HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-06-07, Page 3Sterling Trusts Corporation Guaranteed Trust Certificates Today's interest rate: f • ' Let your money make money. Good interest is guaranteed 'itiith..our 5 year terat4 deposits. (Other terms available/. Mi urn deposit S500. Call or visit your nearest Sterling Trusts representative: • John Cardno Insurance, Phone 527-0490, Seaforth Mrs. Margaret Sharp, :Phone 527-040A,Segorth John Mdore lnsurdnee Agency, Phone 345-2512, Dublin Head Office 372 Bay Street Toronto 416-364-7495 14(jT;1,/.10,051 "Pk, Tfic,O1ilt«'..4 Ito.1,;i0x4 Nurses .aie on • call 24 hoors each clay • T. PRYDE .43N Phone 235-0620 'Main Sirif :Exetpr • MONUMENTS • MARKERS. • INSCRIPTIONS ' contact Jack-Piyde: Office 235-0420 or Home 235-'1384 Order Now For. Delivery As Soon As Possible In The,'Spring, !pi SPLAYS ALSO IN GODERICH, CLINTON and SEAFORTH • "OUR BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1919" Mrs. Jan. Moore (fkrleft) who is the• only full -time VON, nurse on staff in • Huron. She is responsible for that part of the county ..south..of Walton and Blyth. She is assisted on -a <part time basis by Mrs. Louis Sloan of McKillop. Otter part time nurses serve the Goderich, Wingham and .Brussels area. A native of London, WA, Moore lives -In Sea- forth where her husband teaches history at S.O.B,S. Mrs. Moore operates out of an office in Olintop and the service the VOINI provides , is on the basis Of 24 hours a day, seven days a week. An answering service monitors calls and routes them to the appro- priate ,nur se. , On the ,left are the four VON nurses who went to the Klondike in 1898, Mar- garet Payson, Rachel H anna r ,G• eorgea P owell , and Amy Scott. Hospital including the townships of McKillop, Bullet, Tuckersmith in Huron County and Hibbert - and Logan in Perth. Clinton also was included. July of 19'72 brought two new changes for the VON. The once one-nurse branch now became three full-time nurses and at the same time, the all-inclusive name Perth-Huron Branch of VON became official. As well as the two 'full time nurses in Stratford and one in the sub office in Clinton, there- are six part ' time nurses, employed. Listowel, Wingham, Seaforth and Goderich now have a part time VON living in the community and• serving the surrounding area. Another new development in 1973 which involves the VON right across Canada, is the intrd, duction of a new symbol: - "The VON in the Home". Today the Perth-Huron branch serves 1,954 square miles. In 1972 the branch made 2,945 visits to more than 515 patients. While nursing care in the patient's home is the core of the VON service, they are in- volved in many other activities. It provides the nursing service for the Home, Care Program in both Perth and Huron. Assess- ments of the needs of patients for the Canadian Cancer Society are done and the most recent activity undertaken 'by the VON in the area is the paramedical examinations for Insurance com- panies. Looking to the future, Marg- areftWeid.,0 Nff@ 4hurse"'iti l dhatg~e "" saidoffikelikoutillike'to S' more done. On* Widerly. In "irea of Perth-Miran thereare numer- ous people in the 70's and up trying to maintain themselves at home. Many are lonely, unable to get out. The VON nurse is often one of the fewpeople they see during a whole week. They ,need help :in simple things, such as, shopping, running little errands, fixing some minor thing in the house, or just someone -to drop in and say "how are you?' Financially, the •VDIV is sup- ported in• various ways, such as:-Fees paid diredtly by the patient or through a health scheme, such as Blue Cross, which cover nursing service. Service fees are also paid through the Home C are Program, the. Homemakers & Nurses Ser- vices Act- and Department of Veterans Affairs. Grants came from various municipalities as well as the county-. • Voluntary funds are provided through the United Community Fund of Stratford. Care is never refused due to the persons Inability to pay. Either the VON strives • to obtain assistance for the patient through one of the recognized programs or the nurse works out with the family, a fee per visit which they can afford to pay. In 1972 only 17% of the total revenue of the Perth-Huron branch was received ' through