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jack Lane (right) chairman of the Seaforth Minor Hockey Association and Tom Phillips,
Sectetary-Treasurer present a cheque for $2,840 to Councillor George Hildebrand, chairman of
the Community Centre Board. The cheque represents payment for ice time which the Association
purchased during the 1972 - 73 aeason.,A total of 250 boys took part in the program. (Photo by Oke)
Christmas Seal.receipts are up
T.B.R.D. meeting !gams
Whobe No. 548i -
114th Year SEA.FORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 11110:10, 197$ g,t PAGES
" 20
in idv,
$8,00 A •
S CxixF
otOpayers'. ain
*1 be nein In wi790.0 On Avp,st.
19-22. •
passed for parnent wes rea4
accounts 'of $11,482.06 and general
accounts of $4,876,70.
Building permits were gran-
ted to James Loughnane of Wine
throp. r an addition to hie mobile
• fume 'of $2,000; and to Ken Ryan
of R.R. ly Dublin, fo'r'
and addition te,vbarn of *l0,908.,
Council will ask for .a meet-.
ing . with Grey Township coun-
cil over dump opening 'hours
Which formerly Were 1 p.m. to
9 p.m. in the summet bit which
will remain' the same 'as the
winter schedule - 1Q a.m. to
5 p.m., without McKillop Town-
ship Council being notified of
the change • in hours. The two
townships share the one dump.
,,,OoderiCh Township reeve,
Gerry Ginn,. Chairman of the
'Huron Health Unit; Dr. G.FrMills,
Huron County Medical Officer of
Health; and J.K. MoCaul, Chief
° Health Inspecter attended the
meeting and discussed licensing'
plumbers anclplumbing and build-
ing inspection in Huron County.
serious •
' after crash
Mrs. Ellie Von Euw, 28, ofR.R.
4, Seaforth, continues in serious
condition and remains uncon-
scious, Wednesday morning ac-
cording to a spokesman at the
Von Euw home. She is in Victoria
Hospital Ldndon with, head
injuries suffered in 'a car-truck
crash Saturday night in Hibbert
Township. '
The car, driven by Mrs.V on
Euw, collided with a truck driven'
by Edward Chappel, 62, of R.R. 2,
Staffa. He escaped injury.
The accident happened about
8 p.m. at the intersection of
Hibbert Township Siderold 20
and Concession Road 10-11.
sentatives said work would be
underway immediately to,
vert the structure to its new use.
Plans have been completed and '
tenders, will be called at, once
to permit earliest possible occu-
The three storey building will
W. C. Bennett expressed apprec-
iation to-, all who had assisted
by contributions• of merchandise
and cash' or had co-operated in
other ways. The penny sale was
held in the Frank Kling Ltd. store.
Cash donations with which
additional prizes were purchased
included: Beaver Foods, Indus-
trial Textiles; Wyant &•Co.Etd.;
McConnell & Stewart; Elliott's
Lunch; 'Don Eaton; Seaforth Vet-
erinary Clinic; Dave Tremeer;
Wm. Stapleton & Son; Looby
Construction; Seaforth Medical
Clinic; Bob's Barber Shop; Dick
Marks, Walton; ,Seaforth Elec-
tronics; Bill Hart; Huron Fabri-
cators; Elva Keith; Scott's Poul-
try Farms; ,John McIlwain; Ju,
Mar Beauty Salon; Henry Ziler;
pr. Lacko; Tuckersmith -Ladies'
, Club. '
Winners of the various prizes,,
are indicated below. The address
of a winner is Seaforth unless
otherwise indicated. Where the
dame, of a "donor is omitted, the
prize has been purchased with
cash donations or was contribu-
ted by a drug firm.
Candy, (C rossroad. Hotel, Walton)
Mrs. Roy Bennett, Wingham;
(Continued on Page 13)
move from, its present location to the east and a:lot across
'be' provided, f,rem the north side
the building.
on Main Street.. Entrance will
onto the presen( second floor of the entire area would be land--
Crombie Street to the south will
proVide parking. Officials 'said
A service area will13elocated Ektsting buildings to the north
on the ground floor with entrances and on the south lot will be
from the east side. -The'property removed.
W. P. Callaghan of Glenda.'ornes, , of Strathroy, and el
Fred 'Ginn of Vanastra Develop -ents sign an agreement
Wednesday whereby Glendale will be in operations ina building'
at Vanastra.
