HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-24, Page 8reviews usy yegr • $978,409 Total Assets $976,282 + 2,127 807 $55,604 , 138,310 43,984 6,413 $ - 807 38,8- 15 • 5,169' 1 • 1;413 14,300 442,115 • 11,489 . „. 14'2,657 - 4,347 ' LIABILITIES Bank Loan.... . Outstanding Cheques Accounts Payable Provincial Loans 74,:aymeat due within.1 year ." Total'Current Liabilities Mortgage payable beyond 1 year , Liquid Assets 95,430 Current Liabilities 55,604 82,734 43,115 11,373 PATIENT DAYS - - - - 19'71 1972 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL STATEMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES - DECEMBER 31, 1972 (with Comparative figures for 1971) 59,584 Less Allowance for bad debts 3,000 56,584 Cash on Hand in Bank 2,590 Investments 10,000 Total Liquid Assets Prepaid Expense Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Liabilities Net Worth Siirplus Total Liabilities & Net Worth $193,914 784,495 $978,409 $185,772 • 8,142 ^ 790,510 - 6,015 $976,282 t 2,127 $ 39,826 Operating Account $ 39,025 Plant Fund $ .39,619 801 OPERATING STATEMENT FOR - 1972 (with comparative figures for 1971) REVENUE IN PATIENT SERVICE Standard ward Preferred Accommodation OUT-PATIENT SERVICE Total Revenue EXPENSES 1972 $643,111 17,636 78,665 $739,412 1971 , $585,419 17,856 71,966 $675,241 SPECIAL SERVICES Operating Room Radiology Pharmacy Laboratory Ambulance Medical Records Electrocardiograph 49 7,907 40,169 26,526 1- 90 2,815 1,103 24,518 37,414 20,908 -76 709 1,844 77,656 86,572 Percentage of Revenue 10% 228,606 43,645 37,483 • 170,936 Emp. Pension & Group Ins. 34,040 , 18,881 17,993 11,058 GENERAL SERVICES Dietary Housekeeping Laundry Linen WAGES Nurses Management Plant Other 33,624 • 4% 210,014 40,509 , 34,344 158,899 Medical 532,703 473,703 70" ,OTHER EXPENSES Administration Stationery Printing etc. Office:,Poitage, phone etc. Light, Heat, Water Insurance & Taxes Workmans Comp. Repairs & Maintenance Travel • Other General Expenses 5,063 5,686 3,257 2,986 7,386 6,e88 22,368 1,704 4,6'71 11,241 2,105 15,374 18,703 91'7 2,175 12,693 2,119 4,966, 73,189 57,233 10% TOTAL EXPENSE Profit-Gross Operating Other Income 717,852 21,560 • 12,177 651,132 24,109 9,889 Profit Before Depreciation 33,737 - DEPRECIATION Equipment & Furnithings • 22,404 Buildings & Land Imp, 20,599 Service Equipment '3,648 46,741 Excess of Expenses Over Retrinue Loss 13,004 33,998 43,882 6% 9,884 . 45,720 • 10,884 3,783 1,193 10,000 1 - 82,734 ' 12,696 1,41.3 892,135 13,029 11,852 95,430 1,215 879,106 2,658 27,520 3,177 2,330 1.";2-9I 26,092 3,232 716 3,584 34,324 1971 1972 26,256 Plus or Minus 23,231 T 3,025 ASSETS Inventory Accounts Receivable 0.H.S.C.• 46,085 Other . 13,499 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OFFICERS Mrs. Joseph McConnell . . . • resident Clayton Looby Vice President G. G. McKenzie Administrator Lloyd C. Hoggarth . Secretary Dr.John Underwood . .pres.of the Medical. Staff Mrs.Pat Bennett. . . . . Pres. Women's Auxiliary ,Dr. C.T.B.Moyo . .Chief of the Medical Staff TRUSTEES John Longstaff ; James M. Scott; Andrew Y. McLean; John Modeland; Donald Stephenson; Mrs. Donald F. Morton; Mrs. John H. McLlwain. Robert Wilson; Dr. William J.Thompson; John Jewitt; Victor Lee;' Earl Dick; David Cor sh; Roy Williamson; Walter Shortreed; Ralph McN chol; Miss Alice Reid; Rev.H .J.Laragh;Frederick D bson ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Administrator .......... .. G. G. McKenzie DDlf Dietary yr Mrs . R. Pepper of Nursing . .. Mrs. S. E. Ring Engineering H Peller Housekeeping & Laundry Mrs. I. Diehl Laboratory Mrs. M. Gillis Medical Records : Mrs. D . Munroe Office Manager R C Kirk Pharmacy Miss C.Raeside acy Mrs. M. McCowan Stores L C Hoggarth 3c MEDICAL STAFF ACTIVE Dr. P. L. Brady; Dr. E. Malkus; Dr. C.T.B.Moyo; Dr. R. whilmarr; Dr. J.Underwood COURTESY Dr. A. Rynne; Dr. L. Roth