HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-17, Page 16TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS DRAIN TENDERS Sealed tenders, plainly marked 'as to contents, will be received by Ihe undersigned until 12 noon, MONDAY, JUNE 4TH, for the construction of the follow- ing: McCAUGHEY DRAIN • MAIN DRAIN consisting of 560 lineal feet of covered drain and ° 8,855 lineal feet of open drain. "A" DRAIN cdpsisting of re- pa4rs and improvement at 2 locations of 125 and 135 lin- eal feet. . RUSS E LL DR AIN 5,600 lineal feet of open drain and installing 20 lineal feet of 8" diameter corrug- ated metal pipe. according to Plan, Profile and • Specifications which' may be seen at the Clerk's office. The Township will supply tile and pipe. Certified cheque for 10% of the bid price to accompany each tender.. Tenders to state commencement and completion date. Lowest or any tender • not necessarily ac- cepted. Mrs.Helen D . Martln,Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario. 21-88-2 DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., :MONDAY, JUNE 4TH, for the construction of the BRUCE-WILLIAMSON MUNICI- PAL DRAIN in the Township of Grey which consists of 5,.690 lineal feet of closed drain and 750 lineal feet of open drain and three catch basins. Plans and specifications. may he seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. The-township to supply the tile and pipe. Tender to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. Completion date to be stated on tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. E. M. Cardiff Clerk,Township of Grey Ethel, Ontario. 21-88-2 22. 'Legal Notices NOTICE TOCREDITORS In the Estate of James Ross Niurdie All persons having claims against the Estate of Jam es Ross Murdie, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron? Retired Farmer, deceased, who' died on the '7th day of April, 1973, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of May, 1073, after which date the assets will be diStributed, flaying regard ,only to clahis then received:- Dated at Seaforth, this 1st day df May, 1973. McCONNELL &, STEWART, Ont/fie. .Sblicitors for' the Estate. 22-86-3 a. 9614 9 Cho* Aoki* 4407agos $474441 lemes • AUCTION CALENDAR _ — Thurs.May 1'7 - Ken Wood Auction -of cattle, feed, farm machinery, miscel- laneous and some house.- bold items. Sat. May 19 - Dairy cattle and farm machinery 11/4 miles west and 1 mile north of Clinton for Lorne Tyndall. Sat. May 26 - Household effects, antiques., etc. Lot" 1, Con. 11, McKlllop Twp. for Dan Beuerman. Sat. June 2 - Wm.Eiserman and Sons Planing Mill - equipment anti stock - Mitchell. Sat. June 16 - Mrs. File Mogk household auction on Montreal St.,Mitchell Wed. June 20 - Haugh Con- signment Machinery Sale 20-88-T • G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME 87 Goderich St.W.,Seaforth Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 23-86-tf NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIO.NEEF &. APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient . ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, 'ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 Exeter 23-86-ti R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Phones; Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-86-tf PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario elephone 262-5515, Hensall 23-86-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Tues.,Wed.,Thurs.,Fri., 9 to 5:30 P.M. Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton Offic Four Appointment PhOile 527-1240 - or 482-701 23-86-t 24. Card of Thant The family of the late MS. JO4n C. Muir wish to express their sincere appreciation to their friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness extended to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to the staff and nurses of Seaforth Community Hospital, of Kilbarchen Nursing Home, to Dr. Malkus and Rev. T.C. Mul- holland and the R.S.Box FuOral Home. 24-88-1 We wish to express our thanks to the many friends, neighbours' and relatives who so kindly re- membered us during our bereavement following the death 'of a loving husband and father Robert Upshall. Special thanks to Dr. Moyo and nursing staff at Seaforth Community Hospital, Rev. Mr. Hancock and the ladies of Egmondville United Church. - Frances, Jerry and Bonnie Upshall. 