HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-07, Page 14• HURON ELECTRIC •86 King Street • industrial,residential,• farm Wiring. Clinton • - 4824.7901 Prop". Budd Kuehl. 19-91-tf A , Mike. Lucai Painting & Decorating • Clinton Free' Estimates Phone 482=-3825 Mike Lucas 19-89-5 FACTORY .WORKERS We require,productiokyvorkers in our Stratford and • • Mi,tchell 'plants. experience necessary , -Good rate of pay plus bonus '-L7-Company paid: Life, Insurance Hospital Insurance Medical Insurance Sickness' Insurance r•• Apply in person to:' • PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT , /eve4414:surie • ' • 1030' Erie Sheet, Stratford, Ontario. 4-91-1 /VACUUM.CLEAINiER'S SALES & SERVICE ALL'M'AKES BOB PECK , VARNA n *, • 262-5748 1 u-91-if REWARD $ Top prices• paid for Dead and Disabled Cows and ,,,,Ilorses -and Stocker Cattle - all •small animals pick-. up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to service you '24 hours 7 days a week. , Phone _Collect 887-9334 Brussels Oilt Food Sup es Lic. 399-C-7,3 19-91-U OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE. Of New and Used Furniture, ApplianceS, Giftware at BALL'AUCTINS; 'BRUSSELS FRIDAY. JUNE 8TA AT 8 P.M. Featuring; chesterfield suites,. coffee end tables, lamps, swag lamps, pole lamps, automatic Washers and dryers, dishwashers, stereos, component sets, automatic zig-zag sewing machines, single and •double continental beds, blink beds, lovely Spanish, French and Colonial bedroom. suites,. kitchen suites, maple desks, swords, silverware, appliances, colored and black and white TV's, matching Leonard frig and stove,.deluxe side by side refrigerator (Fooderama), .plus many more items too numerous to mention. Highest dash prices will be paid for good used furniture antiques and appliances. Complete estates bought of auctioned. . 6 Call Bell Auctions, Brussels, 887-9363. Sales every Friday at 8 P.M. Seking and partying provided, also lunch booth. Manager Ned Rutledge Auctioneer R. A. Ball 20-91-1 44,4;THE HURON EXPOSITOR,., SEAFORTH, ONT., JUNE 1i 1913 . A*0 i;';; ," ," • . 19. Notices 12. Wanted to Buy 15. Property for Rent 19. Notices 1.* Coming Vents 4. Hap Wanted 11. Articles for Sale 4. Help Wanted SMORGASBORD strawberry and, ham supper, Brucefield United Ch •rch, Fednesday, June '20th from 5 o'clock to 8 P.M. Adults $2.50, 12 and under, $1.50. . • HURON DEAD' STOCK .REA11011.Att' Clinton, Ontario • We are now paying, $5.00 • $15.00 for fresh "rdead disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. , • Two trucks to serve you better.:, 'Fast i efficient , service: - All., small farm stock picked , tip free of bharge as a service to you.. YOU, MAY OBTAIN AWR1TTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED ' VETERINARIAN • •, UPON REQUEST • Call Collect - 482-9811 • , 'days' a week - 24 hours a'clay ,Licenie No. 378-C-72 • Call us first, 'yotKworet Wive to 'call anyone else. 19-91 -tf, e OLD furniture,. household arti- cles, interesting, articles wanted, any condition,, single pieces or lots. H.' Mitchell, 482-7584. 12-91-4 TROPICAL FISH . BUDGIES, CANARIES . 6. Room heated apartment, water supplied, separate bath. Avail- able 'July 1st. 527-031taftel P,M. 15-91x1 SEASONAL WORKERS REQUIRED A. complete. line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street ,f,er 1-87 -5 2 Bedroom apartment, separate drive. Available. immediately, 527-0042,. 15-91x1 Child's Swing Set and slide,phone 527-1819. . 