GIendale opens in
Vanastra building
DeVelopments of Clinton has been
entered into for the use of the
agreement , with " Vanastra
Limited of Stiathroy Is opening
a plant at Vanastra. An
Glendale Mobile Homes • enter the hard top camper field.
velopment effice. 'Each welcomed
Tuckersm ith Reeve Elgin
Thompson and Huron De-
were Huron Warden Roy Pattieon,
Joining- In the announcement
the new firm to Huron and con-fanner -other -ranks mess and
gratulated Vanastra officials on property at Vanastra for a motor the continued
.growth of the park. home and tent camper manufac-
turing facility. The annpunce-
Fireside ment was • made jointly by' Glen-
dales' President, •P. Callag-
ha n and Fred Ginn, President Marks 30th of Vaeas-tra Developments.
Mr. Callaghan said that work
to renovate the building for manu- anniversary '
facturing will begin immediately
and it- is expected production
A rummage sale on Saturday will begin August 1st. It will
becetme Glendale's twelfth manu- helped to mark the 30th anniver-
sary of the Fireside Fellowship facturing operation in Canada,
Group .of First Presbyterian with one additional plant in Aus-
Church when a goodly sum, was tralia. The renovated premises
realized. will incorporate • 36,000 square
On Sunday afternoon, Dr. D. feet of manufacturing space and
Glenn Campbell of London was will, utilize area manpower. The' the guest speaker at a church
plant has the potential of em-
service to celebrate this special ploying 150 einployeesslooth male
occasion. It was during his and female at peak production.
ministry here that the organizat- Mr. Callaghan said thatGlen-
ion received Its present name dale has „ been manufacturing "Fireside Feawship Group".
motor homes since 1969, and that
Mrs. Frank Kling sang "Bless an increasing demand for recrea-
This- House" accompanied by tional vehicles coupled with the
Mrs. Don Carter. The choir, need to set up an efficient Motor
composed of members of the home production capability was
group, sang the anthem "Jesus, responsible for tnis latest move Lover of My Soul",.
by the company. This expansion
After the service tea was will also enable the company to
served in the schoolroom of the Winner Church with Mrs. Frank Kling
and Mrs. Ted Cosford at the
Joe Ryan, St,, Columban, tea table.
Many former members olthe was the winner twenty-
third weekly prize o $25. in Group returned for this special
the Lions Car Club 3. occasion.
A Goderich artist, Jim 'Mar-
latt was the guest speaker at a
meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary
'Tuesday. He had about a dozen
pictures on display of Huron
County scenes or buildings.
Mr. Marlatt and, Ernie /Nib:
lock of Goderich were awarded
-$10,000 on January 8 on a 1,X P.
grant (local initiative projects)
to provide Huron hospitals with
paintings of the community.
Mr. Marlatt and Mt. Niblock
, have been assisted in the project
by Jerry Huckins of Goderich.
:third-year May,' a, ird-year art
student, Claudia Elliott of
Goderich, has been working with
them in the art work. Shelly
Linner has 'been assisting in
painting picture frames and other
"In our endeavours it has been
a learning experience for us too,
and the students have learned
how artists work." Mr. Marshall
told the meeting.
Marlatt said the,paintings
were not. ,for sale but were to be
turned over to the In spitals. He
suggested that they should be,
'placed where the paintings could
be seen by the patients.' "I hope
..the patients will get 'enjoyment
frorn,,the:,,paintings. They are
straightforward realistic erea.2.
Mr.'Marlatt said 35 oil paint-
ings will be completed and
about 120 :silk screen prints by
'the eild of the project on May 31.
The oil paintingt will require
frames, which he Suggested might
be -supplied by the hospital auxi-
liary. - The silk screen prints
He, proposed that the paintings
might be divided among the, four
hogpitals - Seaforth, Clinton,
Goderich and Exeter and Huron-
Plans were finalized for the
Auxiliary Bazaar' and Tea tp be
held on May 12, hospital day.
The tea will be one of the events
held n to mark the 40th anniver-
sary of the Seaforth Auxiliary
this year.
' Mrs. Gordon Beuttenmiller
invited donations of baking, pre-
serves, jams, pickles, candy,
sewing and craft articles for the
' The president, Mrs. W.C.
