HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-07, Page 15Notice, to Property Owner;::
to destroy. weeds
Notice le- hereby •given to all-persons in posse-estop of, land,
in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1972 Sections 4,
14,, 20 and amendments thereto, that unless ,noxious weeds
growing on their Linde within the Municipality of HIB'BERT
are destroyed by date of
• 15TH JUNE, 1973 •
and throughout the Season, the .Municipality May• enter upon
said lands and• have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs
against the lead in -taxes, as set out in the Act.
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited:
• , "Charles 'Friend
( Clerk, Hibbert Township
tai it 1;1E 1 f:"17231111111
THE HPRoN Positog, .504P6OL114, 0414 i$
7 -------
LICENSED AUCTIONEER Thank you to all-who made my
• - stay in Alexa.ndra Marine and
General Hospital,. Goderich more _
pleasant. Spepial thanks , to
Mom Kerslake for caring for Rick
and Renee, Dad Kerslake and
Craig, Dad Th9mpson and Bill
ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, for. helping with the farm
,., ANYWHERE , work. Everything' 'is deeply ap-
/10, we give complete sale service. predated. - Jim ThomPson.
Pik:41e Collect '
235-1964 Exeter
•23-1.1 41, flowers, cards and visits while I
,„ was in hospital.. ThanXs to Rev.
Hancock and Rev:,NAterson.
LICENSED ness. -
7-9 Irf . _13
1.4'• "1. 3.
By,Appointment Only
Seaforth „Office
9 to 5:30 P.M..
. Thursday evenings'
- Monday only - Clinton Office
•. For Appointment
Phone 527-1240 '• or 482-7'010
23, Business Directory 23. Bll.siness DirCaory
87 Goderich st.W.,Seaforth
Phone 527-1390 Seaforth
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient
Kippen, Ontario
elephone 262-5515,- -Haman
SpeCiallaing in • feral, estate and business liquidations.
We offer the meilf modern and-complete auction' systeM,
therefore guaranteeing the matimum profitable returns for
year auction.
Book early for, desired sale date.
Auctioneers and Liquidators
`Phone Clinton 482-3120.
NORM WHITING 24. Card of Thanks
Special thanks to Dr. Moyle,
nurses - and staff for-their kind- -
can Forrest, :24-91-1' •
, •
Sincere thanks to our neightours,
'relate/ s and friends for cards',
treats a d vis is while' we', were
in hospt --and to those who
helped ith fie work. Special
thanks Is. Brady, MalkuS,
Whitman and Underwood and Sea-
forth HoSpital staff. - Sam and
Mary McClure. .4,- 24-91x1'
. -
We would like to express our
sincerefh , Iaritcs to -neighbours, •
relatives and friends for their
cards, flowers and gifts during
our stay in Seaforth Community
-Hospital. -Special thanks to _Dr.
Brady, the nurses and the staff
• of the Hospital. Their care and '
kindness was, certainly aPprecia-
ted and Will never be forgotten.
Thanks again. - Blariche Hopper
and baby, Paul william. 24-91-1
My sincere thanks to family and
all who remembered me with
The family- of the late Walter
Rock wish 'to thank their peigh- '
Hours, relatives and friends for
their kindness in-the less of a
WIL60110Mtlwr,. , „ g W4,.very much ap-
preCiated. . 24-91-1
25, Memonam
al Notices
McNICHOL - To Gary and Mary
Anne McNichol, RA: 4, Walton'
in London Victoria Hospital on
May 29, a daughter. 27-91x1"
TOWNSEND To Mr. and Mrs.
George 'Townsend of R.R. 4;
Seaforth at Seaforth. Conimiinity
Hospital on June 2, 197'3;, a son.
27- 9l xl
26. Personals
..loilcCLURE° - To Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McClure of R.11.1, Sea- ,
forth- to' Seafo h Community
Hotipital on M 31, 1973 a
son. '27-91x1
HARBURN -'To Mr. and -Mrs.
Harburn of R.R. 4, Wal-
ton, on June 5, 1973 at Seaforth
Community Hospital, a daughter.
McNICHOL - To Mr. and Mrs.
Neil McNichol of R.R. 4,Waltqn
on June 2,, 1973 at SeaforthCom-
munity a son.
FAULKNER - To Rev. and Mrs.
Taulkner of -SsefOrth iii
Seaforth Community Hospital on
May 3.1, 1973' a son. 27-91x1
27. Births
'P.C.V. Class CDF & FS
rving Dublin & Seaforth areas
* tone 345-2301 Dublin anytime.
• 23-91-11
R. S. BOX •
phones: 1
Day 527-Q680 - Night 527-0885
Night and Day Calls - 527-0510
• . 23-'91-tf
Seaforth. nntarto
GLANVILLE - I n memory of
our son, •and brother, Meryl
, Douglas Glanville who passed
away one year ago today, June
JO, 1972. •
The month of June, again is
To us the sapdest oethe year,
One year ago, we had to part
The, one we loved with all our
The wound is deep it will not
''Only those who have lost know
how we feel.
U we could speak with him to-
day -
t Laugh with him in the sanie old • •
way '
please. God, forgive a silent
A silent wish that he were here
There were others yes' we
know '
But he was. ours, and we lovede,
hire so.'