12-91-1 • ONE' ladies 28" bicycle. Phone 527-1819. .12-91-1 Ham and Strawberry Supper." at Hibbert United Church, Wednes- day, June 13th. Time 5 - 8 P.14. Admission adults $2.25; Child- ren. 12 and under $1.00, Pre kschool- free: • ' • 1-90-2 Exeter . PhOI'M 235-1951 11-91-tf JAYCO Hardtops and Trayel Trailers, 6 and 8 sleepers; Hard- tops starting at $1450; Travel Trailers starting at $2500. Dem - onstrator 16 1/2' Special $2100; See us for all your camping assessories.' Bui'istead Metal .F abr icating , desephine Street, Wingham', 35'7-,2272. 11-90-5 16. For Sale or Rent 3 Bedroom house completely re- Modelled,' vacant ,527.s 0971. 16-91-1 AIR Compressor and or spray gun; 'any utility compressor considered. , 527-1537. 12-91-1 ANNUAL Summer Festival 'spon- sored by the Agricultural Society ii and the Opto 1st Club. To be held at the S eafo h Comedunity Centre Saturday, J y 7th-, 1973. Desjar- dines Orchestra. fiancing 10- 1. Admission $3.00 per couple. Tickets available from melnbers. • 1-90-6 17. Wanted, to -Rent TRAILER hitch for 15 ft. trailer preferably for equilizing weight. 527-1537. . 12-01-1 Wantee to buy a roll top desk in reasonable, condition. Write R. Neely, 29 Earl Street, Sffat- ford or Phone 271:4886. 12-89-3 To help process delicious Alymer.and Del •Monte Vegetables. • LOWWIER Tropical Fish . and Hobby • Shop open from 7 P.M. to 11 P.M. weekdays,- 10 A:M. to 11 P.M. week end. Phone /WI.. 6351, 4th and 5th Concession Morris Township. , 19-91-tf WANTED to rent one or two bed- room aparehent in Seaforth. Apply Box 3055,' Huron Exposi- .tor.. • ' 17-91-1 19. Notiees. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, • NECESSARY •' light and heavy. labour • day and night shifts, INCREASED WAGE RATES Register in person' at your local • #6'5 Case combine, in working ,condition. Herman Van Bakel, Phone 345-2518. 11-90x2 a STRAWBERRY and. Ham Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wed- , nesday, J e 2 th. from 5 o'ClOci to 8 P.M. Adul p $2,50, ,1 2 and under $1.50. • 1-87-6' 14. Property for Sale STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and dupli- cate. The Huron E]p3ositor seaforth. - r Attention Housewives 11=:91.xti ,THE C. •NI E. AND SCOTTISH • W014111'• FESTIVAL 6.4 Citation,' Geld& Falcon, Flxie Holiday Travel Trailers';' Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tept -Trailers; Truck Toppers; Crestline7 „ Springbok, Chrysler Boats & 'Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment: CAMP -OUT, FtENTAL'S, SALES. Hiuron St. Stratford. 1+93-5938. 11-91-8 • Are you happy with your present , kitchen cupboard? If not, contact: us for complete kitchen remodelling. _ • : Ball - Macaulay . LTD. Real Estate Ltd 82 Albert Street ' Clinton 1 1/2 storey frame home 'on S. Main Street all nicely 'decor- ated with 'forced air oil heat and 'attached garage. 1,Uxuriously decor ed 14 storey hdme on M rk Street. -Has gas -heat, , 3 ooms, 2 bathrooms, bea ul modern kitchen, carpets throughout. Must be seen to be 'appreciated. By Appointment only. • * * * * * * 400 acre farm 6 miles- from Seaforth, with good- buildings' river crosses property. Laud cap be purchased without build= ings. \anada Manpower Centre cir CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED AYLMER laillonte 2 1 0 Wellington St., W. EXETER, ONTARIO Tickets now available' for the final performande, champion- ship . events Scottish World Festival at the, C.N,E,. Sunday, August 19th. Tickety-$13 