HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-10, Page 13MOWING
— 2" CUT
, Bluegrasses and red fescue spread by
sending.out underground rhizomes and
form a super-thick, deeply-rooting
carpet-like turf, but only if not mowed
. too short, •
All grasses must have some sun. So-
called shade gr,abses merely stay alive
somewhat longer In shade. Morning
shade is most harmful:
Mow 'bluegrass and fescue lawns short
and you . will have a thin, shallow-
rooted turf that needs to be watered
every day.
Most grasses grow roots only when the
soil Is cool. Mowing the lawn short lets
sunheat warm the soil too much.
• Uneven ground leads to scalping,
weak and shallow-rooting, a spot
-- —1" CUT
4r iW
The only time clippings MUST be
picked up it when they are heavy and
wet, as they would smother the grass
and kill the robts.
Teaciling your lawn to love you.
mow often but not too close
the 21,•criqccpci ruic is to'
F11(1V, illicit hilt nol too closely ,
In this vkiiv intsc.,,, leaf-growth
s pre\rmtert. furtilt7er loss cur-
ItCtI to I the menace of
et'kk. II1W, Is drill Coarse grass
iolti,.ed f he grass assumes
habit And the proditc•
lion. of calm shoots is stimu-
Hum man\ times should you
stow .1 1.1w n this neighbours,
dep,..nds on the it re of lawn
you Lki1111. II you want a gull
course type of lawn then it
should he mowed twice a week
when the grass is vit.kwousIv
growing in summer. Once a
week is recommended in
spring.,autumn and under
drought 'conditions.
)rou mow your lawn just
when '$'011 feel like it. and the
graSses are actively growing
producing a large quantity of
leat and you decide to "chop"
it down. it will shock the grass
and reduce its vigour. Make
grass cutting a "ritual", yorlr
lawn will love you for it.
Let me recommend that you
purchase a grass catcher to fit
your lawnmower. Reason? It
kkill,calch the cut ends and will
also prevent weed seeds. if
tl\ere arc any weeds growing.
frOm being scattered through-
out the lawn. The hag when
filled can he emptied on, the
compost pile to he used in
the garden when it's broken
down and ready fbr use.
What tastes better than a
freshly grown vegetable. espe-
cially when you've sown the
seed, cultivated the rows, fer,-
tilized and watched the plants
develop. They are easy t
grow. cost less to produce th
buying. Prepare the soil cell
prior to planting. if available
a rota-tiller will work your sod
up in fine shape for planting.
The land should he well pul-
verized, free ..of clumps, clods,
stones on the surface, Go over
it ont.te or mice with a rake to
gi‘c a fine. even surface. Roll-
ing is usual'', not necessary but
may be done just before the
final raking it' it helps to get
a good sill I:ice I hen before
ed. make rows
Cr rase
•d ets started,
1, '11( t diflicult to
it , if you had this
awn last year,
r ,-emergent con-
ptes nt the seeds from
,unatirg. Use it just as the
,icc arc coming into bloom
,or the best control and use a
spreader to apply it.
The purrow cti mowing is not merely ti.;keep down un-
SiOt k, growt h, hut rather to build up a vigmous-, fine,
Sit k ing ,L:r d yt, secret in mowing is to keep the blades
long enough to pro Cut the roots being starved, hut
`host enough to he attractive to those passing-by your
he height should not vary a great deal.
In .1 ht
Heavy mowers squash soil, squeeze
out the air that grass ^roots need to
survive. Result Is thin, weakened lawn.
Mowing restores freshness to lawn by Chemical growthjetardants stunt the
removing worn tips. Dull mower trays grass but not thB weeds — which take
tips, lawn takes on dull, brownish cast. advantage of now-weakened grass.
AttArZ9,490 4 t0.4)*(i)141iititi,- garth; FaCe. ClOtbr ..
Gag glenvi le, 1;,R
ggt '00 r.th Motors,
Vegerleo, ti our Dollar Credit
rlannfiry'S 614404 Onet'
0 too Rug 9 x 12 cleaned gree or
$15.00 credit on another (Bill
Pinder), Mrs. J. C. Vanbelkun;
purse (C roc keraFootlflear), Mar;
tan McNaught, Stratford; Picture
(Main St. Variety), Brad Beutten-
Miller; Lotion & Soap, Marian
McNaught, Stratford; Tablecloth
(Stewart Bros.); Lois Hodgert;
2 Dinners. (Queen's Hotel), Jean
Adams, Bruce140.‘4, Paper and
Pencil (Huron Expositor), Patri-
cia Hackwell, Walton; Three Sil-
-. ver Dollars (Bank of Commerce)
Darrell Finnigan, Egmondville;
• Blanket (Goettler Market), Jean
Cairns; 5 gal. gas (Habkirk Tran-
sit), Jeffrey Kennedy; 2 Dinners
(Huron Hotel), Effie Stephenson;
Toy (McGavin's), Joyce Oliver,
RR 4; Pillowslips (Harvey's Ltd)
Todd James, Egmondville; 10 lb.