Bennett, presided for 'the
meeting. She reported an invi-
tation had been received from the
Clinton Auxiliary, to attend its
hospital day tea on May 9.
-A discussion was held on .a
proposal by a T.V. firm putting
in a television system for the
patients at a cost of about $2,000.
This is to be investigated' and
approval of the Board sought on
the system. •
Mrs. Clair Campbell, mem-
bership chairman, reported there
are 68 active members aid seven
associate members.
Mrs. Joseph McConnell re-
ported on the Spring Conference
at Kitchener on April 30, attended
by six members from Seaforth
• Mrs. Clair 'Campbell, Miss
Bess Grieve, Mrs. Bennett, Miss
Alice -Reid, Miss Mae Smith,
Mrs. Cleave Coombs and Mrs.
' Orville Oke ;Volunteered to pro-
vide transportation for, the
kindergarten children of Seaforth
and area schoolsto Visitthe se
forth Community Hospital on an
educational tour.
Tickets for the June Dinner
Meeting will be available for
members only of the Auxiliary
and of the Seafofth Women's In-
Stitute from the convener, Mrs.
Clair Campbell. •
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. W. Harry Brown.
Cancer gifts
total • $1865
Gifts totalling $1865 have been
received by the area cancer cam-
paign according to Seaforth
chairman R. J. Spittal.
Mr. Spittal recalled that the
Seaforth district objective was
$2,300 and that a substantial
number of additional gifts would
be necessary in order to meet
the quota.
rate was set at 64.6 , Mills, a
decrease,of 17 mills.
' Separate school supporters
will pay' a rate of ,77 mills,
!7.2 less than lastlrear; commer-
cial84 mills, a, drop of 47.5
A public school supporter with
an assessment of $5,000 will pay
taxes of $298 this year; down
$78 from last ye sep to
*school 'supporter th the sasame
assessment will pay , down
also pay $21,995 to the Huron
County Board' of Education for
elementary schools,'plus $44,785
for the secondary schools. The
levy to Huron-Perth County'
Roman Catholic Separate School,
Board is $19,093. •
Council set. a levy of 16.8
mills for residential and 19,5
mills for commercial to raise
.$48,194 for generaltoWnshippiir-
poses. Both of 'these rates are
down 4.1 mills from last year.'
In other business council re--
Rev. Garbutt Smith of Strat-
ford was elected president of
the Huron-Perth TB,- and Res-
piratory Disease Association at
the annual ,educational dinner
meeting held in Egmondville
United Church Wednesday. 'He
succeeds, Ivan Forsyth of Kippen.
Vice-presidents are Miss
Eileen O'Brien of Goderich and
'Mrs. 'Frank Dodds of Stratford.
The 1972 Christmas Seal cam-
paign was reported to be the
most successful to date with re-
ceipts totalling $ 38,203 compared
$35,148• in 1971. This was 11
per cent population support, the
highest in the province. •
A. Les McDonald of Toronto,
Program ,Consultant with the On-
tario T.B. and Respiratory
disease Association, was the
guest speaker on the topic of
current trends in the T.B. and
Respiratory Disease movement-
Mr. McDonald spoke of the
Ontario Department of Health
assuming full responsibility for
, control of T.B. in the province,
beginning on April 1, 1970, leaving
the Association free to develop
programs that would hopefully
meet' the needs in respiratory
di,sease and in addition to co-
ceived approval from the Minis:-
try of Transportation and torn-
munication for awarding ,the•
gravel tender to Sandy Contract-
ing Company Ltd. of Goderich
to put 20,000 cu. yards of crushed
gravel on the '107.9 miles of
township roads at'a cost of $1.25.
per cu. yard for a total of $25,000.
Land, severances were gran-,
had to Mervin • Godkin of %R. 4,
Walton for 2.13-acres of land for
a residential lot; and to Douglas
and Gail Schroeder of R.R. 1,
Seaforth for about one-half acre
for a residential lot.
Council approved a tile drain
loan of $1,800. and issued a
debenture for a tile drain ,for
Members voiced no opposition
to the proposed archery deer
season for the Wingham district
of Huron and Perth Counties from
October 29 to November'25.
'Reeve Allan, Campbell of R.R.