nursing fees paid by the patient. Spring Gardening Supplies Now On Display At Seafoith IAA for 95C Yes we have BOX PLANTS for sole now!!! 2 for 95c turally aged beet is better and naturaAy IGA has it! ' Time is Natures ,.sr rif aging beef to make tender xbuykairda Approved Grade ''A—Red Ribbon Beef, tender, and good when it's fresh cut in our stores. and flavourful. It's IGA's way tool „ a controlled, cold environment.. . . so it will be We do a lot more to make sure the beef we sell will bring You complete satisfaction every time. We We vacuum seal our "Quality-Protected" Beef'. ., and without additives, we let it.r age naiurally in QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF 6 it is inspected, carefully cut and trimmed to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until you do, our beef is handled under ideal conditions for keeping it clean and cold 'and fresh and juicy and delicious. This is why we are able to bring you beef that is uniformly good, week after week - the kind of quality your family deserves. • "Quality-Protected" Reef, It's not just a name . ' ifs a guarantee. 5 years young VON serves Huron The nurses of. the Perth- cided tot-wind up the operation Huron branch-of the VQN still go in 1899. In -summing it up, Wherever they• are 'need1Siltqtfeytqlmiy i Wbeider elli l vkite of the four no longer slog their way, on foot nurses: "OneYRI them 'had to through the" }Sidi with 'ffififlOr a serious. oper- • VON, nurses did just that, however, when four, of them were dispatched' by the newly-formed Victorian order . of Nurses foik Canada to help cope with wide- spread disease and injuries among the miners who:swarmed to the Yukon gold fields in 1898. Because they were attached to a Canadian military expedition the. nurses took an all-Canadian route through northern British Columbia (most of 'the miners reached . the Klondike through American territory in Alaska). They were 14 days on the trail, averaging 11 miles a day. one other, woman accompanied the party - Miss Faith Fenton, a reporter for the Toronto Globe. Miss Georgea Powell, who headed the team of nurses, des- cribed her trip in graphicterms: • "From mountain to swami:, to bog we went, bogs into whose cold, damp, mossy depths we would sink _to our knees, and under which the ice still remains; swamps where we trampled down bushes and shrubs to make foot- eng for ourselves, and where the mules stuck many times, often as many as 20 down all at once, sometimes having to be unpacked to be 'taktn Out, our baggage dumped In the mud, and ,where tDe mosquitoes , held high - ireVelry". Word of the nurses' journey spread quickly and many sick and injured miners were brought considerable distances to places where it was known the party would camp. ' As if the land journey were not bad enough, the nursing team became separated in a boat wreck on one bf the rivers. Miss powell was taken ahead to Dawson where she at once took Charge of the Good Samaritan HoSpital, as "matron, teacher, nurse and maid of all work". Typhoid was, at its height. The patients had in many cases • walked as far as 12 miles from their diggingsin the broiling sun "with their temperatures rang- ing from 101 to 104 degrees, their strength often falling be- fore 'leaching hospital". Miss Powell found that sickness wasn't the only problem. • Filth And vermin were everywhere and it cost four dollars to ;have a blanket washed. When the -three other'nurses arrived they found Miss Powell herself down with typhoid in her little tent • beside the hospital. Her bed was a postal sack filled .with shavings, laid on boards. Lady Aberdeen, wife of the then Governor General of Canada and the Victorian Order's firqt president, had held an informal .