24-88x1. 25. In Memoriam In loving memory of a dear wife mother and grandmother, Vielot Carter, who passed away May 15, 1961. .. ..... ...... • ''''' She used, t watcht our coming, Anxious if we were late, In winter by the window, In summer by the gate, Peaceful be' thy rest, dear mother It is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we ,,,do the seine. Lovingly renitcmi%red by Russell Carter and family. 25-813x1 BROADFOOT - In loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, James Edward Alister Broadfoot, who passed away one year agii, May 19, 1972. This month comes back with sad regret, It *brings back a day we will • never forget, You fell asleep without good- bye, But ,our memories of you will never die. God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. -.Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by sister Margaret, brother-in-law Bill, nieces Sandra, Gayle, Jane and nephew Bill and families. 25-88-1 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLean, H,ensall; Ontario, wish • to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Gwendolyn Marie to Raymond J. DevereauX, son of Mr. and Mts. Arthur Devereaux, R,.R. .4, -Seaforth. The wedding will take place Saturday, June .16, 197'3 at 2 p.m. in • Hensall United Church. 26-88-1 28. Deaths GLAD - In VenCouver on Friday, May 11, 1973, Gretta Ross formerly of Seaforth, be- loved wife of Carl A. Bled. Funeral services took place Tuesday, May 15, 1973. Inter- ment was in Forest -Lawn Ceme- tery, Burnaby, B.C. Please omit flowers. 28-88=1 Mrs. Irene Bennett, President of the Womerrs lictspital Auxiliary, with Mrs. C. K. Morningstar, °Atari° President, welcomes a guest Mrs.Ferg Stapleton of Dublin to the Auxil- iary Anniversary Tea at Northside Church on Saturday. (Photo by Oke) HPCSS, Board names new principals Two Stratford teachers were made principals at a meeting of the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board at Seaforth Monday. Paul Nickel, presently a teacher at Immaculate Con- ception School in Stratford, will be the principal at St. Ambrose Roman Catholic School in Strat- ford, effective September 1, 1973; and Michael-Dewan, presently a teacher at St. Michael's Roman Catholic School in Strat- ford will be the principal at St. Joseph's School in• Stratford, the same date. These appointments follow the resignations..of Sister Mary Van- Hee as principal of St.Ambrose and Sister Rosemary Auxin as principal of St. Joseph, both sisters in the Loretto order which is withdrawing from the Stratford area at the end of June. John Vintar, Superintendent of Education, reported that Ennis Murphy, presently principal at St. Michael's Roman. Catholic School, Stratford, will be trans- ferred to the principalship of St. PatriCk's School at Kinkora; and that Sam Alberico,' presently principal at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic School at Clinton will become the principal at St. Michael's Roman Catholic School in Stratford. No appointment has been made as yet to fill the vacancy at St. Joseph's School in Clinton, The vacancy at St. Patrick's School in Kinkora resulted from the resignation of Sister Mary Carmel, the principal, as she is a sister in the St. Joseph's Order which is. also withdrawing from the Stratford area at the end of June. The announcement of the with- drawal from the Stratford •area of the Orders of the Loretto Sisters and the St. Joseph Sisters was made at the end of February. At that time it was reported the withdrawals were the result of the decreasing numbers within the Orders and that the Orders would be consolidating in larger centres. Trustees Howard Shantz of Stratford anti- Ted- deoifrey ggf it.R.2, Zurich, will attend the Canadian Catholic Trustees' Association Convention at Tor- onto, May 17 - 19. Trustee Michael Connolly, R. R. 3, Kippen, reported on the Huron-Perth Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Associat- ion annual educational dinner meeting which he attended on May 2. He is the representative from the Board to the Associat- ion. Trustee Gordon Ball of St. Marys reported that he had been told by the engineer that tenders were to be called within a day or' so for the sewage system to service Holy