HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-03, Page 8HURON EXPOSITOR, 5EAKRT14, ONT., M Y 3. 1T/3 MAY bth Fireside Fellowship '30th Anniversary- SERVICE AT. 340 P.M. GUEST MINISTER:— Dr. D. Glenn Campbell Sermon Subject: "The Fires of Fellowship" SPECIAL MUSIC FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W.I. Note The Seaforth Woffiiiii°41 in- stitute will meet in the Seaforth Public School on Tuesday evening at 8:15 p.m. • This is a special, meeting in charge of Mrs. Erlin 'Whitmore and WS. Gordon Elliott when 4-11 Club leaders will be guests. Mrs. Arnold Mathers will conduct a tour of the Home Eco- nomics Department oftheSchool. Roll call is 4-H Club Leader to introduce herself and name her club. Institute members to to tell in which club area she lives. ,, LUndh , in charge of Mrs. Arnolde Taylor and her coin— m iue. JUMMAGE SALE. featuring — WHITE ELEPHANT SALE SATURDAY, MAY Sth • from 2- to 5 pm. _ • First* Presbyterian Church WRESTLING 'TOMORROW NITE FM., MAY 4th 8:30 p.m. Whipper Watson. Jr. — Lady Wrestlers The Mighty Humphrey —, Midgets and eight other wrestlers CLINTON ARENA CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT and TAVERN Friday and Saturday BLUETONES" • WEDNESDAY Lesperance Trio ler Bayfield Road in Goderich -- Phone 524-7711 lqiimminimmiiiimumitimmtwituumuummur Women's Hospital Auxiliary L. P. Marlatt of Goderich will exhibit a selection of his paint- ings of Huron County sites, at the meeting of they Hospital A.tudliary on Tuesday May 8, at t4,11os-- pital.. Guests will be welcome. • Euchre The Ladies' P.,awnbowling, Euchre and Bridge Club met at the hotne of Mrs. Janet Ford when winners were: High score bridge - Ida Close with 5,760; Euchre - Verde Sinclair. The bridge prize was donated by Olive Traviss and the Euchre , prize by Ella Munro. Lunch was served by Hazel Leslie, Thelma Dale, Hazel Hildebrand and Effie Stephenson. Courtesy remards were given byPresident Jean Lunn. RECEPTION - • for Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patchett (nee 'Anne Sharp) Seaforth Golf and• Country Club SAT., MAY 12th 9:00 p.m. By JONI 17. Baker Public Relations Pincer Branch 156 SIGNIFICANT DATES Jig WORLD WAR II 31 YEARS AGO 4th Apri1,1942RCAF'sSquadr on Leader L.J. Birchall spotsJa- panese fleet heading for Ceylon naval base, and averts second Pearl Harbor. 5th April - Attack on Ceylon beaten off as tide of Japanese lciomnicituse.st reaches western 6th April -- First Canadian Army, under General , A.G.L. Mc Naughton formed in Britain with five divisions, two armored brigades, Three other divisions slated for home defense. 9th April - Americans surren- der in Philippines' Bataan 9thPeAnpirnislu_la Americans surrender . In Philippines Bataan penin- sula. 13th April- RCAF's 417 Fighter Squadron, heads for Egypt to join the. Desert Air. Force. 18th April - U.S. Army planes, under Col. James H. Doolittle, bomb Tokyo. 27th April - National plebiscite gives Ottawa power to im- pose overseas conscription necessary,",nio But French- speaking Quebec votes a re- sounding''f 29th April - Japanese capture Labio, terminus of Burma'' Road, supply route to Chi- GIRL GUIDE and BROWNIE ,COOKIE DAY SAT., MAY 5th "elf) 'drive, Call: 527-0833 WED 2 MAY to TUES 8 MAY 'Charlei Bronson has the role of his career' :--BOSTON GLOBE 2:30 p.m. SUNDAY, MAY 13th at the FESTIVAL THEATRE •'STRATFORD General Admission $2.00 Children Undr 16 Years • $1.00 Box Office • • • • 273-1600 FOR !MTH INN ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING :Friday, and Saturday Nights 'Presenting "TEX NOBLE" * Don't forget to take advantage of. our TUESDAY NIGHT FOOD SPECIALS rriothersda dining' out MAY 13 MAY 13 MOTHER'S Y SMORGA ORD SERVED AT 1:30 P.M., 4:30 P.M. and 7 P.M. Reservation Required Bedford Hotel PHONE S24-7337 