HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-03, Page 7TRUCKS 2 - '70 Ford Cab & Chassis 1 - "70 Ford 1 Ton Pickup - '70 Int. 172 Ton Pickup Number of vans in Chevs, & Fords Auto and Standards. 1 - '69 Chev. 60 Series Cab & Chassis 2 - '6.9 Chev. 60 Series Cab & Chassis 366 Engines. MORE Glidden SPECTACULAR VALUES! spredsatin LATEX WALL PAINT for durable,eaSily washed beauty' ONLY! GAL. • • Dries in 30 mtnutes • Almost 3,000 colors available. n Ff !deg weft, touchups don't show. ONLY ' 99 Quart LIMITED sTOC..c ORDER NOW SALE EXPIRES MAY 30th 1973 CHOOSE LATEX OR ALKYD SEMI GLOSS AT THE SAME 1.13W PRICE' spred lustre ALKYD SENnGLOss,ENAMEL • Jdoal fro woodwnio, kochans bathrooms • SipAro and greacn ips ,o1,11 • Ones to smontli Sr, ohabliii finish spred latex SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL , • Smooth dirt rPNIctAllt. • Faio, hilich hr rollni alio! at ion • Cini-io on innis BALL MACAULAY Ltd. Clinton 482-9514 — liensall 262-2713 — Seaforth 527-0910 ,,.) WON, EXPOSITOR,. .0gAFORT THE TODAY,SCHILE'' BY HELEN ALLEN ONTiik .MA .•,1 .•. Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAII.AKE ON 1 5t and 2nd Mort ages Constance Correspondent Miss Mary McLlwain SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. AREA CODE 519-744.653S COLLET: , WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH ' Disaster strikes at SDHS staff went into their. act. They gave the would-be patients care and all but administered the actual treatment' and all had a remarkable recovery. Hopefully the .time will never come when we need such assistance but the hospital did very well and undoubtably learned many things. Ronnenburg Insurance Agency . ARE. NOW PAYING. A. HIGH OF Debating Horrible is the best word to describe the scene in the base- ment of SDHS last Friday after- noon. Numbers of students were lying around groaning in extreme agony or screaming in hysterics. Their afflictions ranged from burns to scrapes to broken bones and broken backs. Fortunately, it wasn't as serious as it ap- peared. The students were . merely taking part in a county wide attempt to evaluate the corn- munity's ability to cope with such a disaster should it. arise. The students were made up earlier in the afternoon by Dr. Whitman and Mrs. Ring to simulate some of the casualties that would be brought in after such a disaster. They were then taken by bus to the hospital and upon arrival the Best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley who celebrated their 35th wedding an- niversary on Saturday evening with a dance in .the Londesboro Hall. A number of people from the area attended, along with their family who were home fa.« • the occasien. Guests were; Ur. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Goodfellow and Kristina of Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Wendy, Debbie, and Benjamin of Huron Park; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Shelley Jackie and Kim of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs, Del Bedard, Debbie and Del of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bannon and Melanie of Stratford; My, and Mrs. Robert Shaddick of Londesboro; Gerald Gordon, Greg, Sandra and Lorna. Mrs. Bill Storey left on Friday to spend the ,next three weeks on a bus tour to California. Misses Carol Cartwright bf Londesboro; Vicki• Powell of Auburn, visited through the past week with Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug, Betty and Bob. Billy PresZcator visited over the weekend with his friend, Kent Howatt of Londesboro. Miss Kerri Medd spent the weekend visiting with Brenda ,,Hummel of Clinton. . Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Don, Larry, Ken, Kevin and Steven; Miss Pat' Willert of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..,Darinis. Jewitt, Kathy and David of Clin- ton. Mr. Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township were,Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Jim, Sharon and Bob. Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop, Mrs. Irene Grimoldby spentSun- day visiting Withlvir. and Mrs. Paul Betties of Goderich. At the time of writing,, Mr. Ben Riley is a patient in London Hospital; Bob HuCtlanan is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Wa- wish_ them_ both a very speedy recovery. The community would like to extend beSt wishes tb Gisela Dorrance on her marriageSatur- day, April 28th to Doug Richard- son in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. 