HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-31, Page 3• The annual Sunday Achooi niversary was held on Sunday. The choir composed of members of the Sunday School rendered three anthems under the direc- tion of Mri. William Spente, accompanied by Mrs. Glenn Copeland 'on the organ and Mrs. ,Ted. Insley on .the piano. The Story for the children was told by Mrs. Laurie J. Ray. Mrs. James .McNaughton read the scripture and Mr. James Mc- Naughton. led in prayer. , Rev. Laurie J. Ray delivered the message: "The Plea of Parents- Past and Present". Mrs. Florence Tufts and Mrs. Mae Huckileston of London visited on Tuesday with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills: Miss Ann Parkinson ° was 'honoured, by -the community on Friday evening with- a' miscel- laneous bridal: shower prior to her forthcoming marriage. Mr. and Mrs". Jim Mitchell, Debbie and Diane of St.Marys were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and.,Mrs. Donald Brine and Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Wheeler of Brownsburg, Quebec visited during the week • with Mr. and Mrs. George wheeler. ,Dr. and Mrs. John Trevithick and Caroline and Mrs. Blanche Copeland of London and Miss Jea Copeland were Sunday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, 'Ellen and Deanna. Messrs. DOnald Brine and James Miller attended the Mas- nnic Church Service at Ailsa Craig on Sunday. Mrs. Ray Mills of St.Marys and Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomson of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. William Crago, Billy, Linda, Nancy and Becky of Pembroke visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family. : "70 Ford Cab& Chassis • TRUCKS • - '70 Ford 1 Ton Pickup 1 - '69 Chev. 60 Series Cab & Chassis 1 - "70 fnt. 1/2 Ton Pickup 366 Engines. Number of vans in Chevs. & Fords Auto and Standards. STATION WAGONS 1 - '70 Ford Galaxie 500 wagon 1 - !72 Ford Ranch Wagon 1 - '70 .Chev. wagon . 1 - '68 Ford Ranch wagon 10 passenger. 'BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ON TARIO • nom 1874173 'The Homo of Bettor Used ears" OPEN EVERY EVENING 1 - '70 Pontiac Wagon VALLEY FARM FROZEN French Fries ' 2 2 lb, bag Coloured 7c Margarine pikigb MONARCH NEW CARNATION 2% Evaporated Milk bn Assorted Flavours FASCINATION ' Ice Cream 01:1: C Sealed 16A is.. open all day Wednesday and Friday night ipto Assorted DOC Jams 11901::* ST. WILLIAM'S (with pectin) Rick's Dills 32 oz.4 C iir Polish, Whole with or WITHOUT GARLIC Spring Gardening Supplies Now On Display At Seaforth IGA for 95( Yes we have BOX PLANTS for sale now!!! 2 for 95C orally aged eef is better and naturally IGA has it! QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF N ,Time is Nature's way of aging beef' to make if tender andllavourful. IGkg Way too! We vacuum sect! our "Quality,-Protectd- Beef . . and without additives, we let it age naturally in ci Controlled, cold "enWronment . . so it. Will be tender and good when' it's fresh cut i our stores. We do a lot more to make ,sure the beef we. sell . will bring you complete satisfaction every time. We buy Canada Approved Grade "A" RediRibban Beef, it is inspected; carefully cut and' rimmeid to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until you , do, our beef is handled under ideal 'conditions for keeping it clean and cold and fresh and juicy and deliciousii-Thisiisiiwhy aye are able to bring you beef that unlfgrinly gogd, Week after week.• the kind of gyality your family deserves. "quality-Protected" Beef. It's not just a name ifs a guarantee. Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited 2 (.4 Ib. 95c ',... , .-- . WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE 'A' RED RIBBON BEEF ' 10P VAL [; v‘y, Pa,. ,'''b ,r, .DAvERN Vac RE,. I IS,, pig SLICED - ..,_ V " SLICED- ....- SIDE BACON U' SIDE BACDA 89 •.. - CUT PROM THE BEET HP % 10P ,.ALu vActiomiPtrri,,t.. iti I,...4 BONELESS SIRLOIN . ' '',.