HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-17, Page 3SILVER GLORY SOCKEYE SALMON 77/4 oz. tin 69c TOP VALU FROZEN White or Pink LEMONADE 6 oz. tin 1 1 C ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN 2 PLY FACIAL TISSUE pkg. of 180 29c BLUE BONNET COLOURED MARGARINE 3 lb. pkg. 89c KOSHER DILLS SWEET MIXED, OR BREAD & BUTTER HEINZ PICKLES 32 oz. ac 59c MAKE USE OF 51 years experience AS AN UPHOLSTERER By , Mabel Turnbull Harold Mason of Listowel and Mrs. M. Karges, her daughter Vietta-pf the Listowel area. Mrs. Mary Malcolm also celebrated her 84th birthday Friday May 11th, with her were Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, Mitchell; Mrs. Harold S,mitli; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm; Mrs. Georg "Pepper, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Barry and Vicki. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. ,MC Intosh of Newmarket visited their cousir! Miss M.E. Turnbull this weeic, Mr. McIntosh, who is a former native of McKillop is retired from the staff of the University of Toronto. Unit V of Northside U.C.W. visited the Home on Wednesday and entertained the residents. A movie "The Seasons" was Shown by Mrs. Marion Pullman. Mrs. Rimmer read • two poems "The Legacy" for Mother's Day and "Little Towns". Mrs. Rim- mer's comment was that ' it reminded her very much of Sea- forth. The United chureh Junior Choir under the leadership' of Mrs. Audrey Mcllwain with Mrs. J.A. Stewart sang several num- bers very sweetly. JoAnne Rim- mer announced each number sung by the ,choir - "Keep on the ,sunuy Side'; "Jesus My S,avlour will Love Me Forever", "Spread a lit.tle Sunshine", "Sunday's Best of All", "Everything is Beautiful," "God's Little Can- dles". "Happy Birthday" was sung for Mrs. Malcolm and Mrs. Mason. Mrs. \Cliaitlotte McKerCher all(' Mrs. Jane Rimmer are co- presidents of U.C.W. Unit V, All enjoyed a tasty snack distributed by the ladies. In thanking the Junior Choir, Miss Turnbull recalled that the Junior C' hoir was organized in 1937 under her leadership. Congr'atulations to Mrs. Annetta Mason of Listowel, who celebrated her 85th birthday. With tier \ittere Mr. and Mrs. VACATI0N5 BY .' HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LIMITED 0, FRANKENMUTil Bavarian Fect•vol PENNSYLVANIA Kutztown Dutch Folk Festival Nova Scotian Mini Cwee Montreal, Quebec City and Ste. Anne De ,Beaupre Moosonee. Polar Bear Express Washington, Williamsburg, Colonial Virginia $ 19.00 JUNE 9 JULY 3 2 DAY 4 DAY $ 75.00 $120.00 $ 99.00 $104.00 $139,00 JULY 16 JULY 25 6 DAY 6 DAY AUGUST 7 3 DAY AUGUST 1 8 O'DAY AUGUST 31 and OCTOBER 5 4 DAY Nashville, Grand Ole Opry $ 66.00 PRICES QUOTED ARE BASED ON A FOUR TO A ROOM BASIS. OTHER PRICES LISTED IN TOUR BOOKET AVAILABLE BY WRITING HAIIKIRK TRANSIT BOX 700, SFAFORTHPIOR YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL, AGENT. DIRECT DIAL—TOLL FREE.t 1-800-265-4194 Announce results of music test ERB VERBERNE kknoto oy The following students were successful in passing. their Grade V music examinations held by the Western Ontario Conservatory Music, London. They are pupil of Mrs. carol Carter, A.R.C, T. A. Mus. o f Seaforth. Elaine Hopper, Seaforth (Honors); Dianne Wilson, R,#1, Brucefield (Honors). Jane Allan, Brucefield (Pass); Linda Elder, R.R.