HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-31, Page 7SUBJECT -
Patricia Marie Ryan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Ry,an) R.R.#1, Dublin, •be-
came the bride of James Subject
Kitchener, son of-Mr. and Mrs.
James Subject, Port Elgin, in
a, double-ring ceremony perA
formed by Rev. P.A. Oostveen
MAL 'Columban Roman Catholic
Church on April 27th at 7:30
p.m. White and yellow daisies
decorated the church.
The brideZ, given in marriage
by her father and mother, wore
a dress she made of sheer met-
Kathy Murray, .R.R.#5, Sea-
forth was the organist and ac-
companied the soloist, Dena Wey,
R.R.#4, Walton when she sang
"Lord Jesueof You I will sing",
"Take Our Bread", "They'll
Know we Are ChristlanS" and
"Glory To The Father".
The ringbearer was Mark
Ryan, brother of the bride 'wear-
ing a white jacket and black
pants. He carried the rings
on a heart-shaped lace-edged
white pillow.
The reception was held at
erial imported fromSwitzerland; Brodhagen Community Centre,
embroidered with roses and lineP immediately folloWingthe Nuptial
with polyester. The high-waisted Massa Th'e mother of the bride
flared dress had a slight train, received guests wearing a; long
stand up collar and Juliet sleeves. blue crepe dress set oft by multi-
The veil, . edged .with white lace coloured sheer sleeves and frOnt
and ending inatrain was gathered ' inset. White accessories and a
to a 'Juliet cap. She carried a white shawl with, corsage of yel-
bride's Bible, with red„ roses, low roses, completed her outfit.
streamers anti baby'S -breath. The groom's mother was dressed
Helen Ryan, 'sister . of the in a long), mauve polyester satin.
bride, R.R.#1, Dublin, was the A-lin e dress with long sleeves
maid of honor and the brides- and chiffon wrist-length cape.
maids were Mrs. Margaret Mac- She wore silver accessories and
e corsage of pink roses. Rae, sister of the bride,'London,
theirFor honeymoon Ylk9i1P.q PA1 eY4 ,4,D04 "iNiagaralFailellthe bride wore a
.,1?41 ,,A9 .1,-,,41,7,„_..egt7111'1,11WOu rtleceliaVylatitl/Whiteguit with..,
511" "11.113 " 73"111 Lig It ceSserl'es •and a dor
sage of red roses.
Guests were present from
Kitchener, London, Lindsay,.
Hepworth, Alvinston, Port Elgin,
Cambridge, Stratford; Essex,
Owen Sound, Sheffield; Simcoe,,
Wiarton, Meafol-d, Port Credit
and Georgetown.'
The couple will reside at
180 Patricia Street, Kitchener.
A shower• was held prior to
the wedding at the bride's home
given by.Mrs. Bob C ronin, Yvonne
Delaney avid Mary Margaret
alike in a- style similar to a
of, the bride's - except for a '
scoop neckline and shprt puffed.
sleeves. They were. made Of
sheer blue nylon, flocked with
white daisies. They wore match-
ing blue ribbon in their hair
and , carried nosegays of yellOw
and white shasta daisies and
baby's breath.
'Lorne Byers of Preston was
the groomsman and the guests
were ushered by Terry Lane,
KitChener; Donald Ryan, Lindsay,
and Gerry Ryan, Dublin.
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By John D. Baker
Public Relations ()Meer
Branch 156
Many books have been written
about the battles in both world
wars, battles fought by the Navy,
the Army and the Air Force,
lengthy and detailed accounts of
the defeat and victory of indi-
• vidual units, even of the indi-
vidual servicemen whose exploits
have- come to light. Tile work,
of the Red Cross and many other
cervice clubs have 'been 'men-
tioned and rightly sp, but there is
one organization one seldom
hears or reads about in the his-
tory books, namely the Salvation
Army, ask any veteran what he
or she thinks of the Sally Ann
and they will tell you what a
wonderful service they provided'
'for the forces.
During the many months of
arduous training, forced marches
etc., one would find somewhere
along the route, a Salvation Army
truck serving tea and cookies.
The service was not restricted
to training areas only and their
trucks were to be,found in Africa,
Sicily, Italy, France, Belgityn,
Holland and Germany, often in
range of enemy artillery,
Not only did this service help
the morale, but it made one rea-.
Use • that in the midst of that
awful war there -was something
human and decent.
Chr,Ist Chnrch Banda, Ayem,
leg, Ontario was the setting for
4 simple, Impressive wedding on
May 12, 1973, when Rey, Douglas
OBI, assisted by Per. Allen
Mathews, a close friend of the
bride's family, officiated at .s
double ring ceremony Milting in
marriage • Miss Anita ;ley Whit-
man and Mr. Williakt Howard
Lindsay. •
. The bride is the daug• hter
of Dr. arid Mrs.„ !lodger A.
Whitman of ' Seaforth and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Lindsay of SeAkirk.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
she fashioned and designed. The
gown of peasant style had ;stated
bodice of white shantung with
short puff sleeves of chantilly
lace. The peasant skirt was, of
white shantung with an overlay
of the lace. She wore a finger-
tip veil of imported French Mu-.
sion falling from a Juliet cap of
chantilly lace and seed pearls.
She carried a natural wicker
" basket of mixed spring flowers.
The flbwer girl wore a floor-
length gown of yellow accented
with a sash of the floral material.,
She carried a basket of yellow,
mauve and white flowers.