Moyo; Dr. J. Addison; Dr. G.F.Mills; Dr. F.M.Newland CONSULTING • Dr W.C. T rusler; Dr.M. A. Bloomfield; Dr. D. J. Allan; Dr. Ian Lindsay; Dr. M.Tidman; -Dr. J. L. Penistan; Dr. V,p,Quinlan; Dr.A.R.Rowe; Dr. N.W.Scratch; Dr. J.M.Watt; Dr. L.Roth Moyo; Dr. C.T.B.Moyo; Dr. P.L.8rady; Dr. K.LaMbert Dr. J, p, Addison DENTISTS Dr. R. G. Eickmeler; Dr, C. tiov/ker4 Dr. c.E.Toll; Dr. C.J.Lacko; Dr. D. Palmer Annual exceeds °sputal wage bill half million dollars t" 21%\i"a 14131". -0 \ .5.2NAWN .5tm‘ NI:ANIVN4 \t, V.Ww1 /4 )1 /4"N s‘Vi1 /4 2 $-.7101 MOWN IXPOPTChto INAF0ET11, ONTy M40f24,, 1973 , S eafortak Community • SeafOrth Community Hospital Members reviewed a busy year at the annual meeting of the hospital Last week. With president, Mrs. Jos. MCConnell 1,n the chair, the meet- ing considered reports from standing committees and from staff officials indicating progress made during the year.. Plan for Administrator G.G. McKenzie in his report said: REPORT FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR In 1972 the Seaforth Com- munity Hospita 1 has completed most of the requirements for accreditation. With the addition of Mrs. Y. Kitchen to our staff we now have programs functioning in Staff Development, Employee Health and Orientation. The team from theOHA andOMA will be here in the fall to do a pre-accreditation survey in early October. During 1972 the Master Pro- gram, as completed by Agnew Packham & Associates \ was completed and mailed to the Minintt•y of Health. At piesent, we have not heard from the In her introductory remarks, Mrs.' McConnell emphasized the duties and characteristics of the trustee and assured the meeting that, in her opinion, the trustees of Seaforth Community Hospital measured up to such standaTds. Prompted by the results of a survey she had seen, Mrs. Ministry but I understand that a reply will he forthcoming shortly. Agnew Packham & Associates are at present working on our Master Plan and this we expect to have During 1972 many changes were made 'in the Ministry of Health. All Hospitals 'were restricted to straight 5% increase in their operating costs for 1973 and some Hospitals had their bed capacity reduced. In our case we did not lose any beds, and we are just managing to stay Within the 5% limit. The Ministry also set out guide lines for the establish- ment Of District Health Councils throughout the Province. In this area Seaforth Community Hos- pital accepted the challenge and through our District Planning Council a meeting was set up and McConnell suggested the duties of a trustee involved direction of finances, provision of sound ad- ministration and the maintenance of equipment and facilities. Necessary characteristics in- cluded business ability, honesty and integrity as well as judgment, an interest in others and leader- ship capacity. held in Clinton. From , this meeting a steering committee was established to study the prob- lem and report their findings. To date their report indicates the Ministry of Health though , in favour of our response, have not decided on specific areas as yet for District Health Councils. Seaforth Community Hospital.. was also involved during 1972 in setting a regional Disaster Pro- gram for eleven HoSpitals in Huron, Bruce & Perth Counties. This planning resulted in a mock disaster exercise held on April 27/73 in which orilytwo Hospitals participated; Seaforth Com- munity Hospital and wingham. At this time I would like to thank the Board of Directors , the Staff, the Medical Staff and the Women's Auxiliary for their co- operation during,1972. Father H.J. Laragh, a mem, bey, of the public relations com- mittee, reported to the meeting on a meeting of the chaplain sec- tion of the Ontario Hospital Asso-, elation which he had attended. The meeting approved bylaw amendments providing for capital expenditures of up to $500 by the administration where prior bud- geting approval had