4 • Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL will he held Tuesday, May 15th, 1973 at 8 p.m. In The Hospital (Health Unit Conference Room, ground-floor) for the purpose of receiving-the reports of the Board of Trustees and of the officials and, to elect four Truestees. The public is invited • • • to attend . The by-laws of Seaforth Community Hospital provide that the bodrd of trustees Shall include 12 trustees,to be elect- ed by members of the hospital corporation. — MEMBERSHIP — The by-laws provide with respect to members as fol- lows: (1) The folloWing persons shall be members upon rjasolut- Ion of the Board: (a) A person who has donated or who donates $500.00 in any one year to theCorporation shall be. a life member. (b) The pregident or designated officer of an association or organization Who pays the Corporation' $25.00 in any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporation for that year. (c) A person who pays the annual membership fee to the Corporation in any year shall be a member of the Corporation for that year. The amount of this fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. (d) persons appointed honorary members shall not be subject to fees. (2) A member who pays his fees annually shall not be en- titled to vote at any meeting of the corporation unless his membership fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. By resolution"' of the Board the annual "Membership fee has been established "at one dollar. The meeting will provide an opportunity for discussion 4 hospital problems. Refreshments ta1ll be served, following the meeting. LtiOYD HOGGARTH„Secretary •••••,•••• ADULT, it Valachi Papers" STARTS ADULT uoutwomo 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524 7811 •11111111111MIIIMMIIMIlb. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pryce (nee Sharon Marks) in WALTON HALL MAY .-4th, 1973 Music by DANCE — AUSPICES — Seaforth Legion' SATURDAY MAY 19 DANCING at 9 p.m. MUSIC BY IAN VALUE'S • ORCHESTRA — 'Admission by ticket only LIMITED NUMBER of TICKETS AVAILABLE from MEMBERS. • At $3.00 Per Connie 111.•n ••••••••101.1.1•10.1......0• non this week. REGISTRATION Little Girls Softball — Ages 8.to Thurs., May 3rd 7 p.m. • Seaforth Lions Park Parking Lot • CASH BINGO • Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, May 4th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 JackpOt to Go TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00, Extra Cards 25c or 7 'for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16. NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth Briefs ros winter months. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hudson of Windsor. visited several days during, the Easter holiday week with his mother and sister, Mrs. Mabel HudsOn and Mr..and Mrs. W. Coleman, and other friends. Mrs. J. M. Cole of Windsor - and Mrs. Reg. Bigger of Phoe- nix, Arizona spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dever- eaux. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wel= den and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner were in Zurich Sunday visiting at the Bluewater Rest Home. Seaforth 11 4—H meets. • The seventh and eighth meeting of Seaforth Club, Ii was held at O'Rourke's on Monday. Patti O'Rourk read the minutes and the treasurer reported $2.65 on hand. Margaret Sills told about the meeting "she attended with McKLUop 1 and 2 'to discuss props for achievement day. f was agreed that JoatrDevereau be commentator for achievement day. The next meeting was set for Sills' on May 7 at 7:30 when Jpan and Eleanor Devereaux will bring lunch. Leaders handed out pamphlets •about caring for- garm ents_and the meeting adjour- ned on motion of Clare Devereaux and 'Patti O'Rourke. Rose Marie Kelly thanked Mrs. O'Rourkefor