HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-07, Page 12VAC , ON•VALUED USED CRS 1971 Ford $tationtvagon, 1971 Cougar 1970 Ford, 2-door, HT. • 1969 Chevelle .1969 Ford LTD, 2-dr., II . 1969 Ford, 2-dr., HT. ro 1968, Dodge, 2-dr., HT. 1968 Pontiac, 4-door 1967 Ford Fairlane 1967 Comet „ 1967 Ford, 2-door 1967 Ford Stationwagon 1966 Che,v., 4-dr. Sedan • BILL dIVIdAUGHLIN MOTORS LTD. Ford - Mercury _Dealer • PHONE 527-1140 SEAFORTH Plans for bean processing plant, 1 ATTENTIQN BEAN Good Crops Start • With —.GRQWERS:13RANp. SEEDs: an • I 11r Available irir The Warehouse at TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED PHONE 527-1910 • SEAPORTS Contrails Available Inquire Today Ontario Bean Growers Co-operative 'The Farmers Elevator' I • * 1 !2 -THE 10 tt N, EXPOSTUR„SEAFOON,'ONT., JUNE, 7, 1973 ar. 4. ... ............ structionHof 600,00 can lant underwd • •••'' -1 • a • 5 5 Construction of a Self contained bean-processing plant • at an estimated coat • of nearly $61100,000 is; underway two' miles east of Seafprth, The site on the Hibbert Tuck- ersmith boundary abnts.the CNR and has ready access to No. 8 Highway. ConstritetionpatIS call for the plant to be ready to re,. celve the 1973 crop by September 1st. while' the preliminary an- nouncemeid in March indicated plans concerning, the plant de- tafts have Just now been •re- leased. Directors of the Ontario Bean Growers do-operative gave ap- proyal to the project in November proval • to the Project InNovem- her of last year and since that time 'a subcommittee including C. B. Dear ing.of Hibbert and board chairman John Mcflhargey of Lucan have been busy arranging /4. financing, -developing plans and 4thestigating and obtaining' date 'conceining possible sites. During the, study similar installations , across Ontario and in Michigan. 'were Visited While several sites were in. xestlgated, the boards decision on the Hibbert site'w,as.based on the fact It Was central to the bean .growing area. around *Seaforth which the plant was intended to serve and at the 'same 'ti-'e had • ready access to both railroads and highway.. ' The Board already °berates a processing plant ln London and, this will be cohtitked. TheLon- don plant is handling approxi- mately 190,000 cwt. of product , a year with a market valu,e of over $2000,000. The new Seaforth plant will haye an, initial capacity of 100,000 cwt., to handle the pro- duction of about 8,000 acres. It features a hylasaplic dueMing syStem which ensures Clearing the greatest number of trucks is • the shorteii time.. Storagd • • capacity. ........ six 80-hy 20 fbot silo0. The plant is designed so that, by adding *rage facili- ties, it will be capable 'of processing double this amount.. Th .e plant will provide. -six tb ten new permanent 'jobs, in . the community., Decision to provide, fa411- ties in the 'Seaforth area was- prompted by continuing increased bean production in nelghboring townships. Huron Count accounts for 44.2 %,of the white bean produc-. • tion in Ontarid and Perth County for 141.6%. In 1971 the foutown- ships surrounding Seaforth and Including McKillep,Tncker mith, „ Hibbert and .Hullett had '20,740 acres in white beans. Ten years earlier the total had been ,3,120 acres. Costa include a general con-, ' tract of $510,000 to Dorssers Welding Co. 