HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-10, Page 12The winter's snow has finally receded and has left behind last fall's leaves and other assorted debris. The paint on, your fence and here and thereon the house is starting to -peel. Your next door neighbour has daffodils and tulips in bloom and somehow, you just didn't get around to planting any bulbs last year. • If this is your situation, now is the time to put your good clean-up, paint-up and garden- ing good intentions to work. This week the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce, with.the co-operation of the Town Council, is again sponsoring a Clean-Up Paint up program in Seaforth. The Town of Seaforth is providing a truck which will pick, utt homeowner's accumulated Wash. The Chamber of Com- merce points out that.Clean7Up, Fix-Up Campaign is not only a one wetk program but a philoso- phy, a guide for a better quality of life,in,5eaforth throughout the entire- year. ,There just is no doubt about such a campaign paying dividends, the Chamber of Commerce emphasizes. • ."A home and yard that have been thoroughly cleaned, re- paired and planted, will give you added realty vain should you . wish to sell. Cle vc 1premises will considerabl reduce the chance that you will ever stand over a rubble of what was once your home and your cherished possessions, gutted by fire. "There will be fewer chances of accidents to toddlers and elderly persons since you will haVe followed Clean-Up safety .suggestions.` AFTER MAKE YOUR OLD CHAIRS LIKE NEW I Everjr Citizen has a responsi- bility to Clean-Up .. Fix-Up .. and Paint-Up .. It's Everybody's' Job! PROCLAMATIOill By virtue of instructions Issued by the Council of the ToWn of Seaforth, I proclaim the week of MAY 21st to MAY 26th CLEANrUP WEEK in the Town of Seaforth dm! urge citizens to observe the occasion by Cleaning-Up, Fixing-Up and Painting-Up their premises. Seaiorth, May 10th, 1973. F. C. J. Sills, Mayor mmivg -FREE P1CK-UP - The Town of Soaforth will co-operate in Clean-Up Vieek and accumulated trash will be picked up from Seaforth residences FREE OF CHARGE, Wednesday-Thatsday-Friday, May 23,. 24, & 25 Wednesday, May 23—Any reside,nce on Goderich Street or North of Goderich Street to Town "Limits. Thurgday, May 24 — Any residence South of Godendt Street to the CNR Tracks. Friday, May 25 — Any residence•South of CNU Tracks. Materials to be picked up must be available -at the street line of a property before 8:00 am. on the day of collection. The pickup is not to include garbage, nor wiR it service , business premises. •••••••-•" • i244%1-114111,1,1-110I4 EXPOSITOR; SEAFORTH, OWN MAY 1&,t 103 t • f UPHOLSTERY SCHOOL TIME TO CLiAN...REPAILAE-PAINT...RENEW! SeaforthArea residents face tidy up challenge Why, how,to make landscaping plans. 0: YOUR FURNITURE con look LIKE NEW AGAIN! BEFORE .• I will teach you to upholster your own furniture and save money and learn an interesting trade MAKE' YOUR CHESTERFIELD . LIKE NEW, School 'hours daily Monday th.rough Friday from 9 to .12 noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. BEFORE Students may, select days and hours that aro • most convenient to them. Instruction $1.00 per 'hour pips 25c per hour for,use of equipment. MAKE USE 6F 51 years experience As AN UPHOLSTERER CALL: LUDOLPH MEDEMA AT SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY PHONE 527-0190 SEAFORTH Our Out-Docir Spring Things ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY DROP IN AND SEE WHAT'S NEW!! CEDAR PICNIC TABLES - '6' — ready to assemble sizes made to order quality cedar and solidly For picnics and barbecues, why not try one of our picnic tables constructed of assembled. • 444 Series Redwood Stain • Exterior Alkyd House Paint Your Choice at one special low price • BALLMACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES currifiN 482-9514 SEAFORTH 527-0910 HENSALL — .282-21413 Why landscape a home? * "Your children will learn the evident answer is the right one For most people, the self- thrill of working together for -7 to improve the appearance of a common goal, and you will the home. Another reason has have increased enjoyment from great importance. _ Beautiful living in clean,. attractive sur- landscaping increases home val- roundings." ue , too. "The future of our torn is When to do landScaping? dependent on the' traits shown This question is more com- during our Clean-Up campaign, plex, since it usually involves namely, energetic interest, another: How to pay for it? "Through demonstrations of Many older homes 'need these qualities in the next few renewal of landscaping, because weeks , we, should set a plants have grown too large for. pattern for the rest of the year. available space or have become we accomplish The , the untidy' or diseased. And many newer . homeS need additional and the habits of cleanliness and-'beauty which we acquire landscaping. The plantings around the Ahand nevi home may will persuade tourists to stop over in our town will be very basic -- a lawn, a few create an environment which will , shrubs and .trees. attract new industry and citizens. Yet the homeowner who wants New industry means many landscaping is likely to have other dernands on his finances. lie's new jobs, with special opportuni- ties for our youth." paying for his new home, or, if it's an older home, he's paying and the closing in of open sides. - Check with your .supplier here, .., too, for ' Materials and ideas. p aye room o a . room: . Today, there are'enough bath- Flameless electric heat burns . room designs, enough .. acces- no fuel, and needs, „no storage or sories, enough equipment, and piping. It is clean and odorless. enough materials with wide Because electr ity. is still one choice of ,cOlors 'and' styles to of the best ba ains available to ' - satisfy the most demanding day, a flamele s electric heat- . . homemakers. " ihg.system is also economical ' to installand operate.. , All it needs is' to lavish the / same care in the