each include' return-'bus . fare; , admission to grounds „and re- served grandstand eat for even- ing perfOrmlance. Bus leaves. Seaforth at 10:3 a,m, NOTICE Clinton - Seaforth - HensaIT 19-91-tf. • • • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED °' Modern equipment. . , we guarantee all work. -write, or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Phone Clinton,' , 482-1320- 19-9141 - We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange-, for pick-up at your farm phone by Saturday night. • WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9392. 19-91-tf SMALL well-built trailer Sleep; 2 adults, 2 small -Children. • Ice boX, hydro connection." ?boric 527-0817. _ ,t 11-91-1 ° 20. Auction Sales GOOD/TIMES TRAV.FjL AGENCY 4-91-2 • LARGE baby crib with mattress also baby buggy, all in good condition, 527-1698. 11-91-1 , • Lqbb Geth'ke Auctioneers & Appraisers Clinton Monkton 482-3409 -347-2465, 482-7898 ' AUCTION CALENDAR SAL June 16' Mrs. E1Ia 4. Mogk hOusehold auction. , on Montreal St.,Mitchell.• • 'Wed. June 20 - Hau6Ln Con- NORM - WHITING signment Machinery Sale. : • Exeter, 235-1964 r lap le or 1.1 Box 789 Seaforth Ph ne 527-0050 - r 1-91-tf Have your cattle or hogs 'If you rare thinking, of baying or selling ANTIQUES. OR THE regular meeting of Seaforth Horticultural Society will be held in, the Town -.Hall June. 13 at' 8 ' P.M. Discussion and , demon- stration on flower show Aug. 18 is planned. Any member with a year book which has flower show list contact Irwin Trewartha. 1-;91-1 Fully equipped 'restaurant With modern.living quarters in Huron County: ****** FOOD FOR THOUGHT ' AGE - Something that makes • • wine • worth more; and • women less! ' 14-91-1 Custom Killed USED FURNFTUE contact • anglprocessed in Huron's newest st modern abattoir. Twd days - Monday; beef and, ho s, Wednesday; cattle only. Pick up service available. Beef ,by the quarter or side. ; We bUy'estatei 449Y or: Shiite iiiticeek 9-91-if Clinton Legion Hall P."314,1. Julie 71-,L Admission . $1.00,' 15 regular. games $1'0.00 each. Three. Share-The-Wealth , Games. One jackpot game for $160.00 in 55 , calls or less. 1-91-1 HAM & Strawberry supper at Cromarty Presbyterian, Church Wednesday, June 20th from 5 to 8 P.M. Admission Adiilts$2.00 • children under 12 - 75i, and take '. r out orders $2.25." 1-91-2 -2g.- Legal Noti s NOTICE TO CRED TARS Dadings Abattoir . Exeter 235-0420 In the EState of Jane Saunders- AMlul ipr e. rsOns having claims against the Estate of Jane Saunders Muir, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, House- keeper, deceased who died on, the 12th day .of May, 197,3, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned.,pn or before the 21st day of June, 1973, after which date the assets.will be distributed, having regard only to claims„„then received. • • Dated at °Seafortli this 25th 'day of May, 1973. " McCONNE.LL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for the Hxecutor 22-90-3 • HULLETT FART/1 $L,501 AND 'UP 200 acres productive clay loam. Large bank' barn with milk- • house. ' 4 bedroom solid brick _ FULL set of drums; bronze in. home ,with modern conveniences. ' .• color with throne brushes and' Priced at $65,000. sticks $175.00 firm. - "G" . Banjo 5- stringin , excellent , condition $55.00 firm. 527-1869.I McK on• 6 acres, pro- 11-91x1 tected by Spruce windbreaks, a forl;'Ist and 2nd mortgages on residential properties. Borrow ,for any• purpose against the equity of Our house; refinance to reduce monthly payments or for . mortgages coming due.. For confidential and competent ser vice, call collect. 