HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-07, Page 16Lower Interest Reiss
-1st and 2nd Mortgages
anywhere In Ontario ,on
Intel:Int financing on new, conatetictlen
. , or land development •
, AREA CODE '519-744-6535, COLLECT
• • HEAD OFOICE: 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont.
Extra• performance to talk about
Full capacity with less power ... famous IH. balanced.
head sickle drive ... controlled. platform' float ... big
44-inch• diameter reel . exclusive' positioning of reel
bats ...' large full-length conditioning rolls ...self-com-..
pehsating roil pressure.
You get all these extra performance features plus
many more with the990 totein you get your hay infest;
with less leaf loss regardless Of crop or condition.
Ask fora demonstration and see what a big difference
• a 990 can make in your Operation. '
F656, Gas, 1300 hrs. $4950.00
III 1656, D, Hydro, 1950 hrs. $6300.06
III 1656, G, Hydro, Wflpd., 3000 loader
• and 80" bucket , $6950.00
III F756, D, Tractor, 1375 hrs. • • • $6900.00'
III S.M.Dr, Tractor • $1050.00
Ford 600, W/Loader $1195.00
Nuffield, 4 /65, Wicab $3300.00
Massy-Ferguson, 135 13. P.S. and Allied
NYD. bucket loader $2950.00
IH B250 and loader $ 995.00
JOHN DEERE 1973, 1240 4-row
plate planter, W./rubber preis wheeli
and blade covers (20 acres) $1495.00
AYE 'or CAMBRIDGE szArtornit
Give your pigs a better start towards rapid
-growth and 'more protection against dis-
ease and stress. Purchase, 25/80's of any
Topnotch Pig Starter and get one 80-lb.
• bag at no charge.'
Of Cr
JIM 1.1111111110iiiiii
Mr. Cattleman
Supplement Mir summer feeding program
with free choice Topnotch 35% -Liquid Sup--
plement. Use a piaven product with a proven
-system. With your first order of 200 gallons, -
or more during s &l a! offer ou will et'
50-lbs. of CILlivestock mineral Free.
For more information contact:
Elgin Young
Phone 527-1910
Offers Good for• Mona of June, 19/8
%. " .117r, • t,.
4441HE HURON EXPOSITOR, SE)i.POITIrk 010'1 4)1 7' 1, 1973'
iliticefield- man- combines
beekeeping and horses ,
Mr. BOO also raises homing
pigeons. 011 brought pigeons up
from Hamilton to Hrucefieldtp
raise, late at flight. Three menthe
later-I let them out and four males
flew straight back to Hamilton.
Hew did they know which dliec-
tion to fly?" he Asked. ,
Wilfred Ross, Bruceiteld, is
Manof yaried interests. A.'bee
keeper by occupation, he Sells
mainly to Ontario Honey Pro-
ducer's, Toronto, Mr. Ross Is
also ichown locally in the-acing
world' for his standard-bred hor-
ses. ' owner and trainer for
twenty years, he has five horses
It his stable , at this time and
has raced at all the local tracks
at one time or another,
Training.and'racing is e pop-
ular- hobby, iays and is be-
cogaing more so every year, as
more people enter' the racing
'It's dinner time at the farm of Wilfred Ross, Brucefield. While beekeeping occupies much of •
his time, Mr. Ross also Is interested in standard bred horses. At the deft is a grandson of
Goodtime, born May 8, out of Quiet Lady by Timely Topic. (Right) A granddaughter of Tarhill,
born May 2, out of }Dailey G. Volo by Elston Hanover.
See long, 4elay bpfor . ,
'sOw r' pro:le'ctbegiris,
" 7 Hentall
Heriaali Town Council at a Hensall would have' to • re jai:Vit ' ' ...' meeting Monday heard David Reid in oiler, to have a Liquor StOreie•drain into the creak at high
who was introduced byDonJoynt, , in Hensall; that the response of water tad) and one to he Sprayed
outline plans fOr insurance for the survey for Cable T.Y. was on. It was' Indicated that the
Hensall. Council. will consider considered high; thattlkeproblein . picture is not too rosy for early
the ' proposal hut agreed that. holding up sewers for Hensel' was , completion of a systenr and
policies with premiums/. due at not" money but how to get rid of owners with septtctankprobtems
one date was desirable. the waste. It was advised that to were advised . to fix their and
Councillor Harald Knight, who allow • for.' an increase of not to, 'wait for sewers as it
had • Spent-the day in Toronto on 'population from 900,to 1200 three add be 1975 or ,1978 • before a
Council business reported that lagoons would be required, two to start will , be. made. He Old .a
1 - • Carmel Church' WMS - . ' . 'didn't advise aSphaltOu new roads
' officials 'with. whom he •spoke - ...
