HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-03, Page 15• , ,
(Continued from Page 1)
Gibsen, Gerry Ginn, Joe Hoffman,
Mrs. Helen Jermyn, Harold Lobb,
J. 'A. Mair, Walter McBride,
Jack McCutcheon, , Everett Mc-
Ilwain, Anson. McKinley, H. Me-
Michaelvil. Mulvey, Ed.Oddlief-
son, R,63, Pattison, Stan profit,
Girvin Reed, Deb Shewfelt, Ervin
Sillery, Charlie, Thomas, Elgin
Thompson, =, Jack Turkheim, R.
Williamson and Warren MIL
Voting against, the motion to
preserve the ,jail mall were
Reeves J. Flannery, W. Cuthill,
Allan Campbell; Ralph mcNichol;
Wm. Elston, D. A. McNeil, Roy
J. Allin, Hugh Flynn, Chas. Scan-
.lon, Calvin Horton, Cecil bes-
jardine, Ken McMichael, Robert
Lyons, Frank Cook,. Clarence
Boyle, Jss. Kerr, Harold Wild
and Robbie towrie.
the fire-resistant
',documents chest
Here in how 'a SenlryBox And here is how an asbestos-
looks inside after exposure lined box looked after the
to a 1-hour 1700°F fire. • same fire and heat test.
Clean It h le papers! `Only chars and ashes
! T • .•
* grass cattle. .4.,
* Selling at 12 o'clock. 45,_
* 990 David Brown diesel '/K
* • tractor with loader; •
990 diesel David. Brown
* tractor, 'cab & heat-,•
houser; 3 furrow
Overum •16" 3pt.'
Jr plow; ." 3 furrow M.H. 3
* pt. hitch plow;'
st son tractor;, prop-
'!" elled Allis Chalmers
* E coMbine, corn, bean
vg„, .& grain attachments; •
self propelled Case 600
* combine with pickup; 2
* row corn head for SP
600; M.F. self propelled
3t- - 1C ft. swather and hay
* conditioner ( new,
st cut only 25 acres); M.F.
pto , 160 bu. manure
at * -sPreader..(like ,new);
* .212 , Case 6 Wife for- *:
'age harvester; Dion self
* unloading box with roof; Jr
IL 7 ton Joe's wagon; Dion *
forage blower with 50
ft. of pipes; Dunham ,
* Lehr flail mower; Fer-
guson, 7 , ft. 3 pt. hitch „K.
k• mower; Blackhawk4bar, ,7
* side rake on rubber; )1'•
Dunham 9 ft. land • IL,
• packer; C ockshutt disc 7
* plow; '36 ft. Little Giant *
* , all purpose elevator; *
4, barrows; 6 ton Joe's `4. tario, Huron has the most im- It is also interesting, to note wagon; Turnco 165 P.C.V. Class CDF *& FS proVed 'farmland • and the largest that, even though retail food * steel bin; * Serving Dublin & Seaforth areas inventory value of livestock and prices are up 33 per cent, per Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime. poultetv. Huron is first in pro- capita income is up 62 per cent auger and motor; Woo • *
- 23-86-tf • * 2 h.p. electric grinder; • duction ' white beans, barley since the year 1965. with per-
* Power Equipment for *
*. Lot 33, Con. 4, McKil-el.• •-v- lop Township, 2 reads,
stay in the hospital. 'A special
666-1967 • _;..7 thanks to all those who gent
4- AUCTIONEERS Jr cards, to •iny sisters for their
* 20-86-2 * visits and gifts; to my .brother,
_ James and my nephew D,anny * * **-41- IF * *.* 4( lk • from Rochester, New York for
er--, their special visit. A sincere
23. Business Directory 'thank you' to Dr. Moyo, Mrs.
Rose Burke, Fr. Laragh„ Fr.
Mo h an, Fr. Dill, The Dublin . G. A. WH ITNEY C.W.L. and the Dublin Women's crease in price that they have
FUNERAL HO M] if beautiful lily. - TeresaB.Coviile
Institute. Thanks Chico for the received for their product.
24-86x1 87 Goderich St.W.Aeaforth
. Auctioneers
* HUGH F I LSON staff, technicians and .switch=
of the Seaforth . 666r 0833 *:9('
Community Hospital for their
* attention and kindness during my
* TERMS - Cash
• Quantity of Grain.
