are doing
twice as much work: With two
meetings a month we seenled to
know More of what was going on.
Now to know what is goitig on we
sheuld attend.all three meetings.
I find the regular meetings stun
lied boring. We have discussed
all the work in committee
meetings and thee we bring it all
'Set plans for --K\
Lions carnival
Plans for the Seaforth Lions
38th-annual summer carnival are
well advanced according to in-
coming president Clair Campbell
who heads the ' carnival
The carniva I will run fey
three nights, Thursday, Feeley
and Saturday, July 12, 13' and
, As has been the case ieepast
years, _while the carnival pro-
vides an opportunity make money
and win prizes, much of the
emphasis is on the program.
This year Marten Vihcent, who
heads that committee, has plan-
ned an amateur event extending
h .three
upagain at the regular. '"--f*
- Mr. 'Hill asked the new
,memberq of the Board to e*ress
their -opinions. Kenneth Cooke
of Clinton said lie- thought the
committee system could got be
improved on, and Mr.Alexander
found the whole board too cumber-
some, all would be wanting tO•
" ePeak. John Westbrook of H.R.
2, Clinton and Herbert TurIthelm
of Zurich said they believed the
Committee system to be smooth
running, as did HarrY llayter R.R.2,1/ashvio90"1 ' Olex
of H,R,I, B/lieVale, Claren014.--McDonald Of Eketeri Ckarlea Ran.
of Zorlph, Wilfred ShortOed Of
Walton, MT. Z Of
John-Broadfixit Brucefieldi
McDonald of Brussels.
When Hie vote was held to^
continue , the cOlnraittee
procedure with the one general",
meeting, only Mrs. Vallace
Mrs.- Kunder Voted4 flat
Climax of the SeafOrth Lb:ins 3rd Car dlub came shortly after midnight Friday when only one
ticket - that of Betty Leonhardt, Seaforth - remained in thirdrum. Mrs. Leonhard.t, who was not
prgent, won a new par. Here Don Stephenson (left) Car qub nksmittes,chairm2.11 and'Bill
attach Mrs., Leonhardt'S ticket in the only reitialhing-spitae* WIrd. "
• ',ea* 'ev •
Board releases details of
teachrs' salary schedule
Memorial in Goderieh, $416;
Centeal Huron Secondaty School,
$16,900; Hullett Central Pub-
lic School, $604.0; Stephen Central
Public School, $525; -and 'F.E.
Madill Secondary School S2,360.
The McGregor tender was the
lowest of four.
/ The Sm ith-Peat Roofing Com-
parny was awarded the contract
for rote rePairs at: Holmes-
ville Public $13,190; Robertson