.83rd anniversary .. .
until sewera had been installed.
ing of the pavement on Brock,
Ernie Davis reported pateh-,
h as , , ' 1•i,
The W.M.S. of Carmel Pres- River
Jordan. The most sacred-• Queen and Richmond Streets and
byterian "Church 'in Hensall cele- part was at the Church Of the .
,thought they should be gone over
brated their • 83rd Anniversary on ' Sepulchre and the Gardens ' of . again; he fixed the lock on the
Monday, evening. President,Mrs. Gethsemane
when Communion gate of the bean dump which had
Rachel Schwalm • opened with a was held and Mrs. Waddel showed been cut off; also the catch basin
reading and welcomed the guests the Communion' cup which she
at Mrs. Sararas. He has orders
to get the_ grass cut as soon as
from Exeter apdCromarty Pres- brought home with her. The possible.
Lutheran, the Arnold Circle, and
Councillor, Erb of the Street bytertans, Zurich United and , speaker was introduced by Mrs. con-
members and friends; Rmorcsh.upserFeyabceirmpanbdeilt.hanked by ,Committee will contact the
Mrs. -John Soldan and, Mrs. , ,Mrs. ;02:--0,41ce Meston had.
tractor who installed sidewalks
Agnes Madge Were in charge, * the honour of Cutting the birth- last year in order to have the
the programme and worship using day cake and make a few words work completed. It Was
scriptures from Collossians and on Church missions. The 'Cake that this year a
time limit be set
John, The topic was“Joy seems was
made and -designed by Mrs. . and, aapenalty clause in.serled in
any contracts that are let. '
septic . . ' to , be everywhere when spring' ' H,arvey. Hyde and Mrs,,Mac Doe- Mrs. Cole is having trouble
nk water• from
Cowes". Mrs. Ma-C...1:14Mail nn_, d ' Lunch was served under -the with
were accompanied by Miss Linda Mrs. Andy Orr.
ends and Mr. Davis ,will in-.• „da. Mrs. Edith Bell favoured with a convenorship", of Mrs. Clarence 13
" Bell at the piano. - Mrs.: Harry • PERSONALS .
. vestigate and refer the fatter to duet, 4 gIn times like these", and Volland, Mrs. Earl 'Campbell and '
acted as ushers.
• ' ' Michael Hoy,. who is en'i
. ttie Dgpartment of Health.
the advislbility of having a plumb-
C Wadi was asked to consider '
- Snell and ' "Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth
A skit "St. Peter attheGate" spent last week with his parents
ployed by the Town of Exeter,, lag and building inspector on
d council decided
- as Dolly, Mrs. John Soldan as , his wife, Mary Hethfloy,spent the County
basis u
too costly and it would beimpos-
that in their opinion it would be was' acted out by Mrs-.,Edith Bell Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy,'While
MOUY and Mrs. Harvey Hyde as 'engaged in social work.. While
sable to police oda County basis. Polly, - Mrs. ' Agnes Madge as week in Windgor where she was
St. Peter. -Mrs. Mollie Waddel ther2 she visited with her-',par- to using the ServiCes of aSWEEP
Council was 1 agreeable
and told of her trip to the HolY ' Curdy who reside in Windsor., crew to Clean up along the creek
of Seaforth was the guest speaker entg, Mr; and Mrs.' A. L. Mc-
Land. She ,had • souvenirs and • Rev,
and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson , at the dump and will investigate
the parking ' facilities before.
'meats for tourists. kIrt said
wofithChmesrl.eya,ndspmenrts,He awrreyekHeonyd. • granting Vic Hargreaves a perch it. read an item of thelen command- •
', that. at the ..customs theY-were
to ,build a sales ring on part of
and saw where Samson fiad pulled Bill
Hoy , Zurich, visited Sunday '
p closed if all waste la not covered
force' on, the derma and it will be
Park ldt 7.
searched for weapon's: Many
Cad , al Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kennedy, -
and new Testament
sights were sirand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. New regulatiOns come, 'into
pointed out to them on their tour with Mr. and Mrs'. Harry Hoy,
down the "pillars of the temple. attended the Presbyterian, 58th ' '
Mrs. Rachel •schwalin (.. each week .to a depth of six 1
They. were,ta.kento Jacob's well, 'annual Council Board of Canada '
and a•lio saw Soloman'S temple, which was held in Ewart ,College.