'Ltd. of Blenheim. In addition the Board carried • out ,site improvements,' provided water and 'storm sewaf as well as being •responsible for the elec- tric installation. ' Triese amount -to $65,00,0. The electric' work is being carried out by DOwson Iriayter 'of Centralia. • • • '-Ag re-e.- - garbage „, • (Continued frOin Page 1) Ilk , ii miviiii In mi P111:14111 A JIMMAllh ANIMIKIN ' ' I l' I • 9 144 AND'Ul? FRIDAY, JUNE 8th, 1973 MEN'S • LADIES', POLYESTER . WORK. SOCKS. - 2/$1.74: - ' . SHORTS ' 1/4 ¤2 . Sizes 8-16 BOYS' PLAIN ian:CHECK BIAGGIE Size's Reg. 6.8 8 1/$4.44 744 PANTS . ' LADIES' Assorted. ;,.918,,,es,,rto and. KNEE Styles liOSSES' 2/$1.54 -HI's & Colours MEN'S SHORT SPORT Sizes SLEEVED M, L SHIRTS ' BEACH TOWELS 5, 1/$3.44N , ii$1.44 LADIES' ONE-SIZE " STYROFOAM • BIKINI BRIEFS , CUPS' 3/$1.44 - 150 Gips $1.44 LADIES' ONE-SIZE 54" WIDE • PANTY HOSE' 'TABLEFLEX - 4/$1.44 - • ' ' .g. J.. -;,.. 2 Yds. $1.74 \ LADIES' POLYESTER INA:1011. and OUTDOOR ' . ' *JAMAICA 'SHORTS ' ' RAID Sizes 38-44 18.7 Fluid Ozs. ' , ., ' 1/$3.24 • RUBBERMAID 1/$1.64- • KODAK CX126 20 • CUTLERY TRAY.. FILM CARTRIDGE • 1/$1.44. ForColoured Prints X/$1.44 ) GIRLS' POLYESTER JUMP SUITS SERVIETTES Sizes 7-12 , Reg. 3.98 14 2.44- Package of 400 • . 2 Pkgs. -$1.44 Also 24 other great Specials to Choose from )Eur:j MA Ile ' CLINTON , • • Previously 'the residents had agreed. themselves to pay for garbage collection on a mill rate basis. However they now have agreed it would be better for all . to pay • on a flat rate rather than everyone different on a -mill rate • ,eased nn4ssessrnent. p 'IR other business. council ,pissed for .payment accounts 'totalling $101,06441 and inclUded: general acCounts , $1,216.83; •• ' SChool board ler., $84,316.00; grants,: $1,6159.414••' ..vroads $13,162'.95; fire cally .$77.08; . „ drains, $9L25: Requests tor- building permits were approved for Ken Moore, Egmondville, an , . implement shed; and Medd* tor a new house in Egmondville. • „Clerk 'James McIntosh re- ported the *finial control officer, , Gordon Dale of R.R, 4, Clinton, had killed five stray do 'during the month of MY. "'" 7 " • ROad SUperintendent .Allan Nicholson, said final pl ns are . being, drafted by the. •Min y of Transportation and CUIP.muni -cation in preparation for. the construction of 'a new beidge and C: road leading ,from Egmondville . to the Golf Club.. Legal work.. involved• in changeS necessary to provide :for the reduction of • curves in the road is under ,way. Mt. Nicholson said new signs to provide for the flow of traffic On the roads in .vanastra will be erected on advice from the Minis- try of Transpertation when the • township assumes jurisdiction of Vanastra. Council answered a question- naire from the County of Hnion- that it is in favour of plumbing 'inspectiOn and inspection of the construction of new residences • - and i nspection of the construction of new residences and also agree-' . able that, inspection, should be carried ut on a cOunty.basis. Howevek, Cbuncll qualified its acceptance to provide that no in- spdction is necessary under a minimum plumbing cost of $100 . . and a milntmum building. cost of , $300. • , • . • Council. adjourned at L1:65 p.m. to tneet again June .12.. HOW_ LOW CAN IT GET? Winter , temperatures in Antarctica 'can drop as low as .12'7 degrees below zero Fahrerf- heit. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 INVEST In a p. Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Mock Main St.,' SEAFORTif Phone 527-1610 T E A rar