HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-17, Page 5News' of Wciltpti'' East Huron .--holds-714t „annual Family ENTTI11. NEWS OF Auburn Guaranteed Investment Certificates now! Get yours today at . VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people, of Ontario. VICTORIA and GREY TR UST COM PA 1\1,4yN SI CE 1889 e "1.--";.' SUPERIOR STORE nniVersary--Sa e E A EC CS .ohoMU At If SAT E S e_ 4fe Canada Packer's BOLOGNA lb. 690 Cariada Packer's DEVON SIDE BACON • • • • 8-oz. 490 Weston — Reg. 37e SUGAR DONUTS doz. 270 PINK GRAPEFRUIT, 56's 10 /75ft RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS " 3 for 290 Sunkist — 113's ORANGES doz. 690 Rich's COFFEE RICH qt. 390 SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS Schneider's RED HOT WIENERS lb. 690 Schneider's FROZEN STEAKETTM • • lb. 890 Schneider's Fried CHICKEN Bucket —21b. $2.39 Gay Lea COTTAq5HEESE Weston — 24-oz. MEALTYME BREAD 4 f" $1.00 4 doz. 390 White Swan PAPER TOWELS 2's 490 White Swan BATHROOM TISSUE • • 4's 570 Bick's ASSORTED RELISHES . 12-oz. 290 E. D. SMith GARDEN COCKTAIL • • • 28-oz. 350 KOOL-AID ASSORTED 12 for 49 Jack's — 69c POTATO CHIPS 9-oz. 480 McCormick's — 25-oz. ASSORTED COOKIES, Reg. 89c 69 Buy One 4-oz. Tee Pee Yogurt at 15c and get one FREE Buy One pint of Neilson's Jersey Ice Cream al 39c and get one pint FREE Buy One package of Superior Hamburger or Hot Dog buns at the price of 35c and get one FREE Buy One carton of 10-oz. Pepsi Cola at 69c plus deposit and get one carton, contents only FREE Buy Two loaves of Grandma Lee's Homemade Bread and get one pound of Elm Grove Dairy Spread FREE Buy Two cartons of 10-oz. Coca Cola and get one carton contents only FREE 4 THE MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat., MAY 17, 18 and 19 lb' 49 Christie CONE CUPS t- *PERIOR/ SEAFORTI•1 SUPERIOR STORE Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily including Wednesday. Open_to 9 p.m. Friday FrOOD filARKET*j OWNED and' OPERATED BY DOUG PRUSS Walton Women's Institute were host to the 71st Annual Meeting of, East Huron Women's Institute in Duff's United Church on May 8. Mrs. Ray Huether played organ music during the registra- tion. Mrs. Harold Wallace called the meeting to order. Mrs. Jas. 'MOO) Atwood, installed' the District Directors who are re- ot, quested to bring back the full slate of officers to their branch. Mrs'. McNeil introduced guests, Mre. R. Smith, Listowel, President of the Area, and Miss Jane Pengilley, the new home- econOmist for Huron County who will succeed Miss Catharine Hunt in Septeniber. Mrs. Wm. Hum- phries, read minutes and M r s. Ross Knight reported for the auditors. Mrs. Norman Mac Murchy stressed in . her Public Relations report the necessity of reporting institute events more fully. Mrs. James McNeil, F.W.I.O. Board Director in her address said that being busy in our dis- tricts, is how we get so much out of every opportunity. She was glad to see every one re- porting one hundred percent. The district has donated a gift to be foriarded to be used in the gift stall at Banff convention in June. Mrs. McNeil mentioned two books: worth reading, "On- tario Institute story" aqd "Humanities in Home Spun." We should enter the competitions. If we want more members, do we make our meetings more in- teresting, . do we have it at a suitable time, do we ever change our routine from time to time, ask our young ladies of our com- munity to meet with us, together we can learn whiqh helps a lot. Slides were shown of the Erland Lee Home, and pictures of the furnitpre inside. Bluevale W.I. entertained with a comedyylay, "Mother Goose" 'written for a commercial show, that had been at the area con- vention last fall. Those taking part were: Mrs. Chas. •Mathers and Mrs. Margaret Mundell. Standing Committee Reports on Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries were given by Mrs. Lyle Watson, Gorrie; citizenship and world Affairs by Mrs. James S. Smith, R.R. 4, Brussels; Edu- cation and Cultural . Activities by Mrs. Arnold Ward, 11,11.1, Monk- ton; Family and , Consumer ' Affairs by. Mrs, George Pearson; Ethel, written, by Mrs. George Riemstra, Ethel; Resolution by Mrs. Gordon Engel, R:R. 3, Brus- sels; Tweedsmuit Curator's' Report. by MrS. Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels. The meeting adjourned for lunch when the U.C.W. catered to approximately 90 ladies. The afternoon session opened with the "Hymn of all Nations," 4ccempanieci. by 'Mrs. Ray Huether at the plane. 