' Permit to build's new house
the DamascuS gatesSt.Ste.phern ih Toronto on May 28 -ta 31.-She was
given ' to Stan Kochin, to 4,
Jesus entered into Jerusalem as 'of the ten counties of the ,Hamil-
gate, and the GOlden gate that Was one of • the seven delegates
IrtC loavrek ,a,,Fhotoolet:t
to build.6am apbwtoir. k, t9- ° '•
well as the Tomb of Lazaras and • ton-London, Synodical to attend. ,shop,
porch ,
to Ed,' Little fora back
Bills and accounts 031998.56 •
Were ordered paid and the
meeting adjourned until July 3.
The biggest lobster ever re- •
ported was a 44 I/2-pOund giant '
hauled up off New Yoricts Long
Island in 1956.
THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY in penny sale_ •
• prizes
Son) S. Williams; Snowmbbile
mitts (Hyde Bros.) Beverly Bela,
Kippen; $5 bill' (Buck Little)
Jessie Cameron; Tablecloth and
, Napkin set (Irwins Ladies Wear)
Don McLeod, Exeter; Fruit boql
(Gerber Mill) Hilda Austin, sea-
forth; $10 bill (Dr. Goddard) Bar-
bare Stretton; .2 dinners (Hotel
Ho-1gal'). Grace McBride, Kippen;
Towel and face .cloth set (Hen-'
salt Sales Barns) Jim Pollock;
10 quarts milk (Hurondale Dairy)
Donald Holland; Alarm Clock
(Reid's Lunch) Nancy "McNab;
Towel and face cloth set (Hen-
sail sales- Barn) Jim Pollock;
$10 perm (Jean's Beauty Shop)
Mary Funk. - '
$10 voucher (Al's Super Save)
Torn. Kyle; Arkona; Juiee Glasses
(Martin Transport)" Glen Nixon;
• - • a The , Hensall Legion Ladies Blyth ; 2 cans Brill car wax (Hen-
. Auxiliary held their annual Penny sail .Motors) JuMe " Cbrriveau;
. Q Sale in the Legion Hall- Friday $3 -,,'voucher fOr baked goods
evening. Leonard Erb drew th'e (Beaton's 'Bakery) William
winning tickets. ". Noakes; $10 perm '(William's
! • The winners ' names ' and Hairstyling) Fred Beer; 1, gallon
businessmen who contributed are exterior paint (Fink's,Plumbing)
• listed .below. The address is Don' Forrest, :bunion; Carton of
Hensall' unless 'Wed otherwise., Cigarettes Cozy Corner) Cindy
penter) Brenda Campbell; Coffee exterior pai (Ball and • Mac
Place mats (Murray Baker, car- Bisback; 1 lion and- 1 quart
table (Custom Trailers)KayJos- Cauley) Rosaline Higgs, Kippen;
, sel, Huron Park; _Fishing pole 4 quarts of oil (Lavenders
(Hensall Legion) ., Lloyd A/len; Garage) Howard Scene; 1 -gallon
Znrich• Citizens News two - paint (Crest Hardware) Miry
one year , Subscriptions -Mrs. Dalton; Arkona; Sleeping bag.'4
Oliver Jaques, Nellie R. Hey; c lin- ' (Oueensway lstursing Home) Janis
ton. News Record, Angela. Bell, Bisback; Rods (Jim's Machine
Kippen. • ' ' ' ' . aaShop) Jack 'Aikenhead.
, Seaforth Expopitor - Sandra "Case of peas and carrots
, Nixon; Exeter Times Advocate - ' (Canadian Canners). Bona Clark;
Mary Dalton, Arkona; 49, a ()Ice Legion 'Auxiliary '3 dratars - Man's.
Florist a $4. voucher •-Julieeor- , wrist , watch - , Mel GlanylIle, $5' voucher (Bartliff's• Bakery) the Wailing Wall. A highlight of Mrs. Schwalm and ' her friends
Ethel Maxwell;, Slippers (Legion their tour was a baptism in the strolled past the home of the
Auxiliary).tupice Alkenhead; $10 '., _. first Prime Minister of Canada,
OIL certificate , for Crest • - . • J. A.. MacDonald-, which 'is on ,
Hardware (Big-sa-Tile) 'Mary Mark 125th , St. Ge'orge Street just past Ewart • if .