Dairy Spread (Seaforth Crew-n-
ary), Clara Brown, Egmondville;
5 gal. gas (Habkirk Transit),
Karen Chesney, RR 2; Toy (Mc-
Gavin's), Rose Burke, RR 2,Sta-
ffa; Lotion & Soap, Harold Con-
nell; Assorted Cards (Hay Sta-
tionery), 'Nancy O'Shea; Three
Dollar Gift Certificate (Eatons)
W. D. Stephensbn; Three Silver
Dollars/ (Toronto - Dominion
Bank), 'Mrs. Laura Barry; Punch
(Huron Expositor), Doug Hilde-
brand; Sheet (Simpsons SearS),
Rhonda McCowan; 2 cans wax,
(Red's Fina Station), Agnes La-
mont; Lawn Chair (Canadian
Tire), 'Ken Cardno; Case of pep,
si (Winthrop Grocery), John E.
Patterson; paper & Pencils (Hu-
ron Expositor ), Jacquelin Ma-
thews; Soap & Lotion, Sandra
Staffen; Case of Cola (I.G.A.),
Mrs. Audrey McLean, RR 4;
Hose .(R ead' s Shoes), Mrs. F rank
Johnston; ' Groceries (Seaforth
Superior), Ab Whitney; 3 qts. Oil
(Sharp's Maintenance), Al Mc-
Quiade; 5 lbs.4skim Milk Powder
.(Gay Lea), Mrs. .Joe J. Lane,
RR 5; Tricycle, Miss Huby COM—
rie, Goderich; Handy Wrap& Lo-
tion, Mrs. R. Whitely; Scratch
Pads (News office),, Julie Hab-
kirk; Oil for Radrator (Cleave
The restrictions in the use of Electrical Equipment which
arise when wiring and service entrances are outdated and
inadequate can place Costly demands On time and labour,
Update Your,
Electrical System!,
By installing a wiring system with a 100 amp service or larger
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Have The Meter 'installed Outside
To Homeowners Updating their electrical system and
installing an outside meter the PUC is offering a
For further information contact t
Seaforth Public Utility Commissiiin
527-0530 SEAPORTH
Joanne Rimmer, Lois Dalton, Jane Morton, Nancy Kunder and Ann Ribey in one of'the ieenes
from "Tom Sawyer" presented by Seaforth ;3ublic,School pupils this week. •
7 • The Sunflowers arade fortSusan Smith on the left. They are Lynn McLaughlin, Darlene
Henderson, Sharon, ethick, Catherine Ribey, Rho'nda McGowan,' Lynn Henderson, Mary Lynn
Glew, Jane Robinson:
(COS,.040 fromP40.))
Comptexickn OP, OTiveg Co,)
Mrs, 411140 HOW; Ladiefe 101,
ter (Ontatia); ,.11,'IcKenilft)
Bridge" pet Otereit sharlc Dome
co.>0-1404 yitl)ltney; AVIg (Keato
ings Pharnam), Jeam100017#1,111' gee, Egniondville; Lotion & soap
Mrs. -John Bruce; Picture (Main
St. Var lety),Nellie Jam leann; Car
wash (McLaughlin Moters), Mary
Hart; Auto Kit -(Johnson & John-
son Co.), Shirley Teall; Baby
Blanket, George Hildebra0;
Men's Shirt (Shinen's), Florence
Ludvigsen,d clinton; Car Wash
• (McLaughlin Motors), Kim An-
stett; Men's Shirt (Stewart Bros.)
Mary Bradshaw; Shoes (Genesco)
Angelo Andressi; Toy Tractor'
(Vincent's), George Hildebrand;'
Complexion Set (Nivea Co.), Jos-
le Ladato, Woodstock; Baby Blan-
ket (St. Columban Store), Mrs.