- 'SKINLESS . - ''TIP ROAST - 1;.4 WIENERS . A,,1.37 co,,,,,,,, I ',A LY COOPED CVT FROM THE BEEF CHJC,, BONELESS CROSS BLADEROAST 1.25 RIB ROAST COLEMAN S VACUUM. PAC ,,E0 I 'S pAT SKINLESS ' 2 to 31/2 lb. WIENERS 69c, Dinner Hams 1.29 ' - BONELESS CUT PROM TH'E BEEF till, ' CAVERN BEEF & POPE ' TOP ROUND' ,,,, BREAKFAST STEAKS ' . .,, 1 .49, SAUSAGE , 73. • L JNENEIURDEFi T.OP VALU VARY'! PACK ' t , .. SEAFOOD , SLICED OR MINCED HAM PATTIES •59.c C.00ked 'Meats 85 TOP PALL 1 lh pKg CUT FROM THE RR BONE IN ' , SLICED .„BEEF BRAISING- BOLOGNA 69C.- RIBS CUT /mom THE, iii.P i iiii,A 9 PRIMROSE FROZEN 4.1., BURNS SWEET PICKLED Va HAMBURG COTTAGE PATTIES 79c ROLLS SWEET PICI‘l ED RV iiir PIECE ENT! I UT , FROZEN Al 451,r, , PEAMEALED BLUEFISH • BACK BACON .n 1.19 FILLETS 99c FRESH PRODUCE US NO 1 F IV3/DA CRISFTT'- CELERY STALKS 1.,Vor n Bier lat U S NO I 11011414 I V EI „W r CORN ON THE COB 5 S NO 1 NEW CROP crunchy cello CARROTS US NO 1 FLORIDA TASTY NEW POTATOE 79c' 47c FIVE VARIETIES VOORTMAN COOKIES 1.00 MONARCH LUCKY WHIP 11'3 49` ASSORTED FLAVOURS GREEN GIANT JOLLY .Puddings 61 n A00 ASSORTED COLOURS 2 Pt LADY SCOTT Facial Tissue ,‘,",two 37c NEWPORT FLUFFS CEREAL WITIVORK IN . TOMATO SAUCE Van Camp Beans. 41:8 SILVERDALE STANDARD, Green . 19 oz. Peas tin - FAB BORAX 42 e glzani k PREPRICED 1.03 P g Powdered 75c Detergent BONUS DISCOUNTS TOP VALU FRo7F N r,,51 WHITE OR PINK I CaSc 01 10 oz. fins 5c _3 '7c ;4 t 59c ahL 55C 011.1•10 ter. 01•111•51. 0.1•••• 10.010 1M.O. pSCA6rpT LEMONADE 4' 89c TOVaLS _ 51 a DINOLEOsWN 15 T.V. PACK ' 3uc*CANDY 3, 1.00 PINEAPPLE IJACKE f WELCHADE BATHROOM Grape Drink6 , ,89c TISSUE PEA VF `.0,1 HABITANT SOUP_ 28c BUTTER TOP VAL II PEANUT WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS! INSTANT COFFEE P.11 , HAND! BAGS FARM HOUSE FROZEN APPLE PIE CASHMERE WHITE ISIS PIN ,, BATHROOM TISSUE ORANGE %KE T,UPRT I ROZEN COD FISH 99c STICKS 55c 75c PARIS Pulp 6.- h HAM 39c SALAD- I NA, nE4 v CHEDDAR '59c CHEESE CANADA NO. 1 Ontario Hothouse TOMATOES ' • US NO it ORN1A SUNKIST. ORANGES 69c _ _ BIRO S EiE FRO:F 00 1,1? DESSERT TOPPING _ ry REGAL FOREST d1=66. NO. .1110. •••••• .1110. amin ••••• 5 lb, bag 5C 11.051 ,‘,1 :chrtaagne';',17:::sN S5 Effective May 30-June 5. 1973 R-1:447111ABLE IGA COUP' /II t utttiotiVVVV1/11VVVI/V GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE • SUGAR .19 T.,,t 1 rase vu 5,5 nP Mrtha, r,un” Effective May 30.June 5, 1973 BONUS DISCOUNTS MONARCH VITAMIN ENRICHIP Cake & Pastry FLOUR • 79 "haq 49c Lump Charcoal or . BRIQUETS 1,)„, Pis cc sWir S PREMIUM BEEF ,m`,• rR MEAT BALL STEW PRtCES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY . JUNEe, 1973 WE rftSERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb limited JP 1.49 ,g 99c NPriqn MAXWELL HOUSE ALL PURPOSE lb, Ground 93$ Coffee bag BONUS DISCOUNTS. RICH 5 FROZEN COFFEE RICH . ..2 7c PkQ LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz.1 lin •^11 I I'S Per SE 3,1 ;•.,10 ,,ass and Z.1, 1.,661610, Ettectwe May 30-Ju6e 5. 1973 wimma FRESCA, TAB . , SPRITE, FANTA OR COCA COLA C FOR TRUST CERTIFICATES. MONKTON, pnpfsiu 347-2241 BRUSSELS OFFICE OPEN: Tuesdays and Fridays, PRONE 8874663 BA RK on Fl Imioci!'- !wi a:d01 CING las To Brussels otors This me added savings when you purchase a new or used car. Lompare our average interest to of 11.78% over 36 months. No down payment on approval credit. See' Our Selection A number of 73'S in C hevs, Pontiacs, Cutlass Oldsmobiles and Chevelles fully equipped. 3 - '73 Chev. Impalas 4 Dr. H.T. 2 - '72 Chev. Impalas - 4 dr. 10 - '72 Chev.Biscayne 4 Dr„Sedan 2 - '72 Fords 4 dr. Sklan P.S.P.B. 2 - '71 Pontiac Parisienne Broughams 28L'4 Dr. H.T. 1 - '71 Pontiac La Mans 2 Dr.H.T. 1 - "71 Meteor 2 dr. H.T. 1 - '71 Pontiac Laurentian 2 - dr. 1 - '71 Cougar XR• 7 Air Cond.fully equipped 1 - "71 Dodge 2 Dr. H.T. 1 - "71 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 1 t70 Chev. Impala 2 Dr. H.T. 1 - '70 Pontiac Catalina 4 Dr. 1-LT. • 70 Vauxall Viv a Epic 1 '71Fo Galaxie 500 1 - '70 Meteor Montcalm 4Dr. H.T. 1 - '69 Chevelle 4 Dr. 2 - '69 Pontiac Parisienne 2 - Dr. & 4 Dr. 1 - '69 Chev. Impala 4 Dr. H.T. • • A number