Bisback; '1 Lamp (Bendix) Greg '. • .
11.2-oz, •
1'/2-lb. 1.95
• • • • 2's 490
• . 24-oz. 590
'Green Giant 14-oz.
Green Beans or; Cream Corn
Sunkist •
for $4
15 1/2 -oz. 390
doz. 650
FLORIDA TOMATOES . . . ... 2 lb. 690 -
CANADA No. 1 MUSHROQMS , • lb. 690
&Wielder's • '
HEADCHEESE BOWLS . • '12-oz. 490
Selmeider's - -
riyeau; $1() bill (W.Ga Thompson)
Lorraine Randal; Bottle of hair
oil (Flynn's Barber shop) Marie
Schilbe, Hayfield; -2 cases •of
Pepsi (Tuclsey Beverages) 3
draws - Donlla Jean Allan, Bonnie
Sangster, Wayne Corbett, Exeter;
• Leona Parks , (Aver) -dealer)
3 draws - ,von' hydro jet soap
anniversary, -Bible
and brush *set - Garnet Allan; cindy c raine; Fuller Brush lone Ingram; Radio .(Regal GriIa) Hensall United Church was, iS ..1.‘rider way. chane-..
. Sangster; $5 (Huron Auto
Body) Jim Randall; Floral ar-
angement (Palmer-s florist) Lori
Flynn; Toaster (Bonthrong) Mar-
Oland shewer soap - 'Mary Bis-
back ; Cologne - Bonnie Sangster.
(bile service call (Don Travers'
Electric) Nellie Riley; 4 quarts
• of oil (Kyle's Garage) Greg Sang-
ster; $5 voucher •for gas (Ted
Thuss Shell Garage) A. Maxwell,
• •
• Durin the past two weeks g,
Match bag • toy. - Mike Dalton,
Arkona, "Paint by, Number, John
Chappel, Staffa; 2 1/2 gallon
ice-create (Baird's Huron Va-
riety) Terea.sa O'Neil, Clinton;
'Lawn chair (HensallCo-op)Hilda
• Austin, Seaforth; Bill Smale
(watkirisdeale* 2 draws - Power
cleaner - Jim Pollock, Skin lotion
bath (Doreen Deitrich) Dr.
Ken• woad,. Clinton' (Taylor's.
Ready-to-Wear) two, draws,
Baby Blanket -Dorothy-Reynolds.'
Diaper bag - Nellie Riley. .
' - Picture (Ron,',a Variety. Store)
Iva Reid;' wallet (D.C. Joynt and
in hog yard
IS it
filled Scinday morning for the
J. sometnenbers frOm the churches
in Hensall have been canvassing
the village fpr the Canadian Bible
Society. Mrs. Sim Roobal, con-
venor for the project reports that
proceeds received to, date are
considerably lower than' last
year. Ladies canvassing from
the Presbyterian Church were
Erlene Stewart, Peggy Campbell,
Mrs. Maggie . Campbell, Mrs.
Myrtle Orr and Mrs. Ruby
Hoggarth; From the Anglican
Church Mrs. Ethel, Forrest,
Mrs. Genevieve * Windover and
Mrs. Annie Reid; From the
United Charch ,=. Mrs., Acicirey
Christie, Mrs. Janis Bisback,
Mrs. "Leona Park, . Mrs. W1.1I
Beck and Mrs. MargaretIngram.
+lows of
Mrs. Rena Caldwell
At 'a speCial meetingthe of
Huron County • Pork Producers
Association in Clinton on Monday °I
night,-.directors discussed the •
move of the assembly yard from
Clinton to Hensall. A 'Amber, Of
directors north of olinton had had
complaints from pork producers,
that they had to drive an additional
12 miles to deliier their hogs. •
The reasons "for the move
were outlined by James Mc-
Gregor, of Kippen and a member
. of the provincial marketing board •
for . Huron. The reason' was '
purely financial. As the Clinton
yard had .changed hands, an
agreement had to be made with
the new , owner. 'The increase in
cost 11 an agreement was en-
teked into with the new, owner
was nnacceptablejothe market-
ing board sin itWould have
meant an' increase in the region of
30% oyer the old cost.
The board had been able to. 0;
lease facilities in Hensall at tbia
former cost which is the average
cOst'acrois the province.