'Mrs. Gerald Wastson welcomed everyone to the church, and hoped they all enjoyed the day and found It most rewarding. The reply was given by Mrs. Norman MacMurchy of the Molesworth Mrs. Stanley Bride, Fordwich introduced Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lucknow, whe is the Provincial Public Relations° Officer for F.W.I.O. She spoke on public Relations. Eberyone needs the good .will of man, we need publi- cation, are we familiar with all the W.I. literature? - reports should be given at a branch meeting. The Institute is a society that is non-denomina- tional, every lady in the com- munity is welcome to ,any of the meetings. Mrs. Chas. Mathers thanked the speaker for • enlightening members in many phases of Ins- titute work and presented her with a gift. A break in the afternoon pro- gram was entertainment from the Fordwich W.I. Mother's Day readings were k given by Mrs. Florence Wilson, Fordwich, Mrs. Minnie McElwain and Mrs. Grant Bartman sang a duet, "Mother," assisted at the piano by Mrs. John Freeman, Gorrie. Miss Catharine Hunt spoke on the Challenges of the Seventies. The roll call was taken with the eleven branches of the district well-rePresented. Pennies for Friendship were handed in by each Institute. The collection was received by Mrs. Don Achillee 'and Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mrs. Jack Cox, R.R. 3, Brus- sels reported the Officer's Con- ferenCe she had attended in Waterloo. The slate of officeis for the coming year. are: PastPresident Mrs. Charles Mathers, Bluevale; President, Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford;' 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Malcolm Allan, wroxeter; 2nd Vice-President Mrs. John Freeman, R.R. 2, Gorrie;Secre- tary-Treasurer, Mrs. wm. Humphries, Walton; P.R.O. , Mrs. Alex Graham, Gorrie; Federated Representative, Mrs. Jan Van. Vliet Jr., Brussels; Alternate, Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Walton; District delegate, Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford; Alternate, Mrs. Lyle Murray, R.R. 2, Clif- ford; Curator, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels; Auditors, HAG , NH.. Mrs. Ronald McMichael, Wrole.: ter, Mrs. Dalton Dickison, Blue- vale. Standing Committees: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Lyle Watson, Gorrie; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Jack Cox, R.R. 3, Brus- A miscellaneous shower was held in the basement of Duff's United ChurchSaturday evening for Miss c Donald, bride-elect of this month. Mrs. Harvey ' Brown, Blyth, played piano music and Kathy McDonald and Dianne Fraser were in charge of the guest book, when names were written on a tablecloth made by Mrs. E. Mitchell. Janice. Houston and Patti McDonald looked after the gifts. Mrs. Don McDonald welcomed everyone and introduced the pro- gram. Cathy McGavin and Jeannie McDonald entertained with their step-dancing, followed by Steven Burke, Wingham playing selections on his guitar, "Over the Waves" and "Say wonderful Things". Mrs. Neil McGavin gave a humorous reading, "Story of a Proposal." Sheila Burke, Wingham-, played a piano solo, followed by another step-dancing number by Cathy Mrs. Joe Brophy. and family of Hamilton spent the weekend at their cottage west' of Dun- gannon. Mrs. Gus Kinahan of London is spending the weekend with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kina.han. The C.W.L. meeting was held in the church hall Tuesday even- ing and opened with prayer by Mrs. Wm. Kinahan, President. Minutes were read by Mrs. Wm. Redmond and letters of thanks by Mrs. Cyril Boyle. Mrs. Raymond had the roll call. Members are asked to solar Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. James Smith, Listowel; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Robert Stobbs, R.R. 1, Monkton; Tweedsmuir Curator's Report, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels; and Jeannie, , John Huether sang a solo, -"When I first came to this Land", accompanied by his mother at the piano. Mrs. Neil .McGavin and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr., dressed as a bride and groom, sang a hurnourous duet, "Side by Side", assisted by Mrs. Herb Traviss at the piano. A sing-song was led by Mrs. Jan Vanyliet Jr., with Mrs. Neil McGavin at the piano. Karen, her mother, Mrs. Ken McDonald, the groom-elect's mother, Mrs. Ray Warwick, Sarnia, were escorted to decorated chairs at the front. Corsages had been pinned on each one when they arrived. An-ad- dress was read by Mrs. Allan Carter and the gifts were car- ried in by Cathy McDonald, Dianne Fraser, Emma