the use of her home. ELAN HAVEN . MOTOR HOTEL, , Playing this week Yukon Jot • Cowing Next Week: Joel Fergus Show Fun and laughter for everyone. • Country and Western gntertainment • . SATURDAY in the Red Knight Room El1,,,,i(AG,,,apaili KIRK A rd snd DoT Thip Don Fisher Thurs. Fri. & Sat. — Ladies' and Escorts Room — ALBERT GRAIG and ART (SHORTY) FOUGERE TASTY CHICKEN WINGS FOR SNACKS — AMPLE FREE PARKING — COASIIRCIAL HOTEL Seder* DANCE AT CHSS - AUDITORIUM CLINTON FRIDAY, MAY 4th 9-12 Music by -COPPER PENNY Admission $1.75 With Student-Card $1.50 nese armies tying down one third of Japanese strength. Capture completes conquest of central Burma. 1st May - British evacuate-Man- dalay, Burma. 4th - 16th May - Both Ameri- cans and Japanese claim vic- tory In Battle of Coral Sea. 6th May Final surrender of U.S. - Filipino forces in Philippines. 11th May. - British steamer sunk In Gulf as • Battle of St, LaWrence begins. Works Mi- nister P.J.A. Cardin resigns from federal cabinet over con- scription issue. 13th May - OttaWa announces two ships lost in St. Lawrence. 19111 May - Germans, after winter retreats, on offensive in Crimea. 20th May - All Burma in Japa- nese hands. British withdraw into India. Chinese being sup- plied by air. 26th May - Afrika Korps attacks in Libya. 30th May - RAF'sfirstthousand- plane bomber' raid ravages Germany's Cologne. More than five hundred Canadians invol- ved. PAST EVENTS Bingo last Friday attracted sixty-eight players. Prizes to the value of $320. were won. COMING EVENTS Thursday May 3rd - Executive meeting commencing at A:30 p.m. Friday Ma.y 4th Bingo as usual at the Legion Hall. Thursday May 10th - General meeting and election of officers. Kilbarclian notes By Mabel Turnbull 4t4tqllOVEk • n, r ,e VI;Ej *Ns of Mrs.-A6ary Mal- com over Eastei holidays were her niece,. Mrs, Mary E. Graham, Dresden, Miss Ruth Rushbrook, Kingston; Gordon Rughbrook, To- ronto; .Mrs. Oliver Binks, Gravenhurst; Keith Malcolm, Windsor; Dalton Malcolm who has just returned from hospital in London was able to call on his mother Saturday. Other Easter visitors with Miss M.E. Turnbull were Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Hillis and family Jennifer, peter and• Michael of - Ingersoll; Miss , Caroline Mc Lagan of Ingersoll and Miss Marilyn Hillis, Tillsonburg. THIS WEEK AT THE n'S ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL -Friday and SATURDAY the CROWN ROOM WAYNE RIEHL Dining room open on Sondiyo from 12 mien-2 p.m. and S pm. to S pin. In the evening. I•11 MN • '• MN NMI , IN COLOR Remember! I t takes but a tersburg where they spent the moment to place an. Expositor Want Ad and be money ih pocket. To advertise, just Dial Sea.torth EL. 52'7-0240. Local RECEPTION -and DANCE Mr. and 14.G. Green- wood and lighter„ Gloria Of Livonia. Michigan, were guests • '--With )4r. and Mrs. A. Houston ..466 on Sunday. for . 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. Houston spent the Easter weekend with Mr, and Mrs. G. Roust:01 of Ayton. Mr. and Mrs, AlvinHammend of Moorefield wereSundaygueSts of the latter's father Rev. J. on Ure and Mrs. Stewart. Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart attended the funeral of the Late Arthur (Robbie) Robinson of Lon- don on Monday. The' Silver Strings Mrs. K. Benninger of Guelph Ladles please bring lunch visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ban- Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mode- land,•have returned from St. Pe- /4040 ST4ra DRIVE-IN • GODERICII HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . NONE 524.9981 AutTANcr PLUS 2nd BIG FEATURE! NOW the sexual revolution is cbmplete. mI l 1111011111111111 pall III 01\1.1(.1111i FRIDAY SATURDAY — SUNDAY May 4 - 5 - 6' THEY RODE INTO A NEW TYPE OF HELL! ID/ GODERICH 11