'Verne .Dale, of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale and Cheryl. Karen, Mille and Graham Glausher of Blyth visited over the weekend with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. „ petition, Goderich being the top team in Huron County. The Debating team travelled to Goderich on Tuesday for a 'meet. The teams were Made • up of Ken Chalmers and Cathy Stewart and Jean McKaig and Bruce Knight. Both teams were successful in their debates and -Avon them against superior corn- Check bylaws • when burning Drama HE LIKES ANIMALS Richard's anxious and eager smile typifies his attitude towards life. and especially towards the future., He would love to be ,settled and to know he befongs some- where. Yet he is fearful: "Maybe , I won't he adopted." Or; "Maybe I will and it Won't work out.' • At 13, a boy should be able to take his next few years for granted. But Richard can't - unless he „finds a home where he knows he is welcomed and loved. ' Slightly built Richard is small for his age and pleasant- looking :with blue eyes, brown hair and fair skin. He is in good health. Richard Is in Grade Spven and though not academically minded, he is a great reader, regularly taking out books from the school library. Tense, sensitive and shy, Richard is inclined to 'choose solitary projects like fishing. But he enjoys swimming and last summer played baseball 'when he found that being part of a team could be ,a pleasant experience. • • •• ThiS bey roVeS: —Rig' foster home •iS on a faith' and he spends some of his happiest hours helping with the choresN He enjoys feeding the cattle and milking. Richard needs understanding parents who, e•an get through the protective shell he has built around himSelf and can help him believe that he is really part of a family. -To inquire about adopting Richard, please write tb Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto. - FOR TRUST CERTIFICATES MONKTON, PHONE 347-2241 BRUSSELS OFFICE OPEN: Tuesdays and Fridays, PHONE 8874663 Student -spotlight This week's girl is Well- known and well-like by all at SDHS. Lynda Anderson is a Grade 12 graduating student this year. She lives on a farm and really enjoys farin life alongwith 3 other sisters and 2 brothers at R,R. # 1, ,Londesboro. Favourite subjects of Lynda's are Chemistry, History and Home Ec. Lynda likes to keep herself pretty- busy and so outside of.scifool has many hobbies and interests. She hai been a member of the trumpet section of the Band throughout High nhool; played industrial baseball during sum- mer and broomball in winter in Seaforth. She also to kes an active role in Junior Farmers. Pet hobbies of Lynda's are: sewing, reading, snowmobiling and knitting and it is rumoured she is extra gpoa at knitting booties. She has a soft spot in her heart for all children and hopes to pursue this next year. She haS applied, to a number of "colleges for the EarlyOhild Care Pr6gram. During the school year and in the, summer, Lynda works ,at the hospital in the kitchen. I'm sure many a patient has been. brightened with, her presence. • Just a reminder not to forget to' see "Reserve Two For Murder."' 'This is a mystery- comedy presented by the SDHS Drama Seciety. It is running Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night of this week and the public is invited to attend. Curtain . time is 8:00, p.m. and tickets are on sale at the door. This is one'show you can't afford to miss. i Where possible, this material is better disposed of by means other than burning. Where open burning is considered necessary, the " Air Management" Branch should be contacted to determine if permission can be given. Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food personnel,can tell farmers hovia,-oto , contact the nearest office. of the Air Manage- ment Branch. 'Anyone performing open burning should give due con-' „ sideration to the hazards involved and bear in mind his responsi- bility to comply with.. any applicable local ordinances. - Materials such as rubber tires, asphalt roofing, and waste The ' Fireside . Fellowship oil contribute significantly to air room- pollution, and should never te group. met in the Centennial room disposed of by burning or used of First chUrch when John Pat- ' for the sbarting"of. fires. terson presided and the opening must employ open burn- hymn yb . you` 'was "Tell me the .olcl, Old story". Scripture was read ing as a means, of disposal, follow these guidelines: Burn only by Frank Kling, - followed by pet- prayer by Rev. T.O. Mulholland.. dry materials. Don't burn • Peg Grieve. gave_the, roleurn.„.products, plastics, rub- Miss treasurer's report Tanitmmage • ter or' anything else- that Will sale and the May 6t versary cause excessive smoke or fumes A very wet' and muddy 'rues- 1 service were discussed. It was • Keep fire at least 500 feet from an occupied dwelling. Burn less day was,,the gc.p,119,,Sor Seaforth.„'4,„—‘;decided,,,to take the segior_clti- , • first :, e x hib I t 19 n soccer gP4ft‘t le ' ' tens for,. a ,,,than a . calbic yard of material ga.rn4W',4-aA. lig&. in qs14:4.* , 9.AlPTPri .,0t,,,..a time.,i ,• Stay . witV,,,fire at. _,..-r v. !i.,,, . , .. • primarily to' to' giVe the Warns s Jibe Ar .''.4.