Brenda McIntosh, RR 4; 5 Silver
Dollars (P.0.5.0.), Ida Andrews,
16 Arlington Ave, Toronto; Men's
Shirt (Bill O'Shea) Madelon Ma-
loney; Plaque (Pat Bennett), Shir.7
ley-,O'Shea; Silver Wig (Brian's
Hairstyling), Dorothy Irwin,
Clinton; Crib Blanket (Ethel &
Tennie Dennis) Isabel Rau; Men's
Shoes (Thompson's Shoe Store),
Helen Ann Elliott, Dublin; Roll
Outs, (mcc reight!.s Store, Dublin)
MrS. Carl Buys, RR 4; Choco-
lates, 5 lb. (Huron Wholesale)
Tracy Reid; pencils (Huron Ex-
positor), Mrs. Joyce Hugill; Lo-
tion & Soap, Mrs. H. Taylor,
Londesboro; Doll (Elmer Larone)
Mrs. Mary Reynon, Staffa; Shoes
<G-enesco), Mr. Frank Roberton;
Rose- Doctor (Topndtch), Barb
Osborn;, Tractor (Vincent's),
Gordon Muir, Car Wash-In & out
(Bob's Gull Station), Hilda Aus-
tin; Blanket (Whitney's), Luella
Watson; 5 lb. Roast Beef (James
F. • Scott), Margaret McNalrn,
RR 4; Vase (Crown Hardware)
Robbie Glew c/o Betty Glew ;
Shopping Bag (Peg. Coombs), El-
aine Oke; Marble Table Top (Ball
& McCauley), Mary Oke; Lawn
Chair (co-op), Joan Wilbee; Rug
Broom's Carpets), Elizabeth Kit-
ter; Tatted Set (Mrs. Hilda Sell-
ers), Muriel McClure, RR 2;
Electric Smoker Stand (R. S.
Box), Mrs: Herb Travess, Wal-
ton; 5 gals. gas -(medd's Super-
test), Norman Young; Cannister
Set (Iildebrand's Paint & Paper)
Mrs. R. Shaw, Preston; Toy Loa-
' der (Vincent's ), Peter DeCoo,
St. Thomas; Larnp (Gingerlch's)
Gail Glanville, RR 1, Blyth; El-
ectric ,Bnn warmer, Mrs. W. H.
Coleman, RR 4; Banana Seat &
Sissy Bar, Norman Young;10 lbs.
Dairy .Spread (Seaforth Crea-
mery), Florence Kay; Lawn Chair
(John Cardno), Gail Doig; 3 pkgs.
Light Bulbs (Dean Williamson),
Bruce McLean, RR 4; 5 lb. Pup-
py Chow (Milton Dietz) Mrs,
Stewart McCall, Walton; 1 oil
change (Rowcliffe Motors), Mrs.
Mabel Scott; 5 games Open Bowl-
-Lig (Nobel 'Lanes), Lawrence Re-
gele, RR 1, Dublin; Lcition & Soap
Glen Steffen; 2 1/2 dozen eggs.
(Ewart Wilson), Mrs. Paul Brady;
Cushion (Vera & Velma Heist)
Nellie Jamieson; Serving Tray
(Sills' Hardware). Grace Titford,
o Hospital ,.„.,„ . „, sou s:
'HURON 41,000f9,R; APRFRI, .0NT,i7mAy 10,E 1rs,13.
ccesOf eon
Master Ritchie Cameron, son'
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cameron,
11,11.2, Staffa, won first prize
singing a solo at the Mitchell
Music Festival held last
Wednesday afternoon in the
Mitchell Public School.
Among those returning • for
the occasion of the F ire side
,Anniversary on Sunday w ere
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston,
Clinton, ‘,..Mr. and Mrs. Ranson,
Midland, .Robert Wright, New
Ptinde.erandAlr,,,and MrsZerineth,
Campbell,y Alliston.
Harvey Greer and Chris
Young of Hamilton visited on
Sunday 'with the formerLs parents
Mr. and Mrs. Orville • Greer,
R.R.4, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe
spent Sunday in Kitchene r with
their daughters, Joyce Roe. and
The William Orr family.
0114140:140'i 149400 )04
0,14)Att Stgt4A4t0:11i
1,!#X,00, 0,01)„. ,;1344X0inrO)pl 14,011.1 • NtInfock; 40,4r, OraY4.c*pe (Flot!,„ tyfgepeatAypalen) ti,anet eeputrOve,
1 ,ctlicken ($eatertb ,100), t, Hubert; 4 qta, oil (Gerald's
, sun), Jeffrey McKellar; Choc0.,
lates (J. C. Crich), Hog--;
garth; Handy Wrap & Lotion, Peg
Grieve, RR 4; Thermos (Bob &
Betty's), Gail McKenzie; Lotion
& Soap, George Hoggart, .Pilyth;
DOg •Cliew. (Milton Dietz), Jane.
