HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-31, Page 16a • Moderately priced, well adapted for hay, grain and grass seed crops INTERNATIONAL'"' 230 WINDROWER MI Choice of 10 1/2 , 12 1/2 , 14 1/2 and 161/2 -foot draper platforms. • Fast acting radial and vertical float assures 'smooth close cutting, maximum protection from obstacles. NI High quality bull gear and pinion final drive is practically maintenance free. • New 12.5 L-20 tires virtually eliminate the need for more expensive flotation tires. Farm youth seeks honour Certainly , we like-Abliley ball 'With ilie7.riundreds orSeeforth-pennle who depend on pi to provide them with • 24 hour a; day, seven day a weelAydro service. it's our job to make' sure that everything, is in good shapd and up to date - td.make sure that we are ready-by-meet every demand you may make on LIS. •*.^ ". • 4- • That's we' Continue to be. ,aced With demandstor new lines,, more tr,nsformer ' , ' capacity and loads ot•auxilliary equipment. • , .• • N • • tiltete,vetithing else, this" equipment and Material as , well. as the labour that makes Use of ;„it costs ' More` money. On , of'all this' is the steadyrincrease in the cost of the power Vie"piirchase.from the Ontario Hydro Electric Power commission:' . For instance just l'ecentlY the Qntario . Hydro Electric Power Commission has made - a fiirther increase in our polder costs.' we now are paying approxfniately 7 1/2% more Tor the, power we buy from the FLE.P.C. taii year As a result there is nO. alternative to an increase in the rates which apply to our chstomeri. While rates. \Of continue to be low in relatimi to rnapy other products and • services, on and after August 1st, 1973 billings will show a modest increase of 7.7%. - DOmestie Rate Schedule for. Two Months- PRESENT RATES NOW 4 First 100 K.W.H. @..4.6.0 'per K.W.H. 400 K.W.1-I. ,@..2..31 per K.W.H. Balance @ 1.4 per K.W.H. IN EFFECT RATE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1973. First 1'00 @ 5.01 per K.W.H. Next 400 K.W.H. @ 2.4 per K.W.H. Balance @ 1.31 per K.W.H. Minimurn Bill $7.00 ' • PREFERRED RATE SCHEDULE FOR TWO MONTHS Consumers with - metered water heaters having. elements of 1000/3000 watts or over. PRESENT RATE NOW IN EFFECT First 100 K.W.H. @ 4.4 per K.W.H. Next ' 400 K.W.H. @ 2:4 per K.W.H. Next 1000 K.W.H. @ 0.4 per K.W:H. Balance . @ 1.21 per K.W.H. A RATE EFFECTIVE First 100 K.W.H. Next 400 K.W.H. Next 1000 K.W.H. Balance AUGUST 1, 1,973. @ 5 .01 per K.W.H. g 2.4 per K.W.H. @ 1.01 per K.W.H. @ 1.31 per K.W.H. Minimum Bill $7.00 There will no longer be a special rate for All-Electric homes. These consumers will be billed on the Preferred Rate but their meters will be read and accounts issued monthly as before. All Electric Homes Rate Schedule for One Month ' RATE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1973. First 50 K-W.H. @ 5.01 per K.W.H. Next ,, 200 K.W.H., @ 2.51 per K.W.H. Next 500 K.W.H. @ 1.01 per K.W.H.. Balance @ 1.31 per K.W.H. Minimum Bill '$3.50 General Service Rate Schedule for One Month PRESENT RATES NOW IN EFFECT First 50 K.W.H. @ '5.4 per K.W.H. Balance @ 1.4 per K.W.H. PRESENT RATES NOW IN EFFECT First 50 K.W.H. @ 5.01 per K.W.H. Next 200 K.W.H. @ 2.51 per K.W.H. Next 9750 K.W.H. @ 1.651 per K.W.H. Balance @ 0.651 per K.W.H. RATE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 4973. First 50 K.W.H. @ p.01 per K.W.H. N t 200 K.W.H. @ 3.01 per K.W.H. N4xt 9750 K.W.H. @ 1.751per K.W.H. Balance ,e 0.71 per K.W.H. 'Demand Charge over 50 KW --$2.10 Demand Charge over 50 KW. -- $2.20 Minimum Bill $3.50 SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION DR. RODGER WHITMAN, Chairman WALTER SCOTT, Manager Mayor P 'ED. DALY .C.J.Sills CoMmissioner —...szoommorem- • -,41's!416WOINNSMNINIANNWINAMONNS10. • . • ' •••1 SE RVICE COMES Figst Wi ric vs! Way MAY TRADE-INS TRACTORS:-- IH F656, Gas, 1300 hrs. $4950.00 HI 1656, D, Hydro, 1950 hrs. $6300.00 IH 1656, G, Hydro, W/Ind., .3000 loader and 80" bucket $6950.00 III F756, D, Tractor, 1375 hrs. • - IH S.M.D., Tractor Ford d00, W/Loader Nuffield, 4/65, W/cab $3300.00 Massy-Ferguson, 135 D. P.S. and Allied N'YD. bucket loader $2950.00 IH 1 • .0 and loader $ 995.00 JOHN DEERE 1973, 1240 4-row plate planter, W/rubber press wheels and blade covers (250 acres) $1495.00_ FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Our Motto:— "AFTER WIC SELL — WE SERVICE” AYR CAMBRIDGE SEAFORTli $6900.0) $1050.00 $1195.00 4', 1, 4—Tiffmum; EXPOSITOR, SEArnRTHe ONTO. iIi.ikf 31, 