Name of .Mary Roman Catholic' School in St.' Marys. The Board is to prepay 50 per cent of the construction cost for this sewer. The Board gave permission for the Kilroy Council of Strat- ford of the Knights of Columbus to distribute circus in .to the separate s ools in Stratford St. Marys, He sob, Kinkora, Dub- lin, St. Colu ban and Seaforth. The Board passed a debenture by-law authorizing the issue of a debet • a debenture in the principal amount of '$202,000 for the addition to St. Aloysius Roman Catholic School in Stratford which is already under construction. The Board gave authorization for the Zurich Summer Play- ground and Day Camp to use the St.' Boniface School, Zurich, play- ground, Kindergarten room, gymnasium, and boys' and girls' washrooms during the month of August, 1973. Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.• to 5 p.m. with the understanding that any damages and daily clean up are the sole responsibility of the group. The Zurich Summer Play- ground and Day Camp is a Fed- eral Government Opportunities fotf_youth program. Miss Debra Hogg of Zurich is heading the program. 1.0 rvor The amazing Chunky paint you've seen advertised on T.V. and In Life Magazine. Sunday. Mr. matt explained, I'The weather was just too cold for the children to attend" Consequent,ly young Duncan was the only guest, but the show went on just the same. The programme consisted of these orchestras; The "Silver A 'Strings, Ken Scott's Orchestra, Jim Medd on the guitar, The. Country Cavaliers, Lormainea The. Country Cussins, and re Hendersons. The; program c n- tinued from 11 a.m. to 6:30 .m. with Timmy enjoying every set. He commented that it's not ften one has many orchestras pl ging just for you. The entire proceeds of$84.43'' went to the Crippled Children's Fund. "FUNK'S SEED CORN GOOD YIELD and STANDABILITY FREE Spring De- livery on early orders. ' SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS l')istributed in Huron Cdunty by Milton• J. Dietz LTD. PURINA CHOWS SANITATION PRODUCTS SEED CORN LAYER CAGES VENTILATION (Wholesale & Retail) R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ontario - - -Phone--52t,060$ 'IC Card of Thanks _ I want to say thanks' to -my friends for their visits, treats and cards while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Cameron and also to my, little friends at-Walton Public School for their letters. - Sandra Hunt. 24-88x1 I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, relatives and neighbours Par their, cards, treats and visits while was a patient in Seaforth Co munity Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Brady, Malkus and Under- Wood, the nurses and staff and Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. - David Tremeer. - 24-88x1 Sincere thanks to my family, friends, Seaforth Fire Brigade for treats, cards and visits while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Moyo, Quinlan and nurs.: ing Staff. - Jack F. Scott. 24-88x1 41.011011101401.0-1101111-1110iii00111 Specializing in farm, estate and business liquidations. We offer the most modern and complete auction system, therefore guaranteeing tile maximum profitable returns for your auction. Book early for desired sale date. Auctioneers and Liquidators Phone Clinton 482-3120. 237 86-tf 14egal Notice,s NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET TYNDALL All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Tyndall late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, House- wife, deceased, who died on the 9th ay of May, 1973, are-hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of June, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of May, 1973. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 22-88-3 23. Business Directory Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 Noon E.D.T. May 31st, 1973 for the construction of the Fails Reserve MAINTENANCE BUILDING in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Snider, Huget & March, 37 Allan Street West, waterloo. Plans and specificationS are available- at the above address. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Marlene R. Shiell, Sedretary- Treasurer, Maitland Valley Con- servation •• Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario. NOG 2X0. 