, have a booth on the
'1• ' grounds. Come, 'early *
4.)and spend an enjoyable *
day at Bob's.
* 15/16th Charolais
H4 yearling Char- .4t
* olais; ereford heifers;
* 9 Charolais Hereford IL
yearling, steers: Good 4K
calf Hereford cows due *
"r at sale time bred.
* • Charolais; 2 1/2 year
With prices at their present
level, Mr. Speaker, farmer re
Phone 527-1390 Seaforth just, now beginning 'to e a 71.864v /, would like to thank my rela- tandard of liming that is Com-
at 12 o'clock Sharp
* SWINE: Purebred
Landrace selling at
3:30 immediately fol-
lowing machinery and
* miscellaneous. - 8
mature sows with iit-
* tars; 7 mature, @owe due
in 2 monthe; herd sire
* - Lanky Tofta 1 1/2' yrs.
N. old; 'Forester breed-
* , tugs $ows are Hagey,
Stauff eur, Jamieson and
• Forester blood lines.A
* number of 5 and 3 month
old tattooed boaks and
sows. Alse'younger pigs
2 -grade sews with lit-
ters; 1 grade sow bred ,
* 1 month.
* CATTLE: 20 - "OE
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd pushelberg,
Brodhagen, Ontario; are pleased
to announce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter, Bonnie
Kithlene to Edward P. E. Elliott,
• son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott
.6i Dublin. The wedding will take
place May 12th, 1973 at St. Modern Sun Worship
* .
* Service to' all - makes.- Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod- , Mona.stir is Tunisia's beauti-
17' Sperling St. - Phone 527-1150. - ers flock, from all over western
• ' 23-86-tf
parable .to that of those in in; . gift's, flowers; visits and cards 'dustry. Vile swine producer, for while I was apatient in the hos- pitaL Special thanks to Dr. example, is netting about $8 per
hog, so if he feeds 1,000 hogs Brady; , Dr. Malkus, Father a year he is making an income Laragh• arid Father Monohan and --
R thanks to the Wonderful nurses, it of approximately $8,000. The Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 was all appreciated. - Julia beef producer is netting about
23-86-ti Acheson. 24-86x1 $50 per cattle beast, so if he
feeds 290 cattle a year he is
realizing an income of $10,000.
The fluid milk shipper is net-
ting 60 cents per hundredweight
for' bottled milk, Which amounts
to approximately $3,000from 40
cows producing an average of
12,000 pounds of milk per year.
The industrial milk shipper, after
taking all costs into consider-
ation; is barely breaking even
on hig milk sales, but consider-
ing the income from the calves
and surplus stock, both the fluid
milk shipper and the' Industrial • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
_Seafortb. nntario
Agriculture also subsidizes con-
sumers with school lunch pre-
grams and food stamp programs;
Mr. 'Whelan said that food in
Canada ift a bargain because
the - quality and built-in con-
venience of the „products have
been steadily improving and be-
cause there has been a consis-
tent trend in Canada to, spend
* north of Seaforth then
* 2 miles west •
Thuraday evenings
. Memories of you are coming
Monday only -
other industrialized! nations, in-
For Appointment
Clinton Office Though 'absent, you 'are ever eluding the United States. "I
Still missed, loved and ever
dear. •
it********** fIERCY' WRIGHT'. I would like to thank my
* FARM SOLD 'friends and relatives for the
id. Of Purebred Landrace * ' ' • Kippen, Ontario
SW10,, llereford
Telephone 262+5515, .11
• 'CluirOlais' Cattle and 2:-17216-1
.11.1•J. L•1,R i4.1:1Lt .MI11
Speciazing in farm, estate and business liquidations.
. We offer the most modern and complete election system,
therefore guaranteeing the maximum profitable returns for
your auction.
Book early for desire sale date.
Aucti•neers and Liquidators
Pho Clinton 482-3120.
