HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-10, Page 3FIREPRAC.K that children have been'buint 'while playing' with firecrackers without supervision it has become necessary to limit the settin off of firecrackers to one day ----- VICTORIA DAY. HOWEVER - Owing to the large nOmber of fires and the fact A POLICE AND FIRE ORDER Please Observe! No Firterackers May. Be Let Off on the Streets A Seaforth By-Law makes it an offense to discharge fireworks on a street or in a public area' within the Town of Seaforth. Life members of the Seaforth•vyomere,s Institute were honoreeat apeeting of Lorne Dale, Mrs. Jas. Keys: (Bact Row) Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. Alex the Institute at Seaforth Public School, Tuesday evening, shown here are (front, , Pepper, Mrs. R. M. Scott, Mrs. Wilfred Colemap, Mrs. Gordan Papple , Mrs. Left) Mrs. John MacLean, Mrs. Andrew Crozier, Mrs. Mae Hildebrecht, Mrs. • Eldon Kerr. (Absent Mrs. Mabel Hudson). (Staff Photo) Should a fire result at any time, and it is necessary to turn in an alarm, Phone 527-1100, and advise location .and detailS of the fire. It has been noted 'that children gather near the Fire Hall 'when an alarm is sounded. To avoid accidents, please warn your child- ren to stay clear of fire hall doors and truck route. • SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE SEAFORTH POLICE DEPARTMENT InstitUte members• view Home Economics facilities Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Normian „Reihl convened the lunch assis- ted by Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Mrs. Ross Gordon, • Mrs. Gordan Papple. ,then others ceased;fo be free and, werenever free' again:" \--Dr. Findlay Stewart was-guest speaker and spoke on “The Four Freedoms" - freedom of speech, freedoM of worship, freedom of fear, and freedom from want. Mrs. Erlin ,Whitmore read a poem, “Just a Housewife".. Mrs. Johe MacLean presented • Mrs. Jas. Keys with a Life Member- ship pin and certificate, Mrs. Eldon Kerr pinned ,a corsage on, Mrs. Keye. The Seaforth Women's Institute now has' 12 Life Members. The 'opening exercises and business was chaired by the President, Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Communications were read by the Secretary, Mr. Gordon Elliott including courtesy . notes from D. Wallace and' family, Eleanor Henderson, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mr. Jas. Keys, Donny 'Taylqr, Sea- forth Manor and Kilbarchan for the apples. An invitation from the Hospital Auxiliary to attend their 40th Anniversary dinner, on June ,12 at the Golf and Coun- try Club was accepted. A dona- tion was given to Huronview to help purchase a van so the pa- tients could be taken for outings. A newsletter was read froni the County Historical Society. Mrs. Gordan Papple reported on the Officers' Conference in Waterloo University, May 1-2-3. Eight hundred' ladies attended and enjoyed a bus trip to the Erland Lee Home near Hamilton. The theme of the conference, ""When the,freeciora_they,wishectfgr most, room is divided into several dig visions, sewing, crocheting, stuffed toys, putting in zippers, cooking all being .taught and con- ected with 4,H club work. The Club Leader's and Mrs. Mathers discussed different ways of finishing a garment. Home Eco- nomics are taught to grades 7 -8 „ of Seaforth Public, Hullett Central and Huron Centennial through the week. Mrs. Bruce Coleman thanked Mrs. Mathers and presented her with a gift. A Sing ‘Song was conducted by Mrs. Ross Gordon and MrS. John. Henderson at the piano. The Seaforth Women's Insti- tute was held in• the "Sea.forth Public School, Tuesday evening with 4-H Club girls and Leaders as guests. Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Norriian, R Lehi were eo,hoste'sses. ,Mrs. Erlin Whitmore chaired the 'programme and introduced Mrs. Mathers, Home Economics teacher who condu cted a tour of the Home Economics Department of the school. Mrs. Mathers told how each girl was given certain duties at the beginning of the year. 'The Home EC. • rot look aims owl moio.00W• mows towaril ' sar v eop oe An itiP.3 ry $41 0:00. 0 NOE ic ENTRY FoRM., e • • • ..... • • .. ......... , ... ... „ ADDRESS ........ .. • , ..... .............. on*. . ......... • • ms, ...... eim. • simmintarlowirrouloimaimien tosemootr,"04wrtrirmi,rtiorr,Liiiinnumpaer.o. ors SHOP ES' II E POPULA R 801MS BRAMilegUll Enter MA's exciting $111 Hive the following Orizes must be Jon each week. , 1st • $250 - 2nd - $100 i0 $25 Polio* • ;30 • $10 Primo • 70 - $5 Prises • • A Total of 112 Winners, per week or $1,250 500115 2.n. 05501110 COLOURS NEWS OF Nere'v oil too Aare to de: Simply rill au, Me entry .Farm, Oath proof of purchase or tpasonableTlattnsile . you wish. winners must answer d skit tosiing q inners wit be menpunced weekly. Adcttioisalenh.y forms avoiroale in each IGA store. Enter as Often OS FACIAL TISSV _ ' TEA SAGS .... . SPASM* RAGS . LIGHTYNIEW ..,.', . ' FIFAIAER A ributm• , . a pkgs. et too AM ' ass of lee 'ma' seg. of 20 1.21 elevee'2.*Ate 40! . 32 ez. enc•1420 ., • CARLTON diA, AWORII0 VAIGIVIES -' WPM SINAH.15501rtEd COLOURS SUrfarrOICANO ' BABIES SILK, Patti 'AMad GI.01°./ ' .4.9TE4IEGOIMO,G.G,IPtilt ' SOFT DRINKS 1*. " PAPBR,YOWELS, ,... FLAVOUR flEYSTAAS „„i. ' SATIIROOMIISSUE. ' 'i' SpHNHAPHOHINGt.:..' . , 26 or, Wt. looiikeurnistIel ''; l'rilrldgv PEP "Iv. no Picto..r,:- . .4 rot. ' , . . '3'#irzi .4 • _ .. .. ;I one of I sponsoring products. DepOsit the completed entry form in the contest drum at your IGA' store. 1111" ensoensUsaRksora,.sici,nAtiasyS', ..-000n;a0. KADANA Glad PlosId • pko, et 10 Cromarty Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar IF,OIaY St MOEN CONCENIVATED en". " 6nCTil Rettr.i tlritAt, '397 'f414 *MO OFFOOESET *94 oz. NoNfif saes, CAT1111$t112V CU? MAC4R4411 DIOS WRY TorainJukt .0A1111101 GO; al. .1..441 • Seven mernbers and one visi- and prayer by Mrs., Miller. tor answered, the roll call, Chief .' BOY SCOUTS ' Foods of India, at the Cromarty With Scoutmaster Wilfred Women's Missionary Society May Jarvis in;41_Iarge, First CrOmarty meeting at the 'home of Mrs. Scout Troop learned how to light Grace Scott. Mrs. James Miller, 'a charcoal fire and barbened *presiding, opened the meeting a supper of hot dogs at their , • with a poerri t19)4The ApiRjAndrA,„,,wetim. i „oni „Viriednesday eiter Matthew 2 g.b1.4 -gy, Y4ntipiPAO wirt196korn'.fliztrr in unison bliallawfid 1bDlearnayer,„491 Mrs. M. Lamondpresented chap- • ter 2 .of the study 'book, 'Too- ,Many Mouths to Feed!,.„assisted by all the members. During the business period, the, president, Mrs. Lamond„annorfnced the June Conference of Stratford Pres- byterial to be held in Cromarty Church on , the evening of June 12. For '-her topic, Mrs.' Thos. L. Scott chose items from. the Glad Tidings,• referring to the 75th jubilee celebrations of Dr. and Mrs.. Buchanan who are mis 7 sionaries from the Presbyterian Church to the Bhil Field in India, and 'to the Children's City ,in the Himalayas. She also read 'Kill the Fatted Goae"and 'A Small Reflection' and gave, a report of the Synodical which was • held at wingham in .April. „The, meeting closed' with Hymn 376 MARY MILES SKINLESS FULLY COOKED HALF OR WHOLE .. • •IrEissibe limsmi'1k,"1 tiNiti!vFOJ Witihnth./.Ort"'IlTf Aidt/i ' •t',: •",' it' : TABLE 1" MEATS l • I PAY I PR acC Ko Not 1.00 1.12 1 Or' was; freedom sr9n1 rq`PNIPIl?tlitY.' • ' ' • ' INFORMATIVE COONTEIVCANN-•!'' p'/7 . 