Directors decided to look into
the feasability of an assembly - or ,
sub-assembly yard 4n the
Belgrave, Blyth, locidesboro
area. •
125th anniversary service. Rev.
Andre* H. McKenzie B.A., 13.D.,
minister of, Knox Presbyterian
Church, in Acton, Ontario .was the
guest minister for the morning
and spOlce on the topic eThOse
who turn the world right side up"
Was Wendy Elston• of Centralia,
guest soloist, sang 1,1'11 Walk
With God", and the choir sang,
the anthem "Great and Marve-
lous" with Wayne Payne taking
a solo, part and Wayne and Gail
Travers taking a duet. A soaaal
hour with ccifee and cookies was
held in the Fellowship Hall. Mr.
_McKenzie, a Hensall native, had
an opportunity to meet old
acquaintances and to make new
A special "Music Alive" wore
ship' presentation was held
for the Anni'versary evening
service. Albert Furtney of,'
Ingersoll conducted the service
and led the congregation and
combined Hensall and, Chisel:-
hurst choir in the anthems and
hymns. Mr. Furney is pres-
ently -Director of Christian Edu-
cation and Organist and' Choir
Director alTrinity United Church
in Ingersoll, Accompanying at
the piano was Mips Anne wes-
Greg Sangster; Boots (Legion
Auxiliary,) Jami McClinchey.
Floral Arrangement (Mc .
Leans Pkarist) Kelly Dalton, Ar-
kona; chO (Legion Auxiliary)
Linda Reid; Hostess Chips, 3
draws,. Alice, Neilands, Hilda
Austin, Seaforth, Lloyd Allan;
Admission and entertainment for
three couple (Pine Ridge Chalet)
Kelly Dalton, Arkona; Pillow
cases • (Peter _MacNaughton)
Donna Allan; $3 voucher (L.M.
Cleaners) '3 draws, • do-anne
• Pepper Pete Allan, Nellie Itiley.
$10 'bill (Smith Cinstruction)
Mildred McNaughton; Towel Set
(Parker and Parker Farm Drain- '
age) Don Holland; Rib Grill
(0. Reid and Sons) Wilmer Fer-
guson; Electric Clock (Knight
Electric) Tim Charrette; Bath Oil
(Legion Auxiliary). Martha
Raoseboom; Key cases (Legion
Auxiliary) Pat Venner.
A collection of the world's
rarest stamps would have an esti-
mated 'value of half a 'million
dollars or more, and yet the
entire accumulation easily would
fit in a man's wallet.
nniversary Seri/ices were
.lief in St. Andre w's Church, Kip-
pen on Sunday with ReV. Wright,
Exeter giving the message.Music
was provided by the Sunday School
Choir and a duet was sung by
John and Michael Binnendyk.
Miss Brenda Triebner has
gone to Calgary, Alberta • to
further her career.
senger also of Ingersoll.
• • .Special guest for the evening
• was Rev. Frederick M. Feist,
Minister of St. Johas United
Church, Stratford and president"
of the. United ChurCh's London
•Cpnference. Mr. Faist told
the-a-ongregation, about plans for
the Conference this year. ,
New Judge
for Huron
228 U.S. gal. tank $66n
8-row Boom ' ONLY
22 gal. pump
• London lawyer Francis G.
-Carter, 50, has been appointed
Huron County Judge, Justice
Minister < Otto Lang has an-
. He fills a post left vacant by
the death of Judge R. S. Hether-
ington, 64, 'April 5, 1973.
The Liberal candidate in the
1967 provincial election, Judge
Carter was 'defeated by Premier'
John Roberts. Judge 'Carter also
made 'an unsuccessful bid in 1966
for a spot on'the London board of " ;
Born in St. John's , Nfld.,
Judge Carter receitred his
education at St.- Bonaventure's
College, St. Francis Xavier Uni-
versity and Osgoode Hall.
While at OsgOode he re-
ceived the Sir George Johnson
Scholarship. He was, called to
the bar in 1950.
Judge Carter worked on the'
staff of the Financial Post for t,
two years and was the author of
numerous articles on the legal
history of Middlesex County. He
is a foriner president of the
Middlesex Law -Association.
• Judke'Carter is the author of
a book, Judicial Decisions on
Denominational Schools. , •
A separate school trustee for
six years, Judge Carter is a past
president of the ontarioSeparate
School Trustees ASsoclation.
"The Business Bunt",
.• • r ' - • t • u,••••
P •
Model CAT-I-50-62