#2, Htensall "(Pass). • mauve swiss dot over satin.They carried baskets of white daisies and coloured carnations. Mr.Dale Erb . was, his brother's groomsman and the guests were ushered by Mr. Martin yerberne, brother of the bride of R.R.1, Seaforth and Mr. Allan Erb, cousin of the groom from Goderich. Mary Kelly was the organist and accompanied the 'soloist Marianne Segeren when she sang "Apill Love", "Ave Maria", and “Song of Joy". Both girls are friends of the bride. The dinner and reception was held at the Pineridge Chalet. The bride's mother wore. a floor- length gown of powder blue poly- ester crepe with lace sleeves and lace bodice . Her corsage was pink roses. The mother of the groom Chose a floor-length gown of pink polyester crepe with cor- sage of deep pink roses and white carnations. For the wedding trip to Eastern Canada the bride travelled in a grey, blue and white checked pant suit with red acces- sories and corsiage of red car- nations. On their return they 0 will reside aR.R.2, Zurich. Guests were present from Pennsylvania, Windsor, New Hamburg, Baden, Goderich, Sea- ' forth, St. Columban and Zurich. Father Oostveen officiated at the double-ring ceremony in St. Columban Roman Catholic Church on April 28th, 1973 at 2 p.m. for the marriage of Hen- drina Francesca Verberne, R.R.1, Seaforth and Douglas Ray Erb, R.R.2, Zurich. The Church was decorated with white. candles interwired with pink and mauve carnations. The children's choir of St. Columban sang the Mass. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verberne, R.R.1, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb of R.R.2, Zurich are the parents of the groom. The bride, given in marriage by her father and mother chose a white embroidered satin gown with long lily-point sleeves, empire waistline falling into a train at back with stand up collar and trailing veil trimmed with wide band •of dainty lace. She carried red roses and white carnations. • Regina Van Bakel, St. Colum- ban, friend of the bride, was the maid of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Rita Verberne, R.R.1, Seaforth and Miss Mary Verberne, R.R.1, Seaforth, both sisters of the bride. The maid of honor's dress was yellow swiss dot over satin whereas the bridesmaids wore green and (Photo by Phillip8)' • •RIECKER - BEDARD navy blue jacket with matching slacks, corsage and accessories. Guests were . present from London, Sarnia, Dutton, Windsor,'Detrolt and St.Joseph's. The couple will reside in London. BOX 189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 St. James' Roman Catholic Church was the setting for the marriage of Rosemary Bedard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bedard, Seaforth and wilfried Riecker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.' Riecker, London, Ontario. on May 5th, 1973 at 4 'o'clock. Father Laragh officiated at the High Mass. The bride chose a floor- length gown of white batiste ove taffeta, styled with a fitted bodice and leg o'mutton sleeves trim- med with pink and white guipure lace threadel with pink satin ,ribbon. The lace and ribbon edged' the floor-length nylon illusion bridal veil whiCh was held in"place by' a. cap 'matching her gOwn edged also with the lace and ribbon. She carried a cluster of roses adorned with baby tears and foliage. Linda Bedard was the maid of honor and the bridesmaids.. were Rosemary Redhead;London • and Elizabeth Br , igeldinger, Dutton. They were dressed alike in .white with