HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-10, Page 20Changing Spark Plugs
Can Save You Gas
Gettingbetter gasoline
mileage alwa&s has been an
attractive propOsition to the
motorist, Who could argue
with the proposition that
when gasoline consumption
goes down, the bank balance
edges up?
Today being stingy with
gasoline is more than a mat-
ter of dollars and cents. The.
same factors that affect gas
economy also have a strong
bearing on reducing exhaust
emissions. And there's still
another compelling reason
to be concerned with gaso-
line conservation. The world
is faced with an impending-
• shortage of petroleum, the
source of gasoline.
• Key to Saving
,According to David L.
-Walker, automotive
technical services director,
engine •condition is the key
to gasoline consumption.
Walker, speaking to a
group of technicians at
California, - reported
that untuned engines are
Wasters of fuel.
• He cited.results of a three
nation Champion test pro-
gram that showed an un-
tuned engine kone that
hasn't been tuned in more
than 10,000 miles of opera-
Don t Pass Up •
Free Services
At Outlets
tion) wastes between one
and two gallons of gasoline *
per tankful, Merely replac-
ing worn spark plugs with
new ones can save better
than a gallon per tankful'.
the tests revealed.
Habits Have Hearing
Driving habits also have
a bearing on 'good gasoline ,
mileage, Walker said,.
• Excessive speed is a no-
iorious waster-of fuel. Keep-
ing within the posted speed
limits will help save gaso-
line, not to mention reduc-
ing accident dangers.
• ,Keeping a light and
steady foot on the gas ped-
al is also a fuel saver. Jack
rabbit starts and sudden ac-
celeration while driving re-
quire excessive fuel.
• Stay mentally ahead of
traffic, "playing" traffic
lights. and avoiding situa-
tion such as tail-gating oth-
er cars. Sudden stopping
and, starting are major
causes of wasted gasoline.
• Avoid prolonged idling.
If you must wait in, your ear
for more than a few sec-
onds, s uch as at a railroad
crossing or for someone In
eorne knit, of a.„%store,
more economical to shut off
the engine. It also helps cut
down im
• Make sure your tire
pressure is proper. Under-
inflated tires, particularly,
hurt gas efonomy.
Don't miss this
May Cost You Money
Later If You Do
Maybe the best things in
life aren't really free, but if
yOu pass up those free serv-
ices offered by service out-
may, cost you.
Take the simple Precau-
tion of checking battery
water levels. It requites
only a few seconds of time
and absolutely no mOney.
• But if battery fluid levels
are allowed to drop and' the
condition is not detected, it
could mean premature de-
terioration of the battery.
It could cause an incon-
venient "can't start" as
During hot, dry periods of
summer, battery -water is
more likely to 'evaporate.
So, especially during warm
weather months, have the
battery checked every time
you stop for gas.
In addition to water lev-
els, have the battery
checked for corrosion and
soundness of the cables.
Another free service that
can save you money is
checking the tires for prop-
er inflation. Both under-
inflation and overinfiation
.-an be harmful to tires,
wearing them out prema-
turely. For accurate read-
ings, `do not have the tires
checked after yoU've driven
more than a few miles.
Other free checks that
will help prevent trouble
include inspection of oil
level and windshield wash-
er fluid. Low -levels bf oil
can lead to engine damage
and no fluid in the washer
---reservoir could hamper vis-
ibility at a critical time.
Did you know that if you
drive a car an average of
10,000 Miles per year its
spark plugs have probably
fired some 15 million times
during that period? That's
why they should be serviced
at 5,000 miles and replaced
at 10,000 miles. •
Carbon on the distributor
points can lead not only.to
spark plug misfiring but in
some cases can cause com-
plete ignition failure.
costs not to tune every10,000 miles.
Putting off a tune-up can cost you plenty.
Costs that affect your wallet. Your safety.
Your car's dependability. And your health.
Tests have shown that an untuned car
wastes, on the average, a gallon of gas from
every tankful , . . takes an average of
7 1/2 car lengths longer to pass a vehicle
moving 50 mph .. has over twice as many
"won't starts" ... and spews substantially
greater amounts of harmful pollutants
into the air we breathe.
Consider the costs. We think you'll
see why it's smart to take your car in for a
tune-up every 10,000 miles-or once each
year-with Champion spark plugs. The brand
that's always right. For every engine.
SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 10, 1913