Allan, BruCefield; 1 paint
(Graves Wallpaper), Mrs. Geo..,
Love, RR 4, Walton;.Asst. Cards
(Hay Stationery), Mrs. Maurice
Melady, RR 2, Dublin; Shoes
(Thompson's Shoe Repair), Mrs.
E. Papple; 5 gal. gas (Habkirk
Transit), Mary Hart; Lotion &
Soap, William Hoff; Scratch Pads
(News Office), Mrs. Barney Hil-
debrand; Case of ,Pepsi (I.G.A.)
Bruce Austin; 3 qts. Oil (Sharp's
Maintenance); Tom Wilbee; 5 lbs.
Skim Milk powder (Gay Lea),
Frances Ball; 4 qts. Oil Texaco
(Bob Dinsmore), Walter Short-
reed, Walton; Handy Wrap & Lo-
tion, Mrs. Charles Cunningham,
Clinton; Case, of Pepsi (I.G.A.)
Frances Ball;' Asst. Cards. (Hay.
Stationery), Helen Wilbee; Lotion
& Soap, Ruth Cluff; 5games Open
Bowling (Nobel Lanes), Helen
Crocker; 3 pkgs. Light Bulbs
(Dean Williamson), A. Timmer=
mans, RR 3, Kippen; $5.00 Gro-
ceries (Ray's Grocery), Bob
Smith; Football, Mrs. Ethel Ris-
ing; Cologne (Wilma Cornish),
Mrs. Foster Bennett; Floral Ar-
rangement (MacLean's Floriit),
Mrs. Louis Dellon, Dublin;Glass
Bowl (Anstett Jewellers), Jennie
Hildebrand; Desk File (Sted-
rnan's), Mrs. June Pekin; Salad
Bowl Set (Priceguard), Rick
Wood; $2.00 Value Baking (Velma
Miller),. Pauline Bennett, Walton;
Lotion &Soap, PatriciaHackwelli•
Walton; Soap & Cdlogne, Avon,
(Mrs. A. Crozibr), Mrs. VinCent
Lane; $25.00 Voucher for Paving
-not transferable (Heard- Con-
struction), Elsie Dinsmore; Pan-
ty Hose (Read's Shoes), Anna
Kling; Sheet (Simpsons Sears),
Jean Wilbee; Stainless Spoons
(Main St.• Variety), Sandra staf-
Mr. and mrs. Donald Milland,
Brantford, spent the week
end with Mrs. Ni. A . Hotham.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keyes
of Hamilton, spent the week end
with relatives in McKillop Twp.
Mrs Thos. Pryde of Exeter
was a week , end guest of Miss
Rena Fennell..
Mrs. Mcpherson of Glencoe
-as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
9-vHCn 1arla
s. Keith Sharp, Mrs. A.
1r: Campbell on Sunday
son, Mrs. John Hille-
Brecht, Mrs. Peter Male m and
Mrs. •R. S. Habkirk werei wing- •
ham Sunday morning at ending
the Oddfellows and R ekah-service,
Mr. and Mrs. Larr y Milson
and family were Sunday guests
of Mrs. R. S. Habkirk.
plUpwilipe OtAtneti'AF,V
gnerlte 'Walden; ,q31.1.4.1 Glasses
(4.Tobli Zoogeta,tc, John Boyd;
ErAlfe rigid (NrittepeOervice),
41.itan Durst) Mrs.
ww. Titford), Mrs, 3tilni,Blireli,
Walt941 1 Ogr..
Laughlin Motors),
Goderleb; 2 1/2 dozen.eime.(K*,-
art Wilson), Mrs. Hosq 1:049Y1
RH 2, State; C,QmpleXtenl.iet (Ni-
vea Co.), Bailie VArraitt
•I .Hoyefnibie• .VntiFe; .
• tOer. Megeezle, R11' 'b, Clinton; • )1, gw. get: Oftgertit: JeWelier4 •
X ,20-VXMAY: 41. I rier«
tigt;,(VotA mark car* ter. . t: .• • •
Draw from. all t1.0etS, forAnget
M.000110104 • .-49a4tek by petetliy?#-rIce‘i " •
,Let us review your requirements and provide
you with free estimates.
hi, • ;;;01,,,., . mir.„0„ 460* ommair44.00.161‘ Ami.
....pitaimpsow,......,.„, awswaymmo ifif„,..Apavemok, ,.........:,:::„,,,,„„,.....„:„.:.„,.:,.:.:.:.....:.:.„.A .. ....,....,..,,,„,„„
Crushed and washed stone for your
Top ,Soil for your lawns