Of '66 to '68 model cars. HURO4 SEArfoR7110 'By Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron Mr. and Mrs. OryilleRibeY6f RR 6, Goderich celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Sat- urday party' at a family dinner party' held at Northside United Church in Seaforth. A reception was held follow- ing the dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ribey in Seaforth attended by friends and relatives who called to give gra tulations. coin= le The Couple was married at the United Church manse. in POrt gin On May 23,1920. They farmed on the 12th coneeepion of Bruce TOwnahiP in Bruce County for 25 yftars and moved to the 10th coP- eessiOn, Of Colborne TpWnship where they have resided the past 20 years. Mrs. Ribey is the former Mary Jamieson, a daughterof the 45t anniversary, r late Mr. and Mrs. George 0,Mie- SOD of Sateen Township. Mr. Ribey is a oft of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Ribey of Bruce - Township. • 'The couple. has fiye..sons, George of Seaforth, Norris of Wiartom Jamieson of RRO, God- erich, Lawrence of London And Glen at home. They have ve grandchfldren. ,A three day Federal-Provin- cial conference was held in Ottawa' this week withOntario's • 'Premier Davis and Treasurer John Whie in attendance along with the first Ministers from thee other nike provinces and the Federal Government. The con- ference was called to discuss the Federal contribution to shared- cost programs among other issues such an, inflation and economic policies. The Federal Government now pays about half the operating costs of such shared • cost programs as medicare, hos- pital insurance and post secon- dary education, 'while the will be in the Toronto, Ottawa, ProvinceS pay the other half and Niagara Fails andSudbury areas. administer the programs which Responding to a question by fall under Provincial juris- Albert Roy (L.Ottawa East), whd diction! The Federal cdntribut- in charged in the Legislature that ion in 1973-74_1s $1,,,5 billion • , one company, Imperial Optical, for hospital insurance, $710 mil- controlled the Board of Ophthal- lion for medicare and $1.02 bil- • mic Dispensers, Health Minister, liOn for post secondary educat- Richard Potter, saidhis ministry ion.The only other major shared- is investigating to ensure there is cost program at present 1,s the no conflict of interest. , Canada Assistance Plan, whereby- A question concerning the the Federal Government pays the protection of rental tenants from Provinces currently-$905.3 mil-' building defects was raised by lion to meet about half of their Eli Martel (N.D.P., Sudbury East) welfare costs. The Federal at a Legislature committee meet- ' Aare of these-four programs is ing. The Minister.of Consumer now $4,137,300,Q00 or 22.5 per and Coinmercial Relations in- cent of the Federal budget of.. formed the committee that the $18.4 billion. • , question of compensation and re- Ontario's proposal was tore- pair of such defects was up to move the Federal Government the individual and was not the from shared-cost programs and ' responsibility of the amulet- to have the Government turn over -panty. to the provinces a share of the Labour Minister, Fern income tax which-R-now receives. Guindon, gave ereund to pressure The' Federal Government by municipalities opposed to receives about 71 per cent of all " relinquishing their control over personal income tax c011ected in construction safety inspection ,111 Canada. and will introduce a compromise" 'The provinces „bill permitting regionarpunici- mouslyn -propos a _deral panties and thpse with mere than changes in the ft' ancing of post 100,000 residents to conduct their 'secondary educat-ton, but were a own -inspections. The original little' more receptive to Federal bill 'would have' turned over all ---.proposals to change tne„fina,pc- construction safety inspection to ing arrangements fdr shared- the province. The new bill will cost health "programs. But the establish a maximum fine of conference_ broke up without any $10,000 with. an additional $500, firm commitments by either side a day for failure to obey an to implement the proposed inspector's order, and terms of ' changes.. '- a imprisonment of up to 12 months. Hearings continued all week A report tabled in the Legis- by the select committee of the .lature by Health, Minister, Dr Legislature into OntarierHydro's Richard Potter, proposes tight .dealings withe-teianadat Square4.4-oontrols,...,45n.