- Sadly missed and always re-
membered . by Morn, Dad, -
brothers and Sisters. 25-914
26. Personals,
D$0..iat4ca ..C.IVCue.SPDP
.1.0iot$, 000044*PP*
a •#0.4.0/40410a.1:011'*440'. nigh
the ..610104.0.0:poP.740t
seatorel?:.. :. , ".. s..: -- • •
Pig g404 full 4164S‘it*"""
a earn' Over from" :the OW:day*:
When #11 the, Owe OW 900 i
apaptatoro sat G.4..004040. of ;*tr'aw,i „
The, sooaaaot a. oihovtria:kate4:. 1,
by tlie number nt.ffitilovtloplete
it 0494..., 5 , player
The Royal 'BOP, ng•P
18 towns and .Xfs,,8,#!4ik1i9u:simP: .
since the tour began this May
in Rodney, .04. Going 40,.:the.
circus is like a aostaucla:#70.1
The only differences tokto are the •
'trucks and the trailer's whichhave
replaced, horse drawnWagonS and' .
the perforMert' tents.
' A circus may be one of t_o
types uyaudevIlle" It** 4 .Too7
- , or 4.resher a tent -$ M64.r,,,,,:re .
Hoiai Brea., which:thrilled' eo
many Seaforth youngsters Is one ,
of the few /eft,in North America.
" This is dedicated to •. any, '
youngster who would like to, or
Would--have liked to, run away.,
and ` join the cirdus.-- underneath
• the .glitter,.. noise and excitement
is .the hard grind found in every
job. „,„ •
.,., A. -circus performer on tour
works , six days a week, two showS -
, • a night, on the road to a different '
town every day. It's the , free
life of a wandering gypsy" to,
- an" ordinary layman but out of '
the clown's ?nouth, Garry Noel:
""One small town is° like
another, every vacant lot the
- same. We are under a very tight
schedule, no ,time ,,for sight-,
seeing, any spare time is used
for revising or preparing new
acts." -
When time not on tour, the
circus crld various jobs..
.4dr. MichaMichael's Mess
of Mutts is a puppeteer and works
in 'a marionette theatre in wie;,-,
ter. ,
A non-performer or workman
cares for the animals -and an•
elephant can drink a lot of water
which has , to be provided. '<The
. crew must put up the tents every
- morning and- take theni down,
. after 'the show every night and
it is all done by manual laBsur.
, During „ fhb shOw .the - crew •
- operates condessions and sells
• Men to work are hard to find •,-
So the circus must rely heavily
, for help on local youngsters who
turn up at the show groUnds when' •
they hit town.
, • Mr.,Stenoelfsays.be has,Jobs "
aitaitable.. for Ilse, young meWs-
. no experience necessary. •
,Like those , in, a • lot of
businesses, circus people usually
--. are born and bred.j The children
• take correspondence courses in-
stead of attending day schools and
perform .acts with their parents.
They say emphatically that they
...._ :wouldn't have it any other way.
The feeling is that of a large and
happy family. •
. - Mr. and Mrs. 'Al 'Stencell,
_ewners, of Royal. Bros. are a •
young well-educated Canadian
couple who came under the spell , -
of the circus a year ago. , Al
•Siencell spent his summers as a
Youth working with the circuS.and
says - "It's, like a disease, it
gets-into your, 'blood."
. The Stencells went into part-
nership with the Frazier faintly
a year ago and bought the Royal
Bros. Circus from the' United
States into Canada.
The winter was spent getting
ready to go on the road. Per-
' former,s are obtained and hired
by reputation or through a trade
paper called the Amusement
Business. Equipment is bought
and repaired. Canva is•hard to
get.- Circuses are • near -ob—
solescence and equipment is Or-
pensiVe and scarce. '
Sponsors, - service clubs like
the Optimists - must be'''Con-•
, tracted, routes set up, and publi-
city posters' and tickets printed.
It works on an incentive basis.
The more tickets a club sells
in advance the higher percentage
it- makes.
The Royal Bros. circus in-
cludes 30 employees of which 15 .
are performers, a big top and ,
' two rings and a side show: The
to cells plan ,to keep .the show -
small but modernize it .to cut
labour costs. Their initial out.;
lay was $30,000, they said, and
expenses run to as much as
$800 to $900 a-day. •
plans for next year are to
tour the Maritimes and Nevi-
foundiand. This summer may be
..your last chance to see the only
performing Brahma Bull on'tour,
• courtesy of Royal Bros. Circus.
Give the kids a thrill, 'relive
a part of the good old days.
Tonight, June 7, the circus plays
in Cliesley. ,
22. Legal Notices
•ramilowromm, 'John and Beatrice Regier Weald
like to invite their friends and
relatiles to the4 Reception beinif
held on the ()evasion of their
50th Wedding Anniversary; at the
Seaforth Golf and Country Club,
June 16th,..8 P.M, 26-91x1 '
Service to all makes
Radios, Etc.
L7 Spirting St. - phone 527-1150.
Perth Electronics Service
123 Waterloo St. South
Stratford, Ontario
PhOne 273-1300 23-914f
Remember' It take& but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in pocket.
To advertise, just Dial geaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eyre
announce the forthcoming
"Marriage. of their daughter,
Janice Lynn, to Mr.Laurence
Raymond Snell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Snell, Londes-
borongh. The wedding will take
place' on June 29, 1973 in Eg-
mondville United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Swan,
Seaforth, are pleased-to an-
pounce the forthcoming marriage
of their' daughter, Nancy ' Ann,
to Mr. William Herold Des-
jardins, 'son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clement Desjardins, of Goder-
ich. The wedding will • take
place on Saturday, July 7, 1973 0 at 7 PA M, in the St. Thomas'
Anglican Church, •Seaforth,
Ontario. 26-91x1 •