floral print, White floppy hats trimmed with pink flowers and carried yellow dais- ies, roses adorned with"baby tears. Bill' Redhead' of London was the groomsman and the guests were ushered by Murray Uren. LoritloWacid Jack 130-claH of • )A11(W'MileS wastthe orgatitSf' and accompanied-the solist Mar- ianne Segeren. The reception was held in' the -Seaforth Community Hall. For their wedding trip to Europe the bride changed to a Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads VICTORIA DAY COOK- O ISAVE IN ' CLIP AND . REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON 777.77,77),-71, CLIP, AND REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON 1 9 LIMIT 1 DEAL PER FAMILY WITH '5.00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON EFFECTIVE MAY 1622,1973 • TOP VALU WIENERS (1 lb. pkg.) REGAL FOREST LUMP CHARCOAL (5 lb. bog) SHIRLEY GAY HOT DOG DUNS (pkg: of 8) ALL FOR LIMIT 1 JAR PER FAMILY WITH '5.00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON EFFECTIVE MAY 1622,1173 !, 1111111N11 p • 1 1,2,1. t..t.!LL LILL ,ILL,. I • • I L pi, .,,L 1010111 I, I • 11' • 1111111 lllllllllllll • TARE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF MEAT BUY• ING WITH THESE INFORMATIVE POROUS ING AIDS A I l TABLE vu MEATS • takes the guesswork out of bffilftkr0100}0017,-;; art 14101 nu ON101 MEWS WEAL,,,I PAY I 1, 1100 1.12 1.12 2. BONELESS sow RIB ROAST 44.6.1 ... ems. .••,,4a "141.• t uy C 'Ii at C e sd 41 3ilai EITIEd ge.. L.) nom you can 'tell Ut .a glance .the maxirum fat content with these 3 informative labels! IGA NOW GUARANTEES THAT THE GROUND BEEF YOU WILT ALWAYS BE OF' THE SAME CONSISTENT QUALITY FLAVOUR AND GOODNESS, WEEK AFTER WEEK A GLANCE AT OUR LABELS WILL SHOW YOU THE FAT 'CONTENT IN EACH GRADE OF GROUND BEEF, so THAT YOU CAN CHOOSE THE BEST TYPE FOR YOUR. PURPOSE • AND YOUR BUDGET NO MORE GUESSWORK AT IGA YOU CAN BUY BEEF WITH CONFIDENCE! Meal identity Label'„I InforMalivo Goueter Gard. HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR YOU June is Dairy month and Dairy Cattle Day at Centralia College .1s.,oa Friday, June 1st when an interesting program,for dairy' farmers and their Wives, is planned. Free stall housing fo'r cattle will be discussed by Harold Clapp,IDairy Cattle Specialist 'from Guelph on the morning pro- gram. John Core, Ridgetown College and Ross 1Vikarshall, a well known dairy farmer from Kirkton will discuss how a dairy farmer can find and keep •good farm labour. Protein supplements for a dairy herd can ,cost a, lot of money and Bob Lang, dairy cattle specialist from London, wil 1 be illustrating ways of reducing costs while still supplying enough protein. Dr. W. D. Morrison from the Dept. Of Animal & Poultry Science, University of Guelph will discuss minerals. Fieldmen from the Ontario Milk Marketing ' Board, the Ontario Milk Commission, the Holstein-Friesian Associa- tion and dairy 'cattle specialists will be at Dairy Cattle Day to provide information and help with problems. • I. Kind al Meal 1., 2 P.,,,C 1• • 7. Spetilit Ppeien INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life BURNS VACUUM PACE El I SKINLESS WIENERS CAMPFTRE 1 'IL SLICED SIDE BACON WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A” RED RIBBON BEEF FROZEN KNIFE CUT CHICKEN BREASTS 83c [TAVERN BEET PORK—T• BREAKFAST SAUSAGE • 73c KT1 69c Donald G. Eaton A program of interest to the ladies is planned for