1, Seaforth and deputyreeve Ralph
McNichol of R.R. 4, Walton, will.
be the voting delegates at the
annual conferedee of the Associa-
tion of Munieipalities of Ontario
- • -
ordinate and expand interest in
air pollution, with emphasis on
' anti-cigarette smoking pro
gramme activities.
There was lots of action at the Public School this week as
students presented their afinual musical which' this year
featured i'Tom Sawyer". Here taking part are Nelson 'Deters, -
Dale Lee, Elaine Hopper, Sqsan
Bode and Joanne Rimmer, '
Kunder, Brian Lee, Paul,
The way was cleared Wednes-
day morning for work to begin
on the conversion of the former
Boshart factory on Main Street
to a Canadian Tire retail outlet.
Cost of the project is estithated
at $120,000.00.
The project hag been delayed
for many months pending Ontario
Municipal Board approval for a
f inal approval was delayed until:4 \ The annual Women's Hospital this week by an appeal to the -
Minister last December by Auxiliary Penny Sale was most
two London residents. . • 'successful,, according toefficials
The'hearing on Wednesday by of the organization. Draws were
A. H. Arrell of the laoard was made Friday evening.
told the appellants had indicated In commenting on the success
by phone on Tuesday that they • of the event the president, Mrs.
would -pot appear. After wait-
ing a half hour the Board re-
presentative gave approval to
the change..
puf, I Canadian Tire csed ,ha the
building in January and :repro-
Conditiori is
provide about 6,,000 feet of retail
space Which will be occupied zoning .change '..necessary before. _by,. Pred--'Tilley Ltd, who will the retail outlet could operate
at the site, The property pre-
viously had been. zoned indus- „
trial. nny Sale While council - acted within
days of a request for.theramendA
sful succes ment and the OMB gaVe tenta-
tive approval last September •
Ivan Forsythe (left) who retired as 'president of the
11Wron Perth TB and RD ASSociation chats-with Rev. Garbutt
Smith of Stratford wlio succeeds him. The Association
held its annual meeting in Egmondville Church on Wednesday.
OMB paves way , for Canadian Tire
McKillop ratepayers will find
;their tax bills reduced as much
as 17 mills this year. Council
meeting Monday set the mill
rates foal, 1973' giving tax re-
ductions for all township rate-
Residential public school sup-
porters willbaktaxed 59.8 mills,
a decrease of 6 mills •froZ
last year while the commerci
A uxiliary sees $36 ei.„ wili paY a levy of
work of •
*63, 1 to Huron County, the same
as last year. The township will
• •
area artist •
F of A
A discussion on .land-use
an pining and farming. brought a
wide number of suggestions at the
monthly meeting of the Huron
County Federation of Agriculture
held Thursday night in Clinton.
The members present broke
into four groups to discuss the
problem and' each group came
up. with 'different answers. One
'group suggested agricultural
people shbuld be able to retire
on agriculthral land and recom-
mended the licencing of farmers.
Another 'group said Huron
County land should be used to
best advantage and claimed the
present Huron county plan doesn't
make provision for this. The
group thought that if -a small
portion of-a farm was separated
from the rest' of the farm' by a
natural boundary such as a river
so that it was difficult to work it
as Dart of the farm, the farmer
Full-time mddical director,
Dr. C. Gray has been the
resulf nd affiliation with medical
(C ntinued on Page 5) •
should be allowed to sell it for
use for building lots.
Another group Said there
, should be province 'wide controls
with farmers hiving a say in
how land should be zoned.
. The fOurth group asked for
compensation for farmers whose
land lost -value when it was
declared off-limits for urban
uses. It also said the code of
practice for farmers which says
a farm building cannot be" built
within 1000'feet of an urban area
should apply in reverse so 'that
urban homes cannot be located
within 1000 feet of a farm oper-
Farmers were penalized by
zoning, one memtfer said. They
could be in a position where
they couldn't make money on,the
farm and yet couldn't' sell the,
farm to developers.
discusses land use
The Seaforth Women's institute honored existing life memberS at a Wetting tribe Seaterth Public School on' Tuesday evening and at the sartitl tithe presented life tnefobershlp dertifititeig to two additional members. Those receiving the certificates froth Mrs. Eldon Kerr (left) are Mrs. james Keys and Mrg. John MacLean. ' (Staff iftite)