Erik Mortensen of Sarnia was
the groomsman and the guests
were ushered by Jim Elder, Lon-
don; Neil McDonald; Richard me-
Donild of R.R.2, Blyth.
The organist, Mrs. Elva
W ilbee played traditional wedding
music and accompanied the
bride's uncle, Donald MacDonald,
when tie sang "Edelweiss" before
the service and "The Lord's
Prayer" 'during the service and
the guest soloist, Cila Leigh of
Sarnia, a folk singer,„ sang
4,For; All We Know" for the
'processional; "Wedding Song"•
during the signing of the regis-
ter and "Sorig of Joy" for the,
The reception was -held at,
the, Brussels Legion Hall, Brus-
sels with Ian wilbee?s Orche,stra
providing the music. The bride's
mother received the guests in a
fOrmal length rose• pink satin
gown with sheer sleeves and
sequin beading surrounding the
neckline and bodice with -silver
accessories and corsage of deep.
, pink end, white, carnations. The
groomi'-s, mother F wore a,, sky)9.„.,,,
ti blue fb4-m& with" face...f1)
sleeires' lace 'along the bo-
dice, white accessories with cor-
sage of bitie and white carnations.
The bride travelled in an
soft yellow sweater with
orange-yellow plaid pants and
dried fruit corsage for their
honeymoon to Northern Ontario.
The couple will reside at 100
Wellington Street, St.Thomas.
Guests -were present from
Sarnia, Gaylor,'.Michigan, Port
Elgin, Windsor, Port Huron,
Michigan, Keswick, Pt. Edward,
Exeter, Guelph, Caledonia,
Brampton, Kakabeko Falls, Kit-
chener, St. Thomas, Leamington,
Goderich 'and New Jersey.
Miss Diensayn Kennedy*:
rondo, class mate of the bride,
wore 11,1 length gown incel9ors of Or0444, yellow 41n4 °rage,
fashioned in peasant style. She
"carried a matching basket of
' mixed spring flowers.
• • Mr. "Denis James, brother,
la-law of the groom was" best
man. Mr. Peter Bisback,
brother-in-law of the bride and
Mr. Robert Lindsay, brother of
the groom were ushers.
Mrs. Russell Hurst, aunt of
the groom, played the Organ and
during the signing of the register,
Mr. David "Joe" McLean, cousin
of the bride played "Amazing
Grace" on the bagpipes and piped
the couple put of the church.
Following a reception at
Berkley Hills chalet, the bride
and groom left on a motor trip
to Northern Ontario, the ,bride
wearing a beige doubleknit dress
with brown velvet jacket and
brown accessories and a corsage
of white carnations tipped with
"--\Duff'S United Church, Walton,
was the scene for the wedding of
Karen McDonald, R,R,2, Blyth
and Bob Warwick, 100 Wellington
Street, St. 'Thomas on May 26th
1973 at 5:30 when Rev. Derwin
Docken performed the .double-
ring ceremony.
• The, church . was decorated
with candelabra surrounded by
floral arrangements of Yellow,,
pink and mauve mums and
The' bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken IVIctionald,
R.R.2, Blyth and.Mr. and Mrs.
Ray War-wick of 944 Greendale
Avenue, Sarnia are the parents
of the groom.
The bride, given in marriage
-by her father, chose a floor-
length empire waisted gown of
white- chiffon over taffeta 'with
the bodice and lily point sleeve's
-made of lace. There was also
a panel of lace around the bottom
Of the skirt and the detachable
train was accented with panels
of lace. ,She wore a white picture
hat accented down the back with ,
tulle• and white satin ribbons.
She carried a sheaf bouquet of
yellow, pink and mauve carnat-
ions. They were. accented with
a itellow ribbon and'• 'streamers.
ritenda'Siiley watthi 'Was'
the maid ofhonor and the flower
the maid of honor and the brides-
-maids were Terry Kunz, of
Seaforth; Dianne Adkins
Exeter' and Sandra Crich of
Cargill. Darlene Stevens was
the flower girl and the ring
bearer was Murray Stevens. The
maid of libitof and 'brideSirlaids
were dressed_ alike in floral
floor-length gowns of chiffon over
taffeta. The yellow 'background
was accented with pink, mauve
and yellow flowers. Yellow
picture hats completed their
ernsembles. They carried nose-
gays of yellow mums 'and white
carnation s with yellow streamers.
The Salvation Army are still
serving God and country by
helping the unfortunate, helping
people who are looked down upon
by society.
At the beginning of this week
Branch 156 conducted a convass
on behalf of the Salvation Army
in the town of Seaforth and the
surrounding area. The members
of the Branch feel it very fitting
that we help our oldfriends col-
lect funds in order that they
might carry on their good works.
" Last Friday the Bingo
attracted eighty-four players.
Prizes to the value of $322 were
Friday June 1st - Bingo as usual
at the Legion Rail:
Saturday Tuhe 2nd - Branch 156
are providing an installation
team to install the officers at
the Brussels Branch, oars will
be leaving the Seaforth Legion
Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday June 7th - A Joint exe-
cutive meeting will commence
at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday June 14th - General
meeting and installation of of-
All memberS, Honorary, Frater-
natAffiliate and their wives are
invited to attend the installation
and dance. Meeting starts at
8;00 p.m.
(Photo by Phillips)
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