selection Of , Small investments, such 'as accessories, materials and nameless electric heating, often equipment as is given to other pay large dividenda in the in- areas Of the home. creased value of your 'home.' Colorful, washable vinyl wall- paper can hide drab plaster, and attractive shower Curtains 'and bright new towels in co-ordin- ated colors can give a gay atmos- phere without too much economic plan. Bathrooms can be planned to meet such common demands as: better ventilation, hairwash- ing facilities., more storage space better hand-laundry facilaies, .a drinking fountain, m6re grab bars and seating space -- and above all, better •, able from banks and' saving and loan associations. Or, nursery- men may offer their own financing plans. For the hoyneowner who pre- fers to arrange for landscaping on a cash basis, there's a simple solution: Do it step by step. Start with an over-all plan for the final effect desired, and take care of most nrgent land- scaping needs first -- foundatiOn plantings br replantings, for ex- ample. A "garden living room" might be next. Other plantings can. be 'added as time and money permits. Additional pleasure for the' family comes from watching the home landscaping grow. HOW to choose the right' land- s coping plan? The homeowner's creativItY can be brought into play here, and a lobk at neighboring properties may suggest ideas, too. However,, professional advice is usually called for'. Local nurserymen can provide helpful information . on choosing trees and plants , best for the area, landscaping for year-round beauty .and low main- tenince, providing proper drainage and . many other pointers to help homeowner and family get maximum value and enjoyment from landscaping. p the bath showers with built-in seats,band sprays, recessed shelves and overhead lighting are some of the innovations recommended. ,There are custom cabinets to provide space for the growing number pf items now used in the bathroom -- cosmetics and medicines, electrical equipment such as shavers, tooth brushes, hair dryeri, massage machines. Better lighting and lavish use of mirrors can make shaving and make-up a joy instead of atchore. Walls, floors, counters and accessories are made in materials easy to maintain,.and for those who cannot afford such, luxuries as marble or onyx, there are many sensible and attractive substitutes. The choice of bathroom adornments is wide -- less than ten dollars to ,giamorize an electric bulb by covering it with a beaded "crystal overcoat", • up to hundreds of dollars for an imported crystal chandelier. • 'time in. Seaforth. Whether. you hiture or pimply modernize it of transforming that basement for the comfort of you and your area into bedrooms. With a family, here are five improve- simple conversion to nameless a view to selling in ,the near Don't overlook the possibility want to up-date Our borne With basement is 'just, a basenient. ments which will increase the electric heat, that old fuel-burnt- It's Spring and, it's clean-up or family room, especially after looking at other homes where a value of your house, by more ing furnace with its fuel supply than the cost of the improvement. can be removed to give you a home care experts at the great deal of extra usable living Edison Electric Institute suggest space. the following renovations: Again, yoar local building 1. A good coat of paint in a • supply . dealer will be happy to carefully selected color will have advise you on materials and its cost returned •many times method's for building the rooms, you(re,„a_cio4L,,tan, your electrical contractor or overt'"-especially if plications costs, New paint will , electric Ittility - conipany will !rave' it-your-seller who roan save ap.- bring freshness ,and desirability ful 31 details on the conversion to to even an older house. Your fl:nelessl electric heat. Bathroom fixtures date a e quickly. They can be re- loci.' paint dealer will help you ced singly for a reasonable in selecting the type of paint and the best color for your ,home. mount if they are old-fashioned 'bridamaged. Often, a new set '2. A thousand dollars or less of faucets will update an entire put into the finishing pf 10. dark, bathroom. . raw basement can be returned 4. If yOlir have a carport, you can change it into a garage many times over . in increased home value. A potential buyer for a moderate amount.. All it is always impressed by a well takes is the addition of garage dbors. a bit o electric wiring lighted, well planned game ream AFTER MATERALS and SUPPLIES in STOCK. USW .95 per Gallon While Quantity Lasts • Improvements will add value for major home ,improvements responsibility of paying for, a •. comfort v , to'eery residence In many cases, landscaping -costs can be added to an exist- complete landscaping job. such as new siding. He may wonder about taking on the added WHETHER IT'S A NEW KITCHEN Or a NEW HOUSE or just MIN9R REPAIRS We're Available Assist You To IMPROVE YOUR HOME CALL US ! • JOSEPH T. HUGILL ' CONTRACTOR PHONE 527-1265 SEAFORTH ing mortgage, if the same bank handles both the loan and the mortgage. Other types of loans 5.. One of the quickest and ,, to finance landscaping are avail- surest ways of updating your / house is by the installation of - nameless electrirheat. A small, .,prucing-u compact flameless electric fur- . nace or boiler designed to hook ductwork or hot water piping can often be installed in a matter of rings lift to home K . right into your exiSting warm air ,,,e • hours. Or if you plan a re- Bedecked, .bejeweled, exotic color and design. modeling j'ob or the addition of and colorful, the functional and Such practical improvements a new room,, baseboard or rad- formerly neglected bathroom is fast becoming, in many homes , as controls just inside the shower iant ceiling heat can be installed to,,,give your the added advantage., the' most-deeorated, mcist-disl to 3.V(40 getting scalded bYreiich- of individual heal control in -each , Mr through the hot waier