-:health coSts that -Corporationn tiorltonstruction 43fuo' would . (i'irectlye: affect medical a $45 millido ltead eittei.-41;Ontarlio residents, Trig. Hydro chairman, George Patitrilts and doctors abusing the Gathercole, was on the hot seat medical insurance plan will be most of the time and pleaded ig- reviewed and penalized, • The norance when confronted with a report also recommends the es- series of memoranda from senior tablishment of studies of other Hydr o officials 'dealing with the- ways of paying doctors, than by plans for the new building which fee for service. is now being constructed on a Several. cabinet ministers met leaseback arrangement by Can- the Legislatures Public Accounts ada Square '.Corporation, headed Committee in its investigation of by Gerhard Moog, a close friend possible abuses 'of the use of of Premier Davis. A confiden- . Government. aircraft. , Darcy tial memorandum received •by McKeough, one of the top three Gathercole in November, 1971, aircraft users refused to apolo- recommended that the job of tize for the use of the aircraft by his wife and friends. maintained that Cabinet Minis- ters should -have virtually unres- tricted use of aircraft. An analy- sis of $87,000 paid for travelling. expenses to members of' parlia- ment is to be ready for the com- mittee next week.. Almost $11,000 of 'it was paid to Leo Bernier, Minister Of Natural Resources, .who said about $7,000 of -it was for commercial airline travel to his Northern Ontario riding. The Commission on the Legislature tabled its report at the end of the week, 'proposing that the basic, indemnity of a private member be increased to $15,000 -and that the tax free BOB'S AYTO BODY. COMPLETE BODY' REPAIRS COLLISION REPAIRS PAINTING - GLASS INSTALLATION Vanastra, R.R. 5 -- Clinton 482-9451 WMIMIRIMM. leading up to the contract being finally given to Canada Square Corporation frustrated the corn-, mittee members into asking who decides on policy at Hydro.Jarne0 Bullbrook (0.Sarnia) said it would appear that decisions are male by management staff and then rubber-stamped by the power corn mission. Transportation Minister, Gordon Carton, announced a $317.6 million capital con- struction program which will in- volve work on 632 miles of high- way and the construction of 95 bridges. Much, of the expenditure building the new head office go to "the developer in whom we have complete confidence". It did not name the developer but under 'stiff questioning Mr. • Gathercole finally agreed that anyone whO read the memo would have to conclude that the reference was to Canada Square. The memorandum was writ- ten three months after Canada ,SqUare was supplied with draw- ings of a shelved design for the project and well before an in- vitation went out to four other .developers to submit competing proposals. Gathercole's inability 'to recollect important matters challenging Ottawa's ee 1 over telecom- munications. Gord Carton, Minister of Transportation and Communication, announced in the Legislature that the Ontario Govermrient is looking to an era of shared responsibilities - with Ottawa over telecommunications control and eventual total control ,of cable system licencing. The ' telecommunication field covers radio, television, cable television and telephone. h. 5274)2415: Expositor' Action,A* allowance be increased to $'7500. It abolishes , the per diem pay- • thents to members serving on select ,committees, and establides dve means to permit these members to be fairly reim- bursed for expenses actually in- curred. It would discontinue the ctice of appointing MPP's to erman boards and /c%Itar4un one.