11') 0 "THEFORGE" R. . NOW OPEN 7 -DAYS A WEEK FROZEN GRADE "A" 5.816. sae APPROXIMATE FAT CONTENT 25°. 14,0 IDENTITY'LABEL . HERE'S WRIT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR YOU • OUR NEW MEAT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TAKES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF THE SELECTION AND PREPARATION OF MEAT . 'IT HELPS YOU BE A 'SMARTER' MEAT SHOPPER AND A BETTER COOK. THIS IMPROVED MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING TELLS YOU AT GLANCE THE TYPE. OF MEAT THE PRIMAL CUT AND THE SPECIFIC PORTION OF THE' PRIMAL CUT. SIMPLY USE THE RE• COMMENDED COOKING METHOD IN OUR "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER. I. KIND OF MEAT No need to guess the type of meat first, every label shows the type of meat- beef, porkdomb or veal. " FORGE SPECIAL:- TO OUR MENU PIZZAS and CUT FROM THE REEF CHUCK 2. PRIMAL CUT Chuck, rib, loin or' hip • tells what port- of the animal the meat comes from. Borden's Ice Cream S. SPECIFIC PORTION OR RETAIL CUT Blade roost, sirloin steak, or top round steak tells you ettoc1)' what pail of the primal cut the meat comes from. - ALL VARIETIES AVAILABLE NOW Your Dollar OF BORDEN'S PRODUCTS BORDEN'S NEW MECHANICAL POPSICLE GoesFarther Here ORDERS FORMS FOR FREE "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER oesfAramarretrf 'TWO LAIN CHANTS OF RETAIL MEAT CUTS Are on display in all our stores for your convenience Beef and pork charts will help you identify our cuts of meat on display,. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS Abolt our new meet identification program, ask our m61 department Manager, He'll not only have the onswers id you, but he'll be glad to suggest o number of specialty cult as well,ps regular cuts Ibot will add variety to everyday and special meals, WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF ▪ Mw es Boy, Bow lo tool. UM PORK LAMB OR VIAL lyairABLI AT AIL IGA MEAT COUNIERS SIMPLY Fitt IT IN AND MAIL To ISA Comma, Corny Dee S015, London, Ore. CUT FROM CANA GRADE A-1 OR A-2 (CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5' PER L HOME FREEZER SPECIALS 1 FINEST RIBBRN BEEF -•••••••••"- CUP .1.1.100111•M.01011•Mer.MOIMMIYAll SIDES OF . BEEF 200 to 2501b. Order consists of Steaks, plus Bones and Trim 16.8; Roast, Ground Beef, HINDS OF BEEF 12S to 11016. CHICKEN LEGt Order consists of Steaks phis Bones and Trim lb, 93 Roast, Ground Bee% .. C SIDES OF PORK Aar. 2.0 le, Sopf ore Ribs lb:67C' 4 as. portion . BEEP PATTIES Trim Ro Orderas f, consists Chops. 10 lb. carton PRIMROSE 71 and A bit of...Advice -that could save you money and rn pre- vent cr d sappointent. BE- WAR of overly lush :look-0 ing vergreehs at .this time bf year. 'They could be im- ports from southern USA and unacustomed to the Canadian winter. • 5LICID DAIMON SIDE BACON 6.99 KNIFE CUT 10 lb. carton , DAVERH BEEF E. PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE CANADA GRADE 'A' to 9 lb ,^e FRESH TURKEYS FRESH CUT BUTT PORK CHOPS • 1,4 89° „ 69c 73c 69° 790 )5 r srcuarss TOP vAtO WIENERS SPECIALS FRONTS OF BEEF 120 to 140Ib. 7.49 Order consists of Steaks. Roast, Ground Beef plus Bones and Trim 11I(15 PRET/VI WIVE C1015001011.1110AT MAT It I.E.1 RN MOW 11/1 RIOEIT TO LIMIT 011APITETN1 Tippled te41orrked Ile M. Logi limito1 WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON HIGH PRICES Give mother a lasting beautiful living gift for , mothe ., r's Day. See our election of georgepus rose- bushes, evergreens, geraniums in giant size, tuberous begonias)etc. etc. Please feel free to consult us for expert horticultural advice . . 1 we are not just ,,tree dealers"! 