the, after- noon. Mrs. Ailee n Bucknam who has had a great deal of ex- perience with the Ontario Milk FoundatiOn will discuss the facts and fallacies about health foods with major emphasis on dairy products. The changing role,,of the consumer is the topic for Miss Marjorie Harris of Bur- lington. APPROXIMATE FAT CONTENT 25% 85c TOP VALU VALUUM PAL pk, SLICED SIDE BACON 95c (RUN ALASKA BLUEFISH FILLETS MAXIMUM FAT CONTENT 15% FAT CONTENT LESS THAN 15% Extra Lean GROUND BEEF Fresh GROUND BEEF Lean GROUND BEEF Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main . Street Phone 527-1610 — Seaforth TOP VALU VACUUM PAL HO' . 1) i: SKINLESS WIENERS 99c 1.37 QUALITY PRODUCE "FRESHER BY FAR" 99c Classified Ads pay dividends. PRODUCT DT SOUTH AIRY T1 SWEET Jaffa good size 79 Oranges Doz. DOLE TROPICAL TREAT Golden Yellow Bananas 16,1 2 C UPHOLSTERY SCHOOL COLEMAN'S FULLY COOKED FOOTBALL STYLE,... Whole or Half SMOKED HAM• lb 99c CUT FROM THE PORK LEG OF PORK SHANK END ROAST lb 69c BURN'S Sweet Pickled 21/2 TO 41/2 lb. COTTAGE ROLLS SCHNEIDER'S Fully Cooked SMOKED PICNIC . SHOULDER MARY MILES BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA lb 39` CUT, FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS SHORT .RIB ROAST ITT •12 S A NO 1 Crunchy Rosebud 2 RADISHES 2 USA NO I ILORIDA LR'SP CELERY STALKS .; 35c 5c YOUR FURNITURE can look LIKE NEW AGAIN! CANADA NO I ONTARIO Marsh Cello CARROTS 2 49c FOR HOLIDAY WEEKEND GARDENING Aero Green 7x7x7 Fertilizer 1.69 ib89c lb 69c BEFORE ASSORTED VARIETIES LIBBY'S RELISH 12 oz. jar 29c AFTER PANTRY SHELF CHOICE ESSO BAR-B-QUE HALVES PEACHES LIGHTER FLUID 32 oz. tin 33c I will teach you to upholster your own furniture. Save money and learn an interesting trade 28 oz. tin 39C -MAKE YOUR CHESTERFIELD LIKE ,NEW ! K. BOLD BIOLOGICAL POWDERED DETERGENT lb. pkg. 0 1.74 ASSORTED FLAVOURS MARTINS FRUIT DRINKS 48 oz. tin 29c CAPRI ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 6 roil pkg. 79C VALLEY FARM FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 2 lb. bag 29c School hours daily Monday through Friday from 9 to 12 neon and from 1 to 5 p.m. BEFORE Students may select days and .hours that are most convenient to them. Instruction $1.00 per hour plus 25c per hour for use of equipment. ASSC)91EI` vAO E KAM LUNCHEON MEAT PICNIC PAR ' Foon HOT OR COLD brink Cups FONDA 9 WHITE PAPER PLATES TOP VALU REGI'LAP PVC, [1, N T • CHEESE SINICES 1E110 ASSORT! r Fl:. .00., JELLY A, POWDEFISff '• •MR FROZEN ZUNI P./TPA TE • 79c JtilCE ORANGE 3 1.00 NABOB. Aa PURPOSE GROUND 89c CO FFE ELoGG 89c AR'f T T SPECIAL 'K' MATERALS and SUPPLIES in STOCK. 59c 39c 89. SEAFORTH 104 DIET RITE SOFT DRINKS . 24 (EA VER PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS AT IAWRFN, I CORN • OIL 8gc YORK SMOO'I' PEANUT BUTTER 1.39 2.29 BANQUET FROZEN. A' Cillrr• MEAT DINNERS AFTER 58c • 47c CEREAL MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1973. WE 'RESERVE THE RIGHT TO' tiMiT QUANTITIES. Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited. MAKE YOUR OLD CHAIRS LIKE NEW I :TRK FANCY GREEN PEAS OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN • 2 1.78 49c CALL: LUDOLPH MEDEMA AT lANCIA SPAGHETTI SPAI'1FTF NI 111:, READY CUT MACARONI 39c • igITITN HOT EVIL', 0,1 I .a . WIENERS & DEANS 55. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY PHONE 527-0190 SEAFoRTH 1. OPEN FRIDAY Tip. NINE ALL YEAR AROU