been attained and to make possible the retire- ment of trustees who had been absent for three meetings during a year. Previously, the bylaw had established three consecutive meetings as the base. Four trustees of the tioard were returned for another three- year term. Re-elected were: Clayton Looby, Dublin; Robert Wilson, John' Modeland and Frederick Dobson, all of Seaforth. Tie`" cost--of operating the hospital is calculated on 'what it cost per day to look alter each individual patient, both pat- ients that spend time in the hos- pital and patients that are treated and released the same day which are cla-ssiiied as outpatients. This per diem rate is rising every year and the following figures set out the' actual cost per patient per day for the year 1972. Should there be forty patients in the hospital the cost would be forty times this figure. SPECIAL SERVICES. Radiology Pharmacy Laboratory Other 1 $ 6,81 GENERAL SERVICES Dietery - Less recovered $1.35 Housekeeping .28 Laundry & Linen .32 $1.95 Wages 46.84 Other Expense . . . 6.42 Depreciation On building and equipment $4.14 Cost per dayper patient $66.17 Plan major roof project The property committee report was presented by the chairman, Robert Wilson. REPORT FROM THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE Committee : Mr. James A. Scott; Mr. John Modeland; Mr. Dave Cornish; Mr. Earl Dick; Mr. John Jewitt; Mr. Clayton Looby. Mr. Robert Wilson - Chairman. During 1972 the Property - Committee was very , busy with the numerous projedts in and around the Hospital. During 1972 the renovations *to the Boiler wer e completed and everything is working smoothly. Also, earlier in January of 1972, right in the middle of the, Boiler Renovations, the steam boiler became unserviceable for the fourth time ary a new Clea- ver Brooks Boiler was installed. The call-for-help system in the Operating and Delivery Rooms was completed. It became necessary to en- large,-the rear parking lot due to .the shortage of space and this will be completed this spring. , . During 1972 we ,experienced numerous problems with the leaks from the roof but we believe we have this firmly in Control. Very Shortly we will be calling for tenders for a new roof and when this is installed we hope all our problems with leakage will be solved. At this time I would like to thank the members of the pro- perty committee for their help and co-operation during 1972 The report of the finance•com- mittee was 'presented by the chairman W.D. Stephenson and Mrs. Au rey McIlwain. Committee : Mr. Archie Dob- son, Dr. W. J. Thompson, Mrs. Audrey McLlwain, Mrs. Sheila Morton. Mr. Don Stephenson, Chairman. REPORT FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE, The hospital employs 85 people. Statement shows wages and fringe benefits bet °paid of $532,703. The, attac* analysis shows this as being 70% of the hospital revenue. It is one of the larger payrells in the town of Seaforth and makes a substantial contribution to the economy of the town. We were able to settle a two year wage agreement with the union and keep our overall budget within the 5% increase set by Ontario Ministry of Health. During the year the matter of establishing the hospital ,on Computor payroll was discussed but this has- never been final- ized. , Capital expendibires for the year amounted to $17,130. The major expense being the change in our heating equipment at a cost of $4,036, other items-, being a new. electrocartiograph Machine, anesthetic machine, microfilm reader printer, office equipment, and a ward was re- furnished. All accounts monthly and if in order are recommended for payment. No major expenditure is made with- ut being presented through the fiii-alieUtommittee to the board. A matter that will be voted on later in the meeting is the hiring of auditors fOr the 1973 year. For the past two years we have beeh able to hold the fee at $2,000.00 plus out of pocket expense of $250.00. They have now requested an increase of $750.00 for 1973 and another $440.00, 3 medication carts for the nurses which helps them with their medicine and linen supplies, a card table for thejeunge, and a play pen mattress. We gave $150.00 bursary tc nurses going into training and $10.00 bursary to Stratford Gen- eral Hospital graduation, so seven vases for flowers r our* own hospital, Poinsetti • at Christmas for the Cafete a staff. Our T.V. Rentals, Tuc • Shop and Gift Shop realized o $2,700.00 and we come into con- tact with the patients who wait' for the tuck cart to come when they are not able to go to the Gift Shop. We sponsor about , 10 candy stripers who' help whereneeded early accreditation $ .70 3.53 2 33 .26 PR group IS active Miss Alice Reid presented the report of the public relations Committee. Committee: Mr. Victor Lee; Mr. Walter Shortreed; Mr.Ralph McNichol; Mrs. Audrey Mc- Llway; Mrs. Sheila Morton; Rev. H. "J: Lara.gh. Miss Alice Reid, Chairwoman. Meetings were held. in February, May and October with a good attendance. The windows in the Hospital were decorated during the Christmas Season by the em- ployees of the Hospital'. Prizes were awarded for two categories- secular and religious. Father Laragh attended a seminar for hospital Chaplains in Toronto and came away from the meeting with the feeling that, Chaplains are part of the healing team. The trustees orientation pro- gram as set up by the 0:H.A. and held in the Legion Hall on November 28th was well attended by members of Hospital Boards in the area. The program pre- sented by Mr. Hay and his team was most beneficial.' are reviewed $750.00 for 1974. Actual cost, figures presented to us for the past three years is $3,500.00. This figure maybe slightly higher- than competitive auditors but we have had good co-operation from Clarkson Gordon & Co. and it is 111 recommended by the finance ,com'mittee that they be hired for • 1973. We are faced with a major expense this year in that ,,of a new roof. -The necessity of this will be explained by the property coMmittee. • Hospital auxiliary akes„ Qfl tributiQn • and to help feed patients and Other Mrs. Pat Bennett, president errands and are given recognit- of the women's auxiliary, told _ ion when they have completed a of the work of the auxiliary. year. We bought them 5 new REPORT FROM SEAFORTH uniforms this year. Ernie Put- COMMUNITY HOSPITAL man, the only male paid volunteer WOMEN'S AUXILIARY District 2, is always busy Saturday and Sundays and is very 1972 and so far into 1978 has useful to all the help as well as been very active and successful patients. for the Hospital Auxiliary. - We have favours on the We were happy to be able to patients trays for every special supply the O.B. ward with the 4 day and present the first baby of bed outfits complete also the the New Year with a silver cup semi-privat m and the and every new mother is given croupette in then sery which a life medical book to take home - amounted to $3,500.00 in all, with her for the baby. Also, we bought 2 stainless steel All our work is volunteer and cribs to match the one in the the,ladies in the Communityspend children's ward which cost us many hours helping on the Tuck Cart and in the Gift Shop. Our annual Penny Sale, Spring and Fall dances are real Community affairs' and are always well attended. This year is the 40th Anniversary of • our Auxiliary, and many special functions have', twined. . We are sure the same good relationship with the members of the hospital Board that existed in the past will carry on into the future, as we are most anxious to p m ur hospital one of the finest in the • let. I would like to Tess my appreciation to all the mbers of the Auxiliary for their su t and our thanks to the Adminisr. ----- trator and his staff for their co- operation and help. (Continued on Page 9)