1-744-226 HARDTMAN & STRACK LIMITED, Waterloo. 19.2 .91-tf WATCH REPAIR"' 19-89-5 The ..:liuron County -X- RELIABLE person required , to work 'on a farm on Saturdays. Apply to. Box 3054, Huron Exposi- tor: . '4-91-1 8. Farm'Stock for Sale HAMPSHIRE boars ready for heavy service government approved at farmer's prices. • Contact Paul McNally, Wingham, " Ont., 357-3724. ' HEALTH UNIT COUTRY HOME ' invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH 5. Bus. Opportunities No exper' ence necessary. Excel'-' -lent Opportunity .for business . man, woman, cb,mmunfty workers and 'teachers, If you are personable, not afraid of hard 'work and .have the , desire to increase your income, World . Book - Childcraft of Cahada Ltd. will train you at our expense. We offer high commission and' the opportunity for rapid advancement. For ad interview write Mr.. James Edgar, Box 123, Listowel, Ontario or Call 291- 3763 after 5 P,M. 5-91-1 " 2 1/2 storey 4 bedroom brick home with ,large.' kitchen, '*ith • cupboards,. liVingroorn and 3- piece bath, $12,000 with only $2,000 down". MODERNIZED HOME Just move in, everything has been done in this one storey 3 bedroom -home. 'One acre lot on a County road 7 1/2 miles from Seaforth. Full price $12,000., Contact • 8-91-1 sthall clinks. 52• 7,-1819. - • 8-91-1 • 16 Started pigs, apply to Oliver Wright. , 8-91-1 SOME rabbits for sare, Buchanan, 482-9880. , 11-91-1 Seaforth Hospital, on. THURSDAY, JUNE 14 LITTLE girls 'dresses, slacks and jacket, sizes 3 to 5 in good 'condition, 527-07,15. 11-91-1 FAST' SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth , 527-1720. 19-91-tf • • from 9:30-- 11;30 for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia,Screening 3. Iffirnunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- - ren's teeth to prevent cavi- . ties for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Visio,!, testing. 1-91-1 Ach4itfc;nal Classified 9. poultry-for Sale • K1M13E11,LEGITORN, Day Old .and Started' Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 9-91-tf FARROWING crates, 2 standard Models or can be custom built, George Troyer, Hensall, Phone 262-5282. 11-91-1 • JOHN OR CAROLYN . THOMPSON - - - Spraying .'of Ettam, Patoran, Atratine, Sutan„ Kilrrior 'and grain, sprays seeded to 'legumes or not. Will also do • fence;% ttoms, fence rows, etc.' Contac - Joe Roach or Jack Feen 345-2318. P.S. -For all your spraying re- quirements contact Milton Dietz. 19-90x3 L- 'ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding 'Machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240., Seaforth, 11-91itf on Page 15 R.R.2, Seaforth, 527-0238. 14-91-1 4.. Help Wanted 'Career for Right Person Have an opportunity for one only, qualified person, who ,is interested in a career as profes- sional automobile person. Prefer someone with no experience. • Must be of good moral character and willing to work hard enough 'to earn up to $1200 a . month *bile learning the world's most fascinating business. If you are willing to work hard this is an excellent opportunity, if not, we have nothing to offer you. ;`. • LEARNT° DRIVE 'TRACTOR TRAILERS 62 JAMES 'STREET Pile of more than - Articles for •Sale 'FIFTY 2" x 6" Now you can train right here in Canada! Accommodation and expenses paid While training! Tuition Tax deductible! For ablication and interview, write: Safety Department, Trans Can- ada Transport Training, Suite 316,, 20'7 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381. 