21-87-2 ADMIRAL & FLEETWOOD WARRANTY SERVICE ,W. J. CLEARY Seaforth. n n6. r lo LICENSED ,EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-8641 Perth Electronics Service 123 Waterloo St. South Stratford, Ontario Phone 273-1300 23-86-ti The family of the late Urban Ducharme wish to express sincere thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, during their bereavement in the sudden death of a dear husband and father. For the beautiful floral tributes, Mass Cards, donations to the Missions, Cards of sympa- thy, M. L. Watts Funeral Home, pallbearers, Flowerbearers, Rev. Father Kamiski, Ladies of St. Ambrose Church,-Brussels. Special thanks to McCutcheon Motors, Don Fischer and Donald Perrie who helped at the scene of the accident, the ladies who brought food to the home, or any others who helped in any way. Your kindness will .always be I remembered. 24-88-1 P I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank my neighbours; friends and relatives for visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in VictoriaHospitel.Spec- Lai thanks to the Dectors and nurses of the 8th floor centre and anyone who helped at home. - Kay O'Rourke. 24-88-1 MORE Glidden SPECTACULAR VALUES! spredGel-Flo spredhousepaint YOUR CHOICE! LATEX OR ALKYD EXTERIOR PROTECTION AT ONE LOW PRICE! BALL MACAULAY Ltd canton 482-9514 — Hensall 262-2713 — Seaforth 5274)910 LIMITED STOCK - ORDER NOW SALE EXPIRES MAY 30th 1973 PRICEY QUOTED Ant FOR WM? ONLY - 6055 READY NOE 011 TOPTED OOLOOFI MAY at PLIO1IT4Y MOWN! EXTERIOR ALKYD HOUSE PAINT ONLY! =7,17',=1.;V° Works like two coats in one • Gelled paint loads brush for less dripping. • Smooths on easilySke whipped cream. • Dries to a double thick gloss finish. 99 GAL •Mry 4. d.rfgl.d fur timing ONLYI GAL: Di spred Gel-Flo EXTERIOR ALKYD A It was a tough decision for these young ladies to make as they selected candy at' a Hospital Auxiliary booth on Saturday. In the upper picture Joan Johnson, daughter of Harry Johnson; R.R.1, Dublin is waited on by Candy Striper Carol Brooker, R.R.5, Seaforth while below Kendra-papple, 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Papple makes a purchase from Candy Striper Monica Malkus. (photos by Oke) Family Paradise. raises funds for crippled kids FAMOUS SKATER The patron saint of ice skaters is Saint Ludwina, 'whose feast day is April 24. Born in Holland in 1380, she suffered a skating acci- dent which "left her crippled. It Amt./10,144d% 21. Tenders Wanted SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS ZENITH' & PHILCO DEALER . Service to all makes - T.V's., Radios, Etc. 17 Sperling St. - Phone 527-1150. 23-86-ti WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE We pump septic tanks, cesspools etc. 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Call or write LLOYD WEBER AND.SONS , 887-6700 Brussels 23-85-5 LOU - ROWLAND TRANSPORT LTD. ' A P.C.V. Class CDF & FS rving Dublin & Seaforth areas tone 345-2301 Dublin anytime., ' 23-86-tf We would like to thank the many relatives, friends' and neighbors who-attended our reception to offer good wishes, and for all gifts received. It was very much appreciated. - Anne and Mike Pratchett (nee Sharp).- 24-88x1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siemon- wish to thank their family, rela- tives, friends and neighbours for the wonderful evening spent to- gether on the occasion their 40th wedding anniversary, also for the gifts and cards received. 24-88-1 • Acrylic Latex for easy application. • Blister resistant Lo-Lustre finish. a Clean tools with soap & water. ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT • Exterior Alkyd for years of protection. • Mildew & fume resistant. • Dries toe beautiful chalk railstent gloss finish. Bill Mott of. Family Paradise had' the honour of having as a guest, Easter ,Seal Timmy, Dun- can Innes, at his annual pro- gram for the Crippled Children on Now we've got one pedal control. So s on it. On an Irit rnational Harvester Riding Tractor it's not only e sy to cut the lawn. It's a pleasure. For ins ance. One pedal controls both brake clu h. Blade height can be adjusted from the river's seat. Accessories attach without special tools. CALL:tig For/a demonstration of a NEW I-H CADET CUB or CADET TRACTOR, 5 to 15 HP: FARKEQUIP 01 .ENT "The Businesliteliabiliii ,