. clearing farm sale. • - ,L, Perth Electronics -Service been ,well represented for many The Consumers are only spend-
HOUSEHOLD : Organ ' 7 123 waterloo St. South 2 • Years. ' ing one-fif th of their income desk; crooks; boiler; 4- Stratford, Ontario . 'Mr. Singer: Never heard-that on food, which is the one basic iron,kettle; trunk; ches-. Phone 273-1300 n_86 _t1 before. • ingredient that is necessary terfield;storm windows; '
Mr. H. Edighoffer (Perth): above all else for survival. -As
etc. Too bad the Minister of Agri- consumers, let's be thankful that Forresters Lodge will *, culture and Food isn't listening. we are getting our food so
Mr. Riddell: In the econom- 'cheaply and in such abundance,
ics of the agricultural industry, and let's also use our better
while beef and pork prices have judgement 10fore we become too
been generally favourable this reactionar y an matters per-
year, many" will remember the taming to food.
1972 crop season for along time. Fbr too long now the farmer
The very severe June 10 frost has been sacrificed at the altar.
was only the beginning of a Mug of his own eff iciency. We-need
list of unfavourable happenings the farmers and they certainly' during the cool and cloudy sum- deserve a standard of living that
mer. Although some replanted is equal to that of other seg-
corn made suitable silage, the ments of society.
necessary heat units were lack- •‘••••••••••••••••• I ing for the optimum growth of
grain, cbrn and other crops.
The lack of -feed'value in- the
silage and grains 4s definitely •
showing up. in the performance of in a the livestock. Producers have
had to rely more heavily on per-
chased protein feeds to supple-'
useful articles found at a ' *
Woods' 2 h.p. roller; far- and silage corn; second in tetal sonal income (Milers up nearly
mill and belt plus other • Bon. A. Grossman -(Minister surprising that the cost di eat- ' WARRANTY SEfq ICE - of Revehue): Looks like it has ing is up as -much 'as it is?
rowing and breeding * ADMIRAL &ILEETWOOD cattle. and marketings; third 'in -twice as much as food prices crate; Case hamtner- forage ,crops and total hogs, since the mid-1960s, is it so
'4( ,DISPOSAL SERVICE Huron M-PP makes maiden
tives, friends and neighbours for s
In grateful appreciation to the
Sincere thanks to all friends
and neighbours for visits, and
cards while I was a patient in
Seaforth Hbspital. Special thanks
to Dr. Underwood, pursing staff
and ReV. Reuber. - Hazel Coutts.
Prompt, Courtemig, Efficient
We give complete sale service. , • -
, Phone C'ollect
" 23-86-tf
we pump septic tanks, cesspools (Continued from Page 16) , milk shipper are making an ad- .
etc. 15 years experience. All to the 1971 Statistics Canada id-, ditional $4,000 to $8,000, depend-
work guaranteed. Call or write formation. Sortie of these farms ing ' on the , partiCular feeding.
could conceivably be ene'acre'in programme ; for their ' young
LLOYD WEBER AND SONS size with sales of agricultural stock.. .
R. S. BOX - actively ,involved in the business a eoniparison, the average farm
24. Card of Thanks
By Appointment Only
VUNERAL HOME realrstlially, 'there exists at the declined t6 $3,400 in 1971. we, , . Phones: „....• ' Present time about 3,563 farms _ therefore, can't begrudge the
Day 527-0680 - Night '527-0885 reporting a grossincome of bver farmer making a better-than-
23-86-tf ' 0 ,500--' normal income this year. I
It is alsb signif icant to note , won hope that this ,level of
that the number of farmers re- btioyaUcy in.the farming Indus-
ceiving $10,000 and over gross try , will continue as an en-
farm income increased from 923 couragerdent for the younger gen- , - in 1961 to 2,247 in 1971. In eration to retur n to the
relation to other counties in on- family farm.
Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010
8874700 - Brussels products amounting to'$50 or I think it is worth3ei of 'note
„ „, .„._23...85,...6..—....more.annually. It has been sug- that the, figeres,,,,Itara.tighlg, per-
gested that farmers produCing„ tale taLttie4iatter-than-aver e
• r
tineete $2,500 per Year in gross farmer in " a year when prices
flowers, gifts, cards and visits
' during my stay In hospital.
SpeCial thanks to Drs. Mathes
' and Underwood;•••the.,eersee and
_staff of Seaforth Hospital, ..
Rev. Reuber and,Rev;patterson.
- Arlene McCowan. •24-86-1
sent their rations. This has
added to their cost tremendously
and certainly justifies any in
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert 'Siemon wish to invite
their relativeg, friends and
neighbors to the FiredhagenCom-
munity „Centre on the occasion
of their 40th wedding anniversary
at 9 p,M. on May 11th, 1973.