5-89-3 ON.E trail type sprayer with gear pump and 21 ft. boom. Ferg Kelly 345-2197. 11-91-1 TRAVEL trailer 17 ft. with add a room, toilet, Phone '482-7164. . 11-91-1 and an assortment of lumber, doors, etc. Good value at$60.00. SERVICE 20. Auetion Sales 20. Auction Sales WE SELL- AND ACCUTRON BIJLOVA CAltAVELLE WATCHES- ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. WILLIAM M. HART 11-91-1 3 bedroom house. Drive. pant it, • • see our sign,„ and then come in and have a chat. MARE riding home good with children alSo fresh nib, 482- 9217. 11-91x1- USED 36 inch electric stove in -good condition. Sell reasonably. Roger Hoornaert, R.R. 2, Kippen 527-0247. , 11-91-1 WILLIAM M.HART Salesman * Seaforth Days 527-0870Evenings 527:4972 or 565=2855 Seaforth 527-1720 GEORGE .R JOOSTON. 19-91-tf AVON CAN HELP MAKE ENDS MEET. Earn the money you heed for your family selling AVON'S famous, products. To buy or sell write Avon Products, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32. 5-91-1 RABBIT cages New Zealand and training trays, 527,0655. 11-91-1 SEALPOINT Siamese kittens $6 each,.345-2453 or 887-9030. 11-91x1 COPIES' Bill PAciaiighlin Motors Ltd. 4-91-1 Jcipies of your important papers or documents while you 'wait. Letter sire, Mc each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-91xtf RCN.. ESTATE LIP. VARIETY .of Barbie clothes for • 16 inch doll, 527-1446, '11-91x1 ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, authorized dealer -- Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderick.,Phone 524-6514. 19"-91,-tf • EAVESTROUGHING aluminum • or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. R. E. Ruttan, Wink- ham, Phone 357-1077. 1,9-91-tf 'West Lorne. 14-91-1- 7. Situations Wanted WOMAN wishes general house- work, one day a week. Apply to Box 3053, -Huron Expositor. 7-91-1 USED mink pens, suitable for rabbit breeders, all wire or wood sided. Apply to Francis Fill' Farm, Kirkton, phone 229Y 6294. . 11-91x4 15. Property for Rent Three bedroom 9 x 9 tent, Phone 527-1271 any, time after 3:30 P.M. 11-91-1 TOWN HOUSE ' FLOAT DRIVER PONY bridle with curved bit, in good condition. Mrs. Gordon. Muegge, Phone 527-0362. 11-91-2 8. Farm Stock for Sale 23 Pigs 9 weeks old. Ferg Kelly, 3457219'7. 8-91-1 for rent in Vanastra, R.R.5, Clinton. $95.00 per month. All utilities paid. 482-9742 or • 482-7396. anytime 15-91 -tf 1/4 of choice beef. ApplyStanley Jackson, 527-1927. , • 11-91-1 Experienced tractor driver for 25-ton low-bed float combinat- ion. 47 Rate: $3,10 per hour. Apply in person tot USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 GESTETNER ink 31/affable at, -The Huron Expositor, 5270240. Seaforth. 11-91xtf. TO give away to a good home female .dog,GermanShepherd and Husky, (will spey ). Contact at 482-76344,31 Edmonton,Vanastra. 11-91x2 Mixed grain, 482-7423,• 11-91x1 " GENERAL electric frig, centre top freezer, 9 Cu. feet; 30", Moffat stove, excellent condit- . ion, Automatic timer, minute minder, clock, 527-0658. 11-91-1 66 Good pigs Ted Van Dyke, 52'7-'1435, 1t.R.4, Seaforth. " 8-91x1 LOOEY CONSTRUCTION Dublin, Ontario 345-2800 -TWO bedroom 'modern home in Seaforth, gag heated, ftirnished Or 'Unfurnished. Box 3052, Huron mcpm.tot. 35 pigs, all castrated, Hans Von Euw, 527-1798. 8-91x1 15-91-2 4-91-1 T . .%•":;