110 k 111 0 11 TO"' ALL GOOD. 2LIGHT ALBACORE TUNA FLAKES 10 100 11V".1 liTIOD LOKI. CHICKEN - TURKEY'er BEEF Swanson's Frozen MEAT PIES 25° Al AA 0l CREAMETTE • 110*101 THIN SPAGNETT1 READY CUT MACARONI* Q11 MACARONI. • StipLts 7 oz. • pkg, 140 WITH , PORK In Tomato Sauce HEINZ BEANS Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP TOP .VALU . WHOLE MUSHROOMS. lb Oz.• 39c vin WARNEVC 14 01 a9 Don't be tempted to plant bedding'Plants in this area before approx. May 24. This warning laiiased on 20 years of local night frost, records. This,warning is to safeguard you against possible loss of plants and time. • 6 1/2 oz. Fin 8 ca. pie, 11 00 We grow and sell quality only . . ., our motto is not how cheap, but how good". Nobody ever regretted buy- ing quality. we supply the Shakespearean Festfval Theatre, where nothing but the best is good enough. 4 fibs 6 6tts. 01+0-01 flotIllA ,er i IO ° at LS11011 MAXWELL HOUSE, INSTANT, COFFEE RECONSTITUTED ALLEN'S - APPLE JUICE 11210 11. Lipion's . ' Chicken noodle SOUP MIX a • 9 pkgs. of 2 envis, sit,,yERDALE STANDARD GREEN PEAS 19 9c Top VOIL1 Evaporated MILK 2t4 Top Volt) COLOURED MARGARINE 5 1 lb 0 pk g.1.0 NOW IS T143 TIME TO PLANT . _ • ROSES . . EVERGREENS . . BEAUTIFUL CLEMATIS • 4 348 N 4 OS11 6o, ior ADC POWDERED DETERGENT 59 69` 001 IDA Y FARM FROZEN ASSORTED VARIETIES MEAT DINNERS t; 350 notSwat FROZEN UNSWEETENED CONCENTRATED Gra drub Juice ' ASSORTED (00011125 Alt PURPO J-CLOTH TOWELS PEEK MEAN ASSORTED VARIETIES BISCUITS " 59c 11000'S PURE UNSWEETENED OR SWEETENED 4,83 e CITRUS JUICE 4" 7- 49° ROBIN WOOD ALL PURPOSE FLOUR HOURS: During May we are open. from 10 a.m. to 9 p,m. Mondays to Fridays; Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed all Sundays 4,,l4 97. 2 "% 9° BEDDING PLANTS WEIGHT WATCHERS (BONN A TIrto vAPIEIK5 DINNERS OR L N 1.29 .4.4REE VARCIES ' MASTER Cal . ALA CAT Food " 15° CORONATION loom( I Bono/ %wool Bilood or SHIRLEY DAY JACK'S REGULAR OR PARTY PACK POTATO-CHIPS FRESH APPLE PIE MIDGET GHERKINS 49° PICKLES , FOt? TOP VALU SHOP IGA IN approximately 2 weeks we will as usual have ready for you the biggest selection of high quality bedding plants. TOP VALU FANCY FRENCH STYLE U.S.A..S. NO. 1 CALIKIRNIA Wax Luscious FOR MOTHER'S DAY Assorted Colours Potted Mums - o 511$ il -2.39 Top Yalu Choice Barlett SLACK DIAMOND REGULAR Dunces Hines Assorted VOTIPHOS PROCESSED CANADIAN • LOTS OF • FREE PARKING 411.04trororoNIONI~IIIPARRONIINOURAMMOINNOVINmor.......•14WolarrortonnolimemooVn•no.nromulmorm.oa... Pear Halves iliro,, 39C Beans 4,1;,„7 99C- Strawberries 59e TOP VALU TOP VALU FANCY FRENCH SEM CHOICE WHOLE - POTATOES 5 In:( 99° GREEN BEANS 4 '', , 990 Quad ,t TOP VALU TOP VALU FANCY DOG OR ._ gm or Halves - CAT FOOD 9 :',!,:,. 1.0u PEACHES 3 ' '74, 88° TOP VOW TOP YALU FANCY FROZEN Assarbpd Yarietks ASSORTED SOFT DRINKS24 1°,°,;, 2.29 VEGETABLES sentare rift 1Me1 IMO eoninsin Cake Cheese Mixes T°4 43c SLICES 16 az 79. fa r 45° Catering Strictly to the Discriminating Gardener GovernMent Inspected and Licensed, NABISCO SPOON 5120 SHREDDED WHEAT ELECTRA SIX • DISHWASHER DETERGENT 'cc; 1.39 CHUN KING • ASSORTED VARIETIES CHOP SUET OR CHOW MEIN 407..99. REGULAR, HARD TO HOLD OR UNSCENTED VO-5 HAIR SPRAY 9*° MEXICAN NO I VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2 th, 59° CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO MARSH CELLO CARROTS ONTARIO PN) Hollow SEEDLESS ENGLISH CUCUMBER; Sebringville Garden Centre 35° PRODUCT OF SOUTH ATIIK A' CRANNY SMITH 59° EA: INC APPLES TA boa b 43° •, 39° The only horticultural establishment in Perth County owned and operated by a Horticultural Graduate OPEN FRIDAY TILL MUM YEAR .AROUND Sebringville Not 8 HighiVay Opp. The'School ' 393-6131