Donations will be accepted at the
door. Music by Ian Wilbee's,
Orchestra. , 26-86-2 the worm's oceans.
of modern farming. So, ,rnore Income in 1965 was $4000- and
agiebultural. sales are not very have never, been equalled., As
on low or fixed incomes cannot
afford price increases, but it
Lovingly remembered, by his is not fair to expect farmers to
shoulder this burden alone:" Mum, Grace Munro and nieces
Mary Helen, Karen Tetesa.
surance programs. "As far
as I'm concerned there is no
hagen, Ontario at 7 P.M. 26-86-1
MUNRO - In loving, memory 01 a
dear son and uncle Bill (Buz)
Munro who • was killed May 6,
on May 18„ 1973 at 7:30 P.M:
Mr. 'and Mrs. John Glanville of
Walton Wish 'to announce the
engagement of their • second
daughter, Eileen Eva to • Neil
Donald Ward, son, of Mr. and
Mrs.' James Ward of Seaforth.
The marriage will take place
in Clinton Penticostal Church Vandalism Up
-Vanden and -souvenir hunt-
ers in . Rome are attacking so
many ancient statues throughout
the'Italian capitol that the city's
Antiquities Offide now maintains
a complete collection of molds of
every statue's, nose to ensure ad-
curate restoration.
Salty Situation!
Rivers annually earrf'Some.4
billion 'tons 'rbf dissolved salts te.
25. In Memoriam
Seaforth Office • . 1967, age 20,
less and less of total take-home
Tues.,Wed.,Thurs.,Fri., Everyday in some small, way,,
pay on food. He said that although
9 to 5:30 P.M.
prices have bike rising, they are
our way,
not rising .as fast as prices in
near, , re recognize the fact that people
(Continued from Page: 4);
slaughter cattle, wh;911,,,Ne cc/1;4r
blue Uri imports ore. d:
with Slaughter hattigfand Mahe Yr.
'assumption that on-average tse
slaughter, cattle weigh 575 pounds
we find that the total beef Imports
to date are down in fact 4 per
cent from last year: Thle 10
because we are importing far
,leee slaughter cattle from the
Americana than we diir
year." '
He said if the beef people
continued to make statements that
were not factual they would only
hurt'their own cause. don't
think they are fair as far as I'M
concerned. I hope my remarks
tonight serve to set 'the record
straight," he said.
On the subject a food pro-
duction M. Whelan said that
farmers have very little proted-
ion from the weather, even under
the crop insurance plan. He
said his departmeetwas working
with' the provinces on crop "in-
other industry that competes with
, elefnents like the producers of
food." • '
"Food in Canada is a
bargain," he said, eCanadians
spend less of their income oh
food than people in any other
ful seaside town to which sunlov-
EuroPe. But to Moslems of 1,000
years. ago, Monastir was much
mores, To s nd watch for only
three aq op Monastir'sforti- •
Libations guaranteed' immediate
entrance, upon death, into Para-
Victoria and Grey
Sterling -Trusts -
Guaranty Trusts
Royal truEit
4 and 5 Years
John A. Cardno
Invest Securely •
Insurance Agency
nation In the world, except pet,-
ARP the Vetted States. AO I
say VertkePs' with 0,10 4!04494.
because I tan't ItneW thO.Vnited
States include/ V. gevertiment
eaubsidies in its totals. Farm
Subsidies there are about three
to fotir times as high as in
Canada and U.S. Denartreeet, of .
Mr. Whelan said he stands by
the statement attribilted to him
that he is happy that fare) prices
are finally Raving up to reason-
able profit margins 'because he
thinks ,it is high time they started
to get a decent return on their
investm t and • for their hard
Now in
stock each
why every home
should have a
voik,.4 The plain and fi.iMp.leistet • hew-0#94;i*Sgo.,- , tiig...,Nhi,i;:•Ittlici:mcOur,*;
IA they g ,begin' to- got 999941000 •b'y u4itingitlAtArPlerok•'.
a better. return 91, we *901 have get ..t.docentprgf,it;lhatlarpark.:Y:•`010teri'::.114WZ.PrON,.;11.0 any 011908 lett,"•*- he ..itated, endlhe...0.grtgOtere.'1901(0,t*c;t09;,,..goti#..4:: Mtke9,1•004119h;.'xic):4i whekth said the %a, hut 54p rtoirifixl •110Pe4,:''IP,••' Sir."..*:',..,1910.1V00,00)5'e`,1?";;0.119044
asked its farmers to produce fairer deal in eentioMr• • to; :,..k.13zie.MCOritig,...