Shortreed and Brenda Bewley. Karen ex- pressed her thanks for the lovely gifts and announced her trousseau tea on Tuesday, May 22. Lunch Wag , „served, by the ladies of the 8th and 16th line. pay membership fees onSunday. Crowning of Mary will take place May 27 by all school children. A plant sale is to be held on May 29 to which Lucknow, winghain and Kingsbridge are invited,, The spring church Cleaning is set for Saturday, May 26. Mrs. Gus Redmond reported giving rosaries and cards to the First Communion class in Kings., bridge on April 29. Mrs. Cyril is going to the convention in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Redmond spent Saturday in Mount Forest. Waiton has heris'Dciy service At Duff's United Church, the Sunday School children with their teachers filled the centre front seats for the Mother's Day and Baptism service. Those taking part were Dianne Godkin and Laura Dennis who read scripture readings. The choir .rendered an anthem. Rev. D. Docker' and Martin Baan 'took part in a Dialogue, "Enriching Family Life," which is-a' very important part of our world today.- Dtwing the service the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Volker Hertlein, London, Roger Roland was baptized. Those receiving the offering' were Ron McCallum, Edward Mp Clure and David Watson. personals Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and Debbie of Fergus, were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Volker Rertlein and family of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thamer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and John spent the week- end in Toronto also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deane on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomas attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Anson McKinley of Zurich, at }Lally Gully on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laverty and Mr. Charles Williamson vi- sited at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson Sunday. ITEM: Breakfast should fulfill 1/4 Or more of your day's nutri- tional requirements. 6rey $15019# 'to aid centre The Grey Township Council meeting was held on May 7th. Resolutions passed included the following: That the Brussels Medical; Dental Centre be given a grant of $150.00. - That the report of Gamsby and Mannerow Limited, Guelph, Ontario, of the Bruce-William- son Municipal Drain dated March and, 1973, be provisionally adop - ted and By-Law No.10 of 1973 be given first and second reading and that Roy Williamson be appointed Commissioner. That Court of Revision be held at the next regular meeting on June 4th. That the Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders on the Bruce-Williamson Municipal Drain. - That the sidewalk in front of Mrs. Jean Broadfoot's resi- dence be repaired •by the road department. - That the road superinten-: dent's report be adopted and that we authorize''- the road superin- tendent to complete the 'Work that he recommended. - That Donald Martin and Barbara Dunbar obtain satisfac- tory estimate on the repair of the truck for fire department at St Marys and are authorized to have the repairs completed up to a price of $3,000. - That By-Law No. 8 of 1973, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Municipal- ity of the Township of Elma as to the maintenance of the boundary road, be finally passed as read a first, second and third times. - That Charles H. 'Thomas and Roy M. 'Williamson be ap- pointed voting delegates to the A.M.O. annual conference in Tor- onto, August 19th to 22nd. NMI OF Mrs, ,John Miller pre0104 for the may Meeting ofCromarty Ladies' Aid at the home of Mra.' Thos. L. -Seed. Highlight of the meeting 'was the, roll Call. 'My, Winter Project,' which resulted in a display of fano), guilts, 'a knitted , sweater,. a,CrOCheted poncho , and other knitied"ancl embroidered articles. Mrs. John Templeman had the devotions and Mr,s. Mervin Dow gave a timely reading „describing a stone- picking day on the farm. During the business it was decided to buy a few extra dishes, silverware, and chairs for the . church.The group to chargO'tweritMlye cents eitrc 10 take-'out:,digner.04tth98tra**::, berry supper to cover iliaco of 'container/4 IiPaoh.Wiffli.41r R.4.. by. the, hostess assisted by Mrs... ginner. Editor s Quote. Brook "Allot() time Atid-inoeler-=- ate delay; haste manages all things badly." Statius Shower honors bride to be BOB'S AUTO BODY •••••••• COMPLETE BODY REPAIRS COLLISION REPAIRS PAINTING GLASS INSTALLATION Vanastra, R.R. 5 — Clinton 482-9451