1 mortdvilieltfenage class . , vi iti;. lip ii via' Hill Church 111 FeernIns Service at Egmondville , "United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carnochan, Mr. and Mrs. Erlin Whitmore and Bev. T.E. and Mrs. Hancodk and the mem- bers of ,the Teen-Age Church Membership Class: Darlene Car- nochen, Brian Dietz, Sheila Geddes, 'Robert Haney,Patricia Miller, Patricia Rose, David Smith, Faye Tunney and Karen Whitmore, left for ' an eighty mile trip to Chippewa Hill. They were guests at the ' Indian Mission ClaIrch on the Saugeen Reserve, near South- ampton. It had been' planned to hold the service% a large amphitheater 'which is being con- structed on the banks, of the Saugeen River Valley in front Of the tihurch. As the work had not been far enough advanced, and the weather threatening, the group worshippecV with the regular Indian congregation in their beautifully decorated sanc- tuary._ Rev. Earle F. Stotes- bury, the, Minister and Mr. Anoquot, a councillor of the about 700 member Chippewa band were gracious hosts at the social hour following the service. ' The church is located on a spot rich in Indian history. It was here on October 13, 1854, the last large transfer of land in the southern part of the prov- ince took place under a treaty between the Saugeen and Newa,sh bands of the 'Ojibwa Indians and the government. By its terms the Indians surrendered most of the saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula which was shortly thereafter opened to white settlement. Next Sunday the Egmondville Church will held' their annual Dedication to Mission Service. The Explorers, C. G. I. T., Sunday School, Church Member- ShiP Class and Junior Choir will parade to the service. Repre- sentatives of each group will participate in the service • and present their gifts for the wider mission of the Church.Parents of theSe children Who do not . normally attenti the, church. are, especially invited for. the °cats- ion. Immediately following the 71, (Continued from Page 1) open to all men and women 12- 17 Oars of age entering Judging ' Competition for the first time, no previous 4-11 Club experience. 1st. - Donna Hackett, #7, Ludic- now - score - '722 - possible 875; 2nd. - Dorothy Nicholson, # 2, Blyth - Score 71'7 -; possible 875., Pre 4-FI - 23 competitors - open to-all young men and Women 11 years of age, 1 'st - Tony Van Miltenburg, #4, Seaforth score 692 - possible 875; 2nd. - Mark Harding, #1, Gorrie - score 681- possible 875. Canadian National Exhibition Shield - high Novice Jpdge - won by Donna Hackett, #7., Luck- now - score 722 - possible 875; Runner-up - Dorothy Nicholson, #2, Blyth - score 717 - possible 875. Blatchford Feeds' Ltd..- high- est score in entire Competition - won by Joe Phelan, #2, Blyth - sore 800 - possible 875; Runner- up - Barry Gbrdon, #1, Seaforth- Score 785 - possible 875. O.LL. Trophy - highest score in Swine, Won by Ynze #4, Clinton - score - 145 - possible i50; Runner-up - Roger Morrison, #1, Lucknow - score- 145 possible 150. Tie broken • on reasons. Huron Milk Committee Award - highest score In Dairy Section. Won' by Susan Tyndall, #4, Clinton - score 97 - possible 101); Runner-up - Cathy Easton, #3, Exeter - score 9'7 - possible 100. Tie broken by total reasons rip. competition. Cyanamid of Canada Award - highest score in Sheep Section. Won lrfiGlen McNeil, #6, Godet- ich score - 90 - possible 100. Runner-up - Barry Gordon, #1, Seaforth - score - 90 - possible 100. Tie broken a reasons.: Ruron County ReefProducers AssoCiation Award - 'highest score in beef section. 'Won by - Barry Gordon, #1, Seaforth - 'Score - 144 - possible 150; Run-, ner up - Harry Franken, #2, Auburn - score 143 - pOssibre 150; winners will receive prize money from their 4-H Club Lead- ers. Kilbarchan notes_ • By Mabel Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pepper of White Rock, B.C. visited their aunt, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, also her sister-in-law Mrs. George Pepper on Wednesday and Sun- day evehing, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm of MitChell. Mrs. G. R. Myles Visited her aunt, Miss Ttirnbull, this week. congratulations from all to Mr. Bryan Hodgert who toOk part in the 'Spring graduating exercises from Waterloo Uni- versity when, he received his degrge, B. A. Special thanks to Mrs. E. DurAt who 'provided three beautiful baskets of lilacs, tulhis and narcissus. The beautiful arrangenients were breath tak- ing in their loveliness. r ,