•,' , ' -, .. :: ,a11,,,,timesi. Don't burn Qh days when rain, ,fog or any other experience before the season starts. The Junior team Von weather condition prevents the • `their game with a 1-0 score but ready dikpersion•of smoke. Don't Unfortunately the Senior score burn where smoke will,. bother D- was reversed with a 1-0 win for your neighbors or blow. across Goderich on an off-side_ kick. roadways and hamper' driving by- The team can at least look for- visibility. Check any local ward to never having to play in laws enforced by, your fire or police department. If burning worse conditions. The first above Ontario's fire line, follow scheduled galne of the season regulations , enforced by the Ministry of Natural Resources (formerly the Department of Lands and Forests). Fireside plans for anniversary Soccer INVEST Ina Guaranteed Trust Certificate. DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Block Main. St., SEAFORTH Phone.527-1610 is in Seaforth on Thursday. This is against Listowel, a tqugh team to beat and so all support will 'be needed. PV/NN/NG MORE 77/A /V 9 OF N/.9 /6.A.N15 . $7ZWt CARL-T -0N WON T7RE CY YOUNG /WARP Arre,e I-1F WON 27GANIFs FORA aug ?WAT WON 59 /NALL 70 F/N/51" LAST/N „ 717E NATIONAL. LEAGUE-EAST: SUPER LEO w1E LEAGUE /AI Vic7bRIE.9 ANP 5 071/ER C.A7-56-oRI5- INCLUPING AN EARNED-ea-IN AVE RAGE C .91?) ANO 571ZIKEOL17 (310). Teachers discuss childhood Critical 'issues in the educa- tion of young children were dis- cussed by Ontario women tea- chers at a workshop at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Toronto, on Fri- day evening, and Saturday. The session was sponsored by the, Federation of women Teachers' Associations of Ontario. Attending from this area was Mrs. Audrie Berscht, Seaforth of Walton public School. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .5 • • • e • "Anotler week and it's hack to the sofa," • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -2 - '72 Chev. Impalas - 4 dr. 2 - "71 Pontiac Laurentian 2-dr. 3 Chev. linnalas,,4 Dr. H.T. 2 - '71 Pontiac Parisienne Broughams 2& 4 Dr. H.T. 1 - '71 Pontiac La Mans 2 Dr.H.T. 1 - "71 Pontiac Catalina 2 Dr. H.T. 1 - '71 Meteor 2‘dr. FUNK'S SEED CORN GOOD YIELD and . STANDABILITY FREE Spring De- livery on early orders. SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS Dittluted in Huron A number 1 - '71 Cougar XR 7 Air Cond.fully equipped 1 - '71 Oldsirrobile Delta Custom 4 Dr.H.T. 1 - ' 70' Vauxall Vlv a Epic 1 - '70 Ford GalaXie 500 1 - '70 Meteor Montcalm 4 Dr. H.T. 2 - '69 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -)r. & 4 Dr. 1 - '69 Chevelle 4 Dr. of '66 to '68 model cars. ()linty by Milton J. Dietz LTD. PURINA CHOWS SANITATION _ PRODUCTS ' SEED CORN LAYER CAGES VENTILATION (Wholesale & Retail) STATION WAGONS 1 - '70 Chev. wagon 1 - '70 Ford Galaxie 500 Wagoh 1 - '70 Pontiac Wagon • • El u ss ELS • • , • • MOTORS BRUSSELS — ,ONTARIO R.R. 4, - Seaforth, Ontario Phone 527-0608 MONO 5174173 "'Thu Home of Batter K of C at Arthritis • . anniversary. "Twenty-five Years of Pro- gress" was the theme as Arthritis Society volunteers from Ontario met at the, Westbury V" Hotel, Toronto, over the weekend. More. than 300 volunteers,, repre- senting most communities 'in the province, joined to celebrate the Society's 25th Anniversary, and organize fund-raising campaigns for 1973. A budget of $1,520,000 was approved, of which volun- teers will raise $1,032,000. The balance of the 'Society's budget r. is proyided .by the Ministry of Health for ,provision of patient .care services, 'A highlight of the anniversary dinner celebrations wa's the cut- ting of a five foot, 125 pound birthday cake. Representing Fr. Stephen Eckert Council 5289' were Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae of Dublin. In two ' full days of activities they toured the University of Toronto Rheumatic 'Disease Unit at Western Hospital; participated in'seminars on fund-raising; and heard special presentations on the medical treatment and control of arthritis. The Society's medical ad- visors stated that disability can be prevented in four out of five patients through early diagnosis and treatment. They emphasized, hoviever, that Canada is only on the threshold of achieving arthritis control, and that a major increase in research funds must be provided by C.A.R.S. to achieve the conquest of arthritis in our time. Don MacRae, Dublin, re- presenting Fy. Stephen Eckert Council at the conference said - "Our volunteers in C.A.R.S. realize just how important arth- ritis control is to the community. Arthritis affects more of us than any other disease. We will do all we can to raise this community's share of the funds needed in Ontario for research, treatment and education." He added that tickets On a draw for two cars Jo support the project were available from members. Used Care OPEN EVERY EVENING 6 • • • • • I 000000000 • • 4 -4 • I • • • • . anYwnete' in OnIarlo on RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL nd FARM' PRopgimps Interim financing -on new conoruCtIon, or land clovelopM01j-,, REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE To keep your farm running you depend on your equipment. To keep your equipment running, depend on your Texaco Farm Distributor. When your equipment runs into overtime, Texaco's fuels and lubricants keep things running smoothly. , Your Texaco Farm Distributor delivers top quality products and service you can depend on,. ROBERT E. DINSMORE CLINTON — SEAFORTH PHONE 52.7-1224 BANK RATE FINANCING on all models •.- new and used Comes To Brussels Motors This meals added savings when you purchase a new or used car. Compare ohr average interest rate of 11.78% over 36 months.. No down payment on approval credit. See Our Selection A -number of 73's in Chevs, Pontiacs, Cutlass Oldsmbbiles and Chevelles fully' equipped.