-dinner at Government House in Ottawa when the nurses left for the Klondike. Like the gold rush itself, their servioe in the Klondike was short-lived. The Order's Board of Governorb de-• ation; one • has been aptiotnted superintendent of a hospital at Dawson with the consent `1' the Victorian Order; one has taken a position at the post office and the district superintendent, Miss Powell, remains at work until the spring allows her to be trans-- •ferred to another post where her services will be more required in view of the great diminution of the population of Dawson". Miss Powell later retired and was paid $250 In lieu of travel- ling expenses, as she decided to remain in Dawson City. The VON's "Klondike Expedition" was over, but 7.5 years of nurs- ing service "was just beginning. Although the Perth-Harm) Branch of the VON is not one of the original groups in-Canada, • it does go back quite away. The VON came to Stratford in 1908. It was a one-nurse branch with • one nurse serving the community. Expansion took place as the needs of the various' Communities arose, Mitchell was one of the first areas involved. Then in 1966 the communities of St, Marys, Sebringviile, Shakes- peare and Tavistock came under the VON's service. By 1971,, when the Home Care Program was established In' Seaforth, the Stratford VON branch was asked to extend its boundaries to include Seaforth and the area served by Seaforth Community Supplied eed Serviced By M. Loeb Limited • ASSORTED FLAVOURS BANQUET FROZEN - .110111. ASSORTED OR RA ROW COLOURS WHITE SWAN • SERVIETTES APPLEFOSO CAVE-ALL WAXFD PAP/2 CUITIR RAM WAXID PAPIR 34 _ APPLEFORD FOOD SAYER WAXED PAPER .f111 65c BONUS DISCOUNTS 14 oz. pie CREAM PIES DAVERN BREAKFA SAUSAGE TDP VALU-14 THE PIECE BOLO' A FROZEN KNIFE CUT CHICKEN BREASTS CUT FROM THE PORK LEG-BUTT END 93e LEG OF PORK ROAST lb 89e TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED l 'pkg. FROZEN BRITISH COLUMBIA SLICED SIDE BACON ' lb 99'. PACIFIC TUNA` PRIMROSE FROZEN 4 OZ. PORTION lb 69° BEEF STEAKETTES lb 85° DAVERN VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg, SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg SKINLESS WIENERS LUCAS & ARTHUR'S VACUUM PACKED 2 lb pliL BURN'S SWEET PICKLED 2', Is 41/2 lb. SKINLESS WIENERS 1 .37 COTTAGE ROLLS hs 95e CUT FROM THE PORK LEG-CENTRE CUT FRESH HAM STEAKS GREEN-GIANT FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN OR CUT GREEN BEANS 4%, 1.00 TOP 5,40 BOOK 39c Ground Coffee It135c bag Supplied and Serviced By M, Loeb Limited WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE RED WON BEEF CHASE N SANBORN ALL PURPOSE ASSORTSP COLOUR BABIES ONLY PLEASE 58c lb FROZEN CANADA GRACIE"'UTILITY" 5 In 6 lbs. 49° ROASTING CHICKENS m 55° SCHNEIDER'S 1 lb pkg. 99°' SIZZLER SAUSAGE BRITISH COLUMBIA INDIVIDUALLY. FROZEN 75e. SOLE-FILLETS ' lb 1.15 SCHNEIDER'S 2 lb. COOKED & BREADED 95G "BUCKET OF CHICKEN" eoxl, 2.69 PRICIS 11115711ff UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, JUN[ I, 1141 WI WWI TUE RIOT TO LIMIT OlIANTITIES RHODES FROZEN BAKE N SERVE WHITE BREAD DOUGH 5 loaf pkg. • ALCAN 12 INCH FOILWRAP' " " 69c ,off HERSHEY'S ASSORTED FAMILY PACK CHOCOLATE BARS , '0 r1 1110 07. , TOP VALU FANCY FROZEN GREEN BEANS OR Peps,ACorrets. Mr/ 59e ASSORTED FLAVOURS NI-C FRUIT ' •" DRINKS •4 I%a 1.00 HERSHEY INSTANT CHOCOLATE WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON PRICES ! Liquid Bleach US az 49C lax TOP VALU Tec 88c DR BALLARD'S Bert, Liver or Chicken DC HOAGMFPOI ON D 4,s 89. KILLEY ad CREAMED HONEY U 5 A NO 1 FLORIDA FRESH, NEW GREEN CABBAGE FRESH PRODUCE U S A 1.10 1 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES 0. 'NT- 59- U 5 A NO 1 FLORIDA VINE RIPE TOMATOES lb 88° 659e Heinz Beans IN TOMATO SAUCE AYLMER 2 29c t't, 1.22 U.S.A, NO. 1 ASSORTED FLAVOURS. R,ED RIPE ROBIN HOOD 2 WATERMELON$14,;.PUDDING each MIXES POST ALPHABITS . TOP VALU TOMATO KETCHUP FOlj, EARLY SUMMER FEEDING AFRO GREEN 7x7 A 4 „,,,Ank FERTILIZER b.', 1 • OUP For Lawn & Gorden Soil Conditioning RICH TOP SOIL or PEAT HUMUS ASSORTED " COLOURS WHITE SWAN 2 PLY acial 2. 79c 9 at. pkgs. Oro TOP VALU 1ST GRADE "Pool .49 F.B,I (Gloss) PURE CHOICE 59c APPLE JUICE CLOVER LEAF SOLID WHITE 29c -TUNA BONUS DISCOUNTS CLUB HOUSE 4 MIXES envenom SURF, PREPRICED S9' POWDERED DETERGENT TOP VALU ASSORTED FLAVOURS COOK N SEE SOFT ROASTING DRINKS .""?;°' 2.11, FILM Reel Sepal Spag Soot. Tun, Cnoienare or Mushroom Gravy 39C 411 iw WHITE SWAN ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS Mg 55c VILLAGE 100% 7,r VEGETABLE OIL A, 4 inn Margarine '4' •4•"./ 1.00 FOUR VARIETIES S' GERBER'S ea ts 441 I CEREAL LW, 8 ox. pkg. Cheese Slices Eaz PRE 39* CORONATION EET GREEN, HAMBURG OR Hot Dog Relish 5c' SCHNEtorks REGULAR CANADIAN PROCESS I i incIT roll 59' 69c Seaforth IGA is open Ali da Wednesday and Friday night NI 9pm