more food add be. has asked the SectetY.!. #44,fte* ally food is. rho
• farmers to do the same MCanada, most importauttbing you bey? he seleytio'.1,',13t4 K. lel;
because if production is not in- said. • Wilson
creased food priceS will keep Mr. -whelah was introduced 1•0990,14 Vilgr.ectAILO s
right oh rising, notonly inomiada by Murray 43gunt; 1,00,1or Ott,: ft.4,7$ 14919toWi.. • • '•
but right around the-world. He Huron-Bruce, . and thanked by Directors: Mrs.;.jeart..A4MOS!
said the test way .to,increase jack Riddell, :Min) for :Huron; of Bracefleliii•gref Audte3r!:Tif ,
supplies istr.to ;get some profit qSrdon McOavin, et Wenn% fill of 'wleilm490 kKettlf, McLean;
on a, more regular basis to the who retired as president of the. of virstet MeOen#4;
Mr. Whelan outlined a number
of prograins*the federal govern-
ment, has to support the agri-
cultural industry and the farmers% „
Such as research 'organization
for agriculture in Canada, the
federal-provineial 'crop insur- •
ante program; record .of Per-
formance testing programs for
livestock so that preducers can
Improve the quality of their herds
You don't
need a
Anybody can pick a flower. •
Now, everyone can plant one,, ,
Make the 1pcorld a brighter place.-
For you. For the mentally retarded,
Please contribute to the
Flower's of Hope campaign
in your community. '
alt Sentryilox models Offer.
these features: - '
'. Fire-tested and certified by the manufactUret for
oite,hOur up'to 1700°F. .
• Exclusive seamless firedoor construction.
• 45+ Exclusive "space age - low weight fire-test insula- , .
• r
• Full length' door hinges to prevent heat warp.
• Exclusive 'designertyling--Desert Sand' with
wood-grained panel, bright metallic. trim. '
• Pop-up top for locking security and opening ease;
soft lined interior tray; recessed handles; padded
no-scratch feet.
• Sivtumbler key lock. (Key can be removed from
lock only when S'entry1;lox is locked.)
• 3-number combination lock extra ,
• Exclusive factory warranty service agreement.
income tax and personal
valuables cheats •
with inner tray
Model F3-2: 6 1 '2 '
13 1 4 " %Nide and 10 3-4 "
deep. Outside, 11WD.
9 3 ,i" 16 1 2" \ 104".
45 lbs.
0. Auction-Milo* MISitteilf Pirit•914 24; Card or Think
ELECTRONICS 26. Personals.
Huron F,ederal Riding after
seven yearn in ' office; was '
succeeded by'Oolin Campbell of
John Broadfoot of Brucefield
was • elected executive vice-
president. Other officers in-
clude presidents of provincial
riding association within or
partly within the Huron federal
Vice-presidents representing . •
of R.R.2, Brussels.,
shore .
Goderich; Assistant, Arnold Btitio•
nissen ot'$eatetth andtreariereri
Ivan KaihtielOgh ,'O.Zuriqh.
The • •040040# eactertsea a:'
motion motion to, ,amend. the.constitution
hY43claring Gederich town exist".
ing Aletrict No. 3 ank.ct00,00'.
an additional , district
include .Ashfield, Colborne,. West
Wawanosh and . East wawanosh.
Canadiap Association
III For The Mentally Retarded
for income tax records •
• cancelled- Checks • birth
Certificates ',diplomas
deeds • letters• notes
insurance .
icier ,
etc. etc.
Every day same 1700 homes, over 130 farms and 100
stores are destroyed or seriously damaged by fire.
Last Year, fires in the -United States' mid Canada
reached ,the staggering total of 921,700 . . with o
resultant loss of more than $1,4,55,900,000. Stop a
moment and' think: could your irreplaceable paperS
.survive,h fire?
'.Tax records must be kept fr0111 three to seven years;
failtire to 'Produce them when needed can cost...mon e y;
nsuranee men will tell you how important,it is to
have proof of loss when filing,claims. It pays to pro-
teat all records.